2010101801 - ACCEPT FISCAL YEAR 2009 -10 ANNUAL REPORT~pWN_pF ;,~f?', ~. `o.,`,'~'oS COL\CIL aGE\~~ REPORT S G AZ 11EETI\G D ATE ITEM \O; 1 D_-ATE: OCTOBER 13. 2010 TO: A~L~YOR Al\D TO«1~ COL ~ ~CIL FROM: GREG LARSO\, TO«T '~~L=~\TAGER T ~,. SL~TECT: ACCEPT FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 A\\LAL REPORT RECO'~1~IL--'~DATIOiyr: Accept Fiscal fear 2009-10 Annual Report. BACKGROL~D: IO/IS/10 To« n Code requires the To«~n ~Iana~.*er to submit to the To«-n Council a report on the finances and adnliiustrati~'e acti~•ities of the To«°n at the end of the fiscal 5-ear. Detailed information on the To«~n's finances for last fiscal year «-ill be pro~~ided in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) presented to Council in early 2010. Prior to Fiscal Year 2002-03. staff provided a report to Council reQardin~ activities and accomplishments in memorandum fora. Beaituuna in Fiscal Tear 2002-03, the annual report has been produced in ne~~~sletter format and delivered to Los Gatos households. DISCLSSIO\: .attached is a copy of the annual report for Fiscal Year 2009-10. The newsletter version ~>,•ill be mailed all Los Gatos addresses in late October. Additional copies of the Annual Report ~~-ill be a~-ailable for distribution tlu-ou~hout the year. E\\~IRO\\IE\TAL ASSESS'~IE'~T: Is not a project defined under CEQA. and no fu>-ther action is required. ~~ ~i.ii~f.i~ Lti t`J G~ ~~i~~''~ PREPARED BZ': PAIIEL ~ JACOBS Assistant Town Manager PJ:]1 \: \iGR_~dnun~Vor}:Files?O10 Council Reports 10-]i;-i(i Ar_nual Penon.do; Revie«•ed bv: Assistant To«~n ?~!Iana~er Wr-)y``~'o~~•n Attor~ev Clerk Administrator Finance ~ Conullunity Development P:aGE \1.a1"OR a'~D TO~~~'~ COL\CIL St-BJECT: _aCCEPT FISC_aL Z~E:aR ?009-10 :a~~L_aL REPORT OCTOBER I ~. ~U10 FISCaL I\IP.aCT: Funds for producil~R the incremental cost for printing the Fiscal fear ?009-I O .annual Report are a~ ailable in the To~~-n Manager's bud`et. .attachment: Fiscal ~-ear X009-10 _arulual Report SMALL TOWN SERVICE COMMUNITY STEWARDSHIP FUTURE FOCUS We are pleased to present the Town of Los Gatos fiscal Year 2009/10 Annual Report. It covers the period from July 2009 through June 2010, and features the activities and accomplishments of your Town government and its many community partners. Los Gatos remains focused on navigating the challenges of the economic recession with minimal impact to services. With fewer employees and less revenue, we continue to prioritize services to meet community needs. Once again, we hosted traditional favorites, such as the July 4th celebration and the Screen on the Green movie feature. We tapped into partnerships to enhance senior services, business promotion, and environmental `° sustainability efforts. Technology improvements ~; , increased productivity in public safety. And, the Town is fortunate to have dedicated resources for :~.. special projects such as the General Plan Update, the new Library, and the sports facility you will read ~°-~-' about in this Annual Report. '~. ~., Town employees consider it an honor and a privilege to serve the residents and businesses ' of Los Gatos_ As always, we appreciate the many volunteers who contribute countless hours to $up~?` the physical, social, and economic fabric that ~.'; makes the town a great place to live and visit. Enjoy looking back on this past year's events and ~.~= activities in your community. ~, -Greg Larson, Town Manager _. Managere3LosGatosCA.gov Milestones As if living in Los Gatos wasn't already special, last year brought more reasons for Los Gatans to celebrate. Heading the list were three milestones in enhancing public facilities for the community. First, the new Police Operations Building opened its doors in October 2009. This renovated and expanded Town council facility provides a central location for patrol and Diane McNutt Mayor detective services, as well as a new Emergency Joe Pirrynzki Operations Center (or Town management activities in vice Mayor the event of a major disaster. Steve Rice Barbara Spector Second, the Totvn purchased land for a new community Mike Wasserman sports facility. Expected to include a range of sports activities, the property provides a great location adjacent to Vasona County Park and the Los Gatos trail system. A community planning process will be underway in FY 2010/11 to identify priorities for the facility. Youth, families, and seniors will have an opportunity to express their ideas about the use of the property to enhance the availability of a wide range of sports and activities. The third milestone was the groundbreaking for the ne~v Los Gatos Library. A festive celebration marked this "once in a generation" event. Highlights of the event included the reading of an original poem by the Los Gatos Poet Laureate and music by Los Gatos High School students. The 2s0 attendees shared in the excitement and anticipation of the new Library. Read about these milestones and more in this Town ofLos Gatos Fiscal Year20D9/IDAnnaal Report c~ 0 c w o. O e--r ~"5 w n Partnership for Senior Services Thanks too new partnership between the Town and Los GatosSaratoga Communih~ Education and Recreation (LGS Recreation). the new Los Gatos adult Recreation Center opened [o the Las Gatos community in January. The former Neighborhood Center houses the Los Gatos Senior Center and related support senices for seniors, as well as expanded educational and recreational programs (or seniors. The Town retains ownership of the building, but LGS Recreation is responsible for managing all o(Yhe senices. Why make a change to a successful senior senices program in Los Gatos? The fallowing two goals were ke,~ factors in driving the partnership: Improve Services To Seniors The Town had a successful senor senices progmm for many years. LGS Recreation also has a successful track record in prosidmg senices to seniors. Ifs SS+progmm focuses on li(e~long education for older adults. helping (hem la continue their personal growth and enrichment. Combining the proven abilities of these two agencies was an efleclne war to improve services [o Los Gatos seniors whtle eliminating duplication and redundancy. In addition, LGS Recreation is able to dedicate more staff resources to senior senices than the Town could alone. In fact LGS Recreation has recentlyhired a Senior Servkes Supervisor. Stephanie Douglas, who will be responsible tor: ;~ -~ ~~ •••~ (t" LOS GatOS '~~J ' `.Adult Recreation Center "~ ~ 209 '<'~laiu St. -a ~u. ^ Building and enhancing the senior programs and senior senice opportunities for the community of Las Gatos and surrounding neighborhoods ^ hlanaginglacilityprogmmming.includingoyecseeing and scheduling of all activities and programs that occur at the Center ^ Alaintainingcurrenlcollabora!'n'epartnershipsand building new partnerships related to senior and adult programming services ^ Alaxim¢ingthebenefito(thefacilitytothetommunity LGS Recreation had a need for more administrafn'eand program space. The Center. while used 6}' mom' communih•groups during [he }ear, including LGS Recreation,was not at tapatity'. See 'SeniorSen~ires, _ page ID Los Gatos Poet Laureate Alan}'towns and cites in the nation appoint a Paet laureate to senv as a proponent of the written word, to spread the art of pcetry,and to celebrate culture and inspire the life of the mind. in April the Town Council appointed foal poet Parthenia Hicks as the Tow'n's Pcet laureate for a twv }ear term. Ats. Hicks' lust assigtunent was to compose an original poem in celebration of the groundbreaking for the new Libmrybuilding.Sbe read her poem. "The Ground Breaks Open;' at the June 21 groundbreaking ceremony. Ms. Hi[ks will write a separate original work for the opening of the new facility in eartc 2012. Ms. Hicks is a freelance writer and editor wiwse wort has appeared in a range of journals, newspapers, and nonprofit materials. She has recehed 1wv Pushcart nomination s for her short stories, fire and TJiss lade, and the Villa AlonlaNv Poetry prize. In addition, she is a 2010 recipient of an Arls Council SiNeon Valley:lrtisl Fellowship Grant. ~'S 0 C1~ C/~ "The Ground Breaks Open" This was tlx fining title d the original poem read by Parthenia Hicks. Los Gatos' Poel Laureate, f see Poet Laureate article 'an this