Staff Report PREPARED BY: MONICA RENN Economic Vitality Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS TOWN COUNCIL REPORT MEETING DATE: 2/6/2018 ITEM NO: 12 DATE: JANUARY 30, 2018 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: DECIDE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES HELD ON THE LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER LAWN EACH JUNE THROUGH AUGUST RECOMMENDATION: Decide next steps for the park summer concert series held on the Los Gatos Civic Center lawn each June through August. BACKGROUND: Since 1988, Music in the Park (MIP) has been a free public summer concert series held on Sunday afternoons from June through August on the Los Gatos Civic Center lawn . Over the years MIP has been managed by multiple parties including the Town’s Arts and Culture Commission, Los Gatos Music and Arts (LGM&A), and Los Gatos Music in the Park (LGMIP). In the past several years there have been several changes in the annual production of MIP. In 2015, LGM&A notified the Town that they would not be seeking to enter into a new agreement to manage and administer MIP. In December 2015, the Town Council reviewed and discussed options regarding MIP and issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the production, management and coordination of MIP. In January 2016, the Town Council reviewed the two proposals that were submitted and selected Los Gatos Music in the Park (LGMIP) to produce, manage, and promote MIP with a contract valid through September 30, 2017. Following the final concert in September 2017, staff contacted LGM IP to set up a meeting to debrief the series and discuss a prospective contract for future years. At its December 5, 2017 meeting, the Council authorized the Town Manager to enter into another contract with LGMIP PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: DECIDE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES HELD ON THE LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER LAWN EACH JUNE THROUGH AUGUST JANUARY 30, 2018 BACKGROUND (cont’d): for two years under the same terms and conditions as the last contract. On December 7, 2017, the Town received a letter from LGMIP stating that they would not be managing the MIP Summer Concert Series. On December 21, 2017, following Town Council direction, Town staff issued a RFP for the production and management of the 2018 Music in the Park Summer Concert series. The RFP was sent in an email to over 40 past Town event organizers, local service clubs, and event production companies that have shown potential interest in the opportunity. In addition, it was posted on: the Town’s website homepage; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Next Door Social Media accounts; and the weekly What’s New. Staff also reached out to known regional music promoters to inform them of the RFP and request they distribute the information within their networks. The deadline for RFP submittals was January 24, 2018, and at the conclusion of the deadline no proposals were received. DISCUSSION: Given no external parties stepped forward to manage MIP, and recognizing the social, cultural, and economic value that MIP brings to the Town of Los Gatos, staff recommends that Council discuss options for potentially producing the 2018 summer concert series internally by Town staff. As previously noted, the Town’s Arts and Culture Commission did at one time manage the concert series; however, it was determined that the Commission could not solicit donations for the series. It is important to note that internal management of the 2018 summer concert series would require significant Town staff resources and possible additional financing not previously programmed requiring tradeoffs with other Town priorities. If the Council would like to consider internal management of the MIP events, two options the Council may consider are: • Maintain a sponsor-based business model for the MIP concert series with staff doing the logistical work of selecting, managing, and promoting musical artists. • Produce, manage and coordinate MIP exclusively with Town staff and resources at an estimated cost of potentially more than $60,000 As stated in the RFP, the successful production of the concert series requires the following organizational capabilities for either option: • Plan, organize, produce, manage, and fund the Music in the Park summer concert series to provide a positive, high quality, social experience through music for families and community members. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: DECIDE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES HELD ON THE LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER LAWN EACH JUNE THROUGH AUGUST JANUARY 30, 2018 DISCUSSION (Continued): • Audition, book, contract with, and pay the performers. • Provide a professional sound system and sound engineer on site for the duration of the concert. • Provide an adequate number of staff and volunteers to run the concerts and clean after the concerts. • Maintain a clean, safe, and attractive environment for the concerts. • Oversee the performers. The dates below reflect what the typical Sunday evening concert series would be for 2018. However, it should be noted that a shorter concert series could be programmed due to insufficient sponsorships, partial Town subsidy, and/or availability of musical artists. June 10, 17, 24 July 1, 8, 22, 29 August 5, 19, 26 Decision elements of both options are discussed in more detail below. If the Council chooses to pursue either of these options, staff would need additional time to analyze the necessary budget and workload implications, and return to Council with a completed business plan. In addition, given the existing workload of the Town Manager’s Office, the vacant Management Analyst position would need to be filled promptly to help facilitate the MIP program responsibilities. Sponsor Based MIP Model The MIP concert series has historically been funded through a sponsor based business model. This has required the producers to develop partnerships, promotions, and sponsorships with businesses and organizations in Los Gatos. Town staff has some familiarity with the previous sponsoring businesses and could work to establish partnerships for 2018. To do this, the Town Council Solicitation and Donation Policy 2-17 (Attachment 1) requires prior Council approval as stated below: “Targeted solicitation is defined as the direct petition or contact of specific individuals, companies, foundations or other entities initiated by the Town Council and other elected officials, Council advisory bodies, and Town employees herein called “Town Officials” for the purpose of receiving goods, services, or other contributions for the Town. Targeted solicitation excludes the direct petition for government, private, or non-profit grants for Council-approved PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: DECIDE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES HELD ON THE LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER LAWN EACH JUNE THROUGH AUGUST JANUARY 30, 2018 DISCUSSION (Continued): programs, projects, and services. Unless prior approval has been given by Council, Town Officials shall not engage in targeted solicitation activities on behalf of the Town.” Even with prior Town Council approval, there is no guarantee that staff would be successful in soliciting sufficient funding for all of the dates for the typical MIP concert series. Town Subsidized Model This production model requires all the same organizational elements of the sponsorship model with the exception of seeking sponsorships. As previously stated a fully subsidized Town concert series is estimated to cost approximately $60,000 including staff time. Additional analysis by staff will be necessary to refine cost estimates for the 2018 music program. In addition, the estimated costs will assume that staff is successful in recruiting sufficient volunteers for security, set-up, take down, and cleanup. Below is a listing of known vendor needs based on prior years. • Locate and book 10 music acts • Town stage setup/maintenance • Sound equipment delivery/setup/tear down • Portable toilets (8), ADA (1), hand wash stations (4) • Graphic design and banner/poster production • Additional Garbage/Recycling • Sound engineer CONCLUSION: Staff seeks Council direction on whether they would like staff to prepare a business plan to produce and manage all aspects of a weekly Music in the Park Summer Concert Series held on the Los Gatos Civic Center lawn each June through August. COORDINATION: This report was coordinated with the Town Manager’s and Town Attorney’s Offices. FISCAL IMPACT: Additional financial impacts may result depending on the option selected by the Town Council. Staff will conduct a full analysis of costs, if any, pending the direction of the Town Council. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: DECIDE NEXT STEPS FOR THE PARK SUMMER CONCERT SERIES HELD ON THE LOS GATOS CIVIC CENTER LAWN EACH JUNE THROUGH AUGUST JANUARY 30, 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachment: 1. Solicitation and Donation Policy