1994-159-Approving Management Compensation Plan For Fiscal Year 1994-95RESOLUTION 1994 -159
WHEREAS, amendments to the Management Compensation Plan will result in more
effective control of leave benefits.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, that the
Management Compensation Plan for Fiscal Year 1994 -95 (a copy of which is attached
hereto) is hereby approved.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of
Los Gatos, California, held on the 21st day of November, 1994 by the following vote.
AYES: Randy Attaway, Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck
Mayor Patrick O'Laughlin
NAYS: None
MGR078 A: \CNCLRPTS \71- 21 -5.RES Attachment 2
1. Purpose
To establish a program and guidelines for a management compensation plan
pursuant to the following goals and objectives:
1.1 Establish a system for the payment of management personnel which results
in appropriate salary- contribution relationships and competitive salary rates.
1.2 Recognize the distinct character of management jobs and incumbents as
opposed to grouping them with other employees for salary purposes.
1.3 Diminish the possible influence of negotiated salaries for rank -and file
employees on salaries set for management classifications.
1.4 Promote more commitment by management to goals and objectives of the
Town Council and Town Manager.
1.5 Establish a system where salary serves as an effective device for promoting
better job performance.
1.6 Give recognition to impact of the employee on the job and performance level.
1.7 Promote the further identification of management group and understanding
of associated roles, loyalties, and responsibilities.
1.8 Strengthen the role of the supervisor in the compensation program.
1.9 Appropriately reward those employees whose extra effort results in the
improvement of Town services.
This Policy shall apply to all employees occupying positions in those cases designated
as Management.
3.1 Criteria For Establishing Ranges - Salary ranges shall be designed to ensure
satisfaction of the "equal pay for equal work" principle. It has been
determined that the maintenance of a strong competitive position in the labor
market has a positive effect on the Town's ability to attract and retain highly
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qualified personnel. Additionally, there are identifiable differences in work
requirements between Los Gatos management and presumptively comparable
positions in other agencies. These differences argue against the setting of
rates strictly on the basis of "prevailing wage ". To the degree possible, ranges
will reflect consideration of the relative value of positions. This consideration
will take into account differences and similarities in positions, within the
respective management and employee groupings. The establishment and
maintenance of management ranges shall be guided by the principle that no
supervisor should receive less compensation than their highest paid
subordinate if a similar amount of time is worked. The establishment and
adjustment of salary ranges shall be effected through resolution of the Town
3.2 A and B Ranges - All management classes shall have two ranges titled "A"
and "B ". After initial establishment, the ranges will be reviewed for possible
adjustments to be effective on July 1 of even - numbered years and at such
other times as the Town grants general or cost -of- living adjustments. July 1
salary range adjustments shall apply to the ranges only. Range adjustments
may also be made in the event of materially changed job assignments.
3.2.1 A Ranee - The "A" range is appropriate for entry level and fully qualified
employees. The performance expectations are those which would normally
be associated with these levels. The range is to be utilized to initially grant
a salary based on anticipated performance level and thereafter to recognize
changes in such performance. The "A" range will have a spread of 35% from
entry to top salary with no set steps. The lowest salary in the range would be
appropriate for a new employee who minimally satisfies job requirements.
The top of the range is reserved for employees who perform at the highest
level of expected proficiency.
3.2.2 B Ranee - The "B" range is designed for those employees whose performance
and value to the Town clearly exceed normal expectations. The top salary of
any given "B" range shall exceed the top salary of the "A" range of the class
by 15 %. Placement in the range is contingent upon the satisfaction of specific
requirements and approval of the Town Manager.
3.3 Salat�Progressions Within Ranges - Employees, both upon appointment and
during the course of their employment, may receive any salary amount not to
exceed the maximum of their range. During the first three (3) years of
employment, employees shall be reviewed for salary increases at such times
the Town Manager or department head deems appropriate, provided,
however, that at least one review will be conducted annually. Thereafter,
employees will be reviewed annually on the date of their employment in the
position they occupy. Department Heads will be effective September 15,
1993. The sole consideration in the granting of within -range salary
adjustments shall be performance.
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3.3.1 Salary adjustment for employees below the level of Department Head shall
be made upon the recommendation of the Department Head and approval of
the Town Manager. Salary adjustments for Department Heads shall be
determined and approved by the Town Manager.
