161owN nF MEETING DATE: 7/2/01 ITEM NO. / W i COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT !ps 60.t�S DATE: JUNE 28, 2001 TO: MAYOR AND TO OUNCIL FROM: TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: POLICY REGARDING MAINTENANCE OF ALLEYS RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised policy regarding maintenance of alleys. BACKGROUND: In September, 1991, a report was prepared entitled REPORT ON EXISTING CONDITIONS for the Redevelopment Agency of the Town. This report had a section entitled ADVERSE CONDITIONS OF ALLEYS. This report documented poor pavement and drainage conditions as well as other issues. It indicated that "typical conditions" include surface deterioration, potholes, and irregular pavement edges of the some one and a half miles (about 6,000 lineal feet) of alleys. Each year the Town receives several complaints regarding the condition of the alleys and requests to do repairs. The Town Attorney has repeatedly advised that once the Town does even minimal maintenance, it will have assumed the legal responsibility to maintain those alleys from then on. DISCUSSION: The attached map shows the location and lineal feet of alleys within the Redevelopment Agency. These alleys are in various states of repair. Some have been improved by adjacent property owners as conditions of development, and some are in very poor condition. Engineer's estimates for reconstructing the worst alleys is approximately $200,000. Staff believes that the life of these alleys would be between 10 and 20 years before any significant additional maintenance such as slurry sealing would be required. These alleys are located in the redevelopment project area so presumably the Agency would fund the reconstruction work. IIS PREPARED BY: LES WHITE "' Y 1 4 � Interim Director of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: Attorney Clerk yl Finance _Community Development Revised: 6/28/01 5:02 pm Reformatted: 5/30101 Nib &ETNCLRPTSWIry Repon wpd PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: POLICY REGARDING MAINTENANCE OF ALLEYS JUNE 28, 2001 CONCLUSION: In view of the condition and minimal length of alleys in the Redevelopment Agency project area, the constant source of complaints that the Town receives, the relatively small cost to get these alleys in good condition, and the need for various services using alley access — refuse collection, fire and police — staff would recommend that Town policy be changed to accept maintenance responsibility for these alleys. If the Council /Agency approves this recommendation, staff would advise property owners along these alleys of the policy change and would coordinate construction work with the street resurfacing contracts to ensure the best price for this work. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time, however, should Council /Agency approve this change in policy to accept maintenance responsibility for these alleys, staff would prepare a budget adjustment for Council consideration on a future agenda. Attachment: Map of Alleys Distribution: Bob Cowan, 222 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dennis Grist, 215 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Brian Hutchins, 218.5 Massol Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 TOTAL LENGTH OF ♦ ALLE)�S = 5,620 L.F. �♦ m 1 z e 0117 .0 /erq� f` IIH m Bb�°m Hill Rmd �.� �p S b � m /OS Wr I ro"s & O aj„ OS I Sr � ogYa Rpm I Mood 4 ? 8 v e �/ F S Riviaro O/ l Obesrer Se ,yv av� av /a m tr e m`O ti steno q o Y v m 3 r TOWN �i awm g a / /ti m aq € b m F y yam} \P 5 ZX A5ZM r ro ve !/ E. Main Streat Lot CFNTEiI 8 n/ 17 9 Ae lava y"O, brilml Town Council Minutes Redevelopment Agency July 2, 2001 Los Gatos, California MAINTENANCE OF TOWN ALLEYSlPOLICY DISCUSSION (16.24) Les White reported on the condition of alleys in the downtown area. He spoke of the one and a half miles of these alleys and the requests that have been received for the Town to maintain these areas. Council Comments and Discussion: Mr. Attaway asked if the alleys were private or public property. Mr. Korb explained that the alleys that are not maintained are private alleys but if the Town commenced to maintain the alleys they would become public property by the fact of the maintenance and use. Mr. Glickman questioned the spending of public funds on private property and asked how the ownership could be officially transferred to the Town. Mr. Korb explained that these alleys are essentially public ways. They at one time were offered and dedicated to the county but were never accepted. If the Town accepted the dedication, it would accept by proceeding with the maintenance. The Town could make the determination that these alleys serve the public and therefore it is in the public interest to pave them. These dedications can be accepted formally by deed or informally by maintenance. Once accepted it is a public way. Mrs. Decker noted that there are only five alleys, and that the Town has allowed those alleys to be used for garbage pick up, fire protection, and emergency use. The town has shared the use of these alleys with the owners and the rest of the community. She believes that these ways should be kept in working order due to the heavy traffic impact to the neighborhoods in which they are located and the need for alternative emergency routes. She noted that Council could be flexible and listen to the neighbors regarding the care and use of their own immediate alley. The following people from the audience addressed this issue: Bob Cowan, 222 Tait Ave, thanked Council for addressing this issue. He noted that if his deed gave him property rights to the center of the alley then he could add on to his house. He spoke of cottages that line that alley and use it as a street. He noted that in the Redevelopment Plan the alleys were identified as a significant