2010100403 BKF Engineers prj 10-10town of MEETING DATE: 10/04/10
Authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional engineering design services agreement
with BKF Engineers Inc. in an amount not to exceed $89,559.
The adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for FY 2010/11 - 2014/15 designates
funding for various infrastructure improvement projects for the purpose of improving and
enhancing the quality of life in the community. The Highway 9 and University Avenue
intersection improvement project is one of the projects included in the Town's CIP Budget. The
FY 2010/11 Capital Budget designates funding in the amount of $1,169,000 for this project,
which includes the required design services.
The intersection of Highway 9 and University Avenue is one of the heaviest used intersections in
Town. No improvements have been made by Caltrans to this intersection since its construction
approximately 40 years ago. The primary deficiency of this intersection is the lack of a dedicated
left turn lane for the signal system, and through lanes. In addition, the curb returns at Highway 9
and University Avenue intersection are not based on current design standuds. Larger vehicles
and bucks are challenged when making turns in and out of University Avenue onto Highway 9.
This project will allow for the widening of University Avenue at the intersection of Highway 9 to
Director of Parks and Public Works
Reviewed by:_~?~~_Assistant Town Manager V~Town Attorney
Clerk Administrator _~~Finance -Community Development
N:\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCIL\COUNCIL REPORTS\2010 ReporES\October 4\10-]OHighway9.University.Consultant.Design.docx
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
accormnodate standard left turn lanes and through lanes, the reconfiguring of crosswalks, and the
installation a of new traffic signal system.
The Town Council, as part of the FY 2010/11 budget process, approved funding from the Town
Traffic Mitigation funds for the design and construction of the improvements at the Highway 9
and University Avenue intersection. Staff successfully secured a Caltrans grant from the
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) in the amount of $900,000 for this project.
Utilizing this Caltrans grant, the Town would use only Traffic Mitigation Funds for the project
Using Caltrans guidelines for grant funded projects, staff prepared a scope of work for the design
of this project and prepared a request for qualifications and proposals. The following consulting
firms responded to the Town's request:
• BKF Engineers Inc.
• PAE3Inc.
• Civil Engineering Associates Inc.
Staff reviewed all three consultants qualification statements and proposals, and ranked each
consultant accordingly. The proposal from BKF Engineers Inc. ranked the highest and they are
the most qualified. BKF's proposal completely covers the project scope of design and
preparation of construction documents.
In 2007, BKF Engineers Inc, was selected by Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga to design
Phase 1 of the Highway 9 Safety Improvements Project. Phase 1 of the project was successfully
completed in 2008. This firm was also selected by the City of Saratoga to design Phase 2 of the
Highway 9 Safety Improvements Project and is currently working on this project. BKF
Engineers Inc. has experience with similar projects and staff is confident they will perform well
for the Town on this project.
It is anticipated that project design will be completed by Surmner 2011 and conshuction will
begin in Fa112011.
Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional
engineering design services contract with BKF Engineers Inc. in an amount not to exceed
SEPTEMBER 20, 2010
This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A
Notice of Exemption will not be filed.
There are sufficient funds available for this project as demonstrated in the table below.
_ _ _ ___ _ _ _Available_ _~, __7~pendecU . -`__ Proposed '
Budget 'Encumbered - - Contract
FV 2070/11 Fiscal Tmnact NLnding To Date Amount -
421-813-0202 ' $ 269,000 $ -,
- $ 900,000 - . $ 89,559 ~ $' ~ ~ 179 441 '
TOTALS . $ 1,169,000 ~ $ - . $ 89,559 -~ 1,079,441
'OTdL,~~II~[7,R~,~B~'CA~~F]G~ORY~:.* &~~'~_.~.{~ r~. =~F_.si~=~~s~~~ .~_.~ ."';g.z
.Design i $ 89,559'
-TOTALS $ 89,559
1. Proposal from BKF Engineers Inc. dated August 20, 2010
°_ August 20, 2010 Attachment 1
B kf Kevin Rohani, P.E.
Town of Los Gatos
Parks and Public Works Department
41 Miles Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95031
SUBJECT: Highway 9 /University Avenue Intersection Improvements (Project # 10-10)
Dear Mr. Rohani,
It is with great interest and excitement that we are responding to your request for qualifications (RFQ)
pertaining to the Town of Los Gatos Highway 9 /University Avenue Intersection Improvements (Project).
