Staff Report PREPARED BY: JANETTE JUDD Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/20/16 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2016 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: LAUREL PREVETTI, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ADOPT COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Council Committee Appointments effective January 1, 2017. DISCUSSION: Mayor’s Appointments: Mayor Marico Sayoc has nominated Council Members to Town Boards and Committees, and various regional Commissions, Boards and Committees as shown on the attached 2017 Council Committee Appointment Roster (Attachment 1). Role of Members and Alternates: The appointed Member is the primary attendee and voting participant for the Committee(s) to which they are appointed. If a Member cannot attend, the Alternate should attend on the Member’s behalf as the Los Gatos representative and voting participant. Alternates may attend a meeting as a member of the public in the audience when the Member is in attendance. In these circumstances, the Alternate may not vote or take other action that may affect the primary’s effectiveness on the Committee. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve and adopt the Council Committee Appointments, effective January 1, 2017. Attachments: 1. 2017 Council Committee Appointment Roster 2017 COUNCIL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Council Adoption December 20, 2016 - - Effective January 1, 2017 TOWN COMMITTEES Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Conceptual Development Advisory Committee* The Town Conceptual Development Advisory Committee advises prospective applicants of whether projects are consistent with Town policy prior to initiating the development review process. The committee also identifies and lists problems with the proposal that need to be addressed in the review proces. Two Appointees: Barbara Spector and Marcia Jensen Monthly 2nd Wed 4:30 p.m. Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Council Policy Committee** The purpose of the Town Council Policy Committee is to review and recommend Town Council policy. Two Appointees: Marcia Jensen and Marico Sayoc As Needed Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 1 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Finance Committee**The Town Council Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing Town finance issues on an as needed basis. It serves as the selection and supervising committee for the Town's external auditor. Two Appointees: Steve Leonardis and Rob Rennie As Needed To Be Determined / As Needed Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Steve Conway, Director of Finance (408) 354-6828 General Plan Committee The Town General Plan Committee is responsible for developing land use policy for General Plan or any specific plan. Two Appointees: Barbara Spector and Marcia Jensen 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month 5:30 p.m. Town of Los Gatos Council Chambers, 110 East Main St., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Joel Paulson, Director of Community Development (408) 354-6879 Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 2 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) OUTSIDE AGENCIES' COMMITTEES Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly is a regional agency that represents 9 Bay Area Counties and all cities within those Counties. Membership is voluntary and Town is a member. The ABAG General Assembly determines the fair share housing allocations to each city and county as required by the State. Marcia Jensen Marico Sayoc Meets Twice Yearly: Spring/April TBD Fall/October TBD (8:00am-3:00pm, Oakland Marriott) Spring and Fall Locations TBD Fred Castro (510) 464-7913 fredc@abag.ca.gov Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 3 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) League of California Cities (Peninsula Division) The League of California Cities is a State-wide organization that represents the member cities, holds conferences, provides training sessions, and lobbies the legislature. The League Peninsula Division is the regional division of the League of California Cities which discusses and addresses legislative issues from a regional perspective Marico Sayoc Rob Rennie Quarterly Dinner meeting: February TBD (Annual Dinner and Reception) May TBD Aug TBD October TBD Other: April ___ - Legislative Action Day & Reception June __ to __ - Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum, Location TBD - September / October - Annual Conference, (Dates and Location TBD) TBD Jessica Stanfill - jstanfill@cacities.org (650) 238-4111 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 4 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee The committee is composed of city council representatives of the eight participating non-entitlement cities and one member of the Board of Supervisors who is the chairperson. The committee makes policy recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the HCD Program and the development of a comprehensive, coordinated housing and community development plan. Rob Rennie Marcia Jensen January TBD February TBD (Future Meetings TBD) 2310 N. 1st Street (at Charcot) Charcot Training Center, Suite 100 San Jose Tracy Cunningham tracy.cunningham@ce o.sccgov.org 408/299-5765 Housing and Community Development Offices of Santa Clara County – Office of Affordable Housing 70 West Hedding Street, 7th Floor San Jose, CA 95110 (408) 441-0261 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 5 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - Board of Directors (For scheduling purposes, the SCCCA Board member has typically also been the SCCCA Selection Committee (and) Legislative Action Committee appointee (see next two pages) The Santa Clara County Cities Association Board of Directors presents a unified voice for association members with respect to regional, state, and federal agency activities that impact local government. The Board advocates for member cities by monitoring regional, state, and federal legislation Marico Sayoc Rob Rennie Monthly - 2nd Thursday 7:00-9:00 p.m. January 12 February 9 March 9 April TBD (General Membership Meeting with City Managers) May 11 June 8 September 14 October 12 November 9 December 7 (or) 14 (tentative) (General Membership – Holiday Party Sunnyvale City Hall - West Conference Room 456 Olive Avenue - Sunnyvale, CA Raania Mohsen Executive Director Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 6 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - City Selection Committee The City Selection Committee makes appointments to LAFCO, MTC and the Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission, and recommendations to the County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the Bay Area Quality Management District Board ** Historically the same appointee as the Cities Assoc. Board, as the meetings