2010110107 - Consideration and Approval of the Human Services Element for the 2020 General Plan�pW N OF I! g COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2010 MEETING DATE: 11 /1 /10 ITEM NO: r] TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG LARSON, TOWN MANAGI!t ' SUBJECT: TOWN COUNCIL CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT FOR THE 2020 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE RECOMMENDATION: Review and approve the modified Human Services Element for the 2020 General Plan Update BACKGROUND On September 20 the Town Council approved the environmental documentation and all aspects of the 2020 General Plan Update, as pteviously directed by Council and recommended by the Planning Commission, except for the Housing Element and the Human Services Element. At that meeting, the Mayor requested additional time to submit and incorporate many editorial and substantive suggestions for the Human Services Element which otherwise would have taken considerable time to review individually during the course of the meeting. Staff concurred with the continuance of the Human Services Element given the priority direction provided by Council to focus on Youth and Senior Services as part of the General Plan Update. The Housing Element is being considered separately on this agenda. PREPARED BY : GREG LARSON Town Manager Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manage{ 11 � F Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance _Community Development NAMGRWdminWorkFiles\2010 Council ReporiMuman services Element 11 -1 -10 TC Report (2).docx PAGE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: 2020 General Plan Human Services Element October 27, 2010 ANALYSIS Town staff has reviewed the suggested modifications submitted by the Mayor and others, as well as other potential changes and opportunities. The most substantive of these changes address the following issues: • Fostering the health and well -being of Los Gatos • Strengthening and clarifying desirable youth services and programs, including civic engagement • Strengthening and clarifying desirable senior services and programs, including senior housing, social engagement and safety • Strengthening and clarifying desirable artistic and cultural opportunities, including the literary arts, performing arts facilities, and artistic collaborations and partnerships. Staff concurs with all of the recommended changes as incorporated in the attached documents. The first document is a next -to -final draft including all prior and new modifications, except for final formatting, numbering and technical edits. The second document is a "red- line" version showing both previously recommended modifications as well as the new recommended changes. The final document provides the recommended addition of two additional goals and associated policies which could not be included in the other documents without extensive re- numbering and editing in advance prior to Council approval. PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, the Town has not received any new public comments on the Human Services Element. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None of the new edits and changes have any impact on the previously approved EIR. FISCAL IMPACT: Adoption of the Human Services Element does not require any specific budgetary changes or fiscal impacts, but will inform future strategic priorities and budgetary decisions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Recommended 2020 General Plan Human Services Element, pending final Council modifications, direction and incorporation of final edits, numbering and formatting. 2. Recommended 2020 General Plan Human Services Element in a "red- line" format. 3. Recommended addition of two goals and associated polices to the Human Services Element. 12 HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT A. Introducdon Major land use and development decisions have important physical, economic, social, and environmental implications that must be considered by public officials during any planning process. A Human Services Element in the General Plan provides a venue for bringing human concerns into the physical planning process. Human Services are those services in the community, both public and private, designed especially to meet the social, health, safety, communication, education and artistic needs of people. This Element expands upon the Town's role and responsibilities pertaining to the broad areas of human services and assessing needs for available resources. Through an effective Human Services Element the Town will be better able to assist individuals and families in achieving and maintaining high levels of social well- being, leading to a more positive and satisfied community. The Town should be involved in meeting human needs, but may not necessarily be responsible for directly delivering all services. The Town recognizes the value of public and private agencies working together to effectively deliver services. The Town can be a leader in bringing agencies together and encouraging long -range planning. For services not directly provided by the Town, the Town may assume any of the following four roles to assist in developing more effective delivery of Human Services in Los Gatos: resource coordinator; educator; advocate; facilitator, and evaluator. This Element is divided into the following sections: ♦ Public Health ♦ Schools ♦ Youth Services ♦ Libraries ♦ Senior Services ♦ .-arts & Culture Each of these components is divided into the following sections: ♦ Background Information: Provides background information about the various resources within Los Gatos. ♦ Goals, Policies and Actions: Provides guidance to the Town related to decisions affecting the resources addressed in this Element. HS -1 ATTACHMENT TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT B. Pub/rcHealth The Town of Los Gatos wants to help ensure a healthy community through planning efforts that can directly enhance the wellness of the community. 1. Background Public health and planning professionals now recognize that increasing individuals' physical activity is paramount to - healthy populations, and that the built environment greatly influences lifestyle choices that promote such activity. Los Gatos strives to be an active, inclusive and responsive community, where healthy habits are encouraged rather than discouraged by the environments we build. Goals, policies, and actions that promote active healthy lifestyles are also found in the Land Use Element and Transportation Element. Policies related to community health are also addressed in other sections of this General Plan, including: ♦ Emergency preparedness in the Safety Element. ♦ Parks and recreational opportunities in the Open Space Element. ♦ Water and air quality in the Environment and Sustainability Element. ♦ Fire and Police services in this Human Services Element. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -1 To ensure resources and programs are available for the health needs of the entire community, including youth and seniors. Policies Policy HS -1.1 Encourage the retention of three nearby hospitals: El Camino Hospital Los Gatos, Good Samaritan Hospital, and its \fission Oaks Campus. Policy HS -1.2 Promote health services provided by other agencies to local residents. HS -2 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Policy HS -13 Encourage a full array of health care professionals to locate their practices in Los Gatos. Action Action HS -1.1 Annually review programs the Town supports to assure they meet the health needs of target groups. Action HS -1.2 Identify health services that are not readily available in Los Gatos and add them to the Town's economic vitality efforts. C. Youth Services Having community activities and services catering to young persons 18 years of age or younger is important for families in Los Gatos. The Town of Los Gatos strives to be a youth - friendly community and recognizes that youth services must be identified and developed to foster a healthy and active environment for youth growing up in Los Gatos. 1. Background Information Almost 30 percent of all households in Los Gatos have at least one youth under the age of 18. Young persons under the age of 18 represent approximately 20 percent of the total population in Los Gatos. Youth represent the future of Los Gatos, and providing and maintaining services for youth continues to be an important issue to the Town. Information on youth organizations, library services, family and community events and Town policies for youth can be found on the Town's website in the Youth and Teen Resources section. The Town of Los Gatos provides the following youth services. a. Youth Commission Formed in 2004, the Los Gatos Youth Commission includes 20 young persons who live in Los Gatos and go to schools throughout Santa Clara County. Youth on this Commission are in grades 8 through 12 and are formally appointed by the Town Council. The Youth Commission represents the youth community of Los Gatos and is supported by the Los Gatos /bfonte Sereno Police Department. The purpose of this Commission is to increase communication between adults and HS -3 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN F I C SI A ] S E R N I C E S E L E M E] "t youth in Los Gatos, to give youth an avenue for expressing their voice in Town affairs and on issues related to youth in Los Gatos, and to encourage them to make civic engagement part of their adult lives. b. Community Services Commission Two of the nine members appointed to the Community Services Commission in Los Gatos are high school youth. The Community Services Commission advises the Town Council on housing and community development issues in Los Gatos. This Commission develops partnerships With public and private agencies that can help support various housing and community programs. c. Parks Commission Two of the nine members of the Parks Commission are youth. The Parks Commission advises the Town Council on issues related to public parks, trails, grounds, street trees and Town beautification. d. Los Gatos Library The Los Gatos Library provides collections and services specifically oriented to- ward children and teens. The new library opening in 2010 will have expanded seat- ing and study areas specifically for Los Gatos youth e. Community Unity The Town's volunteer recruitment and coordination service provides targeted op- portunities for youth and family volunteer projects, internships and other services in Town parks, trails, government offices and other agencies and programs. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -2 To meet the needs of Los Gatos youth. Policies Policy HS -2.1 The Town shall interact with applicable agencies and entities that provide youth services to ensure that the needs of children and teens are met. HS -4 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Policy HS -2.2 The Town shall encourage a broad array of child care facilities and services to meet the economic, geographic and demographic diversity of Los Gatos. Actions Action HS -2.1 Towm staff shall meet with agencies as needed to identify the needs of children in the community. Goal HS -3 To offer a wide range of youth programs and services within the Town. Policies Policy HS -3.1 Continue to support organizations that offer recreational activities and events for youth. Policy HS -3.2 Coordinate with public and private schools, local non - profits , service clubs and other agencies to provide oppormnities for youth to explore and enjoy sports, creative and performing arts, and future career paths. Policy HS -3.3 Coordinate with local organizations to support and encourage youth and multi- generational volunteer opportunities. Actions Action HS -3.1 Coordinate with community partners to conduct a needs assessment for youth facilities, activities, employment opportunities and programs, prioritize results and implement as feasible. HS -5 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN H U M A N S E R\'7C ES ELEMENT :Action HS -3.2 Encourage youth art by periodically display- ing youth artwork in gallery space in the Town Council Chambers, Library, and the Civic Center. :fiction HS -3.3 Continue to utilize traditional communication tools and new media and technology to pro- mote youth programs and services Goal HS -4 To encourage civic involvement of all youth in the community. Policies Policy HS -4.1 Continue to encourage the Youth Commission to explore youth concerns and opportunities, facilitate community forums, and undertake special projects. Pohcy HS -4.2 Continue to challenge the Youth Commission to develop new youth - oriented initiatives such as the Youth - Friendly Business Program. Policy HS -4.3 Continue to work with community partners to_provide a variety of programs and events for Town youth. Policy HS -4.4 Encourage students and families to attend Council, Commission and other public agency meetings. Policy HS -4.5 Recognize exemplar- youth who are actively involved in civic and community' activities, events, services and programs. HS -6 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Policy HS -4.6 Engage youth in Town beautification and other civic improvement efforts. Actions Action HSA.1 Create additional opportunities to involve the Youth Commission with other Commissions. Action HSA.2 Continue the Community Unity program to encourage youth volunteer opportunities and resources. Goal HS -5 To promote safe, youth - friendly environments within the Town. Actions Action HS -5.1 Work with the Town of Los Gatos Library, Police Department, and_Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation District to create a program to educate youth about intemet use safety. Action HS-5.2 Work with local schools and other community organizations to educate and encourage positive behavioral choices. Action HS -5.3 Support continuation of positive parenting and family relationship courses and programs provided by regional agencies and other resources. Goal HS -6 To ensure that bicycling and wallcing is safe for youth throughout the Town. HS -7 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Policies Policy HS -6.1 Promote educational programs for youth that encourage safe and fun bicycle t commuting and recreational riding and pedestrian safety. Policy HS -6.2 Promote the Safe Routes to School program, which supports safety ,L. improvements that encourage safe walking and bicycling to school. Policy HS -6.3 Coordinate with local businesses, r , organizations and school districts to develop innovative programs, such as 'Walking School Buses" and `Bicycle Trains" that encourage youth to commute to and from school in groups. Actions Action HS -6.1 Coordinate with local organizations and school districts to develop a program to offer bicycle and pedestrian safety and education classes for youth. Action HS -6.2 Identify safety improvements that will allow for safe walking and bicycling to schools. Action HS -6.3 Coordinate with schools and the police department to develop and implement a teen driver safety program. D. Senior Services Seniors, or persons identified as age 65 and older, are a significant and growing population group in Los Gatos. In Santa Clara County, seniors are the fastest growing population segment, expected to number more than 300,000 by 2020. The Town of Los Gatos strives to be a senior friendly community and recognizes that, HS -8 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT as this population group continues to grow and age, services must be identified and developed to accommodate the needs of older adults. 1. Background Information The Los Gatos population is growing older. In 2010, the median age of the Los Gatos population is estimated to be 45 years, while in 1970 it was estimated to be 30 years. The older population is evidenced by the increasing proportion of the Los Gatos population who are age 65 and older. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the number of seniors in Los Gatos has increased from 11 percent of the total population in Los Gatos in 1970 to 15 percent by 2000. Currently, it is estimated that seniors represent 17 percent of the total population in Los Gatos and could be at 20 percent by 2020. The Town of Los Gatos contracts with the Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District for services, information and activities for seniors living in Los Gatos. Many of these services are provided at the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center at 208 E. Main Street in Los Gatos. a. Healthcare and Social Services Los Gatos provides a majority of its healthcare and social service programs for seniors through the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center. The Los Gatos Monte Serene, Police Department also offers a daily senior check in program called Operation C. A.R.E. i. Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center The Adult Recreation Center is a gathering place for seniors in Los Gatos and provides several senior healthcare and social services. The Center provides case management services to seniors. This service includes advice and referrals to social service agencies, and assistance in completing applications for social services. The location of the Center is shown on Figure HS -1. Through the Adult Recreation Center, volunteer counselors give assistance to seniors interested in drawing up a "durable power of attorney," or health care power of attorney. Volunteer counselors also provide other services such as neutral healthcare insurance advice and information and income tax assistance. ii. Operation CARE. Program Operation C. A.R.E., or Caring About Resident Elders, is a program run by the Los Gatos /Monte Sereno Police Department that offers a free, daily phone call to check -in on the welfare of seniors who may be living alone. A Police Dispatcher HS -9 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R C I C E S E L E M E N I ' will call at an agreed -upon time with the senior and if unable to reach the senior or any of the senior's emergency contacts, a Police Officer will be sent to the home to check on his /her welfare. Seniors can register for this free sen -ice through the Los Gatos /i\•Ionte Sereno Police Department. Figure HS -1 Youth and Senior Public Facilities HS -10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R N I C E S E L E M E N T b. Housing The Town of Los Gatos strives to provide a variety of housing alternatives to allow seniors to live independently and age in place as they so choose. These housing types include not only single family homes, town homes, condominiums and apartments, but also life care communities, affordable housing, shared housing and below market rate properties. Villa Vasona, Blossom Hill and Anne Way offer affordable senior units to Los Gatos residents, while the Terraces of Los Gatos, a senior residential care facility run by American Baptist Homes of the West, offers 59 beds and has independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing programs on -site. Twenty -nine of the senior units at the Terraces of Los Gatos are Below Market Price (BbfP) units under the Town's BN1P program. Los Gatos also has Los Gatos Meadows Life Care Retirement, nm by Episcopal Senior Communities, which has 170 units of studios, apartments and cottages that house approsimately 200 residents. The Town also supports a Housing Conservation Program which offers no- interest and low- interest loans to income - eligible Los Gatos residents, including seniors, for home rehabilitation projects. The program is adm by the Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development Department and makes home rehabilitation loans available to qualified Los Gatos renters and owners. c. Transportation The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) operates up to sic public transit bus lines that run through the Town and several park -and -ride lots. The community relies primarily on non -profit organizations to provide transportation services and education for seniors in Los Gatos. The OUTREACH Senior Transportation Program provides public pamtransit services as an alternative for seniors who are unable to access or use fixed -route public transit. The :-American Association of Retired People (.CARP) hosts a quarterly senior driver safety course called the 55 Alive Driver Safety Program. The Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center in Los Gatos offers information on the OUTREACH Senior Transportation Program. The Center also provides discounted BART tickets for seniors in Los Gatos. HS -11 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SER \'ICES ELEMENT d. Recreational and Social Activities The Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center is a central gathering place that often hosts local activities for seniors. The Center also publishes a free bi- monthly newsletter with information on local events, programs and announcements geared toward seniors. The Center hosts a number of events for seniors in Los Gatos, including: ♦ A weekly Town- sponsored walking group to promote exercise; ♦ A weekly bingo night, sponsored by Live Oak Senior Nutrition and Services; ♦ A Live Oak Nutrition Lunch, followed by a free movie, every month; ♦ A weekly board games and table games event, sponsored by the Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District's 55 (and over) Program; - ♦ An annual Senior Thanksgiving dinner with food from local restaurants; and ♦ Senior picnics at local parks. The Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District offers several classes geared toward seniors, ranging from dance and exercise to writing, language and technology education. The Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation District publishes a monthly newsletter and also organizes day and extended day trips for seniors. Information on such trips offered through other senior centers can also be obtained through the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center in Los Gatos. The Los Gatos Public Library offers several programs and services for seniors, seven days a week. A monthly book club, Internet classes, a weekly knitting group and quarterly evening programs featuring special guests are among the many free programs offered to all. The Library offers a variety of materials including a magnified and large type section. Several non -profit agencies also provide assistance and support for seniors in Los Gatos. Senior programs managed by non -profit agencies include: ♦ Live Oak Adult Day Services ♦ Long -Tenn Care Ombudsman ♦ Operation Brown Bag ♦ The Health Place, San Jose State University's School of Nursing ♦ Aleals On Wheels HS -12 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -7 To ensure programs for social interaction for senior c Policies Policy HS -7.1 The Town shall act as a clearinghouse for social programs provided by other agencies and groups that provide aid for social problems. Policy HS -7.2 Regularly consult with older adults and seniors on the services and programs they desire and need. Policy HS -7.3 Encourage the Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District and other service providers to provide a wide variety of senior services and programs, including daily opportunities for seniors to have physical activity, social interaction and mental stimulation. Policy HS -7.4 Coordinate with local organizations to support opportunities for seniors to interact with youth in Los Gatos. Policy HS -7.5 Encourage new development to include intergenerational spaces, such as cafes or family- oriented outdoor spaces. Action Action HS -7.1 Annually review social programs offered by the Town and other agencies to determine if they meet the needs of seniors. HS -13 TOWN O F LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Action HS -7.2 Collaborate with the Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District and other local organizations to develop a program to provide additional recreational and fitness programs for seniors. Action HS -7.3 Explore ways to increase the focus on senior needs in existing commissions and consider establishing a separate or broader commission focusing on senior issues. Action HS -7.4 Develop or identify an existing facility for a full service senior center. Action HS -7.5 Connect seniors with existing resources in the community. Action HS -7.6 Annually set funding priorities which include funds for senior needs. Action HS -7.7 Continue to utilize traditional communication tools and new media and technology to promote senior' programs as best suited to meet their needs (e.g., larger type for ease of reading). Goal HS -8 To improve mobility and access to care and services for seniors. Policies Policy HS -8.1 The Town shall coordinate with senior service providers who provide or support senior shuttle services so that seniors have convenient access to social services, commercial areas, medical services and transportation. HS -14 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S F R V I C E S E L E M E S T Policy HS -8.2 Encourage all new senior housing developments to provide transportation services. Policy HS -8.3 Encourage businesses and health care providers that serve seniors to locate in Town. Actions Action HS -8.1 Seek funding and coordinate with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to provide lower, subsidized public transit fares for seniors. Goal HS -9 To encourage a wide variety of types of senior housing, including independent living, residential care facilities, and affordable housing within the Town. Policies Policy HS -9.1 Encourage new development or substantial remodels to incorporate barrier -free design principles to ensure access for people of all ages and abilities. Actions Action HS -9.1 Identify incentives for the development of a variety of types of senior housing, including independent living and residential care facilities. E. Schools Quality education is important to the residents of the Town. However, while local land use and development decisions may impact school facilities, mitigation for HS -15 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HCMA\ 5ERt'10ES ELEMENT school impacts required of developers may be limited by State legislation or other factors. 1. Background Information Sir different school districts serve the residents of the Town of Los Gatos. These are the Los Gatos Union School District, the Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School District, the Campbell Union School District, the Campbell Union High School District and the Cambrian Union Elementary District. In addition, nearby West Valley Community College, located in the City- of Saratoga, offers academic and career programs. The location of the elementary and high schools that serve Los Gatos students is shown on Figure HS -1. Elementary and high school district boundaries are shown in Figures HS -2 and HS -3, respectively. a. Los Gatos Union School District The Los Gatos Union School District has four elementary schools and one middle school providing educational services to the children of Los Gatos: • Blossom Hill Elementary School (16400 Blossom Hill Road) • Daves Avenue Elementary School (17770 Daves Avenue) • Le. i- gton Elementary School (19700 Old Santa Cruz Highway) • Van Meter Elementary School (16445 Los Gatos Boulevard) • Raymond J. Fisher Middle School (19195 Fisher Avenue) All the elementary schools serve kindergarten through grade 5. Raymond J. Fisher Middle School serves Los Gatos students in grades 6 through 8. b. Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School District The Los Gatos - Saratoga Union High School District has two high schools, Los Gatos High and Saratoga High, which serve over 3,100 students from unincorporated Santa Clara County as well as the communities of Los Gatos, Monte Sereno and Saratoga. Each school offers grades 9 through 12. Campbell Union School District c. Campbell Union School District More than 7,300 students from the communities of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara and Saratoga attend the 12 schools within the Campbell Union School District. The four schools within the District that serve the Town of Los Gatos me Capri, Forest Hill and Marshall Lane Elementary Schools, all of which offer kindergarten through grade 5, and Rolling Hills Muddle School, which offers grades 5 through 8. HS -16 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELE V ENT The only one of these schools located within the Town of Los Gatos is Rolling Hills Middle School. AD the other schools are located neat the northwest border of the Town in different cities. HS -17 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 G E N E R A L PLAN HUMAN SERI ELEMENT Figure HS-2 Elementary Schools and School Districts HS -18 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Figure HS -3 High School and School Districts HS -19 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SER \'ICES ELEMENT d. Campbell Union High School District Campbell Union High School District serves over 7,700 students at five campuses: Branham, Del afar, Leigh, Prospect and Westmont High Schools. Both Leigh and Westmont High Schools serve the residents of-Town of Los Gatos. e. Union Elementary School District Union Elementary School District serves approximately 4,400 students enrolled in eight elementary schools (K -5 grades) and two middle schools (serving 6 -8 grades). The Alta Vista Elementary School serves Los Gatos students. f Cambrian Elementary School District Cambrian Elementary School District serves approximately 3,142 students enrolled in four elementary schools (KS grades) and one middle school (serving 6 -8 grades). The Famham Elementary School is the only school in this district that serves Los Gatos students. g. West Valley Community College Located within the City of Saratoga and serving Los Gatos residents, West Valley Community College offers career programs, professional certificates and degree programs with preparation for transfer to four -pear colleges and universities. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -10 To maintain a system of open communications between the Town, school districts and the development community in order to coordinate the activities of each to achieve the highest quality of education for all public schools students. Policies Policy HS -10.1 Encourage developers to engage in early discussions with the Town and school districts regarding a project, its potential impacts on schools and the potential to reduce impacts. These discussions should occur as early as possible in the project planning stage, preferably preceding land acquisition. HS -20 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Policy HS -10.2 Cooperate with school districts in identifying and evaluating population and demographic changes that may impact schools. Policy HS -10.3 Allow alternative uses of the sites and facilities of schools, subject to conditions that will protect the surrounding neighborhood. Action Action HS -10.1 Amend Town development applications to require applicants for residential projects—to contact the affected school districts to discuss the impacts of the proposed development. R Libraries The Town of Los Gatos has one public library located within the Town's Civic Center complex, which was built in 1964 when the population of the Town was approximately 9,000. Since that time, the population of the Town has grown to just over 30,000, with approximately 20,000 registered library card holders and material borrowers. The Los Gatos library provides a variety of services for people of all ages. 1. Background Information To meet the community's growing library needs, the Town of Los Gatos is building a new, larger library that will be located on the southeast comer of the Civic Center complex. The new library is expected to open in early 2012. The new two-story library will be approximately 30,000 square feet and will include: a separate space for children's story- telling programs; a separate teen room; reading and study areas for users of all ages; computer areas for research, Internet access and technology- education; laptop areas; additional self -check out machines; and space for the Town's extensive history collection. The new library- wdll also have more seating and added space for adult and youth book collections and multi-media collections. The current library collection consists of books, audiobooks, magazines and periodicals, newspapers, DVDs, CDs, CD ROMs, video cassettes, microfilm and reference materials. A current collection of Los Gatos High School textbooks is HS -21 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT also available for in -house use. The library also subscribes to computerized databases which provide access to thousands of archived newspapers, periodicals, primary source documents, reference works and media files. These databases are accessible on library computers and remotely using a library card number. The library also holds an extensive collection of historical artifacts and information, with emphasis on the Town of Los Gatos and surrounding areas. Original photographs and newspapers are available, along with copies of death certificates and profiles of historic homes. The library provides access to research on the original `Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos," the Hernandez and Peralta families, grantees of the land, the John Lyndon family, and other early settlers who were important in the founding of the Town. The library's History Collection includes information on local authors, such as Colonel Charles Erskine Scott Wood, Sara Bard Field and Ruth Comfort 'Mitchell. The library also owns signed fast editions of many local authors. The digitized collection of nearly 4,000 historic photographs includes the Hamsher Collection, donated to the library in the mid- 1950s, the entire photo collection of the Museum of Los Gatos, and many other images donated by long -time Los Gatos families. In addition to reference and checkout services, the library offers story- times; after school programs; volunteer reading programs; book discussion groups; knitting groups; computer and internet access; wireless internet access; internet classes; summer reading programs, and Friends of the Library programs, featuring special speakers, artists and performers. Reference Librarians are also available to assist in locating materials in the Library. _U programs are open to the public and are free of charge. HS -22 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -11 To provide a library facility that will accommodate library services to meet the educational and informational needs of the community. Policies Policy HS -11.1 Ensure that all residents have access to library services, including access to technology resources. Policy HS -11.2 Maintain the library as an important activity center within the community. Actions Action HS -11.1 Investigate various funding mechanisms for ongoing operation and expansion of the library facility, services and programs. G. Arts and Cultural Enrichment The Town of Los Gatos has a rich history as a center of arts and literature and the home to both historical and contemporary artists of renown. And today, Los Gatos maintains a thriving arts community that is invaluable to people of all ages in the Town. The Town has committed to protecting and promoting its cultural resources, including theaters, museums, art galleries and public art. The Town also strives to further attract and encourage performing arts in Los Gatos, including live theater, music and dance, as well as the literary arts, including author events and poetry. 1. Programs and Facilities Los Gatos's Arts and Culture Commission is actively involved in promoting cultural events and public art displays in the Town. The Arts and Culture Commission is an advisory group to the Town Council and works to encourage the development of music, drama, art and other cultural and creative activities in Town. HS -23 TOWN O F LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN H C \I \S SERyIC ES ELEMENT The Town supports the Music in the Park Summer Concert Series, the annual July Fourth musical celebration, and public art in the Council Chambers and throughout the community. Los Gatos has two museums — the Art Museum of Los Gatos, located in a historic former firehouse on Tait .-Avenue, and the History 5luseum of Los Gatos, located in the Forbes Mill annex. AGhile the Town owns these two buildings, collections and operations of these museums are managed by a non - profit organization. The Town also supports art- related_non- profit organizations which host various music and arts programming. In addition, the Town appointed a Los Gatos Poet Laureate for the construction and opening of the new library, a new tradition which will likely continue to support the literary arts in Los Gatos. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -12 To enrich the Town by making visual arts, the performing arts, literary arts and other cultural amenities more accessible to the Town's residents. Policies Policy HS -12.1 Encourage public art in all new commercial development. Policy HS -12.2 Encourage art related uses (theaters, museums, art galleries) in new and remodeled retail development. Policy HS -12.3 Limit the conversion of museums and theaters to non -art related uses. Policy HS -12.4 Continue to support community -based and outdoor musical and other arts programs. Policy HS -12.5 Encourage new or expanded public and private facilities to host performing arts events for youth and the broader community. HS -24 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEME' T Policy HS -12.6 Encourage private /public funding, development and operation of cultural amenities, activities, and centers consistent with the small town character of Los Gatos. Policy HS -12.7 Encourage all local arts groups and artists to collaborate and partner across disciplines, mediums and venues for a richer and more diverse cultural expenence. Actions Action HS -12.1 Develop design guidelines to encourage incorporation of art and art related uses in new and remodel developments. Action HS -12.2 Study the feasibility of a performing arts center for the Town, including options for location and financing. HS -25 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT City of Campbell �1 r VV - I� �^�.� : - ♦ � °� ° j � Aft av�.ri1 ♦I ���j =d \�1 /Ili' 5y' •8 i♦ ilP� na IIIttM \�t� 71 will ° �' ap•' � Q ^L .r foume loin 01 Los Udw% u. Los Gatos Public Library - Blossom Mill Elementary - Van Meter Elementary - Leigh High School • - The Venue Teen Center Daves Avenue Elementary A Rolling Hills Middle School . Los Gatos High School • Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center FIGURE HS -1 YOUTH AND SENIOR SERVICES TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Soc¢eTow of Los Gato, 2008 Elementary School Districts Public Schools Cambrian School District - = Raymond J. Fisher Middle Blossom Hill Elementary Campbell Union School-District Los Gatos Union School District Van Meter Elementary FIGURE HS -? Union School District ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS 'FOA N OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT City of cSIM.Sl Campbell F �■1 C% t jyY S � _ - _ � �� 'aj • � v m t l _,&Z` �� r �� � m •itgh ai�i {���r w � i t, r �♦.' jam.•►:- .. —v FOR q Lexington Reservoir Unincorporated __j Santa Clara County Ile C.r� High School Districts School Campbell Union High School District r M Los Gatos High Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School Disnrict FIGURE HS -3 HIGH SCHOOL AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS 12 HumAN SERVICES ELEMENT A. .Introduction Major land use and development decisions have important physical, economic, social, and environmental implications that must be considered by public officials during any planning process. A Human Services Element in the General Plan provides a. venue for bringing human concerns into the physical planning process. Human Services are those services in the community, both public and private, designed especially to meet the social, health, safety, communication, education and artistic needs of people. This Element expands upon the Towels role and responsibilities pertaining to the broad areas of human services and assessing needs for available resources. Through an effective Human Services Element the Town will be better able to assist individuals and families in achieving and main high levels of social well- being, leading to a more positive and satisfied community. The Town should be involved in xesakiag- me�tixt� human needs, but may not necessarily be responsible for directly delivering all services. The Town recognizes the value of public and private agencies working together to effectively deliver services —sad. The Town can be a leadr[ in 6 'ngipg�a�ncies toge�er and encoura Lg also recognizes '_ benefits of long - range planning. For services not directly provided by the Town, the Town may assume any of the following four roles to assist in developing more effective delivery of Human Services in Los Gatos: resource coordinator; educator-an& advocate; facilitator; and evaluator. This Element is divided into the following sections ♦ Youth Services ♦ Fire- Preteetiea ♦ Senior Services ♦ Police 8eniiee ♦ Schools ♦ Water Servie ♦ Libraries ♦ � - asteostet ♦ Town Arts ♦ Srermvstez ♦ Public Health Each of these components is divided into the following sections: ♦ Background Information: Provides background information about the various resources within Los Gatos. HS -1 ATTACHMENT TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN I I C ]I \ ] S E R X I C E S E L E N I E N I ' ( ♦ Goals, Policies and Actions: Provides guidance to the Town related to decisions affecting the resources addressed in this Element. B. Public Health The Town of Los Gatos wants to help ensure a healthy community through planning efforts that can directly enhance the wellness of the community. 1. Background Public health and planning professionals now recognize that increasing individuals' physical activity is paramount to healthy populations, and that the built environment greatly influences lifestyle choices that promote such activity. Go�ftkies which are ee t ac enodes of t iftmpmrat i on m d access recreation allow " ph piftemed ' --- stratees can _[c_ _. :_1_: i_d:__d._1 _..al L __LL_ access D populfttiew in Los . 1 Ga tos strives to be an active inclusive and r�,no is o In 'ty where healthy habits are n o aged rather thin discouraged by the em-ironments We build Goals, policies, and actions that promote active raodes of lifestyks are also found in the Land Use Element and Transportation Element. Land use piftruting 63 feccndr­l�eeome foods and access to health Care. inereasing A— ftenurf r access t-5 quality eare and diet am not only vital _ l orIg i ty, C effft 3 significantly redme the frequency of the le-acig causes of death in Santa Clara Gounty: Cancer, eorornry heart disease and Stroke. Policies related to community health are also addressed in other sections of this General Plan, including ♦ Emergency preparedness in the Safety Element. • Parks and recreational opportunities in the Open Space Element. ♦ \Water and au quality in the Environment and Sustainabilin• Element. ♦ Fire and Police services in this Human Services Element. HS TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT 2. Goals, Policies and Actions - Goal HS -1 To ensure resources and programs are available for the health needs of the entire community, including youth and seniors. Policies Policy HS -1.1 Encourage the retention of three nearby hospitals: El Camino Hosotial Los (3atg-%— Samaritan Hospital, El fie-- Hespitsl —and om bLssion Oaks Campus 4 ^- -' °- --=- -- Mospi Policy HS -12 Promote health services provided by other agencies and to local residents. of targetgreups. Poole _Yolicc I fS - I 3 Encourage a full aaay of health care professionals to locate their practices in Los Gatos. Action Action HS -1.1 Annually review programs the Town supports to assure they meet the health needs of target groups. Action HS -la Identify health services that are eidh not readily available in Los Gatos and add them to the Town's economic citabW efforts. HS -3 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN H C \f v\ SF:Rv10ES ELEMENT 1 C. Youth Services Havingcommunity activities and services catering to young persons 18 years of age or younger is important for families in Los Gatos. The Town of Los Gatos strives to be a much- friendly community and recognizes that youth services must be identified and developed to foster a healthy and active environment for youth growing up in Los Gatos. 1. Background Information iJouseholds, almost 30 percent of all households in Los Gatos have at least one youth under the age of 18. Young persons under the age of 18 represent approximately 20 percent of the total population in Los Gatos. Youth represent the future of Los Gatos, and providing and maintaining services for youth continues to be an important issue to the Town. Information on youth organizations, library services, family and community events .` and Town policies for youth can be found on the Town's website in the Youth and i Teen Resources section. The Town of Los Gatos provides the following youth services. a. Youth Commission Fowled in 2001, the Los Gatos Youth Conunission includes 20 young persons who live in Los Gatos and go to schools throughout Santa Clara County. Youth on this Commission are in grades 8 through 12 and are formally appointed by the Town Council. The Youth Commission represents the youth community of Los Gatos and is supported by the Los Gatos /hfonte Sereno Police Department. The purpose of this Commission is to increase communication between adults and youth in Los Gatos -and. to give youth an avenue for expressing their voice in Town affairs and on issues related to youth in Los Gatos and to encourage them to engagement part of their adult lives b. Community Services Commission Two of the nine members appointed to the Community Services Commission in Los Gatos are high school youth. The Communing Services Commission advises the Town Council on housing and communit. development issues in Los Gatos. This Commission develops partnerships with public and private agencies that can help support various housing and community programs. The two C__ _ l` .. L_ L _I_ ._L__I ....'�1 h ave HS-4 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SER VICES ELEMENT c. Parks Commission TT of the nine members of the Parks Commission are youth. Youth tnembets of the Parks Genunission also adhere to the sa� requirements as oudi�ed above f�r youth rnembers of the Gemnftwity Services . The Parks Commission advises the Town Council on issues related to public parks, trails, grounds, street trees and Town beautification. War children and • 1 mill have e4 • study areas specifically for Ga e. Community Units The Town's volunteer recruitment and coordination service Provides targsted op_ nortunities for youth and family volunteer Projects intern -hips and other service in Town parks trails- government offices and other =ncies and proorams 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -2 To reeve — meet the sgeeial —needs of e�ildlea sad Gatos youth. Policies Pohcy HS-2.1 The Town shall interact with applicable agencies and entities that provide ekildren =r ou services to ensure that 1hh�iteeds of children and Sure met. HS -5 TORN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN JI CM %S SERl'ICES EI.E)1EST f Actions Action H Town staff shall meet with agencies as nee ded to identifc the needs of children in the community. 1 Goal HS -3 To etpsad -offer a wide range of youth programs and services offered-within the Town. Policies Policy HS -3.1 Continue to support oonanuations avha that offer t--., - 41-timp sad '2 hfHrHe recreational acti6ties and events for youth. srnms�-i- P-lse�Ta:e and other sirrmlar-�� OF` ng both diy6me—and—tighttirne HS -6 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Policy HS -3.2 Coordinate with rntblic and private schools. local non - profits service clubs and other agencies seep -mss-- the --hes Gates S=teg* Recreation Distfiet to provide opportunities for sad h to explore and enJ4y sports creative and performing arts and future career paths {S -3 1 Coordinate with local organizations to support and encourage youth and multi- generational volunteer opportunities at the S Gent-- - -' seftief housing fiteilities, so that you Actions Action HS -3.1 Coordinate with community partners to conduct a needs assessment for youth facilities activities employment opportunities and programs prioritize results and implement as feasible Develop- ItImegraarte, eff�r T� sponsored events geared toward HS -7 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Cl Ac tion HS-32 Fn o ragnyouth art by periodicallyy displar- ing' ouch artwork in gallery space in the Town Council Chambers librar and the Civic Center. Action H� 3 3 Continue to utilize itio d commucication tools and new media and technology to promote youth programs Action HS -3.4 `' ------ - -' -- -�-- ._c. .t -- - ItI cc - ' to - see i ft tthe T — rv Goal HS To eontintie to work %%ith the Youth Gemmission and encourage civic eemmunihy involvement of all youth in the community. Policies Policy HS -0.1 Continue to encourage the You Commission to eepsore youth concerns and opportunities. facilitate community fomms and undertake special projects. Policy FIS-43 Continue to challenge the Youth Commission to develop new youth - oriented initiatives such as the lbuth Friendly_ Business Program Potty HS-4.3 Continue to work with commun y partners to proside a variety of programs and events for Town Youth- HS-8 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT policy HS4.4 Encourage students and families to attend oun 1. Commission and other public agency meetinQS. Pont- iS Polig 1 -IS -4 3 Recognize exempla youth Who are actively involved in civic and community activities events services and progt — arcs. 1-nlie.r 4-4- 4 L(,lic 1 -1S -46 Engage youth in Town /may beautification and other civic sIJ improvement efforts. - Actions Action HS -0.1 Create additional opportunities to involve the Youth Commission with other Cotumissions. Action HS-42 Continue •- - -V ert -the Community Unity Bevelep a program oF encoutW youth volunteer and repleg�ea pportunities and resources. in ee�etion with programs and services pfei'dedby the To%n. reset - enter or an -- li ne resourc Goal HS -5 To promote safe, youth - friendly environments within the Town. Actions i s Eneoura ' for el-Adrea and Emilies. HS -9 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN 11L\IXN SLRI'[CRS LLL11L \'r 1 .action HS -i.l - d teem. k with the ToW of Los Gatos library Police Department- and Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation District er-s 2imA= create a prog a5 m to educate youth about intemet use safety Acdon HS-52 Work With local schools and other ommuni�c organiz dons to educate and ncouragc positive behavioral choices � cai,m liS -5 ort continuation of positive parenting and familc relationship courses and programs provided by regional agencies and other resources. a t estre ceaue— Pezi. epeeifte to yetie h Goal HS -6 To ensure that bicycling and walking is safe for youth throughout the Town. Policies Policy HS -6.1 Promote educational programs for youth that encourage safe and fun bicycle G commuting and recreadoml riding and pedestrian safety Polio HS -6? Promote the Safe Routes to School program, which supports safety improvements that encourage safe walking and bicycling to school. HS -10 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT Policy HS -6.3 Coordinate with local businesses, organizations. and school districts to develop innovative programs, such as "Walking School Buses" and `Bicycle Trains" that encourage youth to commute to and from school in groups. Actions Action HS -6.1 Coordinate with local organizations and school districts to develop a program to offer bicycle and pedestrian safety and education classes for youth. Action HS -6.2 Identify safety improvements that will allow for safe walking and bicycling to schools. Action HS -6.3 Coordinate with schools and the police department to develop and implement a teen driver safety program. D. Senior Services Seniors, or persons identified as age 65 and older, are a significant and growing population group in Los Gatos. In Santa Clare County seniors are the fastest growing population segment eepected to number more than 300 000 by 2020 The Town of Los Gatos strives to be a senior friendly, community and recognizes that, as this population group continues to grow- senior - services must be identified and developed to accommodate jtLth EHeirneeds of older adults 1. Background Information The Los Gatos population is growing older. In ?010 t he eosent median age of the Los Gatos population is estimated to be 45 years, while in 1970 it was estimated to be 30 years. The older population is evidenced by the increasing proportion of the Los Gatos population who are age Owa O-5 and older. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the number of seniors in Los Gatos has increased from 11 percent of the total population in Los Gatos in 1970 to 15 percent by 2000. Currently, it is estimated that seniors represent 17 percent of the total population in Los Gatos and could be at 20 by, 20 1 _0. . HS -11 T O W N OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN It C M i� 5 F. R N I C E> E L F 4 E N r The Town of Los Gatos contracts with the Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation District for services, information and activities for Serums living in Los Gatos. Many of these services are provided at the Los Gatos adult Recreation Center at 203 E. Main Street in Los Gatos. a. Healthcare and Social Services Los Gatos provides a majority of its healthcare and social Serice programs for seniors through the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center. The Los Gatos -Monte Sereno Police Department also offers a daily senior check -in program called Operation C._-1.R.E. i. Lor Galoy Adidt Recreation Ceuirr The Adult Recreation Center is a gathering place for seniors in Los Gatos and provides several senior healthcare and social services. The Center provides case management services to seniors. This service includes advice and referrals to social service agencies, and assistance in completing applications for social serices. The location of the Center is shown on Figure HS -1. Through the Adult Recreation Center, volunteer counselors give assistance to seniors interested in drawing up a "durable power of attomey," or health care power of attorne Volunteer counselors also provide other services such as neutral healthcare insurance advice and information and income tax assistance. ii. Operalion GA.RE. Aogram Operation C.A.R.E., or Caring About Resident Elders, is a program run by the Los Gatos- \lonte Sereno Police Department that offers a free, daily phone call to check -in on the welfare of seniors who may be living alone. A Police Dispatcher will call at an agreed -upon time with the senior and if HS-1' TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Figure HS -1 Youth and Senior&vviees Facilities HS -13 TOWN O F LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN OE \I %x SERI "ICES ELEMENT unable to reach the senior or any of the senior's emergency contacts, a Police Officer will be sent to the home to check on his /her welfare. Seniors can register for tivs free service through the Los Gatos /Jlonte Sereno Police Department. b. Housing The Town of Los Gatos seniors --ie des- 6stes strices to gro ide a varietc of housng alternatives to allow se niors to live inde npe dentle andaag in place as thec so choose These housing tXpes include not only sinok family homes town homes condiminums and apartments but also life care communites affordable housing shared housing and below market rate imlud& 6 ViEft Vase[ opooerties _ l Blossom c� Villa Vasona, Blossom Hill and Anne `Gay offer affordable senior units to Los \ Gatos residents, while the Terraces of Los Gatos, a senior residential care facility mn by American Baptist Homes of the West, offers 59 beds and has independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing programs on -site. Twenty-nine of the senior units at the Terraces of Los Gato are Below Market Price BXIPI units under the Town's B\IP proera Los Gatos also has Los Gatos Meadows Life Care Retirement, ma by Episcopal Senior Communities, which has 170 units of studios, apartments and cottages that house approximately 200 residents. The Town ni2ifftait s s a Housing Conservation Program which offers no- interest and low- interest loans to me I Los Gatos residents. including- seniors. for home rehabilitation projects. The program is administered be the Santa Clara County Housing and Community Development Department and makes home rehabilitation loans available to qualified Los Gatos renters and owners. c. Transportation The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (V`l'A) operates tin to six public transit bus lines that run through the Town and several park - and -ride lots. The Tema communiM elies primarily on tare -non-profit organizations to provide aleem nave - transportation services and education for seniors in Los Gatos. The HS -1 4 �> TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELE \IE \T OUTREACH Senior Transportation Program provides public paratransit services as an alternative for seniors who are unable to access or use fixed -route public transit. The American Association of Retired People (A ARP) hosts a quarterly senior driver safety course called the 55 _dive Driver Safety Program. The Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center in Los Gatos offers information on the OUTREACH Senior Transportation Program. The Center also provides discounted BART tickets for seniors in Los Gatos. d. Recreational and social Activities The Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center is a central gathering place that often hosts local activities for seniors. The Center also publishes a free bi- monthly newsletter with information on local events, programs and announcements geared toward seniors. The Center hosts a number of events for seniors in Los Gatos, including ♦ A weekly Town - sponsored walking group sg-promote exercise ♦ A weekly bingo night, sponsored by the Live Oak Senior Nutrition and Service Center; ♦ A Live Oak Nutrition Lunch, followed by a free movie, held on the fourth Wednesday of every- month; ♦ A weekly board games and table games event, sponsored by the Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District's 55 (and over) Program; a d ♦ An annual Senior Thanksgiving dinner with food from local restaurants; and ♦ Senior picnics at local parks The Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District offers several classes geared toward seniors, ranging from dance and exercise to writing, language and technology education. The Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation District publishes a monthly newsletter and also organizes day and extended day trips for seniors. Information on such trips offered through other senior centers can also be obtained through the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center in Los Gatos. The Los Gatos Public Library offers several programs and services for seniors, seven days a week. A monthly book club, Internet classes, a weekly knitting group and quarterly evening programs featuring special guests are among the many free HS-15 TOWN O F LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN 5I[R\ ICES F LEMEST programs offered to all. The Library offers a variety of materials including a magnified and large type section. Several non- profit agencies also provide assistance and support for seniors in Los Gatos. Senior programs managed by non -profit agencies include: ♦ Live Oak adult Day Services ♦ Long -Term Care Ombudsman ♦ Operation Brown Bag ♦ The Health Place, San Jose State University's School of Nursing ♦ Meals On Wheels 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -7 To coordinate 2nd providern&urt programs for social interaction for senior citizens. Policies Policy HS 7.l The Town shall act as a clearinghouse for social programs provided by other agencies and groups that provide aid for social problems. _ii`_.._ - - -- - R da v consult with older adults and seniors on the services and mey desire and need desire and need C l � HS -16 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Policy HS -7.3 Encourage the Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation District and other service providers to provide a wide variety of senior services and programs includi daiL,v opportunities for seniors to have 124sical activity social interaction and mental stimulation: Policy HS -7.4 Coordinate with local organizations to support opportunities for seniors to interact with youth in Los Gatos. Policy HS -7.5 Encourage new development to include intergenerational spaces, such as cafes or family- oriented outdoor spaces. Action Action HS -7.1 Annually review social programs offered by the Town and other agencies to determine if they meet the needs of seniors. Action HS -7.2 Collaborate with the Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation District and other local organizations to develop a program to provide additional recreational and fitness programs for seniors. 1cu::n I iElore ways to increase the focus on senior needs in emsting commissions and consider establishing a separate or broader commission focusi= on senior issues. - . -e -•r. 1 . =.? \ rr_ �i f ±Develop or identify an existing facility for a full service senior center. HS -17 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN II L ' \I % \ S F R P I C E S E L E \I I- N "r Action HS -7.6 annually set funding priorities which include funds for senior needs. - ._.,•,.; FtH- a. \cri „n I i� - - . - Continue to utilize traditional communication tools and new media and technology --- -"-'---- to promote senior m best suited to meet their needs (gg. larger type for ease of reading). Goal HS -8 To improve mobility and access to care and services for seniors. Policies Policy HS -8.1 The Town shall coordinate with senior service providers who provide or support senior shuttle services so that seniors have convenient access to social services, commercial areas, medical services and transportation. Police HS-82 Encourage all new senior housing developments to provide transportation slmttle services. -- -- -- _: Encounge businesses and health care providers that serve seniors to locate in Town. r HC_ 18 �— i f. -, — Connect seniors with existing resources in the cornmunitv. an including infortnation lees direetery on events. a nd sertier Action HS -7.6 annually set funding priorities which include funds for senior needs. - ._.,•,.; FtH- a. \cri „n I i� - - . - Continue to utilize traditional communication tools and new media and technology --- -"-'---- to promote senior m best suited to meet their needs (gg. larger type for ease of reading). Goal HS -8 To improve mobility and access to care and services for seniors. Policies Policy HS -8.1 The Town shall coordinate with senior service providers who provide or support senior shuttle services so that seniors have convenient access to social services, commercial areas, medical services and transportation. Police HS-82 Encourage all new senior housing developments to provide transportation slmttle services. -- -- -- _: Encounge businesses and health care providers that serve seniors to locate in Town. r HC_ 18 �— TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT Actions Action HS -8.1 Seek funding and coordinate with Santa Clara Valley Transportation authority (VTA) to provide lower, subsidized public transit fares for seniors. Action HS -8.2 Study the feasibility ef requiring all ne senior housing developments to pro%itle Goal HS -9 To encourage a wide variety of types of senior housing, including independent living, residential care facilities and affordable housing within the Town. Policies Policy HS -9.1 Encourage new development or substantial remodels to incorporate barrier-free design principles to ensure access for people of all ages and abilities. Actions Action HS -9.1 dend incentives for the development of a variety of types of senior housing, including independent living and residential care facilities. E. Schools Quality education is important to the residents of the Town. However, while local land use and development decisions may impact school facilities, mitigation for school impacts required of developers may be limited by State legislation or other factors. HS-19 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN 11 L%1 \\ SI[R a'IC EC EL E V F.\ t 1. Background Information Sic different school districts sere the residents of the Town of Los Gatos. These are the Los Gatos Union School District, the Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School District, the Campbell Union School District, the Campbell Union High School District and the Cambrian Union Elementan District. In addition, nearby West Valley Community College, located in the City of Saratoga, offers academic and career programs. The location of the elementan' and high schools that serve Los Gams students is shown on Figure HS -1. Elementary and high school district boundaries are shown in Figures HS -2 and HS -3, respectively. a. Los Gatos Union School District The Los Gatos Union School District has four elementary schools and one middle school prodding educational services to the children of Los Gatos: • Blossom Hill Elementan- School (16400 Blossom Hill Road) ♦ Dives Avenue Elementary School (1 -" -0 Dives Avenue) ♦ Lexington Elementary School (19 - 00 Old Santa Cruz Highway) ♦ Van Meter Elementary School (16145 Los Gams Boulevard) ♦ Raymond )_ Fisher Middle School (19193 Fisher Avenue) All the elementary schools serve kindergarten through grade 5. Raymond J. Fisher Middle School serves Los Gatos students in grades 6 through 8. b. Los Gatos - Saratoga Joint Union High School District The Los Gatos - Saratoga Union High School District has two high schools, Los Gatos High and Saratoga High, which serve over 3,100 students from HS -_'0 TOWN OF LOS G A T O 5 DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN H C V A N S E R C I C E S ELEMENT Figure HS -2 Elementary Schools and School Districts HS-21 TO\C N OF LOS GAT OS DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL PLAN H L \I \\ S F R c I C F S F L F M E\ T Figure HS -3 Hie h School and School Districts FIS -22 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN H C M%\ SERVICES E L E M E. \ T unincorporated Santa Clara County as well as the communities of Los Gatos, Mon- te Sereno and Saratoga. Each school offers grades 9 through 12. C. Campbell Union School District More than 7,300 students from the communities of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, San Jose, Santa Clara and Saratoga attend the 12 schools within the Campbell Union School District. The four schools within the District that serve the Town of Los Gatos are Capri, Forest Hill and Marshall Lane Elementary Schools, all of which offer kindergarten through grade 5, and Rolling Hills \fiddle School, which offers grades 5 through 8. The only one of these schools located within the Town of Los Gatos is Rolling Hills 3fiddle School. - II the other schools are located near the northwest border of the Town in different cities. d. Campbell Union High School District Campbell Union High School District serves over 7,700 students at five campuses: Branham, Del Mar, Leigh, Prospect and Westmont High Schools. Both Leigh and Westmont High Schools serve the residents of Town of Los Gatos. e. Union Elementary School District Union Elementary School District serves approximately 4,400 students enrolled in eight elementary schools (1: -5 grades) and two middle schools ( sening 6 -8 grades). The -Mta Vista Elementary School serves Los Gatos students. L Cambrian Elementary School District Cambrian Elementary School District serves approximately 3,142 students enrolled in four elementary schools (K -5 grades) and one middle school ( sening 6 -8 grades). The Farnham Elementary School is the only school in this district that serves Los Gatos students. g. West Valley Community College Located within the City of Saratoga and serving Los Gatos residents, West Valley Communit College offers career programs, professional certificates and degree programs with preparation for transfer to four -,year colleges and universities. EIS -23 TOWN O F LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2 0 2 0 GENERAL P L A N nL NI \\ SER%ICES ELENIL� T 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -10 