M06-03-13 Town Council Meeting 6/17/13
Item #1 b
JUNE 3, 2013
The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday,
June 3, 2013 , at 7:00 P.M.
Closed Session began at 5 :3 0 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor Steve Leonardis, Council Member Marcia Jensen,
Council Member Diane McNutt, and Council Member Joe Pirzynski.
Absent: None.
Olivia Leonardis, Louise Van Meter Elementary School , led the Pledge of A llegiance.
The audience was invited to participate.
2013 Youth Friendly Business of the Year - Café de Flore
Youth Commission Cha i r, B en B arano v sky , presented t he Y outh Friendly
Business a ward to Café de F lore .
Outgoing Student Commissioners
Chief Seaman presented Commendations to outgoing Youth Commissioners,
Be n Baranovsky and Zaul Moayedian .
[Government Code Section 54957(b)(1)]
Title: Town Manager
Title: Town Attorney
(Government Code Section 54957.6)
Town Negotiator: Rumi Portillo, Human Resources Director
Unrepresented Employee: Town Manager
Unrepresented Employee: Town Attorney
Ms. Propp stated that Council met in Closed Session, no action was taken, and there
were no items to report.
Council Matters
- There were no Council Matters for this meeting.
Manager Matters
- Announced that there will be an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ )
Neighborhood Outreach M eeting on June 4, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council
Chambers .
- Announced that the Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on June
5 , 2013, at 7 p.m. at the Police Operations Building .
- Announced that Music in the Park begins June 16 , 2013.
1. Approve Council minutes of May 20, 2013
2. Adopt a resolution approving the Town off Los Gatos Fiscal Year 2013/14
Operating Budget And FY 2013/14 - FY 2017/18 Capital Improvement Program
(CIP), New Appropriations, and other approved adjustments and minor corrections
3. Student Commissioner Appointments
4. Approve Town Council Meeting Schedule for 2013/2014 Fiscal Year
5. Adopt resolution establishing the Fiscal Year 2013/14 GANN Appropriations Limit
for the Town of Los Gatos
6. Adopt resolution make determinations and approving the reorganization of territory
designated as Shannon Road No. 26, containing approximately .44 acres located
at 16560 Shannon Road (APN 532 -04 -001). File #AN13 -001
7. Authorize the purchase of License Plate Recognition Systems for Parking
a. Formal competitive bidding for the purchase of the License Plate
Recognition Systems for parking enforcement is suspended and
b. Auth orize the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Sentry Control
Systems for the purchase of License Plate Recognition Systems for parking
8. PPW Job No. A13 -002 - Map, Topography, and Survey Peer Review Consultant
Services Authorize the Town Manager to execute an amendment to the
agreement between the Town of Los Gatos and Sierra West Land Surveying, Inc.
for two additional years to perform continued Map, Topography, and Survey Peer
Review Services in the Town of Los Gatos on an on -call b asis for private
development projects
Consent Items – Continued
9. PPW Job No. A13 -003 - Map, Topography, and Survey Peer Review Consultant
Services Authorize the Town Manager to execute an amendment to the
agreement between the Town of Los Gatos and Freyer & Laureta Inc. for two
additional years to perform continued Map, Topography, and Survey Peer Review
Services in the Town of Los Gatos on an on -call basis for private development
10. Authorize the Town Manager to execute an amendment to t he agreement
between the Town of Los Gatos and Siemens Industry, Inc. through June 30,
2014 to provide services for Underground Utility Locating Requests
MOTION: Motion by Council Member Marcia Jensen to approve the
Consent Items 1 -10.
S e conded by Vice Mayor Steven Leonardis .
VOTE: Motion passed unanimously .
N o one spoke under verbal communications at this meeting .
