Attachment 05Surrey Fann Estates, LLC Supplemental Letter of Justification Surrey Fann Estates PD Subdivision Supplemental Letter of Justification Surrey Farm Estates Subdivision (PD) Proposal 170 Twin Oaks Drive & Cerro Vista Court RE: General Plan Amendment GP-12-001, Williamson Act Contract WA-11 Cancellation, Planned development Application PD-10-006 Honorable Mayor Rennie and Town Council Members: This memo provides a summary of our modified site plan in response to comments received from the Planning Commission on February 28, 2018. Planning Commission Direction At the February 28, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting the Planning Commission reviewed both the Original One-Access plan and the Two-Access plan. The Original single access plan was used to begin the DEIR studies. Following identification of the environmental issues that would require mitigation and the discovery that there was a recorded easement for a public roadway from Cerro Vista Court, we set about developing a plan that resolved favorably, nearly all issues raised. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval with the following direction: a. Recommend approval of the Alternate Plan (fwo-Access Plan) b. Reduce the number of lots (possibly eliminate lots 6 & 7) c. Easement for Public Access to Open Space areas d. Provide a more legible Tree Disposition Exhibit e. Look specifically at trees # 18, 62, 302, 303, 336, 33 7, 561 and the stand of trees on lot #7 f. Cut and fill to not exceed current proposal g . Home sizes to comply with HDS&G h. Provide specifics of the easement giving access from Cerro Vista Ct. 1. Accommodate fencing for wildlife How Dodge Family has responded The Alternate Plan (Two-Access) was produced following identification of the environmental issues that would require mitigation and the discovery that there was a recorded easement for a public roadway from Cerro Vista Court. We then set about developing a plan that resolved favorably, nearly all issues raised in DEJR. This Alternate plan eliminates the need to cross the central habitat area. Grading quantities related to the addition of a culver crossing are eliminated. Page I ofJ Surrey Farm Estates-TC Supplcrncnt-3.26 .18.docx Rcv:4.2.18 ATIACHMENTS As stated in the DEIR, the Alternate Plan is the "Environmentally Superior Plan." Additionally the Alternate Plan reduces the traffic using Twin Oaks and Longmeado\v Dr. by 40%. The Dodge Family supports and also recommends the Alternate Plan as this plan allows that all impacts identified in the DEIR can be and will be mitigated to a less than significant level. Reduce the number of lots Following a serious review of the Planning Commission's desire to reduce the number of lots, we looked at various options. As an environmental consideration we felt that removing the significant Habitat area from a private lot and instead include the Habitat area into the Open Space ,vould benefit the community. Accordingly '\'C have dropped Lot Number 8 and have extended the Open space all the way down to Street A. Secondly we have reduced the size and modified the upper property line of Lot Number 7 to include the entire upper knoll area into the dedicated Open Space. \Ve have moved the building site of Lot Number 7 to the lower portion of the parcel. This places the home below the line of trees, reducing significantly the number of trees remo\-ed along with a significant reduction in grading for the driveway. Easement for Public Access to Open Space Both the Trail and the Open Space will be accessible to the public from the trail. The Open space is a dedicated area (by a recorded covenant or deed restriction) to ensure that it cannot be built on in the future. 32% of the 17.55 acres are in the Open Space easement. That is nearly 113rd of the total site as Open Space Provide a more legible Tree Disposition Exhibit See sheets A-1.1 -A-1.4 & A-l.la-A-l.4a. We are also pro,iding 8.5" 11" pages of the arborist "Tree Disposition Table." We also included the arborist "Tree Comparison Table and Letter." Look specificall~· at trees #18, 62,302,303,336,337,561 and the stand of trees o~Jot #7 No. Location Removal Re,·ised Health Size Tree #18: Comer Lot #2 Road grading Transplant Good 20" Tree #62 Lot #2 near basin Road & basin const. Transplant Good l 8" Tree #302 Open space Road grading Remove Good 28" Tree #303 Open space Road grading Remove Good 28" Trees #302 & 303: Not removed on Alternate Plan (2~access plan) No grading nearby Tree #336 E.A.R. Emergency road Transplant Fair 23" Tree #337 E.A.R. Emergency road Transplant Good 25" Tree #561 Riparian Habitat Not Affected ~ot affected Good 18" Lot #7 Trees Original plan Home pad See Alternate Plan Lot #7 Trees Alternate Plan Not removed, unaffected by Alternate Plan Cut and fill to not exceed current proposa! Grading necessary to implement the Alternate Plan is reduced significantly from the Original single- access plan. Cut and fill for Original Site will not be increased. Page 2 of 3 Surrey Fann Estates-TC Supplement-3.26.18.docx Rev: 4.2.18 Home sizes to comply with HDS&G Homes for both the Original 10 lot site and the revised 9-lot site will be in compliance with the HDS&G. See the data tables on the Cover sheet (CS) Provide specifics of the easement giving access from Cerro Vista Ct. See attached Exhibits: Road Easement, recorded April 4, 1973 and Preliminary Title Report color site illustrating the easement location. Accommodate fencing for wildlife At this point the Town is in the midst of developing Wildlife Fencing Guidelines. The Dodge Family are quite willing to work with the Town Staffto develop a list of fencing conditions that can be utilized as a part of the development. Request for Approval The above response by the Dodge Family demonstrates that we have carefully listened to the Planning Commission's comments. Clearly the Alternate Site Plan is the "Environmentally Superior" Plan. Now, with both the elimination of one building site and including the Habitat Area in the Dedicated Open Space the Alternate Site is even more environmentally sensitive to this 17.55-acre site. Nearly 113rd of this site will be in Permanently Dedicated Open Space. We respectfully request your approval of this revised Alternate Plan. Sincerely, Rodger Griffin, F AIBD Paragon Design Group, Inc. Page 3 of3 Surrey Fann Estates-TC Supplement-3.26.18 .docx Rev: 4.2.18 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ANDJtEW L. PABllll RAL>H J. SWANSON PEGGY L. SPRJNGGA Y JOSBPH E. DW<aAK SAMUSLL PAU ALAN J. PDINIII. LINDA A. CALLON JAMBS P. CMIHMAN STBVBN J. CASAD NANCY J. JmtNSOM JBllOLD A. llJTON kOBER.T L. CBOa'l13K JONA'JHAND. WOU' ltATHLBBNlt. llPLB RETIRED SAMUBL J. COHIIN llOBl!R.T W. HUMPHREYS BUGHLISOlA Rob Schultz KBV!NP. XELLBY MARK MAKtEWICZ ROBE&TA S. HAYASHI JEFFRBY S. XAUFMAM JClUB HOUSTON DIAN L SHB11Jlll JOHN P. DOMINOUll HAUY A. LOPEZ awuJ!S w. VOU'B MICHAEL VIOLAJffl awsTINE H LONO AA&ON M. VALENTJ aaJmAN B. PIOOMS Town Attorney Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 BERi.INER CO 11 EN A 1 l ~: 1 U U [ i' ~ '1. T 1 ~·· ',', • TEN ALMADEN BOULEV.ARD ELEVBNTH-.PLOOR SAN ~OSB, CALJFORNIA 9S11l-2233 TELEPHONE: (408) 286-5800 FACSI~: (408) 998-5388 www.lJcrtiner.com a.....om- Mon:ojl; CA • Mlllluhr, CA June 5, 2014 THOMAS P. MURPHY THOMAS D. MOIU!LL Sli'IH J. COHEN LAURA PAUZZOLO KAaA L. AaGUBLLO ANIJRBW'J. orounA1'INI l!DALINA M. Ml!NDONCA DAWNC.SWBA1T ICATHLEBNP. SHERMAN. SAMD1tA G. SEl'ULVl!DA OP COUNSEL ·SANPOlU'.l A Bl!IWNl!ll S'DIVENL HALLOBMSON !'LU& IL UBHAUI DICWONO NANCY L. HANDT 1HOMAS ARMSTllOMG Re: Surrey Fann Estates -170 Twin Oaks Drive. Los Gatos, California Dear Mr. Schultz: MASON L BRAWLEY . JENNIP'Ell Y. LEUNG MAZAIUM A. VAXHAJUA TYUill A. SHliWEY VIVIAN7. WANG H. SKINlfY LIU SARA L . N)LL()CK Bl!AU C. (XlUElA MAllY E. LOUDBN STl!l'Hl!N C. SCOltDEUS JUDY A. JBNSEN DOIUS A &:AJ!lJN SUSAN B. BmtOP LBSLm XALIMMcllUCJH AN1'H<»l1 D. JOHNSTON As you are aware, we represent Surrey Farm Estates. As part of the Surrey Fann Estates . project application 1 currently pending before the Town of Los Gatos (''Town''), we are requesting that the Town accept an easement for roadway purposes that was dedicated to the Town in 1973. This roadway easement, if accepted by the Town, will provide for additional access to and from the Project site and will directly benefit the entire neighborhood. History of the Road Dedication In March 1973 Irving Yabroff, William Yabroff, and Ester Lou Yabroff dedicated to the Town property to be used for a public thoroughfare and to become a portion of the public street system in the Town. This dedication was made with the understanding that it may be rejected initially, and at the option of the Town, subject to 1he Town's right of acceptance at any time in the futme. Pursuant to Town Resolution No. 1973-41, dated April 2, 1973, the Town consented to the recordation of the dedication. The Town further rejected the offer of dedication, but reserved its right to accept the dedication at any time in the future ("Road Dedication"). See attached 1 General Plan Amendment. Rezoning, Tentative Map, Williamson Act caocellation ("Project"). 