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2009-037-Adopting A Records Retention Schedule, And Rescinding Resolutions 1984-196, 1985-169, 1988-159, 1994-65, 1990-22, And 2007-075
RESOLUTION 2009 -037 ADOPT RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTIONS 1984- 196,1985- 169,1988- 159,1994- 65,1990 -22 AND 2007 -075 WHEREAS, the maintenance of numerous records is expensive, slows document retrieval, and is not necessary after a certain period of time for the effective and efficient operation of the government of the Town of Los Gatos; and WHEREAS, Section 34090 of the Government Code of the State of California provides a procedure whereby any Town record which has served its purpose and is no longer required may be destroyed; and WHEREAS, the State of California has adopted guidelines for retention period for various government records; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby authorize: Section 1 . All previous resolutions, 1984 -196, 1985 -169, 1988 -159, 1994 -65, 1990 -22 and 2007 -075, relating to records retention are hereby rescinded. Section 2 . The records of the Town of Los Gatos , as set forth in the Records Retention Schedule Attachment 2, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are hereby authorized to be destroyed as provided by Section 34090 et seq, of the Government Code of the State of California and in accordance with the provision of said schedule upon the request of the Department Head and with the consent in writing of the Town Cleric and Town Attorney without further action by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos. Section 3. With the consent of the Department Head, Town Cleric, Town Manager, and Town Attorney, updates to the retention periods are hereby authorized to be made to the Records Retention Schedules without further action by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos Section 4 . The term "records" as used herein shall include documents, instructions, books, microforms, electronic files, magnetic tape, optical media, or papers; as defined by the California Public Records Act. Section 5 . The Town Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. Section 6 . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 20th of April, 2009, by the following vote: COUNCIL: AYES: Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, and Mayor Mike Wasserman IlkG \Y.'� ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLER TIIE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA TOWN OF LOS GATOS RECORD RETENTION SCHEDULES Apri12009 ATTACHMENT 2 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE LEGEND ©1995 -2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission OFR (Office of Record):The department that keeps the original or "record copy."Usually it is the department that originates the record,unless the item is for a Town Council meeting (then it is the Town Clerk.) Classification:The method of filing and retrieving records (File Number).Most will be alphabetical;some will be numeric,geographic,or subject. Records Description /Folder Subject:The record series (a group of like records). Transitory Records not retained in the ordinary course of business:Preliminary drafts,notes,or interagency or intra-agency memoranda and records having only transitory value.Examples:Telephone messages,meeting room reservation schedules,logs,source records entered into a computer system that qualifies as a "trusted system",etc. Non-Record:Documents,studies,books and pamphlets produced by outside agencies,preliminary drafts not retained in the ordinary course of business. Retention/Disposition:Active:How long the file remains in the immediate office area (guideline) Inactive:How long the file is in off-site storage,stored on Optical Disk or Microforms (guideline) Total Retention:The total number of years the record will be retained For fiie folders containing documents with different retention timeframes,use the document with the longest retention time. P =Permanent Indefinite =No fixed or specified retention period;used for databases,because the data fields are interrelated. Vital?=Those records that are needed for basic operations in the event of a disaster. Media Options (guideline)-the form of the record:Mag =Computer Magnetic Media (hard drive,disks,tapes,etc.) Mfr =Microforms (aperture cards,microfilm,microfiche,or jackets) Ppr =Paper OD =Optical Disk,CD,DVD or other media which does not allow changes Scan /Import (guideline):"S"indicates the record should be scanned into the document imaging system; "I"indicates the record shouid be electronically imported into the document imaging system; "M"indicates the record should be microfilmed Destroy Paper after Imaged &QC'd (guideline,if record is imagecf):QC'd=Quality Checked."Yes"indicates the paper version may be destroyed if the document has been imaged (microfilmed,scanned or imported onlo Optical Disk -CD-R,WORM or DVD-R),and bolh Ihe images and indexing Quality Checked ("QC'd"). Legend for legal citations (§:Section) CC:Civil Code (CA) CFC:California Fire Code EVC:Evidence Code (CA) FTB:Franchise Tax Board (CA) HUD:Housing &Urban Deveiop.(US) PC:Penal Code (CA) UBC:Uniform Building Code USC:United States Code (US) B&P:Business &Professions Code (CA). CCP:Code of Civil Procedure (CA) CFR:Code of Federal Regulations (US) FA:Food &Agriculture Code GC:Government Code (CA) LC:Labor Code (CA) R&T:Revenue &Taxation Code (CA) UFC:Uniform Fire Code VC:Vehicle Code (CA) CBC:California Building Code CCR:California Code of Regulations (CA) EC:Elections Code (CA) FC:Family Code (CA) H&S:Health &Safety Code (CA) Ops.Atty.Gen.:Attorney General Opinions (CA) UAC:Uniform Administrative Code UPC:Uniform Plumbing Code W&I:Welfare &Institutions Code (CA) Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-1 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office)(OFR) ~~i~:r~f I Retention No.1 Records Description I I I i I';,:c::; Retentions applv to the department that Is NOT the Office of Record IOFR),or the "Leed Department".If you are the OFR,refer to vour department retention schedule. Retentions bealn when the act Is completed,and Imply a fuJi rile folder (e.g.last docurn""L+2~since destruction is normally liefformed by me folder. Uti alien,claims,com end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com lalien. I Town Attorney Admin. Services I Finance Lead Dept Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. (Send Employee Reports to Human Resources) Accounts Payable,Invoices, Petty Cash,Warrant Requests, etc. If ALL backup is forwarded to Finance Affidavits of Publications I Public Hearing Notices I Legal Advertising I Affidavits of Posting Agenda Packets I Staff Reports:Town Council, Redevelopment Agency, Parking Authority Copies - When No Longer Required Copies - When No Longer Required 2 years Copies ~ When No Longer Required Yes:Before Payment Yes:Before Payment Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Mfr,aD, Ppr Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr S All originals go to Town Manager (these are copies); GC §34090.7 All originals go to Finance (these are copies);GC §34090.7 Brown Act challenges must be filed within 30 or 90 days of action;Statute of Limitations on Municipal Government actions is 3-6 months;CCP §§337 et seq,349.4;GC §§34090,54960.1(c)(1) Yes:After !GC §34090.7 2 years LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN·WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-2 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aoolv to the deoartment that is NOT the Office of Record rOFRJ,or the "Lead Deoartment".If vou are the OFR,refer to vour deoartment retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (edL last document +2 years),since destruction is normally oerformed bv file folder. iLitiaation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,andlor investigations suspend normal retention periods {retention resumes after settlement or como/etionl. Agreements &Contracts - ADMINISTRATION RECORDS Covers E&O Statute of Includes Original Agreements Limitations;Published Audit or Contracts NOT approved by Standards=4-7 years;Statute the Town Council or Town Mag,Yes:Upon of Limitations:Contracts &I Manager (The Town Clerk is Yes:Before Spec's=4 years,Wrongful Lead Dept.Completion 1 years Completion Mfr,OD,SII Completio Death=comp.+5 years,the Office of Record for those Ppr approved by the Town Council n Developers=comp.+10 years; or Town Manager))Statewide guidelines propose termination +5 years;CCP Project Schedules,I I I 1§337 et.seq.,GC §34090 Correspondence with Vendor, etc. Agreements &Contracts: UNSUCCESSFUL BIDS or The RFP i RFQ and the RESPONSES to RFPs Mag,successful proposal becomes Lead Dept.I I (Request for Proposals)andlor 2 years part of the agreement or RFQs (Request for Ppr contract (Town Clerk is OFR); Qualifications)that don't result GC §34090 in a contract The Retention of 1~~lfylil~~1 I Mag,I Department preference;GC Lead Dept.I IAppeals I the Appealed I Ppr §34090 et seq.Record Series LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337.,3516 Adopted; Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-3 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aoolv to the deoattment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Depattment".If you are the OFR,refer to vour deoattment retention schedula. Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last documentflyear§2,since destruction is nOnnallyoerformed bv ffle folder. GC §34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Non-records GC §34090 No 5 Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Mfr,OD, Ppr Yes When No Longer Required P When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 years AGENDAS,AGENDA PACKETS Boards,Commissions,& Committees:Citizens Advisory Bodies Formed by Town COUNCIL Boards,Commissions,& Committees:Citizens Advisory Bodies Formed by Town COUNCIL MINUTES,BYLAWS Boards,Commissions,& Committees:External Organizations (e.g.County Board of Supervisors) Lead Dept. Staffing Dept. Staffing Dept. Staffing Dept. Uti alion,claims,com faints,audits uhlic records fa uests,and/or invest;alions sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com Ie/ion. Awards &Certificates to the 2 Mag, Town years Ppr Boards,Commissions,&-----t---'-"'--f-----+----f-----------I Committees:AUDIO Tape Town pre~erence;State law RECORDINGS fM.I 2 years (M )only requires for 30 days;GC .0 eetmgs ag §54953.5(b) AudIO Tapes LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-200a Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-4 Comments /Reference Retention J Disposition Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record .Destroy Inactive Image:p ._aper Storage V·t I?MedIa I-Import ft (Off-site,Ia.Options M=Mfr Ia edr &mage 00 or Mfr)S=Scan QC'd? IRetentions aoolv to the deoartment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR).or the "Lead Deoartment".If vou are the OFR.refer to vour deoartment retention schedule. IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investiqations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement or como/etion,. All recommendations are presented to the Town Council; GC §34090 et seq. Ail detail is sent to Finance; GC §34090 Y.Aft I Final must be filed with County e 5 s.er Auditor;GC §34090.7,40802, years 53901 Town Attorney is OFR for Yes:After I lawsuits;Risk Management Settlement administrates claim;GC §§34090.7,34090.6 SII SII Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Mfr,OD, Ppr Yes:Before Settlement I Mag, IYes:Current Mfr,00. Fiscal Year Ppr 2 years Copies - When No Longer Required Copies - When No Longer Required Copies ~ When No Longer Required (Upon Settlement) BUdgets -Finals Claims (Composed solely of less than a quorum afthe Town Council) Cash Receipts Detail I Backup I Accounts Receivable Detail! Refund Detail Brochures:See Reference Manuals Boards,Commissions,& Committees:Town Council Subcommittees Admin. Services I Finance Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. Staffing Dept. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-5 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions applv to the deparlment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Deparlment".If you are the OFR,refer to vour deparlment retention schedule. Retentions beQin when the act is completed,_?neJ)lJJpll a full fjfe.fQ!c:j!!.!~ast document +2 years),since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. GC §34090 Town preference;Statute of Limitations for personal property,fraud,etc.is 3 years; Claims must be filed in 6 months;CCP §§338 et seq., 340 et seq.,342,GC §§945.6, GC §34090 GC §34090.7 Mag, Ppr Mag Ppr Mag Ppr 2 years Copies - When No Longer Required When No Longer Required ~ Minimum 2 years (e.g.Records Management Committee,In-House Task Forces,etc.) Complaints I Concerns from Citizens (operational) Contracts:See Agreements Copies or duplicates of any record Lead Dept. Lead (Responding) Dept. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). I i.i i i":,,,:,:,:··::·,,:::::··:,·::,,:,,:,.:::.·,,::,.;:;::'iii i Committees Internal· Attended by employees:All Records LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-6 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record IRetentions aooiv to the deoartment that is NOT the office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Department~if you are the OFR,refer to vour department retention schedule. IRetentions beain-when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion,. Dept.that Authors Document or Receives the City's Original Document Correspondence -ROUTINE (e.g.Administrative, Chronological,General Files, Letters,Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports,Press Releases,Public Records Requests,Reading File, Working Files,etc.) 2 years Mag, Ppr GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all lights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW·7 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmport M=Mlr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mlr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office 01 Record Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to your department retention schedule. :Retentions begin when the act is completed,and implLa full file folder (e.g.last documenL+21'ears),since destructiQn is normally performed by file folder. Uti anon,claims,com faints,audits ublic records fa uesfs,and/or invest;aliens sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com lalien. Dept.that Authors Document or Receives the City's Original Document Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. Correspondence - TRANSITORY I PRELIMINARY DRAFTS, Interagency and Intraagency Memoranda not retained in the ordinary course of business (e.g.calendars,checklists,e- mail that does not have a material impact on the conduct of business,invitations,instant messaging,logs,mailing lists, meeting room registrations, supply inventories,transmittal letters,thank yous,requests from other cities,undeliverable envelopes,visitors logs,voice mails,etc.) Deeds,Easements,Final Orders 01 Condemnations (All) When No Longer Required Copies - When No Longer Required Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr E-mailsthat have a material impact on business are saved outside the e-mail system by printing them out and placing them in a file folder,or saving them electronically;If not mentioned here,consult the Town Attorney to determine if a record is considered transitory I preliminary drafts.GC §§34090,6252,6254(a) Send all originals to the Town Clerk;GC §34090.7 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-8 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Retention J Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference IRetentions aoolv to the deoartment that is NOT the Office of Record {OFRJ,or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to vour deoartment retention schedule. Retentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. GC §34090 The Lead Department should print out historical documents (or save source data)prior to replacing the data,if they require the data or output for historical purposes; Department Preference (Preliminary documents);GC §34090 et seq. GC §34090 As long as the drafts and notes are not retained in the "Regular Course of Business".Consult the Town Attorney to determine if a record is considered a draft.GC §§34090,6252, 6254(a) Mag Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag. Ppr Yes When No Longer Required 2 years 2 years When No Longer Required Facility Use Applications I Facility Use Permits Granffi(UNSUCCESSFUL Applications,Correspondence) Drafts &Notes:Drafts that are revised (retain final version) GIS Database I Data I Layers (both Town-Wide and Specialized) Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Litioation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention oeriods {retention resumes after settlement or comD/elion,. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Vee.3,1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-9 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Meets auditing standards; Grants covered by a Consolidated Action Plan are required for 5 years;Uniform Admin.Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 years from expenditure report or final payment of grantee or subgrantee; statewide guidelinespropose 4 years;7 CFR 3016,42;21 CFR 1403.36 &1403,42(b);24 CFR 85,42,91,105(h),92,505,& 570,502(b),28 CFR 66,42;29 CFR 97,42;40 CFR 31.42;44 CFR 13,42;45 CFR 92.42; OMB Circular A-133,320(g); GC §34090 Preliminary draft I transitory record;GC §34090,GC §6252, 6254(a) Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Y Aft I Risk Management es:er ... S ttl t administrates cialm;GC e emen §§34090,7,34090,6 SII Image; 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Media Options Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr Vital? Yes:Before Settlement Inactive Storage (OffoSite, 00 or Mfr) After Funding Agency Audit,if Required - MinimumS years Active (in office) 2 years When No Longer Required Copies - When No Longer Required (Upon Settlement) Send Grant Financial Reports to Finance Grants I Reimbursable Claims I Subventions (SUCCESSFUL Reports,other records required to pass the funding agency's audit,if required) Applications (successfuJ),program rules,regulations &procedures, reports to grant funding agencies, correspondence,audit records, completion records Lawsuits,Litigation,Pending Litigation Leave Slips (OFR) Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Town Attorney Retentions beoin when the act Is completed,and Imply a full file folder (e.9,last docum".