M01-31-1 Study Session MEETING DATE: 01/31/2017 TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT ITEM NO: 1 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION JANUARY 31, 2017 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, to hold a Priority Setting Study Session at 6:00 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Marico Sayoc, Vice Mayor Rob Rennie (remote participant), Council Member Marcia Jensen, Council Member Steve Leonardis, Council Member Barbara Spector. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Sayoc led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. STUDY SESSION PURPOSES • Check in on Core Goals, revise and edit as needed • Select Strategic Priorities for 2017 - 2019 • Provide staff direction on preparation of Operating and Capital Budgets, including use of FY2015/16 savings PRIORITY SETTING SESSION 1.Meeting Overview Facilitator Dr. Shawn Spano provided an overview of the meeting process. 2.Town Council Discussion of Core Goals (Good Governance, Community Character, Public Safety, Quality Public Infrastructure, Fiscal Stability, and Civic Enrichment). Council affirmed the Core Goals. 3.Town Council Review and Discussion of Background Materials. Town Manager, Laurel Prevetti, presented the staff report. 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov PAGE 2 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 4.Public Comment (for items regarding the Study Session). The Mayor opened public comment. Ellis Weeker, Arts and Culture Commission (ACC) -Requested Council consider committing staff time to facilitate the preparation of a strategic plan for the ACC. Vanessa Merlano, Santa Clara County Aging and Adult Services -Commented in support of obtaining an age friendly city designation. Angelia Doerner -Commented on the upcoming developments that will impact the primary intersections downtown along Hwy 9. David Weissman -Requested the hillside visibility standards, the tobacco retail licensing and protection from second hand smoke in multi-unit housing, and the hillside fence ordinances be addressed in the coming year. David Stonesifer, ACC Commissioner -Requested that support of the arts be put back on the priority list. Tom Spilsbury -Requested Council enhance the public arts and sustain a public arts funding mechanism. Mary Alden Goulart, Executive Director of Live Oak Senior Nutrition and Service Center -Commented in support of the age friendly designation. Maureen Cappon-Javey, Chair of ACC -Encouraged Council to invest heavily in the arts. Tom Picraux -Commented in support of obtaining the age friendly city designation. Hanah Itani, President of League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara County -Encouraged participation in the age friendly city designation. Tom Driscoll -Requested the removal of the eucalyptus trees on Hilow . PAGE 3 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 Public Comment – continued Rita Baum -Commented on why the Town has an arts commission. Ed Lozowicki -Requested the removal of the eucalyptus trees on Hilow. Lee Fagot -Requested residents be added to the Council Finance Committee to assist Council and staff. Jak Van Nada -Commented on a proposal to appoint three residents to the Council Finance Committee to assist Council and staff. Terry Duryea -Commented on the need to address the pension debt. Lisa Mammal -Commented in support of addressing cut through traffic. Michael Silva -Commented on the need for business owners to be able to purchase parking permits and the construction of a parking garage downtown. Lee Quintana -Commented in support of an update of the grading policy, attic policy, hillside development guidelines, formula retail, and restaurant policies; consider hiring a grant writer; and address traffic. Peter Hertan -Commented on the need to address pension debt and funding possibilities. Natalie Ladd, Chair of Transportation and Parking Commission -Commented on the need for congestion relief, traffic around schools, and community transit. Loreen Huddleston -Commented on the need for business owners to purchase parking permits. PAGE 4 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 Public Comment – continued Kim Vrijen, Fisher Middle School Parent Representative to the Safe Routes to School Coalition -Commented on the need for funding for the Safe Routes to School program with improvements to infrastructure. Tom Boyce -Thanked Council and staff for their work on the Almond Grove and the ongoing support to complete the job. Catherine Somers, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce -Commented on the need for economic vitality to be a priority, the need for more staffing for economic vitality, and the need for funds for marketing for the Town as a whole. Alex Hult, Owner of Hult’s Restaurant and President of the Chamber of Commerce -Commented on the need to address the loss of sales tax, how to attract and keep businesses, the need to streamline the permitting process for businesses, building the parking garage, and vibrancy for the Town. Chris Potter -Commented in favor of the cut through traffic project. The