FY 2011/12 Quarterly Investment Report4W N �F e A os COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 17, 2012 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER MEETING DATE: 05/21/12 ITEM NO: ^� SUBJECT: FY 2011/12 QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT (JANUARY THROUGH MARCH 2012) RECOMMENDATION Accept attached Third Quarter Investment Report for FY 2011/12. DISCUSSION Attached for your consideration is the Third Quarter Investment Report for FY 2011/12. The Town's overall investment rate of return has dropped below 1% during the current quarter, from 1.12% to .96 %. This rate continues to be higher than the current LAIF rate of .38 %. Market instability has affected the rates of returns available for any type of bonds. Rates of return for investments purchased during the current quarter ranged from a high of 1.077% to a low of .472 %. During the current quarter the investments were successfidly moved from Union Bank as trustee to Bank of New York as trustee. The move was precipitated by Union Bank's decision to raise their trustee fees dramatically. The move allows the Town to continue to pay the same amount that it has been paying for the last few years in trustee fees. FISCAL IMPACT The steady drop in interest rates over the past few years has impacted the Town's investment portfolio returns. Staff has adjusted its expectation for General Fund interest for FY 2012/13, budgeting approximately $GOOK, a level at half the $1.2M amount budgeted for FY 2010/11. Attachment: Third Quarter Investment Report for FY 2011/12 PREPARED BY Finance & Administrative S through March 2012) VAY Director/ Town Treasurer Reviewed by: - En — Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Finance C:\ Users \gungvari \AppDntx\ Local \Microsoft%Windows \Temporary lnternet Piles\ Content .Outlook \85V9D7041\Treasurer's Report- Q3 2011 2012.doc Town of Los Gatos Quarterly Investment Report (Month Ended March 31, 2012) Prepared by Linda L. Speicher, Project Manager 05/17/12 Town of Los Gatos Summary Investment Information March 31, 2012 Weighted Average Portfolio Yield: 0.96% This Month Last Month Portfolio Balance $75,348,154 $76,097,919 Benchmarks/ References: Town's Average Yield LAIF Yield for month 3 mo. Treasury 6 mo. Treasury 2 yr. Treasury 5 yr. Treasury (most recent) Prime rate Weighted Average Maturity (days) 553 One year ago $71,764,763 0.96% 1.06% 1.72% 0.38% 0.39% 0.50% 0.09% 0.12% 0.10% 0.15% 0.15% 0.17% 0.34% 0.31% 0.79% 1.04% 0.90% 2.26% 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% Most recent auctions of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae Reference Notes: 3 yr. Freddie Mae (02/21/12) 0.50% 2 yr. Freddie Mae (11 /01 /11) 0.38% Portfolio Maturity Profile 0 - 1 year 47 2- 3 y.= 17% 1 -2 years 15% Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Toum's investment policy dated May 1, 2008 and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53601 of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient finds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page 1 Town of Los Gatos Portfolio Allocation do Treasurer's Fund Balances March 31, 2012 Fund Balances - Beginning of Montb/Peniod Receipts Disbursements Fund Balances - End of Month/Period Portfolio Allocation Union MM US Govt Agencies Local Agency Investment Fund Subtotal - Investments Reconciled Demand Deposit Balances Total Treasurei's Fund 80,000,000 75,000,000 76,600,000 74,OOn,000 72 000,000 70,000.000 65,000,000 66,000,000 64,000,000 62,000,000 60,000,000 Month YID $76,097,918.65 $77,813,659.63 2,384,951.68 39,563,695.41 ( 3,134,716.64 ) (42.029,201.351 $ 75,348,15169 $ 75,348,153.69 $1,710,440.38 45,034,927.10 14.094.938.33 60,840,305.81 14,507,847.88 $ 75,348,15169 Portfolio Investment Allocation Mine MM 2.8 Treasurer's N`ard Balances Treasury, Agencies, & Corp. Notes page 2 N � C 7 oli a i o u p td These accounts are not part ofthe Treasurer's fund balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note]: "Phis account include redemption accounts setup for the repayment of interest and principal on outstanding bond contours for Parking Assessment Duar{ct'3', as well as Reserve Funds set rip as required by the original Bond resolution. Note 2: Th. reservefimd was aregnirement ofthc original certificates ofparticipation agreement when Lot 4 was built. It helps to gum mace payment of the (case payments should lire Town not make payment. Note 3: The lease payment fiord receives the lease payments from the Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. It holds the foods until payments on the certificates of participation arc due semi - annually. Note 4: 'The three Ponds for the Certificates ofPmticipation 2002 Series A consist of construction funds which will be expended over the next few years, reserve hods which will guarantee the payment of lease payments, and a third fiord for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery costs. Note 5: The 2010 COP Funds arc all for the Library construction, reserves to guarantee lease payments, and a lease payment fiord for the life of the COP issue. l'he COI fund will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Town of Los Gatos Non - Treasury Restricted Fund Balances March 31, 2012 Previcas Ending Balance De posits Interest Withdrawals Balance Non - Treasury Funds: Downtown Parking District 12120102 $284,303.38 $164.90 $284,468.28 Nout Certificates of Participation Resene Fund (Lot 4) 254,136.26 0.00 254,136.26 Np1e3 Cart. of Participation Lease Payment Fund (Lot 4) 141,000.03 21,000.00 0.00 162,000.03 We 3 Cart of Participation 2002 Series A Reserve Fund 686,251.19 5.47 5A7 686,251.19 Nme 4 Cert. Of Partici potion 2002 S ones A Interest Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nate4 Con. of Participation 2002 Series A Const. Fund 42,451.74 0.00 42,451.74 Nme4 COP 2010 Library Reserve Fund 1,277,062.50 0.01 0.01 1,277,062.50 Nme5 COP 2010 Library Lease Fond 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nme 5 COP 2010 Library ACQ Construction Fund 179,673.75 0.00 120,258.14 59,415.61 Note 5 COP 2010 Library COI Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 New 5 COP 2010 Library Good Faith 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nme5 Total Restricted Funds : $ 2,864,878.85 $ 21,000.00 $170.38 $ 120,263.62 $ 2,765,785.61 These accounts are not part ofthe Treasurer's fund balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note]: "Phis account include redemption accounts setup for the repayment of interest and principal on outstanding bond contours for Parking Assessment Duar{ct'3', as well as Reserve Funds set rip as required by the original Bond resolution. Note 2: Th. reservefimd was aregnirement ofthc original certificates ofparticipation agreement when Lot 4 was built. It helps to gum mace payment of the (case payments should lire Town not make payment. Note 3: The lease payment fiord receives the lease payments from the Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. It holds the foods until payments on the certificates of participation arc due semi - annually. Note 4: 'The three Ponds for the Certificates ofPmticipation 2002 Series A consist of construction funds which will be expended over the next few years, reserve hods which will guarantee the payment of lease payments, and a third fiord for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery costs. Note 5: The 2010 COP Funds arc all for the Library construction, reserves to guarantee lease payments, and a lease payment fiord for the life of the COP issue. l'he COI fund will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Town of Los Gatos Statement of Interest Earned March 31, 2012 Current Fiscal Month Year to Date Interest received from Investments Add: Interest accrued at end of period (see page 5) Less: Interest accrued at beginning of period Interest earned on investments 38,618.16 683,942.10 27,803.38 27,803.38 - 8,755.33 - 142,698.38 $57,666.21 $569,047.10 Interest by Month July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 $76,277.80 71,574.96 71,242.59 66,191.20 63,343.74 58,810.11 51,797.22 52,143.27 57,666.21 $569,047.10 Page 4 page 5 Town of Los Gatos Btactive Deposits by Inslitution Market to Cost Position Report March 31, 2012 Deposit Amortized Maturity Days Days to Days Yield to Interest Interest Interest Institution Security Dale Cost Date Elapsed Maturil Invested Maluri Earned Received Accrued USTreasury Note 04/15/10 999,375.00 0313l/12 716 0 716 1.054% 20,662.80 14,590.16 6,072.64 FFCB Coupon Note 04/23/10 1,500,585.00 04/16/12 708 16 724 1.174% 34,171.90 26,500.00 7,671.90 KELLS Coupon Note 01/20/12 2,495,375.00 05110/12 71 40 111 0.609% 2,956.10 2,956.10 FBLB Coupon Note 11/29/07 2,038,360.00 