Ord 2165 - Amending Ordinance No. 1919 relating to Zone Change No. 86 (Almond Grove Historic District)ORDINANCE 2165 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1919 RELATING TO ZONE CHANGE NO. 86 (ALMOND GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT) The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby ordain: SECTION I The district delineated on the attached map is hereby designated historically and culturally significant as the Ahnond Grove Historic District HD -80-1 A. SECTION II The district is designated to be historically, architecturally, or aesthetically significant for the reasons listed below: A. Property: Almond Grove District. Boundaries: Bean to the south, Glen Ridge Avenue to the west, to but not including the lots facing Saratoga Avenue to the north, and to but not including the lots facing North Santa Cruz Avenue to the east (see map Exhibit A) B. Historic designation no.: HD -80-1A C. Description of designation: District D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: Historical: The Almond Grove addition was the first and largest subdivision after the incorporation of the Town of Los Gatos. Of approximately 40 acres, the historic tract was the last land, formerly an almond orchard as its name suggests, of 162'/ acres bought in 1865 by John Mason from Edward Auzerais, an important landowner in Santa Clara County after whom Auzerais Street in San Jose and Auzerais Court in Los Gatos are named. The purchasers and developers of Almond Grove were four very important figures to Los Gatos history and honored by street names still used in the area. They were Alphonse Eli Wilder, banker; Augustine Nicholson, capitalist; Magnus Tait, fanner and miner; and John 'Bean, orchardist. Many important contributors to the development of the Town lived in the Almond Grove area.L. E. Hamilton, secretary of the Odd Fellows and director of the 1889 Los Gatos Cemetery Association, built his own house at 139 Wilder (which is still owned and occupied by his daughter). In addition, he also did extensive carpentry work for Mrs. Winchester of the famous Winchester House in San Jose. The house at 115 Wilder was owned by Clarence Lyndon, nephew of town pioneer John Lyndon. E. N. Davis, head trustee (mayor) on the board of trustees, 1898-1902, lived at 131 Tait. The Magnus Tait home is 231 Tait. 129 Tait was the home of E. E. Place and birthplace of George Place, owner of Place Mortuary housed in the Coggeshall Mansion (a Town historic landmark now the site of the Chart House). 328 Bachman is the "Massol" house. Fenilen Massol. was Los Gatos mayor, 1894- 97. 354 Bachman was the home of George McMurty, who as a youth helped haul stones to build Forbes Mill Annex and later became the first treasurer of incorporated Los Gatos, a post he held for over 40 years. 216 Glen Ridge was the home of W. H. B. Trantham, who in 1885 became the first owner of the Los Gatos News after its founder temporarily retired. Trantharn owned the News (later the Mail -News) until 1976. The Mail -News remained in existence until 1953. 200 Glen Ridge was at one time the home of Raymond J. Fisher, educator, after who Fisher School is named. John Bean started a business right in Almond Grove that evolved into a local family dynasty's multi -national corporation, Food Machinery Corporation. Plagued by San Jose scale on his orchard trees, he developed an improved chemical spray pump, a significant development in an era of tremendous fruit growing in Santa Clara Valley. Bean gave his son-in-law, David C. Crumrney, a share in the business. Historical evidence indicates that Crumrney lived in the house on the corner of Bean and Santa Cruz Avenues, 212 Bean Avenue, until the business prospered and he built the elaborate mansion at 33 Glen Ridge Avenue. D. C.'s son, John Crummey, further improved the pump and expanded the Almond Grove headquartered business. (In Horatio Algier tradition, he enterprisingly rode. a bicycle up and down the Sacramento Valley and lined up enough orders to keep the company in business for years). Under Crurmney, the Bean Spray Pump Company became F.M.C. (Still retaining a division entitled Bean Spray Pump Company). Under John Cruimney's son-in-law, Paul Davies, F.M.C. became an international corporation, and a member of his family still serves on the board of directors. 22-8 Almen& 11919s 238 A3me>$ra 1910s 233 Almeii 1910s' 23-2 Almendra 18888 238 Ahneft 1920s 242 Almeida 19308 245 Almendra 31998 233 A3mendra 19208 239 Ahmench, 119205 302 Mffieftdr 319888 333 A3mendra 319399 3416 Alffiendra 319398 32-2Alinendra 31910s 244 Bad 38688 223 Baehiii 119399 M Badira 19898 2-26 Betehm 1920s1 22-9 Baeh±iian 1920s 243 13eehtii 1910S 244 BaEkns 19499 2758 Bachman 119298 233 Bachm 119368 2-56 Badira 18888 388 Baebfn:an 1930 40s 301 Baehiiia-n 1920 39s 393 Baohiia 4939s 398 Beehiii ode spee'�� 329 Baallxlsa 49398 3-27 Baelifn 49408 24-2 Beaii 48908 2-3-6 Bean 49008 2,W Glen Rid l9l os 2-W Glen Ridg 493os 240 Glea Ridme 1920s 3$3 masse} 48808 3-06 Masse! 187es 444 passel 1890 903 419 Massa! 48798 479 Mansel 19388 424 Mansel 1930s 4-25 Massel 1868s 439 Massel 4860s 434 Massel 1920s 43-6 Massel ' 9th 444 Mansel 19288 45-5 Mansel 49108 456 Massel l940s 240 Massel 1920s 238 mel 1868$ 2220 Massel i9th eenc 2--3+ Mansel 3-9308 33.9 Massel 49408 246 lLiehelse 19108 22-2 Niehelso22 3920s 255 Meholse 192205 384 Nie-holse2l 1940s 319 Nicholse 1860s 1940s 335 Nieholse22 392208 400 Tait 1890S 403 T-ai3 19008 396 Tail 38908 343 Tai3 48908 IM Tait 1860s 436 T -&A 1920s 448 Tait 18988 333 Tait 3&908 4z25 TRR l n9`r�urC,Eirc 338 Tait 18909 333 Tai3 1860s 336 TaR 18709 343 Tail 19109 343 Tait l9l-03 346 Tait 1920s- 350 TftA 19203 22 4'-6t 19303 103 Tait ' 9hn 107 Tad 19003 221-3 T' A 1 9th eviii 224-5 %A 19th een 24-9 TaA 38889 22225 TRA l91o3 2230 TftA 18905 334 Tait 1860s 314 Tait 19205 334 Tait 19205 300 WildEa 18908 303 Wild 1-8998 307 Wilder 19008 333 mer 39088 334 Wild 19388 335 Wildea 39188 333 Wild ea 18888 333 Wild 2a 39309 314 Wild ea 19003 337 Wold 19393 33-8 Wild ea 39309 333 W4lder 19383 334 Wilder 18-793 338 Wilde 19393 339 Wild 1860 700 34-7 Wilder 18983 358 Wilder 19153 4754 Wild= 3870S 354--, Wilder 19003 305 Wilde f 18889 208 Wilder 19005 244 Wilder19208 24-2 mer 1860 70s 249 Wild 1860 79s 22+ txrd 19208 224 Wilder 1860 70s 225 Wilder 19198 Architectural: The predominance of Victorian architecture, including informal wood frame cottages and impressive homes, intermixed with bungalow style cottages Colonial Revival and Mission Revival homes built somewhat later reflect the history and development of the district. Individual architectural distinction is not the important factor in an historic district but the neighborhood entity created. The Almond Grove area is unique in that of the 78 pre -1895 houses built here, 64 or about 82% still grace the streets. In addition, 22 houses built between 1895 and 1908, 31 houses built between 1908 and 1916 and another 30 houses built between 1917 and 1930 still exist. The 1989 earthquake significantly damaged two houses built prior to the 1.900's and one house built in the 1920's which were demolished. A total of 180 structures now line the streets within the boundaries of the district, 147 or 82% of those structures were built by 1930. The streetscapes remain basically unchanged, lending the district a special old-time feeling' that for many symbolize old Los Gatos and represents an important part of our Town's heritage. Sources: Robert E. Lee, supported by Sanborn maps; Town of Los Gatos and Santa Clara County tax records; and History of Los Gatos by George Bruntz. E. Listed below are Town features recommended for preservation. Review by the Historic Preservation Committee is required for any changes to these features. 1. Roads are concrete and should be repaired to maintain appearance as of the year 1976. 2. Date stamp in concrete sidewalks. F. Nogiing in this 0Fdieaiq:ee is intended to be ineensistent with The Seeretafy ef the laterier's otg.,.dafds fer Rehabilitation. SECTION III The .nte.t aR. yam ::se of this sectionis t^ yr.se,.e and pryteet the Tew-R of r Gates' histefie heritage, neighborhoods, A. SDTemalitlefts: stteet„eapee „d distrietJ " g. ___________ Demolition upen de�efffiiiiafion o f ^ nt,-:h,.ti, __ _�� ___________ing by structure is vrb:ddeu absent eataelysmi the deeidiRg bedy that demelitien (as defined .icor by Town Code) is necessary g...lt e f n VJµnl v structure OR th4 Site. D. Remodels D l otaedafds follows: fei: the pfeper tltJ ..M..ae....mic istno nninndi A or dd:tioiis• for review restoration of the stliiettffe. In the event e« .. the stfuetre shall be ftst,-., atelt' prior to the ,t.. l ys t as reqaifed by Section 29.90,290 e fthe of demelifien as ,.ted to match th.. - Town Code as a) Architectural design e eentfibming and design eentributor-s .ehateetu only, pop n Review: Modification of the ^ isti«.. f a nt ibuti, str....tiife i« the district stn ettff-e fnE, , he remodeled :,.te the of ^ eons ib,&ting stnnaeidfe in the distr'et in Seetie}r 11 and Se !, al features aay be uuueu to the Yioteetl¢ ^ d,.,.. enst,- ion h., the ^.«l:t « � rrg.a r st„le or overall prohibited. A iiefl- afehiteet..r..1 .gaggle /See list of G. he -rein`. New ^. t,,ier f egU.GdiG o � d the existing w+v v�amn deciding proven rehJt...t..,-,.l st.4e and design nab vunwv�un un body. Any proposed iew—ar&iteetural to demenstrate afehiteetafal—exeellenee detetffi:«ed by the features be as well as—ne SUNNI \I i 1 ' "I Ml .. ._ ._ NEI .11121 s I -------------- .d.wmy ieffia yw ... in4 .d..l. the nt: .... cut of 1......1 iii s:.7:«g ift angle, ..1,.,.e t..,.,. y.4dth .....,1 depth ..f eut if aay. viu Old d tern... 4...1 ..tkaglon uuwiivauwu oai be „..1..,....1 , haw :e:, iiew shingles mist : ateh e. E:s ng shinglnn in size, shape -,7:,...,.n. ien and pattern. C:7: -Hg ,„,.4,..-:..1 must ufif.,,ffi 41. fi�datieft te h rooC tui1 ess1 e36sfiiag pattem ..nt�a of hease varies, in -------------- Ini advantage ef FtqWfet. Only iii 1976 Tax eases Ref here «.... the—ov,,RG1 Art theev"fief , desifeTCOZCSICG fflustretain tage rF the eeler-s,}aster, wallpaper, ete., whefeverpeslible Repaid restofe vvibi replisated.,te..als ,rl materials ..befe.,xef FaAhe possible .94.aieia eplaee regarding .ntl. :Ar t:rr1 , .onsisteey 4"ctlu' } Entirely New st..le and design o:a,,,. r with r traditional, Sti�aeafe� Geit �ctioR st.-„rt... ctriet rl..:trrt..«rl of a new in 1 adhefenee st..ie siiaRure must .1' E*aet to aebie.,; and design be built in -ah d 1' g r ;rte«r.. of .. «t.-:1...,t:..,3- _ed of contributing r eneeiffaged. reeognized ., �......,....... ... ..... ...st. a..t .s required. New V ieteria r.v�vaauaa, Mission Revs. rl/ avuaoivu iwvara-ir Nled.t...p...eaR, Colonial Revival and Craftsman stfi 4e sffue4ffes :mss} aecurfftely «t,-8.,,t ng repheae straettifes the traditional 1« the dist,:rt st.4e A14 design doubts and integrity ar iftsii ffir;r«r:es of N.rrr fe gaTdi n an ««l; r..«tir wrr...,a's __ __ _____. are to be fess _ ,ed r,.1 preposal ubu. against r«.l;«,. egarda..b the a l:rµuvai Yp.a� tl.r he ,ensisten,y „y � by the ;rto.. r.. ..F o deeid"”" body. u,s o rr,l proposed n ur Will moo. reef ..............:ti,... ,...,.t,.fia4.. .. aeeept„h10 i .lark ,.,.1,..-s and with .. h........ profile, weed.Mission ... TJ eyiy..1 especially /T,Ted t.«.-.....,.ee these ..h:,.h ,.....hl,. style street ffes ..1...11 have file «oe f of .. ,.,.1..,. liks traditional ti4c5. prohibited. > t > o..t..«e shape, Plastie arn'1-r-IiivElem .....1 "el........, to 1....L e st"tic—ttiles afe 1 01111111 U-1 1 @11". 1 -111 —11 morfrpr-r nev"t"..9% . .......... rM.9 . . ......... . ......... M . . . . . . . ........... . ..... . ..... This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on October 6, 2008, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on October 20, 2008. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA � SIGNED: Ct --� V ``� P�� MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GMZS, CALIFORNIA EA -11 I TOWN OF LOS GATOS �I Almond Grove Historic District Boundaries " As Established by Ordinance 1463 on April 7, 1980 EXEIBIT A