Mayor closed public comment. Recess at 8:31 p.m. Reconvened at 8:43 p.m. 5.Town Council Identification of Any Other Items to Add as Potential Priorities. Dr. Spano asked Council Members to identify any new items as potential priorities as part of the discussion of priorities under the next agenda item. 6.Town Council Discussion and Selection of New Priorities and Budget Direction. After Council discussion, each identified their top priorities. PAGE 5 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 New Priorities and Budget Direction #6 – continued Council Member Leonardis Safe Routes to School ($300,000)  Cut Through Traffic Summer 2017 ($300,000)  Increase Funding for Street Tree Maintenance throughout Town ($100,000)  Los Gatos-Almaden Road Study ($75,000)  Footbridge Lights ($75,000)  Explore Funding Options for Public Art ($25,000)  Hilow Eucalyptus Trees Maintenance ($25,000)  Corp Yard Building Replacement ($200,000)  Save $3,000,000 for decision later when the report on unfunded liabilities is returned to  Council in April State/Federal Mandates  Smoking Ordinance o Fence Ordinance o Marijuana Ordinance o Obtain Age-Friendly Community Designation  Historic Preservation Committee recommendations:  Building height o Attic Conversion Policy o Demolition Ordinance o Add residents as committee members to the existing Council Finance Committee  Mechanical Devices to Increase Trash Capture  Implement Measure B Projects  Council Member Jensen Unfunded liabilities ($2,000,000)  Finish Strategic Priorities that are 50% or more complete  Downtown Parking (all types)  All Mandated Ordinances  Wildlife Fence Ordinance  Retail and Restaurant Definitions  Implement Measure B Projects  Smart Signals  Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to 70  Safe Routes to School List for Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements  Add residents as committee members to the existing Council Finance Committee  Explore Funding Options for Public Art ($25,000)  PAGE 6 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 New Priorities and Budget Direction #6 – continued Vice Mayor Rennie Pension Liability ($2,000,000)  PCI at current level ($900,000)  Complete Parking Garage and other parking strategies  Measure B (especially the Traffix model)  Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan implementation  Mandated Ordinances  Fence Ordinance  Hilow Eucalyptus Trees Maintenance  Cut Through traffic  Increase public involvement in the existing Council Finance Committee  Obtain Age-Friendly Designation  Public Nuisance Ordinance  Simplify the Process for Downtown Conditional Use Permits (CUPs)  Spend Almond Grove Dollars Smarter  Explore Funding Options for Public Art  CERT  Council Member Spector Would not spend any money until April discussion on pension options  Add community members to Council Finance Committee sooner rather than later  Cut Through Traffic  Measure B Funding  Move forward with selling, leasing, reusing Town properties  Government mandated ordinances  Move forward with parking garage  Footbridge lighting and artwork and use funding that has been set aside  Fence Ordinance  Smoking Ordinance expansion  Hilow Eucalyptus Trees Maintenance  Safe Routes to School list for traffic improvements  Obtain Age-Friendly Designation  Finish Strategic Priorities that are 75% complete  PAGE 7 OF 7 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL PRIORITY SETTING STUDY SESSION OF JANUARY 31, 2017 DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2017 New Priorities and Budget Direction #6 – continued Mayor Sayoc Unfunded liabilities ($2,000,000) and staff to come up with a strategy to use it  Cut Through Traffic  Street Maintenance/PCI to 70  Measure B funding  Finish Strategic Priorities that are 50% or more complete  Downtown parking strategies beyond the garage  Smoking Ordinance  Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan/Safe Routes to School Improvements  Obtain Age-Friendly Designation  CERT  7.Wrap Up and Next Steps. Based on the Council’s priorities, the items for the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Operating Budget total approximately $235,000 and for the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Capital Budget total approximately $2.5 M, including the PCI maintenance item. Direction for staff: -Provide to Council an updated list of Strategic Goals for the next two years -Provide to Council a comprehensive list of ordinance priorities -Begin to prepare the Operating and CIP budgets for consideration in May with the direction provided tonight. Additional milestones include: Budget Study Session on February 21 o Mid-year budget consideration at February 21 Council meeting o Consideration of a resolution to transfer $2,000,000 from the Budget Stabilization o Fund to the CalPERS Reserve -Continue work with the Commissions with the direction around the age friendly community designation, arts, and bicycle and pedestrian safety. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Attest: _____________________________________ /s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator