2010090710 - 371 Los Gatos Boulevard - Attachment 3DRAFT
Motion by Commissioner Marcia Jensen and seconded by Commissioner Charles Erekson
to forward Planned Development Application PD-08-004 to the Town Council with a
recommendation for denial of the application as presented for reasons stated by herself,
Commission Talesfore and Vice Chair Sayoc.
Motion carried 4-1 with Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell dissenting, Chair John Bourgeois
and Commissioner Phil Micciche excused.
Motion by Commissioner Marcia Jensen and seconded by Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
to continue Architecture and Site Applications 5-08-014 through 5-08-020 to September 22,
Motion carried 5-0 with Chair John Bourgeois and Commissioner Phil Micciche excused.
Interim Town Attorney Michael Martello
• Commented that since the A&S did not move forward there is no appeal for that matter. The
Town Council was originally scheduled to review the PD next Wednesday, but it is now
believed that it may need to be noticed for a later time.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc
• Commented she had comments from two Commissioners regarding Item #3.
Commissioner Marcia Jensen
Commented she is recusing herself from Item #3 because her residence is within 500 feet of
the project.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
• Commented she is recusing herself from Item #3 because the developer of the project is the
president of her homeowners association.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc called for a short break at 8:54 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at
9:02 p.m.
Commissioner Phil Micciche joined the meeting.
371 Los Gatos Boulevard. Planned Development Application PD-10-003. Requesting
approval to amend a Planned Development to allow off=site BMP units and construction of
one fewer unit within the project on properly zoned RM:S-12:PD and R-1D:LPH:PD.
APN 529-22-044. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Santa Clara Development Co.
PROJECT PLANNER: Suzanne Davis. (Continued from 6/30/10 and 7/14/10 Planning
Commission meetings)
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc opened the public hearing.
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis presented the staff report.
Planning Commission Page 14 August 11, 2010
Attachment 3
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
• Referred to page 5 of the staff report and asked why the Commission would recommend to
the Council that it do something in excess of the nine unit limitation.
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis
• Commented it is a Planned Development and this is a deviation from the BMP (Below
Market Price) Guidelines that have been adopted by Council. It is a policy issue.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc
• Asked if, since it is a policy issue, the Town Council or Planning Commission makes the
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis
Commented the Commission should give its opinion on whether it feels there is merit to this
proposal on the part of the applicant, but ultimately it is the Council's decision on whether it
wants to deviate from that policy. Council can either make an exception just to this PD that
is project specific or look at the BMP Guidelines to amend it to allow off-site units for larger
Jennifer Skillings, Santa Clara Development Company, Applicant, gave a presentation on
the proposed project.
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
• Confirmed that the applicant is proposing to reduce one unit on the site.
• Asked if the Fiesta Way house should become available, how that would impact the ultimate
number of homes on the site.
Jennifer Skillings
• Commented that they had a proposal in when they hoped to get the Fiesta Way house. It
would have been a similar one single family home. It would have been smaller and the
proposal was for two off-site BMPs to mitigate the loss on-site. If the Fiesta Way house
were to become available, they would have something to talk about.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc
• Commented she is in favor of reducing the density by one and asked why they brought down
the density.
Jennifer Sldllings
• Commented the goal was not to bring down the density but to improve the aesthetic and feel
along the Boulevard.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
• Asked if the applicant considered relocating the BMPs to another location on-site.
Planning Commission Page 15 August 11, 2010
Jennifer Slcillings
• Commented they considered relocating the BMP units to another location on-site but it
would not be practical. They are pretty far along with improvements that have been installed
in the homes under construction.
Commissioner Philip Micciche
• Asked how soon they would need to know about the availability of the Fiesta Way house in
order to consider it.
Jennifer Skillings
• Commented they already have an investment in designing this house and will begin
construction documents soon, so they would have to know about the Fiesta Way
house within one or two months.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc closed the public input portion of the hearing and returned to the
Commission for deliberations.
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
Asked if this is a single action on this site or if the Commission is suggesting something for
the plan. He would like to consider the project on this site on these facts and make a
recommendation based on that.
Commissioner Charles Erelrson
• Commented he agreed with Commissioner O'Donnell and would suggest that
the Fiesta Way home not be included in the discussion since it is speculative.
Commissioner Philip Micciche
• Commented he agreed with Commissioner O'Donnell's comments and would restrict
consideration only to this application.