page) at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Los Gatos Libraryon June 21. The poem celebrated the momentous significance of (wilding the Town's new center (or life-long learning. H'ith an appropriate Iheme of "Gnce in a Generation;' the groimdt~reaking ceremony marked the first time in snore than 30 years shovels broke ground for a new' munkipal facility to be built f rom the ground up in Los Gatos. Afore than 2S0 residents. Libmrv patrons, dignita rtes. and Town empb}ees turned out to enjoc t he festivities..A stage sal N the approximate location of the Libmn's bbbyanda large banner with a rendering of the Libmrvwas mounted near the future spot of the grand staircase In addilbn to the reading of Ats. Hicks's origiwl poem. the Alayvr, representatkes of the Libran8oard and the Friends of the Library, and Town staf(spoke about the history of the Libran•elfon, Iheyalue of the Library to the community. and the many people who contributed to making the daya reality. South Bay' radio personalih and local resident Rim festal emceed the program. Entertainment included pre-event music hya Los Gatos Iligh School (LGHS) String duo. a vocal performance b' a LGHS senior. and post-event music M•a LGHS jau combo. Following the speeches, poem. and song. the dignitaries gathered in front of the banner with sha'els to break the ground for the new Libran~. Four chik}renwith pin4sited shaels lined up in front of the adults to do the same. In a cordoned~olf "sandbox" located in the future children's room, a dozen other children were also reads lodig with their plastic shorels.:U[er a countdown. evenvne stuck their shovels in the ground to the tune of "Grazin' in the Grass, Can You Dig It."played 6y Ne LGHS jau combo. 2 ....._. _ _ ._.. Tixrn olLos Gatos.annua! Reparr £isra! }ear?DDS!r0l D After the ceremony. the guests enjoyed homemade ginger ale and alphabet cookies while sharing thoughts about the long road leading to the groundbreaking and the anlic~ated enhanced senices expelled in the new Los Gatos Library when it opens in eark 2012. Special Events Los Gatos celebrated its small lawn style this }ear with a series of f ree hometown community events. This }ear, residents enjoyed art exhibits, outdoor concerts, movies, games, and old- fashioned family tun at these celebrations sponsored by the Town: Music in the Park This extremely popular concert series began in 19F~ and continues to grow in popularity each sum mer. The Summer 201011tsic in the Park (MIP) series was the firs) to be run under the auspices of Los Gatos Music &Arts (LG~I&-4), a local nonprofit umbrella aganizatioa LGlf&A's mission is to inspire, nurture, develop, and F•rodue educational program, scholarships, concerts and other artistic programs which promote music and the fine arts for Ute benefit of the communityot Los Galas. Thanks [o the generosity of donors to the MI P series, LGhI &A was able to make donations to two Los Gatos nonprofits: The Museum o(Los Gatos, and The Venue -A Flace For Teen;. Secood Chance Day -Donation Drive Second Chance Day' was held an Saturda}t October 10 as a part of the Town's Community Unit}' and Growirtg Greener Together programs. This annual event promotes waste dhersion through reuse, repair, and recycling opportunities. Over one ton or dowsed goods and more than 100 pans o(eyeglasses were collected. The event brought out many generous and thoughtful donors. Community members ammenled that then were proud to be a part of a community that continuouslragtnizes this type of even) to benefit our bcal [ton profits providing to those N need. Donated items were distributed to InnYsion, EHC Li(ebuilders, Ilex[ Door Solutions to Domestic Violence, Career Cbse[, the Santa Clara County Humane Society. and SL Luke's Pantry Program. Donated eyeglasses were given to the Los Gatos Lions Clubs "Lions In Sight" program, which ghes thereturbished glasses to people in third wndd coontries. Los Gatos Celebrates the 9th of July 2010 The tenth anniversary "Los Gatos Celebrates the 4th of July" event remained true to its theme afold-fashioned famiy fun. Sponsored by the Town, Los Gatos-Samtaga Community Education and Recreation. Los Gatos High School, and several community service groups, the even) included food, games, music, and en tertainmenl galore! The fesloilies concluded with a Music in the Park concert featuringa classic rock and country band That rea0ygot the croxd moving. See 'Special Ecenrs,' page /0 Lifelong Learning at the Library This past year saw many new Librar}'programs and services, reflecting changes in the economy, community need, and the most recent childhood devebpmental theories. ^ A middle schooladvlsorv hoard was formed to reconnect middle school students with Libraryprograms and services. ^ Anewvolun[eerprogram,focusedonworkreadiness and meaningful community contribution, was created in partnership with [he Community Services Department. ^ Teen programs focused on academic needs br offering two Studs Hall in the Library sessions during the week before final exam, and book discussion groups by grade level Ihat featured required reading titles. ^ Workshops were put on for both parents and children, with a strong torus on the interaction between parent and child, including special presentations b<~ educators. ^ Stonlimeswereenhanced6ylheadditiono(informationon the Loran website, at www.LosGatosCA.govAibrary- children'sprograms,where parents can access the songs. rhynnes, and theory behind slon9imes as well as links to the books read each week. ^ ArepresentativefromGooglepresen[edtwotraining sessions, sharing insider search tips and strategies to turn [he average web sorter into an expert. ^ Mark Cokerlrom5mashwords.aLosGatosebookpublisher presented a program on the ebook industry; and Larysa Pry4ula. of the SilimnValky Financial Planning Association, presented a program on retirement planning. ^ With the support of [he Los GatosJhlonle Sereno Police Department, the Community Services Department, Economic Ytality scat f. the American Red Cross. Friends of the Los Gatos Libras, Leadership Los Galas. Los Gatos- SaralogaCommunity Educafian and Recreation, Marc Jensen, hlike's Bikes. Santa Clara Counts Fire Department, and many eommunib~volunteer.,. the Libras hosted a Bicycle "Road-eo' & Safet~'~l'r:r~ahep to -acourage children to ride in a safe and courteous manner. More 24/7 Library Services The Libras introduced a number al new online services this year, all available to library card holders 2411. These new sesices include the following: Mobile App The Los Gatos Library was the first library in Califaia to go toe with its vxn mobile app from Boapsie. The application albwa patrons to access the Library's catalog and website from anc smart phone or mobile device. Pauons can search the catalog. place holds, and renew items. They can also use the Libran' Locates to find bans of operation and contact info There are also a large number of reading lists and links to the Library's latest blog ~ LosGatosPublleLibrary.blogspatcomJand Twitter (twitter.com/LosGa[osLibraryipDsts. Music Downloads Freegal gives library card haMers the a60ih to downbad free music. The Los Gatos Library was the first libran• in Silicon Palley [Dotter the Freegal senlce. Freegal goes patrons access to a digital library of hundreds of thousands of songs. and is canlinually updated wit h new material. Libran patrons can access the service using the Freegal link an [he Library's home page or be going [o www.LosGatosCA.gov/freegal. After entering [heir library card number. patrons can dawnbad up to three songs a week These songs are all part of the Som•music catalog and can 6e transferred la an}'music player or device. Career Transitions A state library grant allowed the L~bmry to begin offering Career Transitions. a free tool thalprovides astep-h}'-step approach for helping people manage their careers. It offers help in choosing a cares r, researching jab markets, and craf ling a resume. In addition, it offers access loo huge number o(aclual job listings. Patrons must enter their library card numberand create a free account. {it!!f '-C'~ (Yi11Slt{ptlf 1 Online Language Learning Learn a language on your own terms and in your own time. Rocket languages is an interacl'ne language learning tool that allows users to listen and learn as well as to speak and learn. These audio courses are tompleteo online and are accessrLle any lime of des}'or night. Languages included areArabic, Chinese (1{andarin), German, Hindi. ItaOan, Japanese, Korean and .Imencan Sign language. Town nfLru Catas Annual Report fiscal Year?OOS'LO/0 Community Development and Planning Noteworthy Developments Safeway' In lanuarc, the Town approved the demolition of the existing Safeway supermarket and the construction of a new Safewac supermarket at Ji0 N. Santa Cruz Avenue. The new supermarket will be approximately JS.000 square feet and includes an underground parking garage. It will provide a wider selection of products for Safexay customers. Construction started in August: Safeway' expects the new supermarket [o open in the summer of 2011. 9a0 University Avenue In October 2009, the Toxn approved a Planned Development application toconstruct an 86.3J6 square foot, three story sell-storage facilih'. The project ~ located on the east side of University Avenue south of lark Avenue. The architectural details of the approved building will be o(a qualih' no[ q'pically seen on structures br this type of use. Conslrottion activities for the building hegan inJuly. Sunset House 100 Towne Terrace The Town had the privilege of having Sunset Aagazine shoxcase the recent remodel of a single famik home at 100 Ta«ne Terrace, on the corner of L'nhe rsity Avenue and Towne Terrace. The remodel highlighted the onsite relocation and small additive to a 1,2 W sq. f L historic house, xhile adding significant green elements throughout and around the home. This is the third project that Sunset Magazine has featured N Los Gatos. Affordable Housing Program Revisions For many years, Los Gatos has had an afordable housing plan called the Below Market Price Housing (811P) Program. The BMP Program allows low and moderate income households the opportunity to become homeowners. It has a lira iced number of homes, npicalh• condominiums ar lownhomes, which are sold at a price below the current market value. In return for the ability topurchase ahome at a bebw-market price.parlitipating homebuyers agree to restrict the price al which Ihev may rese6 the unit in the future to keep the unit more affordable. The BAIP Program also has a limited number of rental units available. In order to be elig~le to rent a BhIP unit, a household may not exceed 80%al the area median income, adjusted for household sae, as determined br the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUO). BhIP units are generally obtained through the de.elopment process and integrated into the new residential neighborhoods.ln October 2009, the Town Council approved a number of revisions [o the program that resulted in albwing the units to be constructed al locations throughout Los Gatos, rather than within the residential development that triggered the BAIP unit. The revisions also allowed the decebper to pay an in lieu fee if the Town finds that tfre construction of a unit ve tfre property that is under deveopment w elsewAere in town is infeasible. The fees are deposited inloa BMP Fund, which is used to acquire additional units and provide management support of the program through the Santa Clara County HousingAuthority. Finalh•, the recisions allowed an exception to [he Buyer Selection Process for a resident of a rental apartment that is proposed to be converted to an "owner oaupied" condominium w other common interest ovmership development General Plan Update for the past h+•n years the Toxn has been xorking with community members and the Town Council-appointed General PIan.AdvisoryCnmmittee to update the 2000 General Plan. The General Plan is the Towns blueprint for its future and includes all of the aspects essential [o creating a thriving and well-balanced communily.lVhile the update focused on incorporating new policies addressing Youth Needs. Senior Needs, Parks and Recreation, and Em~ironmenl and Sistainability. it also pro ided the oppwlunih to refine or remove the goals. policies, and actions that hate been completed since [he plan's adoplbn in 2000. Downtown Solar Trash Compactors The Town ronlinued to reduce iLs carbon footprint by installing several solar-powered [rash compactors in public areas. CompletelrselGpoxered. the units use solar power far 100%of !heir energy needs. Each unit takes up [he same space as an ordinary receptacle -but its capacity is foe limes greater. Inereasedcapacitvreduces coliectbntrips and reduces fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions by 80%. The Toxn has installed two solar trash compactors in Plaza Parl and one al the Civic Center Additional units will be installed alvarious park bcations in the future. Town of Lot Calot.4nnuol Report Fiscal Year?009!x010 The Toxn released the draf12020 General Plan and Environmental Impact Report in March. and since that time conducted outreach and sought input on the plan from the communih•. Town commissions and committees. and the Town Council. The Town Council reviewed the Draf12020 General Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report in august and adopted it in September. hlany ph~otal land use decisions are made by the Town Council through the guidance of this document and in large part past General Plans have created the communin~ you In~e in todac. Housing Element Update Anew Housing Element is also nearing completion. The Housing Element is a component of the General Plan. However, since stale law requires the Housing Element to be updated at leas[ every the to seven yeas, its reviewaai appraal is usually wrtducted separately Irom the General Plan update. The Hatang Element inclaJes specific components, such as analysis of the existing housing stock and existing and projected housing creeds, aal yuantificative of the number of twtcsing units that could be deseloped. preserved and impraed. Policies and actions in the Element address the development of affordable housing, presenalion of [he existing housing stock remmal of constraint s to housing development. and promoting green building and energy wnsenation. The Housing Ekmenl is currently under stale review', and the second draft is anticipated to be released in late September or eartyOctober. The Planning Commissbn and Town Council will review the Housing Element to consider its adoption in November. For more informatinn.vi~it the _'~i20 General Plan update x'ebsite, www.lggeneralplanupdate.org. ~\ SILfCON VALLEY Best of Silicon Valley In June, bath Tne Mace:4lagatine and The:flercuq .Veres released lists of their favorites Ln everything Iron art galleries to best places to walk your dog. A variety of Los Gatos businesses and !oral"rons r:ere recognized with the most notable being Downtmvn Los Gatos wted as the best Downtown shopping venue b} The.Nercury Neus readers for the fifth year m a row. IDverall, readers of The Batr Slaga_ine rewgnized 20 Los Catos businesses/locations as their favorites in Siiicon Vailep and The Merwrv A'eus readers selected 21. The tt'ace,4fugu.ine Favorites Editor's Best Pick for Best Hike Longer Than a Marathon: Castle Rock Stale Park Best Boutique Hotel: Hotel Los Gatos Best Day Spa: The Spa Los Gatos Best Hair Salon (honors): Nirvana Satin Best Breakfast: Los Gatos Cale Best Coffee House (honors): Los Gatos Roasting Co. Best Creek Restaurant: Dio Deka Best Creek (honors):Opa! Best Irish Pub (honors): C.B. Harnegan's Best Patio Dining (honors): Rine Cedar Best Sandwich: Mr. Pk<les Sandwich Shop Best Tapas Restaurant [honors): Cin-Cin Best Winery (honors): Testarossa Rlnerv Best Cigar Lounge (honors): Los Gatos Cigar Locnge Best Dive Bar.8lackR'alca Best Nappy Hour (honors): Cio-Cin Best Sports Bar. Double D's Besf Nine Bar (honors): Gn-Cin Best Private School (honors): Hil Ibroo; ScF.ool TheSfercuryNetas favorites Best Downtown Shopping (s-year Hall of Fame winner): DawTtown Los Gatos Best Steakhouse (S-pear Hall of Fame winner): Forbes Mill Steak House Best ll'alking Trail (S-Year Hall of Fame Winner): Los Gatos Creek Trail Best Public Pazk (g•Year Hall of Fame 1Yinner):Vasona lake Par:; Best Sports Bar (9-pear Hall of Fame 1Yinner): Double D's Best Dive Bar. B!act Watch Best Bakery (cupcake): king on .he Cake Best Candy Store: Pmve!fs Sweet Shoope Best Paol far laps: Courtside Club Best Place for Massage: Inside & Oat Body Therap}' Best Top Store: Tae R'aoden Horse Helping Businesses in Challenging Times Ghen the challenging economic conditions of the past }ear, [he Town's Economic Vitality slap stepped up its partnerships xilh the business community to boost sales. The Town also conducted an outreach program to build relatbnships with local slarFUps, major empbyers, and vmNerable businesses. Following are a few of these efforts to stimulate the Town's business climate: goLocal (Shop Local Campaign) To support Las Gatos's local econamcand business community, the Town launched a six month goLocal pilot program in Alay. The gook a(Ihe pilot program were to increase local business patronage and sales, and to inform residents about how shopping locally produces revenue [hat is reinvested in the brat communily.24localhusiness owners were paired with one another and featured in a series of ads placed in the Los Gatos 1Yeekly-Times. In each ad, business owners were ghen the opportunity to state why it is important for the community to shop local. 2nd Saturdays Ca-sponsored b- the Town and the Chamber o(Commerce and imohing orer 7S participating businesses, the second year of 2nd Saturdays featured special offers, music, and entertainment. To spread the word both bca0y and regionally. advertising was placed in the Los Gatos Weekh-Times andThe Mercury News, and through a poster campaign Businesses reported an increase in customers and sales, and residents and vki[ors remarked at how Ih~elcand fun [he series o(evenls was. In the upcoming}ear.looklor more unique erents that the Town and the Chamber will partner on to bring additional visitors and shoppers to Los Gatos. Fashion Week and Wine Walk Also co-sponsored Gs• the Town and the Chamber of Commerce. this week-bog even[ featured daily lunchtime fashion shows al local eateries and a Girls Night Ou[ xith a fashion show imohing over'25 brat retaB 6outpues and ten local wineries pouring tastes. The culminating event was a wine walk an play 1 showcasing 2S wineries set up in brat retail establishments. The Town and Chamber were pleasedwith the lurmout at this week-long event: over 200 people attended the Girk Nigh[ Out even[ and orer 300 attended the wine walk. Due to the success of the event. the Town and Chamber plan to replicate it in tall 2010 and spring 2011. Downtown Broker Tour In Juh 2009, real estate brokers from the Bav Area x'ere invited loaltend a tour of vacant spaces in the downlarn. This gave Town stall an opportunity to introduce them to the community and to the Town's vision for the davnloxm. The tour featured 12 vacancies and was kicked oft with a presentatbn b}'the mayor and Town staff. As a result of the tour, several vacant locations were leased and brokers who attended the eren[ have since been m contact with Economic Ylality stall regarding retail opportunities See "Helping 8usinesses.'page 10 I'" oLocal.~ ~`i `::. / ~-- -. los Gatos ~~~~~ Dollars .pent .n tw (taros I.elp par f r our kcal ?t parts. senors. pollee. the libeary and more. ~.. Pht ysrr rAVryay tvhae yora.Ina{ u! Parruninng I«al 6u,~rwvsY boons ~ ~~ 'rJ Xel~r rprr faotpnr}t iq !aslata~ SMpP'^S lounr mluees anenrnnhlk u,e anJ help. r~ sa.e rh< pla.,ee. .) Y4'n b'nt-c ~: `Y , P~`-Ji ~{;.. ~r,1.. ~;n & u~in. ~~~~~~ I17Fut tfrr iLnes 4p spar. k rR th Vlsr'... via( art rc~ dar:ir Lx+ar nrK.cr www.l.orCwrosC.igov: golocal Q lrs Two d Iw l:wa enwap~.e.Jmn m we{vt Ixal e,rnMu New Businesses in Los Gatos b fiscal rear 2009/10, the economicclima[e continued to challenge local taLSinesses prairrg that Los Gatos was not immune [o adrerse economic impacts. Un(orlunateht Los Gatos Boulevard continued to see auto dealers rowte with the loss of the Honda (both New and Used) dealership. Howeser, redevelopment of these sites is in various stages o(review and will bring added retail and Musim3 developrtxnt to the Boule+ard And, bath afim and Research and Development complexes saw occupanq' rates increase as did all Neighborhood Commercial Centers. particulartydownlovcn Ako in the downtown, an additonal 40 parking spaces were added [o the public parking bl located behind the 100 bock of North Santa Cruz Arenue, resulting from the purchase of 224 W. bfain Street b}• the Town. The Town's bog-term plan is to redes•elop the site as a mitred use project including affordable housing. Overall, in comparison with neighboring Silimn Vallee communities, Los Gatos has continued to be a desirable place to locate and grown business. Downtown maintains a high occupancy rate and new businesses conlince to open with vacancies filling quicker than the previous year. R'e ettcoumge }nu to "go Iowl"and support }our community by visiting these new downtown establishments: ^ Au[onlobuild ^ Interba by Design ^ Mike's Bikes ^ Tangles ^ BraviDanceBoutque ^ TsunamiSabnSupplies ^ KilschCouture ^ SerapiAntiquesand ^ EnotechalaSloria ^ Kisslique Rug Gallery ^ ShoeCandy ^ Los Gatos Babv 2 ^ We\e Gal Your Back ^ Amv B's ^ Francesras ^ Restoration Hardware ^ The Butter Paddle ^ Cache Couture ^ Health ECentric ^ "Franc' Inferiors __ _ _ __ _ 5 Tourn afLos Catos.4nnuol Report fisra/ Year?0038010 -o c n' Police Operations Building The Los Gatos/klome Sereno Police Depa rtment mined into it s new Police Operations Building m October 2009. To address critical operational space needs, the Town purchased the former 1'errzan 6u0ding al 15900 Los Catos Doukcard to renovate far use as a police services building. A grou ndbreaking was held in January?009. The project included renovations to the eaisting 9.020 square foot building and an addition of 3240 square feet - and wa s completed on lime and under budges. The nex' facility is the home for patrol, investigations. propertyand evidence, and emergency preparedness operations. The Police Department continues [o be headquartered a[ the Citic Center. the point of Contact for the Chief of Police and the Support Sen•kes Captain. The Civic Center location also remains home to communicalgns, records. parking control, artd other administrath'e services. All public services such as obtaining a copy' of a police report, signing off a citation recehed for a vehicle infraction, contesting of a parking tirleL and filingof a police report rill continue to lake place at the Civic Center location. I IO E plain Street. Automated License Plate Reader Technology The Town and the City of Monte Sereno combined funds to purchase [xoAutomated License Plate Reader (ALPR) stems The systems xere mslafled on M'o patrohehides and are now being used try' patrol officers in bothjiuiuliction. The ALPR technology has been around for main' }ears and is quicklc becoming a poxertul tool for law enforcement to use infighting crime. It consists of cameras mounted on a palyd v'ehick, each facing a different angle. Using software on the patrol vehicle's laptop computer, the cameras record license plates of both parked and mocingvehicles. The license plates are then inslanllycheckedagainst adatabase for being stolen, wanted in relation to a crime. or incohed in an Amber Alert. The cameras are capahle o(recording plates f coin vehicle s traveling over 120 miles per hour. After nearly' (oun'ears of research, [he Los Ga[osiMonte Serena Police Department began using the ALPR technology and quickty found success in locating stolen vehieles.lVS[h the ALPR technology at work, patrol of ficers can operate their patrd vehicles in a much safer and more of&ieN manner. as they' are not being distrazled bs' manually running license plates. In addilan [opatrol-related acth~ilies, the ALPR technology can also provide assistance to the detective bureau. Detectnes can run a search on lull or partial plate numbers against all of the license plates recenlls viexed 6c the sy's[em to see i(the vehicle theyare looking forma}'have been in a particular area and picked up br the ALPR readers. The ALPR technology has preen to be a great benefit to both lax' enforcement and t he prMic. It afloxs olficers to find vehicles associated with a crime mach faster and more efficiently. It ako alloxs victims to recover their stolen vehicles much sooner than by more tmdilional methods- The success and of ficienq• of this technologv'has prompted the Police Department to esaluate a similar tool br fulwe use with parking enforcement. Emergency Preparedness This}ear has been a busyone for emergency preparedness inilia[h'es in Los Gatos. The Tawn ga•ernment's response loan emergency, such as an earthquake, public health even[, or act of terrorism, is directed 6c our Emergenn'Operations %an (EOP). Periodicallr.an EOPw01 beupdated to address new taus, policies, or hazards: respond to feedback from emergency'drilLsond exercises: or simply [oexpand the scope of the document. The newest edition of the EOP was appraed by the Tam Council in June 2010.11os[ significantly, the revisions included the addition of plans for evacuation related to floating and wildfire, as well as poshdisaster spontaneous vdunteer management. Evacuation plarrs were developed for fire-prone hillside zones, and fa bw-lyirq area that could be a[ risk in the event of a dam failure at Lexington Reservoir. The plans inchide identifying primary and secondary aacuation routes, and establishment of zones and neighborhood maps to aid polce and other emergeng• responders in effecting the rapid and safe evacuation of threatened areas. The Tawn will be presenting its sixth annual Los Gams Prepared program this year, to provide the intormatlonal resources residents will need to survive the next great earthquake. While Las Cams Prepared is primarily focused amend the anniversanof the Loma Prieto Earthquake (October 17) and Emergency Preparedness Month (October), residents can attess the Los Gatos Prepared web page a nytime. at www.LosGa[osCA.gov/prepared. The page has simple and easy-to-use krms and checklists to assist you in making a TLhour emergency supply' kit, creating a family reunion plan, earthquake preparedness tips, and much more. Alert SCC 6 .. Tarn aI Las Goros Annua! Report F'isra(Year ?OOSrzOIO Launched last spring, Alert SCC, the Santa Clara County Emergenn' Alert System. is a community ratitxation system thatxill be used in response and recovrn' efforts to communicate informaton to Town empla~ees and the pubhc during a disaster The service will be used byauthorized local public offxials to seal emergency. time-sensithe, and common interest information via personalaed voice and text messages to employees. residents. and businesses in Las Gatos. The system will also be used to nolilr Tav'n emergenn• service xnrkers to report to work in the erent of an emergency alert SCC does not replace?d-1. The stem has [he capacih'to send thousands of messages within minutes datelephone. a-mail and text messaging based upon the recipient's designated preferences. M1lessages wn be sent to the entire lawn. a geograp~hk area, or to a specific set d contacts. The Town's participation in the Alert SCC system also provides an opportunity'tor Town residents to gel immediate updates on a varies}' of public health and sateh~ situatbns such as foes. floats, hazanlars chemical spa0s. infectious disease controls, and school or road closures.:\II residents ue encouraged to go to www.alertscc.rnm toregister for induion on the notification system and to set penonal preferences. The Tovvn is pleased to be participating in another program Thal provdes critical publi: safeb' information as well as increases comiauninlions be hceen the Toxn and its residents. GAL.ERTSCC Th Pd:rrv;~a<<-,•; B~~:d:gvc: ::=i:`;'fn: r .. ~.:.rs~re~~rr Cosy The Parent Project The Los GalosiM1lonle Jere no Police Department facilitated its second successful Parent Projeu course earlier this tear. This Program ~ specifi 311y ~Sesigned for parnnrs et adoL s. ems who display behasior problems. are especial I'• dilfxulL "strong wil{zd:' or aII of contrc4. Thr goals of the Parent Project are to reduce Iaril} coNlict. improse school performance and ~ attendance. intervene with drugand akohul abuse, address poorpeerassociations,and help parenh. to set more ettectise limits. this fr rgnm is sporxsored 6r Ne Santa Clara Carmy Office of the Districl,lttometi•ond has received national altenimn (or its success rate. There H ere a total of t+rentc-one participants who rompleted the twehe~week course. which began in January :;~ 1-~.'-'. n April?1110..A1101 the participant reported seeing positive changes in their children 6s'the end 1 0l the program.One of the parents eti~en took time to speak al a mee[ingof another Police _.yr i Deparlmenl coalition group. knowm as'Drug Frze."about her pwitire experience with the c!a=-. ar.J ~~i~ ~,; a can change the lines oladolescenls. Detailed information about the Parent Project is asailable online a[ wisw.parentproject.com. The local facihtators maybe contracted via tzlephone al t903) 908-3799. Police Department Continues to Improve Through Technology During the last year, the Los Gatos/Morse Sereno Police Foundation funded the purchase of two night vision desires for the Police Departmem patrol cars. This "Forward Looking Infrared Radar." commonly known as "FLIR:' is mounted an top of the driver's side spot tight. and uses thermal imaging technolegc to display images on the computer inshie the car. Olfirnrs can quickly identify peoPie, animals, vehicles that were recently driven, or any olhe r object that is warmer than its immediate surroundings. Acommon use for Nis technologcincludes identifying cars that were recently driven, because the device will displavan image which highlights [he hood of the eehkle if the engine of Ne car is still warm. Seseral auto burglar suspects were apprehe~ed Nis year through use of the FLIR s}stem 0fl'tcers bated uarmcehkks, and fh thzn searching the dukstreet with the device were aWe [o quickly bca[e suspects attempting to hide in the dark, whootherwise might have goneundetected. The FLIR s}stem also son es as a great s~uyeillance fod.:An of&er can sit in a parked patrol car anJ watch an area of interest, such as a neighborhoaf strzet, a brsicess complex that has beenvictim¢ed, a park. or constnrction site. This agoxs officer to monitor large areas of interest and gain the adsantage of seeing suspects before Ne patrol tar is seen in Ne area. In Nese chalkngingeconomic times. i[ is oftendifficult tosecure fwdirq fur newequipment, especially in the area of terhndogv. Through the continued hard wodc and autslanding support of the Los Galosi141onte Sereno Police Foundation, both the Police Deputment and memtxrs of our romnwnitycontinue tobenefit fromcultingedge technology that will help reduce crime and apprehend suspects who commit crime in our community. Working to End Homelessness During the past year. the Los Gatosihlonte Sereno Police Department has continued to derebp its relationships with other ga em mental and non-goternmental arganizalions b the South Bayin an effort to better support ending homelessness. There is a rotating popular ion o(dose to one hundred chronkalk homeless b our community and the are cons[anttc exposed to difficult P9tyskal and mental challenges. Daring the past year. two of these indisiduals passed away. Apriman~ Hal of the Police Department s collaboration is to present fuuure losses M~securing horsing far those in need, which also support Santa Clam Cowly's mission of ending homelessness in the count}'. Towards this goal. stn deparlmem has made sesccal str4Jes, inau,lirtg a hrsbaer outreach effort, helping to secure homes for the homeless, and adopting a more comprehensive homeless polkv. ^ Benefits Management Corporation ^ Gardner Famils•Health Netxori: ^ TzuChifoundation ^ Santa Clara Cwnb~ Office of the Public De(erofer ^ lfomentum far Slenml Heahh ^ EIIC Lilehuildzr The January outreach event launched other z(forts for gelling assistance [o Nose who need it. For example. the Police Departmenf.5t. Luke's.and the Counn• Housing Collabomthe were able to work loges her to secure housing for one o(our homeless resiJent arnJ hose pre gratified a nd prepued se3-eml others for future housing opportunities. Outreach Event In lanuan'?010. the Pollee Deparlmenl and SI. Luke's Episcopal Church held the commwih's tirst~e<er altreach exert (cr the homeless. O+er 40 people attended the vent and ohtained a varieh~ o(senices and information such as raccinalbn s, general health cart. ~izmal rue, identification cu~1s. and legal ad+ice The Los Galos/Monte Sereno Police Departmenlxould lue to acknowledge and thank its following partners for making the outreach campaign such a Tremendous success: • St. Luke's Episcopal Church ^ Project homeless Connect ^ Santal'IamCounhHousingCollaborato'eonalfordable Housing and Homeless Issues ^ 14'estl'allerCommunitsSen•kes ^ 11.5. Department ofl'eteransAffairs ^ Calle} Nameless Health Care Program New Operating Procedures In support of this effort. the Police Departmem has adopted a more hands-on polin~ and impmsed its standard rperotingprocedures for working with the homeless population For example. indhidual officers sill be designated fowwkwith homahss individuals, which will allow them to establish a relationship and understanding of Ne needs fxingour homeless population. The department alsoxnrked with members of the local court system, the Santa Clara Counq~ Mental fleal[h Department and other non-ga~ernmental orcpnizauons to adsncate far a more streamlined approach when natigating thecarious court processes for persons with mental illness, many o(whom are al_w homeless. This approach was not onh~ more effectise. but has serced to reduce casts associated wdh repelitise Court processes during a time of budget constraints. For more information about these efforts to end homelessness in Las Gatos, please conGad Offimr Leo CaLJin;ton e(Ihe Los Galas/ Moms Sereno Polite Department. al 1908 i 354-e860 Tares of lax Calos.-0nnual Repot! Fisca! Year ?00!Y_r01D 7 £enr~v,!>nNing lrlrufrlRa.SV(fURI unit Parks and Open Space State Grant Funds Help Improve Town Parks Thanks to State of California parks grant funding. sa•eralTown parks hate recened a lacelil[ [his gear. In June.lhe basketball court at Bachman Park was resurfaced. providing a safer and more visualh pleasing bole for this park feature. In August. Ne tennis courts at La Rinconada and Blossom Hill Parks were also resurfaced. These prgecls wiilhelp make these courts more enio}able today, and also presen•e the surlaces for future use. later this }ear, look for additional imprmements in the children's play lots at Bachman. 8elgatos, and Blossom Hill Parks. These pla}' bts will all be retrofitted for accessihihh ao-J safety imprmements. Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park In September 2009, the Town announced the purchase of approximateW 3 acres of land al 930 Unb~ersityAaenue, to be used onk for the deselopment of a communityand }nuth sports facility. This will be the lust actiae use park opened in Los Gatos since 8elgatos Park xas opened in 1978. The To»n Council adopted guiding principles far the development of Nis land in June, to guide design efforts and public discussions. and to ensure the timely and al(ordahle development of the new facility. The proposed uses at Ne new park will address the unmet acl'n'e recreational needs within the Town's current supply of parl• facilities. One or two multiuse sports fields will he included, and hardscape elements not prm•ided elsewhere in the Tawn park system will be considered. Development goals also irxlude environmental suslainability, including water of&ient landscaping and energy efficient lighting .4rlificial mrF will be the preferred surface far the athletic fields if siilficient funding is available. A community input process will begin •,vilh a community meeting in Nosemher, folbwed by a second meeting in December. All Los Gatos residents are encou raged to attend one or both of these meetings and prmide (heir ideas about what specific uses and features should be included in the final design A professiorel park designer will be on hand to help put these ideas on paper In Februan or 1larch of 2011, the \laster Plan for the parl• is scheduled for adaptan. and then specifications wdl be dmnbped and the project wi8 go out to bid. Depending on the emirettmental assessment reeds (or the site, a construction award could be made W luh 2011, with construction beginning in September 2011. This exciting new facilitywill serve many generations of Los Gatos residents, and add to [he quality of life (or eseryone in [awn. Transportation and Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects Blossom Hill RoadlUniversity Avenue Intersection Improvements The .4merican Recovers and Reinvestment Acl (ARRA) o(2009 intended to prmide an economic stimulus b}' funding public works construction projects Throughout the nation. The Town has dedicated its portion of theARRA funding to the redesign of the Bbssom Hill Road and Unnersib~Acenue intersection. Due to the lack o(dedicaled left turn lanes and standard pedestrian and binnle facilities, the intersection has not functioned as efficienth as others in Los Gatos. This project replaced the old an~i outdated traffic signal with a new and functioml traffic signal system. Dedicated left turn lanes were constructed on Unn~ersitc Avenue to imprme the operation of this intersection and assist with moving traffic more efficientiy- :\dditionally,side»alksovere installed along Unh•ersih'Aaenue adjacent to Oat Steadow part to tJl inthe missing sections of sidewalkand proaide safe access for pedestrians. Pavement repairs and storm drainage imprmements were also included as part of this project The con<Iruclion of the intersection began in Januan• and was cnmpMted in lul}:resurfacing and reslriping took place in August. Roherts Road Bridge Reconstruction The Roberts Road Bridge across the Los Gatos Creek was constructed in 191g.Over the many intervening }ears, this structure has begun to deteriorate. The age of the structure and scouring o(its foundation has made replacing this bridge a necessity. In ?007. the Town applied for and secured a Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (HBRR) grant funded from Callrans for the design and construction of this bridge replacement project The project includes the reconstructbn of a single span bridge on Roberts Road across Los Gatos Creek. replacement of adjacent retaining »alls, new lighting and concrete xnrk (curbs. golfers. sidewalksl. as well as recanslruction of Roberts Road Irom the new bridge to west Brickway Court. A construction contract was awarded to Jones Brothers Inc. in December ?009. Construct ion stoned in lanuan and is scheduled to be mmpleled by December 2DI0. 8 Tarn atlas GatosAnnrral Report Faro! 1'ear?009!'O10 30 Years as a Tree City USA This spring, the Town was named a Tree City USA` by the National Arbor Day foundation to honor its commitment to its community forest. This is Ihe30th consecuCne year that Los Catos has retei+ed this recognition and is one o(only lOcities in the stale to recebe [his award for 30 or mare }'ears. The Tree Ci[y USA` program is sponsored br the National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation xilh the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, and provides direction, technical assatance, public attention, and national recognition for urban and community foresln• programs in thousands of towns and cities throughout the United States. This year, the Town hosted an Arbor Day even[ at Belgalos Park Town stall and students from surrounding schools helped plant 30 new trees at the park as well as at other designated bcatbns throughout Los Gatos. Town dignitaries and PG&E Forester Chris Hughes xelcomed students and teachers from nearby 61uWerry School as we 0 as se+eral dozen Town residents. The Arbor Day e+em celebrated the hislarybehind Tree Citr USA", asxell as how the Town's urban lorest- of more than?0.000 trees-touches the lives of people within the community who benefit daily from cleaner air, Coder buildings, and the aesthetic beauty that a healthy, well-managed urban breslpravides. If you xnuW like to learn more about Tree City USA` please visit its xebsite, www.arborday.orglprogramsRreeCityUSA, or tall (sas) aas-T33T. Town Wins SustainabilityAward The Town is proud to have been chosen by the California The Town was honored for its Las Catas: Growing Greener Sustaina6fliq'Alliance [0 6e leatured in its Sustainabilily Toge[herprogram.Through this program. part of the Towris Showcase as a California Leader in Suslaina6ililr for 2009. Commitment to being a certified Green Business, Town The award, presented inFebmaryinLasangeles, employees are providedxi[hamonthtylistottipsandgreen recognized leaders in fn•e areas: commercial buildings, ` "" V practices Thal they tan use at work and at