08115/12 1584 137 1721 4.170% 368,875.03 389,527.78 (20,652.75) KELLS Coupon Note 03122112 1,994,833.33 08124/12 9 146 155 0.610% 300.04 300.04 GE Corporate Note 01/16/08 1,542,165.00 10119/12 1536 202 1738 4.587% 297,685.67 295,968.75 1,716.92 GE Corporate Note 07/29/10 511,955.00 01108/13 611 283 894 1.791% 15,348.85 20,183.33 (4,834.48) Treasury Coupon Note 03/31/11 1,997,968.75 03/31/13 366 365 731 0.801% 16,047.58 7,500.00 8,547.58 FHLIvIC Coupon Note 03/25/11 1,016,520.00 04/15/13 372 380 752 D.812% 8,412.44 9,027.78 (615.34) NY Life Corporate Note 07/22/11 534,350.00 05/09/13 253 404 657 0.791% 2,929.75 6,910.42 (3,980.67) TIAA Corporate Note 04/11/11 880,446.95 07/15/13 355 471 826 1.334% 11,423.38 30,705.12 (19,281.74) F1-111B Callable Note 06127111 2,500,000.00 D9/27113 278 545 823 0.699% 13,309.73 8,750.00 4,559.73 FBLMC Callable Note 01/06/12 2,001,000.00 10118113 85 566 651 0.472% 2,199.46 2,199.46 NY Life Coupon Note 01125/12 2,041,000.00 12/13/13 66 622 688 0.753% 2,779.00 2,779.00 FHLMC Callable Note 08/18/11 1,005,560.00 08/15/14 226 867 1093 0.860% 5,354.54 5,16150 192.04 FHI.MC Coupon Note 09/16/11 2,026,080.00 08120/14 197 872 1069 0.527% 5,762.89 8,555.55 (2,792.66) FFCB Callable Note 11/21/11 997,500.00 11/21/14 131 965 1096 0.815% 2,917.76 2,917.76 FFCB Callable Note 12/19/11 2,000,000.00 12219/14 103 993 1096 0.750% 4,232.88 4,232.88 FNMA Callable Note 12/29/11 2,000,000.00 12/29/14 93 1003 1096 0.900% 4,586.30 4,586.30 FNMA Callable Note 10 /31/11 750,000.00 01/26/15 152 1031 1183 1.000% 3,123.29 1,770.83 1,352.46 FNMA Callable Note 10/07/11 1,296,875.00 02/18/15 176 1054 1230 0.866% 5,415.47 9,097.22 (3,681.75) FlILB Callable Note 06/15/11 2,007,760.00 06/08/15 290 1164 1454 1.765% 28,155.40 18,020.83 10,134.57 Treasury Note 08/16/11. 1,042,812.50 07/31/15 228 1217 1445 0.652% 4,247.13 7,989.13 (3,742.00) FIILMC Callable Note 08/24/11 2,000,000.D0 08/24/15 220 1241 1461 1.375% 16,575.34 13,750.00 2,825.34 FNMA Callable Note 09/09/11 2,000,000.00 09/09/15 204 1257 1461 1.000% 11,178.08 10,000.00 1,178.08 Berk 11a0, Coupon Net. 01/26/12 1,315,13250 12/15/15 65 1354 1419 1.077% 2,522.36 2,522.36 FNMA Callable Note 01/25/12 2,503,906.25 01/25/16 66 1395 1461 1.060% 4,799.27 4,799.27 Treasury Note 08/16/11 1,025,390.63 07/31/16 228 1583 1811 0.973% 6,232.24 6,847.83 (615.59) FNMA Callable Note 12105/11 1,000,000.00 12/05/16 117 1710 1827 1.000% 3,205.48 3,205.48 Subtotal 45,024,955.91 BNY MA4 1,710,440.38 30 30 0.00% 1.41 L41 Purchased Interest 9,971.19 LAIF N/A 12/31/11 14,094,938.33 03/31/12 91 0 91 0.38% 13,249.07 13,249.07 $60,840,305.81 553 0.96% $918,660.61 $890,857.23 $27,803.38 Maturity Profile Amount Percent 0 -1 year $28,895,966.98 47.49% 1 -2 years $8,973,316.95 14.75% 2 -3 years $10,076,015.00 16.56% 3 -5 years $12,895,006.88 21.19% $ 60,840,305.81 100.00% Market to Cost Position Report Amortized Market Unrealized * Sourec: Treasury and Agency Obligations - Union Bank of California Institution Cost value* Gain (Loss! LAID balances per Local Agency Investment Fund monthly statement. Union Bank Assets $45,024,955.91 $44,963,519.15 (61,436.76) BNY M64 1,710,440.38 1,710,440.38 0.00 Purchased Interest 9,971.19 9,971.19 0.00 LAIF 14,094,93833 14,094,938.33 0.00 Totals: $60,840,305.81 $60,778,869.05 - $61,436.76 page 5 Town of Los Gatos Quarterly Investment Report (Month Ended February 29, 2012) Prepared by / Linda L. Speicher, Project Manager I X 05/16/12 '!/ Town of Los Gatos Summary Investment Information February 29, 2012 Weighted Average Portfolio Yield: 1.06% Weighted Average Maturity (days) This Month Last Month One year aeo Portfolio Balance $76,097,919 $76,729,822 $69,862,777 Benchmarlts/ References: Town's Average Yield 1.06% 1.06% 1.75% LAIF Yield for month 0.39% 0.39% 0.51% 3 me. Treasury 0.12% 0.04% 0.15% 6 mo. Treasury 0.15% 0.07% 0.17% 2 yr. Treasury 0.31% 0.25% 0.75% 5 yr. Treasury (most recent) 0.90% 0.90% 2.19% Prime rate 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% Most recent auctions of Freddie Mae or Fannie Mac Reference Notes: 3 yr. Freddie Mae (02/21/12) 0.50% 2 yr. Freddie Mac (I1 /01 /11) 0.38% 578 Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Town's investment policy dated May 1, 2008 and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53601 of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient funds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page