FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 OPERATING BUDGETt ru�..auk �oS:GA�os COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 6/04/12 ITEM NO: .� DATE: MAY 25, 2012 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER ' Aew 00 �� SUBJECT: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 OPERATING BUDGET AND FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP), CARRY FORWARD APPROPRIATIONS, AND OTHER APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS AND MINOR CORRECTIONS RECOMMENDATION Adopt resolution approving the FY 2012/13 Operating and Capital Summary Budget and the FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the Town of Los Gatos, directing staff to incorporate within the final adopted budget any changes related to Council approved meet and confer process or management compensation plan amendments, classification adjustments or minor corrections, carry - forward appropriations, changes due to more refined estimates and grant approvals, or additional Town Council direction received by staff upon adoption of the budget. BACKGROUND On May 21, 2012, a public hearing was held to discuss the Proposed FY 2012/13 Town Operating and Capital Summary Budget and Proposed FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Town Council considered both documents and directed staff to bring back the documents for final approval. Any additional changes or corrections directed by Council upon adoption of the budget can be incorporated into the final authorized budget provided for in the attached resolution (Attachment 1). DISCUSSION: The attached resolution incorporates the following actions directed by the Council at the May 21, 2012 budget hearing. PREPARED BY : YARUYAMA Assistant Fina,4 Director /Budget Manager C: \Users\lseastrom \Desktop \Dept TC Repotts \Council Staff Repotts \Budget \FY 2012 -13 \TC Repott.Operating and Capital Budgets 6- 4- 12.docx Reviewed by Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Finance PAGE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2012/13 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 25, 2012 Expanded Library Weekend Hours As part of the FY 2011/12 budget, Council approved the use of budget reserves to fiend the provision of three additional hours on Saturday mornings (from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm) until the end of the current fiscal year. At the May 21, 2012 FY 2012/13 budget hearing, Council authorized the extension of library hours Saturday morning (10:00 am — 1:00 pm) and Sunday (12:00 pm — 1:00 pm). The anticipated annual cost of this extension is $65,000. Arts Funding Request The proposed FY 2012/13 budget reflects a status quo grant fiunding allocation of approximately $8,000 for arts organizations. The Arts and Culture Commission recommended that the $4,000 grant to the Arts Docents be decreased to $2,000 and all remaining grants be eliminated. The $6,000 balance would then be allocated to fund the Arts Plan. However, the Arts Plan is also eligible for $9,800 in Art Cat donation fitnds, which would be sufficient for projects such as the footbridge mural and /or new public art. As part of the FY 2012/13 budget, Council maintained the previous funding levels for arts organizations and authorized the use of the Art Cat donation funds for public art projects to be proposed by the Commission. Non - Profit Funding In prior years, Live Oak Adult Day Services received CDBG grants through the Town. Santa Clara County will now be administering these fiinds directly and is limiting CDBG grants to homeless and housing projects and applicable ADA projects. Given that the Town is in the middle of its two -year community grant fitnding cycle, Live Oak is not able to apply for fielding. As part of the FY 2012/13 budget, Council directed staff to include approximately $12,988 in community grant funding for this non - profit. Senior Case Management Services In FY 2011/12, the Town's senior services program was transferred to Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation (LGS). One area that LGS was not obligated to provide was case management for seniors, which was previously provided by Town staff. Recognizing the importance of this valuable service, Council authorized up to $7,000 in fttnding for targeted senior case management services as part of the FY 2012/13 budget. Use of Fund Balance or Other Revenues. The proposed operating budget incorporates reductions in staffing and other expenses, and revenue enhancements totaling approximately $1.8 million to balance the FY 2012/13 budget. Included in this amount is approximately $500,000 in current year fund balance resulting from conservative revenue projections and /or reduced expenditures. In lieu of using fund balance, Council also considered using other expected revenue including one -time proceeds from the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency or one -time residual receipts from the private sale and purchase of the Villa Vasona affordable senior apartments. Both revenue sources are estimated to be up to $750,000 each. Council authorized the use of fiend balance to balance the FY 2012/13 operating budget. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY 2012/13 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS May 25, 2012 Planning and Building Fee Changes At the May 21, 2012 budget hearing, Council was provided with a summary of proposed fee adjustments to better capture the cost of providing various planning and building services. This proposal included fee increases averaging 10 %, with a small number of selected services which are currently being performed significantly below full cost recovery recommended for up to a 30% increase. A modification of building fees was also recommended by staff, transitioning permit valuations from the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Building Standards to the International Code Council (ICC), a standard widely adopted by cities in the region. With the adoption of a new standard which better reflects current construction costs, staff anticipated an increase to most building permit fees averaging between 10 % -12 %. Council directed staff to bring forward the fee proposals and an alternate proposal related to residential -based planning and building fees in response to Council comments. Council will consider the proposed amendments to the FY 2012/13 Fee Schedule at a public hearing on June 4, 2012. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the Town Operating and Capital Budgets is provided in the Financial Summaries section of the budget document including estimates of Fund Reserves at June 30, 2013. Staff will bring forward applicable budget adjustments as part of the Town's mid -year budget review, including expected revenue from the RDA Dissolution and sale and private sale and purchase of the Villa Vasona property. Other anticipated adjustments include additional revenue from the West Valley Solid Waste JPA which will be used for the Town's Street Sweeping program. Attachments: Attaclmlent 1: Resolution of the Town Council Approving FY 2012/13 Operating Budget and FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RESOLUTION 2011 -XXX RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING THE FY 2012/13 OPERATING BUDGETAND FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18 CAPITAL BUDGET AND CARRY - FORWARD APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHER APPROVED ADJUSTMENTS RELATED TO ANY BARGAINING GROUP, CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEE, OR MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLANS, CLASSIFICATION ADJUSTMENTS, MINOR CORRECTIONS, AND REFINED ESTIMATES WHEREAS, Section 2.30.295(b) of the Los Gatos Town Code requires the Town Manager to annually prepare and submit a budget to the Town Council and be responsible for its administration; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager submitted a proposed budget for the FY 2012/13 to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Manager submitted a proposed five -year capital improvement plan for FY 2012/13 — FY 2017/18; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has considered and reviewed said proposed budget and capital improvement plan during public hearings. RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby adopts as the budget for the Town of Los Gatos for the 2012/13 fiscal year the schedule entitled "Total Town Revenues By Fund and Total Town Expenditures By Fund (Exhibit A) including the first year (FY 2012/13) of the Town's Capital Improvement Program budget as contained in the Town's FY's 2012/13 — 2017/18 Capital Improvement Plan, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the final adopted budget includes approved carry- forward appropriations for unspent operating grants and pass- throughs from FY 2011/12, and that there be carried forward from prior years Reserve for Encumbrances within each fund an amount sufficient to cover approved outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2012; RESOLVED, Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to increase temporary staffing or to convert temporary positions to regular positions as needed to meet rising workloads with associated fee and permit revenues at no net increase to the General Fund. Any such increases or conversions will require prior notice to the Council; and ATTACHMENT 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Council hereby directs staff that any changes or impacts resulting from: Council approval of any bargaining group, confidential employee, or management compensation plans; from classification adjustments or miscellaneous corrections; from changes due to more refined estimates or grant approvals; or from further Town Council consensus direction received on June 4, 2012, be incorporated within the final FY 2012/13 Operating and Capital Budget. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, held on the 4 t1i day of June, 2012 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 1 N:' SFIARC ' 2011 -12 \201 1 -XXX TC Approving FY 11-12 Operating Budget, CIP.doc TOTAL TOWN REVENUES BY FUND AND TOTAL TO`VN EXPENDITURES BY FUND 2012 /13 Estimated 2012/13 Proposed Budget Recommended Budget Revision Budget TOWN REVE NUES & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES General Fund $ 32,789,997 $ 32,789,997 Special Revenue Funds 820,456 820,456 Internal Service Funds 4,430,837 4,430,837 Trust & Agency Funds 162,149 162,149 Capital Project Funds (does not include caryforwards) 4,412,965 4,412,965 Successor Agnecy Funds 6,361,313 6,361,313 TOTAL TOWN REVENUES & OTHER FUNDING SOURCES $ 48,977,717 $ - $ 48,977,717 TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS OUT & CARRYFORWARD APPROPRIATION General Fund $ 35,174,291 $ 84,988 $ 35,259,279 Special Revenue Funds 646,832 646,832 Internal SetviceFunds 5,792,218 5,792,218 Trust & Agency Funds 378,788 378,788 Capital Project Funds (does not include carryforwards) 6,071,274 6,071,274 Successor Agnecy Funds 6,362,503 6,362,503 TOTAL TOWN EXPENDITURE& OTHER FUNDING US FS $ 54,425,906 $ 84,988 $ 54,510,894 TOTAL SOURCE(US E) OF FUND BALANCES $ (5,448,189) $ (84,988) $ (5,533,177) EXHIBIT A Tuts PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK