Town Council Meeting 06/02/14
Item #1
MAY 19, 2014
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday,
May 19, 2014, to hold a Study Session at.5:45 p.m., and a Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department Budget.
Scott Seaman, Chief of Police, presented the staff report.
Council discussed the matter.
Jonathan Knowles
- Commented on the quality of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department.
Sue Farwell
- Commented on the professionalism of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police
Study session adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Present: Mayor Steven Leonardis, Vice Mayor Marcia Jensen, Council Member Joe
Pirzynski, Council Member Diane McNutt, Council Member Barbara Spector.
Absent: None
Dr. Clyde Horn led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate.
Mayor Leonardis introduced Erica Goss, Town of Los Gatos Poet Laureate, to present a
commendation to Ray Pendleton, recipient of the 2014 Los Gatos Poet Laureate
Scholarship for Creative Writing.
Mayor Leonardis presented the Small Business, Big Applause commendation to
Birdwatcher of Los Gatos.
Mayor Leonardis presented the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished
Budget Presentation award to Steve Conway, Finance Director.
Robert Schultz, Town Attorney, stated there was no Closed Session and there is no
Council Matters
- Council Member Joe Pirzynski stated he attended the Cities Association Board of
Directors, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Valley Transportation Authority,
Congestion Management Program and Planning Committee, Alcohol and
Entertainment Ad Hoc Committee, and ABAG Executive Board meetings; St. Mary's
Sobrato Junior High School Science Building opening, and the State of Our Town.
- Vice Mayor Marcia Jensen stated she attended the Valley Transportation Authority
Policy Advisory Committee, and the Planned Development Ad Hoc Committee
meetings; the Live Oak Senior Nutrition Center celebration and the State of Our
- Council Member Diane McNutt stated she attended the Chamber of Commerce
North 40 Awareness meeting and the State of Our Town.
- Council Member Barbara Spector stated she attended the Planned Development Ad
Hoc Committee meeting, the Live Oak Senior Nutrition Center celebration, and the
State of Our Town.
- Mayor Steven Leonardis stated he attended the Alcohol and Entertainment Ad Hoc
Committee, West Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors, and the Chamber of
Commerce North 40 Awareness meetings; the Turn Around Scholarship
presentation by the Kiwanis Club, St. Mary's Science Building opening, and the
State of Our Town.
Manager Matters
- Acknowledged and thanked staff for their work on the State of Our Town.
- Announced as part of National Public Works Week, the Parks and Public Works
Department will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, May 20 from 9 a.m. to
12 p.m.
- Acknowledged Police Corporal Greg Borromeo in attendance.
- Announced Captain Matt Frisby has been appointed the new Police Chief effective
August 1, 2014.
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014
1. Approve Council minutes of May 5, 2014.
2. Accept the donation from Spansion Inc., of emergency preparedness equipment
and supplies for the Los Gatos Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Program, valued at approximately $30,000.
3. Accept donations in the aggregate amount of $39,765.13 from Los Gatos/Monte
Sereno Police Foundation of equipment, supplies, and support for the Los
Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Department.
4. Authorize Town Manager to execute agreement with Chavan & Associates, LLP
to provide professional auditing services for The Town of Los Gatos with annual
audit amounts not to exceed $38,000 for FY 2014/15, $38,000 for FY 2015/16,
and $38,000 for FY 2016/17.
MOTION: MotionVice Mayor Marcia Jensen
by to approve Consent Items
SecondedCouncil Member Joe Pirzynski.
#1-4. by
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
John Shepardson
- Thanked Council and the Police Department for their service; read a short poem;
inquired if there is a State requirement for matching residential and commercial
square footage development.
John Lochner
- Provided an update on the Veterans Memorial Support Foundation and requested
Council consider adding an amount of $20,000 to the budget for seed money for the
Andy Wu
- Commented on the length of police officer shifts and oath of office for public
5. Amendment of Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees
Adopt a resolution confirming action taken by the Town Council at a Special
Meeting held on March 24, 2014, amending the Town of Los Gatos Traffic Impact
Mitigation Fees as provided for in Section 15.70.035 of the Town Code
Matt Morley, Parks and Public Works Director, presented the staff report.