I Portfolio Maturity Profile . - 3 -5 years 21% s t 0 - 1 year 44 ' 1111 2 - 3 yearn 1 i 1 - 2 year's 18% Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Town's investment policy dated May 1, 2008 and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53601 of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient funds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page I Town of Los Gatos Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Fund Balances February 29, 2012 Month Fund Balances - Beginning of Month/Peiiod $76,729,821.56 Receipts 3,341,801.76 Disbursements ( 3,973,704.67 ) Fund Balances - End of Month/Period $ 76,097,918.65 Portfolio Allocation Union MM $2,158,598.58 US Govt Agencies 44,549,348.77 Local Agency Investment Fund 14.094.938.33 Subtotal - Investments 60,802,885.68 Reconciled Demand Deposit Balances 15,295.032.97 Total Treasurer's Fund $ 76,097,918.65 YTD $77,813,659.63 37,178,743.73 (38,894,484.71) $ 76,097,918.65 Treasury, Agencies, & Corp. Notes 57.8 Treasurer's Fund Balances 80 ,00000 ......._ ......... .......... ... ... ....... ......... 78 000,000 - 76,000,000 &HnCy pHn 660 t`t 3 6 u <ap��p`�m�unH�6 H0) h 74.000.000 72.00000 /> h�nCii > H 53 m9iA ` i 5 6 p.A ' !H'S'yHH6H6 int4'IR h >m 70.000.000 - f'pYa..os.,,m r5.3.6 .':: L pH. /.5$ 0 < b ° ?7 pJ 1!p9 ! ' S u..pj;'Xl�!£!li�!.)7.,c: N,•.�.5;, <;F fl h >nrn >s5 < ..<p : >�K", 5, s,.:oo 4 . r' � y �G - . • .uu ?;� ;.:%;:K<f > !.,'.:a'.:' <oa ., ;..5.. .. n''uf'Gi "} ":.:L''o.: y. H. .' h. SF V p<•.: Jh.>S lw< 9 . . &!0!..G.;.bu: < .. f . k 1.'. s.', S .fi. Y.).: »:, �n. /, .Y v.. ;.i �n>.'. 68,000,000 !;u, /.�9 i.y.:,i�.r (:>. �f.. ..u4% " ).<ISp.!�II.:YfS .iSH. ;�!f$5 €9 .6':Gr /»:w G m�'in`.;>•!p:p>a.y. �. w3:j> 'inH ,. n.V. 5 f.�£'hw,f�f .!:3 ?;G H;. I '< f:.. i G ,nhf.l5p { ��y,St�.' : £..!: :c: l �: f:Gi�:'. ° u£ :. :. R,S.�:''�5.'! ,/mf,.p 66.000.000 /ws /:n.��.. r7H:.a..o!G!';g',r.:A£r. £��! &• J lnsys, ,> 5 !� .,.. .o;.�f,.; .. s�: <.£:. s. <Y n>n /'4J'., la°.%. K!✓ pH<. ,l. /!vH .c/.,G,;y;n�.;a ap <C!f)9.".'o•55;�fF p!�.t5,.)h',Gl� >ur,'n n >p�A'�f'..n ..�' /: 'n:. s.. ?�.!ui 7.b /!w:Y °v':;>H<.. .. Y $ y /!_x/..:.:k55.m 6 ,•.': n:5: n:,i: :�:p..4.:,.u' .h. ,.,..$...5 64.000.000 .. <£; >:NS . /!.�,! u$ v, n,..rs. x<.".o9, . .c, ufs ..•r 0$.. hu,.,. . ,., 3>£,y!�lSs : y / p.. A:f // 6;:u,:,'si:? o fa »x >s. :�i3Fi:£f',g %3Y "7 ??'E % °'p /'p�xpHg;<v �:IyJ:r'p! .! 3 /b >. n,. y, m� (f.'.o� ». in; �lfYas55' i� : . $ o' : w.! ;. ✓v 3�1 -a!!. 3..5..,...5 »9 .xJ:n. p... lo'i!f.<.n,H'v.YCl3!G. / /P: . .< T! p i / >;r:9d. _ <.faSi9 HJ >r.H /f / / >1 4FSi :aar „rp.!�,nv.!H a.: fAy✓:: r!3<4..� n:H�fi ¢:'i'S�'Sc:u�.'f.p..5i?j: pS..�c £ H 62,000.000 (fy.5 �.3. s55`' qn5, �.< �. ls;$J, r,,, o, 4r> AnS£;! u'.! H.<../. 3.: o�,* I. c.!. y. >.ti'��.'f;:'.a35.:fi,•'SFS> >5;c cys,F. ..s: p:.>.,::;r,'1:, .. <, .�,F,:.sr..!: ;fii: ?> >.ls f. I !y .r.'9/ r'.r'Yn'Ilv:o >:.'¢ ,;y,g5gsi5..:'0'°>s,.� 3 m. F. f 6..£. ! >'S, p'k,.i'f / ".;.f' /: 60,000,000 0 page Portfolio Investment Allocation Union MM 3.6 Those acconnls are not part of the'1'reesurers fiord balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note 1: This account include redemption accounts set rap for the repayment ofinterest and principal on outstanding bond cautions for Parking Assessment Dislricl'3', as well as Reserve Funds set rap as required by the original Bond moolntion. Note 2: The reserve Hord was a requirement of the original certificates of participation agreement when Lot 4 was built. It helps to guarantee payment of the lease payments should the Town not make payment. Note 3: The lease payment fund receives the lease payments from the Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. It holds the funds Limit payments on the certificates ofparticipation are due semi- ennnal ly. Note4: The three foods for the Certificates of Participation 2002 Scries A consist ofconstraction limits which will be expended over the next few years, reserve Ponds which will guarantee the payment of lease payments, and a third Pond for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery coats. Note 5: The 2010 COP Funds are all for the Library construction, reserves to guarantee lease payments, and a lease payment Pond for the life of the COP issue. The COI fund will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Town of Los Gatos Non - Treasury Restricted