Ordinance 1145 - DESIGNATING SEVEN (7) STRUCTURES AND THREE (3) LANDMARKS AS HISTORICALLY AND CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT0RDINANCE N0. 1l4s AN ORD INANCE DES IGNAT ING SEVEN (7) STRUCTURES AND THREE (3) LANDMARKS AS H ISTOR ICALLY AND CU LTU RALLY S I GN IF ICANT. The Town Counc il of the Town of Los Ge tos does ordain as follows; SECT ION I. The following structures and Iandmarks are hereby designated historically and cul turally signif icant: HD-73- I /Forbes Mill HD-73-2 /Toll Horse - 142 South Santa Cruz Avenue HD-73'3 / L. Canada Building - l-l/ North Santa Cruz Avenue HD-73-q / n.Cul lagh-Jones House - 18000 0verlook Road HD-73-5 /P"t., Johnson Home - 49 Los Gatos Boulevard HD-73-6 ../ Janes Lyndon Home - 27O East Main Street /ll)'73'7 WHarry Perrin Home - 315 University Avenue HD-73-8 /Ston" Cats - westerly side of Highway I/ ,/HD-73-ll -{,rinchester Boulevard Stone Wal ls - r.,,es t side of !Jinchester Bou I eva rd and north s ide of B ruce Avenue HD-73-12 JCol lege Avenue Stone Wall - east side of College Avenue be tween Ma in Street and Vil la Avenue TllE 0etailed description of the des ignated structures and land- marks, the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c e s w h i c h justify des ignation, and a map showing the location and del ineation of the historic stte, are part of this 0rdinance. -l- sEcT | 01{ 2. The prop.rty I lsted ls dcslgnated to be of hlstorlc, archl- tcctural, or aesthetic sSgnlflcance for the reasons I lsted below. Property: Forbes |ti I I - Sltuated general ly easterly of Highway l/southerly of the Los Gatos High School property, and westeify ifChurch Street. Hlstorlc 0es lgnat lon No. HE-73-! Classlflcatlon (structure or landmark): Structure Descrlptlon of ltem(s) Oeslgnated: The entire stone bui lding Descrlptlon of the characterlstlcs whlch Justlfi the deslgnatlon: t0RBEB l'! !LL: (The birthprace of Los Gatos). James Alexander Forbes,forme r v ice-coungu I in San Franc isco for the British Government, cameto the Santa clara valley in the early l840rs and saw the need for af lour mill in the Valley. ln l05O tre'purchased 3 ,000 acres in thearea of the Los Gatos Creek and proceeded to build a mil!. Ittu l!ll was originally a four story building and was compleoed in g54. The first three stories were of stone quarried from the Los Gatos canyonand the top story was of wood, cut from trees in the mountains bboveLos Gatos. But Forbes knew nothing about flour milling and he extended himselfand was forced into bankruptcy in 1856. The mill passed from hand tohand until 1870 when a stock company headed by U. b. clturtry andJ. l,l . l{cltillen, took it over and made a success of it. lt continuedas a flour mill until 1887 when it became successively a power plantfor the Los Gatos lce and Power Company, a brewing and boltl in9 com-pany, the Los Gatos Gas Company and finally the p.G,EE. substationfor Los Gatos. The mi I I remained a storehouse for p.G.gE. until afteruorld uar ll. lt was then abandoned and finally in l97l nt was revivedas a youth center for Los Ga tos,Description of partlcular fea tures that shou I d be p rese rved inadditlon to ltems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area, appurte-nance, landscape feature, other). None -2- TOWH Cr LD5 C44e9 uttToKtc DZ.lqr,NTlo* Ho. Ho -7b-lroKb?a ATLL AP?Ko/rP O( n-AJ.+lJtr.Jiq CqNNbbloF+ ?NZ L-t5-74 M?povrD bl n laMM at zKK- -3- -t----=\^\ t7-.v R )1 .A \.1.I /ll hr{ll- 7 r cn T 13 t- ---__J=-l ) {oTerH I sr?