2010090709 - Los Gatos Bar and Grill 15 1/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue - Attachment 1 oWx o :. TOWN OF LOS GATOS "' PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ~oo~eni~s Meeting Date: August 25, 2010 PREPARED BY: Jennifer L. Savage, Associate Planner j savage(a,losgatosca. gov APPLICATION NO.: Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 ITEM NO: 1 LOCATION: 15 '/ N. Santa Cruz Avenue (south side of W. Main Street, approximately 240 feet northwest of N. Santa Cruz Avenue) APPLICANT: Dave Powell, LGBG, LLC PROPERTY OWNER: La Canada Investments, LLC CONTACT PERSON: Joe Guerra APPLICATION SUMMARY: Requesting approval to increase the hours of operation, increase the number of seats, and allow live entertainment in a bar and restaurant (Los Gatos Bar & Grill) on property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 510-44-077. RECOMMENDATION: Forward Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 to the Town Council with an overall Recommendation of Denial If the Planning Commission fmds merit with the project, staff has included recommended conditions in this report which, in some cases, differ from the applicant's request. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Central Business District Zoning Designation: C-2:LHP -Central Business District: Landmark and Historic Preservation Overlay Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan; Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Plan; Alcoholic Beverage Policy; Outdoor Restaurant Seating Standards. Parcel Size: 27,007 square feet Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use i General Plan ,Zoning North Commercial Cent r a l B u siness Distri ct _ i C-2:LHP East _ ;Commercial __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ~ Central Business District C-2:LHP South Commercial j Central Business District ~ C-2 West Parking Lot j Central Business District ________ ~ C-2 des ~~'~~}als`~.4.st1`E 1 Y Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 2 15 1/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt according to Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town because the project consists of permitting an existing facility with no structural expansion. FINDINGS: ^ As required by Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town that this project is Categorically Exempt. ^ As required by Section IV.B of the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project that it meets the use set forth in the Town's General Plan. ^ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. ^ As required by the Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy to approve a Conditional Use Permit to serve alcoholic beverages after 10:00 p.m. CONSIDERATIONS: None. ACTION: Forward Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 to the Town Council with a Recommendation of Denial EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Alcoholic Beverage Policy 5. Outdoor Restaurant Seating Standards 6. Written Description/Letter of Justification, received July 6, 2010 (eight pages) 7. Applicant's Policy and Procedural Manual Summary (four pages), received July 14, 2010 8. Sample Menus (seven pages), received June 2, 2010 9. Public Comments (31 pages), received July 7 to August 5, 2010 10. Supplemental Letter, (two pages), received August 19, 2010 11. Development Plans (one page), received July 6, 2010 BACKGROUND: On May 5, 2003, the Town Council approved a modification to an existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to increase the total number of seats, increase the number of seats where alcoholic beverage service without meal service is allowed, and increase the hours of operation far an Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 3 15 % N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 existing restaurant with separate bar (Los Gatos Bar and Grill). The space was more recently occupied by 180 Restaurant and Lounge, and Club 180. The applicant, who is a different owner and operator from the former Los Gatos Bar and Grill, wishes to re-open the establishment as a dining and entertainment venue that will be named Los Gatos Bar and Grill (Exhibit 6). The restaurant is located on the second floor and accessed by a stairwell at the main entrance located on N. Santa Cruz Avenue. The main entrance is shared by an adjacent bar at 15 N. Santa Cruz Avenue (Mountain Charley's). There is a second point of entry for Los Gatos Bar and Grill and an outdoor patio at the rear of the building. The second point of entry shares a walkway with the office uses located in the building. Two Town Policies provide guidance in the analysis of this application -the Alcoholic Beverage Policy (ABP), standards for outdoor restaurant seating, and the CUP findings contained in the Town Code. The amended ABP was adopted by the Town Council in September 2001 (Exhibit 4). The purpose of the ABP is to provide parameters for alcoholic beverage service and direction for application review through a General Policy and a Specific Policy. As currently written, the ABP also includes ]imitations for live entertainment until such time that the Town adopts entertainment standards and a permit review process. The Town Council adopted standards for outdoor restaurant seating in 1994 (Exhibit 5). Each policy is discussed in the Analysis section below. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Project Summary The applicant is requesting to increase the hours of operation, increase the hours of patio operation, modify the location of alcoholic beverage service, increase the number of seats, and to allow live entertainment. The applicant submitted a written description letter of justification (Exhibit 6). The following table compares the existing and proposed uses: Applicant's Request Existing CUP Restrictions Proposed CUP Restrictions Hours of operation Su - Th 11:00 am - 11:00 pm; 9:00 am - 2:00 am, seven Fri, Sa, holidays, and days a week evenings before holidays 11:OOam-1:OOam Hours of patio operation 11:00 am - 9:00 pm, seven 9:00 am - 12:00 am, seven days a week days a week Location and hours of Dining area only with meal Anywhere within the alcoholic beverage service; Cafe area only when establishment; Food service service meal service is available will be available but not required Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 4 15 % N. Santa Cruz Avenue/CT-10-011 August 25, 2010 Number of seats Total 120 Tota1216 Bar 20 Bar 28 Cafe 40 Upper Lounge 22 Patio 32 Lower Lounge/Dining 134 Patio 32 Live entertainment Not allowed DJ music, dancing, seven days a week until 1:30 am; Live bands once a month until 1:30 am The applicant operates a number of similar successful businesses in the City of San lose. The applicant worked extensively with the City of San Jose Police Department to improve safety and security for San Jose's downtown restaurants, bars, and nightlife. The applicant also worked with the City of San Jose staff to draft multiple ordinances. The City of San Jose submitted a letter with high compliments of the applicant and their efforts with the city (Exhibit 9). The applicant intends to operate their business with a high standard of service and security. Exhibit 7 contains a summary of their operations and management plan. The plan includes a description of the business's security policy. B. Location and Surrounding Nei boyhood The project site is located on the west side of N. Santa Cruz Avenue, approximately 150 feet north of Main Street. Commercial uses are located to the north, east, and south. A public parking lot is located to the west. C. Zoning Compliance Restaurant with separate bars are allowed in the C-2 zoning district with a Conditional Use Permit. However, as discussed in the following analysis section, the proposal may not be completely consistent with the Town's restaurant and bar definitions. ANALYSIS: A. Business Proposal The following aspects of the business proposal may conflict with Town polices: Hours of operation Hours of patio operation Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 5 I S '/~ N. Santa Cruz Avenue/LT-10-011 August 25, 2010 Number of seats Location of alcoholic beverage service Live entertainment Hours of Operation "The proposed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., seven days a week. The request would allow the establishment to open two hours earlier, seven days a week; to stay open three hours later Sunday through Thursday, and one hour later on Friday and Saturday. The applicant references other restaurants and bars that are open until 2:00 a.m. (Exhibit 6). Staff confirmed the approved hours for those restaurants and bars. The hours are shown in the table below. Business ~ Hours of No. of ~ Live Food ~ Outdoor (Approved Name ~ Operation ~ Seats ~ Entertaimneut I Service ~ Seating Use ~ ___-._-_._._-_-.__ Number One T i 3:00 pm to _ ______-_-- 93 ~ yes I L.- -_____-._--,_-___-._--. none .. _ i Bar Broadway 12:00 am, ': , j j seven days a week Carry 12:00 pm to - 45 I no ' . -- --------!--------- ~ none t Baz Nation's ~ 2:00 am, ~ i seven days a week* ~ ~ CB ' -7 ~ 11:30 am to 1 ---- 125 yes (no live ~ Required ~ Allowed -- 'Restaurant ~ Hannegan s 2:00 am, music outdoors, with alcohol 11:30 am with seven days a i no amplified , outside; must' to 12:00 ~ separate week ~ music) be available ~ am bar j ;during j i ! , alcohol ' Black Watch I 8:00 am to ~ 55 ; no servtce i ~J --- I------- none - Bar 2:00 am, ~ I I I j seven days a I week ------- ~ ! ' Mountain 3:00 pm to j r 110 I yes 1 ~ none j Bar Charley's 2:00 am, ! '• j Monday j j through ':, Saturday** ~ ~ i *No alcohol after 1:30 am. **Sunday operation allowed on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends, New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day if on Sunday, and for private parties. Plam~ing Commission Staff Report -Page 6 15 '/z N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 The proposed hours of operation appear to conflict with two requirements of the ABP. First, requirement no. 4 does not permit alcoholic beverage service after 11:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, except for holidays and evenings before holidays; or after 1:00 a.m. Friday, Saturday, holidays, and evenings before holidays. However, the ABP allows existing establishments with CUPS in good standing and with operating hours after those listed to continue under their existing hours of operation. The existing approved hours of operation are not beyond those hours specified in requirernent no. 4. Additionally, the Police Department (PD) reviewed the proposal and has concerns with the hours of operation as it relates to PD staff capacity to respond to security issues. The applicant worked closely with PD to create an acceptable security plan and PD's recommended conditions are included in Exhibit 3. Second, requirement no. 6 directs the deciding body to make the following findings to approve an application to serve alcoholic beverages after 10:00 p.m.: 1. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods; 2. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances pr the Alcoholic Beverage Policy; 3. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community. Along with the request to extend the hours of operation from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.rn., seven days a week, the applicant is requesting to extend the hours of operation in the outdoor patio from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., to 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. The rear of the restaurant and the outdoor patio are located approximately 185 feet from the nearest residence. A noise attenuation bamer may help minimize potential noise impacts to nearby residential neighbors. The deciding body should consider if the distance from nearby residences will prevent adverse impacts from the proposed project, and whether a noise barrier is appropriate. In regards to complaints and non-compliance, PD records reveal 14 service calls were made to the subject location in the past three years, eleven of which were late night service calls. Town staff has concerns with the history of complaints from the previous business and the adjacent business. The applicant operates similar businesses in the City of San Jose with specific security plans and procedures and has a positive relationship with the city. In addition, the applicant will implement an operations and management plan with security measures (a summary is provided in Exhibit 7). The applicant worked closely with Los Gatos PD regarding security and PD's recommended conditions are included in Exhibit 3. Given the applicant's positive reputation with their existing establishments in a nearby community and Town staffs recommended conditions to mitigate potential adverse impacts, the proposed business could prove to be a positive addition to the community. If the deciding body finds merit with the proposal based on the applicant's reputation and Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 7 15 %2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue/CT-10-011 August 25, 2010 operations and management plan, staff recommends the following italicized language is added to condition no. 3 of Exhibit 3: APPROVED USE. The subject approval is for a high turnover (sit down) restaurant with a separate bar. Zf the applicant no longer operates/owns the establishment, the use shall be subject to the conditions of Conditional Use Permit U-02-76. This condition would prohibit the transfer of the subject modified conditional use permit. In regards to benefit to the community, the applicant provided a description of their community involvement in their letter (Exhibit 6). The purpose of the ABP is to provide assurance that hours of operation will be regulated for a variety of reasons, including proximity to residential neighborhoods and concentration of alcoholic beverage serving establishments within one area. More particularly the ABP addresses "late night service when alcoholic related incidents are most likely to occur." The deciding body should carefully consider if the request to modify the hours of operation is consistent with the ABP, specifically requirement no. 4, no. 6, and the purpose. Patio Operation Requirement no. 8 of the ABP allows alcohol beverage service in outdoor seating if adequate separation from public areas is provided. Standards for outdoor restaurant seating were adopted in 1994. The standards require a physical separation between private and public property. The separation should prevent the passing or carrying of alcoholic beverages outside the restaurant seating area. The outdoor patio area is adjacent to a walkway shared by office uses that occupy the building. The existing CUP requires separation of the outdoor patio space and the shared walkway. Staff recommends this condition remain if the subject application is approved, so that the restaurant and bar continues to cornply with the ABP and the Standards for Outdoor Restaurant Seating. The applicant's request to extend the hours of operation in the outdoor patio with alcoholic beverage service from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., to 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., conflicts with the ABP's requirement no. 4. This requirement limits alcoholic beverage service to 11:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, except for holidays and evenings before holidays; and 1:00 a.m. Friday, Saturday, holidays, and evenings before holidays. Additionally, the purpose of the ABP includes the protection of nearby residential neighborhoods. While the property is generally surrounded by cormnercial uses, the nearest residence is located at 227 W. Main Street on the second floor of a mixed-use building. The residence is approximately 185 feet southwest from the restaurant's outdoor patio. Staff recommends patio hours be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week, to comply with requirement no. 4 and the purpose of the ABP. Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 8 15 % N. Santa Cnlz Avemie/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 Natmber of Seats The proposed floor plan (Exhibit 11) labels the total dining occupancy at 216. At 216 seats, the use would conflict with parking requirements. The subject property has a total of 170 parking spaces - 154 in the Parking Assessment District and 16 on-site. The parking spaces are shared with multiple businesses located on the subject property. Based on parking availability, the proposed use could increase the number of seats from 120 to 192 seats. However, a traffic study would be required if the project adds more than 46 seats. Although, the addition of 46 seats or less would not require a traffic study, 11 or more additional seats would require community benefit. If the deciding body finds merit with the application, staff recommends the use be limited to 166 seats and be subject to community benefit. Additionally, staff recommends the following condition to allow the applicant to apply for additional seats: ADDITIONAL SEATS. Additional seats maybe allowed with approval of the Director of the Community Development Department and the Town Engineer if a traffic study is completed. The applicant will be subject to the mitigation measures determined by the traffic study and the Town Engineer. Additional seats must comply with Town parking requirements. Location of Foocl, Beverage, and Entertainment The existing CUP specifies that in the dining area, shown in Exhibit 10, alcoholic beverage service is allowed only with meal service. This requirement is consistent with the ABP's specific policy which states "alcoholic beverage service is permitted in the dining area only in conjunction with meal service." The new floor plan includes a bar, an upper lounge, a lower lounge, and a dining area (Exhibit 11). The applicant is requesting approval to allow "flexibility to have food, beverage, and entertainment in any interior area of the business" (Exhibit 6). The purpose of the flexibility includes the ability to host events and provide entertainment. If the establishment is allowed to provide alcoholic beverages without meal service in the proposed dining area, the use could result in a conflict with the ABP's Specific policy. Additionally, alcoholic beverage service without meal service could result in a stand-alone bar use. The ABP's requirement no. 1 strongly discourages new stand- alonebars. However, applicant is not requesting astand-alone bar use (Exhibit 10). The existing dining area contains 50% of the currently allowed 120 seats. The applicant is amenable to a requirement that at all times a similar percentage of the new establislunent is limited to alcoholic beverage service only with meal service to meet the intent of ABP. If the deciding body finds merit in allowing flexibility of the location of food and beverage service, they should modify condition no. 6 of Exhibit 3. Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 9 15 % N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 If the deciding body feels that astand-alone bar would result from the proposed project, given ABP's strong discouragement ofstand-alone bars, staff could not support the request. However, the deciding body may find that the proposed project meets the intent of ABP. Alternatively, the deciding body may find that the proposed application does not fall strictly into the Town's definition of restaurant or bar and allow the applicant's request. Town Code Section 29.10.020 provides the following definitions for a bar and a restaurant: `Bar means a drinking place where alcoholic beverages and snacks are served; possibly with entertainment such as music, television screens, video games or pool tables.' `Restaurant means a retail food service establishment in which food or beverage is prepared, served and sold to customers for on-site or take-out consumption.' Live Entertainment The applicant's letter includes an explanation that the proposal is for a dining and entertainment venue (Exhibit 6). Requirement no. 2 of the ABP states `the Town shall continue to discourage applications for entertainment establishments serving alcoholic beverages.' Although the Town does not have a definition for entertainment, the Town has typically considered anything beyond pre-recorded music as live entertainment; including a live DJ, dancing, live musical performances, and live vocal performances. The Town conducted research and found 10 existing establishments were legally permitted to conduct live entertainment. The existing CUP does not permit any live entertainment at the subject location. Based on the historical application of live entertainment, the application does not meet the intent of this requirement. Requirement no. 3 of the ABP allows entertainment in association with an eating or drinking establishment if standards and a permit process are adopted. Due to Town staff's workload and priorities, the entertainment policy was not given high priority. However, due to the recent inquiries regarding entertainment uses, the policy is now included in staffs work plan and at this time is scheduled to be drafted at the end of this fiscal year. The applicant wishes to proceed with the request for live entertainment and is amenable to atrial period. The applicant is also amenable for subsequent reviews by the Community Development Director and the Police Chief. As discussed earlier in this staff report, the applicant operates similar establishments in nearby communities with detailed security plans and procedures, which serve to mitigate problems that can be associated with late night entertainment establislunents. The deciding body should consider if a live entertainment trial period is appropriate, given there are plans in the near future to establish live entertainment standards and a permit process. Atrial period would allow staff to monitor the use, which will assist staff in developing a policy. However, until the Town Plamung Commission Staff Repm-t -Page 10 15 '/Z N. Santa Cruz Avenue/LT-10-011 August 25, 2010 adopts live entertainment standards and a permit process, staff carmot find that a live entertainment proposal is consistent with requirement no. 3. If the deciding body finds merit with a live entertainment trial period, the deciding body should replace condition no. 4 with the following condition: LIVE ENTERTAINMENT SIX MONTH REVIEW. DJs shall be allowed seven days a week and a live band shall be allowed once a month for the first six months of operation. The permitted use shall be reviewed by the Town Council, unless delegated to the Director of the Community Development Department and Police Chief, six months after issuance of building occupancy to evaluate the entertainment use. If the use is found in violation of any conditions of approval or if the entertainment use is found to be detrimental to or incompatible with the subject location, then approval for an entertainment use may be terminated. If the use is found to be appropriate and compatible with the subject location, the deciding body may decide to increase the number of live entertainment occurrences subject to ongoing monitoring. B. Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area The Redevelopment Plan contains a Redevelopment Land Use Map that designates proposed land uses to be permitted in the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area. The subject property is designated commercial and, per the Redevelopment Plan, shall be used for the general commercial uses set forth and described in the Town's General Plan. The proposed use is consistent with the uses for the Central Business District described in the General Plan. C. General Plan The goals and policies of the General Plan listed below are applicable to this project. Staff comments for each goal and policy are provided in italics. • Policy L.P.3.3 -Protect existing residential areas from adjacent nonresidential uses by assuring that buffers are developed and maintained. Buffers shall be required as conditions of approval and may consist of landscaping, sound barriers, building setbacks or open space. Conditions of approval could mitigate potential impacts. Goal L.G.5.1 - To provide residents with adequate commercial and industrial services. The proposed use provides a commercial service to the Town residents. • Policy L.P.5.6 -Encourage development that maintains and expands resident-oriented services and/or creates employment opportunities for Local residents consistent with overall land use policies of the Town. The project, if approved as proposed, will enhance a dining service available to the Town's residents by adding live entertainment. Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 11 15 '/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue/LT-10-011 August 25, 2010 • Goal L.G.6.2 - To preserve downtown Los Gatos as the historic center of the Town with goods and services for local residents while maintaining the existing Town identity, environment and commercial viability. The use, if approved as proposed, enhances an existing restaurant and bar that provides a service available to residents. • Policy L.P.6.3 -Consider outdoor seating in restaurants/coffee shops only when the historic character and quality of the Downtown and adjacent neighborhoods can be maintained. The outdoor seating is located in the rear and will not adversely impact the character of the downtown area. Conditions of approval could mitigate potential impacts to the residential neighborhood. • Policy L.P.6.4 -Establish and maintain strong boundaries between the CBD and adjacent residential neighborhoods. The nearest residence is located approximately 185 feet away. Conditions of approval could mitigate potential impacts. • Goal N.G.1.1 - To preserve the quiet atmosphere of the Town. Conditions of approval, including conditions for sound attenuation of the outdoor patio, hours of operation, and security measures, could mitigate potential impacts. • Policy N.P.1.5 -Protect residential areas from noise by requiring appropriate site and building design, sound walls, and landscaping and by the use of noise attenuating construction techniques and materials. The nearest residence is located approximately 185 feet away. Conditions of approval could mitigate potential impacts. • Goal S.G.4.1 - To reduce the potential for injuries, damage to property, economic and social displacement, and loss of life resulting from crime and traffic hazards. Conditions of approval, including conditions for security measures, could mitigate potential impacts. • Goal CD.G.4.1 - To preserve the character of downtown Los Gatos and the quality of life for its citizens. Conditions of approval, including conditions for security measures, could mitigate potential impacts. • Policy CD.P.4.2 -Establish and maintain strong boundaries between the commercial area and adjacent residential neighborhoods. The nearest residence is located approximately 185 feet away. Conditions of approval could mitigate potential impacts. D. Environmental Review The project is Categorically Exempt according to Section 15301 Class 1 of CEQA as adopted by the Town, which exempts permitting an existing facility with no expansion. E. Conditional Use Permit Findings In order to grant approval of a Conditional Use Permit, the hearing body must make the following findings: (1) The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; and Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 12 15 % N.Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 (2) `I`he proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; and (3) The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and (4) The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. In regards to finding one, the use, if approved as proposed, will enhance a commercial service available to Town residents. In regards to the second finding, the use will not impair the integrity of the zone since the use is a commercial use and is located in a commercial zoning district. In regards to finding three, the use will not be detrimental to public health safety or general welfare because the conditions will mitigate potential impacts. In regards to the final finding, the proposed use meets the objectives of the General Plan and Town Code as discussed within this report. PUBLIC COMMENTS: At this time, the Town has received 30 public comments (Exhibit 9). CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: A. Conclusion The proposed hours of operation, hours and location of alcoholic beverage service, and live entertainment are mostly inconsistent with the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. The proposed number of seats does not meet parking requirements and a traffic study was not conducted. Also, the proposed patio hours of operation may disturb nearby residences. The deciding body should carefully consider whether the subject application can be conditioned to be consistent with the Town's policies. The deciding body should also consider whether the location of the proposed project warrants a trial period to examine the suitability of live entertainment. However, the Alcoholic Beverage Policy gives the hearing body discretion to approve alcoholic beverage service when the proposal will not negatively impact residential neighbors, alcohol related incidents will not occur, and when the application will provide a positive impact to the commercial area. B. Recommendation As discussed earlier in the staff report, the proposed project raises conflicts with the Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy. Due to staff's lack of discretion in regards to the ABP, staff must recommend denial. If the Planning Commission concurs with staff, it should: 1. Recommend denial of the application to Town Council. Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 13 15'/z N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 However, the deciding body should consider the applicant's operational plan and history with other establishments. If the Planning Commission finds merit with the proposal, it should consider the conditions recommended by staff to make the project more consistent with Town policies, specifically those regarding the hours of alcoholic beverage service, noise attenuation for patio use, a live entertainment trial period, maximum number of seats, and the subsequent review process. Then the Commission can: 1. Find that the proposed project is categorically exempt, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act as adopted by the Town (Exhibit 2); and 2. Make the required findings as required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (Exhibit 2); and 3. Make the required finding as required by Section IV.B of the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project that it meets the use set forth in the Town's General Plan (Exhibit 2); and 4. Make the required findings as required by the Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy to approve a Conditional Use Permit to serve alcoholic beverages after 10:00 pm (Exhibit 2); and 5. Recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 to Town Council with the condifions contained in Exhibit 3. Alternatively, if the Commission has concerns with the application, it can: 1. Recommend approval of the application to the Town Council with additional and/or modified conditions of approval. ~~ ~:Q -~~ Prepared by: Jennifer L. Savage, AICP Associate Planner Appr ed by Wendie R. Rooney Director of Community Development WRR:JS:ct cc: Dave Powell, LGBG, LLC, 1992 Jonathan Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 La Canada Investments, LLC, 18831 Blythswood Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95030 N9DEV\REPORTS\2010\NSC 15. S.doc 15 1/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue ffiIBIT I REQUIItED FINDINGS FOR: 15 i/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 Requesting approval to increase the hours of operation, increase the number of seats, and allow live entertainment in a bar and restaurant (Los Gatas Bar & Grill) on property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 510-44-077. PROPERTY OWNER: La Canada Investments, LLC APPLICANT: Dave Powell, LGBG, LLC FINDINGS Required fmding for CEQA: ^ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the State Environmental Guidelines as adopted by the Town. Required fmdings for a Conditional Use Permit: ^ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit: The deciding body, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the hearing, may grant a conditional use permit when specifically authorized by the provisions of the Town Code if it finds that: (1) The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; and (2) The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and chazacter of the zone; and (3) The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety or general welfare; and (4) The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. Required fmding for the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area: ^ That the proposed project is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Central Los Gatos Redevelopment Project Area (Section IV.B) in that the subject property is designated commercial and the proposed use falls under general commercial uses. Required fmdings for the Town's Alcoholic Beverage Policy: ^ As required by Chapter II Section 6 of the Town Alcohol Beverage Policy for granting alcohol service beyond the hours of 10 p.m. E%HIBIT 2 15 1/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue/U-10-011 August 25, 2010 Page 2 of 2 The deciding body shall make the following findings prior to approving an application for a Conditional Use Permit to serve alcoholic beverages past 10 p.m.: A. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and non-compliance with local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefit to the community. N:~DEV~FQJDQ~GS~2010~NSC15.S.doc RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL -August 25, 2010 15 1/2 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit U-10-011 Requesting approval to increase the hours of operation to allow live entertainment in a bar and restaurant (Los Gatos Bar & Grill) on property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 510-44-077. PROPERTY OWNER: La Canada Investments, LLC APPLICANT: Dave Powell, LGBG. LLC TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL. This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the plans noted as received by the Town on July 6, 2010. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, the Development Review Committee, the Planning Commission, or Town Council, depending on the scope of the changes. 2. OUTDOOR LIGHTING. Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. The lighting plan shall be reviewed during building plan check. 3. APPROVED USE. The subject approval is for a high turnover (sit down) restaurant with a sepazate bar. 4. ENTERTAINMENT. No live entertainment is allowed. 5. HOURS OF OPERATION. Maximum hours of operation shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday; and from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday, Saturday, holidays, and evenings before holidays. Maximum hours of operation for the outside private patio/deck located south of the common use stairwell shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., seven days a week. Tlie operator/owner shall ensure that the outside private patio/deck azea is closed to any use by any persons after 11:00 p.m. Signage shall not refer to the Town of Los Gatos. 6. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SERVICE. Alcoholic beverage service is permitted in the dining area only in conjunction with meal service. Alcoholic beverage service independent of meal service is permitted only during the hours that meal service is available. 7. MEAL SERVICE. Meal service shall be available during hours of operation. A meal shall be defined as a combination of meal items selected from a menu which would constitute a normally accepted "meal" (breakfast, lunch, dinner, or brunch). Appetizers such as popcorn, nachos, pretzels, potato skins, relish trays, etc., shall not be considered meals. 8. SEATS. The maximum number of seats shall not exceed 166, including no more than 32 in the private patio/deck area. 9. GREASE BARREL. The barrel maintained for cooking grease shall be kept within its designated enclosure, except when being emptied. It shall never be permitted to leak or overflow. ffiIBIT 3 10. GREASE INTERCEPTOR. If a food grinder and/or dishwasher are used, a minimum 1,000 gallon grease interceptor must be installed. 11. POOL TABLES. The number of pool tables shall not exceed two. 12. UTENSILS. All meals served on-site shall be served on re-usable utensils. 13. TAKE-OUT CONTAINERS. Any take-out food shall be served on recycled containers. 14. LEASE AGREEMENT. The lease agreement between the property owner and the lessee of the use shall provide substantially as follows: Before a transfer of more than a SO% ownership interest in the restaurant may occur, the Lessee shall provide a minimum of 60 days' notice to the Lessor for the purpose of allowing Lessor to make a full evaluation of the suitability of the proposed transferee. Lessee shall provide to Lessor, in addition to financial statements and all other information as required by the lease agreement, such other information as Lessor shall reasonably request regarding proposed change to format, reconfiguration of kitchen or floor plan, and/or decor changes by the proposed transferee. In case the information is insufficient to satisfy the Lessor that the continued operation of the restaurant will reflect the format and high standards set by the Lessee, Lessor shall have the right to reasonably withhold consent to any such sale or transfer. This provision shall not be amended without the written approval of the Town. 15. EXTERIOR CHANGES. Before issuance of any building permit for the approved use, approval of an Architecture and Site Review application shall be obtained from the Town for exterior changes and outdoor seating. 16. TRELLIS. No trellis shall be attached to the'exterior of the building. 17. OUTDOOR DINING DELINEATION. A physical delineation in the form of planters is required to separate the outside dining area and the path of travel to the door to the office use. The height of the sepazation shall be a minimum of three feet but no higher than four feet. The physical design and plant material should complement the design of the building and prevent passing or carrying alcoholic beverages outside the restaurant seating area. Plant materials shall be alive. 18. OCCUPANCY. The occupancy shall be reviewed by the Fire Deparhnent. 19. LIGHTING AND SECURITY. Lighting and other security measures shall be provided to the- satisfaction of the Director of Community Development and the Chief of Police. 20. TRASH DISPOSAL HOURS. Trash from the business shall only be emptied between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. to limit the noise impacts on the neighbors. 21. NOISE. Noise attenuating shielding devices such as fencing or other appropriate improvements shall be installed along the common use deck on the west side of the building located north of the common use stairwell where patrons may congregate. The Historic Preservation Committee will review the proposed improvements. 22. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION. The applicant shall provide written notice to property owners and occupants within at least 500 feet of the site that they are permitted to operate a restaurant with a separate bar. A copy of this notice shall be provided to the Town. The notice shall include a local phone number to call if an issue arises during operation. This notice shall be sent only one time and must be sent within 60 days of the approval of this conditional use permit or not less than ten (10) days prior to commencing business operation. The noticed area shall be approved by the Town. The applicant shall work with the Chamber of Commerce to provide contact information in the Chamber's newsletters. 23. HOTLINE. A direct telephone "hot" line shall be established for complaints to be relayed duectly to the Business Manager. This telephone number will be provided via letter from the Business Manager to surrounding residents and the Town of Los Gatos. The Town shall be informed of any complaints to ensure the complaint is adequately addressed and to allow complaints to be monitored and tracked. 24. NOISE. The Property Management Company shall take responsibility for installation of the required noise attenuation improvements along the deck and for any off-site disturbances caused by tenants and patrons of the businesses in the building. 25. ROOF EQUIPMENT SCREENING. All new and replaced roof top equipment must be screened from view from apublicright-of--way. 26. TOWN INDEMNITY. Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indenmify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 27. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of--way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representafive in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of--way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 28. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of--way will require a Construction Encroachment Pernut. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. 29. SIDEWALK CLOSURE. Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner maybe required. 30. .PARKING. Any proposed parking restrictions must be approved by LGP 31. TRAFFIC STUDY. The developer shall pay a fee for traffic analysis per Town Traffic Impact Policy. 32. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE (COMMERCIAL). The developer shall pay a fee proportional to the project's share of transportation improvement needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit application is made. The fee shall be paid before the building permit is issued. The traffic impact mitigation fee for this project, using the current fee schedule and the preliminary plans is $23,947. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time of the building permit application, using a trip generation rate based on the high turnover (sit-down) restaurant use. 33. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request awalk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 34. SIDEWALK REPAIR. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standazds any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standazd Details. The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 35. CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 36. FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply with Town Code Section §23.10.080. 37. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line. 38. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mrn) above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibffity for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section 103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to issuance of a building permit. 39. OUTDOOR TRASH ENCLOSURES. Outdoor trash enclosures shall be covered and area drains connected to the sanitary sewer system shall be provided. Temporary trash enclosures are exempt from this condition. 40. GREASE TRAPS. Meet all requirements of the Santa Clara County Health Department and West Valley Sanitation District for the interception, separation or pretreatment of effluent. 41. CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays; and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., weekends and holidays; construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 42. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. The adjacent public right-of--way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of--way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 43. PERMIT ISSUANCE. Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be issued simultaneously. 44. COVERED TRUCKS. All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE POLICE CHIEF: 45. UNIFORMED SECURITY. Uniformed privately provided security guards may be required in or around the premises as directed by the Chief of Police. 46. PARKING LOT SECURITY. The applicant must provide security in the parking lot independently or in conjunction with other local businesses to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. 47. SECURITY RESPONSIBILITY. The establishment's (Los Gatos Bar & Grill) security personnel shall extend their responsibilities for crowd management and security to the exterior areas of the bar, rear stairwell, front stairwell and sidewalk and rear parking lot during hours of operation and through the departure of patrons. The establishment's (Los Gatos Bar & Grill) security shall actively interface with uniformed security in the rear pazking lot to maintain an orderly condition and to prevent congregation, consumption of alcohol and disturbances during business hours and after closing until patrons haue departed. 48. CONSULTATION AND TRAINING. The operator shall provide ABC LEAD training for all employees on a yearly basis. Six months from the date of this approval, or at the discretion of the Chief of Police, the operator shall hold a meeting with representatives from the Alcoholic Beverage Control or the Los Gatos Police Department for the purpose of employee training on licensed service of alcoholic beverages to the public. If it is determined that there are problems connected with the service of alcoholic beverages, they must be resolved in a time frame acceptable to the Police Chief. 49. TRAINING MANUAL. The restaurant operator shall use an employee training manual that addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with the standards of the California Restaurant Association. 50. DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM. The restaurant operator shall have and actively promote a designated driver program such as complimentary non-alcoholic beverages for designated drivers. 51. POSTING OF TAXICAB TELEPHONE NUMBERS. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted in a visible location. 52. LNE ENTERTAINMENT. Live music is allowed no more than one time per month for the first yeaz after commencement of use or final building occupancy, extendable only upon the affirmative decision of the Director of Community Development Department and the Chief of Police. Approval to allow live music is revocable by the Chief of Police or Director of Community Development Department if the music is determined to create a negative impact on the operation of the business or on the public. 53. EXITING. The operator shall ensure there is staggered exiting of clientele to prevent exiting of patrons from 15 % and 15 N. Santa Cruz Avenue at the same time. The operator shall create aningress/egress plan subject to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police, which limits the impact of patron exit. The ingress/egress plan shall be approved prior to commencement of use or final building occupancy, whichever comes first. 54. PATIO NOISE ATTENUATION. Noise attenuation on the rear patio area sufficient lighting too as we discussed on the outdoor patio 55. OCCUPANCY LIMITS. The establishment shall comply with Fire Department occupancy limits at all time through active clientele management practices. The operator/owner must maintain the ability, on demand by .police, to demonstrate an accurate occupancy load. 56. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE. The operator/owner shall install, and provide continued maintenance to ensure proper operation, of video surveillance equipment to an appropriate high industry standard at all entrances and exits and open areas of the business to allow for the identification of persons in all lighting conditions. The operator/owner shall retain video surveillance for 14 days. The operator/owner shall maintain the ability to view video surveillance on-site, and the ability to submit video surveillance to police in digital format upon request within 24 hours. 57. PROTOCOLS FOR INTOXICATED PERSONS AND FAKE INDENTIFICATION. The operator/owner shall develop and implement practices/protocols to identify and turn away intoxicated persons prior to entry. The operator/owner shall develop and implement practices/protocols to identify and track patrons utilizing fake identification and to refer those individuals to police. N:~DEV~CONDITNS~2010~NSC 15.S.doc RESOLiITTON OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF-THE TOWN OF Las GATOS AMENDING THE TOWN'S ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE POLICY WHEREAS; the sale of alcoholic beverages,. if not regulated,. can jeopardise public safety, result in an increase of calls for police services and compromise the quality of life fbx Town residents; and WHEREAS, The Town Council wants to balauce the regulation of alcoholic beverage service and protection of residential. neighborhoods with the goal of maintaining a vibrant and successful Downtown and commercial areas throughout Los Gatos;.. and WHEREAS, the Town Council held a study session on July 2, 20Q1 to discuss issues relating to service of alcoholic beverages;. and WHEREAS; the Town Council has indicated a desire to review all applications for new alcohol service or change in existing service, and a need to amend the existing Alcohol Policy, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: the Town Council of the TOWN OF LOS GATOS does hereby adopt the amended Alcoholic Beverage Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. J~ E%HIBIT 4 ~l .