4829-2840-4763v2 JH\19628001 Rob Schultz June 5, 2014 documents: Dedication dated March 29, 1973, Book 0311, pages 3 81 ~ 383, recorded with the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office on April 4, 1973, Resolution No. 1972-41, Book 0311, Page 384, also recorded on April 4, 1973 and Map of Tract No. 7613. Subsequent to the Road Dedication, Map ofTract No. 7613 ("Tract Map 7613'') was filed in the Santa Clara County Recorder's Office on August 26, 1986, Book 564, Pages 7, 8, 9 and 10. Tract Map 7613 subdivided the lands known as the Cerro Vista subdivision. As part of the Cerro Vista subdivision, Lot 10 was created and was subject to the previously recorded Road Dedication. Current title to Lot 10 of the Cerro Vista subdivision is vested in Carol Hing Hoeppner, located at 15955 Sierra Vista Court, Los Gatos. See attached map of Lot 10 depicting the Road Dedication and other easements, which was taken from a recent Chicago Title Company Preliminary Title Report, dated May 12, 2014. California Map Act The Town may now accept the previously rejected offer of dedication for the benefit of the future Surrey Farm Estate subdivision. Pursuant to the Map Act, at the time the Town Council approves a final map, it shall also accept, except subject to improvement, or reject any offer of dedication. See Govt. Code§ 66477.l(a). In addition, any suchofferofdedicationshallremainopen and the Town Council may by resolution at any later date, and without further action by the subdivider, rescind its action and accept and open the streets, which directly benefit the residents of a subdivision, which acceptance shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder. See Govt. Code§ 66477.2. Benefits of Accepting the Road Dedication At the recent neighborhood meetings held for the proposed Project, neighbors expressed concerns over traffic using only one point of access. The neighbors requested that the Project applicants look for access alternatives to serve the Project. The acceptance of the Road Dedication will help alleviate the concerns of the neighbors by providing additional access to and from the subdivision. This additional access will directly benefit the residents of the future Surrey Farm Estates subdivision, as well as the current neighbors surrounding it. In addition, it is anticipated that this Road Dedication will accommodate the extension of, and the connection to, the existing Hillside Pedestrian/Equestrian Trail. Thank you for your time and consideration of our request. 4829~763v2 JH\19628001 Very truly yours, BERLINER COHEN JOLIE HOUSTON E-Mail: jolie.houston@berliner.com -2- Rob Schultz June 5, 2014 JH:cem Enclosures cc: Surrey Farm Estates Greg Larson, Town Manager Laurel Prevetti, Town Community Development Director Matt Morley, Town Parks & Public Works Director 4ll29-284047S3v2 JH\19628001 -3- This Page Intentionally Left Blank .,· ., • I. ..,._ •• I •!' • · .. :~· ••• . ~·~ ··.• • •, •· .. ! ...... . ··~ ... ~?: .. -· ·-....... .w,,·.· . ~ ... .;., .. : t ";•. • . ti-.. _ .J .. IIECORO ~ IIETURH TO: TGIIII CU:RK , P O IDX 9'19 , LOS GATOS, CA. 9S030 ,,,..,.,,, 11110011 I.IQ 381 NOTAXOOi: lawful purpose• fvN!vu,, Ula ~ert:y so dedio11ted to be a pahJJc t:horov.pfua ~ to becOlll8 a pa&'t::lan of tha J)Qhl.:lc atreet: ayat:ai in the Town of Loll Get:ot, County of Sant:-11 m.ai.. St:at. of cal.:lfom:la, !hie dedication ie lllilde lf:lth the urulentand:1.ng that it lllilY be rejected 1n:ltially, at: the option of t1la 1'Q,n of Loe Gatos, eul>ject to tbe Yam's l"ight of acoaptanca at -. t:ilna in t118 future. 1'ha .follalr.lng :ls II dasCripl:ion of t>Mt X'Nl. ~arty ao dedicated: , • " .. ,, .. . .. ,, ., ...... '°:···· ~ "· .. ' j •.• .J • . , .. ,. BXHJBU' "A" ·:.·_ . ..;. ... _ ........ "' __ 3528-2 .3/27/73 DAD :i:ev. 3/29/73 ROADWAY KASB14BNT OVBR :r.MIDS 011' YABROl'F '1'0 8B CONVBYBD TO !l'HB TOlfll 01" LOS GA'l'OS All t:llat certain ~al p:n,party situ.ta in the 'l'OWn of Los Gat:os, County of Santa Clara, State of California, baintJ an eaa1H11Bnt for roatlway purpoaea and the installation and ~aintenanae of public utilitias deaaribecl &15 followa: BJ!GTIIRDIG at an angle point: in the westerly boundaey of that certain -n4ed paroel. map f1.le4 for record 1.n Book 21.4 of Maps at: p&90 37, Santa Clara County Racords, aaid poi.nt: al.8o beitu; the 1.nt:araaction of said -t:arlY boundary with the nort:hwaaterly proJ.ongatian of the southweete:d:y bow,daey of P1u:-ael ':L'Wo u ahoWn on said Amended Parcel Map; t:henae leav1119 said . POINT OF BBGilll!IIIIG along the aoat:herly prol.Ongat:ion of aaid westerly line south &•53 1 00-Meat: 1',3!1 feat, t:henaa leaving aaid aoutberly p:r6lungat1on from a tanvent beuing of l!Ortll 55•34•03• w-t ai.ong a c;mi:w ta t:be rf.vht with a radius of 40,00 feet th%ough a central angle of 2•37'52" for an arc l&119th of 1, 84 feet to a Point of Ravuaa Cllrvature, t:hanae from a tangent bau":lng of North s2•5&'ll" West-a1ong I!' cw:va to t:ha left: with a radius~ :zo.oo feet through a aantrll angle of &1•1a•2e• for an arc, length of :Zl,50 feet to a Polnt of aeverae eui:v.turat t:hanoe fr11111 • tangent bearing of South 59•45•2111 Weat. al0119 a 01Jrve to the right with a ra41ua of 500,00 f-t through a central angle of 14•3e•2g• for an~ 1angth of J.'2.7.77 feet to a Point of aeverae curvature, t:hanae from a tangent bearing of Soatli 74•23•50• Heat al0ft9 a carve to tha left. with a radius of 20,00 feet: through a oent.ral anvle of 13l908'00" for an arc length of 47,87 f-t: to a point of ·caap on the southerly line of tbe parcel. of land 4eac.ribad u ·Paroel Ho. 1 in tbe l)ee4 to the ChU.c!ran'a Cowlts:y School, a Corporat:!.on, reoorded. January 31, 19"6 in Sook 1331 of Official Reaord9 at pa9e 5B, Beta Clara county lleoords1 tbanca al.ong said $0Utherly 11-ll'ort:11 79•3&•10• Wast 157,97 feet, thence leaving said southerly line •lon<J a tangent: curve to the ri.ght: with a radlua of 340.00 feet through a central angle of 6·00 1 00• for an ara length of 35,60 feet to a Point: of ColllpDlmd CUr1rat11re1 thenae f-a t.angent baadng of Horth 72°36'10• West along a curve to 1:ha rlvbt with a ralliwi of 80,00 feet: t:hrough a oanti:al angle of e2•41•so• for an arc length of 115,63 feet:, thence Jrorth 10•12'4D" Beat 27,08 feetr thence along-a tangent. curve to the left with a radius of 40,00 feet t~h a central angle of 41•24•35• for an arc J.engt:h of 28.91 feat: to a Point of :a.versa curvature, thence f:co111 a tan99Rt. bearing of lllOJCt:h 31 •11 • 55• Wast al.Oft9 a cur,ra to the ri9)1t with a ra4ias of 40,00 feat through a oentral angle of 2&2•49•10• fOr an arc length of 183.48 feet to• POint lllf"RaVerae CUrvat11re1 thence .from a tangent bearing of SOUt:h 51°37'15" weat along a ourve to the left with a racUua of 40,00 fe1tt: through a cents:al angle of 41°24'35• for an arc length of :JB.91 feat, thence south 10~12•40• Wc,at 27.08 feat, thence along a tagc,nt carve t:o the oontinued ···· .. -. ··- ·-. • " / -,.,. " -• ' • ~ ·•· , .~ • ' .... .,,. ! •••.;w I_ • Ii"· ..... .=· • . . ":. ::.: ~ .... ·-···-· ··-· .. .-.... -............ _. ··--·-· ·······---·-·-·····. ~.,.: Bxhibit: •A• -JlolufW!I BaallallaDt.,,, page £wo 3528-.Z DiU) l.ef"t with a r&tiw. of" co.oo l!'aet. ~ a oenulll. angla of a.z•c,•so• tor an arc leDVtb of 57. 82 r.et to a Point. of CompOllhil C1J1Vatue1 t:helloe b11111 a tangen~ be~!ng of Boath 72•3&'1t• ... t: along a carve to the 1.rt. with a ra41ua of 300,00 f .. t. t:hrollg'h a cantral angle of 33"00'00" for an arc length of 172.79 feet tu a Point of _Clapound curvature, ~ca fE0111 a t11119ent. hearing of 1'ortl1 74"23'50• But: alOh!J a cu~ to t:ha le.ft with a radius of f&0,00 f-t. through a central angle of 1'"38'29" for an arc length of 117.55 feat.1 thenoe Nortb 59"45'.21" But 50.11 feet , thance along a tangent. ouxve to t:he J.ert. with a ra4:l.1111 of 20.00 f-t. through a aeni:J:al. angla of s2•s2•21• for ;an 11ra lenvth of 11, H feet: to • point on aaid waaterly bOUIIC1uy, t:henc:a al.0119 11aid Wt1at.:1y·bounllary 8outh &"53 100" WHt 51,2C feet to f:ha POilllT OF BIIG.IIHIING, prepare.! by the f:I.J:111 of NACXAY • 80Nl'S • • Santa CJ.are • -' - ·• f I l r ' : i I j. , . , • l •, .. t :.o1 I;. ,j .. ~· ... .., . .. ~ RBSOLU'tl> N NO. J97l•'tJ I1£sar.un0R CllN&Blff.UIG 70 RIICDRDUXON OF lllSfllJte)lT COII\IEYlllG XND11ES! 11/1 RIAL PIIOl'Ell'l'Y' • Rli80U1BD, the TClWn of LOIi Gatoe c~nn to l'Rctlrdatiaa of the atbc:lllld :lnat:ruinmt or ded:loattGn, •• provlda4 by GIIYl!l'rllll!nt Colla ftotion 27281. Flll1'HBR IESOLIIBD • that 1'le rown or Loa Gates l'&jaota the ott'er al! decll.oation ev:lc!enced by ttia 1naU"tmant, nel'ViJ111 its ript to IUlcept the l'ladioation at any ti119 :ln ·the rutm.. PASSBD Mil> ADOPJED at • __ __,rss-v~J .. •,.r _____ neattng_ of the Town C01111cU of the Town of Loa Gllt:0 11 haM on the ..l!!!!... day of _._.;.;A;r;.P;..t'l;..lc-_____ , 1 973, lly the fall o,,!113 Yot2 : AYES: COUJICILHBN --~~~h•~c~l~11 .... E~,._.Psf'"""Cll,...f~tas,.... ____ _ Mllcls I, Pfftuca Esoa Jcn,an Jebo 8, I PGbntc Buth Conpgn IIOEB: C0Ut.1:I£~l£N __ .,.l(o,..na,.,._ _________ _ SIGNED: NAYOJt OP Tit! !OWN OP LOS GATOS A!!'SST: cu~· ,~~~ftos o~TOs • DATED .•• 1 . " .'" ~· ..... · ... 1: ,~ . .Ir'" ....... ~.-· . "\ ~, , ..... .. I • , . J . ,: • : ~l· ,.,. .. ,.. I 0 1 2 standard Scala 1 :1 '-· . . . -.t~ -- Legend D Property In Question -Fee Item No . 4 -Easement for Roadway In 04/04/1973 Bk311 Pg381 of Official Records Affects said portion as described in the document Item No. 5 -Easement for Public Utillty In Bk564 Pg7 ofTract Map Affects said portion as shown on map Item No. 5 -Easement for Pedestrian/Equestrian Trail In Bk564 Pg7 of Tract Map Affects said portion as shown on map ~ ~ --./ / "'O I g k-~ ; i /~I§,~ ~ i ..... / .... ....,, '" ... J,_.-I ' ... ~ , ... 0 'i~-.. :--\ ·~ . ..._ I B co I 'to:.ti' -... I a,"'O t l I >-I 1 1 00 I n Z · o I • I • I l:~r M,• L..... I !, o~, l'8 > 61,• -I , t) 'P. I ~ CO I I I I I . ~~ . . . ;1' N I '"' -:.., 0 ~ 02014 Tille Onler ND. : FWPS-29811140618, Prelon!oay Report dahtd May 12, 21114 Dn>wlng Dala : 05117/2014 • FNFI Chicago Title Company 87S N. Fhl 81n1a1. 81dle 4DO San Jou, CA 85112 Rararen .. : "'°'MOr'I P...., No, : 537-30,010 Properly : 15955 Cem, Ville Cl, Los Galoe, CA95032 Pllll Showing : LOTS 10 Ni SHOWN ON lHAT CERTAIN MN' ENnllED, "TRIU:T NO. 7613", WHICH MAP WAS FILED INTHE OFFICE OF TliE RECORDER Of THE COUNTY Of SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AUGUST 26, 1986 IN BOOIC 5M OF MAPS, AT PAGES Sl'eel 7. 8 , 9AND 10. 1 of 1 ,..,._ ... , This Page Intentionally Left Blank --"" ~ ~~!:~:~ !::~!t (~,-...~~ (831) 594-5151 ) '-'....) 7327 Langley Canyon Road Prunedale, California 93907 ..A.....~~- A Comparison Between A Single Access Entry Road Plan and A Two Access Entry Road Plan Surrey Fann Estates Los Gatos, California Assignment I was asked to prepare a comparison chart showing the impacts to the existing trees between the two plans: Plan A-1 -To Construct a Single Access Road to the Site, and Plan A-IA-To Construct Two Access Roads to the Site Observations Previously this was attempted with two spreadsheet charts, but these were long, consisting of multiple pages, and difficult to compare in such a format. After attempting to achieve this task again, I find that these charts, when viewed side by side, are near identical, which few differences between the other. In order to make the chart more manageable I have revised the chart omitting all of the trees (as requested) that would not be expected to be impacted by the construction proposed by these two plans. This Chart is attached. Thus, instead of preparing two near identical charts, I have included in this report a single Chart listing the impacts to both plans, but those trees impacted by the Alternate Access Road off Cerro Vista Court are noted as "Alternate Access". Also, I shall list the differences between the Two Plans with regard to the impacts to individual trees later in this report. First, it appears useful to identify the scope of this comparison and the similarities between the two Plans. The Civil Plans C2 and C8 indicate that the grading for the roadway, regardless of the plan proposed, and the grading for the retention ponds would be done at the same time. The grading for the retention ponds are identical on both of the two plans. Thus, the impacts to the trees, as a result of grading for the retention ponds, is identical between the two plans. Also, the grading for the driveway to Lot 7 and the grading for building pad for Lot 7 is shown on both plans as identical. Thus, the impacts to the trees as a result of this feature are also identical. The entry Roadway from Twin Oaks Drive, titled Street A to the bulb tum-around is identical. The proposed Storm Drain construction between the two plans appears identical. All of these features, which appear to be identical between the two plans, create the long list of impacts to trees listed in the attached chart. The differences between the two plans are as follows. , Los Gatos, CA Comparison I Plan A-1 provides the access to Lots 5, 6, 7, and 10 by proposed Street B, which would cross the swale between Trees# 550 and the cluster of Trees# 545,546, 162 and 544. Retaining walls and a drainage pipe would be constructed. By this plan Trees# 545, 546, and 162 would not live very long (5-10 years estimated) as a result of this construction. Tree# 550 and the trees near it (north of the swale fill area) should survive in good condition. Tree #544 and the trees south of the swale area should survive in good condition. As the Access Roads proposed by the two plans do not connect, the Alternate Access Road Plan A-lA would not impact the trees in the swale area (Trees #545, 546, 162, 544). Comparison 2 Plan A-1 would provide a "Hammer Head" turn around at the end of Street B. No Trees would be removed, but Tree # 160 would be Transplanted. To the same geographical area of the site, Plan A-lA proposes instead an Alternate Access Road off Cerro Vista Court. Trees# 160, 163, 164, 165 are proposed to be Transplanted. The proposed Alternative Access road would significantly impact Trees # 161 ( 56 inch diameter Valley Oak) and Tree# 383 (49 inch diameter Valley Oak). An estimated 30% of the root zone of Tree 161 would be damaged by fill and retaining wall construction, but Tree# 161 would be expected to survive with regular irrigation for 3 years. An estimated 20% of the root zone of Tree# 383 would be damaged by the road construction, including the construction of the proposed retaining walls. It is expected to survive this road construction, but the impact to Tree# 383 would not be limited to the road construction. The proposed new residence on Lot 6 would adversely impact the root system of Tree# 383 