1975-075-Adopting An Affirmative Action Program For The Town Of Los GatosRESOLUTION NO. 1975 -75 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS. RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, that the attached AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM is hereby adopted as an employment policy of the Town of Los Gatos. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a regular meeting :held on the l6th day of June 1975, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN Ruth Cannon Mark B. DiDuca John B. dochner Albert B. Smith Egon Jensen NOES: COUNCILMEN None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN None AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM I. POLICY STATEMENT Affirmative Action, as defined in the "Federal Register" by the Department of Labor, is "action to insure that applicants or employees are treated without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." It is further described as "positive action in affording employment and training to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." The Town of Los Gatos fully supports the concept of Affirmative Action. It is the goal of the Town to insure that all levels of the Town organization are open to persons who can perform the required duties, regardless of race, religion, creed, national origin, or sex. The goal of this Affirmative Action Program is not to bias the employ- ment process in favor of any groups, but to make sure that Town procedures do not work against people who have background or other characteristics different from the majority. As an equal opportunity employer, the Town of Los Gatos is dedicated to the elimination of cultural bias in its recruitment, selection, and promotion procedures. II. PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITY The Town Manager shall be responsible for the operation of the Affirmative Action Program. The Town Manager may appoint an Affirma- tive Action Coordinator to administer the program. Any person so appointed shall be directly responsible to the Town Manager. III. PROGRAM OPERATION The Town of Los Gatos intends to undertake an aggressive action pro- gram to insure that women and minorities receive an equal chance to compete for jobs at all levels of Town organization. Specific components of this program shall include: Recruitment and Selection 1. The Town shall utilize recruitment methods which are most likely to reach minorities and women. Appropriate agencies, publications, and related sources shall be notified of employment opportunities. 2. The Town shall maintain applicant flow data to determine (a) whether recruitment efforts have been effective in attracting women and minorities, and (b) whether minorities and women are being systemati- cally screened out during the selection process. Corrective action shall follow if the above analysis shows it to be necessary in either of these areas. This data shall be obtained by requesting that each applicant voluntarily fill out a race and sex self - identification card separate from the employment application. This -2- card shall be separated from the application upon its receipt, and shall not be used as a part of the actual selection process. 3. Each time the Town has a job opening it shall: a. Review the required qualifications for the job to insure that they are job- related. b. Review any employment tests utilized to insure that they are job- related. 4. The Town will make a reasonable effort to have minority and female representation on any oral boards which are utilized in the selec- tion process. S. The Town shall take steps to insure that oral board members are fully aware of the Town's policy of nondiscrimination. Affirmative Action Plan Dissemination 1. A complete copy of the Town's Affirmative Action Plan shall be distributed to each management employee. The Town Manager shall take whatever action is necessary to insure that all employees who are responsible for making employment decisions have a full understanding of the Town's policy. Compliance with the Affirma- tive Action Program shall be considered during the annual employee evaluation of management personnel. 2. All labor organizations affiliated with Town employees shall be notified of the Town's Affirmative Action Policy. 3. The Town's Affirmative Action Plan shall be made available to any group or individual requesting to see it. Copies shall be kept on file in the Town Library, the Town Clerk's office, and the Town Manager's office. Full copies of the Plan shall be distributed to the press at the time of its adoption. IV. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN GOALS The establishment of goals and timetables as a part of an Affirmative Action Plan is a method by which public agencies can meet the Affirma- tive Action guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and fulfill the intent of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The use of goals will allow the Town to measure and evaluate its progress in its attempts to increase its utilization of women and minorities at all levels of the Town organization. Goals are not quotas. Goals are flexible number of expected vacancies and upon the women and minorities in the labor market. not preclude the hiring of non - minority m. tables provide information upon which the Action goals. and must be based on the availability of qualified Affirmative Action goals do ale applicants. The following Town can base its Affirmative _3- Table 1 The following table shows the total, minority, and female full -time Town employee population shown by the EEOC job categories. Category Total Minority Percent Female Percent Administrative 11 1 9.1 1 9.1 Professionals 11 0 0.0 2 18.2 Technicians 14 1 7.1 0 0.0 Protective Service 15* 1 6.7 0 0.0 Paraprofessionals 2 0 0.0 2 100.0 Office /Clerical 17 3 17.6 16 94.1 Skilled Craft 5 1 20.0 0 0.0 Service /Maintenance 21 5 23.8 0 0.0 TOTAL: 96 12 12.5 21 21.9 Two vacant. -4- Table 2 This table shows the ethnic /sex makeup of the Town's full -time employees vs. the ethnic /sex makeup of Santa Clara County (County- wide population statistics are used instead of Townwide population statistics because a large majority of the applicants for Town jobs come from outside Town limits). EEOC ethnic categories will be utilized for this comparison. TOWN Santa Clara County Population Percent Male 75 78.1 51.6 Female 21 21.9 48.4 White 84 87.5 76.8 American Indian 2 2.1 .4 Black 2 2.1 1.7 Spanish Surname 6 6.3 17.7 Asian American 2 2.1 2.9 Other 0 0.0 .7 100.0 100.0 -5- Table 3 This table gives a general indication of the availability of quali- fied minorities in the various job categories. (This information is drawn from data for Santa Clara County and is distributed by the State of California Employment Development Department.) It must be noted that the job categories and ethnic categories used by EDD do not correspond precisely to the Town (EEOC) job and ethnic categories. Thus, these figures should be viewed as general indicators only. Spanish Total Job Category Black American Other Minority Administrators .6% 7.7% 2.4% 10.7% Professional /Technicala 1.3% 6.8% 4.7% 12.8% Protective Service 1.0% 13.1% 1.5% 15.6% Office /Clerical 1.50/0 11.0% 3.5% 16.0% Skilled Craft 1.3% 17.3% 2.3% 20.9% Service Maintenance 2.2% 32.1% 6.3% 40.6% a. The Town has separate categories for professional and technical employees. b. The closest EDD statistics available are for laborers (excluding farm laborers). The Town's service /maintenance classification includes Public Works and Parks Foreman, Tree Trimmers, and skilled Public Works and Parks Maintenance workers. These statistics are of marginal validity. c. No statistics are available for paraprofessionals. -6- Table 4 This table gives a general indication of the availability of quali- fied women in the various job categories. (This data is not available on a Countywide basis. Statewide data is used.) The reservations expressed about the data comparability in Table 3 also apply here. Job Category Males Females Administrators 81.0% 19.0% Professional /Technicala 63.0% Protective Service Office /Clerical Skilled Craft 37.0% not available 25.0% 75.0% 95.2% 4.806 Service /Maintenance 93.3% 6.7% e a. The Town has separate categories for professional and technical employees. b. State statistics combine skilled craft and foreman into one percentage figure. c. State statistics are for nonfarm laborers (same as ethnic data). d. No statistics are available for paraprofessionals. Table 5 This table shows the composition of the total Santa Clara County work force by sex. Male Female 63.6% 36 .4% -7- Table 6 This table shows the number of resignations /terminations by Town (EEOC) job category over the preceding 12 months (May 1974 - May 1975) . Job Category Number of Resignations /Terminations Administration Professionals 0 Technicians Protective Service