~.1 PASSEb AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the. Town CouncIl held on the 17'" day of September, 2001,. by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Randy Attaway, Steven Blanton, Sandy Decker, Steve Glickman, Mayor Joe Pirzynski. NAYS: None ABSENT:- None ABSTAII3: None ~ / 6--^ SIGNED: YO~HE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS G?.TOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: GZ2~J U CLERK OF TFIE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ~: LOS GATQS~ CALIFORNIA ., 2 -I '~ ~ ~l POLICY REGULATING TBE CONSUMPTION AND SERVICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES L Purpose The consumption or service of alcoholic beverages, if not- regulated, can jeopazdize public safety, result in an increase of calls for police services and compromise the quality of life for Town residents. This policy provides parameters for alcoholic beverage service; partieulazly addressing late night service when alcohol related incidents are most likely to occur and when. the disturbances to Town residerns is least tolerable. The service of alcoholic beverages, with or without meals, past 1Q PM is a discretionary privilege to be determined on a case by case basis. The following provisions are intended to balance the protection of residential neighborhoods in close proximity to commercial districts and still maintainthe viability of our commercial centers in which testaurairts have an essential role. Hours of operation. may be regulated based on an establishment's proximity #o residential neighborhoods or schools; the concentration of establishments in an azea serving. alcoholic beverages or for other reasons that may arise at the public hearing.. ' The: deciding body may approve a conditional use permit to serve alcoholic beverages based on the merits of the application and subjectto the following requirements: II. General policy 1. TheTownshallcontinuetostronglydiscouragenewappticationsforstandalonebars or restaurarrts with sepazate 6azs. 2. The Town shall continue to discourage applications. for entertainment establishments serving alcoholiabeverages. EnteRainment in association with an eating or drinking establishmern maybe allovied if standards and a permit process aze adopted.. 4. Alcoholiebeverageserviceforneweonditionalusepennitapplicationsorapplications for modi£cation of a conditional use permit shall not be allowed: A. After 1l PM Sunday through Thursday, except for holidays and evenings before holidays. B. After 1 AM Friday, Saturday,'hoGdays or evenings before holidays. An existing establishment with a conditional use permit in good standing allowed to serve alcoholicbeveragespostthe hours stated above may continue to-operate under theirexisting hours of operation. Lrahibit A 1 1 Town of Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 2 of 4 Any establishment serving alcoholic beverages shall be subject to the following: A. Uniformed privately provided security guazds maybe required in or around the premises bythe Chief of Police if alcohol related problems recur that aze 'not resolved by the licensed owner. B. At the discretion of the Chief QfPolice, periodic meetings will be conducted with represematives from the Police Department for on-going employee training on alcoholic beverage- service to the general public. G. All establishments shall use an employee training manual that addresses alcoholic beverage service consistent with. the standards of the Californian restaurant Association. b. All licensed operators shall have and shall actively promote a designated driver programsuchas complimentarynon-alcoholicbeveragesfor designated drivers. E. Taxicab telephone numbers shall be posted in a visible Iocarion.. 6. The deciding body shallmake the following findings prior to approving an application for conditional use permit to serve alcoholic beverages past lOPM: A. Late night service will not adversely impact adjacent residential .neighborhoods. B. The applicant does not have a history of complaints and' non-compliance with. local ordinances or the Alcoholic Beverage Policy. C. The applicant has demonstrated a clear benefitto the community. 7. A meal is defined as a combination of food items selected from a menu (breakfast, lunch. or dinner). Appetizers such as popcorn, nachos, pretzels, potato skins, relish nays, etc. (hot or cold) are not meals. 8. Alcoholic beverage service in approved outdoor seating areas may be permitted if adequate separation from public areas is provided. as determined by the Town Manager. The separation shall clearly suggest that alcohol is not allowed outside the restaurant seating area. Town o}Los Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 3 of 4 III. gpeci6c Policy 1,. Restaurants: Alcoholicbeveragesmoy only be served with meats. 2; Restaurants Atli Separate Bars: Alcoholic beverage service is permitted in the dining. area only in conjunction with meal service. Tvleal service shaft be available until closing or i I PM Sunday through Thursday and until t2 midnight Friday, Saturday, holidays and evenings before holidays; whichever is earlier; if Late night bar service is available. Specific hours of operation for each estalilishmern ate determined upon issuance of a conditional use permit. N. Review Process 1. Proposals for new bars or restaurants; with bare and all requests for new alcohol service or a changeto e>osting service shall be reviewed by the planning Commission. The Commission: will make a recommendation to the Town Council and the CounciY shall have final review authority. 2. Changes in ownershipforliusinessesinvolvingserviceofalcoFiolicbeveragesshallbe reviewed by the Community Development Department. The following process will be followed: a. The Director of Community Development shall contact the new business owner to make them aware of the conditions. of approval attached to the Use permit for the location. b. One year following issuance of a business- ]icense, surrounding/impacted property owners shall be notified. and any comments regardingthe operation of the business shaII be solicited. c, If the. Director of Community Development becomes aware ofany alcohol related impacts on the surrounding neighborhood, the Director shall review the operation of the Business to determine whether there is a violation ofthe use permit. Town of Las Gatos Alcoholic Beverage Policy Page 4 of 4 d. If there are violations of the use permit that have not been voluntarily corrected by the business owner the matter wilt be forwarded to the Planning Commission for public hearing pursuant to Section 29.20.310 of the Zoning Ordinance. e. Pursuant to Section 29.20,315 of the Zoning Ordinance the Planning Comnussion may revoke or modify the conditional use permit if it finds that sufficient grounds exist. N. Enforcement All conditional use permits issued to establishments for alcoholic beverage service on-site shall be subject to Section 29.30.310(b) of the Town Cade authorizing the Town Manager to take enforcement action if it is determined that the sale of alcohol has became a nuisance to the Town's public health, safety or welfare. Enforcement. ofsection 29.20.3I0(b) of the Town Code will be based on, but. not limited to, the following factors:. I. The number and types of calls for. service at or near the establishment ~vhicls that are a direct result of patrons actions; II, The number of complaints received from residents ad other citizens concerning the operation of an establishment;. III.. The number of arrests for alcohol, drug, disturbing the peace,. fighting and public nuisance violations. associated with an establishment; N. The number and hinds of complaints received from the State Alcoholic Beverage Control office and the County Health Department; V. V'iolafion of conditions of approval related to alcoholic beverage service. The A]coholicBeveragePolicyisnottobeconstruedtobearightofdevelopment. TheTownretains the right of review and approval (or denial) of each project based on its merits. N:1DE41riANiNl1CO~TAlcohd Po4c~S001eIwIW pcticywpd RESOLUTION 1994-78 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ADOPTING STANDARDS FOR OUTDOOR RESTAURANT SEATING WHEREAS, outdoor restaurant seating can be an enjoyable experience, the orderly placement and aesthetics must he regulated to protect the public health, safety and welfare. RESOLVED: Extu'bit A, the Standards for Outdoor Restaurant Seating are adopted. PASSED AND ADOP'T'ED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 6th day of June, 1994, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Joanne Benjamin, Steven Blanton, Linda Lubeck, Patrick O'Laughlin Mayor Randy Attaway NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED; /s/ Randy Attaway MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: /s/ Marian V. Cosgrove CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA sys8?\a:\reso\outdooutd E%HIBIT 5 STANDARDS FOR OUTDOOR RESTAURANT SEATING 1. Outdoor seating is prohibited on public property. Outdoor seating may be allowed on private property with a conditional use permit. 2. A physical delineation in the form of landscaping or planters is required to separate public and private property. The height of the separation shall be a m;n;mum of three feet but no higher than four feet. The physical design and plant material should compliment the design of the building and prevent passing or carrying alcoholic beverages outside the restaurant seating area. Plant material shall be alive. 3. When alcoholic beverages are permitted in outdoor seating areas that are immediately adjacent to a public pedestrian way, the landscape separation shall be designed to clearly suggest that alcohol is not allowed outside the restaurant seating area. 4. For outdoor seating areas immediately adjacent to the public right-of-way, a hold harmless agreement shall be recorded releasing the Town from any liability related to the outdoor seating. 5. When alcoholic beverage service is permitted outside, a restaurant employee shall seat patrons. sys8?\a:\misc\ou tdoor.s td LQ'S GA'fOS BAR & GRiLli July 6, 2010 Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Development Review Application Los Gatos Bar & Grill 15'/x North Santa Cruz Avenue Dear Community Development Department, ~~~~,~~® ,~UL ..~ u 2010 TpLANNING DIVISION LGBG, LLC is pleased to submit, for your consideration, the following Letter of Justificarion/Written Description of Proposed Project detailing the rebirth of the Los Gatos Bar & Grill (LGBG). LGBG Mission and Ownership Team The mission of LGBG will be to deliver a dining and entertainment experience that will fill a niche in the prestigious, eclectic and historic downtown of Los Gatos. By day our High- Definitionsports and entertainment offerings coupled with Classic American food will cater to a local, upscale clientele that will enjoy our family oriented offerings and our focus on greater Bay Area sports teams. By night, LGBG will transform into an upscale dining and entertainment venue where the cuisine and sophisticated libations create a memorable experience. Our owner/management team consists of myself, Tony Beers, John Conway, Lora Lipman, Joe Guerra and former San Jose Shark, Mike Rathje. We bring over 25-years of successful restaurant and entertainment ownership experience to Los Gatos. Our philosophy is simple; we believe our customers deserve a memorable experience grounded in quality and attentive service, phenomenal food, and quality entertainment that creates repeat customers who are happy to recommend our establishment to others. Commitment to Community/Community Partnership Operating a business in a community is not enough. In order to be successful, we believe you truly must be an active community participant. The ownership and management of LGBG have a significant track-record of community involvement within the Santa Clara County region. Our current businesses sponsor dozens of charitable and civic oriented organizations throughout the county. In addition, our owners actively participate in working groups and tasks forces sponsored by the City of San Jose relative to downtown business climate and 19-i;'? Y, SA. N'f ;4 CRC77_ AV1%1 It Y: ~ Lt7-S fiA2'c}S. Cry. 9a'tl 3Q. 46tf.28~i.2t7'J.7 ,~tLP3 j h(F8.Z 42, N:~$4 FAX o-vx=ice. tosgatostrn rn nt[y~;il{. eu ro EXHIBIT 6 2of8 July 6, 2010 improving downtown from a customer perspective. We also founded the San Jose Restaurant & Entertainment Association to assist restaurant and entertainment businesses on issues important to help them responsibly grow their businesses. Once established, LGBG will mirror that civic engagement in the Town of Los Gatos. Historically, our ownership has established strong partnerships with youth sports organizations. [n fact, in addition to offering financial support, several of our partners are active youth sports coaches. We intend on sponsoring Los Gatos youth sports leagues and becoming active partners with the local school community. Our partnerships typically are structured in the following manner: direct monetary sponsorship ofcharitable/civic groups and organizations; direct product donations for charitable/civic group events and fundraisers; sponsorship through at-cost or extremely favorable rates for use of our venues, food/beverage and staff. With regard to venue use, we know that ofren times an attractive yet affordable venue for non-profit fundraisers and other civic organizations is hard to come by. We actively promote the use of our venues for use by these organizations to create stronger relationships within the communities we do business in. Our intent is to operate in a community for the long term. Thus, these relationships support our long-term business plans as well as fuel continued exposure of Downtown Los Gatos and its other businesses. The following list is a representative sample of organizations and causes our ownership team has supported within Santa Clara County. • March of Dimes • Lincoln Glen Little League • San Jose Repertory Theatre • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society • Willow Glen Little League • Animal Rescue Foundation • James Lick High School Golf Tournament • Oak Grove High School • McKinley School • San Jose Stage Company • Haiti Red Cross • West Coast Martial Arts • Cancer Institute • California Waterfowl Association • Cambrian Pop Warner Football • PAL • Relay for Life • Schallenberger Elementary School • Holy Spirit School • Saint Leo's School • HIV/Aids awareness programs • Mi Casa Group Homes • San Jose LGBT Restaurant Conditional Use Permit LGBG is respectfully requesting approval from the Town of Los Gatos for an amended Restaurant Conditional Use Permit to operate a State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control Type-47 establishment at 15'h North Santa Cruz Avenue, formerly the Skyy Lounge (180 Restaurant and Lounge). 