by an estimated 10% -15%. Also, the impacts of the landscape amenities upon Tree # 383 cannot be assessed at this time, but these impacts (road, residence, landscape) must not be considered separate and independent but must be considered collectively. Tree # 154 would be severely damaged and, thus, required to be removed resulting from the Storm Drain Construction. It appears that Trees# 152, 153 and 155 would survive. This feature is the same for both plans proposed. . Los Gatos, CA Tree# 592 (32 irich diameter Coast live oak) would suffer relatively minor root damage as a result of grading for the retention pond. This feature is the same for both plans. Tree # 593 (10 inch diameter Coast live oak) would suffer relatively minor root damage from Storm Drain Construction. This estimate is based on the trunk diameter, which provides an estimate of the size of the root mass. This feature is the same for both plans. Respectfully submitted, Michael L . Bench, Consulting Arborist International Society of Arboriculture Certification # WE 1897 A American Society of Consulting Arborists Member This Page Intentionally Left Blank 'Field alli ~ ' ~.. .. . ~ ". . ·, · ' ... TreeN1111e DBH DBH DBH Hght Spnl fflth Stre CD/18 Tppd 1 Coast live oak Quercus agnfolia Coast live oak - II 15 20 3 2 ' 7 8 ' 110 il i2 Valley oak Qucrcus lobala Coast livo oak incense cedar Calocedrus decurrens ·coast live oak Incense cedar Cout·llvc oak Coast live oak Com£iive oak coast t1veoat· Coast live oak - CA black walnut Juglans hindsii j 1, Aleppo pine 1Pinus halepensis English Walnut I 115 ' -~ugJ~~ 16 ,Aleppo pine 17 viiitey 0°ak: 18 Coastlive ·oa1c i, Coast Hvc oai: - 20 .Coast live oak 21 Coastiiveoak 22 ·c'aiifomia bldeye Acsculus califomica 23 Coast live oak ·u :Coast live oak 25 coast ilve oaii: 26 121 121 12' 130 Coast live oak Coast live oak Coast live oak valley oak 1 31 32 ·European olive Olea europea j ;u vaney-oak· - f34 I 135 1: )38 ' 39 40 \41 1,2 I~ i i46 !,1 ; Valley oak vaifeyoak Vaileyoak Coast live oak Val ley oak vaiteyoak Val ley oak Valley oak Valley oak Coast iive oak Coast live oaic Val ley oak Coast live oak :6 is ,9 5 4 ,9 i 7 :s ·'7 · ;1T· 'if !5 ! .. If 'fi ! 17 ;io ·s 122 I 'i o .,. !if ' 'iT !fo 16 110 14 ii9 .. ,., .. 14 12 17 :i6 8 ;1s 25 !iS II ·6 12 '1 8 16 11 DBH -Diam_. Breast Height Hght -Height Sprd -Canopy Spread Hltll -Health !3 i :,s 10 ;25 115 1is )ti -;20 ' ~is- 20 ii5 ,2 I 30 l ·1 ,rs n 3 I i 10 -2 11 3 .j" ) Ii .I ,. I Y 1x· 3 X ·1 i . , .. 1·rs ·--~;1· L-.. i 35 'i'" ,3 ',r ps r 14 70 'i 2 ;x I ·35 !f Tl l:X 1 .. -... .! .... I ts 2 4 f45 ~f o li" ~3- 35 \o 'r --4 120 I .. 20·· 'f36 '20" ,[5 20 )o·· ·2.s ;js ).0 "'.20 ; '45 ·35 20 30 '25 '50 60 -25 40 -20 45 10 · is 45 20 120 ii :2 '"1s"·--y· 2 . -i Jo 1r ·r ·-rx- 20 1f' .... 4 _I X . l'B" 11 ::.r -pc :4 ·x 1s· p t lJ i - 2 j 4 ;j 2 X ;-j o.. ;2 3 20 3 4 X '15 2 3 I is 2 3 i is ·,3 · i is I 2 /30 ;2 20 1 4 X Strc -strudllre CD/18 -CO-Dominant stems w/ lmbedded Bat1< Tppd -Topped CBL? -Gables Recx>mmended 3 3 D isc ing of the root zone: ·. 3 :2 biscmg oftlie root zone Moderate ly Sparse Canopy :Primary leaders 1/D -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar Covered H20 -Needs water [48 !49 (50 ; Aleppo pine L i 51 Valley oak f5i I 53 Valiev oaF -- !s.; .coasiT1veoak· i·· i .. 1!5 j1~--... 12 ·1 · i~s 'coastifveoa1c · J i · 120 :is !1 12· · l· i:~ '~!:!:!:-..t!s _· J "'' ~:: ):--··_:f~-t-·r .Coast live oak I • I I ~ ( iss :Coast live oak f"ii ..... i' .. ii/f ". Tis . ··11 · ·14 ··J ... f59 Coast live oak .. ··!6-. ·;· tis . ·hs. ·-!r · l,r .j fciO !Coastlh·eoak ···_.13 :·· i . j -~O .. pr "j f ·ir ·t l.. _t. i I I l i I ... -·t --, ·-... L L \ I I j 'l" --..... ·t ··-· ! .. .L i "1"" .. I ! .. !- ;, .. I_ t,1 'coiistHveoaf :s I y20 11s :1 ;3 1 1 , 63 2 lcoast1ive-oak' _-,.-_ 1 i~ 5 ~ .. ys_ .. J _ _ 12~ _to: E _j.3 :_p< l '/ , coiistH~eoiik · L • • 12s !30 .1 _ i3 ·; .. ·· ·i -: --··). I • l : I lu !Coastliveoalc ·rs'.. ·r f --!zo . ·i 1s · ·11 ·1i· 'I ...... t f _j__ l" l---!LC I 1u: ·itc !6s '.coastliveoak ··for ·:· ·:·· -1l1s -her · :i-i 4 \,c ··f · ~'' tva11eroai"·· ····· : :~j!~--~~~t .· -~[-... _.l~:.· ..f:~--· I ~--J:.1·:~ .. T.:· _·_·:t ·.· :.t. ·J .. , ... · __ [_· __ · .. -· · · .. [67 :coastliveoak · :12 ! , i30 j30 !1 J 2 j , I i -, , f,s I Valley oak ·19 --· . T ... r ....... tjs . ·125 · .. ri J3 .... !.. . . ..... ·r ...... +· ··1_! _ 1 I t,9 ·coasthveoak ·:i2 · ·--; I -· t40 · · )o h · 12 ; ·· ·. "f. .... 1 ; I 1 .. i;: '~~: .. : 1:. l -1 11;1!'----il ;:-j; l l r -I . r Tl ·· ! . fn JAfcppopine-· -"TIT 'T -. ~. · 1i.s'"··-is"" ·r .. j4 -T .. ·rx ... T' . ·1 ·ttc t73 :Coast live oak .. ·-;io ··t . --[ · ·)2s··· ·:20· Ir· ··1}-.I .... -~ .. ·+ ! .... J L . 1:: :~=:-:!::~ ~-· ---_--·J :1~-· --·,,-~-·: -.-.1_-· --~--~-K~-~-·;~:~. -r~--l ~ .. :-~:--~:I . -~-r -.. i: . ..t ·) .--·:--r .. ·._: ~ ... · · • r • 1 : • : 1 1 i t1, ;coast live oak :1 . T" ... ·r .... ·12s-.. TH-. C .. t3" 1 .. --j ' -·1 · ·--T . t -... . . ("' .· 111 ;vaiieyoaic l2I .. ·j . ·1 iso .. :so !1 .. :3 -;--: ·. · : · .1 ·! ! · i_1s :vwteyoak ·-[2_1_ .. t j--.. ·t~: j~o_: ji · :·1!~·J _· .. J j -.j ..... ::J.::: j79 :Caiifumiasycamore )41 1 '.50 J3S ; 1 j4 :X i ·1 I ! Platan~ racemosa . . ! . ! I r . l . . L [SD ;California sycamore j~~~-.-.L .. .r ·· _1 6~--~~i~.-:.]~ · __ f ]. ·.· ... -T · .. ::J _: I ... i. 181 :eatifomia sycamore 137 i · !' /40 !30 ;l j 3 1 ; ~ In ;Californiasycamore '"j4f " -1 ··· r ·iJo· rjo-.. jf "P" ·1 ' ··1 . "!" !83 . ;A1eppoj,ine .. ['1 . ' ·, j1s ps · ,i )i , . -·r · · J t' 1c!!moast'dt,:l:·v;e·:;~-~-~-.t ... ·1s -f r~.-J~_o_· .. t ... :t.J___ ·· .. -r . !85 ...,.,. i46 !'35 ,so '1 13 . : X ' i ' Is, :Ateppopine ·116 .. i . ~---j:-· F""!~--t "f'" !" ·--r--i · is, ·'>.feppoJime ;1s : ; · 140 hs · :4 ji · ; · 1 1.. ):·:,~.,. !~, l L i~!;:lli j j i t :::: t i t r I :);;-_,, r i" i t !92 ;Va1feyoaic'--. ·1 ,;-,-.. t ~ff ·--·fff~ /s-· -·r.r .. )" t--.. 'l' .... ; 1,3 Aleppopine ·13 I . .. ']B ... \25 · :s --;r .'. .. ix . I !94 Co asi i,veoak ·•3 r ]30 · r20 ·· ji--· ·j2 ·. [! I L t I I 195 Coast live oak ;6 JS (io · · /2 i96 Coast live oak i,, I Coast iive· oak 25 I :20 it :2 ;3 ' i4 ·rx Strc • Strudure i !.. ·r .. I ·! I -i CSH -Diameter ereast Height Hght • Height Spro -C..nopy S pread Hlth -Healt!I CO/lB -Co-D;,mlnant stems 1\/ lmbetlded B<lri< Tppd • T;,pped CBL? -Cables Recommended .. T ... ,), .. _,.. -~-· .... I I .i .. ·( i r •:•. I '··. i . J ... ·--........... .. ; In Upper Canopy ]~~~. /LC . l · -l~c ., . I M'alor Tnmk DCC&}' l T t '. --·· - ' :WRustGall I I/0 -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar covered H20 • Needs Water Tree Name DBH DBH DBB Hght Sprd mt11 Stn: CD/IB ' Tppd Cbl? VD RC mo otu Valleyoak -25 --·--·-· ·3:S -1·, ... ~y· ··1·U~~Yl.;;'I. ::i "'l,l\:.,"'tl'-., .. '-'-'1 ,it1.1'n,U '"nlU 'jl.ali,·}-·-·-98 ' . f I i r '· 99 Vahey oak 10 35' 30 2 2 100 Coast live oak ·10 j 5 J.20 !i )' ! ' 101 Coast l1ve oak ;13 35 30 l 4' x 102 .Coast live ou /7 .. !3°5 ;20 ·: 1 .3 I ,. - 103 Coast live oak 15 '.35-30 104 Coast live oak /8 jt5 ,35 1 j ;Horizorital siiuctuie ~ 105 va11ev oak: 7 '35 15 1 3 1116 coast five .oak 122 :·.{o :40 ·, 1 :.f I .... L . 107 Valle\' oak 6 .. 25 15 2 :4 jf ·tc· ' 108 . Coast live oak 12.°J"· I "i4(f. '}i<>' ;r 'i I ' 1109 Coastliveou 1f ~-is · -3°il° ·1 110 •Wild plum· i6·-;Io po· ·ts -i4 .. .Prunus cerasima I I ; I I 1111 coast Hve oaf 29 40 ,5() · 1 3 112 Blue oak ;i 4 -]35 1-. ii :1 135 ; I l. ' -•---'i ill Coast live oak 1•f" ·30. 30 1 114 i Va1ie'y oak ·1 11 j2S P: ·1r :4 !LC I.. l its vailey oak· -7 ~is 20 ·'2· .3 n, ;Coast flvc oaic ,s .. i. :is ·12 .. 2 !20 ! ..... I I i17 coast hve oai: 17 :40 30 1 '2. i18 . coiist Jive o«ic H S ·140 j2S IC 12 .I . it9 ·va11ey oak 13 2S ·2s t ·!4 120 ·• coast live iiak. :18 ·;40 ]30 )i •j ,. vaitC} oak io !_ \s"· .i ·r 121 40 122 · Coast live oak ')14 ·ao ;Ton -"]40 -135 ,T :.r 1x · : L . ! I 123 coast live ou: 12 124 coast tive oak l j4 ,·40 130 (3-.2 l. ... I !. .. 125 coast five oaf 10 =jo 2S "i .3 126 coasdive iiak !IK ;25 !40 ·.-1 ·4 iX i r \ 140 j -I 117 Coast liveoak 13 2S l 3 128 c oast ffve oiik . i'l9 .. ;40 1 40 -; 1 .. •4 ix ' I ; ; 129 coast Hve oaic IS 40 0 30 ·1 2 130 Coastfi'-ve oak-'20 '40-jl ) ill coast hve oa1.:· 'f ,J __ • 25 IS '. l 2 132 Viilteyoak ;2i (ts :45 11 ! Valley oak l jo .20 j ,133 7 1 1134 Valley oak ;39 sb :10 1 2 I ' rus Coast live Olk: 8 )o 20 1 .2 [illi Valieyoak )7 -;B 15 : i 1 ! ' I 137 Coast live oak 5 5 3 15 10 s 4 lierblcide ciamage? I Coast live oak ,i :X 1131 ,10 :20 j20 4 ru, \ ·-2 Coast live oak 8 20 IS 1 !140 Coast Hve oak 18 20 :25 '1 4 (x i. IHI European olive 21 IS 25 1142 Wild.Plum ,5 : rn }O ;4 '3 I I 1143 Wild Pium 6 lo 10 4 '3 !144 European oiive : il :5 :S fil :20 1 1145 Aleppo pine 12 '20 15 4 X !1~ Aleppo pine ·JI 20 20 1 j ,x j.., ' Aleppo pine 11 30 20 1 3 x I DBH -Diameter Breast Height Sire -Structure Hght -Height CD/18 -Co-Dominant Slams w/ lmbedded Barf< 1/D -Insects or Disease Sprd -canopy Spread Tppd -Topped RC -Root Co llar Co"'!red Hlth -Healttl CBL 7 -Cables Recommended H20 -Needs Water e ailile li48 Aleppop~ I 1·149. ;Aleppo pine hso .Aleppo pine r 1Sl . Afcppo-p1ric " . j 1S2 ·; Aleppo pine \IS3 1Aleppo pine - l 1S4 ; Aieppo"j,ine ! 155 : Aleppo pme . ! 156 ; Aleppo pine J' 151 Incense cedat . rtss .-Aleppo pine- 1 I.-•-•.,,., ... __ , j 159 Aleppo pine I i 160 :Valley oak I 1'1 Vaile}' oak j m coastltve oak i163 :va1iev·oai j1,4 /Valley oak , 165 coa.,tiive oaii: !1'6 .. jValley oalc . - li61 :coastiiveoai. .. · !168 :van;y·ciak · 169 \.a11ev -oak° I 110 /Ituioi,ean oHv"e , 1 --.i. 72 11 1&ropeaii oH~ci · :Yalley-oiik ·· ... .... ___ -· , .• .._ ... _ •• 1 !173 ,Valle\' oak 1174 . :Europeanolive -•· - 1 115 ya11ey oak :176 TVaJ.iey·oik-· Ii,, ! Valley oak I i178 1179 Valley oak Valley oak 180 , va1,ey·oa1c - 1s1 Vaiiey oaic. · · i82 · Valley oalc I l __ , __ ·---.. I i83 Valley oalc l 184 ;vaiiei oak .. ' " ! 185 vaiie\' oaic ! 186 vaiiey oak . !i87 1188 ! 1189 ! 1190 11;1 1-,192 1193 European oHve :vaiiey oali. · · · European olive Valley oak European olive European olive I 194 :va11ey oak I 195 Valley oak !196 Valley oak ! 191 ·. -vaii~ oiik '· J~~-- :12 'i ff iii ' f·. 18 L .... ·10 DBH • Dlamew-Breast Height Hght • Height Sprd • Canopy Spread Hlth -Health ·,:~ 130 --+20 I ---i-. ' l. i .l " ·-i x~: ·t Strc • Structure .. . ' .... r- ·l · · r l ----·i- t . .L ! f ' i .j. .... ' i .I ! I --r . )'op cited-discmgdamage . f . _ J't'op ~e~~ ?ls~:~:d~ge ... -~--. ·r · ... J _ j .. . I •• ! I (12 .-.. ··'. .!3 .. ; -1 -••:• .. ,!. .. I ~ J 1. .I I I .J ' ! .. .. ·'---.... -, .. ·-------·-·-· ......... -----· i Top died-discing damage ... j ·1 -·····" . j .... - I .T ..... .L I ' .. i ,--. ' .... , J\.iistletoe , !· ... ~ r: CD/l!!I • Co-Dominant Stems w/ lmbedded Bark 'fl)pd • lb?ped 1/D • Insects or Disease RC • Root Collar Covered H20 • Needs Wat.er CBL? • cables Recommended 1,a 1= 202 203 204 285 29' 207 ios 209 110 211 212 213 214 215 l:u, I '217 illl 219 228 221 222 1: /us 1: Im 229 230 231 Im I ;233 I 1234 I: i231 1: ,240 1241 1: ,244 1245 1246 1u, TrffN•mc DBH DBH DBB H&)at Sprd IDtll . Strc CD/IB Tppd Cbl.T I/D RC 1120 ota Vaiiey·oait - Valley oa1: va11eyoaic. vaiievoak ·vatiey oalc- : Valley oak Valley oaic .Valley oak caiifom1a·bay 1iiiireI . Umbcllularia califomica · Vanei ·oa1c ·· ----- :Valley oak Valley oak ,Vaitcyoiik Valle} oak Coast .live oak. Vaiiey· oak -Vailey oak . vaitevoak- )flue oak '.Quercus douglasii Valley oak ,European olive ' Vaiiev'ciak - European olive Yalleyoak Vlilicy oak Valle)' oak Coastiive oa1c vaifevoak . :valley oak va1iey oai Afeptio i:,iiie a1ueoa1c:· Va11eyo11k Va11eyoa1c Blue Oak n1iieoa1c · B1ue ·oa1c i3tueoik i:iliie dak Blue Oak B1iie Oak Blue Oak va1iey · oak Coast live oak Coast live oak Valley-oak coa·st ·rive' oaic: Coast hve Dill Coast live oak Blue Oak 12 'is 8 ·,u · io :9 ' 21 113 i · io 14 '12 1H j -· 14 ('i4 . 16- 114 L, __ _ 13 ii ' 10 · ·\n---'fo· ·'--· L 8 TB- s l lf i -·-IS ;32 ' ff i9 'f- -:10- I 38 i 19 i i6 i 14 '14 ' ;14 ' 10 :34 20 :14 27 /is ·22 ·,B '14 14 17 :17 12 121 D8H -Diameter Bn!ast Height Hght -Height Sprd -canopy Spread Hlth -Hearth ,-·-;lo --···'"'~ · ~u-f ·-,Ju~~;;t'"'-'1 :i;·-'""-n ·1r~11~g1u11 · ,...,.liil 11·.1,c;·· ·-. i p : ~ I • 35 JS ·3s 20 12s · 'Jo 30 -:is )S : ·.3o . i40 ·,ii) i lf .35 IS ·:25 · I 3ii' jio 25 :fo i25 ;30' 40 ]2s'' '30 130 . 135 'js ·30 I -135 . '3-0 L .... J ... ·3S :20 i t's ) 2 2 i i j 14 4 j4' ·:4·· ·3 -3 12 3 4 .s i iJ L 3 !2 3 j .. ;I T i ''i t3 ' 2 2 If ·;3'· .L,. I 3 ,2 15 :sis-120·- 1 'i<f"' ! . 20 \40 . 'ro \j<f lI L 2 lf ' J .•... s ,To !30 25 ;-,o 3S ,- \o · :ro 40 '.35 IS '20 j 'jo TI '· 2 j4 , ·3 )4 :4 .. -y t ··-··· --.-· ( i" 20 r T 1io · n -:1 ' 60 Ao - i. ·25 :2<i I_ 3S i20 Jo ~ 3 '2 j 'i'i's '1 ,i 40 2 2 :2s ,2 3 I so 2 ·3 ·,fo ;4 4 40 :35 -'45 ii -i 35 -30 3 :'40 :i6 '. i 3 45 35 40 ,30 '1 2 3S 40 Sttc -Structure CO/[B -Co-Dominant stems w/ lmbedded 8ar1c Tppd -Topped C8L? -cables R8:ommendecl i • I I I fMajor leader-failure ! Topped at 8 feet 1Dead · I 1/D -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar Covefl!d H20 -Needs water . 248 !24, I ~ •me ·va11ey~--· . , Coast iive oa1c ~19 · l2so , __ : Coast live oalc ... . B1ueOa1c" . Is . . .. - I._ .. L .. L :251 1252 ;Blue Oak i2SJ coast live oaic. I 12s. ,toast iive oak i 255 Coast !i~-e oak tw coiist iivc oaic · I r2s1 j3iiie oak I !258 '.Coast live oak )259 · ·coasi iivc-oiik · i .. .--... ·-~. ---·--··--~-!260 Coast live oak . . [ 261 : C~ ~iye ciak (262 _ '~-~~~e~- 1263 : Coast live oak i . --. . . --------·. !™ .Coast live oak 9 :9 ·r9 ---· i.' :tf "jii ; i:f f9-..... r. ,14 , r~!. ;10 1"ff I hs y,· "'1ii i ! !-:8 j265 . 1Coastiive "oaic - i2" I Valley oak jii>. ; ;u--. , )261 · 'coai.t ITveoa1c· .. ·· · .. _,_ ...... -r _ .. _l_,,· .: . · t~ · -!r - Im :Coast live oak l2,9 · coast live oaic 121, 1coasi ·live ·oa1c·· I !m · :"ciiast ti,:e oai: im .t:\ia.st live oak -. !273 -coasi five oaic - r214° :-coasi llveoalc-- !215 'coiisdi~e-oa1c --·- i2" Coast live oak I 211 '. Unused Number .. I [271 · COIN live oak 1 Valley oak ·cO¥t1iveoai · Vaiiiri, oaic .. ,sfue Oaic-- :eiiie 6ali. :s1uc0ak :Coast iive oak :BfucOak . Blue Oak 'Blue Oak ·eiiicoak· •B1ueoaic · ·e1iie oak ·vaifei.-ciaf Coast. live oaic va1Teyoak va1iey .oak. i 1.3.3.. :2s ]2.3.: ,17 -r1 ··-, -!iY: I_ 12s · :9 )29 \26 .. tw· iis ps :if" bs , 14 i1 . L .•. I 10 • I j . p-r -.. [ :'fO .. i a2. j26 :8 Jil I Poison oak 18 1. :297 !. loxtodendron d1verslioba · Coast.live oak___ • i21 ..... : .... .i . DBM • Diameter Breast Height Hllllt· Height Sprd • Canopy Spre11d Hlth • Health [10 - ; r · I ,. ! -;· ··tJs ·· .... -,:1;,; .L .... ------ /30 (50 i . , ·12:s--l1s · · ;r -p ---1 . !30 )s ·.·i --p· ··r . i~ _·. 1~0 .. ·12· ···-,3 ---1 i40 ;20 1 . ~2 -. ! · ;4~.... j:-~3-~o-· ! 1 ... Oi"~ _:· !x ; 15 ; 1 i3 : • i • • Jx ----i:---·t: · r!~ l!- .:?~.-~.:J~-~:_-_J--:.:. J~. !35 125 i l 14 !X ;2s · jJo · _ p-·r r-1 · T3s iso-1 ·:2 (20 .. -~ -,30 !35 r2s iis :10 i . 130 . ·1 1 '2 ! .. L J.. :15 •l !2 ::zo -·t35 IT j2. i _ ...... ! ...... J .•.. "[ ... : . . ,· .-. f . L ... t I -,-' { l strc -Structare i I -!-- ' ··i I i 1· J I i .r j ' -~ .. !_ ' i. .• 1 -~ .... I -l .. · 1· ... "'j'"-· ... l ' . J .. .L __ ; __ . ·1'.-- : I ' I ···r-. r ·-·: . ··r ·-- 1 .. ~. __ • • I I I . ~-~-j ' J i . -i -· i-. .. ~-.... ·-. I ~ ··i .. l I i ................ -~ .... ·-...... :Major trunk.decay T I CD/lB • Co-Domlna!lt Stems W/ lrT'bedded Bark :ppd -Topped CBL? -Cilbles Recommeml<!!d l/0 • Insects o r Disease RC -Root Collar covered H20 -Needs water Tree Name DBH DBH DBB Hcht Sprd IDtb Strc CD/IB Tppd Cbl! 1/D R.C mo Nota ,ua Valley oak IS 40 3S 1 12,, European olive \6 :5/5 '.514 )5 ·20 ,i ·3 I I 1: Vai!ey oak 4i:i" 4S 40 2 2 Coast iive·oa1c '6. 15 'lS .i ·2 ,302 j '·· ' Valley oe1c ·2s 4S 4S '1 2 1: Coast live oak '.i4 30 145 i I .2 i va11eyoak 7 ·25 30 j f: va1iey oak · :13 -;:10 t30 i ,2 I ' Valley oak 6 )30 10 3 :i ;..._ :10 r--1307 Vailey oiik : t()° '20 ls ;4 1 )6 I_. 