Adopt Reso Operating Budget FY 14/15M MEETING DATE: 6/02/14 ITEM NO: i q 41 1 s s COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 27, 2014 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FISCAL YEAR 2014/15 OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP), NEW APPROPRIATIONS, AND OTHER APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS AND MINOR CORRECTIONS RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution approving the FY 2013 /14 Operating and Capital Summary Budget and the FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the Town of Los Gatos, directing staff to incorporate within the final adopted budget any changes related to Council approved meet and confer process or management compensation plan amendments, classification adjustments or minor corrections, carry- forward appropriations, changes due to more refined estimates and grant approvals, or additional Town Council direction received by staff upon adoption of the budget. BACKGROUND: On May 19, 2014, a public hearing was held to discuss the Proposed FY 20134/15 Town Operating and Capital Summary Budget and Proposed FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Town Council considered both documents and directed staff to bring back the documents for final approval. Any additional changes or corrections directed by Council upon adoption of the budget can be incorporated into the final authorized budget provided for in the attached resolution (Attachment 1). PREPARED BY: Finance and Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Services Director Attorney _Finance PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2013/14 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 27, 2013 The attached resolution incorporates the following actions directed by a majority of the Council at the May 19, 2014 budget hearing. Community Service Officer Pilot Program for Downtown Nuisances. At the May 19, 2014 FY 2014/15 budget hearing, Council authorized one -time funding for a pilot program to fund a part- time temporary Community Services Officer (CSO) within the Police Department tvjespond to evening/weekend noise, parking and other nuisance complaints. The program will be a one -year pilot program, budgeted for $50,000 which will be allocated from the Special Studies/Incentives reserve which totals $490,000. Staff will provide a review for Council during the mid -year budget process to report on the effectiveness of the program and, if successful, a recommendation regarding continuance along with potential funding sources will be included in the FY 15/16 budget. School Traffic Study Analysis and Improvements. Recognizing the importance of traffic flow and the impact of traffic and parking congestion in and around the streets of Los Gatos schools, a Council majority authorized up to $100,000 in funding for a comprehensive school - related traffic study and improvements for the streets surrounding the Los Gatos High school, Fisher Middle School and Van Meter Elementary School, contingent on school district participation. The study will focus on identifying potential Town or school improvements that may help to alleviate some of the current congestion problems at the start and end of school days. Up to $100,000 from the Special Studies /Incentives reserve will be allocated for this study; however, use of these funds will be contingent upon participation by and financial support from the affected school districts. Staff will present Council with a plan for the study participation options after discussion with the school districts. Affordable Housing Funding Request As stated in the attached email (Attachment 2), the regional affordable housing advocacy organizations have dropped two of their funding requests: the ongoing funding from re- directed redevelopment sources of roughly $80,000 per year and the $100,000 grant for the Silicon Valley Housing Trust. They continue to request reallocation of re- directed one -time redevelopment sources up to $578,000. The one -time request of $578,000 is based on the full amount of funding returned to the Town from the $6.5 million of former redevelopment affordable housing funds (often called 20% funds) that were taken from the Town with the dissolution of redevelopment. The County Board of Supervisors has committed to "match" this maximum level of funding with $754,000 from the County's own redirected affordable housing funds received from the Town. The Town could, if it so chooses, establish any level of one -time affordable housing funding up to $578,000, and County representatives have stated they would "match" that level of funding proportionately. The alternative one -time funding level presented at the budget hearing by staff was $237,000. This number was derived by applying the former redevelopment 20% affordable PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2013/14 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 27, 2013 housing ratio to all of the one -time redirected redevelopment funds received by the Town totaling $1.2 million. The County has indicated that they would match this funding on a proportional basis with $309,000. The County has set June 17, 2014 as the