(jU.lj1§I,r§l,since destruction Is nOlmally per/aimed by file folder. Retentions applv to the department that is NOT the Office of Record (OFRJ,or the "Lead Department",If you are the OFR,refer to vour department retention schedule, Litigation,claims,comelaints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). i i j i •.::,.,::-,::.,::-:::-:::::::.::;:::.:::;:::;:::;.::::::::.iii i LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-10 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aDDly to the deDartment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead DeDartment".If you are the OFR.refer to your deDartment retention schedule. Retentions beqin when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed by file folder. Uti afion,claims,com faints,audits ublic records fa end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com lalien. Minutes -Town Council, Redevelopment Agency I Parking Authority MSDS (Material Data Safety Sheets)I Chemical Use Report Fonm (orrecords of the I 30 years chemical!substance I agent, where &when it was used) Statute of Limitations on Municipal Government actions is 3-6 months;CCP§337 et seq;GC §34090 Non-records -may be obtained from the newspaper company; GC §34090 Return any whole unused codes to the Town Clerk; Originals maintained by Town Clerk Permanently;GC §34090 Originals maintained by Town Clerk Permanently;GC §34090.7 No No Previous MSDS may ba obtained from a service;MSDS may be destroyed as long as a record of the chemical J Yes (after Isubstance I agent.where & inactive)when it was used is maintained for 30 years; Applies to qualified employers; 8 CCR 3204(d)(1 )(8)(2 and 3), GC §34090 S S Mag, Ppr Ppr Ma9, Mfr,00, Ppr Ma9, Mfr,00, Ppr Yes (all) Ma9, Yes:currentl Mfr,00, Original Ppr When No Longer Required 2 years Copies - When No Longer Required Newspaper Clippings Notices:Public Hearing Notices and Proofs of Publications Municipal Code (these are copies) Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Staffing Dept. Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. Admin. Services / Clerk Depart. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Govemmental Services.Inc.-ail rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-11 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: Media 11=lmport Options M=Mfr 5=Scan Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aoolv to the deoarlment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Deparlmenl".If you are the OFR,refer to vour deoarlment retention schedule. Retentions begin whenth~.actjs cOll1l"eted,and imply a full file folder (e,fl last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Personnel is OFR;GC §34090.7 Originals maintained by Town Clerk Permanently;GC §34090 GC §34090.7 GC §34090 Review for historical significance.Transfer historical documents to SMC Historical Association; Department Policy;GC 34090 Not accessible to the public; Statewide Guidelines show 2 years;GC §§34090,6254(h) No S Mag. Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag. Ppr Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr Yes (all) Copies - When No Longer Required 2 years 2 years Upon Separation, Send to Personnel When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 years Ordinances Personnel Work Schedules Public Records Act Requests Personnel Files Public Relations -Town Produced Publications, Press Releases,Photos Real Estate Appraisal Reports (Acquisition or Sale):Property NOT purchased,Loans not funded.etc. Admin. Services I Human Resources Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Admin. Services / Clerk Depart. Town Attorney Lead Dept. (Who Ordered the Appraisal) Litigation,claims,comp'aints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend n~~f11~/,retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). Iii Copies _i i."":.;,:"",,,:.:.:,:.:.:,.,::_:::.:.,.:.:.:::.:::.:.,.iii i When No Longer Required LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-12 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Retentions aoolv to the deoartment that is NOT the Office of Record 10FRJ,or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions beain when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally aerformed by file folder. Uti alion,claims,com faints,audits uhlic records fa uests,and/or invest;alions sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com lalien. Lead Dept. (Who Ordered the Appraisal) Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Real Estate Appraisal Reports (Acquisition or Sale): Purchased Property,Funded Loans Records Destruction Lists I Certificate of Records Destruction Reference Materials:Policies, Procedures,Brochures, Manuals &Reports:Produced by YOUR Department Reference Materials:Policies, Procedures,Brochures, Manuals,&Reports:Produced by OTHER Departments 2 years Copies - When No Longer Required When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 years When Superseded Yes:Before Purchase Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr 5 Not accessible to the public until purchase has been completed;meets grant Yes:Afterlauditing requirements;24 CFR Inactive 85.42(b),24 CFR 91.105(h), 24 CFR 97.42(b),24 CFR 570.502(b);29 CFR 97.42,GC §34090 GC §34090.7 Statewide guidelines propose superseded +2 or 5 years;GC §34090 Copies;GC §34090.7 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental SelVices,Inc.-all rights reselVed Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-13 Comments I Reference Non~Records Information is outdated after 5 years;statewide gUidelines propose 2 years;If historically significant,retain permanently; GC §34090 Originals maintained by Town Clerk Permanently;GC §34090.7 No Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Administratively and Yes:After I Historically significant, 10 years therefore retained permanently;GC §34090 S S/I Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Media Options Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr Vital? Mag, Yes (all)I Mfr,00, Ppr Retention /Disposition P Inactive Storage (Off.site, ODorMfr) 10 years 5 years When No Longer Required Active (in office) Copies - When No Longer Required Records Description Reference or Working Files: See Correspondence Reference Materials:Policies, Procedures,Brochures, Manuals,&Reports:Produced by OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS (League of California Cities,Chamber of Commerce,etc.) Reports and Studies (Historically significant -e.g., Zoning Studies) Reports and Studies (other than Historically significant reports -e.g.Annual Reports) Resolutions -Town Council, Redevelopment Agency, Parking Authority Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Lead Dept. Lead Dept. Admin. Services I Clerk Depart. Retentions begin whei1.lh,,--act is completect£nd Imply a full file folder{"'.!l.last document +~y@",§2,Since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Retentions aaaiv to the deaartment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to vour department retention scheduie. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or completion). iii i ':.:,:::,::;.;;:::::,::::::::::.:...:.,.:::.:;:-:.,;:::;::.'iii i LOS GATOS,CA ©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN·WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-14 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1~lmport M~Mfr S~Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, OD or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aoolv to the deoartment that is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to vour deoartment retention schedule. IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder(e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. GC §34090 Notes maintained in a separate folder to be incorporated into performance evaluation,or to document progressive discipline;GC §34090 et seq. Transitory records not retained in the ordinary course of business (used to accurately produce minutes);GC §§34090 et seq.,6254(a) GC §34090 Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Mag, Ppr Class or Program Yes:During 1 ."'1 Before (After Incorp.Annual In Evaluation)Performance Evaluation 2 years When No Longer Required (After Incorp. In Evaluation) Expiration +2 years Tapes:See Boards & Commissions If a summary of the data is compiled,the survey fomos are considered a draft or transitory record,and can be destroyed as drafts (When No Longer Required) Surveys I Questionnaires (that the Town issues). Special Event Pennits Supervisory Files (Supervisor's Notes) Speaker Cards (submitted at public meetings) Lead Dept. Lead Dept Lead Dept Lead Dept Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits public records requests,and/or investioations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement or comoletion,. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.1 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN-WIDE STANDARDS Page TW-15 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Retentions aoplv to the department that Is NOT the Office of Record (OFR),or the "Lead Department".If you are the OFR,refer to vour department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder Ie.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally petformed by file folder. Uti ation,claims,com faints,audits uhlic records fa uests,and/or investi alions sus retention resumes after settlement or com lalien . Admin.T"Sh tiT"Cd I Copies -M S./Ime ee s Ime ar S Wh N a9,·...F7n~~~:I gvedrtime Sheets I Overtime Lo~~ero Mf~00,S No ~:'~:~~;I~~a~;~~~~d7bY Payroll ar S Required pr Eil----r--+---+---+---------l Lead Dept. Training -ALL COURSE RECORDS (Attendance Rosters,Outlines and Materials;includes Ethics &Safety training) 2 years 5 years Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr S Department Preference;OSHA requires 5 years for safety records;Statewide guidelines propose 7 years;Calif.Labor Division is required to keep their OSHA records 7 years; Ethics Training is 5 years; EEOC/FLSAiADEA (Age) Yes:When I requires 3 years for promotion, Inactive demotion,transfer,selection, or discharge;State Law requires 2 -3 years;8 CCR §3203 et seq.,8 CCR 14300.33(a);29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2),29 CFR 1904.33, 29 CFR 1904.44;LC §6429(c); GC §§12946,34090, 53235.2(b) LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental SelVices,Inc.~all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337~3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-1 If the record is not listed here,refer 10 the Retention for Town-Wide Siandards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr - Destroy Paper after Imaged & '"? Comments I Reference IRetentions beqin when the act;s comoleted,and implv a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. ILitiGation.claims,complaint~,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement~. .ADMIN.SERVICES (FINANCE (MANAGEMENT Statute of Limitations for bonds, mortgages,trust deeds,notes or debentures is 6 years;Bonds issued by local governments are 10 years;There arespecific requirements for disposal of unused bonds;CCP §§336(a)(1) &(2),337.5(2);GC §43900 et seq. Must be filed with County Auditor;GC §34090.7,40802, 53901 Data Fields I Records are interrelated;GC §34090 Meets auditing standards; Published articles show disposal +7 years for security brokerage slips;statewide guidelines propose permanent;FTC Reg's rely on "self-enforcement"; GC§§34090,43900 Ves:After 1 year Ves:Until I Mag,Ppr Maturity Ves:Until I Mag,Ppr Paid 1 years 5 years Copies -1.··..····'1'1"'7 7 ?;•.1 V When No •••!•••.•.•.•.IW •.••..·•·•....•.h ••••...•e ..·...•·.".'.•..•.•..N ••·..••o •.•...·••.•.••i.....C es:t I Mag,Mfr,I S (I "",:.','.:,',::':"'::"':"'",,:,::,.,::U rren Longer""#9n9~,.<;F'IV 00,Ppr Required :",::,:;,:,;,:,:,:,:,:::";:,;,'",",:,,i:,<:,:Isca ear Indefinite 1{'1ndefihite!1 Ves I Mag Cancellat., Redemption or Maturity Bonds:Debt Official Statements I Certificates of Participations (COPs) Financial Services Database BUdgets -Adopted i Final Investments I Certificates of Deposit (CDs)(Advisor Reports and Statements I Trade Tickets ( LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) Admin. Services I Finance I Mgmt. Admin. Services I Finance ( Momt. Admin. Services I Finance I Mgmt. Admin. Services I Town Clerk LOS GATOS,CA ©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-2 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive 111~~lilr Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M-Mfr Imaged & on or Mfr\I iii S=S~.n DC'n? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is com leted,and imolv a full file folder (e..last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv erformed bv file folder. Litioation,claims,como/aints,audits,Dublie records reauests and/or invest;aliens susoend normal retention oeriods retention resumes after settlement. II;I!;?I Securities (Performance Bonds, Letters of Credit,CD's,etc.)are released after the Notice of Completion is issued and Admin. '"i.replaced with the Warranty Services I Letters of Credit Release of II Yes:Until Mag,Ppr Bond,which is released 1 year Finance I Security Released after the Notice of Completion Mgmt. 1 ••••••••••••••••••···········<···<···<···· date.These are financial instruments,and therefore are I·····.···,,:··...................<exempt from the 2 year I I.·••••·•..i.·;•••:.'•••••••••••requirement for municipal records;GC §34090 Admin. I ••·•••••~·.·.·.·.·.···.·.·.···.·.···.······Services I Treasurer's Report 5 years Mag,Ppr Meets municipal government Finance I 1.·.·.))801)··••,··auditing standards;GC §34090 Mgmt. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-3 If the record is not iisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & Comments I Reference Retentions beain when the act is comoleled,and imply -a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litioation,claims,complfjifl[§,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement" Meets municipal government auditing standards;GC §34090, CCP §337 Yes:After QC S Mag,Mfr, OD,Ppr 5 years Checks (Cashed -maintained by the bank) ,....~~+~·..'.:;:A::;:[):::M:::IN:.:'j'o::.S::;;EFRV;:;,I::O::;;E::.S.:..1F:;::;.INANCS'f"il,O,,'G;,'0r;U;::'N;:;T:o:;5:;::FP.:;A:o:Y:,:;Ar=B::;;L:;;,E:",'+""""'~~~~~""l"""""""""'"l Admin.IRS:4 years after tax is due or Services f paid (longer for auditing & Finance f 1099's Issued I 1096 I W-9,etc.5 years Mag,Ppr contractor delinquency);Ca. Accounts FTB:3 years;26 CFR 31.6001- Payabie 1,R&T §19530,GC §34090 S Admin.I Accounts Payable I Check Meets municipal govemment Fervlces I Copies /Invoices and Backup /5 Yes:Until Mag,Mfr,S/I Yes:After 1 auditing standards;Statewide A~C:nUCn~$Credit Car~Statements I Credit years Paid 00,Ppr year guidelines propose audit +4 P bl Card Receipts years;GC §34090 aya e Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Pavable LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 ~all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-4 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention /Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive 1;1~~11 Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mfr Imaged & nn nr Mfr'.,',...................."=".,n "r:'rl? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions be.Gin when the act is completed,and imnlv a full file folder (e.a.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Lit(qation claims,como/aints,audits public records reauests and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement. Meets auditing standards; Grants covered by a Consolidated Action Plan are After II~~~~~required for 5 years;Uniform Admin.Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 years Funding ••.from expenditure report or final Agency l~iJ payment of grantee or Lead Dept.Grants 2 years Audit,if Mag,Ppr subgrantee;statewide guidelines Required _:t~::~;:propose 4 years;7 CFR MinimumS 3016.42;21 CFR 1403.36 & years rill 1403.42(b);24 CFR 85.42, 91.105(h),92.505,&570.502(b), 28 CFR 66.42;29 CFR 97.42; 40 CFR 31.42;44 CFR 13.42; 45 CFR 92.42;OMS Circular A- , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 133.320(0);GC §34090 Admin.Meets municipal government Services I •Finance I Purchase Orders 5 years Yes:Until Mag.Mtr.S II Yes:After 1 auditing standards;Statewide Accounts Paid 00,Ppr year guidelinespropose audit +4 Payable years;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3515 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-5 Iff the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr Destroy Paper after Imaged & .~? Comments I Reference Retentions -bEJGin when the act is completed,and implv a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally oerformed bv file folder. :Litiaation,claims,compfalfl!§,audits,public records reaiiests.and/or investiqations suspend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement,. ADMIN.SERVICES<llHNANCE.,AeCOUNTS RECEIVABLE' Meets municipal government auditing standards;Statewide guidelines propose audit +4 years;GC §34090 Meets Municipal Government aUditing standards (negative information remains on credit ratings for 7 years);GC §34090 GC §34090 Meets auditing standards;GC §34090 et seq. Meets auditing standards;GC §34090 et seq. Department Preference to match the length of time negative information remains on credit reports;GC §34090 et seq. Ppr Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Yes:Until I Mag,Ppr Paid 2 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 5 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 7 years (Paid) Accounts Receivable Invoices Accounts Receivable Write-Offs (due to non-payment) Bankruptcies (Where Town does not pursue a claim) Business License Applications, Licenses and Renewals,Letters (Active &Inactive Businesses) Collection Agency Assignments Deposits i Checks I Cash Register Details Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Receivable Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Receivable Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Receivable Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Receivable Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts ,Receiva"b,"'le+I I 1 -r 1 Admin. Services I Finance I Accounts Receivable LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-6 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments}Reference Record Inactive l~I~~i~l!Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Ii::.;'Options M=Mfr Imaged & nnMMf.1 "="ron nr:'n? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is como/eted,and implv a full file folder fe.a.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv nerformed bv file folder. Litiaation claims,comolaints,audits public records reauests and/or investiaations suspend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement). ::........::..:: • ADMIN.SERVICESIFINA.ENERALLEDGER". Copies - Town Clerk Audit Reports I CAFR When No .Mag,Mfr,S II Yes:After 1 GC §34090.7 Longer 00,Ppr year Required Admin.i SelVices I Management Reports I Measure I Mag,Mfr,Yes:After 1 Meets auditing standards;GC Finance I 5 years S II General "A"I GANN Limit I Single Audits ii. ••••••••••••••••••••• 00,Ppr year §34090 Ledeer Ii Admin. Services I Bank Statements,Daily Cash Published articles show 3-4 Finance I Receipts,Bank Reconciliations 2 years 3 years Mag,Ppr years;GC §34090,26 CFR General 11:.·•••••••·:••••••·••••••••:·••:•••• 31.6001-1 Ledeer Admin.Meets municipal government Services I ii U ••••auditing standards;Statute of Finance I Journal Entries I Back Up 5 years Mag,Mfr,S II Yes:After 1 Limitations is 4 years;statewide General Documents I BUdget Adjustments 00,Ppr year guidelines propose Audit +5 Ledger years;GC §34090,CCP iii 337 Preliminary drafts (the database Admin.is the originai);The backup copy Services I Monthly Reports -Balance Sheet,When No of the reports is held on tape by Finance I Revenue,Expenditure Longer Mag,Ppr Admin Services.Hard copy General Required reports should not be retained Ledger i off-site;GC §34090 et seq.,and ·...··.··.··i···..•···.•.·...···Department Policy LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-? Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & = Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Records Description If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. I Record I Inactive I I Active Storage (OFR)(in office)(Off-site, Retentions beain when the act is completed,and impIV a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litiaation,claim§,.J;gIJ1plainfs,audits,public rer;;Q(Q§.!:equesf$,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement,. Admin. Services I Finance I General Ledger Reports:Annual State or Federal:State Controller's Report,Street Report,etc. 10 years Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr S/I Yes:After 1 I Department preference;GC year §34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337~3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-8 °R ffice °d t Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecor !Inactive Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storagei;i.~.>i/V'tal?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,I Options M=Mfr Imaged & nn M Mfr\i "="..n n,,'rl? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted,and Imolv a full file folder le.a.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Lle/aation claims,comolaints,audJcs Dublic records re uests and/or investiaations susDend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement. i'i';"'>.>•.•ADMIN/SERVICESJFINANCEJPAYROLLi.<i·. Ad .Copies- min.Wh N Services I MOU (copies)Lo~~ero I]Mag,Ppr GC §34090.7 Town Clerk Required iii PERS Buy-backs are reconstructed through Human P II Rd D d ct "Resources;Transitory records Ad .ayro ecor s:eu Ion I.t·d'th d'.min.A th .t'G'htW .-:.>;.,.:not re alne In e or lnary S .I U orlza Ions,arms men s,-S t·""fb'F'.I ervlces 4't epara Ion +MP course 0 usmess manCla Finance I s,e c.5 years :,«:ag,pr system qualifies as a trusted Payroll (Terminated Employees Files)lilt system and can re-create. reports accurately;stateWide guidelines propose 2 years;GC §34090 ,PERS Buy-backs are reconstructed throug h Human Resources;Transitory records Admin.P iI R rt I P iI 11!~~~~!~lr not retained in the ordinary Services I ay~o epo s a~ro .course of business Financial F'I Registers I Payroil Direct Deposit 2 years 3 years Mag,Ppr t IT ttd Inance Reports sys em qua lies as a rus e Payroll }<)<.',system and can re-create reports accurately;statewide gUidelines propose 2 years;GC nniil §34090 t-~--+-----+-------~---+----+----1F.>iiiiilii ;.For Pers Buy-back purposes; Admin.[II;IRS:4 yrs after tax is due or Services I,:i paid;Ca.FTB:3 years;Articles Finance I Retirement Reports (CaIPERS)2 years 5 years Mag,Ppr show 7 years;26 CFR 31.6001- Pay roil;1,R&T§19530;29CFR516,5- i;516,6,29 USC 436,GC 634090 LOS GATOS,CA <;)1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERIVCES I FINANCE Page FIN-9 Comments I Reference Records Description Office of I Retention No. Record Retention I Disposition c---------+-------,-,-----,,--..------,---------,-,---1---=,-----,--+---------1 Inactive Image:Destroy (OFR)I I.Acti~e Storage Vital?Me.dia 1=lmpori Paper after (In offIce)(Off-sIte,OptIons M=Mfr Imaged & !';;=~r.::r.n OC'ti? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is como/eted,and implv a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv me folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement,. P 3 years 2 years 2 years Taxes -Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports,DE-6 &941 Forms Timecards I Timesheets Admin. Services I Finance I Payroll Admin. Services I Finance I Payroll Department preference;IRS:4 yrs after tax is due or paid;Ca. FTB:3 years;Articles show 7 Yes Current Mag,Mfr,S/I Yes:After 1 years;26 CFR 31.6001-1,R&T Year OD,Ppr year §19530;29 CFR 516.5 -516.6, 29 USC 436,GC §34090 26CFR31.6001-1 Tape backup I I I serves as vital backup copy PERS Buy-backs are reconstructed through Human Resources;Transitory records not retained in the ordinary Mp course of business Financial ag,pr system qualifies as a trusted system and can re-create reports accurately;statewide guidelines propose 2 years;GC §34090 Admin. Services I Finance I Payroll W-2's 2 years P Mag,Mfr, OD,Ppr S /1 For Pers Buy-back purposes; IRS:4 yrs after tax is due or Yes:After 1 Ipaid;Ca.FTB:3 years;Articles year show 7 years;26 CFR 31.6001- 1,R&T §19530;29 CFR 516.5- 516.6,29 USC 436,GC &34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337~3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-1 Comments I Reference Department preference; EEOC/FLSNADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion,transfer,selection,or discharge;State Law requires 2 3 years;retirement benefits is 6 years from last action;29 CFR 1602.31 &1627.3(b)(2),8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946,34090;29 USC 1113 Department preference;26 CFR 1.6001-1;29 CFR 1627.3 GC §34090.7 Preliminary drafts not retained in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 Destroy Paper after Imaged & - Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr Media Options Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Vital? Yes while current Retention I Disposition 5 years 2 years When No Longer Required Copies - When No Longer Required Inactive Active Storage (in office)(Off-site, When No Longer Required - Minimum 3 years Records Description Classification I Reorganization Studies (for employee classifications and department structures) Compensation -Salary Schedule, Deferred Compensation,Holiday Pay,Reclassifications, Management Compensation and Benefits Compensation Surveys & Studies:Queries &Analysis (OFR) Office of I Retention No. Record Admin. Services I Human Resources Admin. Services I Human Resources If the record is not listed here.refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Town Clerk ILiti alion,claims,com faints audits ub/ic records re-uests and/or invest;atiens sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. Admin.Benefits ~Authorizations, Services I Correspondence,Summaries, Human Employee Assistance, Resources Unemployment Insurance IRetentiOns bealn when the act Is completed,and implv a fuil file folder (e.a.last document +2 years),since destruction is normailv performed bv file folder. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: VeL 2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-2 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive ....................................Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mfr Imaged & on MM'"..............................."="~.n ""'rl? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comD/sled,and imo/v a full file folder e.o.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. Litigation,claims,comolaints,audits DubJie records reauests and/or investi atians susDend normal retention oeriods retention resumes after settlement. II Department preference; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, Admin.demotion,transfer,selection,or Services I Compensation Surveys &3 years Mag,Ppr discharge;State Law requires 2- Human Studies:Reports 3 years;retirement benefits is 6 Resources years from last action;29 CFR 1602.31 &1627.3(b)(2),8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946,34090;29 USC 1113 Admin. Services I DMV -Addition,Deletion Form 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Human (exciuding PO) Resources Transitory or source records not Admin.1H"~~i11 retained in the ordinary course Services I DMV-Pull Notices,Waivers for When of business;CHP audits every 2 Human Pull Notices (exciuding PO)Superseded I§q~,Mag Ppr years;Bureau of National Affairs Resources recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel records;GC "-34090 iillllll! D.O.T.Requires 5 years for positive tests,refusals,annual summaries,etc,1 year for Admin.Drug Testing Program -Eligible negative tests;EEOC I FLSA I Services I Pool Lists,Orug &Alcohol Test 2 years 3 years Y/Mag Ppr AOEA (Age)requires 3 years , Human Results,Training,BIT physical examinations;State Resources Inspections,etc.Law requires 2 yeers;29 CFR 1/· 1627.3(b)(1)(v),GC §§12946, 34090;49 CFR 655.71 et seq.; 1/49 CFR 382.401 et seq. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmentai Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-3 If the record is not listed here.refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr Destroy Paper after Imaged & C'rI? Comments I Reference IRetenlions beain when the act is comoleted,and imoly a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallY oerformed by file folder. Department preference;All State and Federal laws require retention until final disposition of formal complaint;State requires 2 years after action is taken;GC 12946,34090 Department preference; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion,transfer,selection,or discharge;State Law requires 2 3 years;retirement benefits is 6 years from last action;29 CFR 1602.31 &1627.3(b)(2),8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946,34090;29 USC 1113 29 CFR 1602.30;29 CFR 1602.32 Department preference (protects Town in the event 01 past employee misconduct);DOJ allows retention for leg itimate business needs;must be maintained in a secure and confidential file;DOJ Inlonmation Bulletin No.02-17 -BCII;GC§ 34090 et seq. Yes:After 1 year SII Mag,Ppr Mag,Mlr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Yes:Belore I Mag,Ppr DispOSition 3 years 3 years 50 years When No Longer Required - Minimum 3 years Resolution + 3 years Job Descriptions Grievances and Informal Complaints (all) LiveScan Response Logs I CORI Responses Admin. Services / Human Resources Admin.II I Services i Equal Opportunity Employment - Human EEOC Reports (EEO-4 Reports) Resources Admin. Services I Human Resources Admin. Services I Human Resources Lifiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records reouests,and/or investioations suspend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement,. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Govemmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without plior wrttten permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-4 Office of I Retention No. Record Records Description Retention I Disposition Inactive Image:Destroy Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr\ Vital?Media 11=lmport Options M=Mfr S=Scan Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Ilf the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imolv a full fite folder (e~g.last document +2 years),sTnce destruction is normallv oerformed bv fite foldu 'Litiaation,c1aimS---:"complaints,audits,public records reauests.and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement,. Admin. Services I Human Resources Negotiation Binders I Notes,Side Letters,Correspondence,etc.10 years Yes while current Mag,Ppr Department preterence;GC §34090 .Separation + Personnel Flies -All Employees I 1 year OSHA Inspections &Citations, Log 200 and Log 300,301,301A,I 2 years etc. Yes:Until 1 Mag Ppr 29 years Separation Admin. Services I Human Resources Admin. Services I Human Resources Admin. Services I Human Resources Personnel Files -Medical Records (all employees) Includes Breathing Apparatus Fit Tests Separation + 1 year 3 years 5 years Ppr Yes:Untii I Mag,Ppr Separatlon Calif.Labor Division is required to keep their records 7 years; OSHA requires 5 years;State law requires 2 years;8 CCR §3203(b)(1),GC §34090;LC j§6429(C) Department Preference; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age) requires 3 years for promotion, demotion,transfer,selection,or discharge;State Law requires 2 -I 3 years;retirement benefits is 6 years from last action;29 CFR 1602.31 &1627.3(b)(2),8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946,34090;29 USC 1113 Department preference;Files maintained separately;Claims can be made for 30 years for toxic substance exposure;8 I CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946,34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2,0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN!.SERVICES I HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-5 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments J Reference Record ~~~I!Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mfr Imaged &on M Mf,I':s=s"O"OC'd? If the record is notlisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comD/eled,and imolv a full file folder e.o.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. Litiaation claims comDlaints,audits DubHe records reauests.and/or investi ations susDend normal retention Deriods retention resumes after settlement. Recru itment Files ii Department preference;EEOC I FLSA I ADEA (Age)requires 1-3 Admin.(Includes Applications,'i years;State Law requires 2-3 Services /~~i 'r years;29 CFR 1602 et seq &Advertisements,Job Brochures,1 year 2 years Mag,Ppr Human Test Data,Rating Sheets,1627,3(a)(5)and (6),2 CCR Resources Questions,Eligible Lists,\>7287,0(c)(2),8 CCR Reference Checks,etc,)i §11040(7,(e)),GC §§12946, ,34090 Admin.» Services /Safety:Inspections Conducted 2 years ti,r Ppr GC §34090 Human by outside agencies Resources ,When No Admin,I Studies &Surveys Conducted on Longer IJ!Services /Behalf of the Town (Attrition,Required -Mag,Ppr Department preference;GC Human Benefits,Succession Planning,Minimum 2 §34090 Resources etc,)years Workers'Compensation or ,Department preference;Claims , •••••••• can be made for 30 years for Disability Claims I Employee , toxic substance exposure; Admin.Accident Reports Claims are required for five Services I Includes all Accident,Incident,or Until Closed Separation +Mag,Mfr,S Yes:When years after the end of Human Injury Reports and associated 30 years 00,Ppr Inactive compensation,or injury, Resources •••••••• whichever is longer;8 CCR MSDS,Refusal of Medical §3204(d)(1)et seq"8 CCR Treatment of an Industrial Xi Xi)10102,15400,2;GC §§12946,Accident 34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental SelVices,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reselVed Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-1 If the -record is not listed here.refer to the RetenUon for Town-Wide Standards Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off.site, ODorMfr Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Retentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv tHe folder. 'Litigation,claims,com faints,audits,ublic records re~and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention resumes after settlement). Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Agenda Packets I Staff Reports:ALL Town Council,Redevelopment Agency,Parking Authority Agendas -Posted P 2 years Yes:Until I Mag,Mfr, IAfter Meeting OD,Ppr Yes:Until IAfter Meeting I Mag,Ppr 8/1 Yes:After 10 years Department Preference (The minutes are the permanent record);GC §34090 et seq. The minutes are the permanent record;GC §34090 et seq. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-2 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage »Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mlr Imaged & 00 or Mlr)»><S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beoin when the act is completed,and implv a full file folder le.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investi alions suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). I •.•••.•••••><. Agreements &Contracts ~ •··.111:Infrastructure,DDAs,OPAs,I MOUs,MOAs approved by the Town Councilor Town Manager I IMAGED •••••••••••••••1 •••Department Preference;All (Specifications /Scope of inlrastructure,JPAs,&Mutual Work,Insurance Certificates,Aid contracts should be etc.)permanent for emergency Admin.preparedness;Statute 01 Services I Examples of Infrastructure:Completion P Yes:Before Mag,Mfr,5 Yes:Upon Limitations is 4 years;10 years Town Clerk Architects,Buildings,bridges,Completion 00,Ppr Completion for Errors &Omissions;land CaIPERS,covenants,curb cuts,records are permanent by law; deferred improvement CCP §§337.337.1(a),337.15, agreements,design/build,343;GC §34090,Contractor development,environmental,Joint has retention requirements in Powers,LLAs,MOUs,park 48 CFR 4.703(a)+K36 improvements,property & property restrictions, IIIII!I redevelopment,reservoirs,sewers, sidewalks,street &alley improvements,settlement, subdivisions,utilities,water,etc. .ii LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-3 Comments I Reference Covers E&O Statute of Limitations(insurance certificates are filed with agreement);Published Audit Standards=4-7 years;Statute of Limitations:Contracts & Spec's=4 years,Wrongful Death=comp.+5 years, Developers=comp.+10 years; Statewide guidelinespropose tennination +5 years;CCP §§336(al,337 et.seq.,GC §34090 These records do not pose the same liability to the Town as other types of volunteers;GC §34090 Department preference (these records do not pose the same liability to the Town as other types of volunteers);GC §34090 Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Yes:Upon Completion S/I Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Vital? Yes:BefOre!Mag,Mfr, !19!¥~~¥!;n I Completion 00,Ppr Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr 4 years 2 years Active (in office) Completion + 10 years Records Description (Specifications /Scope of Work,Insurance Certificates, etc) Examples of Non-Infrastructure: Consultants,Franchises, Landscaping,Painting,Paving, Slurry Seals,Tree Trimming, Leases,Personnel,Professional SelVices,etc. Agreements &Contracts (ALL NON·INFRASTRUCTURE) Applications for Boards, Commissions or Committees (Successful) Applications for Boards, Commissions or Committees (Unsuccessful) CC-08 Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Retentions beoin when the act is compieted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv fife folder. If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Admin. Services I Town Clerk ILitigation,claims,complaints,audits,ublic records requests,and/or investigations sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement). LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-4 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mlr) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mlr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Ilf the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is completed,and imply a full fife folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public recorcj~[l?quesfs,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Admin. Services I Town Clerk Benefit Plan Documents I Summary Plan Descriptions (Dental,Medical,CaIPERS, etc.) Duration ot the Contract 6 years Yes:For Duration 01 I Mag,Ppr Contract EEOC I ADEA (Age)requires 1 year after benefit plan termination;Federal law requires 6 years after filing date for retirement;State Law requires 2 years after action;29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2);29 USC 1027;GC §§12946,3409 Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Boards &Commission Index I Log Bonds:Construction Bonds I Subdivision Bonds Claim Fonms (copies) Indefinite Release of Bond I Security 2 years Yes Mag Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr S No Data Fields I Records are interrelated;GC §34090 Securities (Performance Bonds,Letters 01 Credit,CD's, etc.)are released after the Notice of Completion is issued and replaced with the Warranty Bond,which is released 1 year after the Notice of Completion date.GC §34090 Risk Management is OFR for Claim file:GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do notduplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-5 Comments I Reference Records Description Retention No.Office of Record Retention I Disposition 'i---------+------,--,-------c,---.Inactive Image:Destroy (OFR)I Active Storage V't I?