3.3.2 It is intended that incremental salary adjustments bear a direct relationship
to progress of the employee toward satisfying performance expectations.
Upon employment, the employee and his /her supervisor shall develop a
progress plan including a definition of performance goals, schedule of
performance reviews, and outline of possible within -range adjustments.
Normally, within range adjustments will average an approximate 5 %.
Adjustments below and above this amount are permitted, however, increases
above 15% or less than 2 -1/2% are discouraged. also, while salary
adjustments will normally involve increases, reductions may be made in
instances of unsatisfactory performance. Prior to being finalized, progress
plans shall he reviewed and approved by the concerned Department Head or
Town Manager in the case of Department Heads.
3.3.4 Supplemental benefits shall be considered part of compensation paid. In
order to determine the position of the Town's benefit package in relation to
the labor market, benefit information shall also be included in the survey of
other municipalities.
3.4 Labor Market Survey - Survey agencies making up the labor market base shall
be used in subsequent years with deletions or additions made only upon
substantial justification. The determination of position comparability shall
take into account scope of responsibility, functions supervised, staff size,
budget, and related factors. Consideration will not be given to factors relating
to incumbents, such as performance, length of service, and competency. The
survey will be conducted in odd - numbered years with any necessary range
adjustments made on or about July 1 of the survey year. The survey agencies
are in Appendix C.
3.5 Exceptional Contribution Pav - The basic salary ranges "A" and "B" are
designed to ensure that employees have the potential of a salary which is
internally justified, competitive with salaries paid in other agencies, and /or
should provide compensation appropriate to productivity at the standards
established by the Town. It is recognized, however, that some employees may
make an infrequent of "one shot" significant contribution to the Town which
exceeds expectations or job requirements. The Exceptional Contribution Pay
Program (ECPP) is designed to recognize and encourage this type of
contribution. The ECPP is governed by the following:
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3.5.1 The contribution cannot be within job expectations and must result in an
identifiable and clearly recognized positive impact on the Town. Ordinarily
such impact must be definable in terms of dollar cost reductions and /or
increased productivity without additional costs. Examples of indicators of
such a contribution include the following: Within the employee's area of responsibility there has been a
consistent, exceptionally high level of productivity with repeated
successful implementations of progressive and up -to -date
operational and managerial systems. Employee initiates a series of innovative approaches to
providing Town services which result in significant cost savings
with no reduction in service level. Employee develops programs or makes suggestions which result
in operational improvements outside his /her normal area of
responsibility. Employee develops a program, system, or procedure on his /her
own initiative which results in a measurable significant
improvement in Town services or governmental efficiency.
3.5.2 ECPP may be granted at any time by the Town Manager upon
recommendation by the employee's Department Head in an amount not to
exceed $2,000.00. Amounts greater than $2,000.00 may be granted by the
Town Council upon recommendation of the Town Manager in an amount not
to exceed three (3) months' salary of the affected employee. Payment shall
be made in a lump sum.
The Personnel Officer shall maintain records on salary adjustments, including
effective dates and amounts. This information shall be summarized and distributed
to the respective Department Heads during the preparatory stages of development
of the fiscal year budget. A study committee consisting of the Personnel Officer and
a minimum of two Department Heads and one level two Manager will then be
established to evaluate administration of the Management Productivity -Salary Plan
and develop recommended Plan changes if deemed appropriate. In even - numbered
years, this committee shall also review the results of the management classes salary
survey and prepare related recommendation.
5.1 Eligibility - Management employees will be eligible for benefits on the first
day of the month following their hire date.
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5.1.1 No unexpended dollar amounts associated with selected benefits may be
disbursed to a terminating employee.
5.1.2 All benefit selections are subject to State and Federal rules, regulations, and
laws regarding employee benefits and tax status. No guarantee is made
regarding the tax- exempt status of any and all benefits presented or selected
except those allowed by law.