_- .---_\=.=+ t-- ea\ QDI ( TAA YC tls\ia>\\A ){)..f1'r sEcT t0N 2. The property I lsted ls des lgna ted to be of hlstorlc, archl- tectural, or aesthetic slgniflcance for the reasons I isted below. Property: Tol I House - 142 South Santa Cruz Avenue Hlstorlc 0eslgnatlon t{o. HD-73-2 Classlflcation (structure or landmark): Structure Descrlptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: The exterlor of the woodenstructure. Descrlptlon of the characterlstlcs which justlfi the deslgnatlon: ToLL HoUSE: The Santa Cruz Turnpike Joint Stock Company which wasorganized in l.larch 1858 and incorporated in l8!!, had as its purposethe construction of a road from Forbes Hill on the Los Gatos Creekthrough the Santa C ruz Gap to the Santa Clara-Santa C ruz Cou n ty I i ne.Its purpose was to facil itate bringing the lumber from the mountainsto the market in the Valley. lt was a toll road, charging 50 centsfor a slngle team, 70 cents for a two-horse team,90 cents for a four- horse team and $1,00 f or a s ix-horse team. A toll gate was set up and a tolI house built. James Kennedy builtthe toll gate house in 1867 south of town. The house still stands and has been changed only sl ightly. lt is andecorator and gift shop calledrrThe lron Gaterr and is a reminder of the old lumbering days of this a rea. Descrlption of partlcular features that should be preserved ln additlon to I tems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area, appurte- nance, landscape feeture, other). None -4- /f/ + +o t@ 2@ rT. TOW\+ cr LO7 hA,TC" l+taToKlc wetq\Nol+ t'+o. t+?-T?-z roLL HaJSL LFTKOVZO O1 rLA$+l-llNq @MMt ato\ zNZ z-1"-7+ March*rwov=? bI To\ /F+ (aJHLlL zp.lY TOWH cLEKK@/AAiY2K -5- dcp$q,, dp.oi Y^'c^ {) t\, Yr ')?' t, L' *o-. -.:---. -. oc ) J't erSS ac J ^).---\-r^ \ ,^:.- , :C,J4\,/iC\-T-| \_._ ;z-,Nj r., ___,J r! .,,r._, I -\- e\ -qr+l .o+4 sEcTl0N 2. The property I lsted ls dcslgnated to be of hlstorlc, archl- tcctural, or aesthetlc slgnlflcance for the reasons I isted below. Property: La Canada Bul lding - I-17 North Santa Cruz Avenue H I stor lc 0eslgnatlon Pe. HD-73-3 Classlflcatlon (structure or landmark): structure Descrlptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: The exterior of the brlck buildlng. Descrlptlon of the characterlstlcs whlch justlfi the deslgnatlon: LA CANADA BUILDING: Corner of North Santa Cruz Avenue and |Jest ltla i nffiTF;Ti rst portion of this bui lding was probably constructedbetween 1870 and 1875. lt was built in three stages. lt has been used for a variety of purposes over the years. The recent remodel ingof the building has been very well done and compl Iments the downtown a rea. :. ., . Descrlption of partlcular features that should be preserved ln addltlon to I tems covcred under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area' appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). l{one -6- /* r, )A+ +o td) 2@ FT. TOWN Or LC3 qLrC" l+toloKlc D=lquAdto* F+o. u2.-74-b LA aAl-+ NQ& AJLOfilq NW<A/E? bY n-AHl.+lLlq LOMMI%IO\-L zATE ^-t?