deadline by which former redevelopment agency jurisdictions must take budgetary action designating the one -time funds that would be "matched" by the County. To date, Mountain View, Campbell and Morgan Hill have taken such actions, while action in Santa Clara, San Jose, Milpitas and Cupertino is still pending. The requested budgetary action would be to set aside the funds in a Town- designated reserve for future allocation to a qualified affordable housing use. This is the same action taken by the County with its "matching" one -time funds. The actual use and expenditure of both the Town's and the County's funds designated for affordable housing would be contingent on subsequent submission, review and approval by both the Town Council and the Board of Supervisors of a specific affordable housing proposal with associated contractual and other agreements. The Town would retain the authority to reallocate the affordable housing designated reserve at any point, but would consequently "lose" access to the County's "match" for future affordable housing purposes in Los Gatos. The County has specified that any municipal funds designated for the County "match" must not be existing affordable housing funds, such as the $2 million the Town currently has in its affordable housing Below Market Price in -lieu fund. Consequently, staff proposed in the Addendum for the May 19, 2014 Budget Hearing that the Council consider reallocation of the $490,000 in the Special Studies designated reserve (see pages C -26 and C -27 of the Proposed Operating Budget) for this and other purposes. This designated reserve was first established three years ago for potential special studies and was then increased to nearly $500,000 when there was a potential need to draw on reserves to balance the FY 12/13 budget. That reserve was not needed given higher than budgeted revenues and lower than budgeted expenditures actually occurred during the course of the year, but the funds remain as a designated reserve available to the Council for this or other uses. Based on majority Council direction on May 19, 2014, the proposed budget resolution includes the following: Be it further resolved that $237, 000 be reallocated from the Special Studies designated reserve to a new Affordable Housing designated reserve to be used solely for affordable housing purposes in Los Gatos when matched with $309, 000 from the County of Santa Clara, subject to further Council review and approval; Ca1PERS Safety Liability Side Letter Funding. In the Staff Report for the May 19, 2014 Town Council Budget Hearing, staff informed the Town Council of the possibility of reducing a long- term liability remaining from the consolidation of the Town's safety pension program with other PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2013/14 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 27, 2013 smaller safety pension programs as required by PERS. Staff indicated that staff would return later in the calendar year with a recommendation and potential actions if the analysis proved the early payment of the liability was financially prudent. Council members requested additional information as soon as possible. Working with PERS this week, staff has received preliminary information that suggests the early payment of the existing PERS Safety liability would likely be financially beneficial to the Town given the Town's Five Year Forecast. Specifically, if the Town provides an upfront payment of up to $4.5 million, the Town's annual PERS payments would reduce by approximately $750,000 next fiscal year with the forecasted reduction rising to $900,000 over the following 5 years, when the liability would have been fully paid in any case. Payment of less than the $4.5 million total liability would have proportional reductions in the annual savings achieved thereafter. Town staff would recommend the following sources of funds to pay down some or all of the existing liability: ■ $2.0 million from the Budget Stabilization Fund in excess of the Council Policy specified 12.5% reserve; ■ $1.5 million from the existing PERS reserve established during the Town's pension "Holiday" in the late 1990's; and/or ■ $1.0 million in anticipated year -end fund balance from higher revenues and lower expenditures than budgeted. It is important to note that all of these are General Fund resources, as would be the savings from the reduced annual PERS operating payments. There would be no changes to employee required pension contributions, and neither the use of funds nor savings are subject to any collective bargaining with employee organizations. No action from Council would be needed at this time except for direction to pursue timely early payment of some or all of the existing liability. Staff would then return with the PERS required actions in August, if possible. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the Town Operating and Capital Budgets is provided in the Financial Summaries section of the budget document including estimates of Fund Reserves at June 30, 2015. Staff will bring forward applicable budget adjustments as part of the Town's mid -year budget review, including mid -year results of the pilot Police Community Resource Officer position and a recommendation, if appropriate to continue the program with funding source possibilities. PAGE 5 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2013/14 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 27, 2013 Attachments: 1. Resolution of the Town Council Approving FY 2013/14 Operating Budget and FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2. Email from Kevin Zwick, Housing Trust Silicon Valley, dated May 29, 2014 3. Public communication received through 12:00 pm, May 29, 2014 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RESOLUTION 2014 -XXX RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING THE FY 2014/15 OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19 CAPITAL BUDGET AND OTHER APPROVED APPROPRIATIONS RELATED TO COMMUNITY RESOURCE OFFICER INTERN PILOT PROGRAM, ONLINE DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY AND PERMIT TRACKING, ARTS FUNDING, AND MINOR CORRECTIONS WHEREAS, Section 2.30.295(b) of the Los Gatos Town Code requires the Town Manager to annually prepare and submit a budget to the Town Council and be responsible for its administration; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager submitted a proposed budget for the FY 2014/15 to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager submitted a proposed five -year capital improvement plan for FY 2014/15 — FY 2018/19; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered and reviewed said proposed budget and capital improvement plan during public hearings. RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby adopts as the budget for the Town of Los Gatos for the 2014 /15 fiscal year the schedule entitled "Total Town Revenues By Fund and Total Town Expenditures By Fund (Exhibit A) including the first year (FY 2014/15) of the Town's Capital Improvement Program budget as contained in the Town's FY's 2014/15 — 2018/19 Capital Improvement Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the final adopted budget includes approved appropriations for unspent prior year allocations, and that there be carried forward from prior years Reserve for Encumbrances within each fund an amount sufficient to cover approved outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2014; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $50,000 be allocated from the Special Studies designated reserve for a one -time pilot program to fund a Police Community Services Officer to respond to evening/weekend noise, parking and other nuisance complaints in the downtown; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $100,000 be allocated from the Special Studies designated reserve to implement a comprehensive school- retated traffic and parking study for the streets surrounding Los Gatos High School, Fisher Middle School and Van Meter Elementary School contingent on participation and financial support from the affected school districts; ATTACHMENT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that $237,000 be reallocated from the Special Studies designated reserve to a new Affordable Housing designated reserve to be used solely for affordable housing purposes in Los Gatos when matched with $309,000 from the County of Santa Clara, subject to further Council review and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 2nd day of June, 2014 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA TOTAL TOWN REVENUES BY FUND AND TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES BY FUND TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS OUr & CARRWORWARD APPROPRIATION General Fund 2014 /15 Estimated 2014115 Special Revenue Funds Proposed Budget Recommended Internal Service Funds Budget Revision Budget TOWN REVENUES & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES 110,700 110,700 General Fund $ 36,129,725 $ 36,129,725 Special Revenue Funds 445,622 445,622 Internal Service Funds 4,562,217 4,562,217 Trust & Agency Funds 39,099 39,099 Capital Project Funds (does not include carryforwards) 9,279,910 9,279,910 Successor Agnecy Funds 4,047,182 4,047,182 TOTAL TOWNREVINUFS & OTHER FUNDING SO11RrF.c c 54 cna 714 e e CA ena ,CC TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS OUr & CARRWORWARD APPROPRIATION General Fund $ 43,113,545 $ 379,442 $ 43,492,987 Special Revenue Funds 497,427 497,427 Internal Service Funds 5,681,972 5,681,972 Trust & Agency Funds 110,700 110,700 Capital Project Funds (does not include carryforwards) 8,121,746 8,121,746 Successor Agnecy Funds 4,040,766 4 040 766 TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURE& OTHER FUNDINGii;ES $ 61,566,156 $ 379.442 S 61945.595 TOTAL SOURCE"L) OF FUND BALANCES, $ (7,062,401) $ (379,442) $ (7,441,843) EXHIBIT A THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK From: Kevin Zwick [kevin @housingtrustsv.org] Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:36 AM To: Greg Larson Cc: Shiloh Ballard Subject: Updated Boomerang Funds Dear Greg, In light of the discussion at the previous Town Council meeting, the Boomerang coalition will revise our request to only pertain to the one -time funds, and not any ongoing funds. In addition, the Housing Trust is withdrawing our pending request for a $100,000 contribution from the Town of Los Gatos. We will work with Town staff in the coming year on any fixture request. Thank you, Kevin Zwick Housing Trust Silicon Valley ATTACHMENT THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK From: Janet Bajorek <janet @bajorek.us> Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:43 AM To: Steve Regan Cc: Town Manager Subject: 2014 -2015 Budget and Kennedy Road Path Attachments: Kennedy Road Path Repair.doc Dear Mr. Regan, I am following up about my letter to you dated January 13, 2014, copy attached, requesting restoration of the pedestrian /bicycle path along Kennedy Road from Longmeadow to Stonybrook. I have not yet received your reply. On June 2, 2014 the Town Council plans to formally approve the Town's budget for 2014 -2015, including a significant allocation for capital improvements. Please confirm that the restoration of this path, which is in serious need of reconstruction and repair and which is heavily used by nearby residents, is included in the capital improvements plan for 2014 -2015. By copy of this note I ask Mr. Greg Larson to help insure that this item is part of this plan. I would be grateful for a reply before June 2. Janet Bajorek 120 Clover Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356 -7865 t I a ATTACHMENT 3 January 13, 2014 Mr. Steve Regan Maintenance Superintendent Parks & Public Works Department P. O. Box 949 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Mr. Regan: I am a 30 -year resident of the Surrey Farms development in Los Gatos and remember when the town built the pedestrian/bicycle path along Kennedy Road from Longmeadow to Stonybrook. It made the walk or ride to schools safer and was a real improvement to town access for all of us living in this area. The use of this path has increased over the years, and today it is an essential link to our community, especially to children attending Blossom Hill Elementary and R. J. Fisher Middle Schools. This path is now in urgent need of repair. A couple of sections are collapsing toward the drainage ditch on the north side of the path, the asphalt is disintegrating in some areas, and the railing is failing in some sections. I would be grateful for your inspection of the path and your response indicating when it can be restored to a safe condition. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Janet Bajorek 120 Clover Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356 -7865 janet @bajorek.us a�� From: Chris Bajorek <chris @bajorek.us> Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 11:04 AM To: Marni Moseley Cc: Steve Regan; Town Manager Subject: 20144 -2015 Town Budget and Kennedy Road Walkway Attachments: Walkway Letter.docx Dear Ms. Moseley, I just learned that on June 2 the Town will approve the budget for 2014 -2015. I attached a soft copy of my letter to you of May 19, 2014 requesting restoration of the Kennedy Road walkway in connection with the Twin Oaks Development. Given the overdue need to restore this walkway, I request that the cost of its restoration be included in the capital budget for 2014 -2015. My wife has also made this request via Mr. Regan. Dr. Chris Bajorek 120 Clover Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356 -7865 1(a Ms. Marni F. Moseley May 19, 2014 Associate Planner Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Subject: Kennedy Road Walkway and Twin Oaks Development Reference: Letter of January 13, 2014, to Mr. Steve Regan, requesting restoration of the subject walkway, copy enclosed Dear Ms. Moseley, The purpose of this letter is to request that the subject walkway be restored prior to approval of the development planned for Twin Oaks in Surrey Farm, East Los Gatos. The walkway along Kennedy Road connects Stonybrook and Longmeadow. It was built by the Town approximately 30 years ago. It has made the walk or ride to schools safer and became a real improvement to town access for all of us living in this area. It is heavily used on a daily basis. However, this path is now in urgent need of restoration . A couple of sections are collapsing toward the drainage stream on the north side of the path, the asphalt is disintegrating in some areas, and the railing is failing in some sections. In my judgment, its overall condition creates a serious safety exposure for the users as well as the Town. The planned addition of housing in the Twin Oaks section of our community will increase the usage of this path. The walkway should be reconstructed and repaired as soon as possible, certainly before approval of this new development. As indicated in the reference, my wife, Janet Bajorek, recently requested that the path be restored. She has not yet received a reply from Mr. Regan. By copy of this note I also ask that the Community Development and Parks & Public Works Departments pull their forces together to restore this walkway in a timely manner. I would be grateful for your reply confirming the restoration of this path as a precondition to approval of the Twin Oaks Development. Sincerely Yours, Dr. Christopher Bajorek 120 Clover Way Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 356 -7865; chris @baiorek.us CC: Mr. Steve Regan aka