08-01-11 DKY Victim Services Unit (3)Did you know…..? Town of Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police Department Victim Services Unit (VSU) 1 Who are they?: VSU is comprised of 15 community volunteers. What do they do?: Contact and support every victim of crime that occurs in Los Gatos and Monte Sereno through letters, phone calls or personal visits. Provide resource information to assist victims of crime. Accomplishments: The VSU has made contact with and assisted 291 victims since the implementation of the program in February 2011. The VSU has referred 51 victims to 9 different non-profits and community based organizations. Victim Services Unit (VSU) 2 Victim Services Unit (VSU) For More Information: www.lgmspd.org  Contact: Kathy Williams, Kellin Dunne, or Fariba Soroosh @ 408-827-3205 / vsu@LosGatosCa.gov 3