5.1.3 For all current employees, benefit selections must be made prior to the
beginning of each fiscal year. No changes to selected dollar ($) allocations
may be made after that time unless such changes are a result of a qualified
event or permitted by the PERS Medical Health Plan. Dependent status
changes may be made during the fiscal year provided there is a qualifying
5.2 Public Employees Retirement System - The Town shall amend its contract
with PERS to provide 2% at 55 retirement effective January, 1993, with Town
to take credit towards future total compensation equal to the PERS
contribution increase in any subsequent negotiations that cover the 1994 -95
fiscal year. The PERS contribution increase is scheduled to begin July 1,
1994. Police Management have a 2% at 50 program.
All management employees have the option to assume payment of their own
PERS contribution at the beginning and during the last one year of their
employment with the Town until June 30, 1994. As of July 1, 1994, this
option will no longer be available pursuant to State law. The monies
previously paid to PERS by the Town to cover the employees contribution will
be added to the employee's salary. An employee who does opt for this
conversion and proceeds to pay the employee's contribution shall not be
forced to retire within one year nor shall the employees have the option to
revert back to Town -paid employee contribution.
5.3 Vacation
Management I
0 - 60 mos.
61 - 120 mos.
121 mos. & over
Management II
15 days per year
20 days per year
25 days per year
(4.62 hrs. per pay period)
(6.15 hrs. per pay period)
(7.70 hrs. per pay period)
0 - 60 mos. 15 days per year (4.62 hrs. per pay period)
61 - 120 mos. 20 days per year (6.15 hrs. per pay period)
121 - 180 mos. 23 days per year (7.08 hrs. per pay period)
181 mos. & over 25 days per year (7.70 hrs. per pay period)
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Management III
0 - 36 mos.
10 days per year (3.08 hrs. per pay period)
37 to 60 mos.
15 days per year (4.62 hrs. per pay period)
61 to 120 mos.
20 days per year (6.16 hrs. per pay period)
121 to 180 mos.
23 days per year (7.08 hrs. per pay period)
181 mos. & over
25 days per year (7.70 hrs per pay period)
Maximum accrual shall be 400 hours for Management I and II effective
January 1, 1995.
Maximum accrual shall be 344 hours for Management III.
Vacation cash -out is permitted twice a year in December and June if the
Manager uses one week of vacation during the prior year. Amount to be
cashed out is limited to the amount accrued.
5.4 Personal Leave - Each Management employee will be eligible for a maximum
of 48 hours personal leave each calendar year. Personal leave is to be taken
at employee discretion. Personal leave may not be carried over from year to
year, nor may it be cashed out.
5.5 Sick Leave /Sick Leave Cash -out - Sick leave accrues at the rate of 8 hours per
month (3.70 hours per pay period) with a 1200 hour accrual limit. Upon
retirement from the Town, accrued sick leave can be applied towards medical
premiums until such time that the Town provides for 100% of retiree benefit
Sick leave can be cashed out each December with the following provisions:
a. Have 150 hours in accruals at time of cash -out.
b. The balance can be cashed out as follows:
1 - 59 months of service at 25%
60 - 119 months of service at 37.5%
120 or more months of service at 50%
5.6 Administrative Leave - Upon approval of his /her department head (or by the
Town Manager in the case of department heads), management employees are
eligible for up to 40 hours administrative leave with pay per calendar year.
This leave is not cumulative from year to year; nor may this leave be cashed
Administrative leave may be granted in recognition of extraordinary work
hours by management personnel. Specific examples include unanticipated
emergency situations, extraordinary Council or Commission meetings, and
extensive weekend work.
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5.7 Salary Adjustments For Management Employees On Extended Leave - An
incumbent management employee who is on extended leave from his /her
position due to sickness, disability, or employee - initiated leave without pay
status shall receive no salary adjustment until returning to full-time work. The
employee will then be considered for an adjustment, when a complete year of
work has elapsed since their last evaluation. Time absent will be rounded to
the closest month. Salary adjustments, if any, will become effective after the
employee has completed a full year since their last evaluation /increase.
Vacation or sick leave may not be used intermittently during an extended
leave to interrupt a determination that an employee is absent for any full
calendar month period. Vacation or sick leave may be used to assure
continuation of payroll status in order to retain insurance benefits under the
cash allocation benefits program.
Employees who are absent from work due to a work - related disability shall
not be subject to the provision above and will be considered for a salary
adjustment on their anniversary date.
5.8 Leave Accruals - Management employees shall not accrue vacation or sick
leave during any period of unauthorized leave, suspension without pay, or
leave without pay.
5.9 Continuation Of Benefits - Management employees shall continue to receive
fringe benefits so long as those employees remain on the Town payroll.
5.10 Disability Insurance - The Town will provide for a Short Term Disability
policy effective the 8th calendar day; coverage of 60% of weekly earnings up
to a maximum of $1,155 /week for 12 weeks. Long Term Disability benefits
begin on the 91st day of disability; coverage of 60% of monthly earnings up
to a maximum of $5,000 /mo.