3of8 July 6, 2010 LGBG is requesting the following hours of operation and operating conditions: ^ 9:00 AM until 2:00 AM, 7 days a week. Alcohol service would cease at 1:30 AM and food service would cease at 2:00 AM. Patio food and alcohol service would cease at midnight. Patio to have sound attenuation (Plexiglas) installed along exterior rail to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. ^ Live music (bands) once per month. With the allowance that if approved by the Chief of Police and the Community Development Director additional days or nights of live music could be approved. ^ The flexibility to have food, beverage and entertainment in any interior area of the business. ^ All entertainment, regardless of form (DJ music, dancing, live music, etc.) will cease by 1:30 AM. LGBG will be performing $150,000-$200,000 dollars worth of cosmetic upgrades: painting, the and flooring, new furniture and decor. In addition: LGBG will be replacing an established business and will not require any additional parking spaces. • LGBG will be replacing an established business with a current ABC license and C.U.P. LGBG will be hiring 50-60 new employees to provide the highest level of service to our patrons. Each new employee will be immersed in a comprehensive training program that will emphasize customer safety, compliance with all local and state rules and regulations, and responsible alcohol beverage service. An emphasis will be placed on ensuring that our team does not over-serve customers and can identify signs of intoxication and address them per our policies and procedures. LGBG team members will all be state ABC LEAD training certified. A safe and memorable experience is what we want for our customers. Our security team members wilt be selected for their ability to be a calming presence that can coordinate with other team members and the Los Gatos Police Department to ensure a safe experience for our patrons. Additionally, our request to be allowed to have a DJ present (as opposed to having a DJ burn a CD daily for us to play) relates not only to our ongoing efforts to improve customer--€~cper-i~nse-h„+~+^ ;,r;pr o o=exec-uri~~ros~nrrti ~ r~D=PlaYng iz i~ ^~-.. t-POSs,ble -- to alter music to fit customer desires nor does it allow an adjustment of music tempo as a measure of control. We have found with all of our other establishments that our manager and security director can maintain a positive, safe and vibrant atmosphere by simply directing the DJ to alter the tempo of music being played. We propose an alternative method of insuring that the travel ways will not be impacted by patio seating. Rather than installing a stationary barrier to keep tables and chairs out of the walkways [as was previously required of the space and never implemented) we are 4of8 Julys, zoia proposing the installation of fixed tables and chairs that cannot be moved from their stationary location. In addition to fixing the location of tables and chairs we would propose a minimum 5' of separation from the end of the stationary furniture and the wall which would significantly exceed the 3'8"walkway width requirement. forr~liance with Alcohol Beverage Policy As of the date of this submittal, the Town does not have standards or a permit process for allowing entertainment (live bands) in association with an eating or drinking establishment as contemplated in the Town's Alcohol Beverage Policy (Section II, paragraph 3). The existing CUP for the business allows for music, dancing and food and alcohol service. It is our understanding that Town will soon undertake the process to develop an entertainment permit and its associated process. This is a process that LGBG would be eager to participate in and can provide expertise to the Town given that LGBG's management provided major assistance in revising the City of San Jose's Entertainment Ordinance and permit. Prior to our submittal, we met with Police Chief Scott Seaman to discuss both our business concept/operations and the possibility of obtaining a "temporary entertainment permit." At that meeting, Chief Seaman expressed that he would work with us to put in place conditions that would provide the Police Department comfort with our operations as well as ensure that we are a good neighbor and positive contributor to Downtown. Those conditions, which we are agreeing to put in place include: • Providing State-certified uniform security personnel at a ration of one security staff member per 50 occupants during operation hours when entertainment is in progress. • Establishing a designated Community Relations Ombudsman who would serve as a point of contact between LGBG and the surrounding neighborhoods and members of the public. The Community Relations Ombudsman name and contact number will be published and accessible to members of the public. • Ensuring that all staff who serve alcohol are ABC LEAD certified. • Developing a collaborative planning process with the Los Gatos Police Department to implement appropriate ingress/egress protocols to achieve safe disbursement of LGBG patrons during and after hours of operations. • In addition to visible posting of taxicab phone numbers, LGBG will provide taxi concierge service for any guests needing taxi service (as we currently do through our partnership with Taxi San Jose). • Regular Periodic meetings with the Los Gatos Police Department to discuss operations and identify areas for stronger collaboration. • Security personnel stationed in parking lot before closing pursuant to LGBG Security Policies and Procedures. 5 of 8 July 6, 2010 • Video surveillance equipment to be installed with a video quality to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police. • Additionally, until an entertainment policy can be developed by the Town we would recommend the following language be attached to our CUP: The ability to provide live music (bands) as prescribed within the Conditional Use Permit for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill can be suspended, modified and/or revoked if of the Chief of Police or his/her designee makes the following determination: That the public health, safety or welfare are compromised as a result of live music performances within the permitted premises, or on any parking site or similar facility used by customers of the licensed or permitted operation. This determination would be delivered via written notification to the designated owner and live music would cease as per the date within the notification. The other permitted uses detailed in the CUP will continue to be allowed unless and until the Town makes a formal decision to seek the suspension, modification and/or revocation of the CUP. LGBG will abide by these conditions and is willing to work cooperatively with Chief Seaman on any additional conditions he'd like us to consider. Additionally, as stated before, we would also be interested in working with the Town on the development of the permanent policy offering our extensive operational experience to assist the Town in developing a comprehensive policy that will allow safe, community-friendly entertainment to exist in Downtown Los Gatos. LGBG Market Analysis Houre of Operation Los Gatos Bar & Grill's business model is to provide ahigh-end restaurant environment during the day, and to provide evening and late-night hours that offer customers a great dining experience combined with entertainment. Complementing Existing Downtown Businesses In order for LGBG to succeed-and to create a vibrant dining and entertainment experience for Downtown Los Gatos customers-we intend to match the late-night hours of operation of several downtown businesses. LGBG's owners and management have successfully integrated late-night dining and entertainment at our other locations. We've been successful in creating a safe, fun dining experience for all of our patrons. Currently, it is our understanding that the following downtown businesses operate at least until midnight and in some cases until 2:00 AM: Number One Broadway; Carry Nation's; C.B. Hannigan's, the Black Watch and Mountain Charley's. Given that our concept of ahigher-end restaurant is unique, and that our emphasis will be on combining both entertainment nod dining during our hours after 10 P.M., which not all of the businesses above do, we believe that LGBG will compliment the existing businesses while attracting a different customer base. 6of8 July 6, 2010 LGBG Hering Make Downtown Los Gatos More Comnetitive in the Region Our business philosophy is that if Downtown Los Gatos thrives, LGBG will thrive. To that end, we have researched the "market gap" that exists when comparing downtown Los Gatos against other upscale community's late night experiences. We believe there is a market to capture that will benefit both LGBG and the Town of Los Gatos and its businesses as well. Downtown Los Gatos has excellent dining opportunities-from breakfast at the California Cafe to dinner atworld-renowned chef David Kinch's Manressa. However, there are few options for higher-scale dining and entertainment after 10 P.M. LGBG seeks to fill that void, providing customers not just in Los Gatos but also in nearby communities with a quality dining and entertainment option that doesn't currently exist. This will help to further diminish the sales tax leakage experienced today by the Town to nearby venues in Campbell and Santana Row. Given our extensive experience in the Downtown San Jose market, we have excluded those businesses from our analysis. Essentially, our experience has shown that the customer base that may visit Downtown San Jose for a late night experience is fundamentally different from those who may choose Los Gatos, Santana Row or Mountain View as examples. Santana Row, San Jose Since its opening, Santana Row has successfully attracted high-end clientele through a collection of trendy, upper-end restaurants and bars. Restaurants such as Sino, Straits, Blowfish, Rosie McCann's and the Valencia Hotel have successfully attracted young professionals seeking alate-night meal, cocktails and occasional entertainment. While many of those establishments are open until tam, for the most part, those restaurants largely function as bars or nightclubs after 10 P.M. While highly successful, Santana Row businesses have abuilt-in disadvantage when it comes to attracting customers who desire to dine or drink past midnight. Due to the vertical integration of residential and restaurant use, most Santana Row businesses must close promptly at midnight. Some of Santana Row's most popular businesses, such as Sino and Straits, close by midnight and tend to not serve food past 10 P.M. Based on our research, only Rosie McCann's, Blowfish and the V-Bar (Valencia Hotel) operate past midnight due to the lack of residential units above. We believe that LGBG can successfully attract customers who would otherwise be interested in a Santana Row experience because LGBG's focus on providing ahigh-end restaurant and sports bar does not exist at Santana row, and, because we would be able to offer customers options for alate-night dining and entertainment experience. Something that only one or two locations at Santana Row can ever hope to provide. We believe that this competitive advantage will help attract customers to LGBG but also to Downtown Los Gatos in general. 7of8 July 6, 2010 Other Regional Downtowns In looking at LGBG's potential for success in the market, we've analyzed the late-night dining and entertainment opportunities in other downtowns that may compete for higher- end clientele. In essence, communities such as Saratoga and Palo Alto effectively close around the 10 P.M. leaving the occasional "neighborhood bar' open for residents, or the restaurants shut down their dining at 10 P.M. and operate essentially as bars. As you can see in the chart below, Downtown Mountain View and Sunnyvale do provide some dining opportunities after 10 P.M. Upon closer look, however, these establishments seem to operate more as bars, and in some cases nightclubs versus alate-night dining establishment that provides entertainment. Name Community Hours Comments hoils a ~~ ~ ~ ~13own otn Sunnyvale ~ }2 O~AN~~ ~ ~ rn'~~~Bnte~ain enter'" ~ Br ewe -~~~ ~ ~_~. ~~ ~ ~' - ~ _ __ _ ~ - Fibbar MaGee's DowntownSunn ale 2:00 AM Dinin Entertainment "~ _ ~.4 v Er_r, w u li s ~ .. ~ D~vYgtatvn 5pnn aTe:;~ 2 0 tS1G1 ~ ~. ry ~F3mm Entertammnnt m- Zen Lounge Mountain View 2:00 AM No dining t Std hezi's Green ~ ~;N~untairi View ~ , ~,~, 00 AM iin Entei~atnnisrit Molly MaGee's Mountain View 2:00 AM Dining/Entertainment it ;eito'~sf ~~ ~_ ~IvEotustatn';Uew ~_ ~Z fl 1`~~A~vI _~ _. „ , ~Iodmin ~~~~ The Basin Saratoga 11:00 PM Dining/Entertainment Fri Sat Y.~ .,_ ~._E'+~. Blue-~tgckShot '``~= 43c £ ~ ~ ~SaCatoga ~~~` ~ Fb" ~ =~M ~. .'e`. ,.`£ 'S'.' yz- a"f ~',t.'Sf t}fntng/Ente .: inmen ~- -~ ~a~ M~~z S t ~ F ~ ~ ~ x~ a ~ :_ ~ ~ , _ The Bank Sarato a 2:00 AM No dinin ~a~B~dequrta~d~ei Pao- tq~ m`~~ ~2 b0~ M~ ,~ mng~closel at ~DPRiI Further, we believe LGBG will provide a more upscale experience than many of the businesses located in Sunnyvale and to some extent Mountain View. Again, we see ourselves most closely competing with Santana Rotes customer base. Given Los Gatos' well-established dining scene, we feel that LGBG also will provide many downtown customers who choose to dine at one of the Town's many great restaurants, the opportunity to extend their downtown experience without having to compromise on quality. Our goal is for everyone who patronizes LGBG to feel welcome and entertained. We will target the following groups: the business professional, the destination diner, high-end singles, empty nesters and, of course our established Los Gatos locals. These particular market populations are usually 25-65 years old, and are seeking upscale, trendy, and comfortable restaurant and entertainment options. 8of8 July 6, 2010 The flexibility to serve food, beverages and have entertainment in any interior area of the business will allow us to provide a quality experience for everything from a regular dinner service to Sunday brunch to a nonprofit fundraiser to a Silicon Valley product launch. We believe the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill will be a good fit for the Town of Los Gatos and provide yet another quality establishment to the vibrant downtown. We look forward to working closely with the Community Development Department as it reviews our application and we look forward to working with other Town staff to address any issues or concerns that may arise. We are available at any time to discuss our proposal or to answer any quesrions you may have. Our references are available upon request. Sincerely, -- Dave Powell Managing Partner (408) 313-7355 `' REGEl9/E® C' LQ5 GATO-S B.SR tY HBILL iIUL 14 2010 151/2 NORTH SANTA CRUZ AVENUE TOWN O~ LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CA 95030 PLANNWG rJlVISION OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT PLAN EXECUTIVE 5U1VIiVIARY Los Gatos Bar & Grill (LGBG) was created to deliver a new and exciting type of dining, sports and entertainment experience to downtown Los Gatos. Our vision is to create a stylized, yet casual, restaurant where great Classic American cuisine can complement High Defmition sports and entertainment experiences. Our menu will be available the entire time we are open. Our concept caters to a wide variety of demographics that comprise the Los Gatos market. LGBG will invite guests to relax in a socially comfortable atmosphere where our menu, attention to every customer detail, and unpazalleled sports and entertainment viewing, creates a complete entertainment experience. LGBG plans to open in September 2010. Our philosophy from day one will be simple: "Give the customers the freshest, highest quality food and provide them with friendly and attentive service." Our goal is for everyone who patronizes LGBG to feel welcome and entertained. We will target the following groups: the business professional, the destination diner, high-end singles, empty nesters and, of course, Los Gatos locals. These particular market populations usually range from 25-65 years old, and are seeking upscale, trendy, and comfortable restaurant and entertainment options. We are very proud that our management team has been a local industry leader for the past 15 years and that we aze in the position today to have continued success with Los Gatos Bar & Grill in downtown Los Gatos. HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday -Wednesday 3PM - 2AM Patio untIl 12AM Thurs -Saturday 11AM -tam Patio until 12AM Sunday 9AM- tam Patiounti112AM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Full Time - 6 - 3 owners, 1 General Manager, 1 Asst. General Manager, 1 Controller. Part Time - 84 - 4 Assistant Managers, 1 Assistant Controller, 1 Promotions Director, 1 Events Coordinator, 1 Security Manager, 20 Bartenders/Servers, 8 Barbacks, 15 Wait Staff, 20 Hosts/Security, 9 Cooks, 4 Dishwashers. ffiIBIT 7 PRENIISES SIZE & CAPACITY Los Gatos Bar & Grill is approximately 5,690 sq/ft. LGBG will be pemutted by the Fire Department to seat about 216 persons for dining and about 300 persons for assembly. FOOD & DRINK Los Gatos Bar & Grill wIll serve its full menu from opening until lOpm Monday - Sunday, with a large late night menu available daily from lOpm-tam. Food will be available at all times during all hours of operation. LGBG will possess a current ABC Type 471icense that permits the sale of beer, wine, and spirits. LGBG will provide full bar for on site consumption only. It will be licensed to sell alcohol until 2 AM daily and on the patio until 12 AM daily. Our beverages mainly