Motion by Commissioner Phil Micciche and seconded by Commissioner Charles Erekson to
forward Planned Development Application PD-10-003 to the Town Council with a
recommendation for approval. The required findings were made as noted in Exhibit 2 of staff
report dated August 11, 2010.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
Commented he would second the motion with a comment that it is reasonable for the
Commission to recommend something that is not fully consistent with the guidelines that the
Council had because there are other gains for the Town that are specifically noted in the staff
report that improve the development and create more open space and less density.
Commented he wanted to be clear that the exception to the BMP Guidelines is applicable
only to this property.
Planning Commission Page 16 August 11, 2010
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
• Commented he found the Fiesta Way house discussion confusing and having heard the
applicant's response on where they are in the development, he is prepared to vote on the basis
that they are not dealing with the Fiesta Way house.
• Aslced staff if there is any reason why the Fiesta Way house should be given consideration.
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis
• Commented that the reason the Fiesta Way house provision is in there is because the original
proposal was to move it to the corner spot. Staff was supportive of that and the Historic
Preservation Comrnittee was split on the issue. The decision was made that the house would
go to the University Avenue location. If the house was not included in the Ordinance and
then it became available, if the applicant wanted to consider having it, it would have to come
back before the Commission again.
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
• Commented that he does not think that anyone is against facilitating something that might
occur, but would like to know where the Fiesta Way house would be located if it were to be
included in the project.
• Asked if staff is asking for a motion to include the Fiesta Way house in the event it becomes
available and the applicant chose to use it in place of the proposal that was made.
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis
• Commented the Fiesta Way house would replace the new house that is proposed for the
Commented it still requires an A&S approval. It is just aback-up plan and the applicant may
not care if the Fiesta Way house is still in the Ordinance. The applicant is not required to use
the Fiesta Way house.
Commissioner Philip Micciche
• Asked if the Commission approves the Ordinance if it is also approving the back-up plan of
the Fiesta Way house.
Senior Planner Suzanne Davis
• Commented there is a provision in the Ordinance to allow it to be considered if it became
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
• Commented he believed that Commissioner Micciche made the motion based on what
Commissioner Erekson said which specifically did not include the Fiesta Way house.
Commissioner Philip Micciche
• Commented he originally made the motion with the Fiesta Way house included, but did not
comment on Commissioner Erekson asking to take it out when he seconded the motion.
Planning Commission Page 17 August 11, 2010
Commissioner Charles Erekson
• Clarified his statement saying that he simply seconded the motion with a comment, but did
not intend to change the motion.
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc
• Clarified that the motion and the second did not change the language in the Draft Ordinance.
Motion carried 4-0 with Chair John Bourgeois excused, Commissioner Marcia Jensen and
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore recused.
Planning Manager Sandy Baily
• Commented that this matter will be scheduled for a Town Council hearing, it will be noticed
and notification will be sent to the neighbors.
4. Report from Director of Cornxnunity Development --None
5. Commission Matters --None
Meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Vice Chair Marico Sayoc, Chair
Sandy L. Baily
Planning Manager
Planning Cormmission Page 18 August 11, 2010
ios "n~ 5 Meeting Date: August 11, 2010
PREPARED BY: Suzanne Davis, Senior Planner
sdavis a,los atg osca.gov
LOCATION: 371 Los Gatos Boulevard (southwest corner of Los Gatos
Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue)
APPLICANT: Santa Clara Development
PROPERTY OWNERS: Thrash House Investors LLC
SUMMARY: Requesting approval to amend a Planned Development to allow
off-site BMP units and construction of one fewer unit within the
project on property zoned RM:S-12:PD and R-1D:LPH:PD. APN
DEEMED COMPLETE: June 18, 2010
FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION: Rezoning applications are
legislative acts and are therefore not governed by the Permit
Streamlining Act.
PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential
Zoning Designation: RM:S-12:PD & R-1D:LHP:PD
Applicable Plans & Standards: PD Ordinance 2174
General Plan
Surrounding Area:
~ Existing Land Use I General Plan Zoning
Single Family
Medium Density _
R-1:8 &
~ Residential residential , R-1:8:PD
East ~ Single Family ~ Low Density ~ R
Residential I
South I Single Family ~ Medium Density ~ R-1D &
Residential ~ residential ~ R-1:8:PD
West _
Single Family Medium Density~ R-1:8
Residential ;Residential
Parcel Size (entire project site): 2.59 acres
Attachment 4
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 2
371 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
CEQA: An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) were
prepared for the Planned Development. The MND was certified
by the Town Council on May 4, 2009. No further environmental
analysis is required.
FINDINGS: That the rezoning is consistent with the General Plan.
ACTION: Recommendation to Town Council.
EXHIBITS: 1. Location map
2. Required Findings
3. Planned Development Ordinance 2174 (18 pages) with
zoning exhibit.
4. Draft Planned Development Ordinance (20 .pages) with
Rezoning exhibit and revised corner parcel development
plans (8 sheets), received July 22, 2010
5. Project description and letter of justification, received July
22, 2010
6. Rendering of Los Gatos Boulevard frontage
7. Listing information for proposed BMP units (12 pages)
8. Below Market Price Housing Program Guidelines (12 pages)
The Planning Commission considered the original Planned Development (PD) proposal on
March 11, 2009. The Commission approved an Architecture and Site application for demolition
of three single-family residences on the site and recommended that the Town Council approve
the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Planned Development application. The project that was
forwarded to Council included 19 new residential units and the Thrash House renovation (20
units total). The proposal also included demolition of a convalescent facility on the site.
On April 20, 2009, the Town Council considered plans for the 20-unit proposal. The applicant
presented an alternate plan to eliminate one residence in order to reduce the overall project FAR
and increase the average lot sizes and amount of pervious surface. Council indicated its intent to
approve the 19-unit project and continued the matter to allow the applicant to revise the site,
grading and drainage, and utility plans to reflect the new lot layout for the 19-unit proposal. On
May 4, 2010, the Council introduced the PD Ordinance. On May 18, 2009, the Council adopted
PD Ordinance 2174.
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 3
371 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
On July 14, 2009, the Development Review Committee (DRC) approved the Tentative Map for
the project. The Final Map was recorded on February 24, 2010. On January 19, 2010, the DRC
approved the Architecture and Site applications for the 18 new residences and Thrash House
The 2.6 acre site is located on the southwest corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell
Avenue. A convalescent facility that was previously located on the site was demolished in
Januazy 2010. Construction of the approved project including renovation of the historic Thrash
House is in progress and the Architecture and Site applications have been vested.
The approved project includes two Below Market Price (BMP) units to be located on lots 16 and
17 (at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue) as a duet. The applicant is
proposing to amend the PD to allow the BMP units to be provided off-site, to combine the two
lots, and to build one new residence on the merged parcels, reducing the total units within the PD
from 19 to 18. The applicant is requesting to locate the BMP units off-site to create better yards,
to improve the separation between homes, and to continue the established building pattern along
Los Gatos Boulevard. Three units have been purchased by the applicant; two condominiums in
the Pueblo de Los Gatos development on Alberto Way and a condominium on Lora Drive. If the
PD amendment is approved, these units will be converted to for-sale BMP units.
A. Location and Surroundine Neighborhood
The project site is located on the southwest corner of Caldwell Avenue and Los Gatos
Boulevard (see Exhibit 1). Abutting properties and those located across Caldwell
Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard are all developed with single-family residences. There
are a variety of architectural styles and a mix of one and two story homes surrounding the
site. Homes that directly abut the site are accessed from Caldwell Avenue, Los Gatos
Boulevard, Bella Vista Avenue and Bella Vista Court.
B. Architecture & Site Approval
If the PD amendment is approved, an Architecture and Site application will be required
for the new residence to be constructed on combined parcels 16 and 17. Pursuant to the
performance standards in the PD Ordinance, the application may be approved at a
Development Review Committee public hearing.
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371 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
C. Parcel Merger
If the PD amendment is approved, a parcel merger will be required since the subdivision
map for the project has been recorded. Lots 16 and 17, which were originally created for
two BMP units, will become a single lot that will contain one new residence.
D. Planned Development Com In fiance
The property is governed by Planned Development (PD) Ordinance 2174 as opposed to
the Zoning Ordinance. The PD Ordinance specifies allowable uses and includes
dimensional criteria such as setbacks and height limitations. The PD Ordinance must be
amended to allow the two required BMP units to be located off the project site and to
reduce the total number of units within the project from 19 to 18.
A. Off-Site BMP Units
To compensate for meeting the affordable housing requirement off-site, the applicant is
proposing to provide three BMP units elsewhere in Town. In addition, the applicant is
proposing to reduce the affordability level for two of the units. The Agreement for the
two approved BMP units is to provide one at 100% of median income and one at 80% of
median income. The applicant is proposing to reduce the 100% unit to 80% and to
provide a third unit at 80%. Three condominiums have been purchased, two in the
Pueblo de Los Gatos development on Alberto Way and one on Lora Drive. The Alberto
Way units are 1,032 square feet and include two bedrooms and two baths. These units
are similar in size to the approved units with the PD (1,119 and 1,282 square feet with
two bedrooms and two baths) and are all on one floor rather than being split into two
levels, providing a more usable floor plan. The Lora Drive unit is a 768 square foot
studio condominium. The three purchased residences will all be for-sale BMP units.
The BMP Guidelines, adopted by Council Resolution 2009-108, allow off-site BMP units
to be proposed for projects of up to nine units (see page 3 of Exhibit 7). The applicant's
request for an exception to this clause to allow off-site BMP units in a project with more
than nine units can be approved through the PD. A policy issue for the Town Council to
consider is whether the off-site BMP units should be allowed for this project only, or if
the BMP Guidelines should be amended to allow off-site BMP units to be considered for
projects larger than nine units.
During the General Plan Committee, Planning Commission, and Town Council review of
the BMP Guidelines, considerable discussion ensued regarding whether the Town should
allow applicants to meet BMP requirements for all sizes of residential subdivisions
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 5
371 Los Gatos Boulevazd/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
through off-site construction. Based on surveys of other local jurisdictions and a review
of affordable housing practices throughout the State, staff found that most communities
allowed applicants to meet affordable housing requirements through off-site construction.
Often the off-site construction is allowed if the applicant agrees to either increase the
number of units or number of bedrooms.
Both the Planning Commission and Town Council discussed the merits of off-site
construction, and the Town Council ultimately allowed off-site construction for
residential projects with up to nine units. In considering a request to meet affordable
housing requirements off-site, the Town Council noted that an applicant must
demonstrate why an on-site construction is not feasible or impractical. The applicant's
project description and letter of justification states that the replacement of the approved
BMP duet on the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell with a single residential
cottage will improve the separation between homes, create better yards and continue the
established pattern along Los Gatos Boulevard. Moreover, staff believes that the single
cottage style residence will provide greater overall aesthetic value to the Thrash House
development. Lastly, the Town will receive three more affordable (80% compazed to
100% affordability) units that are located in two different areas of the community.
Consequently, staff believes that the request for off-site construction is consistent with
the affordable housing program goals of providing BMP units throughout the community
and to a greater affordable level.
B. Architecture and Site
The applicant has provided a conceptual plan for the new residence to be constructed on
the corner lot at Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue. The architecture is
consistent with the design of the remainder of the project. Access to the house will be
from Caldwell Avenue. Elimination of one unit will result in one less driveway on
Caldwell and one fewer unit within the development. It will also provide more open
space and better separation between the homes in this area of the project (see Exhibit 6).
Detailed plans will be reviewed as part of the Architecture and Site review for the new
C. 17 Fiesta House
The applicant originally filed an application to provide the two approved BMP units off-
site and to move the historic house formerly located at 17 Fiesta Way to the project site.
Subsequent to the application filing, 17 Fiesta House was awarded to another property
owner and the applicant modified their proposal to provide three off-site BMP units
instead of two. Staff has included a provision in the draft PD Ordinance allowing 17
Fiesta House to be moved to the PD project site in place of the new residence that would
be constructed on the comer parcel at Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue. This
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 6
371 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
provides aback-up plan should plans fall through for the current location on University
Avenue. The Planning Commission may provide input to the Town Council if there is a
preference between the two alternatives, recognizing that the alternative involving 17
Fiesta House is only a viable option if the University Avenue owner decides not to
proceed with moving the house to their property.
D. CEOA Determination
An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration were prepared for the Planned
Development. The MND was certified by the Town Council on May 4, 2009. No further
environmental analysis is required for the propose PD amendment.
Public hearing notices were sent to 228 surrounding property owners and residents. House
occupants are noticed in addition to the property owner where the owner does not reside on the
property. Staff has not had any contact with neighbors other than one resident who called to
clarify what was being proposed with the PD amendment.