-74 ATTKCVEO bl TalVM LLZKK. -7- \\ \ -)(-1 \+ # T=r cos rol o col^p co-l :c H\AroT e - eI -sl+t t}-,l +4()rl^r-Ilre3Q J l>alelt p+4tq-_llLle AQt,A+-.lAl AJ YAq Ji:l-luc\-\ l'N\sT Yc asvex\\A The property llsted ls tectura l, or aesthetic slgn Property: llcCu I lagh-Jones sEcT t0N 2. des ignated to be of hlstorlc, archl- iflcance for the reasons I lsted below. House - 18000 0verlook Road Hlstorlc Des I gnat lon ilo. HD-71-4 Classlflcation (structure or I andnark) : Structure and site. Descrlptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: The exterior of the housethe grounds included withln the designated site. Descriptlon of the character lstics plus original ly owned by Frank ilcCul laghl{rs. Ho ra ce Jones, The ltccut lagh-Jones house is probably the most architecturally signifi-cant building in the Town of Los Gatos. lt is also one of the moieimpor ta n t surviving |tission Revivar structures in the ent i re aountry. The house has the simple elegance and styre of earr ier Spanish andspanish colonial res i dences. This spacious uncruttered appea r is inmarked contrast to that found in buildings of the victorian period. lndeed the Hccullagh home was prototypical of the litission Revival homesthat supplanted the Victorians. HcCU LLAG H-J 0NE S H0USE: Th is houseThe a reh ilEE t-wEl-TiTt is J. polk. The architectural mer it of the house waswhen House and Garden se I ec ted it as thebe rev i ewed by the magaz i ne. Add i t i ona Ipart of Los Geaos' h i s t o r i c a I i. .c u I t u r a I Descrlption of particular features thatadditlon to ltems covered under Sectionnancer landscape feature, other). Al I pa t ios wi th in the des igna ted alte. wh I ch justlfi the designatlon:is I oca ted at I 8000 0ver I ook Road.The house was built in l!01 and was. Later i t was owned by Dr. and national ly recogn ized in 1902f irst I'lest Coast home ever toly, the house has I ong beenand social he r itage. shou I d be p rese rved in 9-3.1 (site area, appurte-treet, wa l l s, porches , and -8- l r/s Il-/ , \ '- ='--= i lo t@ z@rtl I TOyvH q L@ aqh ulbTKtc wsqFv<Ttot+ /AoCULL&I4 - JOllEb L+alffi t-lc.. UD-7?-4 AWKo\/rP bY n-N4\ytl.+q Co/AWlbblo* ATZ 2--t^- TA LWKOVU" O( Iry+ @)rJt/JL ?AlEnu'"n a, t,.7q, TaAlF+ d-.YW-x;,-- t' Lilq, t,ln llA1z*, -9- < )c.l>Svc ___+_-1 col tr -a1l-/ v.- Utvtu(b Z J3>\bAJ eOTAp Gl =D HV,0f N-'\ -qu oH *d"tHii.,Pu*tjl8Jtk aT -el*s STA! +/oleelAA /f,)l *91{14$_G s3\n)>Fs{A I 6d.ee s --.-.--{- isl "r<_;lr Iti E\ l1 t\ --J l=,*r$ f-=--- -- 4 a,c_r",W a- su JtQ:r $* r+^N-t)s Bs $.la Io6 =.ar-)- Nas{<YAis\Z* 3E+ +il$ S-\-f!t* e$E F+I $ .fi \ $ -L St uss $l $ \o Croc ti o b i! '8 @ u u \ I a g o U R -sQgl:F3--riP'"j v.- ovr4 --l \.Dy :rqt{y.E\4v/, t,tary.c)I.o i).Ob ",)i4utFO ,(---t o7L -1-b -1- avt+A/tY> ,L- -.\ l,'1 La*ycXEU.PJ I,t"*,1 Q Lt'l '-,, " A6vU*yf -L r'l l- a4s * -\e ulr) @ -1) * # &, ..,( U, bJ- aVI a \U \u 14 vq () Fo J4U x ,* 2 t-tr-t I I | -rrqll*l L ff:xl| b-Jffi: i sl r-'*it lr tl lFrffill IffillEli=l ,E,l rl "l \Wz I 1r I Itl l\? W+ The tectural, Property: property I lsted or aesthet ic s Peter Johnson sEcTt0N 2. I s des lgnated to be lgnlf I cance for the Home - 49 Los Gatos of hlstorlc, archl- reasons I I sted bel ow, Bou I evard Hlstorlc Deslgnetion No. HD-73-5 Class lflcation (structure or landmark): Structure Descriptlon of ltem(s) Destgnated: The exterior of the wooden house. Descriptlon of the characterlstlcs whlch justlf, the deslgnatlon: PETER J0HNs0N H0r{E: This home on Los catos Boulevard is bel ieved toEfr;-TE;-Eirr-T; r874. rne "ri9in"r iwner was perer Johnson whowas a farmer, teamster, and one oi the flrst mayors of Los G"tor.Since 1954 ttre house has been owned by llr. and llrs. paul Harkness.Johnson Avenue was nambddafter Hr. Johnson. Stacla street was