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off ...;te,I a.Options M=Mfr Imaged & 00 or Mfr S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not iisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beqin when the act is compieted,and implv a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv flIe folder. Clerk's Functional Filing System -If Not Mentioned Elsewhere Utigafion,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suseend normal retention pedods (retention resumes after settlement). I i i .,i i Admin. Services I Town Clerk The Lead Department is OFR 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 (The retention is applied based upon the content of the record, nolthe sUbject of the record.) Admin. Services I Town Clerk Deeds,Easements,Real Property,Dedications, Abandonments 2 years Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr S No GC §34090 Admin. Services I Town Clerk Economic Interest Filings (FPPC 700 Series Forms - Statement of Economic Interests):DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES (specified in the City's Conflict of Interest code) 2 years Ppr Town maintains original statements;GC §81009(e)&(g) LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-6 °R ffice of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecord r-----------t~:~.:-l:l~n:ac~t~iv;e:lii<i*~liru,1 :llii(.Image:Destroy (OFR)I Active Storage ib","'<V't I?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,I a Options M=Mfr Imaged & 00 or Mfr)Iii S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imolv a full file folder le.a.last document +2 vears!,since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,andlor investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Economic Interest Filings'« (FPPC 700 Series Fonms - Statement of Economic Ad .Interests):PUBLIC Department preference;Town serv'::,~~I OFFICIALS (Elected.Inciudes 4 years 5 years Ppr maintains copies oniy;.original T CI 11<Town Council Members,1 ••••••••••I.il,I ••••i ••<•••••<I statements are filed Wlth FPPC;own e Planning Commission GC §81009(f)&(g) Members,Town Manager,)):'Y Town Treasurer &Town t::'I ,',}'",:: Attorney -"87200 filers") S Admin.I FPPC Fonm 801 (Gift to 4 II ~~~~Iii MP Must post on website;2 CCR ervlces years I'ag pr Town Clel1<Agency Report)))i),18944.2(c)(3)(G) ·i.·····r·.·.····. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Govemmental SelVices,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written pennission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page Te-7 If the reccrd is not fisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, OD orMfr Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Retentions beoin when the acr is ccmofeted,and impfy a full file folder (e.g.fast document +2 years),since destruction Is normallv oerformed bv file fofder. Ufigation,claims,complaint§,audits,public records reque~ts,and/or investigations suspend normal retentiqrLperiods (retention [f?Sli-'JIf!S after settlement). ...•.•..ELECTIONS -.CONSOLIDATED Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Campaign Statements (FPPC 400 Series Forms): SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES (Elected Officials) Campaign Statements (FPPC 400 Series Forms): UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Campaign Statements (FPPC 400 Series Forms):THOSE NOT REQUIRED TO FILE ORIGINAL WITH Town Clerk (copies) Campaign Statements (FPPC 400 Series Forms):OTHER COMMITTEES (PACS -not candidate-controlled) Candidate File:Nomination Papers,Candidate Statements,etc.- SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES 2 years 5 years 4 years 7 years 8 years P Mag,Mfr, OD,Ppr Mag,Mfr, OD,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr S S Yes:After 2 I Paper must be retained for at years least 2 years;GC §81009(b)(g) Yes:After 2 I Paper must be retained for at years least 2 years;GC §81009(b)(g) Paper must be retained for at least 2 years;GC §81009(b)(g) Paper must be retained for at least 2 years;GC §81009(c)(g) Department Preference; Statewide guidelines proposes 4 years for successful candidates,2 years for unsuccessful;CA law states term of office and 4 years after the expiration of term and does not delineate between the two; EC §17100 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written pennission from GGS (90S)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC~8 Comments I Reference Imaged & QC'd? Destroy Paper after M=Mfr S=Scan Image: 1=lmporl Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record (Off~site, !!I IODorMfr) If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town~Wide Standards IRetentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e,g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by me folder. ILitigation,claims,complaints,aucHts1PL!klkJJ~Qords requests,and/or investigations suspend nq'f!Jf?Lt!!Jention periods (retention resumes after settlement!- Department Preference; Statewide guidelines proposes 4 years for successful candidates,2 years for unsuccessful;CA law states term of office and 4 years after the expiration of term and does not delineate between the two; EC §17100 Mag,Ppr 4 years Elections -GENERAL, Candidate File:Nomination Papers,Candidate Statements,etc.- UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Admin. Services I Town Cieri< Admin. Services! Town Clerk WORKING or ADMINISTRATION Files (Correspondence,Precinct Maps,County Election Services,Candidate Statements to be printed in the Sample Ballot,etc.) 4 years Mag,Ppr Department preference;GC §34090 Admin. Services I Town Clerk Elections -Petitions (Initiative, Recall or Referendum) Results or Final Examination if No Election +8 Months Ppr Not accessible to the public; The 8 month retention applies after election results,or final examination if no election, unless there is a legal or FPPC proceeding.EC §§17200, 17400 ELECTIONS -STAND-ALONE (use in coniunction with Consolidated elections ".records series 'are,not repeatedl ' LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-9 If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Retentions beqin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. IUtiaation,claims,comR!?llJ!§,audfts,PYQ!!C (Beards requests,and/or inve~p'g_?tions suspend normaUf!f!tention penod~(r~!~tjon resumes after settJfJIH~nt). Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Absentee Applications,Roster of Absentee Applications Absentee Identification Envelopes Assessment District Ballots and/or protest letters ~Prop. 218 proceedings Ballots -After Election Ballots -After Recount Challenged &Assisted Voters List 6 mo. 6 mo. 6 mo. 6 mo. 6 mo. 6 mo. Ppr Ppr Ppr Ppr Ppr Ppr EC §17505 EC §17302 Department preference to be consistent with other types of ballots;Statewide guidelines propose penmanent;EC §§ 17302,17306;CA Constitution Art.XIII EC §17302 EC §17306 If uncontested,EC §17304 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-10 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments /Reference 00 or Mfrl If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site,Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Retentions begin when the act is compieted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv fife folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public recordsJequests,and/or investigC1tiQ-'1§__~I!§Pff'1Q!JQ-'!!Jal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Inspector Receipts for Ballots Precinct Officer Appointments 6mo. 6 mo. Ppr Ppr EC 17302,17306 EC §17503 Admin. Services I Roster of Voters 5 years Town Clerk Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr EC §17300 Admin. Services I Town Clerk Tally Sheets 6 mo.Ppr EC §17304 Admin. Services I Town Clerk Voter Index Copies used as the Voting Record at Polling Places 6 mo.I Ppr I IEC §17304 5 years Admin. Services I Town Clerk Admin. Services I Town Clerk Voter Index Original Historical Records (e.g. Articles of Incorporation,Town Seal,Awards of significant historical interest,etc.) P IL (~E~n"d·o"f~Elections Sectionl . p I Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr SII EC §17001 co;':: Town Clerk determines historical significance;records No lean address a variety of subjects and media;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-11 Ilf the record'!s not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr' Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted.and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. !Ll1igation,--Ciaims,complaints,audits,public recorcj§[~quests,and/or invf#§Ug~tfons suspf!-'J.d normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement,. Retained for Historical Value, GC §34090 Department preference for liability purposes;GC §34090 Department preference;Statute of Limitations:Public official misconduct is discovery of offense +4 years,retirement benefits is 6 years from last action;statewide guidelines propose Termination +6 years; GC §§36507,34090;PC §§801.5,803(c);29 USC 1113 No Yes:When Inactive Yes:After 5 years Department preference to cover E&O Statute of Yes:2 yearsfUmitations,CCP §§337. 337,1(a),337.15,343;GC §34090 S Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr P 2 years We aren't sure of who Insurance Policies (Public keeps these,Employee Bonds I Fidelity or if the Town Bonds I Dishonesty,etc.) is doing this. Admin.Index of Records I Database to I I Mag.Mfr.I Services I 2 years P Sil Town Clerk Records 00,Ppr Admin.Insurance Certificates (for Services I contracts or agreements,if not I 11 years I I Mag.Mfr,I SII Town Clerk filed with contract or 00,Ppr agreement) Admin.Insurance Policies (the Town's I I Yes while I Mag.Mfr,I Services I P S Town Clerk General Liability policy)current 00,Ppr Admin. Services I Town Clerk LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-12 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage •Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M-Mfr Imaged & 00 or Mfr\S=Scan QC'd? If the record Is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed,and implv a full file folder le.a.last document +2 vearsl,since destruction is normallv erformed bv file foider. Utigation,claims,complaints,audits,DubHe records requests,and/or investigations susoend normal retention neriods (retention resumes after settlement). i6i Brown Act challenges must be lil~••••••••••••••••••••••• med within 30 or 90 days of Mag,Mfr,action;Statute of Limitations on Lead Dept.Legal Advertising 2 years aD,Ppr Municipal Government actions ~I is 3 -6 months;CCP §§337 et seq,349.4;GC §§34090, 54960.1(c)(1) Admin. Services I Maddy Act List /Vacancy List 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Town Cieri< liiirJiri Admin.Minutes -Town Council,Mag,Mfr,SerVices I Redevelopment Agency,10 years P Ves (all)S No GC §34090 Town Cieri<Parking Authority aD,Ppr 11!!~:!\Admin.Municipal Code Services I Administration.Distribution,2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Town Clerk etc. Admin.Municipal Code and History ~llil!llilili Mag,Mfr,Services /File (always retain 1 P S/I No GC §34090 Town Cieri<supplement)aD,Ppr .:.:::. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.~aU rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337 w 3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-13 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Active (in office) Records Description (OFR) !/fthe record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No·1 I Inactive II Record,Storage I,(Off-site, 00 orMfr IRetentions beqin when the act is comoleted,and Imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. ILitigation,claims,complaints,augit?LPublic records reque~f~§!nd/or inYf?sligations suspend norm?!U~tention pe(i9rj~fretentjon resumes after settlement). Department preference;Statute of Limitations:Public official misconduct is discovery of Admin.I IOaths of Office -Elected and I I I Mag,Mfr,I I 10ffense +4 years,retirement Services I P S Yes:2 years benefits is 6 years from last Town Clerk Appointed Officials 00,Ppr action;statewide guidelines propose Termination +6 years; GC §§36507,34090;PC §§801.5,803(c);29 USC 1113 Admin. Mag,Mfr,I Services I Ordinances -Town Council P Yes (ail)S No IGC §34090 et.seq. Town Cieri<00,Ppr Petitions (submitted to Council on any subject -Dog Parks,When No Admin.I I Parking,Traffic Calming,etc.)Longer 1:11:llifl~lw!·r!~·li.!1 I I Law requires 1 year for Services I Required ~I Ppr Town Cieri<See Elections for Initiative,Minimum 1 petitions;GC §50115 Recall or Referendum year Petitions Admin.I I Recordings I DVD-R oflown Department preference;Video Services I Council Meetings -Video 4 years Tape recording of meetings are only Town Cieri<Racordings I DVO-R or VCR (Mag)required for 90 days;GC (ALL)§§34090.7,60201 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995 M 200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337 w 3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC-14 °Rffice of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecord Inactive •Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage ;.17«V'lal?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off ...ite,I.Options M=Mfr Imaged & 00 or Mfr)!;:S=Scan QC'd?I':If~t~h-e-re-c-o-r~d"/s-n-o-t~I/"·s"te-d~h:"e-r-e,l.r-e"l!fe-r~to~th:"e-R~e!'te-n"ti-on'""l!fo-r"7:~o-w-n"-~"'''id~e~S~ta-n -d:"a.lrd~s:;::;:.:::.:::.::.r.L:iO:"" Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imo"a full file folder fe.a.Jast document +2 vearsJ,since destruction ;s normallv Derformed bv file folder. Utiaation,claims,como/ainis,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations susoend normal retention Deriods (retention resumes after settlement). Admin.Recordings I Tapes of Town T Department preference;State Services I Council Meetings -Audio 2 years (~:e)law only requires for 30 days; Town Clerk Recordings /Tapes or DVDs ))g GC §54953.5(b) Admin.Records Destruction Lists I I •••••••••••••I!~II M Mf 0 rt tPI GC S ..ag,r,epa men re erence;erv,ces /Certificates of Records P 00 PrS Yes:2 years §34090 et.se . Town Clerk DestructIon 'p q Admin.Records Retention Schedules,l~i~il.il~1M~:~:M~f 1-:-~----~:::~~:~~Services /Updates to Records Retention 10 years P 1.o~g,P ';5/1 GC §34090 et.seq. Town Clerk Schedules 'p Residential Parking (by Ad .address)min. Tservi~s ~Includes copies of drivers 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 own e licenses,vehicle registration,:HHH:??:':;::(=: applicatlon)« Admin.Resolutions -Town Council,M Mf Services /Redevelopment Agency,P Yes (all)0";1'P r,S No GC §34090 et.seq. Town Clerk Parking Authority ,pr Admin.Roster of Elected and lil!ll ... Services/Appointed Officials (Board &P I~;I Mag,Mfr,5/1 No Retained for Hlstoncal Value, Town Clerk Committee Members,etc.)IIil 00,Ppr GC §34090 Admin..Subpoenas I Records Services /Rt 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Town Clerk eques s ,,!!i::,,:i, LOS GATOS,CA.@1995-2008GI.dweIiGovernment.IServices,Inc.-.11 rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN CLERK Page TC·15 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive ]!!~~1~11J Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mfr Imaged & OD or Mfrl S Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed,and implv a full file foldar la.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv performed by file folder. UUgation,claims,com faints,audits,public records reauests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention eriods (retention resumes after settlement). Admin.Upon Sale ot ~~~~~~~~j Provided to new owner upon Services J Vehicle Titles "Pink Slips"Ppr Town Clerk Vehicle sale;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337~3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN MANAGER Page TM-1 If the record is not listed here.refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & '"? Comments I Reference Retentions be.oin when the act is comoleted,andimplva full file folder (e ..o,last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Review for historical significance,Transfer historical documents to SMC Historical Association; Department Policy;GC 1>34090 Yes:After I Department Preference;GC QC §34090 s Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mlr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag.Ppr 2 years 2 years 2 years When No Longer Required ~ Minimum 2 'ears When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 years When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 'ears Awards -Service,Performance Legislation -Working files and general information on pending or current legislation Department Files Proclamations I Commendations I Certificates I Recognitions (includes requests) Project I Program Working Files (Th "th jPUbliC Reiations -Town Produced ISIS on e p .,P Ri T 'd)ublJcatlons,ress e eases, own-wI e Photos Admin. Services / Town Manaaer Admin. Services I Town Manager Admin. Services I Town Manager Admin. Services I Town Manager Admin. Services I Town Manager Lead Dept. Liti08tion.claims,complaints,audits,public record§IJ}quests,and/or ;nvesti.oafions suspend normal retention oeriods {retention resumes after settlement~. LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:ADMIN.SERVICES I TOWN MANAGER Page TM-2 Ilf the record is not listed here.refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & Comments I Reference Retentions beain when the act is completed.and imply a full file folder (e.(:I.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litioation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiaations suspend normal retention oen'ods (retention resumes after settlement,. Lead Dept. (Who Ordered the Appraisal) Lead Dept. (Who Ordered the Appraisal) Admin. Services I Town Manager Admin. Services I Town Manaaer Admin. Services I Town Manager Admin. SelVices I Town Manaaer Real Estate Appraisal Reports (This is on the I(ACqUisition or Sale):Property Town~wjde)NOT purchased,Loans not funded,etc. h··th Real Estate Appraisal Reports (TT ISIS on d )e I(ACqUisition or Sale):Purchased Own-WI e Property,Funded Loans Real Property -Negotiations Speeches I PowerPoint Presentations Town Council Correspondence Town Council Newsletter 2 years 2 years When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 'ears When No Longer Required 6 years 2 years When No Longer Required _ Minimum 3 years Mag,Ppr Yes:Before I Mag,Mfr, Purchase 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr S Yes:After Inactive Not accessible to the pUblic; Statewide Guidelines show 2 years;GC §§34090,6254(h) Not accessible to the public until purchase has been completed; meets grant auditing requirements;24 CFR 85.42(b), 24 CFR 91.105(h),24 CFR 97.42(b),24 CFR 570.502(b);29 CFR 97.42,GC &34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Notes,drafts,or preliminary documents;GC §34090 et seq. Department Preterence;GC §34090 GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN ATTORNEY Page TA-1 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference If the record is nofilsted here.refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive (Records Center) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & ••? Retentions beain when the act is como/eted,and imply a full file folder (e.g,lEist document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Department Preference;Covers various statute of limitations; CCP §§337 et seq.;GC §§ 911.2,945.6,34090,34090.6; PC &832.5 Department Preference;GC §34090 Department Preference;GC 34090 GC §34090 Department preference;All State and Federal laws require retention until final disposition of fonnal complaint;State requires 2 years after "fully and finally disposed";2 CCR 7287.0;GC §§12946,34090 Department Preference;Covers various statute of limitations; CCP §§337 et seq.;GC §§ 911.2,945,34090,34090.6;PC §832.5 Department Preference;GC §34090 Mag,Ppr 2 years Town IAccident Reports that do NOt Attorney result in a Claim (P_l!blic Injuries) When No Town I Amicus Briefs Longer Attorney I Required -I liR#!qqit$~AI I Mag.Ppr Minimum 2 'ears Town Chron Files I Correspondence 15 years .Mag,Ppr Attorne Town Final Yes:Until Mag,Mfr,Yes: Attorney Claims Resolution 5 years Resolution OD,Ppr S After 5 years HR said you Equal Opportunity Employment - Town I would have Complaints i Department of Fair I Final 5 years 1~@9@!i:ifu+l I Mag,Ppr Attorney these (if there Employment &Housing (DFEH or Resolution is any)EEOC)Claims Town Lawsuits I Litigation Final Yes:Until Mag,Mfr,Yes: Attorney Resolution 5 years Resolution OD,Ppr S After 5 Except Final Settlement years Town I Lawsuits I Litigation Final Yes:Until Mag,Mfr,Yes: Attorney Resolution P Resolution OD,Ppr S After 5 Final Settlement Onlv years Litiaation,complaint$L.f21~L'!!.