Staff Report PREPARED BY : STEPHEN CONWAY Finance Director Reviewed by: Town Manager , Assistant Town Manager, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 40 8 -354 -68 32 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06 /0 5 /201 8 ITEM NO: 5 D ATE : MAY 23 , 201 8 TO : MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FISCAL YEAR (FY) 201 8 /1 9 OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 201 8 /1 9 – 202 2 /2 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP), NEW APPROPRIATIONS, OTHER APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS, MINOR CORRECTIONS, AND CARRY -FORWARD APPROPRIATIONS RECOMMENDATION : Adopt a resolution approving the Town of Los Gatos Fiscal Year (FY) 2018/19 Operating Budget and FY 2018/19 – 202 2 /2 3 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), new appropriations, other approved adjustments, minor corrections, and carry -forward appropriations . B ACKGROUND : On May 1 5 , 201 8 , the Town Council conducted public hearings to discuss the proposed FY 2018/19 Operating and Capital Summary Budget and Proposed FY 2018/19 – 202 2 /2 3 Capital Improvement Program. The Town Council considered both documents and directed staff to bring back the documents for final approval incorporating the staff recommendations . DISCUSSION : The draft resolution (Attachment 1) incorporates the direction given by the Council at the May 15, 2018 budget hearing. Attachment 2 contains the resolution to formally move General Fund balances based on the current General Fund Reserve Policy. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS MAY 23 , 201 8 S:\COUNCIL REPORTS \2018 \06 -05 -18 \05 BUDGET \Staff Report.FINAL.docx 5/31/2018 12:35 PM COORDINATION : The preparation of the budget documents involved the participation of all Town Departments. FISCAL IMPACT : The fiscal impact is presented in summary form in the Financial Summaries chapter of the Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for FY 2018/19 . ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT : This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. Resolution of the Town Council Approving FY 2018/19 Operating Budget and FY 2018/19 - 2022/23 Capital Improvement Program (with Exhibit A) 2. Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos Approving Commitments of Fund Balance under GASB 54