5.11 Life Insurance - Management employees shall receive Town paid life
insurance coverage providing cover of $50,000 life and $50,000 accidental
death benefit or equal to annual salary, whichever is higher. (See Appendix
A for IRS regulations). Additional life insurance may be purchased by the
employee equal to once or twice the employee's base salary, not to exceed
5.12 Employee Assistance Program - Management employees shall have the
employee assistance program available to them. The premium shall be paid
by the Town.
5.13 Vision Care - Reimbursement for vision care shall be available for employees
and /or their immediate families (spouse, unmarried children under 19 living
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at home, or under 23 and a full -time student) at a rate of $120 annually.
Reimbursement will be available for eye exams and the cost of prescription
eyeglasses /contact lenses only. employees shall utilize any medical coverage
provided by their medical carrier prior to requesting Town reimbursement.
5.14 Cash Allocation Plan - Allocation available to managers are as follows:
Group I - $8,092/yr.; Group II - $7,548/yr.; and Group III - $5,712/yr. (see
appendix D). Benefits which can be purchased by the cash allocation plan
include medical insurance and dental insurance. These benefits are available
on a pre -tax basis. The Town will provide a Flexible Spending Account
(FSA) Program. This program will be in accordance with Section 125 of the
IRS code.
Employees may also choose to receive part or all of their cash allocation plan
in cash. Any amount received in tax is taxable. Employees choosing to
receive taxable cash will receive it twice a year.
All benefits selected from the Cash Allocation Plan (see Appendix D) must
be paid for in full from the maximum benefit provided except when the
maximum is insufficient to cover all insurance coverage selected. In such
case, the premium amount not funded by the Town - provided benefit shall be
paid through an employee deduction applied against the medical premiums.
These premiums are available on a pre -tax basis.
Employees choosing to use cash allocation plan funds for medical insurance
must pay all medical premiums from the allocation prior to receiving a cash
5.15 Deferred Compensation - The Town will continue to offer a program of
deferred compensation to all managers.
5.15.1 Funding for deferred compensation may only be provided after all
other benefits selected by the employee are paid for in full from the
maximum benefit provided.
6.1 Education /Tuition Reimbursement - Management employees are eligible for
$500 education /tuition reimbursement per fiscal year. All requests for
education /tuition reimbursement must be approved in advance on a Request
for Reimbursement Form. The employee may select to receive
reimbursement before or after completion of the course. All expenses must
be documented however, with a copy of the course description, flyer,
registration packet, etc. Receipts must also be submitted for any books.
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Following completion of the course, documentation must be submitted to
reflect satisfactory completion, i.e., passing grade, or verification of completion
of the course. If reimbursement (or advance) is requested prior to course
completion, documentation of satisfactory course completion must be
submitted within 3 months of the completion of the course. Documentation
within the prescribed time frames is the responsibility of the employee.
If documentation is not received, a deduction will occur on the paycheck to
cover the expenses advanced. The employee will be notified in advance prior
to any deduction from the paycheck. All other finance and paperwork
procedures must also be followed.
MGRO66;MGT94- 95.CMP 9
November 21, 1994
do w od IM" wins na hesoraaso
Yee taura6► bN Mo Provided!
General% the costof up to $50,000 ofgraup perm life inearanoecovctage
is tax exempt. The coat of coverage in excess of $50,000 is talabk to the
emphryee. An employee who is working for more than one cm le
combine all group rem Coverage, and is entitled to exclude the coat for no
more than $50,000. If the employee contributes toward the cost of the
inmmme, all othis contribution (for coverage up to $50.000 and for excess
coverage) is alocable to Coveragie in excess Of $50 ,000. In other Words, he
may subtract his full cawibuina from the amount which would odwwW
be taxable to him. 1RC Sec. 74. Howevar, the employee canna carry over
Item ;rear to year any unused portion of his contributions.