namedafter his daughter stacia. peter Johnson original ly owned l3l acresin what is now East Los Gatos. Description of partlcular add i t ion to i tems coverednance, landscape fea tu re, features that should unde r Section 9-3.1other).' be preserved in(sl te area, appurte- -il- None TrwN tr Lh aeTh l+taTOKJC SEbl(4*^TloH |-12. urs-Tt-a - ?LTe< JOI+N3OH HOAAZ AWK?VW DY A-ANN][!,A LOM\ to"tot+ zNZ z-b-74 N?TKOVZD bf p(l* tp)llClL Q[{f. rtarcn a,9 TOWl.f LLEKK-4., /: /,tL!, Ly..il-t - l2- + # Il eas ool o r-4orTAH$lcf,q \EOTetl] =l/.Ai-, +-4C,:H+-}OL >STJ\ I e -\ I - '-- The prope r ty I lsted tectura l, or aesthetic s Prope r ty: James Lyndon sEcTt0N 2. ls des lgna ted to be ignif I cance for the Home - 270 East Hai of historlc, archl- reasons I lsted below. n Street Hlstorlc Des ignat ion No. HD-71-6 Classlflcation (structure or landmark): Structure Descrlptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: The exterior of the large woodenstructure located closest to llain Street. The structure with itsexterior details that are to be preserved are those as ipproved inSite and Archjtecture Appt Ication s-72-i3g-a;a-l'."Jlii.i;i' J""Perm i t U-7 z-9 . Descrlptlon of the characterlstlcs whlch Justlfi the deslgnatlon: JAI.lES LYND0N Hor{E: This home is estimated to have been built inTfffi-Tr.-Ly-;?on was-an early postmaster of Los catos, a mayor,one of the founders of a lumber compeny on University Avenue, anda co-owner of the f orrner Lyndon Hotel. He also rras ihuriff ofsanta clara county from r894 to 1098. rn June r972, the house waspurchased by t{r. and l,trs. llilliam T. Aikman and moved to its presentlocation at 270 East llain Street, to prevent its destruction. TheAikmans are presently remodel jng the home. Description of partlcularadditlon to items covered na nce, I andscape feature, features that s hou unde r Sectlon 9-3.other). ld be preserved in| (slte a rea, appurte- -t3- None l_ /^AtM 5TKEET ?F--t\ \\\I \ \?\l\ \t\I \-- '"- r \\ It---1nvt#=)////' \l \- ,.. +o l@ 2@rT. TCWI-+ Cr LCb qAIOO ulbToKlc ?Lbtas\Ttc* *a s2 -7b - b J&MCA LYND'I-I I\OME AWKOV3? bY n-AHHrNr.E CoMMt*tOH 2&TC' t?-74. pxzT<oYZa bI TOWH LLEKK - r 4- \\_l -//.lil It:t ntnt I I/u\ , ?-.TaGS Cc[ O eclAp eQJ :c .t4wcT A -.sr'_ q\Ll (.. IIS.-u1-i +'4OlTAu tr)le-N JI-XOTC lU =MOj-1 HcA+-.lYJ ef,MAL $\-et-S -TAql +{QlsSlA Mo.) Fll1lHHA-S Ye-!:Vo>EA The tec tu 16 I, Property: I \- property I isted or aesthet ic s Harry Perrin sEcTlor{ 2. I s des l gna ted to be lgnlf lcance for the Home - 315 Un i vers l of historlc, archl- reason s I isted below. ty Avenue H i s tor lc Des I gna t i on No. HD-73:7- Glasslflcatlon (structure or landmark): Structure .Defgfjptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated; The exterior of the brickbu I I d i ng. Descrlptlon of the characterlstics whlch justlfi the deslgnatlon: HARRY PERRIN Hol'tE: This house is estimated ro have been buirt inT855:-rh-;;iTt] n-al owners were Harry and rheresa perrin. Irr, perrinwas b brick mason and contractor. Hi. perrin buirt the house withhis own hands for his bride. They sold the house in 1905. -N., Perrin later constructed the reveimen t s for the presidio of sanFrancisco. The house has been called rHoneymoon House[. ln 197? a major remodel ing job was Bor is and Nancy Baranowski . The ilaw of f i ces. redone under the direction ofnterior was redone and made into Descrlption of particularadditlon to ltems covered na nce, landscape feature, fea tures tha t should under Sect I on 9-3.1other). be preserved in(sl te area, appurte- - | 5- iione. '-Y .