consist of specialty draft and bottled beers and higher end spirits and liquors. SECURITY/HOSTS Los Gatos Bar & Grill will always strive to ensure a safe, fun and memorable experience for our patrons. On Thursday through Saturday nights we provide 8-12 Security Personnel/Hosts to maintain such an environment. We provide 8-12 because it's our responsibility to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment as possible. We will strive to have our primary entrance and exiting occur along the rear exits to the parking lot. This will enable us to the extent possible to avoid crossover between our clients and those customers entering or exiting from Mountain Chailey's. Entrance Door - 2 Hosts ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! This position varies from 2 to 4 people depending on the night. You have the most important job. You aze the fast person that interacts with our customers and your attitude and friendly manner aze very important to starting our customers experience on the right track. You are our strongest and most trusted employees. You are responsible for bringing up the ID scanner, black light, state ID book, flashlights, radios and both counters. This person is responsible for everyone that enters the establishment. You keep an accurate headcount on the clicker for occupancy and safety purposes. Your security manager walks through the venue every 20 minutes to check the number of customers within the business to make sure you have not made any mistakes and to keep the venue comfortable and safe. We believe in the motto "Thin to Win!" Packing a venue full of people only causes frustration for our patrons and keeps us from providing quality customer service. If you are working the Santa Cruz Avenue entrance you will be stationed on the street at the bottom of the stairs. You also verify all customers entering the bar are 21 years or older by checking valid customer ID's in the designated ID checking area viewed directly by the security camera. You then pass ID to second ID security personnel. We use two hosts to check ID to maintain a check and balance system to make sure minors do not enter the business. ID': always need to be checked in the designated area where they are seen by the camera. Yoc 2 will not allow any intoxicated person into the bar as well as people not adhering to the dress code. You should never leave your position. This employee will have radio contact with the backdoor and management. At closing, you are to make sure no alcohol leaves the premises. 3 Separate Exit Doors - 3 Hosts ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! These persons keep an accurate count of people exiting the bar for occupancy and safety purposes. You make sure that no one takes alcohol or bar property outside except bottled water. You are to help customers getting a cab as well as handing out promotional items for future events. At closing, you are to make sure no alcohol leaves the premises and making sure the surrounding area is cleaz of litter. Patio 1 Host ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! Our Patio is open until Midnight 7 days per week. All hosts are to maintain the area in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. At no time shall any music originating from any part of the business create a nuisance. If music seems to be too loud tell the manager on duty ASAP. We do not allow dancing ever in the Patio. We serve food at LGBG at all times when we are open for business. If you see someone sitting on the patio that has not been given a menu, please ask them if they would like to see a menu. If so, let their server know. All patrons are to enter through the entry door only where they are always ID'd in plain view of our security cameras. You are never to leave your post unless you have another host cover for you. Any customers that do not follow patio rules are to be escorted out right away. At the end of each night patio hosts are required to break dawn patio, bring in all furniture and make sure surrounding area is clear of litter. At the end of each night patio hosts aze also required to help clear the pazking lot. 2 Hallways - 2 Hosts ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! These persons-are in charge of making sure the hallways are clear. For example, make sure bathroom lines are kept to one side of the hallway against the wall. If hallways ever start to become too crowded immediately communicate to the front door to hold the line until the rush of people fills out into the rest of the bar. Floater - 1 Host ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! This person will be given instructions according to the needs of the establishment for that night. Main Floor - 2-3 Hosts ALWAYS HAVE A FRIENDLY ATTITUDE! You watch the dance floor for any violations of any restaurant/bar policy. General It is the policy of our establishment that at any time host/security personnel sense a potential problem with any patron or potential patron then the Los Gatos Police Department (LGPD) should be called and a request made fora "walls-through". A uniformed presence is always welcome in our establishment. Our hosUsecurity personnel are to work in partnership with LGPD to ensure a safe environment for our patrons and surrounding businesses. We encourage our team to call and ask fora "walls-through" as needed and to work in a cooperative manner with LGPD. If altercation becomes physical in any form then security shall inform the manager on duty to phone the LGPD and inform them of the situation and request their presence. Security assigned to the rear parking lot should coordinate and work in collaboration with the plainclothes security currently working in the rear parking lot. This plainclothes security is shared by several surrounding businesses and LGBG security should strive to work seamlessly to ensure a safe ingress and egress for our patrons. CONCLUSION Our goal is to establish awell-respected business that contributes to the reputation of Los Gatos as a destination Town where experiences are made. We look forward to working ourselves into the fabric of downtown Los Gatos and we appreciate the opportunity to bring our concept to this wonderful Town. 4 ~~ a ~ C' ~ LOS GATOS BAR & GRILL SAMPLE MENU ~~~~~~~~ ~~;~1 0 2 2010 OPENERS TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION LGBG 1UMB0 CHICKEN WINGS HOT -SWEET -HOT & SW EET CHILI COMBO -LEMON PEPPER OR TERIYAKI CA1UN POPCORN SHRIMP CRISPY ROCK SHRIMP SERVED WITH A CAJUN REMOULADE CRAB TOTS FRESH SNOW CRAB TATER TOTS, SERVED WITH A CHIPOTLE TARTAR SAUCE HOT & CRISPY CALAMARI CALAMARI & SLICED IALAPEN05 LIGHTLY TOSSED WITH CAJUN SEASONING, SERVED WITH TARTAR SAUCE CRISPY ARTICHOKE HEARTS TOPPED WITH SHREDDED PARMESAN & SERVED WITH A LEMON AIOLI LALA'S LUMPIAS FILIPINO EGG ROLLS FILLED WITH PORK, BEEF & VEGETABLES, SERVED WITH A GARLIC SOY SAUCE TRES GRINGOS' STREET TACOS AUTHENTIC MINI CORN TORTILLA TACOS WITH YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT, & PICO DE GALLO -CHICKEN, CARNE ASADA OR BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS BA1A SPRING ROLLS GRILLED CITRUS CHICKEN, CORN, BLACK BEANS, PICO DE GALLO, JACK & CHEDDAR CHEESES, GREEN ONIONS & CILANTRO, SERVED WITH A TOMATILCO SALSA SANTIA60 NACHOS A MOUNTAIN OF FRESHLY MADE CRISPY CORN TORTILLA CHIPS PILED HIGH WITH BLACK BEANS, CHEDDAR & PEPPER LACK CHEESES, PICO DE GALLO, FETA CHEESE, JALAPENOS, BLACK OLIVES, SOUR CREAM &GUACAMOLE-CHICKEN OR CARNE ASADA ASIAN PORK LETTUCE WRAPS HOISIN & TERIYAKI GLAZED ROASTED SHREDDED PORK & SAUTEED MUSHROOMS, SERVED WITH COOL LETTUCE CUPS & ASIAN SLAW BLACKENED TIGER PRAWN SATAY BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS WITH GREEN CHILI DIPPING SAUCE, SERVED WITH A ROASTED CORN & BLACK BEAN SALSA TOSTADA 5lNISTER SWEET POTATO FRIES L16HTLY SEASONED SWEET POTATO SHOESTRINGS TATER TOTS "JUST LIKE MOM USED TO MAKEI" REGULAR OR CAJUN ffiIBIT 8 ~' ~ ~ `~ LOS GATOS BAR & GRILL SALADS CHOPPED BBQ CHICKEN SALAD GRILLED BREAST OF CHICKEN, CORN, GREEN ONION, BLACK BEANS, 11CAMA, CILANTRO, TOMATOES, JACK CHEESE, BBO SAUCE & ICEBERG LETTUCE TOSSED IN A 6BQ RANCH DRESSING & TOPPED WITH CRUNCHY, SWEET ONION STRINGS SPINACH SALAD CHOPPED BACON, GOAT CHEESE, TOMATOES, EGG, MUSHROOMS, RED ONIONS, & CROUTONS, TOSSED IN ATANGY VINAIGRETTE-ADD CHICKEN OR TIGER PRAWNS SPICY CRISPY CHICKEN SALAD CRISP CHOPPED ICEBERG LETTUCE, EGGS, AVOCADO, TOMATOES FRIED TORTILLA STRIPS & TENDERLOINSOF LIGHTLY BREADED, DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, TOSSED IN A SWEET BUFFALO SAUCE- HOUSE RANCH OR BLEU CHEESE TODOS SANTOS TOSTADA SALAD CRISP SALAD GREENS, BLACK BEANS, CORN, PICO DE GALLO, GUACA MOLE, SOUR CREAM & CHEDDAR CHEESE, W ITH A TOMATILLA VINAIGRETTE, PILED IN A CRISPY FLOUR TORTILLA CHICKEN, CARNE ASADA, BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS CLASSIC CAESAR SALAD ROMAINE LETTUCE, HERB CROUTONS &SHREDDED PARMESAN-CHICKEN OR TIGER PRAWNS ITALIAN MARKET SALAD FRESH MOZZARELLA, CHUNKS OF FONTINA CHEESE AND SALAMI, ARTICHOKES, KALAMATA OLIVES, ROASTED RED PEPPERS, PEPERONCINIS, GARBANZO BEANS, RED ONIONS, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, ROMAINE AND ICEBERG LETTUCE ALL TOPPED WITH FRESH PARMESAN AND BASIL, THEN TOSSED WITH AN ITALIAN HERB VINAIGRETTE ~~rj , ~. ~C J~ LOS GATOS BAR & GRILL PANINIS & SANDWICHES GRILLED TRI TIP PANINI SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, BALSAMIC CARAMELIZED ONIONS, PROVOLONE, ROASTED RED PEPPERS, & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD ITALIAN CHICKEN PANINI GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST, BACON, PROVOLONE & SUN DRIED TOMATO PESTO ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD CHICKEN FAJITA PANINI CITRUS GRILLED CHICKEN, GRILLED PEPPERS & ONIONS, LACK CHEESE, WITH A GUACAMOLE SPREAD ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD NEW YORK ITALIAN SAUSAGE PANINI NEW YORK HOT ITALIAN LINK SAUSAGES LOADED WITH GRILLED PEPPERS & ONIONS, & PROVOLONE CHEEESE ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD CORNED BEEF REUBEN SLOW ROASTED, SEASONED CORNED BEEF LOADED WITH SWISS CHEESE & SOURKRAUT ON MARBLE RYE BBQ PULLED PORK SANDWICH SLOW ROASTED, SEASONED PULLED PORK, TANGY BBQ SAUCE, SWEET & CRUNCHY FRIED ONION STRINGS, ON A SOFT CIABATTA BUN PRICEY CHEESE STEAK THINLY SLICED, SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, GRILLED MUSHROOMS, PEPPERS & ONIONS, JACK CHEESE ON A SOFT CIABATTA ROLL BLACKENED MAHI MAHI SANDWICH BABY GREENS, TOMATOES & CAIUN REMOULADE BURGERS ALL BURGERS ARE Yz LB SIRLOIN MEATS SERVED ON SOFT GRILLED CIABATTA BUNS THE CLASSIC WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, HOUSE SAUCE, WITH YOUR CHOICE OF CHEESE NOR-CAL AVOCADO, CRISPY HICKORY BACON, HOUSE SAUCE & PEPPERJACK CHEESE BBQ BACON HICKORY BACON, CHEDDAR CHEESE, SWEET & CRUNCHY FRIED ONION STRINGS & TANGY BBQ SAUCE BLACK & BLEU MELTED MAYTAG BLEU CHEESE, HOUSE SAUCE& CAIUN SPICES MEXICALI GUACAMOLE SPREAD, PICO DE GALLO, & PEPPER JACK CHEESE,TOPPED WITH DEEP FRIED JAIAPENOS (~i~ J ~ r ~ ~C ~~ LOS GATOS BAR & GRILL SLIDERS MINI BURGERS & SANDWICHES SERVED IN ORDERS OF 3 WITH YOUR CHOICE OF SHOESTRING POTATOES OR TATER TOTS BURGER SLIDERS LGBG MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, HOUSE SAUCE & A CHOICE OF CHEEESE BACON CHEESE MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, CRISPY HICKORY BACON, HOUSE SAUCE & CHEDDAR CHEESE NOR-CAL MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, CRISPY HICKORY BACON, AVOCADO, HOUSE SAUCE & PEPPER JACK CHEESE GARDEN BURGER MINI VEGETARIAN BURGERS, LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION, BASIL PESTO CHICKEN SLIDERS CHICKEN PARMESAN TENDERLOINS OF LIGHTLY BREADED, DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, MARINARA, PROVOLONE&SHREDDED PARMESAN CHEESES CHICKEN BLTA GRILLED CHICKEN, CRISPY BACON, LETTUCE, TOMATO, COOL AVOCADO & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE TERIYAKI CHICKEN & PINEAPPLE GRILLED CHICKEN, FRESH GRILLED PINEAPPLE, LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION, & TERIYAKI GLAZE SPICY CRISPY CHICKEN TENDERLOINS OF LIGHTLY BREADED, DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION, SWEET & SPICY BUFFALO SAUCE & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE SPECIALTY SLIDERS PHILLY CHEESE STEAK THINLY SLICED SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, SAUTEED MUSHROOMS, PEPPERS & ONIONS, WITH JACK CHEESE ITALIAN SAUSAGE NEW YORK HOT LINK ITALIAN SAUSAGE LOADED WITH GRILLED PEPPERS & ONIONS & PROVOLONE CHEESE CHICKEN FAJITA CITRUS GRILLED CHICKEN, GRILLE PEPPERS & ONIONS, GUACAMOLE SPREAD, WITH JACK CHEESE BBQ PORK SLOW ROASTED, SEASONED PULLED PORK, TANGY BBO SAUCE, SWEET & CRUNCHY FRIED ONION STRINGS ~ C~ ~ LOS GATOS BAR & GRILL BAJA CANTINA TRES GRINGOS' FAMOUS BAJA FISH TACOS BEER BATTERED, DEEP FRIED COD, SALSA BLANCO, PICO DE GALLO, JACK CHEESE & FRESH SHREDDED CABBAGE ON CORN TORTILLAS SAN FELIPE SHRIMP TACOS GRILLED, BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS, SALSA BLANCO, MEXICAN RICE, BLACK BEANS, PICO DE GALLO, JACK CHEESE & FRESH SHREDDED CABBAGE ON CORN TORTILLAS CHICKEN FAIITATAC05 CITRUS GRILLED CHICKEN, MEXICAN RICE, REFRIED BEANS, PICO DE GALLO,C HEDDAR CHEESE, WITH SAUTEED RED & GREEN BELL PEPPERS & ONIONS ON CORN TORTILLAS SANTO DOMINGO QUESADILLA 14" FLOUR TORTILLA STUFFED WITH YOUR CHOICE OF CHICKEN OR CARNE ASADA, WITH CHEDDAR & PEPPER JACK CHEESES, GREEN ONION & CILANTRO, WITH A SIDE OF PICO DE GALLO & SOUR CREAM EPIC ENCHILADAS THREE ENCHILADAS STUFFED WITH CHEDDAR & PEPPER JACK CHEESES, TOPPED WITH SHREDDED LETTUCE, SOUR CREAM & COTIJA CHEESE, SERVED WITH A SIDE OF MEXICAN RICE & BLACK BEANS - CHEESE OR CHICKEN SHRIMP ENCHILADAS THREE ENCHILADAS STUFFED WITH GRILLED BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS, CHEDDAR & PEPPER JACK CHEESES, TOPPED WITH SHREDDED LETTUCE, SOUR CREAM, COTIJA CHEESE & A CREAMY TOMATILLA SAUCE, SERVED WITH A SIDE OF MEXICAN RICE & BLACK BEANS ENTREES NEW YORK STRIP 1402 CUT, SEASONED TO PERFECTION, SERVED WITH GARLIC MASHED POTATOES AND FRESH VEGETABLES DIABLO SURF & TURF SOZ NEW YORK STRIP TOPPED WITH SAUTEED CAIUN SHRIMP IN A CHIPOTLE CREAM SAUCE BLACKENED MAHI MAHI GRILLED MAHI MAHI WITH CAIUN SEASONINGS SERVED WITH A FRESH PINEAPPLE SALSA, BLACK BEANS & JASMINE RICE CHIPOTLE -MANGO BBQ CHICKEN SEASONED & MARINATED GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST, TOPPED WITH A MANGO SALSA, SERVED WITH CAIUN SWEET POTATO FRIES & FRESH MIXED VEGETABLES FIRE ROASTED CHICKEN FETTUCINE WITH SUNDRIED TOMATOES IN A PESTO CREAM SAUCE BAYOU CAJUN PASTA SPICY ANDOUILLE SAUSAGE, GRILLED CHICKEN, TIGER PRAWNS & LOUISIANA SPICES WITH FETTUCINE IN A TOMATO CREAM SAUCE (``~~ .~ Ci'~ r~ - ~~ LOS GATOS BAR ~4 GRILL SAMPLE LATE NIGHT MENU OPENERS LGBG JUMBO CHICKEN WINGS HOT- SWEET-HOT & SW EET CHILI COM80 -LEMON PEPPER OR TERIYAKI HOT & CRISPY CALAMARI CALAMARI & SLICED JALAPENOS LIGHTLY TOSSED WITH CAJUN SEASONING, SERVED WITH TARTAR SAUCE CRISPY ARTICHOKE HEARTS TOPPED WITH SHREDDED PARMESAN & SERVED WITH A LEMON AIOLI LALA'S LUMPIAS FILIPINO EGG ROLLS FILLED WITH PORK, BEEF & VEGETABLES, SERVED WITH A GARLIC SOY SAUCE TRES GRINGOS' STREET TACOS AUTHENTIC MINI CORN TORTILLA TACOS WITH YOUR CHOICE OF MEAT, & PICO DE GALLO-CHICKEN, CARNE ASADA OR BLACKENED TIGER PRAWNS BAJASPRING ROLLS GRILLED CITRUS CHICKEN, CORN, BLACK BEANS, PICO DE GALLO, JACK & CHEDDAR CHEESES, GREEN ONIONS & CILANTRO, SERVED WITH A TOMATILLO SALSA SINISTER SWEET POTATO FRIES LIGHTLY SEASONED SWEET POTATO SHOESTRINGS TATERTOTS "JUST LIKE MOM USED TO MAKEI" REGULAR OR CAIUN PANINIS & SANDWICHES GRILLED TRI TIP PANINI SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, BALSAMIC CARAMELIZED ONIONS, PROVOLONE, ROASTED RED PEPPERS, & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD ITALIAN CHICKEN PANINI GRILLED CHICKEN BREAST, BACON, PROVOLONE & SUN DRIED TOMATO PESTO ON FRESHLY BAKED CIABATTA BREAD BBQ PULLED PORK SANDWICH SLOW ROASTED, SEASONED PULLED PORK, TANGY BBQ SAUCE, SWEET & CRUNCHY FRIED ONION STRINGS, ON A SOFT CIABATTA BUN PRICEY CHEESE STEAK THINLY SLICED, SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, GRILLED MUSHROOMS, PEPPERS & ONIONS, JACK CHEESE ON A SOFT CIABATTA ROLL ~' ~~ ~ c ~ ~ LOS GATOS BAR ~ GRILL SLIDERS MINI BURGERS & SANDWICHES SERVED IN ORDERS OF 3 WITH YOUR CHOICE OF SHOESTRING POTATOES OR TATER TOTS BURGER SLIDERS LGBG MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, HOUSE SAUCE & A CHOICE OF CHEEESE BACON CHEESE MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, CRISPY HICKORY BACON, HOUSE SAUCE & CHEDDAR CHEESE NOR-CAL MINI SIRLOIN BURGERS WITH DILL PICKLE CHIPS, CRISPY HICKORY BACON, AVOCADO, HOUSE SAUCE & PEPPER JACK CHEESE CHICKEN SLIDERS CHICKEN BLTA GRILLED CHICKEN, CRISPY BACON, LETTUCE, TOMATO, COOL AVOCADO & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE TERIYAKI CHICKEN & PINEAPPLE GRILLED CHICKEN, FRESH GRILLED PINEAPPLE, LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION, & TERIYAKI GLAZE SPICY CRISPY CHICKEN TENDERLOINS OF LIGHTLY BREADED, DEEP FRIED CHICKEN, LETTUCE, TOMATO, RED ONION, SWEET & SPICY BUFFALO SAUCE & HORSERADISH MAYONNAISE SPECIALTY SLIDERS PHILLY CHEESE STEAK THINLY SLICED SANTA MARIA TRI-TIP, SAUTEED MUSHROOMS, PEPPERS & ONIONS, WITH JACK CHEESE ITALIAN SAUSAGE NEW YORK HOT LINK ITALIAN SAUSAGE LOADED WITH GRILLED PEPPERS & ONIONS & PROVOLONE CHEESE BBQ PORK SLOW ROASTED, SEASONED PULLED PORK, TANGY BBO SAUCE, SWEET & CRUNCHY FRIED ONION STRINGS °~Cadada ~ ~ © M .