§.--:-pubJjc records act requests,audits and/or investfoations suspend normal retention Deriods (retentIon resumes after settlement or como/etien" LOS GA T05,CA.©1995 w 20008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:TOWN ATTORNEY PageTA-2 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image:Destroy Inactive Paper Active Media 1=lmporl (OFR)(in office)(Records Vital?Options M=Mfr after Center)S=Scan Imaged & •? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is com leted,and fm I a full me folder e..last document +2 ars ,since destruction is normall erformed b me foider. Uti alion com faints claims,ublic records act fe uests,audits and/or investi ations sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement or com lelion . When No Town Public Records Requests and Longer Department Preference;GC Attorney Responses Required -Mag.Ppr §34090 Minimum 2 ears When No Town Subject Files I Project Files I Longer Mag,Mfr,Yes:After Department Preference;GC Attorney Issue Files I Department Files Required -DO,Ppr S QC §34090 Minimum 2 ears Town Town Attorney Opinions P Yes Mag,Mfr,S Department Preference;GC Altorne DO,Pr 34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-20008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-1 If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retention I Disposition Office of Record (OFR) Retention No. Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image; 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference IRetentions begin when the act is completed,snrj)mply a full file folder (e.g.last documen_t+_gXf!~!§)~ince destruction is nQf-,!'?jIYIJerformed bv file folder. May also be filed by street or Commun.I I Building Address Files -Approved I I Mag,I I Ideveloper names.Duplicate Develop./Applications,Permits,Certificate of P Yes Mtr,OD,S Yes:After copy of record should be stored QC off-site for vital records BUilding Occupancy Ppr protection;Department preference;GC §34090 Commun.Department Preference -Data Develop./Building Permit Database Indefinite Yes (all)Mag is interrelated;GC §34090,H&S Building §19850 Commun.Building Permits (All Issued or Mag,Yes:After Statewide guidelines propose Develop./Expired)"Address File"Includes P Yes (all)Mfr.OD,S QC penmanent;GC §34090 BUilding Address Changes Ppr Commun.Building Plan Checks -When No Preliminary draft not retained in Develop./Unapproved Longer Mag,Ppr the ordinary course of business; BUilding Required GC §34090 et seq. Department preference;plans are not required to be submitted for these projects,but if they Commun.I I Building Plans and Construction Mag,are,the CBC requires they be Documents -Finalled -SINGLE Yes:After retained for at least completion Develop.I FAMILY RESIDENTIAL -SFR and P Yes (all)Mfr,OD,S QC +180 days;Statewide BUilding APPURTENANCES Ppr guidelines propose 2 years for blueprints &specifications; H&S§19850;CBC §106.5;GC §34090 ILitiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-2 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No. Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition .Destroy Inactive Image:P ._aper Storage V"tal?Media I-Import ft (Off-site,I.Options M=Mfr Ia edr &mage 00 or Mfr)S=Scan QC'd? Comments I Reference If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last cjq9YI1]~.'1~.gyears),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. ILitiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiqations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Preliminary draft not retained in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090 et seq. Department Preference (preliminary documents);GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Yes (all)P 2 years When No Longer Required Structural Calculations Requests &Permissions to Receive Copies of Plans (to and from architects) Building Plans and Construction Documents -Finalled - INDUSTRIAL,COMMERCIAL, MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS, PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION,TENANT IMPROVEMENTS,PRODUCTION HOMES Commun. Develop.I Building Commun. Develop.I Building Department Preference;Law requires for the life of the Mag,y.Aft building for commercial only; Mfr,OD,S es oc er Statewide guidelines propose 2 Ppr years for blueprints & specifications;CBC §; H&S§19850,GC §34090 (includes commercial structural plans,Hazardous Materials I Questionnaire,etc.)_ D Comml un.I Complaints (Written 2 eve op..years B ·Id·correspondence receIved or sent)UI mg C Construction Notices I Inspection U f1 CI d D~:~~~i Notice~..~:pro~:;; Building (correction notlces,C?mpllance Completion orders,stop work notices,etc.) Commun. Develop.I Reports:Building Activity 2 years BUilding Commun. Develop.I Building LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-3 If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retention I Disposition Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference Retentions begin when the act is completed,8lJd il!!l2!ya full file folder.J~_~.9_JE...st docu!T!~fJ.t +2 years),since destrU(~PQrJjs normally oerformed bv file folder. Litioation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiqations susoend normal retention lJeriods {retention resumes after settlement,. Commun. Develop.![[Uniform Building Codes I P [Mag,Pprj IGC §50022.6 Building LOS GATOS,CA.©199S-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.~all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-4 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRetentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last docYJn~/JL:t_£Y~!!.(§Lsjnce destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiqation,~/aif11S'.co f11 p laints,a~dits,eUbli~~c~r~sreguests,and/or investigations s,u~een,d normal r~tenti~n eeri~~~(retenti~nre~ufTI,~s after settlef11~~S· PLANNING '. Commun. Develop,I Planning Address Files:Code Enforcement I Abatement and Permanent Land Entitlements (Includes appeals and Code Enforcement Complaint Letters) P Yes:Until I t·I Resolution Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr 511 Department preference;Case is open until satisfactorily resolved Y 'Aft I(some cases are not resolved);es.er T CI k .t...I QC own er main ams angma staff reports and resolutions that are presented to Council;CFC §104.3.4,GC §34090 (Non-Records -Census Bureau is OFR);GC §34090 et seq. Land Records;GC §34090 Yes Mag,Ppr g~:~~ni ~nnex~~o~s I B/o~~~~s I 5 years P '••i~I ,iii I M~,a~'D,I 5 II I I I Planning onso I a Ions :::::::::::::':':'_,'Ppr ,, I Commun.When No "'be·.,--------------- Develop.I Census,Demographics Longer Planning Required Commun. Develop.I Planning Conceptual Development Advisory Meetings (no application submitted,just preliminary comments on a possible project) When No Longer Required Mag,Ppr Department preference; Preliminary Documents (no application sUbmitted);GC §34090 Commun. Develop.I Planning Environmental Determinations: Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs),Negative Declarations,etc.) Inside Town Boundaries P Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr 5 Usually filed in the project file; Final environmental Yes:After!cteterminations are required to QC be kept a "reasonable period of time";14 CCR §15095(c);GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT Page CD-5 Comments I Reference Non-records;EIRs and Negative Declarations Within the Town Boundaries are with the project file Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Ppr Media Options Vital? Mag,Ppr Preliminary drafts;GC §34090 Mag,Yes:After Department preference;GC Yes (all)I Mfr,00,S II Ppr Amended §34090 - Mag,//Yes:After/Department preference;GC Mfr.OD,S II Ppr Amended §34090 - M~Yes:After Department Preference;GC Mfr,OD,Sil Ppr Amended §34090 Copies (the Staff Reports are Yes (all)IMag,Pprl I lfiled in the Project Entitlement Folder);GC §34090.7 I Mag. Mfr.00,I S II I No IGC §34090 Ppr Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 00 or Mfr) P P P P When No Longer Required When No Longer Required Active (in office) Copies - When No Longer Required Records Description Land Use Studies I Plans I Reports Outside Town Boundaries General Plan Working Papers General Plan,Elements and Amendments Master Plans,Specific Plans, Bikeway Plans,etc. Planning Commission Agenda Packets Planning Commission Minutes & Bylaws Retention No. Office of Record (OFR) Commun, Develop.I Planning Commun, Develop.I Planning Commun. Develop.I Planning Commun, Develop.I Planning Commun. Develop.I Planning Commun, Develop.I Planning Commun. Develop.I Planning If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention fOr Town-Wide Standards Liti alion,claims,com laints,audits,ublic records fa uests,and/or investi aliens Sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. Environmental Determinations: Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs),Negative Declarations,etc.) County Referrals 'Retentions berlin when the act is compieted,anrt,-inJ)1y a fuil me folder (e.g.last dg,yment +2 years),since destruction is normally perfonmed by fiie folder. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-6 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off..gite, OD or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not iisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completl?gL~!Jd i'!!R1y a full file folder (~:g:last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requestS:and/or invesUaations suspend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement), Ves:After lGC §34090 et seq. 10 years s Commun.Planning Commission Recordings J >:':'::':::,:;-::::::::::T Department preference;State Develop.!Audio Recordings!Tapes or 2 years (~pe)law only requires for 30 days; Planning DVDs iJ~1 ag GC §54953.5(b) Commun.Planning Commission Recordings I T Depard~mentf prefet~ence;Videlo ..ape reco lng 0 mee lngs are on y Develop.I VIdeo Recordmgs !Tapes or 4 years,(Mag)required for 90 days;GC Planning DVDs §§34090.7,60201 Commun.:\:::i.::J::::Mag, Develop.!Planning Commission Resolutions P In?Ves Mfr,00, Planning Iii un Ppr Commun. Develop.! Planning Planning Project Files - Pennanent Entitlements (Approved.Denied.Expired.etc.) (Includes Associated Conditions of Approval,Environmental Determinations,Staff Reports, Plans &Maps) Examples:Conditional Use Permits (CUPS),Design Review,Lot Line Adjustments,Parcel Maps,Site Plans, Tentative Subdivisions,Variances, Zone Changes,etc. P Ves Mag, Mfr,OD, Ppr S Yes: When Inactive Projects have a 2 year vesting (applicant must pull permit within 2 years),and can be extended ~~those applications in which the applicant does not follow through,and can be extended,h with permit may be destroyed after the vesting period has expired.Department maintains complete files for administrative purposes;Final environmental determinations are required to be kept a IIreasonable period oftime";14 CCR §15095(c);GC§§34090, 34090.7 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted; Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-? Ilf the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retention I Disposition Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off.site, 00 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? Comments I Reference 'Retentk)ns beginvvhen the act is compieted,and impiy a fuii file foider (e.g.last dOGume"t +2 years),since destructk:m is normaiiy performed bv ffle folder. Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiaations susoend normal retention Deriods {retention resumes after settlement,. Non-records;GC §34090 et seq. Temporary uses;Department maintains complete files for administrative purposes; GC§§34090 Department Preference (Copies);GC §34090.7 Department Preference;Town Clerk Maintains originals of all documents that were presented to Council;GC §34090.7 No Yes:After I Department Preference;GC QC §34090 s S II Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr Mag,Ppr Yes Mag,Ppr Yes: During IMag,Ppr Event Mag, Yes (all)I Mfr,00, Ppr p P P 2 years When No Longer Required Special Studies (Not related to a specific project) Temporary Use Permits I Special Use Permits I Temporarv Entitlements: Christmas Tree Lots,Fireworks, Banners,Pumpkin Lots,Outdoor Events,etc. Zoning Maps of Significant Historical Value Zoning Amendments,Zoning Text Amendments gom~uni Project Log Index I Historic Logs I P Y M~a6'D S II Yes:After Department Preference;GC P el ve op.Binders of Historic Actions es r p "QC §34090 annlng !,I-----+----'-'p"r-j------1------1-------------l Regional Organizational Studies & Programs where other Agencies are the Lead (e.g.Air Quality Studies, etc.) Commun. Develop.I Planning Commun. Develop.I Planning Commun. Develop.I Pianning Commun. Develop.I Planning Town Clerk LOS GATOS,CA.©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD·8 °R ffice of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecord No.'---------------j-----T--:---:--I>>>>,-----,-----r---+=-,-;:::-+------------I I .Destroy InactIve}}Image:P (OFR).Active 5tora~e JIll}}Vital?Me.dia 1=lmporl ari':: (m office)(Off-sIte,Options M=Mfr Id&,-5 mage 00 or Mfr)5-can QC'd? ~/!!!'f t!!h·e·o·e·co·rd~js ..n·ot~/~jS~te·d~h~e·',.je·,re~fe·r~t~o~th~e""!!R!"'e'!'te·n~tj!"'o·n~fo·r~"~o·w·n·-~V\_\~id-!e""!!s'!'ta·n·d~a·rd'!'s-...---- Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normally performed bv file folder. Litiaation,claims,comDlaints,audits,Dublie records reauests,and/or investiaations susDend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement). Ii,.;•••.••.."""••••.......>..,..."•."..'.'.'."i.'"........" Commun.ili~Mag,Develop./Acquisition File (Real Property)P Yes (all)Mfr,OD,S No GC §34090 Redev.Ppr Copies -M .When No <\0 ag,Send originals to the Town Town Clerk Deeds /Order of Condemnation Longer»:Yes (all).Mf~OD,S No Clerk;GC §34090.7 Required pr When No "!'W Commun.Economic Development (Issues Longer Yes:While Develop./and/or projects will vary over time·Required·Active Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Redev.e.g.Proposed Hotels,etc.)Minimum 2 Issues years IP!~d.'~,L~I!i.:Ir_--_i---r_--t--_i~=;::~=::=::_;:;;:__l Commun.::j Develop./HCD Reports 10 years Mag,Ppr §D;:~~ment preference;GC Redev. Commun. Develop./Proposals 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Redev. Commun.Project Ii Yes:Mag,.GC Develop./Redevelopment Project Files Completion +P Before Mfr,OD,S No ~;:~:;,ent Preference, Redev.5 years Completion Ppr 1------1--+---j---I-------I Commun.+S +.Mag,Consistent with Claims;CCP §§ Develop./Relocation Files Settle 1 ettle 4 Yes:Until Mfr,OD,S Yes:After 337 et seq.;GC §§945,34090, Redev.year years.;::))Settlement Ppr Inactive 34090.6;PC §832.5 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written pennission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver,3,0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page CD-9 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments J Reference Record No. Inactive Image:Destroy Active Storage Media 1=lmporl Paper (OFR)(in office)(Off-site,Vital?Options M=Mfr after 00 or Mfr)S=Scan Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not iisted here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is completed,and impl a full file folder e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Uti alion,claims,com faints,audits,ublic records re uests,and/or investi ationssus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. Commun.Yes:Mag,Site Clearance I Soils Remediation Department preference;GC Develop./P Before Mfr,OD,5 No Redev,I Mitigation Completion Ppr §34090 Financial Statement of Indebtedness /Annual Copies -Mag,When No Yes:After Services I Report to State /State Controllers Longer Mfr,OD,S 2 years GC §34090,7 Accounting Report Required Ppr LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-1 if the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retention I Disposition Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site,00 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & ."? Comments I Reference !Retentions be.ain when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years},since destructi0i7-7s normallv performed bv file folder. Department preference;GC §34090 HUD requires 5 years after the project completion;documents imposing recapture I resale restrictions are 5 years after the affordability period tenninates; Uniform Admin.Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 years from expenditure report; statewide gUidelines propose 4 years;24 CFR 85.42, 92.508(a)(c)(2)&570.502(b),29 CFR 97.42,GC &34090 Yes:1 year Yes:1 year S/I S/I Yes:Until I Mag,Mfr, Paid 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Yes:Untii I Mag,Mfr, Paid 00,Ppr 5 years Project Completion + 5 years 5 years After the Affordability Period Terminates, or the Written Agreement Terminates, Whichever is Longer Affordable Housing Projects & Services -NO RECAPTURE I RESALE RESTRICTIONS (Contract Agreements, Compliance Monitoring) lain is,audits,ublic--"ecords fa USS/5,and/or investi ations sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. AB 939 Compliance /Solid 10M P Department Preference;GC ~a~ag pr l Waste Tonnage Reports ',§34090 HUD requires 5 years after the project completion;documents imposing recapture I resale restrictions are 5 years after the afford ability period terminates; Uniform Admin.Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 years from expenditure report; statewide guidelines propose 4 years;24 CFR 85.42, 92.508(a)(c)(2)&570.502(b),29 CFR 97.42,GC §34090 Sorry ~I re- read the law, and it doesn't matter ifhthe Affordable Housing Projects & owners Ip Services _WITH RECAPTURE / changes.If RESALE RESTRICTIONS theyare ttbd/(Contract Agreements, enan ~ase C.M")rental ompllance onJtonng. programs,you can get out of this,butthat is Applications for Loans: Rejected (First Time Home Buyers,Rehabilitation,etc.) Community Services Community Services Community Services LOS GATOS,CA.