(/- rJsr Z.@FT, TOWl,l tr l,-^m AAIb *l?TQKtC rebta\qDt-+ t-t... *n-73-7 I+AKKY ?EKKJ* AO e &rKovzp %'rLNll+ttJiz LoMl\tbbtot+ 2N= z-tb-74 A,WROVY-D DY TqryH LOUHCIL WZ *u,.n n, ":,n,=OKp:: TOWI'+ aLEKKt$' . ,c,la , 'er'vV /\/\A\OK- - l5- TiCDS -d i- 1\-nr \\,.\u. <C # yJrA,J ecJl :o llwt-r sEcT l0N 2 . The property I lsted is deslgnated to be of historlc, archl- tectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons I lsted below. Proper ty: S tone Cats - S i tua ted on the wes ter ly side of H ighway l/, approximately 2000 feet southerly of the on-ramp from Santa Cruz Avenue. Hlstoric Deslgnation No. HD-73-8 Classiflcation (structure or landmark): Landmark Description of ltem(s) Deslgnated: Two cement statues. Descriptlon of the characterlstlcs whlch Justlfi the deslgnation: ST0NE CATS: lLeo and Leona). These huge cement statues which guard -theentra''ceoftheestateofChar|esErskinescottlJoodandhiiwife, Sarah Bard Field, two famous writers, have been the symbol for Los Ga tos ever since they were e rec ted . The cats were executed by the sculptor Robert Pain for the I'loods in 1992. They chose the cats, not because of the name Los Gatos (The Cats) but because they be I ieved tha t the fel ine family is the mos tdignified and beautiful object for sculpture. Their purpose in placing the statues where they are was to impress passerbby on the Santa Cruz Hlghway with the idea that sculpture can be used to beautify the high- ways as wel I as parks and museums ln Cal ifornia. The ca ts are 8 feet tall, and ten feet in c i rcumference. Each stands on a pedestal one and one-half feet by four feet. They are made of cement. lt took the artist one year of studying wildcats and making sketches before the clay model for the cement statues were reqdy. The cats have stood the rava!es of time and the scars of vandal ism for al I tbbse years--a true monument to the farsightedness of Col. andl.lrs. Charles Ersklne Scott l{ood.. Descrlption of partlcular f eetures that should.be p rese rved in sdditlon to ltems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area' appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). None -17- +o 7o 4p tsT. Trwt-r c7 Lo? qelco til.To?tc oedqsqto*sTowz Cqc t.-]C. *D-71- A N77<a/?A q nA,FrN{l-r4 (pMMtg1tot+ ALTZ '-tv-74 N??KO./=p bl TOW TaMF+ L=X-K-& m^-rav March 4, I.sw*t l- u,,- /'tt*\OK1 -18- .vrrl|'|ITY r^AF, SCAJ'E : l" A@' + #.Ti ooa ooe o . \v-,- Y,/ .'\ \ -\\\ \D\ lrlilv.\ =J'4l<: eoTA$ ecJ :o +lwcT .a _,\F c-.il_l _ Oln +-1D ITA+rF)lef,Q .)l->OTe lJ-{ e>IA\ 5iJQTe F\- et - r STAq H()IeeIAAMC: -F$4+llrr.\l\ F qSV$>\\A lt-- r ,/.tr#IF I \ \\\\\$" // ttI \ r,l,- \\\\\ // I I| \'hr\\\ff ll\ --7 \\ \\ '1"\\ --r'\ I I \ \\\\ \: tt \\\\ \\ i IMl Illll \\Y'*2Y ll I llll \r llil t ililI I iltlI tI tt lri II IIII V I \\ F )t I ilil t,' I N IlXNr-,/ lll I llll !'----"- )....,,,|..