~ ves~~ts ~! July 19, 2010 To: Los Gatos Town Council "3 CC: Los Gatos Planning Commission ~> /(~f'~~~ Los Gatos Town Staff ~ ~~ oATC& Re: Los Gatos Bar and Grill CUP Modification CLERK DEPARTMENT Dear Council members, This letter is written on behalf of La Canada Investments, owner of 1-17 N Santa Cruz Ave. We are pleased to announce the opening of a new business in our building at address 15'/z, formerly the 180 Restaurant and Lounge. The Los Gatos Bar and Grill, operated by an experienced group of local restaurateurs, is planning to open later this summer. After a series of many years of uncertainty with this space, dating back to the exit of the original Mountain Charley's Restaurant, we-have taken painstaking efforts to appropriately re-tenant this space. We feel after months of careful consideration, we have found an outstanding new tenant that we can count on to operate a successful business that will add not only to the vibrant mix of uses in our .6~ilding, but also the Town. We would like to call attention to the owners of the new Los Gatos Bar and Grill's track record in operating successful local restaurant businesses like Tres Gringos and the San Jose Bar and Grill. This group has great knowledge and experience in the restaurant business and has demonstrated their professionalism through our negotiations to bring the new Los Gatos Bar and Grill to fruition. Recently we have submitted an application to modify the conditional use permit that currently governs the space in an effort to extend hours of operation and to add the ability to provide for a variety of music elements available to the operators. We feel that-this is an appropriate modification and will allow the business to be more successful than the preceding tenants. Please take this letter of support into consideration when approving the requested modification to the use permit. Sincerely, La Canada Investments ~~:~.~, 6M ~~h t r.~ ~ '~Cl G~./ 4:l '~ ~ j ~ (•~ ~l j~~ ffiIBIT 9 MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: CUP amendment for Los Gatos Bar and Grill Dear Town of Los Gatos, I write to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant proposal. I had the opportunity to meet with the management team who shared with me their plans for Downtown Los Gatos. I was also impressed with their plans for community involvement. As property managers for the La Canada Building for many years it is evident that this very experienced group will succeed in making Los Gatos Bar and Grill a successful, high quality venue where other less experienced operators have failed in the past I believe that another restaurant providing good food and fun entertainment would be a great benefit to Downtown. Please approve their application so we can welcome a new business to Downtown. Sincerely, Ritchie Asset Management Company Chris Hygelun'd Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission July 12, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, ~~~~~~~ JU[_ i 4 'LL~10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grili Restaurant ['ve met with the owners and have reviewed their concept I'm excited about having the opportunity far later-night downtown in Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities far a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax dollars in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & Grill will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. ~`-- ~~ ~~~~~~~ Steve & Peggy Della Rocchetta 202 Chippendale Ct. Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission July 12, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JUL 1 ~ 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing to show my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. I have had the opportunity to meet with some of the management team who have shared their plans for downtown Los Gatos. As a Los Gatos Resident, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator provides something different than what is already here. It's my belief that they will be successful in attracting new customers to downtown Los Gatos which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help downtown Los Gatos continue to flourish. I hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, Bazbara Lamour 146 Beh-idge Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cc: Mayor Town Council Planning Commission R~C~91/~® July 13, 2010 JUL 1 4 2L~10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Town of L,os Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to show support for the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. [ had the opportunity to speak with one of the managing members who shared with me their plans for Downtown Los Gatos. As a Downtown business owner, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something different from what is already here. It's my belief that when new businesses are successful, they help attract new customers to Downtown in general which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help our downtown continue to grow. I hope you will approve their application. Sir---°'-- -M c}a~ C~Llwlu~ ~~ Gos Cry-tq5 Cj ZN S~+~f~ Gru,Z ,~v~ ( 05 C~-'~ 95,, ~ qs~ 30 R~~~O~~® JUL i 4 X0;0 July 13, 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to show support for the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I had the opportunity to speak with one of the managing members who shared with me their plans for Downtown Los Gatos. As a Downtown business owner, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something different from what is already here. It's my belief that when new businesses are successful, they help attract new customers to Downtown in general which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help our downtown continue to grow. I hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, ~' ~~~ ~ i ~Sho-~ C'an ~j ~ >~ ~~~ ~~-~J G~6d~w~ ~~ ~so~d July 13, 2010 JUL 1 4 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing to show support for the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I had the opportunity to speak with one of the managing members who shared with me their plans for Downtown Los Gatos. As a Downtown business owner, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something different from what is already here. IYs my belief that when new businesses are successful, they help attract new customers to Downtown in general which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help our downtown continue to grow. I hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, V ~~ ~~ ~/~ r ~{~ ~~~ r July 13, 2010 JJI. 1 4 [O10 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing to show support for the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I had the opportunity to speak with one of the managing members who shared with me their plans for Downtown Los Gatos. As a Downtown business owner, [believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something different from what is already here. It's my belief that when new businesses are successful, they help attract new customers to Downtown in general which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help our downtown continue to grow. I hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, ~~~~ ~~ ~-lcti~5 (_.os G ~ ~ , C~ ~ `~~ ~ . 95~ ~-v 7-iz-zo10 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ~~dElV~D JUL 1 4 2Q10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Town of Los Gatos, As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. I'm excited about having the opportunity for late-night eating in downtown Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax dollars herein Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & Grill will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, }__~ , Alyssa Ziswasser 287 Garden Hill Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032 C: Town Council Planning Commission h .... ;A, c.~,:kt~,', lfil.~7~~iu~n ~.~d~F 4v::.r:..~,. ,, Y~r~. .. us ~~..e---. :.: ~ ~.~..: ~:~.:. .~~ 7-12-2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 45030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, ~~~~~~~® JUL 14 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Gril] Restaurant. I've met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. Pm excited about having the opportunity for late-night eating in downtown Los Gatos. Currently, we find-ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax doltars here in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Ear & Gritl will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application: Sincerely, _.` ._ ...., . E ~.. ~,e;~- -,... Alyssa Ziswasser 2II7 Garden Hill Dr Los Gatos, CA 45032 C: Town Council Planning Commission t RE~EI'~~® July 12, zoso Town of L.os Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: JUL 14 20?~ TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing my support for the soon to be Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. I am good friends with a couple of the managing members of the business, and had the opportunity to meet with them to talk about their plans for their Downtown Los Gatos location. As a Downtown business owner, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something different than what is already here. It's my belief that they will be successful in attracting new customers to Downtown in general which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and. merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help Downtown continue to flourish. I hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, ~~~~ Teresa Huggett Owner Rouge Boutique 50 N. Santa Cruz Ave Los Gatos, CA 95030 408.395.8995 ENOTECA LA STORIA 416 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 July 9, 2 010 ~~~~~~~ Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JtiL T 4 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION My name is Michael Guerra and I am writing in support of the new Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. [ had the opportunity to meet with some of the management team who shared their plans and business philosophy for their new venture with me. As a Downtown business owner, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens up and provides something new and unique to the community. Also, the management team has a proven history of running a successful, profitable operation that has also been an active, supportive participant in the local community. It's my belief that they will be successful in attracting new customers to Downtown which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. This welcome addition will only add to Los Gatos' reputation of being THE food and wine destinarion in the South Bay and the Bay Area in general. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help Downtown continue to Flourish, 1 hope you will approve their application. Sincerely, Michael Guerra Downtown Business Owner Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 1f0 E. Main Street ~~ . Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, RG6.e ~I 47 ~® Ji1L 14 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident and business person,. t wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've met with the owners and approve of their concept. I strongly support having another Later-night business option in downtown Los Gatos. Their business plan & location would compliment [he Los Gatos culture and bring local economy to the downtown region. Currently, I leave Los Gatos and travel to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather spend my tax dollars in Los Gatos! 1 think Los Gatos Bar & Grill would be an excellent addition to our community. [ am also impressed with the General Manager Lora Lipman. She has high ethics & integrity and is a positive influence in the community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, ' ~ n J ~~ y~ lJ-C~-~ Jody Gold 16761 Leroy Avenue Las Gatos, CA 95D32 Ce Mayor City Council Planning Commission Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street ~~~~5~~® Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JUL 14 201 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've met with the owners, reviewed their plans and am excited about having the opportunity for a late night alternative in Los Gatos. My friends and I often find ourselves having to drive to Santana Row or Campbell for nightlife and would rather socialize and spend our money locally. As a result, I feel that Los Gatos Bar and Grill would be a positive addition to our community and request that you approve their application. Sincerely, Merl Seastrom 16761 Leroy Ave Los Gatos, CA 95032 CC: Mayor City Council Planning Commission n 'F/8/2010 ~~~~~~~~ JUL 14 20.0 Town of Los Gatos TOWN OF LOS GATOS I10 E. Nlain Street PLANNING DIVISION Los Gatos, C'A 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, As a Los Gatos resident of more than 15 years and a resident of the downtown Almond Grove, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've reviewed the concept and [welcome the addition of a new bar and grill that will allow us to stay closer to home and spend our tax do}lars within our community. Too often we find ourselves leaving Los Gatos to patronize similar facilities in San Jose and other surrounding communities. The second floor location on North Santa Cruz Avenue provides the perfect location for a venue that will offer services later into the evening. I feel the addition of the Los Gatos Bar & Grill to the downtown landscape will be a positive addition. I recommend that you approve their application. Sincerely, A vJoos 146 Tait Avenue Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission COTTON, SHIRES & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Mayor McNutt, Julys, 2010 R~~~S~A~ J;1L 1 4 ZC;O TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION This letter is in support of the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant that is planned to be established in the Canada building. As a Town resident and a Town business owner for the past 40 years, I believe that I have a reasonably good understanding of what works for Los Gatos. Over the years I have admired the thoughtful consideration that the Town Planning Commission and the Town Council have displayed when reviewing. applications. I am confident that you will find that this application meets and exceeds the expectations of your review. The applicants themselves are experienced restaurant owners who have demonstrated that they have the critical skills needed to establish a thriving business. In my judgment the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant will make a fine addition to our unique Town, I strongly recommend that you approve this application. Sincerely yours, ~~ ~~~~ William R. Cotton, Chief Engineering Geologist Cotton, Shires & Associates, Inc. Northern California Office 330 Pillage Lane Los Gatos, CA 95030.7218 (408) 3545542 • Pax (406) 3541852 e-mailaosgatos@cottonshires.com www.cottonshtres.corn Central California Office 6417 Dogtown Road San Mdreas, CP.95249-9640 (209) 736-4252 • Pax (209) 736-1212 e-mail: <ottonshires~starband.net 1 `• Property Corporation Phone 406 554-2525 /Fax 408 554-2526 7/12/2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Los Gatos Bar and Grill Dear Town of Los Gatos, ~~~~ ,;~. 