occur back-to-back Marico Sayoc Rob Rennie Meets as needed (2nd Thursday of each month prior to SCCCA Board Meeting – 6:00 or 6:15 p.m.) (See SCCCA Board of Directors meeting dates on page 6) Sunnyvale City Hall - West Conference Room 456 Olive Avenue - Sunnyvale, CA Raania Mohsen Executive Director Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 7 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara County Cities Association - Legislative Action Committee The Santa Clara County Cities Association Legislative Action Committee reviews the legislative priorities the Board of Directors sets for the year. The Committee tracks State/Federal legislation related to those priorities and makes recommendations to the Board . (Historically the same appointee as the Cities Assoc. Board, as the meetings occur back-to-back.) Marico Sayoc Rob Rennie Meets as needed (2nd Thursday of each month prior to SCCCA Board Meeting (See SCCCA Board of Directors meeting dates on page 6) Sunnyvale City Hall - West Conference Room 456 Olive Avenue - Sunnyvale, CA Raania Mohsen Executive Director Santa Clara County Cities Association 505 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 749 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Executive_Director@ citiesassociation.org (408) 730-7770 Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 8 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Water District Commission The Santa Clara Valley Water District Commission serves in an advisory capacity regarding water- related matters. The Santa Clara Valley Water District is responsible for the storm drain systems on the valley floor. Barbara Spector Steve Leonardis January TBD April TBD July TBD October TBD (2017 Meeting Dates, Times, and frequency are pending as of Dec. 2016) Santa Clara Valley Water District Offices 5750 Almaden Expressway – Board Room San Jose, CA Michelle Critchlow Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 Mcritchlow@valleyw ater.org (408) 265-2607 x 2883 (or) (408) 630-2883 Town Staff Contact: Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 9 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) The VTA Policy Advisory Committee provides policy advice to the VTA Board. The VTA Board is comprised of elected officials from each City and the County. Rob Rennie Marico Sayoc Monthly 2nd Thursday 4:00 p.m. January 12 February 9 March 9 April 13 May 11 June 8 July 15 August 10 September 14 October 12 November 9 December 14 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 3331 N. First, Building B - Room B-104 San Jose, CA 95134-1906 Michelle Garza Board Assistant Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (CMP) 3331 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 michelle.garza@vta.org (408) 546-7977 Town Staff Contact: Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 10 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR85 PAB) Formed in 2015, the VTA State Route 85 Corridor Policy Advisory Board (SR85 PAB) studies the long-term transit and transportation plans to serve the SR 85 Corridor and advises the VTA Board of Directors on the scope, funding and construction of both near- and long-term transit and transportation improvement projects for this corridor. Rob Rennie Marico Sayoc As Needed Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 3331 N. First, Building B - Room B-104 San Jose, CA 95134-1906 Michelle Garza Board Assistant Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (CMP) 3331 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95134 michelle.garza@vta.org (408) 546-7977 Town Staff Contact: Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 11 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Silicon Valley Clean Energy Formed March 2016, the Silicon Valley Clean Energy is a local, public non-profit that will purchase cleaner energy on the open market for residents and businesses in participating communities. Decisions are made through the Board of Directors, which is composed of a representative from each member community. Participating jurisdictions include Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Saratoga, Sunnyvale and the unincorporated parts of Santa Clara County. Rob Rennie (Appointed February 2016. Subsequently appointed by the SVCCEA as Vice Chair of the Board.) Marico Sayoc Monthly 2nd Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 and Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 12 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Agency (JPA) Board of Directors The Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Agency (JPA) Board of Directors reviews issues related to the solid waste management franchise, disposal, recycling, and yard waste agreement. Steve Leonardis Barbara Spector Quarterly 1st Thursday of the month 5:00 p.m. February 2 May 4 September 7 (no Aug mtg) November 2 Monte Sereno City Hall 18041 Saratoga- Los Gatos Road Monte Sereno Marva M. Sheehan, CPA Vice President Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson (HF&H) Consultants, LLC 201 North Civic Drive, Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Phone (925) 977-6961 Fax (925) 977-6955 Email: msheehan@hfh- consultants.com Town Staff Contact: Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 13 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) West Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors The West Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors oversees the treatment of sewage for the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. ............................................... ........ Board of Directors receive $150 stipend per meeting. Steve Leonardis Barbara Spector Monthly 2nd Wednesday (4th Wednesday if needed) 6:00 p.m. January 11 February 8 March 8 April 12 May 10 June 14 July 12 August 9 September 13 October 11 November 8 December 13 West Valley Sanitation District 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Lesha Luu West Valley Sanitation District 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 lluu@westvalleysan.org (408) 378-2407 Town Staff Contact: Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 14 Name of Committee Purpose 2017 Appointee 2017 Alternate 2017 Meeting Schedule Location Contact Person(s) COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS (As Necessary) Parking and Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee Formed by Town Council Action on 2/17/15. Term of committee and defined purpose pending discussion at the 12/20/16 Town Council meeting. Barbara Spector Rob Rennie As Needed Town Council Chambers Town Staff Contact: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager (408) 354-6832 and Matt Morley, Director of Parks & Public Works (408) 399-5770 Town Committee: *Requires Posting of Agenda 72 hours prior to Meeting, **Requires Posting of Agenda 24 hours prior to Meeting 2017 Council Committee Appointments.DRAFT.12-20-16.Excel 12/8/201610:30 AM 15