303 . va1ie" oaic 35 30 I i l~. ~0~_1iv~-~-·w :-rs i i() ;i" 2 i i~. .H °3o ' 1310 ,Valley oak: .3S 1 2 1311 'valley oaic ;io !30 120 (2 ,2 i .~ . i312 w1ev oa1c 6 15 is ·3 3 313 ·Valley oak · ~6 ·:10 li o ....... '4 l : io· I 314 • Coast live oai:. 5 10 2 315 .. "c:oasflive oak f 6 :is· p~ ( ;2- 1316 i Blueoai:· 4 20 15 I 'i 1317 , coast Gvc oaii: · j'1 . ·:B iis n· ·,-1 ' 318 ·va11ev oak . '14 25 ·20 3 ::r 31!) . coast live ciak. 16 . L :B ps ·12 ]3 European olive s 20 20 .I. 320 4 3 I 2 1321 · .. Euroiiean ofwe· · •6 15 '4 ?o j25 ! I '.3 I I : f 322 Vaileyoak 12 30 ·30 ·3 323 va1iey·oa1c 1 ··-·,45 !35 12 .1 ! ,16 t3U .... I valiev oak .. 16 35 2S 3 3 X : coast iive oiik .. :13 ·-'j"(j"" p:s ·· i i" ·2 r -325 l_._ t _ 32' vaiie.,,. oak 16 35 ··30" 2 "3 ·x 327 Cout live ·oa1c j6 ;10 po , I ;3 ' I 328 . coii.;i live oa1: 5 io 16 I 3 32' 'vaffey oak !IO is :j5 15 "4 Coast live oa1c 20 I ' 330 5 IS l 3 X 331 uiiuseii Number. L. 1-1- 1332 va1teyoak 10 40 '20 3 2 [333 Coast live·oak i if .. .40 120 . i i 1334 J I coo.st live oai: 7 20 :·is 2 2 jm Valley oak i IO :Jo !20 ;J .. 3 .336 Valiey oak '·23 45 40 2 2 !337 Valley oa1c . 25 :SO /50 1 .2 J I Coast live oak 1338 6 15 IS 2 1:: : Valley oalc 15 45 'JS :2 ;j . ! Coast Jive oak 26 so 70 2 I i:u1 Valleyoalc is '.45 Jjs !i f342 Valley oak 13 40 20 3 2 130 Valley oak 24 :40 ;30 ,2 4 )X 1344 Coast live oak 7 15 IS 2 i:us Coast live oalc ?g ·2S i JS :2 2 !3" Valley oaJc 14 35 25 2 2 i ;341 Coast live oak -16 is \I t 2 L_ DBH • Diameter Breast Height Strc -strudUre Hght -Hefght CD/IB -Ca-Dominant stems w/ !mbedded Bari< !/D -Insects or Disease Sprd • canopy spread Tppd -Topped RC • Root Collar CD'lll!red Hlth -Health CBL? • Cables Recommended H2D • Needs Welter I j 1m_·Name !348 Valley oak '- \349 :coast live oak !3SO ·coast Gve ·oak: [351 -co~·11vc·oar - j3s2 ~·valTev iiai · I j3S3 vaiiey oak . 1354 I ;3ss Crabappie Matus SJ!.Cc1es .. Coast live oak I , . ···----! 356 · Valley oak '.357 1iicense cedai ! 1358 incense cedar j ;359 :incense cedar ! 360 Incense cedar [ 361 . iii.c'ense cedar .. j3i'i2 incense ·ceaai - \363 . Aleppo pine i364 · 1ru:ensc ceilai . i ... ---·· ·----· ;36S 'Incense cedar j366 'Incense cedar· !367 :fnceosc·cedar -! I :368 Incense ccd ' I 369 : 1nceiise· ce11ai ' r 370 . Incense cedar - 1-!371 1 Valley oak 1372 Coast ltve oak !373 ; Unused ~umber I :374 ·unused Nunibcii I :vai1eyoa1c [37S 137' . C<>11-5t h"e ·oat-· i377 :co'ast liveoak ___ l I [378 · ·ciiast 1Ive oa1c -- !379 1 Coast live oak !380 ·"cc,w Hve oak .. I 1381 :Coast live oak I ln1 I . vaftey · oai f3B3 -vaiiey oak 1384 I • Coiist H,·e oak i38S Valiey oak°· 1386 vaite> oak ' 13~7 Valley oak 388 European olive - t389 · Coast live oak !390 vai1i:y·oak [3,i I ·Valley oak !391 Hybnd°oaic i g_~~-S. spec~es. :393 Valley oak i394 va11ey oaic I E395 ·valley oak 1396 vaiiey .oaic 1397 '\•'alley ·oak :5 !-;6 i7 )_ . 6 .hi "' L -[' -r ·-. . 1 -'~--. - ]9 ·· I (9 '6 i ' .~f ___ · __ J __ ·_· ·10 ··1-r····r··- -... _ ... .!-... 5 ;3 . I · is /i . ··:-,-·< -'i ~~~--:-!~-. ·10 '8 Ji~~. j8 '9 Ju.··-·j . :6 . !~9 -. · 1 · 43 j36 __ t_ ·- :23 ! i7 1 ...... - ·12 "/if :26 ]1~ .26 jn 11 i 18 J .... ·24 Ill i ·r .8 l. CBH -Diameter Breast Height Hght -Height Spr'd • canopy Spread Hltll • Healttl ':is . !._ -. :40 -~fs ·· I )o ·· ' ·• 1f . '136 Ti J..... • .. 1 : 15 ;20 i2 ·,30 [30 '.3S 1 65 2 l. .2 I :'j( X i._ .. E J.· :2 i . ··~1 2 ·!1 Jr i . :2 ii J. l I ' Tx I L Stn: -structure I i. j· I. i I ·1 j - I . ! .. I ·t,· ... ~ .... -(-... ! .i . ·I·· i I 1 ! i ·• CD/18 -CO·Oomlnant stems w/ Jmbelided Bark Tp;,d • Topped CBL? • Cables Recommended i I t Partial for Line Clearing ' ! CD High Risk ' j_ .. --. -. -- ;Dense leaf litter -Very good .! ' ! Split in progress [Previous Cb Failure ! ' UC • Insects or OlseDSe FtC • f\oot COiiar Covered H20 -Needs Water Tree Name DBB DBH DBB Hgbt Spnl ffltb Strc CD/IB Tppd Cbl! 1/D RC 1120 Notti 3'8 Valley oak 17 20 30 2 3 399 Vaiiey oak )2 :20 ;25 j ·.2 1: Vailey oak 10 <. 15 20 3 2 Va11ey·oak :1i 15 ;1s '3 2 ~ Vailey oak :i2 20 20 j -f · Valley oak: :3i1 :40 /35 ; ~ ,2 I Vaiiey oal ii 30 40 2 J40s Va11ey-oak: '2i j5 :10 !2 2 I: I Vaiicy oak Ii 25 2S l Va.11er oa1c f:io 'is ;25 ,5 ·s IX : Pr1inary leader gone 1-1 .. ',fa-L , .. Valley oak 27 35 ·3 3 f 409 -Valley oak: 1 12 ·:-is ?5 ;2 ,4 ::x ·x ~Previous ct:f faifiire -·1imb <iecar 1410 . 'Coiiit _l~e oak . f J . I is ·41Y '4S 1 ..f 1411 'Valley oak 123 )40 ~ 15 '3 ;3 [412 ; I_ I va1ieyoaf 10 · 30 15 2 ·3 [413 : vailey·oa1c w ·;JS 130-,j ·1 2 I ( f,n4 ' , .. ! Valley oaic . 12 35 ·2s 2 2 41S · ;vaiier oaic ,n ;30 i~0:-1~: i j" 3 ; j __ . : 416 Vai1ev -oaic --16 ·30 35 5 4 3 r Vailcy oak -;13 ·:25 · ]20 [3 ·-2-T Valley oak -is 35 r_ ---i_._ °2 418 30 2 419 ; ciia.,i1ive .oak !30 Ifs '45 '60 It .... va11"eyoaic . I ! l_ 420 is 35 30 3 2 421 Valley oak . !]4 '30 "1,"3 0 l i ;:f : i I \ .. m Valley oak 23 35 40 2 : 1 423 Aieppopine :6 ·:i-o no ;i 'I •12s -I .. ' I 424 Aieppo-pine 9 25 1 '4· x •425 ,Aleppo pine ;;; 1:i-s· ·12s IT T 426 Aleppo pine ,_ -~ J ... ··1 8 25 25 1 427 :Aleppo pine 7 T2s ,26 I j !I ! I.. .. 428 Vaiteyoak 24 30 35 2 2 41' . Valley oak !JO 20 )0 :,f · 3 .•. ; r 1430 Aleppo pine 8 10 15 . i :3 431 Va11i:y oak : 18 :25 1j5 ,2 '2 ' , 432 Bliieoek 16 30 25 3 3 433 va11ey·oa1c ( i 1 30 !25 13 · 2 ! . Valley oak . i2 °lo IS ' . 434 3 435 Coast live oaic ;17 ,30 ,:35 /2 ; I ,436 ·Vai1eyou: ii lo, Valley oak 16 30 :35 ,°3 3 [431 Valley oak 40 35 30 3 4 ' [m Valley· oak . / 12 30 '25 '3 2 f: . Valley ·oa1c 12 js 20 '4 3 Biue-oak · 26 40 '60 :2 ' : 1442 Blue Oak 23 40 50 2 1 I:: Blue Oak ;25 45 'so ;2 1 Disci ng Aleppopme 8 25 15 1 1 ... s Blue Oak 9 ,9 Di:ad i \446 Valli:)> oak: 12 35 30 4 4 '"7 Valley oak ;29 40 55 3 3 ·- DBH • Diameter Breast Height Strc • Stnlctllre Hght -Height CD/IB -Co-Dominant S'tems w/ lmbedded Berk 1/0 • Insects or Disease Sprd -Canopy Spread Tppd -lbpped RC -Root Collar Cowred Hlth -Health CBL? -Cables RecOmmende<f H20 • Needs Water I j ~Nallie 448 : Coast live oak [449 ,Aiei,poi,foe ·· t4so ·Aleppo-pine f· ... ---·· ....... __ 1~51 :ft.J~p~-~~~-1'52 Aleppo pme i453 incense "cedar-- i 454 Aleppo pine :'55 I 1nunse ccciar- 145' · Incense cedar 1457 ! Incense cedar [4sa 'incen.'IC cedar r,s, ,incense ceilai · r :Afeppo piru:-. •460 I !461 • .Aieppo -pine ( · 1riceruie cedar •462 L1u ·1nceiise ceilai I f464 :inceiise cedar i465 '.Blue Oak -· I ~Vailey oak i"' 1467 tBlueOak 1468 ;Viiiieyoak f [469 fBiiie.Oak --· !470 t .Blue oai.: ( :471 'valicioaf l,n I :Valie" oak 1,13 jBlue Oak t Blue.Oak :474 t,,s : Valley ·oak --. t476 Blue Oak 1477 :BiueOak L_ •• 1478 Blue oak" .. !479 :Blue Oak I 1-:vane} oak L,u ,Blue Oak t 1482 Blue oaf· Im :Biuc ·0a1c !484 ,vaiieviiak !485 : va11er ciik ;486 Valley oak 1487 va11cyoak I 1488 va1iey ·oai: I !489 ,Valley oak 1"490 a"iueoai..· ! .val1iyciaf j491 \492 Viiifeioiik I 1493 'Valley oak j494 ' Vai1eyoak. [495 :\Talley oak '"6 Aleppo pine ! . t497 Aleppopmc:" ' .. .J~ .. Oi :17 hx .. r-·-. r· J . ·-·· I .. . :21 ... J~!-: :20 h2 ri! ... l :13 i ' -12,r ... L.. '21 I .... l . 1 . .. j24 · ' . 1 .. .... _J___ j --···-'···· : 18 -' -:20 ; i · L 114 -·· · T I ... • ·23 • ... ·--i~~~ :·_j 21 . [is ... ··r ,2i ·11 9 ,11 ·:12 .I . OeH • Diameter Brellst Height Hght • Height Sprd • Canopy Spread Hitt,· Health i ,· ~-. . l ' i. ! r· i i f· i .I } ... ) .-!.. I I i jTop 2/3 dead .. , -. L ··-.~. -·· .! .. j h op2/Jdead I ..... i 1. l t ... T I ' l . . -~ I . -... , 1 · · ... r . l l ""i ! . I .. J. ·p-o !3 l~ .. ;ss ,J ·2 -·· ·140· --,20 · ·· 13 · · ·,r- ... _ .• 14··s· · · · l 3·· ·11 1 ·1···· ]45 f!.: J~s t . J~ · J .JO ·.:40 :3 :2 . .I fjo ·· _-·1·2s 13 :4 I '· ' .40· :40 2 t i 140 . "i40 .i t JO ·h ;1 ~·:·}?·:_· .. J~~ ·. "!i !f .!