The following qualifications highlights BKF Engineer's (BKF) commitment, expertise and resources in
preparing project plans, specification and estimates (PS&E), obtaining Caltrans and E-76 approvals, and
providing construction design support services.
BKF has an excellent reputation of developing roadway designs with high quality construction
documents and punctual project delivery. BKF's ability to perform all the required work in-house
results in a stellar history of performance in delivering traffic signal and roadway projects throughout
California. We have chosen a solid team to give you the highest confidence in our ability to mobilize
quickly, to develop optimal solutions that effectively manage the risk and complexity of the project to
obtain Caltrans approvals, and to support the Town of Los Gatos's goals.
BKF's experience and success in the development of traffic signal and roadway construction documents
is also demonstrated by the consistency of our design team. BKF's key staff has worked together for
over 10 years and has produced over 500 major and minor public projects involving Caltrans
encroachment permit processing in California. These projects exceed 1 billion dollars in construction
costs. BKF has an excellent reputation of meeting project schedules, developing consensus and
obtaining approval from local agencies and stakeholders. The stability and knowledge of the BKF team
emphasizes BKF's commitment to providing exceptional service to the Town of Los Gatos.
BKF is looking forward to continuing to work closely with the Town of Los Gatos. Close communications
and coordination between BKF and the Town are essential for a successful project. On an accelerated
project such as this, the responsiveness by BKF to mobilize and "hit the ground running," is especially
critical. The attention to client response by the BKF team is proven in its track record of "repeat client"
The work for the Town of Los Gatos's Project will be performed out of our San Jose office location.
BKF understands the commitment and resources necessary to deliver this project efficiently for the
benefit of the public. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the enclosed qualifications. Please
contact Natalina Bernardi at (408) 467-9100 if any additional information is required.
Very truly yours,
V. Berna
- - ----_-
"i65G Technology DriY2, Suite 85G a San =ose, CA 551?D
T. (4G8) 487-9i GG & ~. (4G8) y&7-91 DD
BKF Engineers (BKF) is pleased to propose on the Town of Los Gatos' (Town) Highway 9/University Avenue
Intersection Improvements Project (Project). The work involved for the project specifically compliments
BKF's skills and expertise. BKF provides a large spectrum of services including civil engineering, surveying,
traffic, land planning and public outreach services for local agencies (including City, State and Federal),
developers, contractors, and corporations. BKF has built a reputation over the last 25 years on its ability to
successfully manage, design, and process roadway projects of various scope and size on schedule and within
budget. We understand the commitment and resources necessary to deliver projects efficiently for the
benefit of the public. BKF has the organizational depth of expertise and ability to draw upon diverse services
and staff as a project progresses. BKF's goal is to maintain our long-term working relationships with our
clients by producing accurate, cost-effective work products and delivering them on schedule.
The BKF team proposed for the Project has been working together on the development and design of
highway and roadway projects for over ten years. Through our projects, BKF has built a reputation on its
ability to manage, design, process and deliver federally funded and Caltrans projects for local agencies and
stakeholders. BKF has been singled out and specifically selected by clients to manage and deliver projects in
urbanized areas involving limited right of way, utility relocations, E-76 processing, and schedule constraints.
BKF has a track record of producing cost effective designs and delivering buildable projects in these multi-
jurisdictional settings. It is this experience and expertise that BKF can offer the Town of Los Gatos.
BKF has developed a work plan and cost proposal for the development of the Plans, Specifications and
Estimate (PS&E) for the Project. Based on our field review and the project objectives and goals, it is BKF's
understanding that the Town of Los Gatos has been successful in obtaining a State grant to improve the level
of service and safety at the intersection of Highway 9 and University Avenue. This federally funded grant will
require that the Project be in compliance of federal guidelines. Caltrans Local Assistance Office is designated
to ensure that projects are in compliance with grants via the E-76 approval process. Additionally, since
Highway 9 is State facility any proposed improvements will require a Caltrans encroachment permit which will
be issued upon Caltrans approval of the Project plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E).
