1978-069-Modifying And Approving A Tentative Subdivision Map And Determining Appeals From The Tenative Map ApprovalRESOLUTION NO. 1978 -69 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS MODIFYING AND APPROVING A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP AND DETERMINING APPEALS FROM THE TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved the tentative map in Proceeding No. M -77 -14 on January 4, 1978, and WHEREAS, John Rieger and Robert and Diane Cutright appealed the Planning Commission's determination to the Town Council, and WHEREAS, the matter was duly noticed and the Town Council hearing commenced on February 6, 1978, and was continued to a field trip on February 9, 1978, and continued to another meeting on February 21, 1978, and further continued for the preparation of an addendum to the environmental impact report to May 15, 1978, and further continued to May 16, 1978, for the preparation of findings. RESOLVED: The Council of the Town of Los Gatos determines that the tentative map in this proceeding is approved and is modified to terminate Harwood Road as a cul -de -sac as shown in Alternate 1 in the environmental impact report addendum dated April 5, 1978, with 13 lots using Harwood Road and 59 lots using the cul -de -sac from Shannon Road. FURTHER RESOLVED: The Council finds: California Environmental Quality Act Significant impacts identified in the environmental impact report and mitigation or overriding considerations are as follows: a. The presence of geologic hazards and soil instability. Mitigation: Condition No. 3 of the approval. Growth inducement by extending water to the area. Mitigation: Statement by San Jose Water Works that "we have designed the necessary storage and pumping facilities so as to provide domestic service and fire protection within the pressure ranges and flow capabilities specified by the California Public Utilities General Order 103. For this reason only limited additions could be accommodated unless substantial enlargement and /or reinforcements of certain of these facilities were made." Overriding Consideration: A minimum amount of reserve capacity for a water system is necessary for public safety and health purposes. Prudent design requires allowance for peak loading and safety factors. c. Traffic burden on Harwood Road, especially the through traffic due to the Shannon Road connection. Mitigation: The project has been redesigned to eliminate the through road connection. The traffic generated by the 13 lots using Harwood Road will not be a substantial added burden to Harwood Road. d. Traffic burden on Shannon Road from the 59 lots designed to use Shannon Road. Mitigation: As further developments occur along Shannon Road, the Town and County will require or provide widening projects to increase sight distance, additional roadway width, and pro- vide passing lanes. If a signal is determined necessary at Hicks Road and Camden Avenue, the Town has required financial participation in this project by the Los Gatos Christian Church. Overriding Consideration: Even though this project as amended will place an additional burden on Shannon Road, it will provide badly needed new emergency access from Shannon Road to the Belwood area. The access will be used on a regular basis by police patrols, Town maintenance forces and, in time of need, by fire, ambulance and private vehicles. II. Subdivision Map Act a. The proposed subdivision, together with the provision for its design and improvement, is consistent with the various elements of the General Plan including: Land Use Element. The dwelling unit density of the project is well within the rural residential density range specified in the General Plan. The subdivision as designed implements the 12 hillside policies specified in the General Plan (Land Use Element II.E). Circulation Element. The subdivision substantially conforms with the Circulation Element of the General Plan in that it does not preclude the eventual connection of a through road between Harwood Road and Shannon Road along a route that does not traverse the project, and in the interim would provide critically needed emergency access while maintaining the relative isolation of the Shannon Road area. Housing Element. The project does not conflict with the provisions of the Housing Element. The area is one which is unsuitable for lower cost housing because of the cost of roads and utilities, the lack of public transportation, which will probably continue, and the relative remoteness of the area from public services. Conservation Element. The project as designed implements the Conservation Element of the General Plan by minimizing grading, enforcement of the Town's tree removal regulation, by discouraging -2- the use of off -road vehicles which now utilize the property, by requiring substantial landscaping and by preserving the scenic vegetation. Open Space Element. The project implements the Town's open space policies by the offer of dedication of additional land for outdoor recreation in the expansion of Belgatos Park and the reservation of significant areas of open space to be held in private ownership with open space easements. Seismic Safety Element. The subdivision conditions implement the seismic safety regulations requiring thorough geologic investigations, including those that have already been performed and those required to be performed prior to filing the final map. Scenic Highways Element. Shannon Road is one of the Town's identified scenic highways, and one of the conditions of approval of the project is that the houses be constructed so as not to obstruct the view of the ridge line, thereby preserving and enhancing the scenie view from Shannon Road. Safety Element. The project will have emergency access from both Harwood Road and Shannon Road and will provide a new emergency access from Shannon Road to the Belwood area, which is badly needed and will reduce response times for emergency services. The project is also extending an adequate water supply into a high fire hazard area. b. Facts to compel the findings for denial specified in the Map Act do not exist. Specifically, the proposed map and the design of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan, the site is physically suitable for residential development and the proposed density of 72 lots as determined by the Town's slope density regulations. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements will not cause substan- tial environmental damage and are in fact specially designed to enhance the environment, i.e., median islands designed to preserve oak trees and grading designed to avoid unnecessary scarring and removal of vegetation. The extension of sewer and public water supply into the subdivision will prevent public health problems. The subdivision and improvements will not conflict with public easements but will instead formalize and perpetuate on public trails, existing trails that have informally traversed the property. III. Findings Required by Section 27 -64 of the Subdivision Ordinance Adequate easement provisions have been made for public utilities. The emergency access provides for circulation by police and public works maintenance forces on a regular basis. The cul -de -sacs them- selves provide a reasonable day -to -day circulation for normal traffic. The fact that this is a relatively low density development will allow adequate circulation via the longer than normally allowed cul -de -sacs. -3- FURTHER RESOLVED: This approval is subject to the following conditions: The applicant (property owner) shall dedicate the following to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer: a. Harwood Road. A strip to a line 30 feet from the centerline from the northeast corner of Lot No. 1 to the approximate midpoint of Lot No. 4. A 40- foot -wide roadway (including additional width where median islands are proposed and the cul -de -sac bulb) from the east boundary to the terminus of the cul -de -sac near Lot 72. The roadway dedication should also include adjacent slope easements as necessary. Shannon Road cul -de -sac. A 40- foot -wide roadway (including additional width where median islands are proposed and the cul -de -sac bulb) from Shannon Road to the terminus of the cul- de -sac near Lot 13. The roadway dedication should also include adjacent slope easements as necessary, and a 20 -foot property line radius at the intersection with Shannon Road. c. Other cul -de -sac streets. A 40- foot -wide roadway (including 20 -foot property line radius at the intersections and 40 -foot radius bulbs) with adjacent slope easements as required. d. Storm and sanitary sewer easements. e. Private open space and public parks as shown on the tentative map. Park dedication to include the two parcels labeled park dedication and one parcel labeled public trail easement dedicated adjacent to Lots 6, 7 and 9. f. Pedestrian and equestrian trails subject to approval of the Town Council in a form satisfactory to the Town Attorney. g. Emergency and public service vehicle easement. One 18 -foot- wide as shown on tentative map and one 40- foot -wide connecting the Harwood and Shannon cul -de -sacs. Adequate right -of -way (tank site) and easements as required for the water system. The applicant shall guarantee by contract and bond the installation of the following improvements, to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer: Harwood Road (Lot No. 1 through 4). Standard 30 -foot half- street improvements plus ten feet of paving, including curb and gutter (west side) (curb line 20 feet from the centerline), concrete sidewalk, tie -in paving, street lights and storm and sanitary sewers. -4- b. Harwood Road (east boundary of the subdivision at Lot No. 4 to the terminus of the cul -de -sac). A 28 -foot (curb -to -curb) street including curbs and gutters, paving, a four -foot asphalf walkway on one side, street lights, retaining walls, storm and sanitary sewers. c. Shannon Road cul -de -sac (from Shannon Road to the terminus of the cul -de -sac). A 28 -foot (curb -to -curb) street including curbs and gutters, paving, a four -foot a; phalt walkway on one side, street lig:its, retaining walls, storm and sanitary sewers. d. Harwood Road (Lot No. 1 to Bacigalupi Drive). Deleted e. Other cul -de -sac streets. A standard 24 -foot curb -to -curb street including curb and gutters, paving, a four -foot asphalt walkway on one side, street lights, retaining walls, and storm and sanitary sewers. f. Sanitary sewers and storm and drainage facilities (off street). g. Pedestrian - equestrian trails, including an equestrian trail on east side of Harwood Road north of the subdivision to approxi- mately Almond Blossom Lane. h. Emergency access routes. i. A water system as required by San Jose Water Works. j. 18- foot -wide common driveways as required (Lots 7 and 9, 5 and 8). k. Grading, tank screening, landscaping, erosion control and slope restoration improvements. 1. Harwood - Shannon cul -de -sacs shall be constructed within an open space between the bulbs with a paved emergency connection and landscaping, with the bulbs "offset" so that they would give the appearance of a through street, and with electronically controlled gates designed to the satisfaction of the Police Chief and the Chief of the Central Fire Protection District. 3. The applicant shall provide a detailed soils and geologic report to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer to determine if there are any unsafe building sites and to establish foundation, grading and pavement design criteria. The Town Engineer shall have the authority to require redesign or elimination of the affected lots on the final subdivision map. 4. No structure shall be allowed to be built which obstructs the view of the natural ridge line as determined by the Planning Commission in the architecture and site proceedings. This condition shall be noted on the final map. -5- 5. Through access for emergency services shall be constructed in the first phase. FURTHER RESOLVED: The Rieger and Cutright appeals are determined as provided in this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 16th day of May, 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ATTEST: CLERK OF T AE TOWVOF LOS GATOS