The cat of coverage in naegrs of S50.000(the amount which is marble to
the employee) is to be calculated on a Monthly basis. The steps are as fol-
kmvs: (1) find the total amount of gaup perm life inaarame Coverage for die
employee in eachealendar month orbit taxable yesr(ifachategeoccum dur-
ing arty month. take the average at the beginning and erW of the month); (2)
subtaa 550.000 from each month's coverage; (3) to the balance, if any, for
each month, apply the appropriate rate Inset the fdlowiag able of monthly
187 I lieu 1 I„4
MGRO66;MGT94- 95.CMP 10
November 21, 1994
liken into consnsideration. Coverage i on x after lit basis for the coverage
fury 1989, is includable in income Thex s o}'u 000 provided before Jan -
dadet Table 1. Notice 89 -110, Oou ofsuch coverage is determined
insurance was available to employees through advolun genemrol p term life
eAciary association (VEBA) and the em P oyees' ben -
West "s to provide administrative services as an independent contractor
Eke fife insurance coverage was not a fringe benefit subject to uxariun
*Oder Regulation §1.6!•21 Or §1.61.2(d)(2xa0ft Thus, no amount was
+,cludabk in uscarne to de employees, Let Ruk 91s1033.
r 'whiozw Sadrraios
There are certain exception$ to the $50,00oceiling on tax exempptt Dever-
age. The coat of group term life insurance, even for amounts oru &W.000, Yet
a tax exempt:
. (q to a forneremployee who (a) has terminated his employment with the
employer (as an employee) and has betrome permanently disabled; or (b)
(ennnated his employment on of belts, anus
the plan (ora predecessor plan) whoa he�etired d the pj nd w n ex�f�i
an lamary 1, 1981 d tie plan is a comparable successor to such a plan; or (c)
who has terminated his employment (as as employee) aka January 1, M4
having attained age o on or before )anuaty 1, 1984 and having been
fence on JJannuuar 1 98/ «e of guy time during 1983 if the plan was in cxis•
(artless the individual retires The under the pmpa fter I successor to such a pint
minatory, after that date not takingroleco 19n�n6it and the
employees retired �ennuy 1, 1987); (2) if a charitable organiza.
tion is dca'
nowdetuductionbalb raonufthrye( pfowteedsprbbiunochari (abkew�ttrWt
beneficiary unit faslick$designation).or(3) if the employer is
ats(urrles> the a required m es Secp2 y(4 a ended y ]} IRC Sec. 79(bk N � over A the
y RA'86 S §1';-2;TRA g.
§1.79.4T A -1. See aboLet, Ru(. 9149010.' Sec. 1827(bHl); Tentp. Reg.
Generally, any contribution toward group term life (but not
toward permanent bpkf; s) made by the e insurance
fixates, dollar st, the m oislea gos income fog c en amount which u otherwise the tax" yea
be m alstim.
No reduction is permitted, however,
fw a prepayment made by de emplin ee forcoverage alter retirement, at for
one a{btable to insurance the cost of which is not taxed because of
arcotthe foregoingexceptions. Reg. § §1.79- 2(a)(21,1.]t foxed b
ablewith� i�ofthecwtofupt o350 ,0)0ofgrouptermlifeisnorastiil.
spier to group term insurance purchased under a qualified
employees' trust or annuity Plan; the pmvasioaa ofSectim 72(mN3) and
hgg paten �72 -16 apply to the mst of such pmrecnon purchased under
P! , and no pan of such cost is exclu�bk from the employee'r
gross income (see Q 304), IRC Sec 79(b)t3); Reg. §1.79 -2(d).
t" Ta a facts 1 1994
Police Chief
Planning Director
Director of PFM
Assistant Town Manager
Library Director
Director of Building and Engineering
Police Captain
Community Services Director
Sr. Planner
Finance Director
Parks /Forestry Superintendent
Maintenance Superintendent
PM Supervisor
PW Supervisor
Records and Communications Manager
Sr. Librarian
Personnel Manager
Information Systems Manager
MGRO66;MGT94- 95.CMP 11
November 21, 1994
Los Altos
Morgan Hill
Review to include:
- Average of all agencies listed
MGRO66;MGT94- 95.CMP 12
November 21, 1994
Assistant Town Manager
Planning Director
Police Chief
Director of Parks,
Forestry and
Maintenance Services
Library Director
Director of Building
and Engineering Services
Community Services Director
Finance Director
Parks /Forestry Supt.
Maintenance Supt.
Parks Maint. Supr.
Public Works Maint. Supr.
Police Captain
Pol. Records and
Communications Mgr.