The intersection of Highway 9 and University Avenue is very congested and frequently has vehicular back-ups
due to turning queues exceeding available storage capacities. To improve the intersection, the Project
proposes to widen the existing roadway where necessary along University Avenue to accommodate additional
dedicated right turn lanes to improve the level of service. The Project will also extend the westbound left turn
lane on Highway 9 to increase the storage capacity. The safety operations of the intersections will also be
improved by the elimination of the left turn movement at the intersection of Highway 9 and Wraight Avenue..
As part of the Project, the existing pork chop island at the southeast quadrant of the intersection will be
eliminated and new curb ramps, in compliance with ADA standards, will be installed to improve intersection
safety for pedestrian. A new traffic signal system and revised signing and striping within the Project limits will
be installed. In order to implement the needed improvements, right of way acquisition is required and various
existing utility facilities will be relocated.
In order to meet the Town's goals for the Project, BKF proposes the following management and project
approach which includes the proposed tasks for the development of the PS&E for the Town's Project:
BKF understands the importance of proactive project management and will provide these services throughout
the duration of the Project. The Project Manager who is skilled in processing federally funded projects will
have assisting him an extremely qualified design team to meet the Project delivery goals. Based on BKF's
clear understanding of the Caltrans and E-76 process, the Project design will be managed to not only ensure
that the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) are complete and meet the Project goals but will target
critical elemehts of work that can significantly affect the Project cost or schedule. These critical elements will
be addressed at the initial stages of the Project and will be tracked continuously throughout the design
process. As in many roadway projects, critical elements of work involve determining right of way needs and
identifying utility relocations. In order to assess the right of way and relocation needs, the geometric design
needs to be established and confirmed. BKF's project manager will focus on the completion of this task as it
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is vital in determining the schedule-critical items of work.
6 kf With BKF's existing available aerial mapping, we will initiate the development of the geometric design. As
part of the design, we will confirm the required storage lengths for the turn lanes in order to ensure that
proper capacity is provided. Another important aspect of the intersection layout is the incorporation of bike
lanes. As exclusive right turn lanes are incorporated, bike lanes need to be transitioned from the far right of
the roadway to the left of the exclusive right turn lane which will widen the required roadway width. The size
of the intersection will be indicative of the type of trucks that will be allowed to use Highway 9 and, in
particular, University Avenue. Sizing of the intersection will significantly impact the corners of the
intersection which in turn will directly impact the magnitude of utility relocation and right of way. On the
following page is Exhibit A which is also included in full size at the end of this section. Exhibit A provides a
truck turning analysis for the intersection of Highway 9 and University Avenue. The analysis identifies the
required clear area needed for trucks, buses and passenger vehicles to make right and left turns. It also
confirms that simultaneous turns through the intersections can be accomplished. Exhibit A has initially
identified the use of a STAA, WB-40 truck and asingle-unit truck in the analysis. This same truck turning
analysis will be performed during the design process. At this time, the size of the trucks that the intersection
needs to accommodate needs to be identified.
The proposed geometric design will also consider Caltrans Highway Design Manual Standards. Compliance
with mandatory design standards such as shoulder widths and traffic Zane widths will affect the Project
geometry and limits. Balancing the impacts with the design standards needs to be evaluated and identifying
design exceptions with justification will be required.
These basic geometric considerations will be finalized so
that the horizontal limits of the Project can be solidified.
The design work though also needs to evaluate and
consider the vertical elements that affect the Project
footprint. Reconstructed sidewalks will need to meet ADA
requirements both horizontally and vertically. Another
vertical consideration is the existing driveways within the
Project limits. ADA compliance through driveways can be
challenging where right of way is limited. In a specific
case along southbound University Avenue, an existing
driveway is already constructed at a steep grade and the
proposed Project widening will further compound the
grade. It is important to ensure that vertical conforms can
be achieved within the existing right of way or temporary
construction easements may be needed. This is a critical
item as one of the primary evaluations for E-76 approval is
that all required Project right of way has been obtained.