1 ~ 2010 TOWN OP LOS ,ATOS PLANNINO DI~JiSlOPJ t write to offer my support far the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant proposal. I had the opportunity to meet with some of the management team who shared with me their plans for Downtown Las Gatos and their plans for community involvement, of which I was summarily impressed. As a resident of the Town of Los Gatos (Aventino Apartments} and a business owner that deals with restaurants (responsible for the brokerage deal that put OPA! On N Santa Cruz), I feel this establishment will be a great improvement over its predecessor. [also believe that another restaurant providing good food and quality entertainment would be a great benefit to Downtown. Please approve their application so we can welcome a new business to Downtown. Sincerely, 1 ~~ Ara Bezdjian -Pres. ANB Property Corp. Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission 505 Chapman Court • Santa Clara, California 95050 Juoe 25,2010 Town of I..os Gatos 110 E. Main Street L,os Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JUL 1 ~ 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident and homeowner for over 35 years, I believe I have a sense of pride in, and commitment to, this Town, and also a perspective on what sort of business establishments are a positive addition to our community, With this in mind, I wish to offer my unqualified support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I have met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. [ am very excited about having this business in Los Gatos because it will clearly offer a missing element to our town. Currently, we find ourselves traveling to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. Pd rather spend money in Las Gatos to keep my tax dollars here. [ think the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant will be an important addition to our Town, and strongly request that you approve their application. Sincerely, ~--~ 1~~. Michael 5chradle 18400 Overlook Road, Unit 29 Las Gatos, California 95030 cc: Mayor Town Council Planning Commission 7-sz-zoso ~~~~~ Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street JAL 1 4 Z~iJ Los Gatos, CA 95030 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Town of Los Gatos, As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. I'm excited about having the opportunity for late-night eating in downtown Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax dollars here in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & Grill will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, Kari Napier 287 Garden Hill Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032 C: Town Council Planning Commission ~. v r hyv~`i!;i4j1SaL~~s.s„!?ti'»Y- .,.i..::.{.~v SY.h--;,.,. ..,,.,.. s,.n~~~lY>' ~ .... ,....., July 12, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Las Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, ~~~~~~~ JUL ~ ~ 2010 TOWN OF LOS GgTOS 'PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I've met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. I'm excited about having the opportunity for late-night eating in downtown Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax dollars here in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & Gril] will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. If you require further information, please fee] free to contact us at (408)335-3283 or via email at cgoyes@aol.com. Sincerely, C\~ ~-~_. Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Goyes 103 Farm Hill Way Los Gatos, California 95032 cc: Town Council Planning Commission R~~~I~~D Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ~a~ ~ ~ za~o TON1N OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Town of Los Gatos, [ am writing in support of the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. I have personally known the owner(s) for aver 3 years and frequent their other businesses in San Jose. I know them to be responsible business operators who are also dedicated to improving the communities they do business in. If you approve their application, you will be adding another quality restaurant to downtown Los Gatos, which will benefit us all. Thank you for considering making them a part of our Los Gatos community. Sincerely, Eleanor Stewart-Petrovich 101 Belhaven Drive Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cr Mayor Town Council Planning Commission Town of dos Gatos tl0 S. lttatn Street ~~~~~~~~ dos Qatos, GA 95030 wear Town of dos Gatos, JJl, i ~ 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a dos Gatos resident, 9 wish to ojjer my support jor the dos Qatos $ar B Qritl Restaurant. 9 have met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. 9'm excited about having the opportunity jor Later-night downtown in dos Clatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Row or other cities jor a similar type of experience. 9'd rather keep my tax dollars in dos Qaios. 9 wou/d like to do my shopping and dining- in .Cos Qatos, my community. 9 think dos Catos $ar E C'ritl wilt be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, Catherine Iolerner IZl Alta %rerra Court dos C'atos, GA 95032 Gc: ltfayor City Gounci! Planning Commission Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street RECEI'+~~® Los Gatos, CA 95030 JUL 14 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Dear Town of Los Gatos, As a Los Gatos business owner, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I have met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. I`m excited about having the opportunity for later-night downtown in Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel- to Santana Row or other cities for a similar type of experience. I`d rather keep my tax dollars in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & Grill will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, Erich M. Werner, D.D.S. 15000 Los Gatos Boulevard, Ste. 6 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Town of Los Gatos, ~~~~i~~® JuL 1 4 2010 ~ TON1N OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION We are pleased to be able to write in support for the application of Jim and Tony Beers for an establishment in the old Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. We have lived in Los Gatos for 60 plus years and feel that this establishment will be an addition to the already fine dining in Los Gatos. We have known the applicants to be active and supportive of the communities in which they are involved. We have been to their restaurants in San Jose and have really enjoyed the quality of their food. We encourage you to approve this application. Sincerely, Bob and Gwennie Balcomb 195 Stacia Street Los Gatos Mayor Town Council Planning Commission R~C~iV~D Dear Town of Los Gatos, My wife and I write in support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. 1 have personally known the owner(s) for over 16 years and frequent their other businesses in San Jose. I know them to be responsible business operators who are also dedicated to improving the communities they do business in. I can assure you that if you approve their application, you will be adding another quality restaurant to Downtown Los Gatos-which will benefit us all. Please approve their application Sincerely, Chris and Jacqi Kambish '16785 Kennedy Rd. Los Gatos, Ca. 95032 Mayor Town Council Planning Commission JJL 1 4 2010 TOW N OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION REC~~~D July 12, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JUL 1 4 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing in support of the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. I have personally know the owner(s) for over 4 years and frequent their other businesses in San Jose. I know them to be responsible business operators who are also dedicated to improving the communities they do business in. In addition, I have had the opportunity to meet with some of the management team who have shared their plans for downtown Los Gatos. As a Los Gatos resident, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator provides something different than what is already here. It's my belief that they will be successful in attracting new customers to downtown Los Gatos which will help increase exposure of our other restaurants and merchants. I look forward to having a new neighbor that will help downtown Los Gatos continue to flourish. If you approve their application, you will be adding another quality restaurant to downtown Los Gatos, which will benefit us all. Thank you for considering making them a part of our Los Gatos community. Sincerely, Maribeth Portz and David Wanek 20601 Gist Road Los Gatos, CA 95033 Mayor Town Council Planning Commission REC~~V~~ July 12, 2010 Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Town of Los Gatos, JuL 1 4 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION I am writing in support of the Los Gatos Bar & Grill restaurant. 1 have personally know the owner(s) for about 5 years and have attended several events at their businesses in San Jose, I know them to be responsible business operators who are also dedicated to improving the communities they do business in. As a Los Gatos resident, and a business owner myself, I believe all businesses benefit when a quality operator opens a new business. It's my belief that they wilt be successful in attracting new customers to downtown Los Gatos and my family and 1 look forward to not having to take a trip to Santana Row to fiird something similar. . If you approve their application, you will be adding another quality restaurant to downtown Los Gatos, which will benefit us all. Thank you for considering making them a part of our Los Gatos community. Sincerely, Fanya and Jeff Hull, Los Gatos Residents 14645 Golf links Dr Los Gatos, CA 95032 Mayor Town Council Planning Commission Dear Town of Los Gatos, JUI 1 4 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION As a Los Gatos resident, I wish to offer my support for the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant. I have met with the owners and have reviewed their concept. I'm excited about having the opportunity for later- night downtown in Los Gatos. Currently, we find ourselves needing to travel to Santana Raw or other cities for a similar type of experience. I'd rather keep my tax dollars in Los Gatos. I think Los Gatos Bar & GriII will be a positive addition to our community. Please approve their application. Sincerely, Scott Springborn 16159 Loretta Lane Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408)356-2340 Cc: Mayor City Council Planning Commission ~a~~~~ COTTON, SHIRES & ASSOCIATES, INC. JUL .i 3 2010 CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS n 'iv ^~~ /~~ PLAPdNING DIVISION JUL ~ 9 ZQ10 July 8, 2010 MAYOR & T0~lN COUNCIL Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Mayor McNutt, This letter is in support of the proposed Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant that is planned to be established in the Canada building. As a Town resident and a Town business owner for the past 40 years, I believe that I have a reasonably good understanding of what works for Los Gatos. Over the years I have admired the thoughtful consideration that the Town Planning Commission and the Town Council have displayed when reviewing applications. I am confident that you will find that this application meets and exceeds the expectations of your review. The applicants themselves are experienced restaurant owners who have demonstrated that they have the critical skills needed to establish a thriving business. In my judgment the Los Gatos Bar & Grill Restaurant will make a fine addition to our unique Town. I strongly recommend that you approve this application. Sincerely yours, ~ ~ ~~~~ William R. Cotton, Chief Engineering Geologist Cotton, Shires & Associates, Inc. Noxthern Californa Office 330 Village Lane Los Gatos, CA 95030-7218 (408) 3545542 • Faz (408) 3541852 z-mail: losgatos@cottonshires.com www.cottonshires.corn Central California Office 6417 Dogtown Road San Andreas, CA 95249-9640 (209) 736-4252 • Fax (209) 736-1212 e-mail: cottonshires@staxband.net CrYY Of ~~~os CAPLrAL OP SILICON VALLEY July 6, zolo Office of the Town Manager Town Hali 110 E. Main Street. Los Gatos, CA 95030 To Whom It May Concern: OfFce of the City Manager dU~ °-7 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING Di~11SlON At the request of Mr. Dave Powell, Mr. John Conway and Mr. Jde Guerra, I am preparing this letter about the City of San Jose's experience with these individuals in regards to restaurant, bar and nightclub operations in San Jose. It is my understanding that these gentlemen are applying to operate in the boundaries of the Town of Los Gatos. In recent years the City of San ]ose has been working with many downtown businesses to improve the City`s vibrancy and safety In the downtown. Through this process Mr. Dave Powell and Mr. John Conway have been leaders in the business community. In 2008 the City formed the City Manager Manager's Downtown Advisory Committee and both Dave and John were appointed as two of the three nightclub owners. In addition, Dave and John have been: • Leaders in the downtown restaurant, bar and nightlife industry, • stepped forward to work with the City on improving security and coordination with the Police Department; and, • . have aided the City wit(i drafting multiple ordinances and their amendments including entertainment, urgency, sidewalk cafe. Dave and John also partnered with Mr. Joe Guerra to establish the San lose Restaurant and Entertainment Association (SJREA). The SJREA under the leadership of Dave, Johh and Toe has been of helpful In coordinating with Clty Manager's Office and Police Department on a number of Issues: • Ongoing joint training for security personnel, • attending Police Department staff trainings, • setting up new industry standards including a pilot program for Industry wide I.D. card scan system to identify fake I.D.'S and ban problem patrons fram•multiple venues, • hetp(ng to dramatically reduce Clty costs for overtime in Police Department by facilitating better coordination with security staff and better deployment models, • working to Implement A8C grant funded program with Police Department (trap door} to avoid underage drinking through use of Fake I.D.'s; and, • helped to coordinate industry Involvement in City's live music efforts and jotnt promotional activities with City's Civic Auditorium. o Page 2 July B, 2010 San Jose has benefited from the hard work and experience of Dave, John and ]oe. I hope this information will tie helpful as you consider their application. Sincerely, Paul Krutk Chief Development Officer Downtown Coordinator LOS GATOS SttR & GRILI, Jennifer Savage Town of Los Gatos August 19, 2010 RE: LGBG I~G4.o ~' V ~® 1-~..i 19 ZO10 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Per our conversation of earlier this week and our meeting this morning let me further confine that we are NOT requesting to be able to convert the entire space within LGBG into a "bar" at anytime. As I have explained, the current CUP configuration designating the "Dining Area" does not work for all hours of the day/types of events for us to restrict that particulaz physical space to alcohol only with food service. The current configurations designated roughly 50% of the space as being "dining" area. I am coming to the conclusion ~of 50% based both upon the 60 seats within dining versus 60 seats in [he non dining area on the old CUP as well as the amount of physical space on the plans designated for both. As you can see from the attached layouts I took the dining area and rotated it and set it nest to the non dining area to show that it is roughly the same size. We would be willing to have a restriction that limits 50% of our space to "dining" and 50% to "bar" for purposes of our CUP. We would also be willing to work with you and Wendie to come up with alternative floor plans that would specifically designate where "dining" would occur during different types of operation (lunch, dinner, late night dining, etc.). I hope this clarifies that we aze not asking to expand the "bar" use within our space. Thanks Toe f5-1 i3 $. 5!\U'!'eY SRI€Z ~1V 6\C[E ~ Gt7$ GrITC}$., ~A 4a-433[3 ~Of4.26b.-2397 MtTv I d:E)a.292, oSl3-~ FhY xw~w J.vsgai`nsTea-rxzul g~ri-l k, cart E%HTBTT 1~ f ~' ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~: ~~. ~. .~ 1 W [~ 1` -/• ~- 6 4 C p~p F ~~ "M