Senior Planner
Personnel Manager
Senior Librarian
Group III
MGRO66;MG194- 9S.CMP
November 21, 1994
FY 1994 -95
$8,092 $500
$7,548 $500
$5,712 $500
February 14,
All Sergeants
FROM: Deborah Acosta, Town Manager
Larry J. Todd, Chief of Police
SUBJECT: Serceant MdnaQP ent Performance and
For purposes of definition and future reference, "Economic
Provision" include the following areas as specified in the 1989/90
P.O.A. Memorandum of Understanding:
1. PERS Benefits /Town Contribution
2. Educational Incentive Pay
3. Special Pays
4. Educational Reimbursement
5. Insurance Programs and Rate of To C
Disability, Vision,
Uniform Allowance
Vacation Schedule
Vacation and Overtime
.., ontribution (Life,
Employee Assistance Program, and
Cash -out
i ays and Holiday Pay
Sick Leave
Personal Leave
Annual Sick Leave Cash -out Program
Military Leave "
Bereavement Leave
Leave without Pay
Maternity Leave
Accrual of Benefits
Worker's Compensation
Jury Duty
Town Manager
Chief of Police
The Town and Police Department administration recognize that the job requirements for
the position of Sergeant are uniquely different from those of the rank- and -file employees.
The purpose of this plan is to establish a program and guidelines for a Sergeant
Management Performance and Compensation Plan pursuant to the following goals and
1. Establish a salary system which recognizes the need to keep pace with the external
market and internal relationship of other employees, and recognizes the distinct
character of management.
2. Promote a system which minitni7 es conflict for Sergeants between Town goals and
objectives, and loyalty to rank - and -file employees because of meet and confer
3. Establish a system which promotes better job performance and provides flexibility
in salary setting based on individual performance.
4. Promote the further identification with the management group and the understanding
of associated roles, loyalties and responsibilities.
5. Provide a system which allows for appropriate award for extra effort which results
in the improvement of Town services.
All economic provisions of the, P.O.A. Memorandum of Understanding remain in effect
except as follows:
Salary ranges for Sergeants will be reviewed annually and will be adjusted in
accordance with the Management Compensation Plan as specified under "Salary
Ranges ". The top of the range is considered the control point.
An individual's compensation adjustment will be based on demonstrated performance
as documented under the Police Department's "Employee Evaluation Program ".
Adjustments shall be applied to the range and employee salaries, provided, however,
that for reasons of unsatisfactory performance an employee may be denied the
Sergeant Management Performance and Compensation Plan
2: Salary progression within the range shall be reviewed annually on the date of
promotion to the rank of Sergeant. Upon initial promotion, the employee shall
receive a 5% salary increase above their base officer pay, not including any specialty
pay. Normally, within -range adjustments will be 5 %. Adjustments below and above
this amount are permitted; however, no increase shall exceed 10% and increases less
than 2 -1 /2 % are discouraged. Also, while salary adjustments will normally involve
increases, reductions may be made in instances of unsatisfactory performance.
(Note: All range adjustments are approximate; i.e., 4.98% or 5.02 %.)
3. After an employee reaches the top of his /her salary range, the level of proficiency
appropriate to that salary rate must be maintained or the employee's salary may drop
below the maximum. This may occur through a direct salary reduction or failure of
the employee to receive additional increases which may be possible due to
adjustments in the range.
4. Exemplary performance awards are designed to recognize individual sustained
superior performance or a significant contribution to the Town service which exceeds
expectations or job requirements. These awards are recommended by the Chief of
Police and are discretionary on the part of the Town Manager. Awards may be
made on either a percentage or flat dollar amount basis each year up to a maximum
of S2,000.00 and shall be considered one -time, non - recurring awards.
5. Family Medical Insurance Premiums or a Cafeteria Benefit Program shall be
available to each Sergeant as follows:
A. Family Medical Insurance Premiums will provide payment of medical
insurance premiums equal to the "Least cost" family medical and dental
insurance programs offered by the Town. The determination as to whether
this benefit is provided must be made on an individual basis between June
1 and June 15 of during Town designated open enrollment periods of each
year thereafter. Employees opting for this medical insurance coverage will
not participate in the Cafeteria Benefit Program.
B. Cafeteria Benefit Program allocations are utilized to "purchase" those items
which best suit the employee's personal needs. Benefits available in the
cafeteria program include medical insurance, additional life insurance, medical
examination, local health club membership, and deferred compensation.
The dollar amount allocated to this program is reviewed annually as part of
the market survey.