_ Strc -Structlre I I I i" l ~ -. CO/lB • Co-Ooml:iant stems w/ Imbecded Bark Tppd • Topped CB~? -Cables Recommended , i l/0 -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar Covered H20 • Needs Water TncNa-DBB DBH DBH Hglat Sprd ffltla · Stn: CD Tppcl Cbl1' IJD RC mo Nota ,,. Valley oak 12 30 30 3 3 "'' Blue Oak ;Iii 40 :45 ;3 2 580 Blue Oak 19 .30 45 3 2 SOI .. Blue Oak :7 ; ·is !IO "i4 3 502 ; Aleppo pine 8 '7 ·2s 2S 3 3 503 Aleppojj1ile •10 :2s iis j3 .3 .! i ' 504 Aleppo pine 11 ·2s 15 ·3 j x · 505 fncense ceilar ·s ·:10 : io jf I ! ' 506 . Incense cedar s 15 10 4 .1 507 Inceruie"cedai 1s _fo t"i6 is A :top 2/3 cicad I I ,sos Incense cedar s io 10 .3 3 1509 Incense cedar :s . -rn-:10 }f ·,3 "fjf Aleppo pine I 1C .• 2s" I i_ ( 510 2s· 2 .3 511 ,Aleppo pine Jio fls ; fs :i !3" '.X ! l i512 Aleppo pine 15 25 :25 3 2 513 · Aiewo p1iie I i2 i2s !20 ir / l I i .• 51" Incense cedar 6 15 10 ·'3 I I 515 Jn"cense cedar '6 (IS ! ..... ·1~f Ir · I_ - \ 10 i _ 516 Incense cedar 6 '.10-· io 4 i 517 Incense cedar-i s· rH> po fJ ; i 518 Incense cedar -s ur 10 3 519 :Aieppo-pine i ii 120 1_20· "l3 13 rx 520 L • L I -3 , Aleppo pine 9 20 20 2 511 A1epi,oi,ine !W ·:25 ,20 12 .. 13·- I '·-Sl2 .Aleppo pine 9 •io IS 4 3 S23 . 'Incensc-cediir -·s ho ·,10 i )2 524 -'. incense cedar s 10 10 3 I S2S --:-jijeppopine i,o-·1:io if() ri-'.;r --,x I ffi . ·Incense cedai ·1 is io 2 T 527 ! Incense ceciiii is · fo iio (4 i i 528 Incense cedar s 'io 10 4 . i "' Aleppo pine \9 ·2() 1 1s· if :4 iX iTopdead ! ; I ,_ k, 530 Aleppo pine 11 20 26 2 4 X 531 .A1ci,iio.iiine /13 ;is !25 j ·:·3 J Aleppo pinci" "io 1s J ·2 S32 11 2 533 : incense cedar 6 :f6 : ici' ;3 ·• 1 j534 Aleppo -pine t"6 .. ' 30 3 ·4 x· 25 I: Aleppo pine Ii ·20 i ts i-4 ·4 iX I ... ·20 : I Aieppop1ne 10 t"s 2 3 I S37 Aleppo pine i16 I 20 120 '3 ·4 rx ! S38 Wild Plum 9 6 10 10 4 2 S3, WilciPfum !9 ·.10 , 10 ;3 2 ' 540 Coast iive oak Ii ;is 30 2 1541 coast Hve oiik 'is :7 35 ,Js ;r ··, Coast live oak 35 '· 3 S42 12 1S 1 '543 Coast live oak 11 ,35 !JO ,i 1544 Valley oak 3S ; 10 20 ls.is Coast live oak ;S 15 10 i 3 I l ! [546 Coast live oak 12 25 20 3 X I Coast iive oaic 13 25 :i \S47 :30 2 OBH -Diam_. Breast ~ight Sire • Structure Hght -Height CD/IB -Co-Dominant Sll!ms w/ lmbedded Bark r/0 • lnsed:5 or Disease Sprd -Cano11Y Spread Tppd • Topped RC • Root Collar Covered Hlth • Health C!IL? -Cables Recommended H20 -Needs Water I I TneN•ine 1548 Coast hve oak [549 Coast live oak : isso Blueoak I :s51 Coast live oak ~ss2 coasi1.~e oak l 1 553 coaii11veoak.· 1554 'Coast live oak rsss ,Coastlive oa1c ·· .. '556 Coast five oaic I 'S57 'Coast live oak ~sss ci>a,i iiveoak . lss9 ;Coast live oak ~ 560 . Blue oak ... i561 :vaiiey oak t 562 . toast frve oaic . I [563 ;~1-live·oa1c - I 1564 .Coastliveoak I 1~5 . ;Coast live oak l5" :vaitey oak-,. 1 567 ! Coast live oak 568 Wiid Piwu -· . j569 , tciasilive oak . ' j570 Blue Oak I 's11 'Witdpium f 572 ;Monterey Cypress ' Cupressus macrocaipa . i573 iValley oak I I 1578 ·ince~ cedai : southern magnolia )Magnolia gnmdiflora · Coast live oak iCypress · • C~pr~~Sll~ ~~ci~s . Coast hve oak !s19 :Coai"iii've oaic . (580 'Coast live oak '581 , Coast live oak !ss2 va1Tev oak · 1583 Valley oak ; I 584 Coast Hvi: oak ! 585 · Valley oaic-- !ss6 Vailer oak i587 ·coast live ·oak i -·-·. ----·--------; 588 Coast live oak lss9 \'aiiev oak -. I , 1s,o ~1oiiterei pme · I 5n · va11i:y oar· · ' 1592 coa.~·11ve oaic :s93 Coast live oak· \ 594 Incense ceciar ' f 595 European ofive ! 596 C'oastiive oaic OSH -Ola:r.eter Breast Height Hght -Height Spill -canopy Spread t-11:h -Health j 3 :2 ' Strc • Structure 1 .. i I CO/IB • CO-Oorninant Sterns w/ I mbedded Berk Tppd • Topped CBL? -cables Recommended I 1Di:iia ..• .. l Notu l/0 -Insects or Disease RC -Root COiier Covered H20 • Needs water m 593 m 600 '81 '°2 TreeN-DBH ,Coast live oak /40 ... ~. c"oast iive oak 30 ciia,;i liveoak 'ii BiueOak 20 Blue Oak /17° I Blut:Oak i2 DBH -D1a1netB Breast Ht!lght ~ht -Height Sprd -Canopy Spread Hlltl-Healtll DBH ·--DBII Dpt bl1' 11D --35--,1 "' ',· ...... ~=···, -. -.."" •• "". •r"-"' ...... 7'1-U I "30 45 1 ':ff ,45 . a ·2 40 30 \40 ·130 ; 25 25 2 j .1· if 2 3 Strc -Structure C0/18 -Co-Dominant Slams w/ lmbedded Bark Tppd -Topped CBL? -Cables Racornmended RC 0 1·1.:ai ··---.·~ Ne1a ·-==1 1/0 -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar Covered H20 -N-'s Water Jl&ae 1~03 -~Valley o ak D61i • Diclrneter Breast Height Hi;ht • Height Sprd -Canopy Spread r1lth • Health Strc • Structure CD/IB • Co-Dominant StAlms w/ Imbadded Bar ~ Tppd • Topped CB~? -Cables Reco,r.mended 1/0 -Insects or Disease RC -Root Collar Covered H20 -Needs Water Surrey Farm E1tates lmpam to Trees ByPropo,ed Plans A-1 u.d A-lA Sarrey Farm Estates Lut Date Los Gatos, California Tree Name DBH Condition Reviewed Dlapoeltlon Reason(•) tor Dlspoaltlon Impacts j1 :eoaslrl~~-/1°a<i: ;~it,_ro.;,·f~iik611i ,i-:~~~~f~'nt · ;~~~:~/68~~~~~011 ' ' · · j 12 :~:~~~a~~~lia ,6 . '.Good jfoii0/14 -:Transplant '.RoadwayConstnictkin I !3 !=-~:~bata ·· ;1s ;Excei1ent 110120114 -;transplant · :Roadwayeonsiruc11on Ii 4 ·~11veoa1<·· 'il 'Gooil -1nrl'loJ14 -~Ri!move· --;RefeniloiiPondConstrui:ilon · 5 lrncense cedar ---f5 . -:Gooi:t' -!lifflb/14 · -~Remove · -·:RoadwityConsfruction ·---------1- ,Calocedrus decurrens i ; · · 15 ·Coaslllveoak ----~13 1Good--iiOl20/14 -:iransplant ·'RoadwayConstructio·n i '7 :Incense cedar --... i4 -. ,;Faff . /10/'l0/14 -'.Preserve iRoadway Coiistructiori=lciw Impact I 8 !eoasrliveoak 1en ·i aooif --J'f0~0/14 ;trarniplant i RoadwayCoiistruciion ! !9 ;eoast live oak . :, .Go·oa -;,0120114 '.Traiispiant . !Rriadway'Corisfrucikin 11 I • , I i 10 jeoastnveoak ,8 ;Good· -J10J2oli4 :Transplant -fRoiidway~nstrucilon -·-i 11 ,Coasilive oak· 17 :G-oodiFair 110.12'tm.ii :Praseive -:Aoaclway·c::ons1rucllon .--1 • f I f . I 12 1Coiittiveoak 111 -·'.Gooif-l1Mo/14 :transj:ilant ·(RoaawayCoiistiuctlon 13 iCafriofnia black walnui'-\19 :Poor ' .. i rn12oi14 -jAeiiicive -:Floadway Coiistructlim I ;J~lans hindsii i ' J ,14 1A1eppo plne :5 · ·Fair}Poor · \10120rt4 :Remove 1Ffoadway eoristiucliori ·1 1s · i~'i~~~~tsis ---; 11 · :Poor ··--hor1t>Jf4 -;Ftemow ·--ilfoadwiy Coristriictlon ·--i '16 · *5 p1~~-·-·-·--· · !f2 '.~oor -·lto~o714 ·-!Remove 'RoaawayConsfu:tion ~ 11 :va11eyoai< -· --!11 · -Good ·--:10120,u · -·rransplant · i~oactway·coristrucllon ·-~ 111 !c-oast11veoak -120/16 ·--;Gooi:i ·-hoi26/f4 -Ifieroove -]Ai:iadwayeonstruction I 19 JCoast lfve o·iik 1a --:FalrlPooi fn,12oif4 -:i:temow -iRriiiawayConsfnicilon -_j 24 jeoast lfve o'iik i21· ;(3'ooa!F'e]r'!1oi'roli4 -· ;Remove -:~oiidway /Storm Drain Construction I 25 '.eoast lfve oak : ff --;GoocJJFairT1 ol'lofi4 --jrransp1aiit · \Roadway rstorm ora,n· Construction · -, , ' . I 26 1eoasrnve oak 110 -\1oocliFair i1oi'20714 --''Transplant · :Aoac1way'Construcdon i 27 :coast live oak ---)1 s · -;Good/Fair \1ID'lo/f4 --'.Remove ·-· )Roiiawaytonslfuak,-n j 28 !t:ouillve·oak ;Hi' --'.Gi:ioa -r1012i1/14 ;'rrariipla'nt '.A'oai:fway ·eo·nsfn.icdoii I 29 ,Coasiflveoal( \14 . __ :Good/F"afr l:f (ft207f4 ··-·'.Remove -:Roaaway·construcli<iif -~ JO ;Valley oak --.19 . :Fair --Tf(j/2oif4 -:Remove ·,RoadwayCoristrucifon/Slorm Drain ·l 34 ;eoasHiile oak 12 :Good -·;t0/20/14 -lfrarisj)larit ·siorm brain Construction --. ! 35 Vaney·oak --;17 ~GooaJFalr ho1'i<>7f4 -~Remove · 'storm t>raln Construction - 48 :va1eyoak is "FafriPoor \1<>flofi4 -:Remove .Aeteiriiori'Pond Conslruciion U :Coastlive ·oak i'tll/15 -·· ;Good ·-j101'l0/14 -\Remove RoadwayConstruction - &3 jCoast live oak : t 5 :oooa· -; H>l:i!o7i4 -Remove Roadway corisfruct1iin · I ;8 -"Good -1'!'012t)/14 1Transplant . Retention Pond Constiuctlon If: ;~= ~= ::: 16 .. Good/Fair! H)/'l0714 --'Remove --. Reteriiori' Pond Construction ' .90 ·Coastliveoak ,12 Good/Fair p ot20/f4 ·rransplant _Roadway Construction f109 ·coast live oak ·15 ;l:xcellerit ii'Ofi:0/14 . ;'Remove ---:RoailwiiyConstructii>n 110 ;Wild plum --;6 -)Ext Poor i tOl'Zo/14 :Remove· 'Roadway ConstiLicilon 1Prunus cerasifera 123 ,'toasrtive oak · 124 Coast live oak ' 125 Coast live oak 1 1 126 :eo~ live oak 134 ,Valley oak , 135 Coast hve oak h38 \/afleyoak !137 ,Coastliveoak Prepared hy Midlall Beodl Coas.ttiog Arborist 12 /14 :10 .16 -39 8 7 ,51513 Dead j10120l14 ;r=rur i10/20/14 ' -Good !10J'l0714 ;Good/Fair i1<>i20/14 'Good 10/20/14 Good 10'20/14 Excellent 10/20/14 Ext Poor 110fl0/14 ' 'Remove 'Sanitary Sewer Construction 'Preserie Sanitary Sewer Construction ·Remove Sanitary Sewer Construction .Rerriove ·Sanitary Sewer Construction Preserve Retention Pond Construction-Low Impact Transplant Roadway Construction Transplant Roadway Construction Preserve Retention Pond Construction· Low Impact i I J j ' < I ' _j October 20, 2014 Surrey Farm Estates Impacts to Trees By Proposed Pla11$A•l andA-lA Los Gatos, California ·1j8 ·1.Coasfl1ve oal< ·---·-po --------Gooa/Fair 10!.!0/14 · -f Preserve --·fRetention-PonifConstruction-Low Impact --. !139 )Coasflfve oal<--. . . !s -----tFair ----·fo121ITT4· -treserve---~tentionPonaConstruciion: Liiwlmpact -.. -, 1 152 !