Opened the Public Hearing at 7:53 p.m.
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014
Public Hearing #5 – continued
Andy Wu
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Maria Ristow
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Jeff Loughridge
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
John Shepardson
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Andrew Lifabor
- Spoke against the increase.
Jak Van Nada
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Jennifer Grewal
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Lee Quintana
- Spoke in favor of the increase and requested clarification on the difference between
the traffic impact mitigation fee, construction road impact fee, and the direct traffic
impact fee for a project.
Larry Arzie
- Spoke in favor of the increase.
Anne Robinson
- Spoke in favor of the increase and suggested a portion of the fee be used for
development of a trail connecting the Los Gatos Creek Trail to the North 40
Closed the Public Hearing at 8:17 p.m.
Council discussed the matter.
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014
Public Hearing Item #5 – continued
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by that the exemption
for secondary dwelling units with a floor area of six hundred square
SecondedCouncil Member Diane
feet or less not be removed. by
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to remove the
SecondedMayor Steven
provision for low income housing. by
VOTE: Motion failed. Vice Mayor Marcia Jensen, Council Members
Diane McNutt and Joe Pirzynski voting no.
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to not remove the
SecondedCouncil Member
exemption for low income housing. by
Joe Pirzynski.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to retain the
provision for walk-in impulse businesses as recommended by staff
and to provide separate direction to staff to bring consideration of
this issue back with the land use issue of specialty retail to council.
SecondedVice Mayor Marcia Jensen.
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to continue to give
traffic credit for existing or former use if that use existed within 5
SecondedVice Mayor Marcia
years prior to project approval. by
VOTE: Motion passed 4/1. Council Member Diane McNutt voted no.
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014
Public Hearing Item #5 – continued
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to follow staff
recommendation regarding the definition of Average Daily Trip
SecondedCouncil Member Diane McNutt.
(ADT). by
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: MotionCouncil Member Barbara Spector
by to adopt the
resolution amending traffic mitigation impact fees as contained in
Attachment 1 that includes the credit and include all prior motions -
a new Section D adding secondary dwelling unit language, a new
Section E adding affordable housing developments language, and
modify Section B to include the language “within the past 5 years
prior to project approval.” Direction to staff to return in August with
more detailed information on when a credit is appropriate, how it's
calculated, how much needs to be done by a developer, whether
there is a difference between a required improvement and a
SecondedVice Mayor Marcia Jensen.
voluntary improvement. by
VOTE: Motion passed 3/2. Council Members Diane McNutt and Joe
Pirzynski voted no.
Mayor Leonardis called a recess at 9:10 p.m. The meeting resumed at 9:18 p.m.
6. Operating and Capital Budgets
a. Consider the Town of Los Gatos Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for
Fiscal Year 2014/2015
b. Consider the Town of Los Gatos Proposed Capital Improvement Program for
Fiscal Years 2014-2019
c. Provide direction regarding any changes to the Fiscal Year 2014/15
Operating and Capital Budget or the 2014-2019 Capital Improvement
Program Budget
Greg Larson, Town Manager, Stephen Conway, Finance Director, and Jennifer
Callaway, Budget & Finance Manager presented the staff report.
Opened the Public Hearing at 9:55 p.m.
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014
Public Hearing Item #6 – continued
Shiloh Ballard, Silicon Valley Leadership Group
- Spoke in support of funding for affordable housing.
Kevin Zwick, Housing Trust Silicon Valley
- Spoke in support of funding for affordable housing.
Closed the Public Hearing at 10:01 p.m.
Council discussed the matter.
Direction to Staff:
Bring back the proposed budget with the following changes included and described on
June 2, 2014:
1. Half time Police Community Services Officer (CSO) for after hours enforcement
of noise and nuisance.
2. Set aside of $100k for school area traffic study and improvements subject to
participation by the school districts.
3. Set aside of funds for affordable housing with explanation of where and how the
funds will be used for each of the proposed amounts.
There was no other business.
The meeting adjourned at 11:16 P.M.
/s/ Shelley Neis, Clerk Administrator
Town Council/Parking Authority May 19, 2014