2010101802 - Amend CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODEo~ ~ pF (AWE ~~ !pS•Gp.~pS COUNCII. AGENDA REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2010 MEETING DATE: 10/18/10 ITEM NO: TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: MAZARIN A. VAKHARIA, DEPUTY TOWN ATTORNEYJV ° SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE APPENDICES TO THE TOWN/REDEVELOPMENTAGENOY CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE (DIVISION 4 OF ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 2) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution Amending the Appendices to the Town/Redevelopment Agency Conflict of Interest Code (division ~4 of Article III of Chapter 2) BACKGROUND: The Political Reform Act (Government Code section 81000 et. seq.) requires local agencies to adopt and maintain a conflict of interest code. The Town of Los Gatos adopted a Conflict of Interest Code at Division 4 of Article II of Chapter 2 of the Los Gatos Town Code. The Political Reform Act further requires that in even-numbered years, local agencies must conduct a biennial review and update of their conflict of interest codes to address new positions and/or new position titles which must be listed in the local code. On February 8, 2005, Town Council adopted Ordinance 2139, which allowed future revisions of the Town Conflict of Interest Code to occur by resolution. The proposed resolution will update the Town's list of designated positions and their disclosure categories, as required by the Act. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution to amend the appendices to the Town Conflict of Interest Code. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The biemrial review of the Town's Conflict of Interest Code is subject to CEQA. Attachment: Proposed Resolution PREPARED BY: MAZARIN A. VAKHARIA, DEPUTY TOWN ATTORNEY „r f3, Reviewed by: own Manager ~ Assistant Town Manager Clerk Administrator Finance Comrnunity Development THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OFTHETOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPT~'Ni'AGEI~CY OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTI\G THE APPENDICES OF THE TOWN'S CONFLICT OF ~T CODE PURSUANT TO DI~~ISION 4 OF ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE LOS GATOS TOWN CODE WHEREAS: A. The Political Reform Act, Goverxunent Code section 81000, et seg., requires State and local go~~errunent agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of inteLest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commssion has adopted a regulation, 2 California Code of Regulations section 18730, which contains dze terms of a standard conflict of intuest code, which can be incorporated by reference and wludz map be amended by d1e Fait Political Practices Commission to conform to aznendrnents in the Political Reforn Act after public notice and hearings. The terms of 2 California Code of Regulations section 18730 have been adopted b~ reference by the Town Council ai Di~7sion 4 of Article III of Chapter 2 of d1e Los Gatos Town Code. B. The Town Comicil/Redevelopment Agency adopted an ordinance intended to better facilitate die biennial process of updating the Town's Conflict of Interest Code by audiorizu7g die adoption and periodic updates of the detailed appendices required by 2 California Code of Regulations section 18730 contauung the designation of positions and disclosure categories. C. "I"bis resolution is intended to update dle Town/Redevelopment Agenc3~ s Conflict of Interest Code by adopting die detailed appendices contairvng die designation of positions and disclosue categories. RESOLVED: 1 The following shall constitute Appendix "A" to the Town of Los Gatos Conflict of Page 1 of 7 Interest Code, by listing of dzose positions that ate required to submit Statements of Economic Interests pursuant to die Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended. 'The Town Council/Redevelopment Agency hereby fords that the officeis and employ=ees holduig t7e follo~;ri~ig designated positions make, or participate in tle malting of decisions wluch may reasonably have a mateiYal effect on financial intuests, and are, therefore, designated employees of tie Town of Los Gatos solely for purposes of the Pau Political Practices Act and requv-ed to make financial disclosures as specified: DESIGNATED POSITIONS DISCLOSURE CATEGORY ADMINISTRATION Town Manager 1 trough 13 Assistant Town Manager 1 trough 13 Ach7vnistrative Analyst 1 tixough 13 C1erkAdminisuator 1 through 13 Deputy Clerk 1 through 13 Finance Director/Treasurer 1 dvuough 13 Assistant Finance Director/Budget Director 1 dhrough 13 Human Resources Director 1 tuough 13 Management InforYhhation Systems Manager 1 through 13 Economic Vitality Manager 1 though 13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community Dej=elopment Director 1 though 13 Plaruhing Manager 1 though 13 Administrative Analyst 1 tuough 13 Senior Plaiuiec I dv ougli 13 Associate Plaruhex 1 tuough 13 Planner 1 though 13 AssistantPlannet 1 tuough 13 Planning Teclhnician 1 though 13 Code Compliance Officer / Plannuig Teclhnician 1 though 13 Senior Building Inspector 1 tvv-ough 13 Building hnspector 1 through 13 Page ? of 7 DESIGNATED POSITIONS DISCLOSURE CATEGORY COMMUNITI'SERVICES 1 through 13 Communitlr Sercrices Director 1 through 13 Volunteu Sea-vices Coordinator 1 through 13 Senior Coordinator 1 through 13 Administrative Analyst LIBRARY 1 tv ough 13 Library Director 1 through D Assistant Library Director PARKSAND PUBLIC WORKS Director of Parks and Public Works 1 tuough 13 Superintendent . 