To maintain a system of open communications between the Town, school districts and the development community in order to coordinate the activities of each to achieve the highest quality of education for all public schools students. Policies Policy HS -10.1 Encourage developers to engage in early discussions with the Town and school districts regarding a project, its potential impacts on schools and the potential to reduce impacts. These discussions should occur as early as possible in the project planning stage, preferably preceding land acquisition. Policv HS -10.2 Cooperate with school districts in identifying and evaluating population and demographic changes that may impact schools. Polio• HS -10.3 .Allow alternative uses of the sites and facilities of schools, subject to conditions that will protect the surrounding neighborhood. Action Action HS -10.1 -Amend Town development applications to require applicants for residential proects to contact the affected school districts to discuss the impacts of the proposed development. F. Libranes The Town of Los Gatos has one public hbran located within the Town's Civic Center complex, which ryas built in 1964 when the population of the Town was I [S -24 TOWN OF LOS GATOS DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT approximately 9,000. Since that time, the population of the Town has grown to its 28-, over 30.000 with approximately 20,000 registered beuewe hb_ raja card holders The Los Gatos library provides a variety of services for people of all ages. 1. Background Information To meet the community's growing library needs, the Town of Los Gatos is in the preeess -eEis-budding planning for a new, larger library that will be located on the southeast comer of the Civic Center complex. The new library is expected to open in earl ^ ^" ' 012. The new two-_ story libra will be approximately 30,000 square feet, ef It suffieierte size to previde the and will include a separate space for children's story- telling programs; a separate teen room; reading and study areas for users of all ages; computer areas for research, Internet access and technology education; laptop areas; additional self-check out machines; and space for the Town's extensive history collection. The new library will also have more seating and added space for adult and youth book collections and multi-media collections. - The current library collection consists of books, audiobooks, magazines and periodicals, newspapers, DVDs, CDs, CD ROMs, video cassettes, microfilm and reference materials. A current collection of Los Gatos High School textbooks is also available for in -house use. The library also subscribes to computerized databases which provide access to thousands of archived newspapers, periodicals, primary source documents, reference works and media files. These databases are accessible on library computers and remotely using a library cud number. The library also holds an extensive collection of historical artifacts and information, with emphasis on the Town of Los Gatos and surrounding areas. Original photographs and newspapers are available, along with copies of death certificates and profiles of historic homes. The library provides access to research on the original `Rancho Rincomda de Los Gatos," the Hernandez and Peralta families, grantees of the land, the John Lyndon family, and other early settlers who were important in the founding of the Tow L The library's History Collection includes information on local authors, such as Colonel Charles Erskine Scott Wood, Sara Bard Field and Ruth Comfort bfttchell. The library also owns signed fast editions of many local authors. The digitized collection of nearly 4,000 historic photographs includes the Hamsher Collection, donated to the library in the mid- 1950s, the entire photo collection of HS -25 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN H C M A S S E R V I C E S ELEMENT the Museum of Los Gatos, and many other images donated by long -time Los Gatos families. In addition to reference and checkout services, the library offers feur story-times each wee! weekly after-school programs; volunteer reading programs; book discussion groups; knitting groups; computer and internet access; wireless internet access; internet classes; summer reading programs, and Friends of the Library programs, featuring special speakers, artists and performers. Reference Librarians are also available to assist in locating materials in the Library. ill programs are open to the public and are free of charge. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -11 To provide a library facility that will accommodate library services to meet the educational and inf needs of the community. Policies Policy HS -11.1 Ensure that all residents have access to library services, including access to computers and technology resources Policy HS -11.2 Maintain the library as an important activity center within the community. Actions .kction HS -11.1 Investigate various funding mechanisms for ongoing operation and expansion of the library facility, services and programs. C HS -26 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN S E R V I C E S ELEMENT G. Arts and Cultural Enrichment The Town of Los Gatos has a rich histoty as a center of arts and literature and the home to both historical and contemooraW artist=_ of re nowrL And t g- os Gatos hs njaintains a thriving arts community that is invaluable to people of all ages in the Town- The Town has committed to protecting and promoting its cultural resources, including theaters, museums, art galleries and public art. The Town also strives to further attract and encourage performing arts in Los Gatos, including live theater, music and dance as well as the literary arts including author events and poe 1. Programs and Facilities Los Gatos's .Arts and Culnue Commission and Art Seleetion 1 i.S actively involved in promoting cultural events and public art displays in the Town. The Arts and Culture Commission is an advisory group to the Town Council and works to encourage the development of music, drama, art and other cultural and creative activities in Town- The Arts- (;eniniiision pha4 supports lbeNfusic in the Park _Summer Concert en s hosted attnuaRy at die Civie Center park sad —the annual July Fourth Gemert t i 6debrstiea public artwe& in the Council Chambers and Gentertb oughout the community Many of these efforts supported or led bvaa a Council- appointed Arts Commission- Gemnissiert Los Gatos alse -has two museums - the Art Museum of Los Gatos, located in a hismric former firehouse on histeee -Tait Avenue, and the History Museum of Los Gatos, located in the Forbes Mill annex. Wrile the Town owns these two buildings. collections and op erations of these museums are managed by a non- rofit organization The Town also supports art - related non -profit organizations rat% the Le G_._- Are . --__ - -_ t . P fat Teem which host various music and arts programming. In addition- the Town appointed a Los Gatos Poet Laureate for the HS -27 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN Fl L \I %N SE RC ICES E LE AEN T C I con traction and opening of the new librip- a new tradition which Will likely continue to aupoort the literap- arts in Los Gatoe. 2. Goals, Policies and Actions Goal HS -12 To enrich the Town by malting visual arts, the performing arts literary arts and other cultural amenities more accessible to the Town's residents. Policies Policy HS -12.1 Encourage public art in all new commercial development. Policy HS -122 Encourage art related uses (theaters, museums, art galleries) in new and remodeled retail development. / Policy HS -12.3 Limit the conversion of museums and theaters to non -art related uses. Policy HS -124 Continue to support Musie -in- the otnmunitv�-tsed and outdoor musical and other arts urognms Policy HS -125 Encourage new or c2Tanded o ublic and private facilities to host performing arta events for youth and the broader community Poh�HS -12.6 -12.6 Encourage private /public funding, development and operation of cultural amenities, activities, and centers consistent With the small town character of Los Gatos. HS -28 TOWN OF LOS G A T O S DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT i i ; a �—.�,I ulia_� f [ti -1 _.: Encourage X11 local art + pups and artists to collaborate and partner across disdnLnes mediums and venues for a richer and more diverse cultural experience. Actions .Action HS -12.1 Develop design guidelines to encourage incorporation of art and art- related uses in new and remodel developments. Action HS -12.2 Study the feasibility of a performing arts center for the Town, including options for location and financing. HS -29 Recommended Additions to the Human Services Element: Recommended additions to be inserted where designated and all appropriate re- numbering and re- formatting to follow: To be inserted in Section B. Public Health (pages HS -3 and HS -4) Goal HS -2 To Foster all residents' health and well- being. Policies Policy HS -2.1 Encourage safe and attractive places for recreational exercise within a half mile of every residence. Policy HS -2.2 Encourage the continuation of a farmers market in Town and community gardens in appropriate locations. Policy HS -2.3 Encourage pedestrian routes and sidewalks to be integrated into continuous networks. Policy HS -2.4 Provide safe and convenient access to disposal sites for expired and unused pharmaceuticals, needles and related items. To be inserted in Section D. Senior Services (approximately page HS -18) Goal HS -10 To ensure safe environments for Los Gatos seniors. Policies Policy HS -10.1 Identify isolated seniors who may need assistance in natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods. Policy HS -10.2 Continue daily public safety outreach and communications to seniors and their families requesting such support. ATTACHMENT3