Paraprofessionals Office /Clerical Skilled Craft 1 Service /Maintenance 1 TOTAL: 7 All of the information presented in these tables must be considered in establishing the goals for the Town's Affirmative Action Program. The Town must consider job categories in establishing goals, to avoid perpetuating the problem of having women and minorities concentrated in lower paying jobs. Population statistics are valid in ascertain- ing how the Town's work force should ultimately be composed; but short -term goals must be based on the availability of qualified minorities and women. Similarly, short -term goals must consider the likely turnover of existing employees. In establishing goals for women, the fact that women make up a significantly lesser percentage of the labor market than they do of the population must be considered. Based on consideration of the above factors, the Town of Los Gatos hereby adopts the following five -year Affirmative Action goal. This goal assumes no expansion in the existing work force (Table 7). i N R Ed H -g- .y' cd cd R tCdd a o \ \ \ co \ \ v +H a) 0 0 o ai rd o 00 >, b0 Ed •a a •�i ai H m m m Rw A H � O Rf Ed -H b0 d rd Fa 4J w o ri o U m H m H ri o (M m v rd .N ++ s Ed a a ^ 4- R o C6 E m 41 N - N N N l0 O N O -H a) a) •rl o ri m a 41 m a) H r -P tti Nu d R rd > U N O tH -H W C� C', b0 rl Sa [d ri N N N O O O N m .-{ N O U + + + + + + Ski a o v m E > E + o ri Cd w H m Ed 'R cd A 'R Oa 9 4a m a a o \ \ \ \ rd� 4✓ U i, co W tO O m t0 N u v .H H (d U m > —4 R O N N O O m O O O .H N C R H H G 3 G m ro v o m ri m H � q •a w o o° \ \ \ \ o U u'1 A O 'O O ri m LO o m o u a) cd Sa al co m �- n o m O oc m U) > m H H H N N N H rd Ed a) O -H [d H R H N m a a +) R m }+ N H N m O Z' H r H •� ni > H Fa m a Qj a) R N 4i a m p U � H [d •Hi > rd H H H N O r✓ O H r4 H O [d + + + + + + + b0 'C .O, .Q d N d m 4a H m H a) H Cd E 0 U 4J H ri �- r` N r\ H oo N E O ri H H H H N m Ed ++ m H +1 al cd cd U R m v s 41 R H H ri a 4H +� m N H x 4-J 4;lj p o U +J v ri P o m 4J m ro o •0 m zq m U) p r � 3 O Ed r ,r'. U m U p [d a N N N rd Fa O td > a) al U r H H R A o a) A *H *H 'H U 41 U •H m m U 4J ',1 O \ 10 a) -P O (d -P H F4 td -H m .1i U> Fa N a) U q H �'> o H Ed H U H w +1Q) H H ." Ed >Ed 3> R o U o cn is 4i a p i o a) p rd 4a X v -P a c h W H W 0., 0 co co R H R ai m aH a U •H U 4J 4i m > O, � o •a •ri o 4�'d v m > 4i G •H �4 o vi r o G •ri o u N 4J 4 S bD •H U E r 4i g U o v •-H o o v rd H G U) oa o P iP m o a) m -P •H C4 0 -P 4-1 -H r0 -I dm CJ ,� rd 1P E o v o A -P> W +� o o axi o, G-P E 4J 4i U ,.C; m O •r-I d O i-J H N ,.O d -H p Fa m C m U -P U R •rl v.i 3 rd Ed F, Ed ow N H � � 0, 41 v d !~'t al v4� r H O N •H H U •,i d-J rl td Fa -N •H U E '�-1 o u -P 9A '' •mi dd a) U) v •ri -H m ,L+ U bU m CD 1-4 Cd •r-I r14 E r O v> 4 U 4J H .—I v F+ 3 -P U Ed > rd 3 v v w v O -P 'd . 4 U 41 'H a) Si N rd cd v cd v id m X H r bD 3 H-H >-F 0 •H0) 30 4iNm S a o v a o H 4J W O rd 1-4 Rya) [d" `� Gx v bbC N H 4- 'd H E Ed G U O a m ,C; > U) E •H ri H ++ • 4J (D a) P P >~ O •H 'd •r1 a m O O � aa))4-w4U � C) H rd mw N 41 O Ed rl r-I 1-i a\) 'd U R, U v ) G v A H d N Ux o,o a•,i o ^ cd it v 4J U) "d d H a) U U E •Ui N � m c (,d 4 m v p O 44 •H Fa U U 4- O m F-4 O 41 •* is O -H 'd r� b0 . i -I-� 4i G v m -P -P O cad p 4i � '0 m 4J -- v v Sa 'H 41 [d O O $a C6 o v m Ed 4J a E+, g o R � In Ed 4 rO m o m H ff •n H •Ui �-i > HN Cd N 3 'd 41 a) 4 m 3 71 +' bO H R H w ;4 (D om•HE vq a) > v c\ 4J a> [ v U) =, U 4Ju v 0 1 ' a 4�i sp [d d ,.[ Fi C 4i 4-4 ;j ip m a) Sa •H F, -P m.Ha H U•ri ry'A -10- V. PROGRAM REVIEW On or about September 1 of each year following the adoption of this Affirmative Action Plan, all Town work force data shall be revised in conjunction with the submittal of Form EEOC -4 to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Included in this revision shall be a table showing the race /sex makeup of all new employees hired during the preceding reporting period for EEOC 4. This infor- mation shall be submitted to the Town Manager and (if one is appointed) to the Affirmative Action Coordinator. Every two years following the adoption of this Affirmative Action Program, the program shall be completely revised, including the updating of all work force availability data and the adoption of new goals. The revised program shall be submitted to the Town Council for adoption, along with a report showing precisely what progress has been made toward reaching the previously established goals.