portion of the blight in the downtown and therefore a portion of the tax increment from the turnover sales should go to repair of these alleys. Dennis Grist, 215 Tait Ave, has been talking to the people on his alley. Eighteen properties are facing the alley and he is speaking for them. He asked who owned the alley, and where that ownership extends He questioned gating their alley and keeping it private. He noted that it was not a driveway but access to property. Nayan McNeill, 225 Johnson, spoke of the alley between Johnson and Loma Alta. It has been called Reed Head Alley over the years. She was also speaking for Bob Ray of 209 Johnson who was unable to attend. The half of the alley she was addressing has no traffic access for anyone. They hoped to have the alley vacated so that it could return to private property in order to maintain a pedestrian walkway down the middle Gary Trovinger 139 Tait Ave, spoke of the paving contractor who lives on his alley and keeps it repaired. Jim Lyon, 239 Johnson Ave, lives on Reed Head Lane, the unpaved portion of the alley. He would like to see it kept as a gravel walkway for water perculation reasons. Trees are there and need the water from the gravel road. If it is paved then drainage must be addressed. Leave the trees hanging low to discourage any vehicles. She asked if town maintains the alley for vehicles, will it supervise traffic and parking also. Richard Fox, 211 Glen Ridge Ave, has Apricot Way to the rear of his house. The 100 -200 block has a wider road that has cottages actually accessing the alley as a street on which they front. Another portion is much narrower and the last section is a small back alley fronting Bachman Park. He mentioned the bad corner of Glen Ridge and Nickelson and how drivers will cut through on Apricot to avoid that corner. He noted the public traffic regulatory signs that are already on this alley. He would prefer that the upgrades to the alley were kept at a minimum so that cut through traffic will not start thinking of the alley as an alternative road. TC:DOMAM1070201 6 Town Council Minutes July 2, 2001 Redevelopment Agency Los Gatos, California MAINTENANCE OF TOWN ALLEYS/POLICY DISCUSSION /CONT. Speakers continued: Chett Letsinger, 255 Johnson Ave, spoke of the natural little alley that is now a dead end alley. He would like it maintained with only gravel to allow the water build up to perculate into the ground. Joseph Riggio, 122 Wilder Ave, spoke of Victory Lane, its heavy use and its constant disrepair. He favors that alley being appropriately maintained if there are some traffic controls installed like speed bumps. He would not like to see the little alley used as a speed way. Anamaria Walker, 307 Johnson Ave, spoke of the water drainage problem on this alley. She noted that the problem is not the paving but the drainage. If the alley is paved it will create a river. Richard Bonetti, 131 Johnson Ave, lives on the 100 block between Cross and Los Gatos Blvd. He would like this alley paved due to the turn around traffic that occurs in this location. Brian Hutchins, 218 Massol Ave, if alley is assumed for public right of way, people will drive faster on the alley way and pedestrians and playing children will be at jeopardy. No one else from the audience addressed this subject. Council Comments and Discussion: Mr. Pirzynski observed that the neighborhood surrounding each alley had a very different perspective as to how their alley should be maintained and cared for. He would like the character of each alley maintained. He asked that staff reconsider these alleys and how they might be maintained and repaired before the next rainy season. Traffic calming measures may be incorporated, but pot holes should not be considered such a measure. Mr. Glickman believes that maintenance of the alleys is an appropriate use of redevelopment funds whether the alleys are public domain or private. He asked that the issues be resolved on a location by location basis first and then a plan for maintenance be implemented. Mrs. Decker addressed the signage of the alleys since they have a great deal of history associated with each one. Mr. Attaway wants to see them all treated equally. He would like a factual report and input from all the neighbors, a decision made, and then one alley maintenance policy for all alleys. Mr. Pirzynski noted that there will not be a consensus of treatment at this time, but he is ensured that there will be a compromise. The alleys are now used by the public and they must be maintained safely. The Town should assume the responsibility fortheir maintenance and address their use and accessibility by emergency and trash collection vehicles. He asked that staff gather more information, address specific issues and return with report Les White, Public Works Director, will review the tapes, and gather input from the neighbors. The Town Manager suggested a meeting with residents of the alleys to discuss the many concerns, and measures for mitigating the problems associated with maintenance. In the $200,000 budget, drainage was included and gravel considered. Orry Korb, Town Attorney, will review the property boundaries and the impacts to the ownership rights of the alleyways. He can complete this in approximately 30 days. TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT AND RULES/RESOLUTION 2001 -77 (17.28) Mr. Davis, resident, spoke to the citizen's ability to file an appeal to make a motion for reconsideration within 10 days of the Council action. Council Comments: Mr. Attaway sees Council as the final decision makers for the actions of the Town. Only Council has the right to ask for reconsideration of itself. He noted that Council works under an adaptation of Robert's Rules and he would like to have a refresher course to review how Council is following its procedures. TC:D13:MM070201 7