Fund Balances February 29, 2012 Previous Ending Balance Deposits Interest Withdrawals Balance Non - Treasury Farads: Downtown Parking Distnet 1220102 $284,127.22 $176.16 $284,303.38 Noel Certificates of Participation Reserve Food (Lot 4) 254,136.26 0.00 254,136.26 Note Cert. of Participation Lease Payment Food (Let 4) 105,000.03 42,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 141,000.03 Note3 Curt. of Participation 2002 Series A Reserve Fund 686,251.19 5.85 5.85 686,251.19 Non 4 Cert. Of Participation 2002 Series A Interest Fund 204,720.00 0.47 204,720.47 0.00 Naie4 Cert. of Participation 2002 Series A Consl. Fund 42,451.74 0.00 42,451.74 Nure4 COP 2010 Library Reserve Food 1 277,062.50 0.01 0.01 1,277,062.50 Note 5 COP 2010 Library Lease Fond 313,412.50 )M 313,412.50 0.00 Nom 5 COP 2010 Library ACQ Construction Fund 933,697.58 0.02 754,023.83 179,673.77 No*5 COP 2010 Library COI Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nmc 5 COP 2010 Library Good Faith 0.00 0.00 0.00 Notes Total Restricted Funds: $ 4,100,859.02 $42,000.00 $182.51 $ 1,278,162.66 $ 2,864,878.87 Those acconnls are not part of the'1'reesurers fiord balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note 1: This account include redemption accounts set rap for the repayment ofinterest and principal on outstanding bond cautions for Parking Assessment Dislricl'3', as well as Reserve Funds set rap as required by the original Bond moolntion. Note 2: The reserve Hord was a requirement of the original certificates of participation agreement when Lot 4 was built. It helps to guarantee payment of the lease payments should the Town not make payment. Note 3: The lease payment fund receives the lease payments from the Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. It holds the funds Limit payments on the certificates ofparticipation are due semi- ennnal ly. Note4: The three foods for the Certificates of Participation 2002 Scries A consist ofconstraction limits which will be expended over the next few years, reserve Ponds which will guarantee the payment of lease payments, and a third Pond for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery coats. Note 5: The 2010 COP Funds are all for the Library construction, reserves to guarantee lease payments, and a lease payment Pond for the life of the COP issue. The COI fund will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Interest received from Investments Add: Interest accrued at end of period (see page 5) Less: Interest accrued at beginning of period Interest earned on investments Town of Los Gatos Statement of Interest Earned February 29, 2012 Current Month 83,419.39 8,755.33 - 40,031.45 $52,143.27 Interest by Month July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 $76,277.80 71,574.96 71,242.59 66,191.20 63,343.74 58,810.11 51,797.22 52,143.27 Page 4 $511,380.89 Fiscal Year to Date 645,323.94 8,755.33 - 142,698.38 $511,380.89 Markel to Cost Position Report Town of Los Gatos Amortized Market Unrealized 'Source: "Treasury and Agency Obligations - Union Bank of California Institution Cost Value" Gahr (Loss! LAIF balances per Local Agency Investment Fund monthly statement. Union Bank Assets $44,539,377.58 $44,519,871.70 Inactive Deposits by Institution 2,158,598.58 2,158,598.58 0.00 Purchased Interest 9,971.19 9,971.19 0.00 LAIF 14,094,938.33 14,094,938.33 Market to Cost Position Report $60,802,885.68 $60,783,379.80 - $19,505.88 February 29, 2012 ' Deposit Amortized Maturity Days Days to Days Yield to Interest Interest Interest Institution Security Date Cost Date Elapsed Nfaturi Invested M.mri Earned Received Acemcd FELB Coupon Note 05/09/07 1,509,255.00 03/09/12 1757 9 1766 4.743% 344,583.63 325,000.00 19,583.63 USTreasury Note 04/15/10 999,375.00 03/31112 685 31 716 1.054% 19,768.19 14,590.16 5,178.03 FFCB Coupon Note 04/23/10 1,500,585.OD 04/16/12 677 47 724 1.174% 32,675.67 26,500.00 6,175.67 KELLS Coupon Note 01/20/12 2,495,375.00 05/10/12 40 71 111 0.609% 1,665.41 1,665.41 FHLB Coupon Note 11/29/07 2,038,360.00 08/15112 1553 168 1721 4.170% 361,655.88 389,527.78 (27,871.90) GE Corporate Note 01116108 1,542,165.00 10/19/12 1505 233 1738 4.587% 291,677.69 295,968.75 (4,291.06) CE Corporate Note 07129/10 511,955.00 01/08/13 580 314 894 1.791% 14,570.10 20,183.33 (5,613.23) Treasury Coupon Note 03/31/11 1,997,968.75 03/31/13 335 396 731 0.801% 14,688.35 7,5DO.00 7,188.35 FHLMC Coupon Nate 03/25/11 1,016,520.00 04/15113 341 411 752 0.812% 7,711.40 9,027.78 (1,316.38) NYLife Corporate Note 07/22211 534,350.00 05109/13 222 435 657 0.791% 2,570.77 6,910.42 (4,339.65) TIAA Corporate Note 04/11/11 880,446.95 07/15/13 324 502 826 1.334% 10,425.84 30,705.12 (20,279.28) FHLB Callable Nate 06/27/1) 2,500,000.00 09/27/13 247 576 823 0.699% 11,825.55 8,750.00 3,075.55 FHLMC Callable Note 01/06112 2,001,000.00 10/18113 54 597 651 0.472% 1,397.30 1,397.30 NY Life Coupon Note 01/25/12 2,041,000.00 12113/13 35 653 689 0.753% 1,473.71 1,473.71 FIILMC Callable Note 08/18/11 1,005,560.00 08/15/14 195 898 1093 0.860% 4,620.07 5,162.50 (542.43) FHLMC Coupon Note 09/16/11 2,026,080.00 08/20114 166 903 1069 0.527% 4,856.04 8,555.55 (3,699.51) FFCB Callable Note 11/21/11 997,500.00 11/21/14 100 996 1096 0.815% 2,227.29 2,227.29 FFCB Callable Note 12/19/11 2,000,000.00 12/19/14 72 1024 1096 0.750% 2,958.90 2,958.90 FNMA Callable Note 12129/11 2,000,000.00 12129/14 62 1034 1096 0.900% 3,057.53 3,057.53 FNMA Callable Note 10/31/11 750,000.00 01126/15 121 1062 1183 LOOD% 2,486.30 1,770.83 715.47 FNMA Callable Note 10/07111 1,296,875.00 02218/15 145 1085 1230 0.866% 4,461.61 9,097.22 (4,635.61) FALB Callable Note 06/15/11 2,007,760.00 06/08/15 259 1195 1454 1.765% 25,145.68 18,020.93 7,124.85 Treasury Note 08 /16 /11 1,042,812.50 07/31/15 197 1248 1445 0.652% 3,669.67 7,989.13 (4,319.46) FIB,MC Callable Note 08/24/11 2,000,000.00 08/24115 189 1272 1461 1.375% 14,239.73 13,750.D0 489.73 FNMA Callable Note 09109111 2,000,000.00 09/09/15 173 1288 1461 1.000% 9,479.45 9,479.45 Berk Halh Coupon Note 01/26/12 1,315,137.50 12215/15 34 1385 1419 1.077% 1,319.39 1,319.39 FNMA Callable Note 01/25/12 2,503,906.25 01125116 35 1426 1461 1.060% 2,545.07 2,545.07 Treasury FNMA Note Callable Note 08116111 12105/11 1,025,390.63 1,000,OOD.00 07/31/16 17205/16 197 86 1614 1741 1811 1827 0.973% 1.000% 5,384.87 2,356.16 6,847.83 (1,462.96) 2,356.16 Subtotal 44,539,377.58 Union MM 2,158,598.58 30 30 0.00% 1.77 1.77 Purchased Interest 9,971.19 LATE N/A 12131/1) 14,094,938.33 03131/12 60 31 91 0.39% 9,113.52 9,113.52 $60,802,885.68 578 1.06% $1,214,612.56 $1,205,857.23 $8,755.33 IVIzturity Profile Amount Percent 0 -1 year $26,860,578.10 44.18% 1 -2 years $10,971,285.70 18.04% 2 -3 years $10,076,015.00 16.57% 3 -5 years $12,895,006.88 21.21% $ 60,802,885.68 100.00% Markel to Cost Position Report Amortized Market Unrealized 'Source: "Treasury and Agency Obligations - Union Bank of California Institution Cost Value" Gahr (Loss! LAIF balances per Local Agency Investment Fund monthly statement. Union Bank Assets $44,539,377.58 $44,519,871.70 (19,505.88) Union MM 2,158,598.58 2,158,598.58 0.00 Purchased Interest 9,971.19 9,971.19 0.00 LAIF 14,094,938.33 14,094,938.33 0.00 Totals: $60,802,885.68 $60,783,379.80 - $19,505.88 page 5 Town of Los Gatos Quarterly Investment Report (Month Ended January 31, 2012) Prepared by Linda L. Speicher, Project Manager 05/16/12 Town of Los Gatos Summary Investment Information January 31, 2012 Weighted Average Portfolio Yield: 1.06% Weighted Average Maturity (days) This Month Last Month One year ago Portfolio Balance $76,729,822 $72,509,092 $69,991,632 Benchmarks/ References: Town's Average Yield 1.06% 1.12% 1.82% LAIF Yield for month 0.39% 0.38% 0.54% 3 mo. Treasury 0.04% 0.03% 0.15% 6 me. Treasury 0.07% 0.06% 0.17% 2 yr. Treasury 0.25% 0.24% 0.65% 5 yr. Treasury (most recent) 0.90% 0.88% 2.04% Prime rate 3.25% 3.25% 3.25% Most recent auctions of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae Reference Notes: 3 yr. Freddie Mac (12/16/11) 0.63% 2 yr. Freddie Mae (11 /01 /11) 0.39% 607 Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Town's investment policy dated May 1, 2008 and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53601 of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient funds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page 1 Portfolio Maturity Profile 3 -5 years 23% , �a. 0 -1 year 44% t� may% 2 -3 years��s 1 - 2 years ]8% Compliance: The Town's investments are in compliance with the Town's investment policy dated May 1, 2008 and also in compliance with the requirements of Section 53601 of the California State Code. Based on the information available, the Town has sufficient funds to meet the cash demands for the next six months. Page 1 Town of Los Gatos Portfolio Allocation & Treasurer's Fund Balances January 31, 2012 Month Fund Balances - Beginning of Month/Period $72,509,092.13 Receipts 9,317,589.04 Disbursements ( 5,096,859.61 ) Fund Balances - End of Month/Period $ 76,729,821.56 Portfolio Allocation Union MM $2,069,493.00 US Govt Agencies 44,555,616.83 Local Agency Investment Fund 14,094,938.33 Subtotal - Investments 60,720,048.16 Reconciled Demand Deposit Balances 16 009 773.40 Total Treasurer's Fund $ 76,729,821.56 YTD $77,813,659.63 33,836,941.97 (34,920,780.041 $ 76,729,821.56 Treasury, Agencies, & Corp. Notes 57.8% Treasurer's Fund Balances 80,000,000 78,000,000 76,000,000 74,000,000 72,000,000 70,000,000 68,000,000 66,000,000 64,000,000 62,000,000 60,000,000 page 2 Portfolio Investment Allocation Union MM 3.4% o z Q These accounts are not part ofth. Trcmnrer's fiord balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note 1: This account include redemption accounts set tip for the repayment of interest and principal on outstanding bond coupons for Parking Assessment District'3 %as well as Reserve Funds set up as required by the original Bond resolution. Note 2: The reserve fiord was a requirement of the original certificates of participation agreement when Lot was built. It helps to 6 armace payment of the lease payments should the Town not make payment. Note3: The lease payment road receives the lease payments from the'Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. Itholdsthefindsuntil paymcnts on the cenificotes of participation etc due snni- annually. Note 4: -fie the. fiords for the Certificates of Participation 2002 Series A consist of construction finds which will be expended over the next few years, reserve funds which will guarantee fire payment of lease payments, and a third fund for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery costs. Nate S: The 2010 COP Funds are all forth. Library construction, reserves to guarantee loose payments, and a lease payment ford for the life of 0m COP issue. The COI fiord will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Toren of Los Gatos Non - Treasury Restricted Fund Balances January 31, 2012 Previous Ending Balance Deposits Interest Withdrawals Bat nce Non - Treasury Fonds: Downtown Parking District 12 120/02 $283,951.17 $176.05 $284,127.22 Note Certificates of Participation Reserve Fund (Lot 4) 254,136.26 0.00 254,136.26 Note Cert. of Participation Lease Payment F (Lot 4) 105,000.03 0.00 105,000.03 Note 3 Cert. of Participation 2002 Series A Reserve Fund 686,251.19 5.85 5.85 686,251.19 Nate4 Can. Of Participation 2002 Series A Interest Fund 0.00 204,720.00 0.00 204,720.00 Note 4 Cent. of Participation 2002 Series A Coast. Fund 42,414.17 37.57 42,451.74 Note4 COP 2010 Library Reserve Fund 1,277,062.50 0.01 0.01 1,277,062.50 Notes COP 2010 Library Leos. Fund 0.00 313,412.50 0.00 313,412.50 Note 5 COP 2010 Library ACQ Construction Fund 1,656,598.11 0.02 722,90055 933,697.58 Notes COP 2010 Library COI Fond 0.00 0.00 0.00 Notes COP 2010 Library Good Faith 0.00 0.00 0,00 Note 5 Total Restricted Funds: $ 4,305,413.43 $ 518,132.50 $219.50 $ 722,906.41 $ 4,100,859.02 These accounts are not part ofth. Trcmnrer's fiord balances reported elsewhere in this report, as they are for separate and distinct entities. Note 1: This account include redemption accounts set tip for the repayment of interest and principal on outstanding bond coupons for Parking Assessment District'3 %as well as Reserve Funds set up as required by the original Bond resolution. Note 2: The reserve fiord was a requirement of the original certificates of participation agreement when Lot was built. It helps to 6 armace payment of the lease payments should the Town not make payment. Note3: The lease payment road receives the lease payments from the'Town monthly for the lease of Lot 4. Itholdsthefindsuntil paymcnts on the cenificotes of participation etc due snni- annually. Note 4: -fie the. fiords for the Certificates of Participation 2002 Series A consist of construction finds which will be expended over the next few years, reserve funds which will guarantee fire payment of lease payments, and a third fund for the disbursement of lease payments and initial delivery costs. Nate S: The 2010 COP Funds are all forth. Library construction, reserves to guarantee loose payments, and a lease payment ford for the life of 0m COP issue. The COI fiord will be closed in September 2010. Page 3 Interest received from Investments Add: Interest accrued at end of period (see page 5) Less: Interest accrued at beginning of period Interest earned on investments Town of Los Gatos Statement of Interest Earned January 31, 2012 Current Month 107,276.46 40,031.45 - 95,510.69 $51,797.22 Interest by Month July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 $76,277.80 71,574.96 71,242.59 66,191.20 63,343.74 58,810.11 51,797.22 459,237.62 Page 4 Fiscal Year to Date 561,904.55 40,031.45 - 142,698.38 $459,237.62 page 5 Town or Los Gatos Inactive Deposits by Institution Market to Cost Position Report January 31, 2012 Deposit Amortized Maturity Days Days to Days Yield to Interest Interest Interest Institution Security Date Cost Data - Elapsed Maturity Invested Maturi Earned Received Accrued FHLB Coupon Note 05/09/07 1,509,255.00 03/09/12 1728 38 1766 4.743% 338,896.14 325,000.00 13,896.14 USTreasury Note D4/15/10 999,375.00 03/31/12 656 60 716 1.054% 18,931.28 14,590.16 4,341.12 FFCB Coupon Note 04/23/10 1,500,585.00 04/16/12 648 76 724 1.174% 31,275.97 26,500.00 4,775.97 KELLS Coupon Nate 01120/12 2,495,375.00 05/10/12 11 100 111 0.609% 457.99 457.99 FHLB Coupon Note 11/29/07 2,038,360.00 08/15/12 1524 197 1721 4.170% 354,902.49 343,277.78 11,624.71 GE Corporate Note 01/16/08 1,542,165.00 10/19/12 1476 262 1738 4.587% 286,057.33 295,968.75 (9,911.42) GE Corporate Note 07/29110 511,955.00 01/08/13 551 343 894 1.791% 13,841.59 20,183.33 (6,341.74) Treasury Coupon Note 03/31/11 1,997,968.75 03/31/13 306 425 731 0.801% 13,416.83 7,500.00 5,916.83 FHI,MC Coupon Note 03/25/11 1,016,520.00 04/15/13 312 440 752 0.812% 7,055.60 9,027.78 (1,972.18) NY Life Corporate Note 07/22/11 534,350.00 05/09/13 193 464 657 0.791% 2,234.94 6,910.42 (4,675.48) TIAA Corporate Nate 04/11/11 880,446.95 07/15/13 295 531 826 1.334% 9,492.67 30,705.12 (21,212.45) FHLB Callable Note 06/27/11 2,500,000.00 09/27113 218 605 823 0.699% 10,437.12 8,75D.00 1,687.12 FHLMC Callable Note 01/06/12 2,001,000.00 10/18/13 25 626 651 0.472% 646.90 646.90 NY Life Coupon Note 01/25/12 2,041,000.00 12/13/13 6 682 688 0.753% 252.64 252.64 FHLlvlC Callable Note 08/18111 1,005,560.00 08/15/14 166 927 1093 0.860% 3,932.98 3,932.98 FHLMC Coupon Note 09/16/11 2,026,080.00 08/20/14 137 932 1069 0.527% 4,007.70 4,007.70 FFCB Callable Note 11/21/11 997,500.00 11/21/14 71 1025 1096 0.815% 1,581.38 1,581.38 FFCB Callable Note 12/19/11 2,000,000.00 12/19/14 43 1053 1096 0.750% 1,767.12 1,767.12 FNMA Callable Note 12129/11 2,000,000.00 12/29/14 33 1063 1096 0.900% 1,627.40 1,627.40 FNMA Callable Note 10/31/11 750,000.00 01/26/15 92 1091 1183 1.000% 1,890.41 1,770.83 119.58 FNMA Callable Note 10/07/11 1,296,875.00 02118/15 116 1114 1230 0.866% 3,569.28 3,569.28 FHLB Callable Note 06/15/11 2,007,760.00 06/08/15 230 1224 1454 1.765% 22,330.14 18,020.83 4,309.31 Treasury Note 08/16/11 1,042,812.50 07/31/15 168 1277 1445 0.652% 3,129.47 7,989.13 (4,859.66) WILIvIC Callable Note 08/24/11 2,000,000.00 08/24/15 160 1301 1461 1.375% 12,054.79 12,054.79 FNMA Callable Note - 09/09/11 2,000,000.00 09/09/15 144 1317 1461 1.000% 7,890.41 7,890.41 Berk Da0, Coupon Now 01/26/12 1,315,137.50 12/15/15 5 1414 1419 L077% 194.03 194.03 FNMA Callable Note 01/25/12 2,503,906.25 01/25116 6 1455 1461 1.060% 436.30 436.30 Treasury Note 08/16/11 1,025,390.63 07/31116 168 1643 1811 0.973% 4,592.18 6,847.83 (2,255.65) FNMA Callable Note 12/05/11 1,000,000.00 17/05/16 57 1770 1827 1.000% 1,561.64 1,561.64 Subtotal 44,539,377.58 Union Mlvl 2,069,493.00 30 30 0.00% 1.70 L70 Purchased Interest 16,239.25 LAW N/A 12131/11 14,094,938.33 03/31/12 31 60 91 0.39% 4,607.00 4,607.00 $60,720,048.16 607 1.06% $1,163,073.41 $1,123,041.96 $40,031.45 Maturity Profile Amount Percent 0 -1 year $26,777,740.58 44.10% 1 -2 years $10,971,285.70 18.07% 2 -3 years $8,779,140.00 14.46% 3 -5 years $14,191,881.88 23.37% $ 60,720,048_.16 100.00 Market to Cost Position Report Amortized Markel Unrealized * Source: Treasury and Agency Obligations - Union Bank of California Institution Cost Value* Gain (Loss( LAIF balances per Local Agency lnvestmmllFund monthly statement. Union Bank Assets $44,539,377.58 $44,582,462.95 43,085.37 Union MM 2,069,493.00 2,069,49300 0.00 Purchased Interest 16,239.25 16,239.25 0.00 LAW 14,094,938.33 14,094,938.33 0.00 Totals: $60,720,048.16 $60,763,13353 $43,085.37 page 5