©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-2 Comments I Reference Records Description (OFR) Office of I Retention No. Record Retention I Disposition f-'---------+----,---------.... I Inactive I Image:Destroy Active I Storage V't I?Media 1=lmport Paper (in office)(Off-site,OD I a Options M=Mfr after or Mfr)S=Scan Imaged & '? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Sfandards IRelentions beain when the act is-comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destructIon-is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation.claims,compla1iits:audifs,public records requests,and/or investiaations suspend normal retention Deriods (refentlonUresumes after settlement), When No Department Preference;GC §34090 Mag,Ppr .Longer Community Art Selecbon Panel Agenda Required -III Services Packets Minimum 2 I.'.:,ft vears 73 Community Art Selection Panel Minutes &P Yes Mag,Mfr,"S No GC §34090 Services BVlawsPi!00,Ppr Community Arts Commission Minutes &P I {:It Yes Mag,.M.fr,S No GC §34090 Services Bvlaws H:-:::,}c':r:i:::::,::>««00,Ppr Community Services Community Services Arts Commission Agenda Packets Case Management When No Longer Required -I I:'::"::':::'::::::';';::'::;:;'::::::;'::::;:':' Minimum 2 :;:~m~~~:~:~:~ "ears ::·,:,·::::;:;::~ars:::·,;:.:-:-:•.::NgSi;fV~ih Mag,Ppr Department Preference;GC §34090 Community Services Community Grants 5 years Community Services Community Services Commission Agenda Packets When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 "ears Community Services Community Services Commission Minutes &Bylaws P Community Services Facility Use Requests 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-3 Comments I Reference Department Preference;GC §34090 are not forwarded to the City Clerk;Department Preference;GC §34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Yes:1 year Yes:1 year Destroy Paper after Imaged & ,.? S II S II Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr 5=Scan Media Options Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, aD,Ppr Yes Vital? Yes:Until I Mag,Mfr, Paid 00,Ppr Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site,00 or Mfr) Active (in office) P Loan Payoff or Forgiveness +5 years When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 'ears When No Longer ReqUired - Minimum 2 Records Description Housing Rehabilitation Loans I CDBG Loans (No Recapture /Resale Restrictions) Inclusionary Zoning Restrictions Newsletters I Senior Newsletter, Community Newsletter,etc. Programs I Projects (Music in the Park,etc.) (OFR) Office of I Retention No. Record Community Services Community Services If the record is not listed here,"refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Community Services Community Services Uti ation,claims,com faints,audits ublie-records re uesis,and/or invest;atiens sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement .. Meets auditing standards;Grants covered by a Consolidated Action Plan are required for 5 years; Unifonn Admin.Requirements for Grants to Local Governments is 3 years from expenditure report or final payment of grantee or subgrantee;statewide guidelines propose 4 years;7 CFR 3016.42; 21 CFR 1403.36 &1403.42(b);24 CFR 85.42,91.1 05(h),92.505,& 570.502(b),28 CFR 66.42;29 CFR 97.42;40 CFR 31.42;44 CFR 13.42;45 CFR 92.42;OMB Circular A-133.320(g);GC §34090 Local program;deed restrictions IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +'-2 years),since destruction-Is normallv oerformed bv file folder. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-4 °R ffice °d t Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecor Inactive II Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage ;~!V.t I?Media 1=lmport Paper I ~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~=,,-~~j~(i:.n~o:ffi:,:ce:)~~(O:ff~-s~it~e~,~O:Dliiila I a.Options M=Mfr afte~&~or Mfr);{S=Scan Im~~~? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is como/eled,and im rlva full file folder (e.G.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv oerformed bv ff7e folder. Litiaation claims,comDla;nts,audits,Dublic records reauests,and/or investi ations sus end normal retention Deriods retention resumes after settlementJ. When No Community Rent Advisory Committee R Lon~e~I,:::"::gt.M p Department Preference;GC Services Agenda Packets :~UIre -<iC;ag,pr §34090 Mmlmum2 vears >i>I----+.-,-~~,---_t_---+----------___I Community Rent Advisol)'Committee P ........»y Mag,Mfr,SN GC §34090 Services Minutes &Bvlaws :'{:2 ::::::':j':>:::es 00,Ppr a Covers E&O Statute of Limitations; »Published Audit Standards=4-7 :::'):::::::::\«-Yes'years;Statute of Limitations: Community Rent Control Contract Completion +1<""BY~s:Mag,Mfr,S/I Upo~~ntra~~g sPhe=c'S=4 yea~, Services Administration 10 years It;~ice 0 1 rte 00,Ppr Completio D ron l g u eat com P 1 ·0 +years,amp e Ion eve opers=comp.+years; n Statewide guidelines propose termination +5 years;CCP §337 1-,;----:----=-+----+----------+-----I-----1I.»>i~~~I~1 et.seq.,GC §34090 Community S .Rent Control Correspondence 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 ervlces When No I)"}'~> Community Senior Service Programs I R Lon~e~M P Department Preference;GC Services Projects eqUire -ag,pr §34090 Minimum 2 vears When No Community Solid Waste Programs (HHW Longer ~••~..Department Preference (services Services etc),Required -Mag,Ppr are contracted with JPA or other Minimum 2 cities);GC §34090 vears » LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:COMMUNITY SERVICES Page CS-5 Comments I Reference Records Description Retention I Disposition r-------~---f-----,-In-a-c-ti-v-e--.,·:·..:.----,-----lm-a-g-e-:+-;D";""SO:t,""o:-:y+--------~--11 Active I Sto,age V't 11 Media 1=lmporl ri e , (in office)(Off ..ite,OD I a Options M=Mf,a ed'&_Image 0'Mf')S-Scan ""'n? (OFR) Office of I Retention No. Record If the record-is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is compieted,and impiy a fuli fiT I'folder (e.g.iai/document +2 years),since destruction is normaliv performed bv file folder. UtiQation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investiaations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Community Services Volunteer Applications & Agreements -Successful Applicants Inactive i Separation + 3 years Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr S Yes:1 year Department preference (Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOC/FLSAJADEA (Age)requires 3 years for promotion,demotion, transfer,selection,or discharge; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii),GC §§12946, 34090 Community Services Volunteer Applications & Agreements -Unsuccessful Applicants 3 years Ppr Department preference (Courts treat volunteers as employees); EEOC/FLSAJADEA (Age)requires 3 years for promotion,demotion, transfer,selection,or discharge; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(1)(i)&(ii),GC §§12946, 34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Page IT-1 Comments I Reference Used for Disaster Recovery Purposes Only;Considered a copy and can be destroyed when no longer reqUired;stored off-site;GC §34090 et seq. See Town-Wide for retention of original e-mail (Correspondence Transitory);Considered a copy and can be destroyed when no longer required;stored off-site; GC §34090 et seq. Preliminary documents not retained in the ordinary course of business;GC §34090 et seq. Preliminary documents not retained in the ordinary course of business;GC §34090 et seq. Department preference;GC §34090 et seq. Destroy Paper after Imaged & '~?= Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. Mag. Media Options Yes Yes Yes Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, 2 weeks Active (in office) 1 month When No Longer Required 2 years When No Longer Required When No Longer Used! Records Description Backup Tapes I Disks -Daily Backup Tapes I Disks -Weekly E-mail Copy Database (Nexic Discovery) IT Service Requests Network Configuration Maps & Plans Software Licenses,Warrantees, Installation Media (OFR) Office of I Retention No. Record Information Technology Retentions beain when the act is completed,and imply a full fiie folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder Uti alion,claims,com faints,audits ublic records re uests,and/or investi ations sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. Used for Disaster Recovery Purposes Only;Considered a copy and can be destroyed when no longer reqUired;GC §34090 et seq. Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology, , Information Technology Information Technology 'If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards LOS GATOS,CA ©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE -LIBRARY Page L1B-1 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference Department preference to match the length of time negative information remains on credit reports;GC .34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Preliminary I Transitory documents not retained in the ordinary course of business (entered into database);GC §34090 All detail is sent to Finance;GC §34090.7 Per California State Library Records Management Program Requirements (April 27,1998);GC §34090 Department Preference;GC §34090 Yes: When Inactive Destroy Paper after Imaged & .~? S S 'er/ormed bv file folder. Image: 1=lmpori M=Mfr S=Scan Media Options Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Yes Vital? Records Center, OD orMfr Active (in office) P 7 years When No Longer Required When No Longer Required - Minimum 2 'ears Final Expenditure +5 years Cash Receipts Detail I Backup I Cash Summaries I Accounts Receivable Detail I Refund Detail DMVChecks Collection Agency Assignments & Collections Grants:LSCA (Library Services and Construction),LSTA (Library Services and Technology),IMLS (Institute of Museum &Library Services),and PLF (Public Library Foundation)ONLY.For all others, follow Town-Wide Schedule. SUCCESSFUL Reports,and Disruptive Patrons Historical Records of Significant Historical Value Library Library Library Library Finance (OFR) If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Citvwide Standards Retentions be.Q;n when the aetts camoteted,and imp/jle full file folder (e.g.last document +-2 years),since destruction is normal!: Uti ation claims,com laints,audits and/or investi ations sus end normal retention eriods re-tention be ins after settlement. Copies -""""~';;;;';;;:;:;;::~';""" When No Longer Required Lead Depl. LOS GATOS,CA.@199S-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE -LIBRARY Page L1B-2 °Rffi,ce °d f RetNention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments J Reference ecor o. II Image:Destroy Active Records '?Media 1=lmporl Paper (OFR)('ft')Center,Vital,0 t'M-Mf after In 0 Ice 00 Mf pions -r or r S-S Imaged &-can ",;,,,?r./~f t~h-e-"-eCO-"":d~jS-no-t~/~jS~te-d"hi"el."-e-,re'"":!fe-r~t~o~thi"e""R~e~te-n~tj"on'"":'fo-r~C~j"ttvw ~jjd"'e~S!:"ta-n-d~a-rd!:"s-"'----'" Retentions be in when the act is com leted,and imolv a full me folder (e,a,last document +2 vearsl,since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder, Utiaation claims,comDlaints,audits and/or investiaations SUSDend normal retention Deriods retention be!iTin.:.os;,;a;;;ft.:.oe;;,r,;:s;;;e.:.ottlre~m.:.oe;;,n.tI."""T---..,.----,.------------1 When No :jYY,r L'b B dAd Ad Longer 'mSi Brown Act challenges must be Library ~~ryts oar gen as,gen a Required _Mag,Ppr filed within 30 or 90 days of action; ac e Minimum 2 GC §§34090,54960,1 (c)(1) years L'b L'b Bd M't P 1:/:/Y Mag,Mfr,S 0~s:Department Preference;GC I rary I rary oar mu es liJ:I}::}/\r~)}es aD,Ppr Inact~~e §34090 L'b Library Management System I Id fi 't YMP Data Fields I Records are I rary Database n elm e es ag,pr interrelated;GC &34090 L 'b Licensing Use Agreements (for Expiration +BYef s :MP Department preference;GC I rary .e ore ag pr vanous databases)2 years 1.1~1~~Event'§34090,CCP §§337,343 Meeting Room Application I Facility Yes: Library Use Applications (Room 2 years Before Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Reservations,etc.)Event Wh N Preliminary I Transitory documents L"b Patron Applications I Registrations L en 0 MP not retained in the ordinary course I rary for Library Cards ReonU~~:d ag,pr of business (entered into q database);GC §34090 1---1----1----------+----+--- L'b Perfomners Agreements and Photo Completion BY~s:MP Department preference;GC I rary Releases +2 years E e ore t ag,pr §34090,CCP §§337,343 ven Pro S 'US When No Preliminary I Transitory documents L 'b gram Ign ps (e,g,ummer L .'MP ,d'h d'I rary R d')anger :,ag,pr not retalne In te or Inary course ~I~_~~~~_OC~OO LOS GATOS,CA.©1995 -2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc,(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.2.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE·LIBRARY Page L1B-3 ~/f tha record is not listad hera,refar to the Retention for Citvwide Standards Retention I Disposition Office of I Retention Record No. (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Records Center! ODorMlr Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & .~? Comments I Reference !Retenlions beain when the act is como/eted,and imply a full fife folder (e.g,lC1§t dOcument +2 years),since -destrucUon is normallv oetformed bv file folder. Utiaation,claims,complaints,audits and/or investiaations suspend normal reten-lion oeriods (retention bed/ns after settlement#- GC §34090 Statute of Limitations any ",..Iiability founded upon an instrument in writing"or not specifically provided for is 4 years; GC ~34090,CCP §§337,343 GC §34090 Yes: Library Releese Forms (Artists I EXhibitor's)4 years Before I Mag,Ppr Event Libra'Y-Reports to Outside A endes 2 years I Mag,Por Yes: Library Subject Files 2 years Before I Mag.Ppr Event LOS GATOS,CA.©1995 -2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rig his reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-1 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference Active (in office)(OFR) Inactive Image:Destroy Storage pt V.lal?Media 1=lmport Paper after (Off-site,00 I Options M=Mfr Imaged & I or Mfr)~S=Scan QC'd?I Ilf the record ;s not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards I IRetentions beain when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Department Preference (Infonnation Systems maintains digital aerials);GC §34090 Yes:After IGC §34090 et seq. QC Yes:After QC Department Preference;Statute Y .Aft 10f Limitations is 4 -10 years (for es.er 0 ..)CCP QC Errors &missions; §§337.337.1(a),337.15,343; GC §34090.7 s 5/1 5/1 Mag, Mfr,OD, Ppr Yes:Until Completed P Aerial Maps /Photographs - Analog or Digital &Index to Aerials Public Works I Engineering ILitigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suseend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). ......................ENGINEERING .........'", .:I I~.II .;,...Mag,I PUbh~WO~k$Abandonments I Vacations p ;'::,;:';,:,::'j ••;;,:,Yes (all)Mfr,00, /Engineering (Streets)::'l:Ppr "Mag, :Mfr.00, ....."Ppr I I Assessment Districts /I I.:.'::! Maintenance Districts I P.Wk II Landscape &Lighting I Street I ~bIJC or s Improvement District Projects I P ngrneenng Community Facilities Districts (FORMATION,BOUNDARIES, ENGINEERS REPORTS) When No Public Works I I Bicycle Advisory Committee Longer IMa g ,pprl I I Department Preference;GC I Required-I Engineering Agenda Packets §34090 Minimum 2 years Public Works I I Bicycle Advisory Committee I Mag,p Mfr,00,1 511 No IGC §34090 J Engineering Minutes &Bylaws Ppr LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-2 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments J Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage,,[.I.Fte~'~~~;~011 (Off-site,0 or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards 'Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (fetenUan resumes after settlement). Some grant funding agencies require audits;Statute of Limitations for Errors & Omissions is 10 years; Published Audit Standards=4-7 years;Statute of Limitations: Contracts &Spec's=4 years, Wrongful Oeath=comp.+5 years,Developers=comp.+10 years;Statewide guidelines propose termination +5 years; CCP §337 et.seq.,GC §34090 Upon Completion 1 years or After Fundingl~~~?:'l Agency Audit,Yes:Untii IMP if required,Completed ag,pr whichever is longer Capital Improvement Projects (CIP):Permanent File Capital Improvement Projects (CIP):Administration File Project Administration,Certified Payrolls,Construction Managers Logs,Daily Inspections,Project Schedules, Progress meetings,Real Estate Appraisals,RFls &Responses, etc. Public Works J Engineering Public Works J Engineering Plans,Specifications, Successful Proposal,Change Orders,Materials Testing Reports,Grading Permits, Insurance Certificates, Hazardous Materials Plans, Notice of Completion,Photos, Soils Reports,Studies, Submittals,Surveys,etc. Upon Completion P Yes:Until Completed Mag, Mfr,aD, Ppr S/I Yes: Complet.+ 10 years Department preference; retained for disaster preparedness purposes; Statewide guidelines propose Permanent for Infrastructure pians;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200a Gladwell Govemmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: VeL 4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-3 Office of Record (OFR) Retention No.Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition Image:Destroy V'lal?Media 1=lmport Paper after I.Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? Comments I Reference If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRelentions beain when the act is como/eted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destructioni§.normally performed by file folder. Ufigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Yes:After I Department Preference;GC 2 years §34090 S P Easements Public Works I Engineering Public Works Design &Construction P Ii!!!]'ii M~a6D SII Yes:After Department Preference:GC I Engineering Standards ~pr 'QC §34090 Mag,I Yes (all)Mfr,00, Ppr Public Works I Engineering Encroachment Permits - Permanent Encroachments P Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr S Yes:1 year Department Preference;GC §34090 Public Works I Engineering Encroachment Permits - Temporary Encroachments (debris boxes,etc.) 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Public Works I Engineering Encroachment Permits -Utility Cuts 5 years IMag,Ppr Public Works I Engineering Geotechnical and Soils Reports (Planning is the OFR for Private Development) P Mag, Mfr,00, Ppr S Yes:After I Department Preference;GC QC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-4 Comments I Reference Image:Destroy 1=lmport Paper after M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? Media Options Vital?Active (in office) Records Description Retention J Disposition I I Inactive Storage Il~e~~~~::oln I (Off-site,OD or Mfr) Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record iff the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRetentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file foicier (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformedb-v file folder, ILitiqafion,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). Department preference;GC §34090 Yes:After I Department Preference;GC QC §34090 S Mag,Ppr Proposed Projects,Program Information Public Works f Engineering Public Works ..Mag, IE'.Grading PermIts &Plans P Mfr,OD,nglneenng Ppr Drafts should be destroyed; Maps,Plans and Record M Some maps are also retained by Public Works I IDraWings (Capital Improvement P Y (II)MI a 60 S Yes:Alter Planning;Selected maps are t Engineering Project "As-Builts",Record es a ~'OC retained in Public Works for Drawings,etc.)pr administrative purposes;GC §34090,34090.7 When No Longer Required - Minimum 5 years ,PEUbIiC Works Rights 01 Way P Yes (all)M~,a6o,S Yes Q :cAlter GC §34090 ngmeenng P J--_+~pr,.