11. Planned Development Application PD -12 -001; Architecture and Site Application S -
12 -078; and Environmental Impact Report EIR -12 -003. Project Location: 90 -160
Albright Way and 14600 Winchester Boulevard. Property Owner: LG Business
Park, LLC. Applicant: John R. Shenk
a. Consider a request to modify the existing planned development to allow for
redevelopment of the existing site with up to 550,000 square feet of new
office/R&D buildings and approval to construct the improvements
represented in the Planned Development on property zoned CM:PD. APNS
424 -31 -053, 054, 063, 424 -32 -038, 045, 049, 054, 059, 060, and 063
b. Consider a request for Architecture and Site approval for the proposed
c. Consider Certification of an Environmental Impact Report and Mit igation
Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued from 5/20/13, Item 7)
Mayor Spector advised this is a continued Public Hearing .
Public H earing Item #11 – Continued
Jef f L oughridge
- Commented against the proposed project.
Joe Clark did not come forward when called.
Douglas McNeil
- Commented against the proposed project .
Joseph G emignani
- Commented against the proposed project .
E ri k Eastland
- Commented against the proposed project.
Terr y McB riarty
- Commented against the proposed project.
Bruce Har ison
- Commented against the proposed project.
Joe C rummet t
- Commented in support of the proposed project.
Phil A l banese
- Commented in support of the proposed project.
Dave Bohn did not come forward when called.
Sandy Decker
- Commented against the propos ed project.
Bob Shep e rd
- Commented i n support of the proposed project.
Pierl uigi Oliverio did not come forward when called .
Tricia Capri
- Commented in support of the proposed project.
The applicant, Jon Shenk, spoke.
Mayor Spector closed the Public Hearing
Public H earing Item #11 – Continued
Council Comments
- Council members disclosed that they met with the developer, several residents ,
Netflix , the Chamber of Commerce, and have continued to read e -mails received.
- Council Member Pirzynski clarified his position on the V alle y Tran s port a tion
A uth ority .
- Questioned traffic impact improvements and the applicant’s involvement to help with
- Questioned the possibility to i nstall a “keep clear ” zone on L ark Avenue at Charter
O aks .
- Questioned the study of the light and gl are emitted from the property .
- Questioned the footprint of the garage, the distance from the C harter O aks
development , and if underground parking is an option.
Mr. Rohani
- C larified the d esign improvements for Lark Avenue and Winchester Boulevard .
- C larified that the off -site traffic improvements are underway and Condition 101F of
the Planned Development requires the applicant to do the restriping and extend the
left turn lane on south bound Winchester Boulevard to east bound Lark Avenue.
- Clarified that i t is possible to include a “keep clear ” zone at Charter Oaks and it
could be included as a condition of approval or included as part of the traffic projects
that are underway for that ar ea.
Mr. Paulson
- C larified the light and glare study was a photometric study of lighting that is on the
site which found no significant effect on adjacent properties .
- Clarified that the foo tprint size of the parking garage is 76,765 S quare F eet and has
955 spaces .
Mr . Larson
- C larified that C ondition 101F requires restriping of the road .
Mr. Moose
- C larified the EIR is adequate and legally defensible in court.
- Clarified a supplemental analysis should be done as an addendum to the EIR if the
applicant wanted to consider adding underground parking to the garage structure .
Public Hearing Item #11 – Continued
MOTION: Motion by Mayor Barbara Spector to approve staff
recommendations with all of the project approval actions specified
on page 2 of the staff report , with the following modifications: 1)
B ui ld in gs 1 and 4 would be limited to 50 feet maximum all inclusive
of screening, mechanical and other accoutr e ments; 2) no freeway
visible signage; 3) the garage would be limite d to 35 f ee t maximum
all inclusive of solar panels, with underground parking possible with
subsequent review; 4) The sq uare f oo t age for the entire office
project would be limited to 485,000 square feet ; 5) There would be
a requirement to provide “k eep clea r ” or equivalent markings and
signage at the inters ection of Charter Oaks and Lark; 6) Accept
applicant ’s offer for a community benefit of $1.00 per square foot of
constructed office space and 7) D irection to require consulting
architect review and approval of Architecture and Site modifications
resulting from the changes to buildings 1 and 4 .
Se conded by Council Member Marcia Jensen .
VOTE: Motion passed 4 /1 . Vice Mayor Steven Leonardis voting no.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
/s/ Jackie D. Rose
Interim Clerk Administrator