~ppopi"ne" .. -·---·-1 a·--'""1"Goocf" .. -f0/207'14 ---IPreseive--'"isanitaiy'SewerConstructlon"'' I l,49· :Aleppo pine -·-----------19 ----jexcellent f,f2/2omr ··:Remove--f aradfrigror Retention Poncf___ -... ··-----· -----l 1153 iAleppo pfne .. -.. 9 --·-· -1crood""-··-1®0/f.f-· 1:Teserve--fsiiiftar{Siwifr conslructTon )154 :Aleppopme . --··. . . f16 _____ ·-rex 1 -celJent -_10/2o7f4-j eriiove-·--tannary"'Sewer"Construcilon -... , !155 '.Aleppopine "" ----... I~ ... Goocr -· -110/'l0Jf4·--l5reserve -•SariitaiySewerConstruction I /1eo ~lliyoak _____ --·---__ __I ~,-------tFiiir ---10/11m--1Transplanf-i AHernatekcess ConslrucUori . -. . J11 ' I ' I ;1e1 !valley oal<----·-. ----· -rss--.. --\Good .... --T2727>7f<l'. -yreserve ·----i~-derate-Roofl>aiiiage"".:AffiimaieAccess---· .. , ;162 ,Coasffiveiialc ... ·---· -... r ----· ·-... ·1Giioa.. ·i111l8i1s-· ·-:Preserve ·· -i~:~~!~~~~dby .. GriiiJing·an·crRetaJnliig " ---: :~= ~::;:.:~-_:~--=---~·:· .. ·.1~_;_·-... _-.. 1::~-~ :-r=· --~::;::~-,1·:;:~=-:~:::;:~. -----~~-~------~--1 i: ~::.; . . f -: ~~,~ ~r~~~1JOia .. ~"°"'"'-: ~----: I :299 !1:uroiieanonve ·· .. · · · · ti5i5/5T-f · jcroo,r --·1'10120/14 --+mimove --fRo-acfway ·eo-nstruction -· ----·-------· 1 !301 ;eoast nveoa1c-···· ---.. · -1s----· -lcrooa -· 1ID20'/14---+rransi>fanf 1Roaaway (foiislruciiori·-·-· ---· -·------j 1302 /valleyoaC .. --------· --r,u·-.. ·-··-~oa -··--fo7'l07f4 ___ ,Remove-·· "]Grading __ ... -....... --. -··---: 1303 :Coasfllveoalc: ..... _ .. -N ... _ .. ·fGooa ··-· 1012Dtr-i ... ·fR'emove ·1Gradiii'g · · · ...... _ .... -·--· ·-\ f330 ~Coast Hve oar ---... -· s-· --·· 1'Gooa· --1' 1012o7f4-J: 1 Remove--· 'FfoadwayCo-nsfrii:iion ·--· ---·-... ----------1 I • I ' I !331 '.Un"usea f.fumliei 1 . -"'I .. 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I 338 !coiifl1veoa1c · -··--......... s------~Goocc · -1oi20714 __ J TranspJanf"-1RoadwafConstriii.':tion"... ·· 1 !342 '.valieyoa-c -------·-· · --fff ---·-· · ti=arr--·-11®om ·-1Remove --l Roa"ilwayConstruction · .. i 1345 ;eoas1Tive oak .. · · -----· --·rs .. -· ·--1·Faff----110120114 --)'Remove .. -:R'oaciwayConstriicilon 1 '346 !Valleyoak · . 114 -1 Fair . f<>l20714·---·~emove·--tRo-adwa{Construction I !349 jeoasfllveoal< .. · -------~ .. -· · ·fcrooil ·-.. -J~o.1201n --:Uansplanf ~oiidway Oonsfruciiori ·· · -1 i:~ :::::.:: -.. --~:-,,·:. . •... !::=:: ;::~t=~-:::: · 1 !357 lfricense-ceclar"· . if .. lE'xcellenf -Tif1207i4 .. /Transplant .. :Roadway C'onstnicifcin .. • :358 ;incense cedar .. -.. -jll -· JGooir·---no12on:.r ··-'rransplant" -~oacfwafConstri.Jctiori ·-~ !359 Jiioenseceaar --. ·---15"'"' -~Fair-· ·-+@'R>/14 --!Remove "1Roaaway'Consiruction I i3so hncense ·ceaar · ---· · s -.. -.. ·,Poor · .. · f, 012oJl4· --!Remove ___ --f AoadwaYtonsiuciion i !361 :Incense cedar .. ·-----. -·Tr ·--... _ .. jGoocr·· ··-1 1oflo/f4 ---·J Remove -----· 1 'Fioadway Construction j f 3&2 )rncerise ceaar ........ · .. -ts ---_ .. !Ext Poor -t,o.12o/'f4 .. · 1Jteriiove -'jl10acfway~iinstructiori r:; :.:.::~::~r . ::~ .. --..... · 1;3_·.-·: __ -~·-1::: ·~:~:1::::~~· i:;;:;:: ~::~= I :36s 'Tricerise ceifaf' .. -· · · · --;9 -·-· · _ .. _!Excelleiif fo12orr:.i ·· +Preserve -1'Roacfway ·consiructiori j 1366 :incense cedar'···-··· · ..... ~e -· ·1<iooc1 · · ·h012o114 -·!Preserve· · ·ir~oaawafConstriidion 1 !:~::--I~--r=· l:: ~;:;:: J::~:!..~ ----1 :319 ,Incense cedar ... ··· .... · ~s-· ..... · iexcenenr J1101'2o7f4' · 1'frarisplanT -;~adway Coiisiruciion· I , I' , I , 370 .lncense·cedar -... --... ff 0--. -"11=aif'-· . -ff072o/f4 ... __ (Preserve·-· iRoad'way Construction-Low lmpact t371 :Valley' oak' . . ·-· is .. IGood' . t10120M ~P'reserve . -rRoadway Coiistrucifon-Lciwrmpact -- !312 :Coasfl,veoak __ 'i5·13 .... -ii:alr · ·· ·_ ~!~0120114-· !Preserve ... -Tffoaclway Construction ;m :unuseaNum&er -1 -• .. · Prepared by Michail Bench Consulting Al'borist .. J. . ' i i .... , October 20, 2014 Sun-, Jlarm E1tata lapacts ID Trta ByPnposed PlansA-1 udA-lA [314 :unused Number i--· · ·· i I f382 /Jaley"'o-ak ··-.s --;Poor -j1o720T14 '.Remove ;FfoactwiyOonsfriletion t 383 '.Varley oak -49 Good -/10120114. -)Preserve ;Minor Root munage ::AJ1emate Access 403 ,Valeyoak ;3g · Good !10120114 :Remove· ·;araaing/DrivevayConstii.Jctloii f449 -;~ pine ~9 -'.!=air ;'10/20714 -;Aeinovti :Grading"/ DrivevayCoiiriui:tion 451 ;Nappo plrie :11 'Fair "/10120114 . :Remove 'Grading J Drlveviy Corisiticllon 452 j1Jeppo-pme h4 · ··lu --(1<>i'l0tr4 -;·Remove :-a,i:fdmgJOnvev ayConstruclii>n 454 :Aleppo pine i 11 -:Fair --iro12M4 !Remove -~Grading, oiwevay eo"ilstrucilon 455 :lncense·cedar --)s --:ext Poor roQ0/14 --'Remove __ :Griding - ~51 !1ncenii1 cedar ;s --rext Poor -· 11M011, -'Remove -Gradiig -· ------· · -· 1 460 ·:A __ ~~-·po_-_-i>_lne_ -_ /9 .. --!Fair" -i1Molf4' .:118'nk;ve ;Graifing'/briveviiyConslructlon -- 461 ;.._,., pine i10 'Poor -~101ioJ14 · ·Remove ·Graiirig -· · ------ ~ ;1ni:enseceilar :1 ----:Ext Poor irni"lo/14 -"F~eiiiove ,Grading - 2 rArippopine -jsn ___ ;t:ilr --tt0~07f4 ~Remove -;Gridlrig/Drlvevay'Coiistrucilon ·-- :lncanse cedar :s --:-ext Poor li0'20lf4 --~ve :Grading ! !Aleppoplrie ;11 'Falr --;m120114 -;R-iimove ·-:Gradirig/brfvevayCorisfructiori 1s12 ·).Aieppo ·pine ---l1s -· l Fair ---· 110120114 --Remove /Grading --- 51s ·!1nceose cedar ----\8 iFair ·-110/20/14 --;Remove :Grading -- 511 ~nceiisecedar --;! -:Poor ·-h-0120H4 -1 Aernow --;Graaiiig ·-- 520 t"Aieppopfne ;9 --)!=afr -ho!i6/14 --(Reioove· '.·Grading -------------- t 521 iA1eppo pme :13 '.Fair --pID:!0114 -:Remove -.Graainf - s22 !Aleppo i>ine · :9 --'.Poor --:1ow11"4 -'~emow 'Grading · 1 525 :Aleppo pine · ho :Fair · -\fot2ClJf4 · -Remove :(lrailing 1,21 · if license ·cec1ar· 17 ----: Fair --: 107l0fl 4 -Remove -'Grading !s21 \incense cec1"ar ·1s ---'Poor --!10r.10114 --'Remove ·-\~rad1riQ · s21 ·:7'1eppc) pr1e -· 11 Poor · '.101201n -:·Remove :<lrailing I ' . 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Mlcllail Beach Ceualtin& Arborist ' Wall Construction :5 '.Good ·-i1~13 ,Preserve 'seiierelybamage<ibyGradirigaridRetaining , Wal Construction : 12 ·Good / 1Ot8i/14 Preserve -Severely-Damaged by Grading and Retafnirig \ WaU Consl'uction 118 'Good '.10/20714 -'.Preserve 'RoadQ>nstruction • Moderate Impact --- \e· --.0eitc:i ;H>ti0114 -· ;F~emove Jloaciwayeoiistruciion ' I :7 'excellent ·10/20714 Preserve ·RoadwayCorisirudiori Giiod '10/11/12 '.Excellent ;10111112 'Good --!10!l0/14 i 'Good/Fair (10i'20/14 ' ~Good/Fair '10/20114 [ :excellent !10/11/12 "Fair :10/20/14 :40 :Fair .10/20/14 ' :33 Fair 10/'l0/14 ,32 'Good ;10/20/14 :Trarisplait . Transplant 'Preserw Preserve : Presel'\/9 Transplant Remowi Preserve Preserve :Preserve Ro.idway ConstriJction Aoadway"Constn.iction 'Roadway Constrlietion 'Roadway Constructlon · Roadway Construction Grading for Retention Pond _Sanitary Sewer Construction :Retention Pond Cohstruciion-Low Impact Retenion Pond Construction-l.Ow Impact 'Grading for Pond-Moderate Los Gatw, Califoraia October 21, 2114 Surrey Farm Emtes 1soa · fCoasfnve oaK rsM ·frncense ceclar ·---· 1595 11:uropean··or.ve· --·-,. Prepared by Michail Balch Con,altin& Arboriat Impacts to Trees ByPropoled Plus A-1 ud A-lA Los G1to1, Clllifornia October 20, 2014