home. For multitamilghousing,localgoremmenl( small moreintormationaboulLosGatos:GrouingGreener medium, and large),xaleragencies,ando[her ~ Together.visittheTown'swebsite,www.LosGatosCA. products and services. The Town was honored in goy/growinggreener. In addition, the Town was the bcal government (small) calegon•. recognized for its LEED Library project, solar "The successes and achievements of these ~ powered trash compactors and Downtown recycling organizatbns are Ime examples of best program, and its use of alternative fuel in many of ' practices in [he areas otwater, energyand [he Town s vehicle fleet. sus[ainabilih•-no[onlyinCalitornia, ~ For moreintormat'tonabou[the but across the country as well." said Suslaina6Dily Showcase awards. ShaunDenlice,advisoralSouthern A and the California Sustainability' CalitorniaGasCompanyandad+isor LOS GL iTOS Afliances•isi[wwwsustainca. lolheCahbrniaSuslainabihly growing greener together org/showcase/showcase2D09. Alliance. Q.. 70 rn n 0 cm o' C/~ New Youth Friendly Business Program wins State Award A new prograrn created by the Los Gatos Youth Commission in partnership wish the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce has been awarded prestigious recognitior, 6y the League n(California Cities. The Rulh Vreeland Award for Engaging Youth in Gaerrmen[ was granted this Seplemoer to the Commissions "Youth Friendly Business Program" Created in hlarch, the new initiative recognizes Los Gatos businesses that demanstmle support for yroulh;n the community. The Youth Friecdly Business progam was an outgrowth of discussions among youth on the Commission and within the community [hat mar.}' businesses in Los Gatos deserve recognil:on for their support o; youth by hiring youth, providing goods or services appropriate for youth, contributing to yvulh sports teams and acth idea, or demonstrating respect for youth wfio visit [he business. The Youth Commission and Chamber of Com merce solicited nominations of ynuth•(riendly businesses from the communilp. Over SD nominations were received for businesses ranging tram ahome- hasedpiano teacher to locallyowred businesses :o national chain stores. Nominations were reviewed by the enfire Youth Commission with nearly a;l b~.rsinesses chosen far recognition. Recogn¢ed businesses have received awindowdecal [odemnnslrate that they are "youth friencly.' In addition, one business was selected as Ne "Youth Friendly Business of the fear." J1 Magoa's Pica, bated an Los Gatos Bouie+ard. The Town Council oresented a special recognition to 11 ydagoo's a[ a council meeting in June. The Youth Friendly Business programattepts avid acts on nomina:ions (or businesses }eu-round. Selection of the Toutb FriendlyBusiness ottheYear occurs each May from all nominalions submitted. The rominalion torn is available online at roeww.LosGatosCA.gov/yfbprogram. Nominations may be sent to [he Los Catos~llon[e Sereno Police DepaYment, I10 E. Alain S[_ Los Gatos. CA, 95030: or+ia email to youthcammission@LosGa[osCA.gov. Loaor the youth friendN business logo the next lime ybu are visiting a Los Catos business and knas• t'na[ they are working to suooort our Tnnr.'s+oulh Budget Recognition and Awards For more than a decade. the Town has received the Go+ernmenl Finance Otfxers association (GFO.A) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual Operating Budget including an award for Fiscal Year 2009/I0. In order to earn this award. the Town budge[ must be rated as proficient in fau guideline categories, designed to assess hay well the budget serves as a pdicp document. a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications guide. The Toxn also received once again the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in financial Reporting from the GaernmeN finance Officers association d the United States and Canada (GFOa) for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CA FR) for Fuca I year ending Lme 30, 2004. The Certificate d Achievement is the highest form d recognilan in the area of gaernmental, accounting arot financial reporting. and its attainment represents a signi&ant accomFaishmeN M~ a gaernment agency and its management. The Torn ~ financial report xas judged 6c an impart ial panel which determined that [he report demonstrated a constructive "spirit of f ull discbsure' to dearly communicate its financial story and mothate potential users and user groups to read the CAFR. .._ __ 9 Town o/Los CatosAnnuol Report Fiscal Year?003?0!0 Senior Services, continued from 2 It is a muhnlly beneficial situation to prov4de LGS Recreaucn wiN the space it needs, across the street Irom its existing headquarters, and thereby maximizing the use o(the facility hcthe community through expanded education and recreation programming. Far seniors. the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center can sen'e as aone-stop shop. where they can both register and attend LGS Reaealion programs, and access support services. Address Future Bud~et Ucticits The Tvan organization f aced a budget deficit o(approximalely 51.8 million (or the current fiscal yeas It xas important to expbre eservopporlunitglo reslmcturethe pra'isbn of services. arki to maximize the benefits proided tyexisting assets. The partnership between the Town and LGS Recreation includes along-term lease of the Center. representing new revenue to the Torn. Al the same lime, senior services hale been expanded, benefitting local seniors. LGS Recreation is a nonprofit agency that was formed in 19Sr; through ajoim powers agreement with the local school districts in Los Gatos and Saratoga. Its mission a to help build a healthy communin~ by providing a ride range of education. recreaton. and enrichment programs to the cit¢ens of Los Gatos, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, and neighboring mountain communities. The agenq~ is funded through user fees and donations, and receises no tax resenue. Its gaerning board includes represematises of the Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District, the Los Gatos Union School District, and the Saratoga Union School District. and members of the community. Its headquarters is located at I23 E. Alain Street. across the street from the Cisic Center, classes are held at 191ocations Ihroughoul the community, including the Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center. Special Events, continued from 3 Community Garage Sale The annual Community Garage Sa k is a joint of fort between [he Tavn arM the City of Monte Sereno. As a part of our waste disesion efforts, this es ent is organized to encourage community members to sell, recycle, a donate unroofed goods. ultimately reducing the amount of solid waste heading to the IandfilL In fact, because of this and other waste diversion and recycling programs, the Town has met and exceeded the state mandate to dRert at least fifty percent of its waste from the landfill. The 2009 went xas held on October 3, with more than 200 garage sales, 61ock sales, and non-profit group sales held Screen on the Green On September 2i. 2019, Oal' Meadow Park became a large outdoor Neatre for this fun-fille'.1 family esenl. Screen on the Green is an annual eaent that invites the community tojoin together for an erening of entertainment under the slars.This year, the ereN began with childrens activities, including games provided by~ Los GatosSaraloga Community Educatic Recreafion.lree face painting and glitter tattoos, and music 8illyJones Wild Cat Railroad was also on handoffering train and carousel rides while serving up delitpus BBQ selectii drinks, anJ snacks in the snack Lac The feahtred film. the Tale ofDesoereaur, was shorn on a YS' indataNe screen. Helping Businesses, continued from 5 Mayor's Business Outreach Continuing to build bridges with our business cammunihtlhe Mayor. Taam Manager. and Economic Vitality slatl met with Iceal businesses an a monthly basis. Fach month a business xas selected from one of three categories: growing start-ups. major emplm'ers. and svlnerable businesses. The team met with each CEOat the business bcation, loured the facdilies, and observed operations. Frank disco scions abeul wM' the business bated in Las Gatos, the business's plans for growth and expansion. and anyTanm related issues faring the business xere a lees part of the outreach meelings.The Outreach Program has praen to be an excellent wav to team more about the diserse businesses in Los Gatos and to understand their needs. During the year, the Mayror's team met with the fo8oxing businesses: ^ ImageShack ^ ~~etflix ^ ilValt ^ eCairn ^ IiDi3D ^ Smashxords.lnc. ^ Tri('ipher ^ glarllSpace ^ PowvrPradirtium ~n(I•aare 10 _. __ __..... . Toren of Los Gofos.4nnua(Report £iscol Year ?009!0/0 Fiscal Perspective A Fiscal Perspective for FY 2010/11 On June 7.2010 the Town Council adopted the FY 2D10lIl Operating. Capital, and Redeveopment Agency budgets for the Town. These budgets establish basic spending policies. operational xorkplans, and service levels for [he community. based on sowd fiscal and budgeting practices which incorporate a fne-year financial forecast, the Town's Operating Budget establishes funding IeveLs (or ongoing sen~ices and commune[}' prograrr7s during the fiscal year. The Capital Budge[ is a comprehensive Free-year plan for the construction, impra'ement, or rehabilitation of Toxn infrastructure. The Redevelopment Agency budget identifies and funds rederebpmenl infrastructure projects and economic vitality programs in the davntown area The economic datnturn continues [o impact local househdds, businesses, and even nonprofit organizatbres. Los Gatos, file other communities, has not been immune from These cha0enges. Shopping. Uaveling, real estate and buiklingactirity have decreased, lox•ering the amount of General Fund revenue the Town receires. The Town's fne year financial plan projected a S1.8 mi0iondeficit for F'YY010/11. This shortfall, which represented nearly 64~of the General Fwd budget, was balanced through avarie[yof short-and long-term budget strategies, including targeted hiring freezes, the be lower Should the economic situation worsen, the Town has the ability to use designated resen~es to maintain basic core services. Despite the Town s pas[ prudent planning, ongoing operating deficits are projected for [afore years. Another challenge facing Los Gatos and other California commwities is the State of Ca lifornia budget situation D wring FY 2009110, the stale seiaed 52.2 million in redevelopment funds and [ookanosher Sa60,000 in FY201D/1l to balance itsbudgeLContinuedlakesframthestatetauldresultin General Fund Sources a further loss of Town services. FY 2010/2011 Inanticipalionolluturebudgetgaps,theTownisactiveh'exploringcosl-sharing (S33Million) opportunities, service delivery options, and alsernathe revenue strategies. The Town will continue to make maintaining public safely, enhancing streets and parks, providing library and community services, and protecting the Town s Festal health priorityissues. Oth er Sources lt3,]00,000) General Fund Sources - T°w^ fervites If 3,fi00,000) The General Fund supports basic Taxm operalans and expenses. General 'F. ~~~~+'~ VLF aack Fill Property Taa ttl,000,0007 Fund sources include various sax revenues, suchas proper[ysax, sales tax, _ hotel occupancytax, and business license lax. as well as interest earnings. r.te^te:aperm~t:ftr,9oo.0007 insergmernmenlal revenues,andfees charged for development services, rre~.tn~.e ree: u+soo,oao> permits, and fines and rorreitsues. Los Gatos is heavih•dependenl on local economy-based revenues, w•iN Sales & term es+.zoo,ooos Use Tax as the Towns primary revenue source. This revenue has declined over rr,^se^t ote~p.nry T,. u+.ooo.oaos the pastyear due to the slowing economy and loss o(auto dealers. Regardless of [he lesel of sales Wx revenue, it is important to note shat the Town receives onk '"ter9°"°'"m°"tai (saoa.oaa7 I tent of the 8.25 cents of sales tax per dollar of sales generated b she Town. r;°e: a s°.rert~,es afioo.ooo) Property Tax andVehicle Liceme Tax receiptsare expected to remain Rat far F'Y 2010!11; these sources hpicalh account for more than a quarter o(General ,,,na rrz"tier. ~" uaaa,ooo7 Fund revenues. For every SI of property tax paid bs properh' owners in Los o z d 6 e Gatos, only 9.5 cents returns to the Tavm to pay br local services. Economicalty- sensitive revenue like inleress incomeand Botel OccupanccTax is anticipated to be lower than in previous years due to the economic dovvn[urn. General Fund Uses FY 2010/2011 General Fund Uses (S33 Million) Most of the Tavn's services are supported by the General Fund. including police services. street and signal maintenance, park maintenance, and the Libra n. as well as building and development seniceswhich include planning. engineering, parks a p°nut w°rx~ ossoo.aa and inspection services (much o(which came from fees for services]. Community Oevelapme^t (53,400.000) The chart to the right shows FY 2010/ II planned expenditures o(approximateh S33millionbvsenicearea.Hoxa'er,wilheconamicsimess[illuncerlainand x°"oepartme°ta+tsz,rao,oaa7 the possibility o(stale takeaway. adjustments may need to be made to the M7dget o'er the ssext fiscal yeas aamtninnrre ser.~tea uz.aoo.aoos - rown oepanmenx vaymenes (sa,+oa.aoo7 Future Outlook - uoraryser.xeats7.eoo.aoo7 While the fn'e-year forecast projects budget deficits in future years, the Taa'n is well positioned to deal with the challenges of economic hardships. _ a^,rera rssao.aoos Alanaging a loss of revenue in an environment of rising employee costs c°mm~"..y zervuea nsao,oaa7 and infrastnrcture expenses will be dilficuls. However, sayings set aside for strategic use will help smooth fiscal imparts. alloxing the Town's core r°„," an°.^ey rszoo.oao7 services to remain intact. The Town Council will continue to place a high priority an improving the Town's economic vilalilp. protecting revenues. and ,,,.,,, c°~^<a eszoo.oow maintaining public safety, while the administration seeks out ways to balance a a s s +z community needs with available resources. _____ _ ____.11 Touw of Las CaforAnnuef Report Frscaf Year?003!010 On the Horizon For More loformation To»m o(Los Gatos Cis~c Center 110 Easl Main Slreel Las Gatos. C4 95030 Telephone (405) 354-6632 Fax (408)399-i7S6 Email Manager®LosGatasCA.gov R'ebsi[e www.LosGatasCA.gov Affordable Housing Project In late 2009. the Town purchased a 1.59 acre parcel on Dittos lane loran a(lardable housing project In.lpri12010. ROEM Development s ubmitted a %anned Deselopmenl applicat ion for up to 32 units of affordable housing on [he site. The Town is currently conducting aB of the necessary technical resie»'s and em~ironmental resie»' for the proposed project. The Town anticipates that the Planned De.~elopment application will be reviewed b}'the Planning Commission and the Town Council in tale 2010 and/or eark 2011.5Vhen an al(ordabk horsing project is alprosed to the rile the project will preside a fine example of xeB designed, high quality of fordable housing in downtown Las Gatos. Preparation of a Climate Action Plan 12 To¢n oflas CarosAnnualRepod fisra! Year?00320/0 WN f_~`1~~~ ~ Town of Los Gatos ~' .~.:~l.,i ~i:~``,, ~ PO Box 949 : ; ,!- ~wt~.-~.: Los Gatos, CA 95031 !ps CAMS In 2008, the Town Council passed a resolution adopting the Imernational Council for Local Environmental Initialises (ICLEq Cities for Climate Protection Campaign (CCP). The CCP helps local gorernments and communities reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissons and Iheir associated emironmenlal impacts. To achieve its goal o(reducing GHG emissons and impraing air qualih~, wer the nextyear theTownwill establish a GHG reduction target far the Las Gatos communi[yconsisleN with Stale Assembh• B ill 32 (the California Global Warming Solutions AcQ, develop and implement a climate action plan, and monitor and report progress. The Climate Action PWn a an implementation program o(the Town's new Geneal %an. The Climate Actnn %an wiB proide background information on the causes of climate change and projections of its impacts on Los Gatos; present estimates of Las Gatos's baseline GHG emissions: describe recommended emissions reduction actions in the key target seclon of Transportation. energyeffxiency,ond renewable energy; and present the steps requ'ved mer the near term to impkrnent the plan. Preparation of the plan will occur over the Tate fall and winter of 2010111. PRSRTSTD US Postage PAID Los Gams, CA 95030 Permit x57 POSTAL CUSTOh(ER ®Pi~n~-d en r~yrrEd paper vaU sar iNcs