With both the vertical and horizontal geometry set, the
Project can focus on the schedule and cost critical items
such as physical obstructions, the need for relocation and
the right of way required to accommodate all the
improvements and right of way. There are several
existing utilities and drainage structures that will be
affected by the proposed roadway widening. At the
northeast corner of the Highway 9/University Avenue
intersection, there is atwo-directional power pole which
will need to be relocated. Multiple other utilities are
located in the vicinity of the curb returns as well as a
large drainage Swale. The relocation of these
obstructions will need to be well coordinated with the
affected owners and agencies. BKF's utility coordinator
will begin discussions with the utility owners early in the
Project phase. His existing relationships with PG&E and
other utility owners will prove valuable to the Project as
he has assisted the VTA in their numerous rail and
roadway projects. Early conversations will concentrate on
area needs for relocation to establish right of way
'requirements for the utilities. Subsequent discussions will
include design and construction schedules to ensure that
the utilities are relocated outside of the Project limits
prior to construction.
Since finalizing the geometric and vertical design,
identifying required utility relocations and conforms and
assessing all the Project right of way needs such as fee
acquisition and temporary construction easements will
determine if Caltrans finds the Project in compliance with
their encroachment permit requirements and if the design
is project-ready for E-76 issuance, these tasks will be
evaluated early in the Project and will be carefully
managed throughout the process.
BKF understands the relationship between the approval process of preliminary design and final design as it
affects the overall schedule of a project and Caltrans final approval. Having worked on several federally
funded projects, we understand the need of developing complete plans and specifications in the early phases
of design development. This allows for early submission of the project to Caltrans local assistance for E-76
approval. Ensuring that the Town is continually informed is a key to avoiding scheduling delays. The following
project approach outlines the tasks that will be taken for the completion and approval of the Highway
9/University Avenue Intersection Improvements Project.
Task I Project Management
BKF's Principal-in-Charge/Project Manager (Project Manager) will be responsible for managing the project
team including the subconsultant team, providing the resources to complete the job, monitoring and updating
the Project budget and schedule, implementing a quality assurance/quality control program and
communicating regularly with the Town, Caltrans (including their Local Assistance Office, Encroachment
Permit Unit and various project units), utility owners and other stakeholders. BKF's Project Manager will keep
the Town informed by close communications on a day-to-day basis and be continually available to the Town
and Caltrans as needed. To maintain the Project schedule, BKF will act as strategic counsel by flagging
issues, providing recommended solutions for discussion and implementing the accepted action. On a
monthly basis, BKF's Project Manager will review, prepare and submit status on budgets, progress, schedule,
and performance and document any changes in design scope, cost or schedule. This information will be
summarized in a monthly progress report and updated schedules.
BKF will ensure that coordination with the Town, Caltrans and other stakeholders is enhanced via regularly
scheduled meetings and focus meetings as needed. During the PS&E, meetings will take place to review the
design and comments at the various stages of design. Joint resolutions meetings will be held if necessary.
The joint resolutions meetings are where comments that need clarification or further information are resolved
in a face-to-face meeting. All resolutions are documented in joint resolution reports and distributed in order
to ensure that the subsequent project submittals meet the project expectations. As a partner with the Town
on this Project, BKF will be available to assist the Town with informing and/or obtaining consensus among
the stakeholders.
BKF's Project Manager understands the necessary effort, communication and tenacity required in ensuring
that the encroachment permit and E-76 local assistance process is effective and timely. Our extensive
experience with processing design exception fact sheets, Caltrans encroachment permits, and E-76 approvals
and our existing personal relationships with Caltrans staff will bean immeasurable asset to the Project.
BKF will provide project management services for each task for the entire duration of the Project. BKF's
Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the Project tasks are completed in a timely manner and
will use the following management activities to facilitate the Project objectives to the satisfaction of the
Project Administration -Supervise, coordinate and monitor the design for conformance with Caltrans' and
Local Assistance E-76 standards and policies for federally funded projects. BKF will establish and
implement a quality control procedure for design activities, perform in-house quality control reviews for
each task, and submit project deliverables to the Town and/or Caltrans for review in accordance with the
approved schedule.
Kick-off Meetino - A partnering/kick-off meeting will be scheduled with the Town soon after the Notice-
to-Proceed to confirm Project scope and objectives.
Proiect Meetings -Conduct monthly Project meetings. BKF will attend monthly progress meetings with
the Town. BKF will discuss the Project progress, issues which may affect the Project schedule and
budget and any other agenda items that the Town may request for discussion. BKF will prepare the
agenda, action logs, updated project schedules and meeting minutes.
Focus Meetings -Attend meetings such as design coordination meetings, and comment review meetings
with the Town, Caltrans, utility owners and other agencies for coordination and to resolve issues.
Meetings will be held during the performance of each task or as needed by BKF, the Town, Caltrans, or
other stakeholders.
Stakeholder Coordination -Coordinate with utility owners to confirm relocation requirements, rights and
both design and construction schedules to assure timely flow of information for each task activity.
CPM Schedule - Prepare a detailed Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule for the entire project using
Microsoft Project software. The Microsoft Project CPM schedule will be updated on a monthly basis and
submitted at each monthly Project Meeting.
Invoices/Progress Reports -Prepare and submit budget reports, monthly progress reports, and invoices
in accordance with the Town requirements.
Task 2 Data Collection
Immediately after receiving the Notice-to-Proceed, BKF will perform field investigations and review all
available documentation. We will conduct preliminary investigations and verify right-of-way and utility
locations or adjustments. This task will consist of compiling, reviewing existing data pertinent to the Project
and performing investigations and studies necessary to verify Project criteria and scope. Also included are
planning phase activities, identifying and requesting supplemental information and surveys, conducting site
visits/field review/field trips, and obtaining information and requirements related to utilities, right-of-way, and
permits. BKF will include the following during this task:
^ ® Data Collection and Review - BKF will obtain and review available data and information necessary for final
® design of the Project. This information may be obtained from the Town, Caltrans, utility companies, or
B k F other organizations. Data to be reviewed includes the following:
• Any previous report(s) or documents related to the proposed project area
s As-built plans
• Utility information
• Survey control data
• Right-of-way information including the Caltrans maps delineating access control limits
o Traffic Studies conducted in support of Project scope
Encroachment Permit Application -BKF will prepare a Caltrans encroachment permit application for
submission and processing. The permit will allow for BKF and its Project team to perform site visits and
investigations required to establish the Project's existing conditions within the State right-of-way.
Site Visits -BKF and its Project team will conduct frequent site visits to evaluate and document the
existing project site conditions.
Design Survevs and Survey Control Data -BKF will provide supplemental design surveying services for
the Project. BKF will use an existing Highway 9 aerial base map, review the information provided and
perform additional field surveys necessary to support the Project design. These surveys will include
verifying utilities and drainage facilities, pavement elevations and locations, conforms, vertical clearances,
obstructions, trees, lighting fixtures, fences, drainage swales and ditches. The survey information will be
used to supplement the project base sheets. Right of way will be delineated on the base sheets and will
be based on record information. It is not anticipated that right of way boundary resolution will be
conducted far the projects.
Proiect Base Sheets -Project base sheets will be developed under this work task. It is assumed that an
existing aerial base map of Highway 9, in BKF's possession and formally used for a Town project; can be
used for the Project as design base sheets. The base sheets will be supplemented with the topographic
field survey performed. The proposed work plan proposes to update project base sheets early in the
design phase so that the base sheets may be used for the geometric development and right of need
assessments. In this manner, the preliminary geometric work performed is based on the most accurate
information available and will minimize revisions in later phases.
Utility Verification -BKF will perform utility research and surveys to map the existing utilities in the
Project area, positively locate utilities that potentially conflict with the proposed improvements and
develop relocation plans for conflicting utilities. This level of effort will minimize construction costs and
ensure the correct placement of the proposed improvements. BKF will:
• Review and update as-built utility information for the Project area
• Request utility mapping from all affected utility owners
• Update base mapping with existing utility information
• Submit utility maps to affected utility owners for verification
e Identify potential utility conflicts
• Verify utility rights within Project limits
It is assumed that the minor widening required for the Project will be designed to match the existing
pavement sections. Based on this, no geotechnical field investigations or analysis is being proposed. This
includes testing of soil for hazardous materials.
Task 3 Preliminary Design
The focus of this task is to set the vertical and horizontal geometry for the Project. The geometry will need to
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be based on the Project goals as well as Caltrans Highway Design Manual Standards.