--|ll \'N\ ,/ ili I lll("K ,/ I sEcTt0N 2. The property l,sted ls deslgnated to be of historic, archl- tectural, or aesthet ic significance for the reasons llsted below. Property: tJinchester Boulevard Stone llal ls - 15881 and 15891l,linchester Boulevard and 17595 Bruce Avenue. H I s tor lc Des I gna t ion No. H.plll I Classification (structure or landmark): Landmark Descriptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: Stone retaining wal ls locatedadjacent to Bruce Avenue and Winchester Bou I eva rd . Descr i pt lon of the characterlstics whlch justlfi the designatlon: UINCHESTER B0ULEVARD 5T0NE UALLS: These walls are an example offormerly common to this area. ltis believed that the stones came from the quarry that was used to create Lake Vasona. The wal ls,'were constructed in 1917. Descrlptlon of partlcul6r features that should be preserved ln addltlon to ltems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area, appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). None. - r 9- IOWN Or Lo1 AeTh l+loToKlc CI?ev++NTor+ l.,lc) wr-'-Ya-t t wl4(A?-AWK CCULOUAKP sTOt-W W&U-.b *Wo'/ea 4 n-AI-[Mltq-E (n/^Mlrblol+ ?AIr:.- Z-t?'7L -20- \\\nfrb \l=\L _--- \: r-\\ + # {.rcos eo o COIA$ COJ fC ]IWOi rr-e\-al+J sH CJJAW +-1arT,A+lNreSQ Jl>O-Iet+-.1 i+4oTe q>AviJLnc >s[esFl)]4tw a\-cr-s -:IAq l.{oleel^A AOJ N+-1i{4it*.N--}e cJSV$FNA -0s- l sEcT t0N 2. The property I lsted ls deslgnated to be of historic, archl- tectural, or aesthetic significance for the reasons I isted below. Property: College Avenue Stone Wall - easterly side of Col lege Avenue between East ltain Street and Vi lla Avenue. Historlc Des lgnat ion No. HD-73-12 Classlflcation (structure or I andma rk) : Landmark Descriptlon of ltem(s) Deslgnated: 0rnamental brick wall adjacentto sidewalk along Col lege Avenue. Descr ipt I on of the character lstics which justlfi the deslgnatlon: C0LLEGE AVENUE ST0NE IrALL: The artistic brick wall on Col lege ffiEast l.la i n street surrounded the famous Los Gatos bottl lne Uorks. The old bui ldlngs are sti I I standing. Thel.lariotti Saloon and Hotel stood in front on l{ain Street unti I thelate l!60's. This beautiful brick wal I is a reminder of days gone by in Los Gatos. I'lall was constructed in 1910. Descrlptlon of partlcular features that should be preserved ln additlon to I tems covered under Sectlon 9-3.1 (slte area, appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). None. -21- \ \__ lH\ Irih \l{[ t )u - +o l@ 2@rT. TOWI*L Or Lb 4N0e l+tbToKtc(nLLEhs wetasNtot-r AYEI-!.E bIONZ lto. u?- r(3 - tz WALL 4WK)\/ZP Df nA+lNlHq (DMMIA)lol-| aA.fr 2-q-7L A,?YKOVW bY Towp LL?KK- -22- ZNIY, $arct. 4 fJJ)k) UtA/v\ u A/u l-L ?. =- _\r - eT -ar-l ct/ lr +Inffi l-l-rVy\ HOTIAHSIe:N )r)oTer+--l I JJ{/v 5+4cTe S.-JU=VA :F\:JJOI I t-_______*+*_"fX.i_r ,iler .r a,,,'u YI-l$f . jl.)l-rrJJ) t-?W-Cl Yd t-lfVO>:S,f Il==-+\\r.lu'-.'-!r*:i\ >K\YvU/r--,:--.-^:- il -----*:- x>:. l.\ ]-.{woT l sEcT r0N 3 . The Town Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this 0rdinance. This 0rdinance shall be published once in the Los Gatos Times - Saratoga 0bserver, a newspaper of !eneral cir€ulatlon, prlnted and publ ished in the Town of Los catos within fifteen (15) days of its final passage and this 0rdinance shal I take effect thirty (30) days following its final passage. The above and foregoing 0rdinance was duly and regularly intro- at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatosduced held on the L9th day of !gb.""ry , 197\. PASSED AND AD0PTED as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos, Cal ifornia, at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 4!h day of March , 197\, by the fol lowi ng vote: AY E S :COUNC ILI'tEN Ruth Cannon Charles E. DeFreitas Egon Jensen John B. Lochner Mark B. DiDuca NOES:COUNC ILMEN ABSENT:COUNC ILI'tEN None S IGNED: l.lAY0R 0F THE T0t,N 0F L0S GAT0S -'r'r -