1 tv-ough 13 Adinirusiratve Analyst 1 through 13 Town Engineer 1 tv~ough 13 Associate Civil Engineer 1 through 13 Senior Engineering Inspector 1 through 13 Engineering Inspector 1 through 13 Senior Engineering Tecluuc ran 1 through 13 POLICE DEPART~l7ENT Cluef of Police 1 tv ough 13 Police Captain 1 though 13 Records and Communications Manager 1 through 13 Adxsunisteative Analyst I tv-ough 13 Parking Coordinator 1 through 13 TOI~i~TATTORNEY Town Attorney 1 through 13 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Executive Dv-ector 1 tv-ough 13 DeputS~ Director 1 through 13 Secretary 1 though 13 Finance Director 1 through 13 Treasurer 1 though 13 General Counsel 1 through 13 Page 3 of 7 DESIGNATED POSITIONS DISCLOSURE CATEGORY CODIRIISSIONERS, COMMITTEEAATDBOARD MEMBERS Atchitectw al Standards Committee rltts Commission Arts Selection Panel Building Boaxd of Appeals Corrunuiuty Ser-~rices Corrunission Conceptual Development Adzrisox-i=Commission Development Re~riew Committee General Plan Committee Historic Preser-~=atop Cotninittee Librar3=Boaxd Park Commmission Planning Commission Personnel Boaxd Rent Adznsory Committee Transportation & Parking Commission Yout~ Corrunission SPECIFIED CONSULTANTS Those consultants defined as a "consultant" by the Hair Political Practices Comnussion and as determined by tie Tozz=n Manager in zviiting I duough 13 1 through 13 1 duough 13 1 duough 13 1 through 13 1 through 13 1 duough 13 1 duough 13 1 through 13 1 through 13 1 through 13 1 through 13 1 through 13 1 tlv-ough 13 1 duough 13 None 1 flv ough 13. In addition, tie Town Manager may determine in writing teat a particular consultant is lrixed to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply zzrid7 these disclosure requirements. Such written determination shall include a descripton of the consultant's duties and based upon drat description, a statement of tie extent of disclosure requirements. The Manager's determinaton is a public record and shall be available fox inspection. 2 The following shall constitute Appendix "B" to tie Town of Los Gatos Conflict of Interest Code, by listing of die disclosure categories that are requited pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974, as upended. yX/hen a designated employee is required to disclose investments Page 4 of 7 and sources of income, he or she need only disclose investments in business entities and sources of income with those who do business in the Town of Los Gatos, plan to do business in the Town of Los Gatos, or have done business in the Town of Los Gatos within the past two (2) years. In addition to other activities, a business entity is doing business within the Town of Los Gatos if it owns real property within the Town of Los Gatos. When a designated employee is requhed to disclose interests ih real property, he or she need only disclose real property which is located in whole or in part within the Town or not more than two (2) miles outside of Town Boundar7es or not more than ria~o (2) miles of any land owned or used by the Town of Los Gatos. Gerier~al Pr~ovisioras Designated employees shall disclose their fmanciai interest piusuant to the appropriate disclosure category as indicated in section 2.30.610. Category I: Investments (which are not held tlu-ough a business entity or host) Category 2: Interests in Real Property (which are not held through a business entity or trust) Category 3: Interests in Real Property Held by a Business Entity or Tiust Category 4: Investments held by a Business Entity or Tr2~st Page 5 of 7 Category 5: Income (other than loans, gifts and honoraria) Category 6: Income (travel payments, advances, rennbruusements) Category 7: Income -- Loans (received or outstanding during the reporting period) Category 8: Income -- Gifts Category 9: Income -Honoraria Category 10: Coimnission Income Received by Brokers, 1~gents and Salespersons Category 11: Income and Loans to Business Entities or Trusts Category 12: Income from Rental Property Category 13: Business Positions 3. Any change pro~rided in the appendices of the Town of Los Gatos Conflict of Interest Code shall not affect or excuse any offense or act conunitted or done ox omission or az7y penalty or forfeiture incuued or accrlung under any other Conflict of Interest Code, nor shall it affect any prosecution, suit, or proceeding pending or any judgment rendered iii connection with any other conflict of interest code. Page 6 of 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency of the To«~n of Los Gatos, California held on d7e 18th da}~ of October, 2010, by the following vote: COUNCIL/AGENCY l~I~~ERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIl~I: SIGI~TED: 12AYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GAI"OS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA A'I"TEST: CLERK ADMII~T~TISTRATOR TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA N:VViGR\AdminWorlSiles\2010 Council Reports\ConilictoIIuterestResolntion.docx Page 7 of 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEET BLANK