Geometric Drawings -Upon completing the review of available documentation and using existing traffic
data to establish the length of the proposed turn pockets, BKF will initiate the geometric development
process by evaluating the geometric design that would satisfy the Project's need and purpose. The
geometric alignments, both horizontal and vertical, will be developed with sufficient detail to describe the
existing and proposed project elements. As described earlier in Manage of Project in this section, setting
the geometry properly at the initiation of the Project will minimize costly project impacts and avoid delays
to the Project approval. Many sensitive components to cost and schedule involve right of way
requirements, magnitude of utility relocations, and grade differentials at conforms which are all identified
with the development of the geometric design. The geometric design will consider the specific issues
cited above and will be developed based on collectively considering existing features, the existing
available right of way, coordination of above and below ground utilities, location of proposed traffic signal
equipment and the circulation and installation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The geometric design
will be developed with sufficient detail to describe the existing and proposed project elements. It is
essential that the geometric drawings produce a design that minimize right of way, cost and time
consequences and meet Caltrans' and other necessary jurisdictional approval. As the design is
developed, BKF will be careful to comply with the Caltrans' Highway Design Manual to minimize and/or
avoid processing Design Exception Fact Sheets. The geometric reviewed will be reviewed with the Town
to confirm that the Town goals are met.
Desion Exception Fact Sheets - As part of the preliminary design and in conjunction with the
development of the geometric drawings, BKF will conduct a final review of the geometry and complete
the Design Checklist (DIB78), to ensure that all mandatary and advisory design exceptions are identified.
Design Exception Fact Sheets will be prepared for the mandatory and advisory design standards that
could not be met. These facts sheets would be submitted with the initial Caltrans submittal. BKF would
also suggest that a meeting be set with Caltrans Headquarters Geometrician to verify their concurrence
with the design exceptions. This would avoid lengthy reviews and project delays that are sometimes
associated with the approval of Design Exception Fact Sheets.
Task 4 Initial Encroachment Permit (45°!o PS&E) Submitta{
All components of the final design plans, special provisions and estimate (PS&E) will be included during this
task. With the establishment and review of the geometric design and vertical alignments, design will be
production-oriented for preparation of project plans. [Required facts sheets have been prepared and drafted
in the preliminary phases of work, and can be submitted with the initial encroachment permit submittal.] The
plans will be developed to a 95% level in order to obtain a thorough review from Caltrans and to facilitate the
encroachment permit approval process. Development of the following plans and documents will be performed
during this phase in order to provide to the Town and Caltrans the initial encroachment permit submittal:
Highway Plan Sheets -BKF will prepare, coordinate and submit design plan sheets in imperial units for all
highway and roadway design. The following drawings will be in AutoCad format, convertible to
Microstation CADD, and will be in compliance with Caltrans` current CADD Users Manual and current
Drafting and Plans Manual:
Title Sheet will be prepared to provide an overview of the project limits and an index df project sheets.
Layout and Grading Plans will be prepared on 40' scale plan sheets. Skeleton base sheets will include
basic horizontal and vertical layout information and identify all major construction features. Existing
utilities will be identified on the plans so that potential obstructions can be highlighted to contractors.
BKF will identify and propose final locations of all utilities that are affected by the Project (e.g. water,
sewer, gas, electric, cable TV, telephone) on the plan sheets. The respective owners will conduct
relocation of gas, electric, cable TV and telephone. For these utilities, BKF will provide approximate
relocation requirements to Caltrans, for coordination with the appropriate utility. In addition to existing
utility information, existing drainage facilities will be identified. The plans will identify drainage
modifications, locations of structures and subsurface features. Elevations and details will be provided in
order to establish the construction of the drainage features.
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® Tvoical Cross Sections for the highway will be based on the approved standard sections, including
B k f pavement structural sections.
Construction Detail Sheets will identify various elements of work which require additional detail or
enlarged scales.
Staaina Plans will be prepared as stage construction plans and traffic handling plans on 50' scale plan
sheets. The Plans will identify construction area signs and temporary striping to accommodate the
construction of the Project.
Pavement Delineation and Sianina Plan will be prepared on 50' scale and will delineate the proposed
striping and sign plan. Afield survey will be conducted to develop an inventory of existing signs so that
the disposition of existing signs may be highlighted in the plans.
Electrical Plans will be developed and augmented by field verification of the as-built plans. Based on the
obtained information, BKF will prepare electrical plans which will depict the relocation of affected
facilities. In addition, BKF will coordinate with PG&E in identifying electrical service points.
Traffic Sional Modification Plans will be developed. The traffic signal modification plans for the Highway
9/University Avenue will be based on existing as-builts. Conductor schedules sheets will also be
Specifications will be prepared for all work items necessary for the construction of the Project. BKF will
assemble data and assemble the appropriate standard Special Provisions for the Project and draft non-
standard Special Provisions if required. The specifications shall be in accordance with Caltrans Standard
Specifications and Federal guidelines in compliance with E-76 requirements. The Town will provide the
°boiler plate" for the specifications.
Cost Estimates -BKF will review current information available on the Project and conduct an independent
construction cost estimate in order to validate the current estimates and verify funding requirements for
construction of the Project. The cost estimate will identify construction work items, quantities, unit costs,
and summarize the estimated total project cost, including allowances for supplemental work, owner
furnished materials, expenses, mobilization and contingencies.
PEER - A PEER is prepared to document the engineering analysis of the proposed work. The analysis
includes review of the proposed improvements to determine drainage, maintenance, operation and
environmental impact on the state highway system. The PEER will essentially summarize all the work
prepared for the initial encroachment permit submittal. The PEER will be submitted with the 95% PS&E
package for Caltrans review.
Ouality Assurance/Quality Control (OA/OC) -BKF will perform an in-house QA/QC review of the
documents submitted to the Town and Caltrans. BKF's quality control review for the 95% submittal wil
include the review of the design package for compliance with the governing jurisdictional standards anc
completeness. The review will focus on ensuring that the plan elements are clearly delineated. The
different project sheets will present the design in a common manrier with no contradictions or variances.
Task 5 100°/u PS&E Submittal
BKF will focus on resolving and incorporating all design comments resulting from the 95% submittal. A major
task associated with this resolution is balancing the requirements and sorting out the needs of the
stakeholders. All gaps in the design caused by changes or pending design and policy decisions will be
specifically targeted for immediate resolution. Construction details for the project elements will be finalized as
part of this phase of the design process.
With the 95% PS&E comments and completed joint resolution meetings, the project plans will be updated for
this submittal. The individual components of the PS&E will be reviewed for completeness and compliance to
standards. A complete, checked set of documents will be made available. As a result of the coordination
efforts with the Town and Caltrans, review time during this phase will be minimized. Prior to delivering the
100% submittal, BKF will complete its own in-house quality control review of all outgoing documents. Cost
estimates and schedules will be updated and compared to the available budget.
In addition to the PS&E, BKF will develop the right of way certification and project engineer utility certification
for submission to Caltrans. With these certifications complete, Caltrans can verify that the project meets its
funding requirements concerning right of way and thus that the project is ready to proceed to construction.
During this task, BKF's experienced Project Manager will closely monitor the progress of the following critical
activities and the progress of finalized the design. Coordination with the utility owners and agencies will
continue to ensure that their designs are finalized and incorporated into the Project plans. BKF will also work
with the utility owners and agencies to ensure that the relocation work is scheduled in advance of the Project
to avoid obstructions during construction. BKF will work with the Town and Caltrans Local Assistance Office
to ensure that all the requirements for Project approval have been met including the identification and
acquisition of right of way needs.
Task 6 Encroachment Permit Submittal
For the Encroachment Permit submittal, BKF will incorporate and resolve any final remaining comments as a
result of the 100% submittal in order to produce bid documents which are ready to list and advertise. All
aspects of the design will be finalized in order to prepare a complete set of final and constructable bid
Prior to completion of the 100% design documents, BKF will conduct additional site investigations. Given the
changing environment surrounding the project area, it is crucial that the design engineers are confident that
existing conditions are depicted accurately in the documents. BKF will conduct a quality control review on all
documents to ensure that all design elements are thoroughly addressed. BKF will package the
documentation and project files for delivery.
This will be submittal to Caltrans for the issuance of an Encroachment Permit. With the sign off from the
Caltrans Permit Department, Caltrans Local Assistance is able to approve the Project for federal funding
compliance and issue the E-76 for construction.
Task 7 Bid Assistance
BKF will be available to provide design support services during the bidding phase. BKF's Project Manager will
be responsive to the Town's request to attend required meetings, to review bids and to provide clarifications,
addendums and written recommendations.
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