09-07-10 staff -15881 Linda Avenue15881 Linda Avenue & 15950 Stephenie Lane Planned Development - PD-08-004 Environmental Impact Report - EIR-09-01 1 Location 2 Proposed Project Requesting approval of: Zone change from R-1:8 to R-1:8PD for a seven lot subdivision Lot-line adjustment between two parcels zoned R-1:8 Demolition of a single family residence 3 Background Prior application for a seven lot subdivision approved in January 2008. Ross Creek Neighbors filed lawsuit challenging the basis for the Mitigated Negative Declaration. In September 2008 the Court determined that there was a fair argument that project could have a significant impact on the environment and an EIR must be prepared. Notice of Preparation of an EIR circulated in Spring 2009. Public Scoping meeting held March 18, 2009. Draft EIR circulated Spring – Summer 2010 Final EIR with response to comments on the Draft EIR prepared July 2010 4 Planning Commission Recommended certification of the EIR Recommended denial of the Planned Development 5 Discussion Project Conformance Environmental Impacts Biological Resources Hydrology and Water Quality Air Quality Geology and Soils Noise 6 Discussion Continued EIR Alternatives No Project Six Lot Subdivision Five Lot Subdivision Open Space Creek Dedication to Town Easement Dedication to SCVWD Green Building BMP Compliance Parking and Traffic Community Benefit General Plan Conformance 7 Recommendation Accept Planning Commission’s findings and recommendations. Uphold the Planning Commissions recommendation to certify the Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program. Uphold the Planning Commission’s recommendation to deny the Planned Development application. 8 Alternatives Adopt findings supporting the zone changes and approve the application subject to the performance standards included in the Planned Development Ordinance and introduce the Ordinance of the Town of Lose Gatos effecting the Zone Change from R-1:8 to R-1:8PD; or. Continue the project to a date certain with specific direction. Remand the project to the Planning Commission with specific direction. Move to not certify the Environmental Impact Report and deny the zone change. 9