2010120610 - 16221 Shannon Road - Historic overlay Application�o*N 0 MEETING DATE: 12/06/10 ITEM NO: �os COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: HISTORIC OVERLAY APPLICATION HD- 10 -03. PROJECT LOCATIO 16221 SHANNON ROAD. PROPERTY OWNER: HEINZ AND MARGARET SCHU. APPLICANT: TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY ZONED R -1:8 TO R- I:8:LHP. APN 523 -07 -052. RECOMMENDATION After opening and closing the public hearing, it is recommended the Town Council: 1) Adopt the findings supporting the Historic Overlay Zone Change Application (Attachment 1); and 2) Adopt the Ordinance recognizing the LHP Overlay (Attachment 4). ALTERNATIVES Instead of the actions above, the Council may: • Deny the Zone Change Application (motion required). BACKGROUND The Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC), upon request by the subject property owners, are recommending that the Town Council consider designating the main house and accessory structures located at 16331 Shannon Road as a Town Historic Landmark. The property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Schu, have provided a detailed history of the property (Exhibit 3 of Attachment 3). The site contains a main house, two barns, and an original outhouse. PREPARED BY : � Wendie R. Rooney, Director of Community Development Reviewed by: F J Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development N: \DEV \TC REPORTS\2010 \16221 Shannon.doc Refonnatted: 5/30/02 PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 16221 Shannon Road /HD -10 -03 November 17, 2010 The main Queen Anne style house was constructed in 1889. The house retains all the original details; only the foundation and roofing have been updated. DISCUSSION A. Project Summary The application is to rezone the R -1:8 property, located at 16221 Shannon Road, to R- 1:8:LHP in order to more actively preserve the site with all its historic structures. Please see the analysis section in Attachment 3 for justification of the LHP Overlay. B. Historic Preservation Committee On January 6, 2010, the HPC recommended the Planning Commission initiate the rezoning of 16221 Shannon Road to designate the property with an Historic Overlay (LHP). The draft Ordinance (Exhibit 6 of Attaclunent 3) was reviewed by HPC and recommended for approval on October 27, 2010. C. P1aiming Commission On September 22, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution to initiate the historic designation of the site (Exhibit 6 of Attachment 3). On November 10, 2010, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the draft: Ordinance as a consent item (Attachment 4). The Planning Commission applauded the property owners for coming forward with the request to protect and maintain a piece of the Town's history and character. CONCLUSION: Based on the language in the General Plan, and the recommendations from the Historic Preservation Committee and Planning Commission, staff recommends Town Council approve the zone change application for the Historic Preservation Overlay. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT This project is expemt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15601(b)(3) of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town. The activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing significant effect on the environment. It can be seen clearly that since no improvements or changes are proposed, the activity cam7ot have a significant impact on the enviroiunent, and is therefore not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 16221 Shannon Road /HD -10 -03 November 17, 2010 Attachments ' 1. Required Findings. 2. Excerpt of the draft Planning Commission minutes for meeting of November 10, 2010. 3. Report to the Planning Commission for the meeting of November 10, 2010. 4. Ordinance Distribution cc: Heinz and Margaret Schu, 16221 Shannon Road, Los Gatos CA 95032 WRR:MM:cgt N:\DEV \TC REPORTS\2010 \16221 Shannon.doc THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR: December 6, 2010 16621 Shannon Road Historic Designation Application HD -10 -003 Requesting approval to rezone R -1:8 property to R- 1:81HP. APN 523 -07 -052. APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos PROPERTY OWNER: Heinz and Margaret Schu L -le"I I tlf.I Conformance with the General Plan: u The project is in conformance with the General Plan Designation of Low Density Residential, in that the proposed zoning designation would continue to be low density residential 0 -5 units per acre. ® The. application is in conformance with the following goals and policies of the General Plan: CD.G.3.1— To preserve significant historic and architectural features within the Town. . • CD.P.3.4 — Encourage the preservation and restoration of historic sites, and structures and architecturally valuable structures. • CD.P.3.5 — Encourage the preservation, maintenance and reuse of existing buildings. NADEVONDINGS\2010 \16221 Shannon.DOC ATTACIR ENT 1 THIS PA GE INTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANIC SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS -- NONE VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (AUDIENCE) Lee Berman Commented he lives at 3 8 Oak Hill Way in Los Gatos. He wanted to thank Interim Town Attorney Mr. Martello for the integrity, passion and justice he displayed during his tenure. Commented his home includes a sanitary sewer easement. Last March, the investors who own the adjacent property wanted him to sign away his easement so they could sell their property. Developers had located their house, garage and other structures on top of his easement and had removed a sturdy pipeline and replaced it with ABS plastic pipe outside of the legal easement. They punctured this pipeline when they installed a fence and plumbing systems over it. This plastic pipe now crosses a creek creating a potential ecological disaster. When the investors attempted to sell their property, these issues came to light. Mr. Martello and Deputy Town Attorney Mazarin Vakharia established a process for addressing the situation. CONSENT CALENDAR *16221 Shannon Road Historic Designation Application HD -10 -003. Request to initiate proceedings to designate site with Landmark Historic Preservation overlay zone on property zoned R -1:8. APN 523 -07 -052. PROPERTY OWNERS: Heinz and Margaret Schu. APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos. PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley. Motion by Commissioner Joanne Talesfore and seconded by Commissioner Charles Erekson to approve Consent Item #1. Commissioner Joanne Talesfore • Commented that this property is a piece of Town history and character and she applauds the property owners for coming forward with this request. Motion carried 6 -0 with Commissioner Phil Miceiche absent. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS -- NONE NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 52 (aka 55) Oak Hill Way Architecture and Site Application S -10 -041. Requesting appeal of a Development Review Committee decision to approve a time extension to construct anew single family residence on property zoned R -1D. It was determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment and the Planning Commission adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Architecture and Site application on September 24, 2008. APN 529 -34 -101. PROPERTY OWNER: Alex Eisner /E &F Financial. APPLICANT: James Rogers. APPELLANT: Julie Maia. PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Savage. Planning Commission Page 2 November 10, 2010 ATTACHMENT 2 THIS PA GE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAND �oWN 0 � :__ TOWN OF LOS GATOS 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: November 10, 2010 PREPARED BY: Marni F. Moseley, Associate Planner mmosela losgatosca.gov APPLICATION NO.: Historic Designation Application HD -10 -003 ITEM NO: 1 CONSENT LOCATION: 16221 Shannon Road (The Northeast corner of Shannon Road at Noble Court) APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos PROPERTY OWNER: Heinz and Margaret Schu APPLICATION SUMMARY: Request to rezone R -1:8 property to R- 1:8:LHP. APN 523-07 - 052. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval to the Town Council PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential (0- 5d.u. /ac.) Zoning Designation: R -1:8 Single Family Residential Applicable Plans & Standards: None Parcel Size: 31,799 square feet Surrounding Area: CEQA: ■ It has been determined that this project could not have a significant impact on the environment; therefore, the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. (Section 15061(b)) FINDINGS: ■ The application is consistent with the General Plan. ACTION: ■ Forward the Draft Ordinance to the Town Council for approval. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map (one page) 2. Findings (one page) 3. Letter of Justification (two pages, enclosure not included) 4. HPC minutes, January 6, 2010 (one page) ATTACM4M 3 Existing Land Use _General Plan _ _ Zoning North Single Family Low Density Residential R-1:8 East Single Family Low Density Residential R -1:8 . S outh Single Family 1 Low Density Residential R_ -1:20_ West Single Family Low Density Residential �R -1:8 CEQA: ■ It has been determined that this project could not have a significant impact on the environment; therefore, the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. (Section 15061(b)) FINDINGS: ■ The application is consistent with the General Plan. ACTION: ■ Forward the Draft Ordinance to the Town Council for approval. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map (one page) 2. Findings (one page) 3. Letter of Justification (two pages, enclosure not included) 4. HPC minutes, January 6, 2010 (one page) ATTACM4M 3 Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 2 16221 Shannon Road /HD -10 -003 November 10, 2010 5, Draft HPC Minutes, October 27, 2010 (two pages) 6, Resolutiori_(two pages) 7. Draft Ordinance (three pages) BACKGROUND The Historic Preservation. Committee, upon request by the property owners, is recommending that the Planning Commission consider designating the main house and accessory structures located at 16221 Shannon Road, as a Town Historic Landmark. On September 22, 2010, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution to initiate the historic designation of the site (Exhibit 6). The property owner's, Mr. and Mrs. Schu, have provided a detailed history of the property (Exhibit 3). The site contains a main house, two barns, and an original outhouse. The main Queen Anne style house was constructed in 1889. The house retains all the original details; only the foundation and roofing have been updated. ANALYSIS A. Justification The Goals and Policies within the General Plan "encourage the preservation and'retention of historic sites, and structures." In addition, Section 29.80.215 of the Town Code states that "structures, sites and areas of special character, and special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value have been and continue to be unnecessarily destroyed or impaired, despite the feasibility of preserving them." The LHP overlay will provide more protection, and preservation of the, historic structures, and require additional review and regulation for any significant changs proposed in the future. Original property owner, Charles Beedle, purchased the property as part of a 20 acre parcel located within the Garden` tract on Shannon Road in 1884. Charles Beedle was an acclaimed horticulturalist, and planted prunes, apricots, and oranges among other fruits on the property. Up until recently the property contained a ujiique tree that produced oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. The Queen Anne style house was constructed in 1889. The house retains the original redwood siding and ornamentation. The site also includes two original barns, of which the date of construction is unknown, as well as an original outhouse which has been updated to include modern facilities. The site also contains significant foliage including -a white oak that is reported by the property owners to be 600 years old. Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 3 16221 Shannon Road /HD -10 -003 November 10, 2010 B. General Plan The proposed rezoning meets the following goals and policies of the General Plan. Staff's comments are in italics. CD.G.3.1 — To preserve significant historic and architectural features within the Town. Staff and the HPC belie m the site holds architecturally significant buildings as well as original trees and fruit plants (Exhibit 3). Very few homes of this age have retained so many original materials and details. CD.P.3.4 — Encourage the preservation and restoration of historic sites, and structures and architecturally valuable structures. The site has been restored and maintained with its original style and character. The existing outhouse may be the only original working outhouse within the Town of Los Gatos. CD.P.3.5 — Encourage the preservation, maintenance and reuse of existing buildings. Designating the site with an LHP overlay zone will help ensure retention and usage of the existing buildings. C. CEQA Determination This project is not subject to CEQA in that no improvements or changes are proposed, therefore it cannot have a significant impact on the environment. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments have been received at this time. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A. Conclusion/Recommendation Based on the information provided by the property owner (Exhibit 3), and the comments provided by the HPC (Exhibits 4 and 5), staff recommends the Planning Commission recommend the zone change to designate the site with a Landmark Historic Preservation overlay zone to the Town Council, The Planning Commission should: 1. Find that the proposed zone change is consistent with the General Plan (Exhibit 2), and 2. Forward the Draft Ordinance (Exhibit 7) to the Town Council with a recommendation of approval. El Planning Commission Staff Report - Page 4 16221 Shannon Road /HD -10 -003 November 10, 2010 Prepared by: Marni F. Moseley Associate Planner WRR:MM:ct r ? Approved by: ie R. Rooney Director of Community Development cc: Heinz and Margaret Schu, 16221 Shannon Road,. Los Gatos. CA 95032 NADEV \REPORTS \2010 \1$221 Shannon -2.doc n 16221 Shannon Road Al EXHIBIT I THIS PA GE INTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANK C �F. PLANNING COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 10, 2010 REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR: 16621 Shannon Road Historic Designation Application HD -10 -003 Requesting approval to rezone R -1:8 property to R- 1:811-11'. APN 523 -07 -052. APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos PROPERTY OWNER: Heinz and Margaret Schu FINDINGS: Conformance with the General Plan: 19 The project is in conformance with the General Plan Designation of Low Density Residential, in that the proposed zoning designation would continue to be low density residential 0 -5 units per acre. NADEVTNi DINGS\2010 \16221 Shannoa.DOC ffiIBIT 2 3 c THIS PA GE INTENTIONA LL Y LEFT BLANK THE CHARLES AND ELIZABETH BEEDLE HOUSE DEC D `'a 2009 16221 Shannon Rd. Los Gatos, CA :'OWN OF LOS GATOQ Built in 1889 ' . ANNI1``c. n(ViSIC) The following information has been gathered to document the historical significance of our home. The investigation is still ongoing. The most extensive information on the Beedle family was found in the Eugene Sawyer's book, "History of Santa Clara County" published in 1922. `Among those whose progressive spirit and intelligently directed labors have resulted in making Santa Clara Valley the garden spot of California, Charles Beedle is deserving of special mention as one of the .leading orchardists of this section of the state. He is a native of Cornwall, England, his birth having occurred February 18,1850, his Parents being William and Hannah (Davis) Beedle who spent their entire lives in that country, the father being an expert landscape gardener. Charles'Beedle was the ninth of their twelve children and is the only one in the United States. He acquired his education in England and engaged in mining from seventeen until twenty -one years of age, when he came to the United States in 1871, first settling in New Jersey, where he worked in the iron mines and remained for a year. He then spent a short time in New Hampshire and for four years in Vermont, going from that state'to Nevada in 1877. There he was for four years a stationary engineer for the G.W. Grayson Company at the Independence Mine at Tuscarora, and then made his way to Oregon, bought a farm for one year, sold and located in Pioche, Nevada as an engineer for the same company. In 1883 he came to San Francisco and in January 1884 to Santa Clara County, where he purchased twenty acres of the Garden tract on Shannon Rd., on which he planted fruit. The next year, in order to make a livelihood, he went to Fresno as a stationary engineer in the Hildreth gold district, continuing for four years. Mr. Beedle is an expert horticulturist, specializing in the raising of prunes and apricots, in which he has been very successful. He has a nice row of orange trees that are well cared for and he has sent exceptionally fine specimens of the fruit to London, England for exhibition in their fairs. (When we moved in the house in 1973, there were two very old prune trees still bearing fruit, three apricot trees, and a tree bearing oranges, lemons and grapefruit. They have since succumbed to deterioration and had to be removed.) " On December 30, 1877 In Vershire, Vt. Mr. Beedle was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth S. Rowe, born in Devonshire, England, who came to Vermont when six years of age with her parents, Samuel and Mary (Cheynoweth) Rowe, and they became the parents of a daughter, Nellie B. Mr. Beedle's political allegiance is given to the Republican Party. Although he has traveled extensively, he has never found a region so well adapted to the raising of fine fruit as the Santa Clara Valley and he is enthusiastic in his support of its advantages, pronouncing it the garden spot of the world" According to the records we have uncovered so far, Charles Beedle died September 21, 1927. Elizabeth passed away in 1937 or 1938 (exact date no found yet). Nellie B. died November 7, 1967- enclosed is a copy of the notice from the Sat. November 11, 1967 San Jose News. EXHIBIT 3 After Nellie's death, the house was sold in probate for back taxes. We purchased the house in 1973 from Mrs. Virginia Ross. When we moved in we were given a box of receipts and other documents found in the attic of the house. Enclosed are copies of some of them related to the Beedles and early businesses in Los Gatos. Also included is a copy of the first listing of the house in the 1890 San Jose City Directory. The architectural'' style of our house is Queen Anne with spindle work, a cross - gabled roof, Eastlake incised ornamentation, gable ornamentation, decorative porch brackets and a front bay window. The second story windows are. arched and the barge board has the original ornamentation. All the windows have been replaced with safety glass. The exterior siding and mouldings are original and have been repainted in historical: colors. A new.roof Was done in 1995. The interior has been restored to period decoration using as much original hardware, decorative mouldings and lighting as possible. The paint on the original floor was removed and left natural. There are three bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, laundry room, sewing room, living and family room: , The two original barns on the property are currently being renovated to prevent further deterioration:` The original outhouse is near the barns, the inside having modern facilities. Many large trees are onthe property including a large walnut and redwood and an° - unusual deador. Our largest tree is a white oak-which is reported to be 600 years old. We are continuing to research and document the history of our house and hope to uncover more information in the coming year. Heinz and Margaret Schu