--f __-+__-+--------I Public Works Standard Construction Drawings P M~a6D Sfl Yes:After Department Preference;GC ,Engineering ,Details'Plans ~pr 'QC §34090 Public Works t Engineering Subdivisions P Mag,Ppr Official record held by Town Clerk;GC §34090.7 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200S Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-5 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive j1II·······n ••••Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage ]"¢t~,Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,00 Options M=Mlr Imaged & or Mlr)U«,S=5can QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is comn/eted,and imDlv a fuJI file folder fe ..last document +2 veers,since destruction is normaJlv nerformed bv file folder. LIliaallon,claims.complalnls,audlls,publiC records reauesls,and/or mv_uspend normal relenllon p~(retention resumes after settlemenl). ,,;,,;."•...•..;;..••;;.;IT."." :n<:'Drafts should be destroyed; Public Works Maps,Plans and Record M Some maps are also retained by I Engineering DraWings (Final Maps,Parcel p';'III!,'Y (II)Mf ago S Yes:After Planning;Selected maps are /Private Maps,Right of Way,Tract :,:c';es a ~'QC retained in Public Works for Develop.Maps,etc.),''::,i,iJi pr administrative purposes;GC /i iii §34090.34090.7 Private Development Projects I 'i .•< Job Files:Administration File Statute of Limitations for Errors ijlil &Omissions is 10 years; Plan Check Comments Published Audit Standards=4-7 (Provided to Planning or years;Statute of Limitations: Planning or Building),Construction Upon 1 years ,,~Yes:Until Mag,Ppr Contracts &Spec's=4 years, Building Inspections,Photos,Private Lab Completion "'i(ii'if Completed Wrongful Death=comp.+5 Verifications years,Developers=comp.+10 ••.•<years;Statewide guidelines Examples:CUPs,Lot Line ,propose termination +5 years; Adjustments,Specific Plans,.S'CCP §337 et.seq.,GC §34090 Split Lots,TPMs,TSMs LOS GATOS,CA.©1995~2008 Gladwell GOvernmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 ~aU rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-6 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive [I[!Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1~lmport Paper after (in office)(Off..sile,00 Options M~Mfr Imaged & or Mfr)I •.••••••••••.•.•••••>••••.•••S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder fe.a.last document +2 years),since destruction is normaJly performed by file folder. Litiaation,claims,com laints,audits,public records re uests,and/or investiaations susoend normal retention eriods (retention resumes after settlement). I~:"ij~':ii Private Development Projects I < Job Files:Permanent Files <> Conditions,Drainage,Driveway,<{ Encroachments,Grading >•••.•.•{••••>{.Department preference; Public Works Permits &Plans,Rights of Way,retained for disaster I Engineering Soils Reports,Siormwater,etc.Upon .....{ Yes:Until Mag,Yes:After preparedness purposes;P >Mfr,00,SII I Private Copies of Deeds,Dedications,Completion ••.<i>Completed Ppr QC Statewide guidelines propose Develop.Easements,Abandonments >i Permanent for Infrastructure (Town Clerk is OFR)plans;GC §34090 Examples:CUPs,Lot Line { Adjustments,Specific Plans, ........·..........•ii·.·i ...·..•....·•.•SplitLo!s,TPMs,TSMs Ii« LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200a Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-7 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site,00 or Mfr) Vilal? Image:Destroy Media 11=lmport Paper after Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction ;s normally performed by file folder. Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or 7iwestigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). GC §34090.7 Department preference;Drafts should be destroyed;GC §34090 Drafts I source records entered into database and not retained in the ordinary course of business;GC §34090 Yes:After QC S Mag, Mfr,OD, Ppr Mag Ppr Mag.Ppr Yes (all) Yes: Before Payment P Copies -1\ When No Longer Required When No Longer Required - Minimum 5 years Master Plans -Transportation Accident Reports Studies -Transportation Police Public Works I Engineering I Traffic & Trans. Public Works I Engineering I Traffic & Trans. Mag. Mfr,00,I S I No !GC §34090 Ppr -IU:,;UUJLH2 .." IMag.J I I Department Preference;GC §34090 Mag.I Department preference Mfr,OD,S I Yes:After I (required every 5 years,but can Ppr QC be extended to 7 or 10 years); GC §34090 15 years P Transportation &Parking Commission MINUTES,BYLAWS Traffic Speed Surveys Public Works I Engineering I Traffic & Trans. Public Works I Engineering I Traffic & Trans. ~.Transportation &Parking When No I'::;:~::r!r,!;~r;1!?~0:(;;,;1 PUbll~Wo~ks Commission Longer :.:.i :.':.:.',;.':...•:.,:.L;;.pn.:,:.:.,:~.....:.~.:.r.:.:...:.j.'.';..:i.I Englneenng Required _::i':RE:!9~lred;~i:,i I Traffic &AGENDAS,AGENDA Minimum 2 Trans.PACKETS years LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-8 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention J Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive I:"Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage II)_I»Vital?Media 1~lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,00 '"Options M~Mfr Imaged & or MIT)~»):.:S~Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is como/eted,and imDlv a full file folder (e.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. Uti alion,claims,com laints,audits,Dublic records reauests,and/or investiaations susoend normal retention eriods {relention resumes after settlementJ. When No F 'nN8}Public Works Longer Mag,I Engineering Traffic Studies I Traffic Counts J Yes:After Department preference;GC I Traffic &Traffic Calming Requests Required -j Mfr,OD,S 10 years §34090 Minimum 5 Ppr Trans., years LOS GATOS,CA.©1995 M 2008 Gladwell Govemmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-9 Comments I Reference Retention I Disposition Inactive Active (in office) Records Description Retention No. (OFR) Office of Record ,>··ii :/,::.)/;~.Image:Destroy Storage V.t I?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (Off-site,00 I a Options M=Mfr Imaged & I,,or Mfr)}).»S=Scan QC'd?I Ilf the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards I Data is interrelated;GC §34090 Public Works I Division Providing Service I Work Work Orders!Service Requests -All Information Entered in CMMS Database When No Longer Required Mag Ppr Preliminary drafts (the database is the original);GC §34090 Public Works I Division Providing Service I Work Work Orders I Service Requests -NOT entered in CMMS Database (or partial information entered into CMMS Database) (Division providing service retains originals;Division requesting service is considered a copy) 3 years Mag Ppr Town preference;CCP §§338 et seq.,340 et seq ..342,GC §§945.6,GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337~3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-10 Retention J Disposition Office of Record (OFR) Ret.ention No.Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-sile,OD or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image:Destroy 1=lmport Paper after M~Mfr Imaged & S~Scan QC'd? Comments I Reference lfthe record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRetentions beain when the act is como/eted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. ILitigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). When No Longer Public Works II Parks Commission Agenda Required _ I Packets Minimum 2 Parks years Mag,Ppr Department Preference;GC §34090 Data is interrelaled;GC §34090 Mag Public Works PkC ..M'I &Mag, I ar s ommlSSlon InU es P Mfr,00,S II No GC §34090 Parks Bylaws Ppr Public Works l----t--'-""--+---t----t------------1 f P rk P '1 Current +2 MP Department preference;GC a enm,s ag,pr §34090 Parns yea~ Department Preference Public Worns II I (agricultural pesticide records I Pesticide Application I Use 2 years Ppr are required for 2 years);GC Parks §26202;3 CCR 6623(c),40 CFR 171.11 et seq.;GC §34090 Public Works IS·I P "15 Current +2 MP Department preference;GC Parks pecla erml years ag,pr §34090 Public Works . I Division Work Orders I Service Requests Providing CMMS DATABASE Indefinite Service I (Computerized Maintenance Work Management System) LOS GATOS,CA.<91995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -aU rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-11 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record '''', Inactive ,)>Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,00 Options M=Mfr Imaged & or Mfr)::'.:":'::.:':.:.•'.:::::S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is como/eled,and imolv a full file folder e,a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation,claims,como/sints,audits,Dublie records requests,and/or investi ations susoend normal retention eriods (retention resumes after settlement). Public Works ..........<)•..\> I Division Work Orders I Service Requests When No Preliminary drafts (the database Providing -All Information Entered in Longer !!1 i F Mag Ppr Service I CMMS Database Required is the original);GC §34090 Work <..'''' Work Orders I Service Requests ;-NOT entered in CMMS ...... Public Works Database (or partial infonnation I Division entered into CMMS Database).",C·Town preference;CCP §§338 et Providing 3 years ;Mag Ppr seq ..340 et seq.,342,GC Service I (Division providing service §§945.6,GC §34090 Work retains originals;Division requesting service is considered . a copy)> LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-12 Office of Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off.,;;te, or Mfr) Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr S=Scan Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards IRetentions besin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Litigation,claims,comelaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settJ~me~t). I STREET MAINTENANCE I FLEET I TREES,, Department preference;GC §34090 GC §34090 Mag,Ppr 3 years ..,...".,....."',-Mag,Ppr :y~~r~ I I Yes: Before Mag,Ppr ''''''''IUIlt::U Payment .-Mag,Ppr 'v J"""'" ......UII ...IIl ...L.I I::~u:I:':~H~>~I I Mag, ~.'v ...~I ;,'Previpu$Mfr,OD,I S -,.•......'".,....;-F:."""'~......Ppr Ppr Street Sweeping Logs (Source Records) AQMD Permits (Generators, etc,) Public Works I Street Maint. Public Works I Street Main\. Finance Public Works I Street Maint. Pre-Trip Inspections I DOT Program I CHP Inspections I Vehicle Safety Checks I Daily 2 years Vehicle Inspections I Daily EqUipment Checks P br Wk NPDES Monitoring records I S Ut ICt MO~St Storm Drain Cleaning 3 years Mag,Ppr required for 3 years in Federal ree aln.law;40 CFR §§122.21,122.41 ~----+---~------+-----l-----1:t:I.:·.:••·••••••I ••••··••..If-------+---t--+--1------1 NPDES Monitoring records Mag,Ppr required for 3 years in Federal law;40 CFR §§122.21,122.41 Public Works TP 'ts Current +2 .rae errm I Street Malnt.years LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 -all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:PARKS &PUBLIC WORKS Page P&PW-13 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive .:••••••·ill ••••·••••·••·••·••••·•·•·••Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage '.Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,00 Options M=Mlr Imaged & or Mlr)I<L"·.,S=Scan QC'd? ffthe record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comDJeted,and 1m ,Iva full file folder e.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. Litiqation,claims,complaints,audits,public records reauests,and/or investiaations sUSDend normal retentioneriods (retention resumes after settlement). Public Works •·.·..··\···················•••.1 ••• 22 CCR 66266.130(c)(5).H&S I Street Maint.Used Oil Disposal 3 years Mag,Ppr §25250.18(b),25250.19(a)(3)et .....•:...:..•..:.......•...•..•......seq. .................<>......Department preference;If a /Lu·motor carrier,required for 18 Disposal of months after vehicle is sold; Public Works Vehicle &Equipment History Vehicle or X 1 Mag.Ppr CHP requires life of vehicle; I Street Main!.Files Equipment +,,""'!"OSHA requires 1 year;8 CCR § 2 years .>'H 3203(b)(1);49 CFR 396.21 (b)(1);49 CFR 396.3(c); <•.•••x..,·.·/···CCP §337 e!.Seq.,GC §34090 Public Works Wastewater /Sewer System 1:11:1·'··>···1 .••. Department preference;plans must be updated every 5 years,I Wastewater Management Plans (SSMP)and 5 years ,,>5;•••./< Mag,Ppr audits are required every 2 I Sewer Audits years;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516 ~all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission Adopted; Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-1 If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr Destroy Paper after Imaged & .~? Comments I Reference Retentions beoin when the act is comoieted.and impfVa fuli fite folder (e.g.iast document +2 years),since destruction is normaliv pefformed bv fHe folder. Department preference;GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 Transitory or source records not retained in the ordinary course of business;CHP audits every 2 years;Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel records; GC &34090 GC §34090 Yes:After I Department Preference:GC § superseded 34090 et seq.S /1 Mag Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Utiaation.claims,complaints,audits,Dublic records reauests,and/or investiqations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement,. ,ADMINiStRATION and/or CHIEFOF POLICE I l":l,_i ,'i i LOS GATOS,CA.©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-2 ~ffice dOf Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference ecor ;;.,.,.,.::.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:-:.:.:',------,------,--;:==,--t---;:===+------------I Inactivei Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage I.T91~'ii V't I?Media 1=lmport Paper after i (in office)(Off-site,I a Options M=Mfr Imaged & nn nr Mfr'lii·.<S="~.n n"'rl? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed,and implv a full file folder fe.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. Litiaation,claims,comolaints,audits,DubJie records reauests,and/or investiaations susDend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlementl. l id\:State requires for at least 5 years :::(\for Citizen's complaints;other State &Federal laws require retention until final disposition of .Internal Affairs Investigations /.formal compla~nt;~tate requires 2 Police I O·.r F'I I C I't I Final years after action IS taken;Statute Ad .I ISClP Inary I es amp aln s D'T MP fL''t r .4f m.m.Citizens Complaints /Internal ISPOSI Ion ag,pr o.Iml a Ions IS years or. Chief C I't(II)+5 years i~'~11 misconduct;IA and Statewide ompamsa ..d25 gUidelines recommen years l i for officer-involved shootings;EVC §1045(b)(1),GC §§12946,34090, PC §§801.5,803(c),832.5(b),VC t--.=c""-+-----j----------l----I----Ii §2547 Police I J '1 C'P.Ad .I uvenl e rime reventlon 2 MP GC §3 090 C~il:i Programs -DARE,SRO,etc.years ag,pr 4 Police /.I When No .. Ad .I Logs:Dally Watch Reports,L .Y MP Preliminary drafts;GC §34090 et min.onger ag,pr Chief Watch Commander Logs,etc.Reouired seq. Police I .. Admin./Massage Technicians EXpiratIon +Mag,Ppr Department Preference;GC § Chief 2 years 34090 et seq. Police I Public Relations,Public Admin.I Information,Patches,Citizen 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Chief Groups Police I Admin.I Pursuit Critiques I 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 et seq. Chief I.i ..'.i·..i.'••••.••••••••••••·,••• LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200a Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-3 If the-record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & ,~? Comments I Reference Retentions b"iOln when the aclis completed,and Implva full file folder le.g.last document +:2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. Data Fields I Records are interrelated;GC §34090 Department Preference;GC § 34090 et seq. Mag Mag,Ppr Ves Indefinite Weapons List J Department Weapons (Range master) Police i Admin.i Chief Police i Admin.I Chief Liti alion,claims,com faints,audits,ublic records fa uests,and/or invest;atlens sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. When No "-'fil::tI;;';:;";;:'::":rI.'j:;:;:::: Reports and Studies regarding Longer Police operations (not historical-Required- manpower,etc.)Minimum 2 ears LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.w all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-4 Office of , Record Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Inactive!!~Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,~;<"Options M-Mfr Imaged & I on nr Mfr'<'«!;=!;~.n OC'rl? If the'record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is comD/eted,and imolv a full file folder fe.a.last document +2 vears ,since destruction is normallv Derformed bv file folder. Litiaation,claims com faints,audits ublic records re uests and/or investiaations susDend normal retention Deriods (retention resumes after settlement.,,....,ii,',',···,'·'i COMMUNICATIONSfCADLDISPATCH' Audio Recordings or Tapes-When No I Department Preference;Statewide (CAD/RMS)Recordings of Longer .',gUidelines propose 180 days Police I Telephone &Radio !Required-Mag (legally mandated for 100 days); Commun.Communications Dispatch Minimum (may be discoverable or made Tapes (CAD)180 days ,'«public in some circumstances), GC §§34090,34090.6 Used for Disaster Recovery Police I Backup Tapes I Disks -Daily i Purposes Only;Considered a copy Commun.(PO only)1 month Yes Mag.and can be destroyed when no ionger required;GC §34090 et «seq. <I~~~I Used for Disaster Recovery Police I Backup Tapes I Disks -Weekly Purposes Only;Considered a copy Commun.(PO Only)2 weeks Yes Mag.and can be destroyed when no longer required;stored off-site;GC §34090 et seq. Police I Video Recordings -License When No Preliminary drafts;GC §34090 et Longer Mag Commun.Plate Recognition System Required seq. Police I Video Recordings -Public When No Does not record "regular and Commun.Areas,Parking lots,etc.Longer Mag ongoing operations";GC §34090 Required et seq. Police I Video Recordings -Temporary Records regular and ongoing Commun.Holding Facility surveillance,1 year Mag operations;GC §34090.6(a)records cashiers etc. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-5 Office of I Retention No. Record Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Ifthe record is not listed here,referto the Retention for fawn-Wide Standards (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site,Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & IRetentions beain when the act is comoleted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),Since destruction is normallv performed by file folder ILitiaation.claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement,. Department Preference;GC §34090 et seq. Department Preference to provide information to other agencies;Non records used for investigations; Originals entered into the State Automated Property System;most agencies retain for 2 years;GC 34090 Entered into RMS (preliminary drafts not retained in the ordinary course of business);GC §34090 et sea. Misleading,obsolete or unreliable information is required to be Yes:When !destroyed;remaining records must Superseded not be retained longer than 5 years;28 CFR 23.20(h);GC §34090 S/I Mag,Ppr Ppr,Mag Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr 5 years 2 years Detectives Investigation Files and Arrest Files When No Fieid Investigation Cards (Fls)Longer Required When No Longer Informant Files I Required- Minimum 2 'ears Pawn Slips Intelligence Files Police i Investigat Police i Investigat. Police i I nvestigat. Police / Investigat. Police / Investigal. F r"-"...,.'I"T!:'r=a~ns:'ite::::rr:::~:r;V_E_S.:.TI:;;G;:;A:.:T.:.;1O;;:NrSI DETECTijIV ..E;,,:'B;;:U;;:R.::E;;:A.:.;Ui",.,.....,r"-"-1 into Transfer all OffiCial Reports to Record's Ppr,Mag Records to be placed In the Day Files Files. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-6 If/he record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention J Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & '"? Comments I Reference :Retentions beain when the act is como/eted,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv oerformed bv file folder. IUtiaation,claims,complainfs,i1udifs,public f?9Q[gs requests,and/or investiaations susoend normal retention Derfods (retention resumes after settlement,. Department preference;Pursuant to PC §457.1 et seq.;required to SIMII I Yes:After 51 register for life;If reieased from years CYA,records are destroyed after age 25 or sealing pursuant to W&I 781;GC &34090 Pursuant to PC §457.1 et seq.;If Yes:After ]released from CYA,records are QC destroyed after age 25 or sealing ursuant to W&I §781;GC §34090 Police I Registrants:Arson -Adults i 5 years P Investigal. Police I Registrants:Arson -Juveniles I Age 25 or Investigat.released from California Youth Sealing Date Authority .+5 years Police I Registrants:Narcotic I 5 years Investigat. Police I Registrants:Sex Offenders -I P Investiaal.Adults P Police I I I Registrants:Sex Offenders -or Sealing I nvestigal.Juveniles Date +5 years (or Court Order Police I Regulatory Permits ~Expiration + I nvesth:lat.Secondhand I Pawn Shop,etc.2 years LOS GA lOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, ODLJ'~r Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr SIMII SIMII SiMil No No Department Preference; Registration is required for 5 years;GC §34090,H&S §11590 et seq"H&S §11594(a) Department Preference;Pursuant to PC §290 et sea. Pursuant to PC §290 et seq.;W&I §781; GC §34090 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-7 Office 01 I Retention No. Record Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Department preference; Recordings that become evidence are stored with evidence -these are preliminary documents I transitory recordings not retained in the ordinary course of business; GC §34090.6(a) Those segments of videos that are determined to be evidence are copied onto a different tape and retained for the same length of time as the crime report (see crime reports for legal citations); GC §34090.6 et seq. GC §34090 GC §34090 Destroy Paper after Imaged & ."?= Image: 1=lmporl M=Mlr Mag Mag Media Options Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Vital? Inactive Storage (Off-site, 1 year 2 years 2 years When No Longer Required Active (in office) Police Reserves -Program Files,List and Assiqnments Officer Recordings:Audio Recordings that are not evidence ("hip recorders",etc.) Officer Recordings:In Car Videos I Mobile Audio Video (MAV) Tow Hearings Police I Patrol Police I Patrol Police I Patrol Police I Patrol (DFR) Litigation.claims,comglaints,audits,gublic records (eguss/s,and/or investigations susgend normal retention geriods (retention resumes after settlement). .....-.,',.",.",.,.-,..,"",""'''',···,,·······'A'"I"rlOnL';·"······.-"'."'".-,"'.'" Retentions be.ain when the act is comoleted,and implv a fIJI!file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. :If the record is not listed here~refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.R all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 Office of I Retention No. Record Records Description RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Retention I Disposition Page PD-8 Comments I Reference (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, nn nr Mfr\ Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr !=;.=!';....::.n Destroy Paper after Imaged & nr.'n? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards iRetentions begin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normally performed bv fHe folder. 'Litigation,claims,complaints,audits,public records requests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlemeiitf PERSONNEL &TRAINING Police I Canine (Police Dogs)Program S f 3 years is required for animal care Personnel Flies:Animal Files (inclUdes e~ara Ion +Mag,Ppr /treatment records;FA §32003(e), &Training trainin years PC §597.1(d);GC §34090 et seq. Police /DMV Add""DI t'F P I -Itlon,e elan orm 2 MP GC §34090 ersonne (PD ani )years ag,pr &Tralntng Y PolIce / Personnel &Training Police / Personnel &Training Police I Personnel &Training Police / Personnel &Training DMV-Pull Notices,Waivers for Pull Notices (PD only) Patrol Ride-A-Long Waiver Form Personnel/Volunteer Background Packet- Unsuccessful (not hIred) Personnel!Volunteer Background Packets for Employees and Volunteers When Superseded 2 years When No Longer Required - Minimum 3 years Separation + 3 years Mag Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Transitory or source records not retained in the ordinary course of business;CHP audits every 2 years;Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel records; GC &34090 GC §34090 et seq. Department preference;EEOC / FLSA /ADEA (Age)requires 1-3 years for selection records;State Law requIres 2 -3 years;29 CFR 1602 et seq &1627.3(a)(5)and (6),2 CCR 7287.0(c)(2),8 CCR §11040(7.(c)),GC §§12946, 34090 Department Preference to cover the possible length of employment of any employee or volunteer; P.O.S.T.requIres appoIntments for 3 years;§34090 et seq. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental ServIces.Inc.-all rIghts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver,4,0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-9 Office of I Retention No. Record Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards (OFR)Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site,Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & '"? Retentions beain when the act is comoleted,and implv a full flIe folder (e,g,last document +2 years),since destruction is normally oerformed bv file folder. Department Preference to cover the possible length of employment of any employee or volunteer; P,O.s,T,requires appointments for 3 years;GC §34090 et seq, Department Preference;California Labor Department maintains their records for 7 years;OSHA requires 5 years for safety records; State law requires 2 years; EEOC/FLSAiADEA (Age)requires 3 years for promotion,demotion, transfer,selection,or discharge; State Law requires 2 -3 years;8 CCR §3203 et seq"8 CCR 14300.33(a);29 CFR 1627,3(b)(ii), 29 CFR 1904,33,29 CFR 1904,44;GC §34090 et seq.;LC §6429(c),GC §§12946,34090, 53235.2(b) GC §34090 et seq. Yes:When Inactive S Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Separation + 6 years 2 years I'Separation + 6 years Personnel I Volunteer Files Personnel I Volunteer Training File -Tests,Bulletins, Certificates,Range Files, Program Information,Needs Assessment,Field Training (all Medical goes to Human Resources) Personnel Waivers Police I Personnel &Training Police i Personnel &Training Human Resources Litiaation,claims,complaints,audits,public records reauests.and/or investiaations susoend normal refention periods (retention resumes after settiementI. LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-10 If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmpor! M=Mfr Destroy Paper after Imaged & ,~? Comments I Reference Retentions beoin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since desfrucUon is normally performed by file folder. Department preference;GC §34090 Department preference;Data is interrelated;GC §§12946,34090 Mag Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr 5 years 2 years When No Longer Training Requests &Approvals I Required - Minimum 2 'ears Training Database I Indefinite Training -Department Training Records·COURSE RECORDS (Attendance Rosters,Outlines and Materials; includes Use of Force training, safety training,etc.) Police I Personnel &Trainin Police I Personnel &Training Police I Personnel &Training iLl/iRa/ion,claims,comelalnts,audits,public records reQUeSts,and/or investigations susee~~,,?,?,r,!,!,~~_,,~tention pen·ods (retention resumes after settlement). i i !i ,,',-':'...•~"",',.,,',,'iii i Department preference;Rosters are sent to POST;Statewide guidelinespropose 7 years;Calif. Labor Division is required to keep their records 7 years;OSHA requires safety training 5 years; EEOC/FLSAIADEA (Age)requires 3 years for promotion,demotion, transfer,selection,or discharge; State Law requires 2 ~3 years;29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii),8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq.,GC §§12946, 34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-11 GC §34090 Data is interrelated;GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 GC §34090 Yes:After 11 Department Preference;GC year §34090 S/I = Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Active (in office)(OFR) ~~~:r~f Retention NO.j Records Description Retention I Disposition I Comments I Reference ~t~~:;:11 .•.•.I .•.i.I .•.II •.T .•.::.:.~.:.:t.·.:.:.l.:.•:.'.:1.1.Vital?Media I~~~~~~p~::rt:~er I (Off.site,',ll#dlltiwl Options M=Mfr Imaged & ,~? Police I Property &Auction Records 2 years Evidence Follows the Police I Crime Report Photos,Mug Retention Property &Period of the Evidence Shots i Arrest Record Police I Property &Evidence Database Indefinite Evidence Police I Property &I I Forfeiture Notification 2 years Evidence Police I Gun and Narcotics Destruction Property &Log (Documents related to)2 years Evidence Follows the Police I Retention Property &Property Receipt :Period of the Evidence I Arrest Record Poiice I Property &Property Release 2 years Evidence Police I Disposal I Property &Property Seizure Surpius of Evidence Property +2 years Retentions beain when the act is completed,and implv a full file folder fe.a.last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv performed bv tile folder. If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retentton for Town-Wide Standards ;~itigation:claims,comglaints,audits,gublic records requests:and/or investigaHons susgend normal retention geriods (retention resumes after settleme~t). '.'.,.','..",,'.,..",..,"""',•.".',','..,..",,.,',..'".,,,".,'..,r'lo.~,....n'r".1!'JI.-rv.·,,·'r"\·lIn·r"NC·E···"·······,,····::··················,"',"'.'"",.."., i i LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental SelVices,Inc.~all rights reselVed Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-12 Records Description Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Retention I Disposition I I Inactive Active Storage Vital? (in office)(Off-site, OD or Mfr\ Media Options Image: 1=lmport M=Mfr S=~"::lIn Destroy Paper after Imaged & or.:'ri? Comments I Reference If the record is -not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beain when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.a.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed by file folder. fUtiaal/on,claims,complaints,audits.public records reauests.and/or investiaations susoend normal retention oeriods (retention resumes after settlement). RECORDS BUREAU· GC §34090 et seq. GC §34090 et seq. Yes:After !PC§11108(b);GC§34090 QC Yes:After QC S/MII S/M/I Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Yes Yes Detective Sergeant to review all death investigations prior to purging;Department Preference; Provided there are no outstanding warrants,unrecovered identifiable items,criminal deaths,they are not historically significant,and it is not ciassified under PC §800 & 290 and H&S §11850;Stat.of Limit.is 2 yrs;Destroy juvenile HHH marijuana after age18;H&S }•••••••••§11361.5,GC §34090,PC §802, ·}iii PC §800 et seq_I -, 2 years 10 years Firearm Found or Recovered - MinimumS years e.g.,5150,Detention Reports, etc. Fireanns entered into CLETS (if not Permanent Retention)- Found /Recovered Firearms CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT REPORTS CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT REPORTS: ALL,Except Those Specifically Mentioned in the Schedule Includes corrections Police I Records Bureau Police I Records Bureau :olicedl Citation Log Books (#s I ranges)--2 B ecor 5 _Parking,Traffic years ureau Police I Citations -Parking,Traffic Records Bureau LOS GATOS,CA~©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-13 Comments I Reference Destroy Paper after Imaged & ,~?= Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr Media Options Vital? Retention I Disposition Inactive Storage (Off-site, Active (in office) Records Description Misdemeanor -Aduit Marijuana -I 1 Yes:H&S §11357(b)(e)(d)(e)or H&S 2 years Before !Mag,Mfr,I SIMII I YesQ~fter j("Shall"Destroy);H&S §11361.5 §11360(b)(with procedure in OD,Ppr H&S §11361.5)-Exceptthose with outstanding stolen property, including firearms,or lost firearms CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT I NF rth REPORTS:0 u er Close of Report on 1"qrmw:w"'''1 Mag,Mfr,I SIMII I Yes~~fter IpC§§11169(c),11170(a)(3)...Suspected:,SqsP·,,@~9'OD,Ppr Chlid Abuse or Neglect IinVeS!l9 atJon Abuser +10'~m'O""'i%H Investigation Reports - Unsubstantiated or Inconclusive years CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT REPORTS: Factually Innocent Petition I Date of I lil~ft~j~l~ill .B:~~;e I ~~'~;;I Yes:After Iindividual petitions District Accepted Records Sealed Arrest +3 SIMII QC Attorney;("Shall"Destroy);GC Pending Destruction -Except !years :::::::::::::){~~~::::::::::::~:DISposition §34090;PC §851.8(a) those with outstanding stolen property,including firearms,or lost firearms Police I Records Bureau Police I Records Bureau (OFR) Offieeof I Retention No. Record Police I Records Bureau If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beq;n when the act is como/eted,and imply a full file folder (e.G.last document +2 years),since destruction IS normally performed b-i;file folder. Uti aUon.claims.com faints,audits ublic records fa uests and/or Invest!atiens sus end normal retention eriods retention resumes after settlement. CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT I REPORTS: LOS GATOS,CA.©1995~2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reselVed Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-14 Office-of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description I Retention I Disposition Inactive Image:Destroy Active I Storage V·t I?Media 1=lmporl Paper after (in office)(Off-site,I a.Options M=Mfr Imaged & on nr Mfr\S=Sr.;m aCid? Comments I Reference If the record is not listed here,referfo the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions beoin when the act is completed,and imply a full file folder (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normallv performed bv file folder. [Utiqation,claims,complaints,audits,pu/:Jlic records requests,and/or inv~§.tjgations suseend normal retention periods (retention resumes after settlement). I iii Police I Records Bureau CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT REPORTS: Misdemeanor ~Juvenile Marijuana -H&S §11357(E)- Except those with outstanding stolen property,including firearms,or lost firearms CRIME REPORTS I INCIDENT REPORTS: Conviction or Arrest (if No Conviction) +2 years 1 ""I Conviction ~-A ",,,Ves: Before Disposition Mag,Mlr, 00,Ppr SIMII Ves:After QC (Courts and other Agencies "Shall" destroy):H&S§11361.5etseq., GC§68152(e)(8) Police I Records Bureau MissinQ Persons Ves: Before Disposition Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr SIMII Ves:After I Department Preference;GC QC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-15 If the record is not iisted here.referib the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Office of I Retention No. Record (OFR) Records Description Active (in office) Inactive Storage (Off-site, Retention I Disposition Vital?Media Options Image: 1=lmporl M=Mfr = Destroy Paper after Imaged & ,.? Comments J Reference IRetentions beoin when the act is compieted,and impiv a fuii fiie foider (e.g.last document +2 years),since destruction is normaiiv performed bv ffie folder. ILiliaation.claims,complaints,audits,public records reqUests,and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods (retention fe-sumes after settlement. Police i Records Bureau Police i Records Bureau Police i Records Bureau Police i Records Bureau Police i Records Bureau Police i Records Bureau Poiice i Records Bureau CRIME REPORTS i INCIDENT REPORTS: Part 1 Crimes:Capital Crimes i Serious Felonies /Major Crimes i Sex Crimes (Crimes Subject to the Death Penalty) CRIME REPORTS i INCIDENT REPORTS: Sealed Juvenile and Ward Cases -Except those with outstanding stolen property, including firearms,or lost firearms Monthly Statistics i Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)- Summaries (BCS) NCIC Validation Order after Hearing (Restraining Order,Emergency Protective Orders (EPO),Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)) PAS Device Calibration Logs RMS Database P Sealing Date +5 years (Or Court Order) 2 years 2 years Expiration + 3 years 2 years Indefinite Yes Yes: Before Disposition Yes Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Mfr, 00,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag,Ppr Mag Mag,Ppr Mag SiMil SIMiI Yes:After QC Yes:After QC Department Preference;No limitations on commencement of action;Courts keep permanently PC §§261,286,288,288a,288.5, 289,289.5,290,and 799 Statute of Limitations runs up to age of majority +8 years;sealed records for juveniles and wards of the Court must be destroyed 5 years after sealing date;CCP §§340.1,GC §34090;W&I §§389(a),781(d) GC §34090 GC §34090 Per DOJ's direction;Court records -originals retained by the Court; GC §34090 et seq, GC §34090 et seq. Data Fields i Records are interrelated;GC §34090 LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-2008 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE:POLICE Page PD-16 Office of Retention No.Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record Inactive li~i ~11~~Image:Destroy (OFR)Active Storage Vital?Media 1=lmport Paper after (in office)(Off-site,Options M=Mfr Imaged & On MMf,\III S=So"n OC'd? If the record is not listed here,refer to the Retention for Town-Wide Standards Retentions be in when the act is como/eted,and imoJv a full file folder (e..last document +2 vears),since destruction is normallv erformed bv file folder. Utiaation claims,com faints,audits.DubHe records reauests,and/or investi ations susDend normal retention arfods retention resumes after settlement. Police I I Department preference (copies)Records Subpoena Logs I Notes 2 years Mag,Ppr Bureau GC §34090.7 Police I Temporary Holding Cell Logs,Records 2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Bureau Reports &Schedule Police I Records Towing -Tow Logs,etc.,2 years Mag,Ppr GC §34090 Bureau i LOS GATOS,CA.©1995-200B Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all nghts reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission from GGS (909)337-3516 Adopted: