20101129 - Study Session - Joint meeting with Town Commissions to discuss stategic goals0'N R OF 1p COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 18, 2010 MEETING DATE: 11/29/10 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGER - SUBJECT: JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH TOWN COMMISSIONS TO DISCUSS PROPOSED STRATEGIC GOALS BACKGROUND In April 2010, the Town Council adopted the 2010 -2012, Core Values and Strategic Goals. The November 29 Council/Commissions Confluence is being held to receive input from key Town commissions regarding goals they would like Council to consider for inclusion in the 2011 -2013 Town Strategic Goals. A representative from each of the following commissions/boards will be provided up to five minutes to introduce suggested priorities, then join in a group discussion: Arts and Culture Commission, Community Services Commission, Library Board, Parks Commission Planning Commission, Transportation & Parking Commission and Youth Commission. Commission input will be considered by Council at its early 2011 Retreat when it will discuss changes, if any, to the current Strategic Goals. The national, state, regional and local economies all continue to be impacted by, if not suffer from, the so- called "Great Recession" with high unemployment, stagnant home prices, and declining tax revenues. Consequently, the Town's capacity to expand existing services or to add new services or projects will be particularly challenging given the ongoing budget reductions needed for the foreseeable future to maintain a balanced budget. DISCUSSION Seven of the Town's key commissions were asked to suggest strategic goals for Council's consideration. A listing of their recommendations is provided below. These recommendations are the commission/board proposals and have not been analyzed by staff. In some cases, PREPARED BY : Regina A. Communitfe*cesDirector Reviewed by: 1' Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Jn a Finance mmunity Development PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COMMISSIONER CONFLUENCE NOVEMBER 18, 2010 proposals outline specific projects rather than strategic goals. If directed, staff can evaluate these items for inclusion in the Manager's proposed Operating Budget. Arts and Culture Commission (ACC) The ACC has spent the last year developing an Arts Master Plan which it will present to Council December 6th. If approved, the Commission requests that the Arts Plan be included in the Strategic Goals.. This is consistent with the existing goal which states: • Restructure community arts and culture programs and services to meet community priorities and needs. Community Services Commission (CSC) The CSC is not recommending any new strategic goals. However, it asks that Council carryover all of the Civic Enrichment Strategic Goals and the following summarized goals into the 2011- 2013 document: • Increase communication with community. • Respond to ongoing structural deficit. • Expand the Los Gatos Prepared campaign. Library Board The Library Board recommends that the Council carryover the following goal into the next 2011- -2013 document: • Complete construction and opening of new library providing new and expanded library services. Specifically, the Board asks that this be interpreted to include funding of staff so the new library can be open 54 hrs /wk and that additional funds be made available for collection development. The Board also recommends that the Town continue the goal of increased community communication and improve the Town's website. Members find the Town site difficult to navigate. Parks Commission The Parks Commission proposes three new projects for inclusion in the Town's 2011 -13 Strategic Goals: • Develop a Turf Conversion Policy. (Quality Public Infrastructure) The Parks Commission proposes to draft a change to Town Policy regarding the use of turf in the Town's parks. The Parks Commission's goal is to convert turf to drought tolerant plant and natural hardscape in certain park areas of low intensity, recreational or decorative use. Further, in conformity with the Town's General Plan and in collaboration with Parks and Public Works and the community at large, the Parks Commission proposes to analyze issues such as aesthetics, costs, security, and other factors by converting turf at an initial site within the next year. PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COMMISSIONER CONFLUENCE NOVEMBER 18, 2010 • Improve connections between existing on -street bicycle lanes, multi -use trails, and open space (General Plan Policy OSP -3.2; Civic Enrichment) • Develop a maintenance plan and criteria for each park. (Quality Public Infrastructure and Civic Enrichment) In addition, the Commission proposes the continuance of two existing goals summarized below: • Develop master plan for new sports /recreation facility. • Increase communication with community. The Commission would like to expand outreach with regard to parks, recreation, and Town beautification efforts. Planning Commission (PC) The PC would like Council to carryover three existing Strategic Goals. It requests a joint study session to discuss the following two higher priority goals as well as other topics such as "community benefit": • Update the Los Gatos Blvd. Plan; the Commission would like this to include a traffic study, and relate the Plan to the North Forty, Downtown and the Vasona light rail. It also recommends that the Plan be extended to the northern Town limits. • Complete and adopt the 2020 General Plan focused update, including new Housing Element. As part of this goal, the PC requests interim guidance on Affordable Housing Overlay Zones. Lastly, the Commission requests that the goal regarding review of the Town's policy regarding the serving of alcohol in restaurants and other establishments be continued. Transportation & Parking Commission (TPC) The TPC proposes three new projects: • Revisit the comprehensive downtown parking garage plan from the 1960's as it relates to the current downtown parking garage concept. Also, pursue the purchase of available parking in the downtown area, i.e. Royce Street. Investigate bonds as a source of revenue for. construction of downtown parking structures with a similar approach used for Parking Garage #4. (Fiscal Stability) • Work together with the Planning Department to ensure compliance with AB 1358 "Complete Streets Program." This bill requires that the Town, upon any substantive revision of the circulation element of the general plan, modify the circulation element to plan for a balanced, multimodal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, roads, and highways. (Public Infrastructure) • Propose and develop a program to evaluate traffic circulation procedures /techniques, traffic safety enforcement, and student parking on and off the Los Gatos High School campus. This pilot project would be designed in cooperation with the Town's Police Department, Transportation and Parking Commission, the Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School District, and the Los Gatos High School Administration. (Good Governance) PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: COMMISSIONER CONFLUENCE NOVEMBER 18, 2010 • Perform a comprehensive assessment of residential permit parking signs in the Almond Grove District. Replace old signs that are inconsistent and replace them with uniform signage for residential permit parking. (Quality Public Infrastructure) • Prepare an official Town of Los Gatos Bicycle & Trail Map. (Civic Enrichment) Youth Commission The Youth Commission proposes the following projects for inclusion in the Town's Strategic Goals: • Continuation of the Youth Friendly Business Program • Programs /services to reduce teen stress • Policies to limit teen access to tobacco • Inclusion of youth focused retail and teen retailers in the North 40 CONCLUSION The Town's Strategic Plan identifies priorities and provides staff with guidance in developing the Annual Operating Budget. The study session with the commissions is an opportunity to obtain informed community input. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The recommended action is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT Any new strategies or projects proposed by the commission and included in the Town Council's 2011 -13 Strategic Goals would be incorporated into the Town's Annual Operating budget. Attachments: 2010 -2012 Strategic Goals Distribution: Arts and Culture Commission Community Services Commission Library Board Parks Commission Planning Commission Transportation & Parking Commission Youth Commission