A. Conclusion
Although the BMP Guidelines does include a provision for off-site BMP units for a
development of this size, staff believes there is merit to the applicant's proposal for the
following reasons:
• One additional affordable unit will be provided.
• BMP units will be provided in locations where there are not currently any
affordable housing units.
• BMP units will be available immediately following approval of the PD
• Two of the units are within walking distance of the Downtown.
• The Alberta Way units are similar in size and composition to the approved units.
• Affordability level will be lowered from 100% to 80% for one unit, and the added
unit will be sold at 80%.
• The BMP Guidelines support provision of like-size units and integration of
affordable units into a development; the applicant's proposal satisfies both of
these criteria.
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 7
371 Los Gatos Boulevard/PD-10-003
August 11, 2010
• Replacing atwo-unit building with a single residence on the corner of Los Gatos
Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue will provide a better aesthetic for the Thrash
House PD (increased open space and separation between homes).
Therefore, it is recommended that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation
for approval of the PD amendment to the Town Council, as outlined in the
recommendation section below. Staff has recommended a soft approval since the
applicant's proposal involves a policy issue. A revised PD Ordinance has been prepared
for the Commission's consideration (see Exhibit 3).
B. Recommendation
I. Find that the Planned Development amendment is consistent with the General
2. Forward a recommendation for approval 6f the PD amendment to the Town
Prepared by:
Suzanne Davis, AICP
Senior Planner
Ap •ove by:
Wendie R. Roo ey
Director of Community Development
cc: Jennifer Skillings, Santa Clara Development, 2185 The Alameda, Suite 150, San Jose, CA 95128
371 Los Gatos Boulevard
ffiIBIT 1
371 Los Gatos Boulevazd
Planned Development Application PD-10-003
Requesting approval to amend a Planned Development to allow off-site BMP units and construction
ofonefewerunitwithintheprojectonpropertyzonedRM:S-12:PDandR-1D:LPH:PD. APN529-
PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Santa Clara Development Co.
Required consistency with the Town's Genera[ Plan:
That the proposed Zone Change is internally consistent with the General Plan and its Elements.
The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to change the zoning on
property at 371 Los Gatos Boulevard (Santa Claza County Assessor Parcel Number 529-22-044) as
shown on the map attacked hereto as Exhibit A, and is part of this Ordinance, from R-1D:LHP
(Single-Family Residential Downtown, Landmark Historic Preservation) to R-1D:LHP:PD (Single-
FamilyResidentialDowntown, Landmazk Historic Preservation, Planned Development) and RM:S-
12:PD (Multiple-Family Residential; Planned Development).
The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance authorizes the
following construction and use of improvements:
1. Demolition of three pre-1941 single-family residences and a convalescent facility.
2. Renovation and expansion of the Historic Thrash House.
3. Construction of sixteen (16) mazket rate single family residences and two (2) Below Mazket
Price (BMP} residences.
4. Landscaping, private street, parking and other improvements shown and required on the
Official Development Plan.
5. Uses permitted aze those specified inthe RM(Multiple-Family Residential} zone by Sections
29.40.610 (Permitted Uses} and 29.20.185 (Conditional Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance, as
those sections exist at the time of the.adoption of this Ordinance, or as they may be amended
in the future. However, no use listed in Section 29.20.185 is allowed unless specifically
authorized by this Ordinance, or by a Conditional Use Pem7it
Page 1 of 18
All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Plan
specifically shows otherwise.
Architecture and Site Approval is required before construction work for the new single-
familyresidences and the renovation and expansion of the Thrash House, whether or not a permit is
required for the work and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall
only be in a manner complying with Section 29.80.130 of the Town Code.
The attached Exhibit A (Map), and Exhibit B (Official Development Plans), are part of the
Official Development Plan. The following conditions must be complied with before issuance of any
grading, or construction permits (mitigation measures are so noted and are flagged with an asterisk):
Planning Division
1. OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Official Development Plans provided are
conceptual in nature. Final building footprints and building designs shall be determined
during the Architecture and Site approval process. Colors and building materials shown on
the Official Development Plan aze not approved and shall be reviewed during the
Architectural and Site approval process. The Development Review Committee may be the
deciding body for the Architecture and Site applications.
2. TOWN INDEMNITY. Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires
- -
that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend,
indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party
to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of
approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the
approval, and maybe secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney.
Page 2 of 18
3. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED. A separate Architecture and Site
application and approval is required for each of the single-family residences and the
expansion and renovation of the Thrash House. Architectural details shall be refined as part
of this process with input from the Town's Consulting Architect. The Development Review
Committee maybe the deciding body for the Architecture and Site applications.
4. SUBDIVISION REQUIRED. A tentative map application shall be approved for the project
prior to the issuance of building permits. The Development Review Committee may be the
deciding body of the tentative map.
5. BELOW MARKET PRICE (BMP) UNTTS. The developer shall provide two (2) BMP units
A deed restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any building pernuts, stating that
the BMP residences must be sold and maintained as below market price units pursuant to the
Town's BMP Ordinance and requirements.
6. FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. A fmal landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Town's
Consulting Arborist and approved as part of the Architecture and Site process. Minimum
tree size at time of planting shall be 24-inch box.
shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance. A review feebased on the
current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and
irrigation plans are submitted for review prior to the issuance of a building permit.
8. SETBACKS. The minimum setbacks aze those specified by the RM zoning district or as
otherwise shown on the Conceptual Development Plans.
9. BUILDING HEIGHT.. The maximum height of the new single-family residences shall be 30
feet with the exception of Plan 1 which maybe up to 31 feet; The maximum height for
detached gazages shall be 15 feet, except for lots 13 and 16 which will have a studio and may
be up to 21 feet 6 inches.
10. STUDIOS. The studios over garages on lots 13 and 16 shall not be rented. A deed
restriction shall be recorded stating this limitation, prior to issuance of building permits.
11. OUTDOOR LIGHTING. All exterior building and outdoor lighting shall be shielded and
directed away from neighboring properties to shine on the project site only. Lighting shall be
the minimum needed for pedestrian safety and security. Lighting specifications shall be
reviewed as part of the Architecture and Site process.
Page 3 of 18
Town's Consulting Arborist shall be implemented to eliminate or min;m;ze the construction-
related impacts on the trees to be retained. Refer to the report prepared by Arbor Resources
dated December 11, 2008 for details.
13. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for trees approved
for removal prior to the issuance of demolition permits.
14. REPLACEMENT TREES. New trees shall be planted to mitigate the loss of trees being
removed. The number and size shall be determined using the canopy replacement table in
the Tree Protection Ordinance.
I5. TREE FENCING. Protective tree fencing shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees and
shall remain through all phases of construction. Fencing shall be six foot high cyclone
attached to two-inch diameter steel posts drive 18 inches into the ground and spaced no
further than 10 feet apart. Include a tree protection fencing plan with the construction plans.
16. RECYCLING. All wood, metal, glass and aluminum materials generated from the
demolished structure shall be deposited to a company which will recycle the materials.
Receipts from the company(s} accepting these materials, noting type and weight ofmaterial,
shall be submitted to the Town prior to the Towns demolition inspection. rte,
17. FINAL UTILITY LOCATIONS. The applicant shall submit plans showing the final
locations and screening of all exterior utilities, including but not limited to, backflow
preventers, Fire Department connections, transformers, utility boxes and utility meters.
Utility devices shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Director of Community
Development. The plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of
building permits for new construction.
18. *HISTORICALRESOURCES MITGATION MEASURE-1. A generalnote conveying the
overall intent of Standard 6 shall be included in the construction documents and the
_ _ _ __ __
individual drawing notes shall be clarified to specifically address replacement of historic
features (Standard b).
19. *HISTORICAL RESOURCES MITGATION MEASURE-2. Proposed materials shall be
specified during the construction document phase and reviewed as part of the ongoing design
review and approval process (Standard 9).
Page 4 of 18
20. HISTORIC PRESERVATION. The following modifications shall be incorporated into the
final plans for the Thrash House renovation:
a. The siding on the addition shall match the existing siding.
b. The chimney material shall be changed to brick.
azchaeological traces are encountered, all construction. within a 20-foot radius of the find
shall be halted, the Community Development Duector shall be notified, and an archaeologist
shall be retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendations.
form of additional data retrieval through hand excavation combined with archaeological
monitoring of all additional soil removal inside the zone of azchaeological sensitivity to
ensure that significant cultural resources are recorded and/or removed for further analysis
before work is allowed to recommence.
23. *NOISE MITGATION MEASURE-1. To minimize construction noise impacts on existing
adjacent residences, existing boundary fencing shall be retained throughout the noisier
earthmoving phase of construction or proposed fencing shall be constructed as early as
possible (prior to project grading activities if feasible). To maximize the fence noise
attenuation effects, proposed fencing shall be solid with aze no gaps, cracks, or openings
(e.g., higk quality air-tight tongue-and-groove, boazd and batten, or shiplap design).
24. *NOISE MTI'GATION MEASURE-2. To the extent feasible, outdooruse azeas associated
with project homes on Caldwell Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard shall he protected with
fencing so that outdoor noise levels meet the Town's 55-dBA outdoor noise goal.
Building Division
25. DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS: Obtain a Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air
_Quality Management Application from the Building Service Counter. Once the demolition
- ---- ----- -------
formhas been completed, all signatures obtained, and written venficafion from PG&E that
all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed from to the Building Deparhnent
Service Counter with the J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3}sets of site plans to
include all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E.
No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Town.
Page 5 of 18
26. STREET NAMES & HOUSE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new street names and house
numbers to_ the Building Divisicn prior to submitting for the building permit application
abandoned septic tank and its contents shall be removed from the site.. Soil beneath the septic
tank shall be tested for TPH and arty contaminated soil shall be removed.
renovation or demolition activities, ademolition-level survey of asbestos and lead-based
paints shall be conducted at the property and materials found to contain asbestos or lead-
based paints- shall be properly abated.
issuance of the building permit, identified hazardous materials/waste that were associated
with the former hospital use and automotive batteries in the Thrash House shall be properly
disposed of.
ballasts and other electrical equipment that are removed as part of proposed demolition of
existing structures on the site shall be evaluated for the presence of PCBs and managed
31. *NOISE MITIGATION MEASURE-3. Mechanical ventilation (fresh air supply systems) or
air conditioning shall be provided in proj ect homes located adjacent to Los Gatos Boulevard
as necessary to ensure that interior noise levels meet State Land Use Compatibility Noise
Guidelines for single-family residences (45 dBA, Ldn or CNEL).
Engineering Division
32. *GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE. The recommendations of the
geotechnical report by Donald E. Banta & Associates, Tnc. iri April 2607 shall be
implemented. These recommendations address site preparation, earthwork operations,
drainage, and foundations.
33. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. The Applicant shall enter an agreement to construct
public improvements in accordance with Town Code §24.40.020.
Page 6 of 18
34. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable securities for
all public improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town
in the amount of 100% (performance} and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any
pemut. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public
improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works
35. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and trash
companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements aze acceptable shall be
provided prior to recordation of the final map.
36. ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES. The applicant shall submit a 75-percent progress printing
to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow prevention devices, fire
department connections, gas and water meters, off-street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting,
electricaUcommunication/cablehoxes, transformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilities
shall be reviewed and approved by Community Development prior to issuance of anypermit.
37. PRIVATE EASEMENTS. Agreements detailing rights, limitations, and responsibilities of
involved parties shall accompany each private easement. The easements and associated
agreements shall be recorded simultaneously with the final map.
38. SITE SUPERVISION. The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job
site at all times during construction.
39. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage. The
grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of
the Pazks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall
include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim
erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and
proposed impervious azeas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public
_ Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit_The grading
perxnit'is for work outside fhe building footprint(s). ?.separate building permit, issued by the
Building Department on E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint.
40. TREE REMOVAL. Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to
issuance of a grading permit.
Page 7 of 18'
SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a
licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the
following items:
a. Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations
b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes
RETAINING WALLS. A building permit, issued by the Building Department at 110 E.
Main Street, maybe required for site retaining walls. Walls aze not reviewed or approved by
the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review
excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to
placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as
anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes in
the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction
observation and testing should be documentedm an "as-built" letter/report prepazed by the
applicants' soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy
permit is granted.
PAD CERTIFICATION. A letter from a licensed land surveyor shall be provided stating that
the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the approved plans shall be
provided subsequent to foundation construction and prior to construction on the structure.
The pad certification shall address both vertical and horizontal foundation placement.
PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement
of any site work, the general contractor shall:
a. Along with the project applicant; attend apre-constntction meeting with the Town
Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site
maintenance and other construction matters;
b. Acknowledge in wasting that they have read and understand the project conditions of
approval, and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and
understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the prof ect conditions
of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction.
46. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the
grading permit application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standazds
governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control.
The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance
with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code.
47. SOILS REVIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review
the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls,
site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with. their recommendations and the peer
review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the
Town either by letter or by signing the plans.
48. DEMOLTfION. Existing buildings crossing future lot lines shall be demolished prior to
recordation of the final map.
49. FINAL TRACT MAP. A final track map shall be recorded. Two copies of the final track
map shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Pazks & Public Works Department
for review .and approval. Submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports and
appropriate fee. The map shall be recorded before any permits aze issued.
1 50. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated on the final parcel map or by separate
inshument. The dedication shall be recorded before any permits aze issued.
a. Additional R/W and easements to accommodate future widening of Los Gatos Blvd.
and Caldwell Ave. as required.
51. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant will construct improvements to relocate
the existing cross walk crossing Los Gatos Blvd from the South side of Caldwell Ave. to the
North side of Kennedy Road. Improvements to include installation or modification of
facilities including all signage, striping, ADA ramps, pedestrian signal heads and controller
cabinet as required.
52. JOINT TRENCH PLANS. Joint trench plans_shall be reviewed and approved bythe Town
prior to recordation of a map. The joint trench plans shall include street and/or site lighting
and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG&E stating that public street
light billing will by Rule LSZA, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the
homeowners association. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on
the plans.
' Page 9 of 18
53. STREET LIGHTS. Photometric design and proposed locations of future streetlights to be
reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit.
54. WATER DESIGN. Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and approved prior to
issuance of any pernut.
55. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The following improvements shall be installed by the
developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepazed by a California registered civil
engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guazanteed by contract, Faithful
Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building
permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements must be completed and accepted by
the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued.
a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, ADA curb ramps, street lights, tie-in paving, signing, striping,
storm drainage and sanitary sewers, as required.
56. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLANS. Plan and profile sheets shall be provided for Private
Street and Caldwell Ave during Improvement Plan review.
57. INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. An indemnity agreement to the Town of Los Gatos shall be
required for any non-standard construction in the Public Right of Way (i.e. walls, intersection
details, steps, etc.).
58. DESIGN CHANGES. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer,
in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the
design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the
Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the
final "as-built" drawings.
59. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town
Standazd Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the
applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of--way shall be kept cleaz of all job
related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm
drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will
not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge
shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of--way
according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at
the developer's expense.
Page 10 of 18
60. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and
submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice
of Intent (NOI} and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to
the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing more
than one acre. A maximum of two weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and
stabilizing/building on an azea ifgrading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion
control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final
landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but aze not
limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town
standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide
erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter
months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance
with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of Order No.
R2-2005-0035 of the amended Santa Claza County NPDES Permit.
61. DUST CONTROL. BIowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that
paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and
by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and
in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be
watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily, or
apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging
azeas at construction sites in order to insure proper control ofblowing dust for the duration of
the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street
sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Towri Engineer, or at least once a
day. Watering. associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late-afternoon watering to minimize
the effects of blowing dust_ All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction
activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of
the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds
(instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPH. All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris
shall be covered.
Page 11 of 18
62. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a construction
management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic
Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee pazking, construction staging
area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations.
63. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING. No vehicle having a manufacturer's rated gross
vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the
portion of a street that abuts property in a residential zone without prior approval from the
Town Engineer (§ 15.40.070).
64. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of--way will require a
Construction Encroachment Permit.
65. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify the
Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four {24) hours before starting any work pertaining to
on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of--way.
Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection.
66. SITE DRAINAGE. Rainwater leaders shall be dischazged to splash blocks. No through curb
drains will be allowed without the approval of the Town Engineer
67. NPDES. On-site drainage systems shall include a filtration device such as a bio-Swale,
permeable pavement, or other approved equivalent. Specific oa=lot systems to be reviewed
and approved in subsequent approvals.
68. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A storm water management shall be included
with-the grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects as defined in the
amended provisions C.3.d. of Order No. R2-2005-0035 of the amended Santa Claza County
NPDES Pemut No. CAS029718. The plan shall delineate source control measures and
BMP's together with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be certified by a professional pre-
qualified by the Town. In the event that storm water measures proposed on the Planning
approval. differ significantly from those certified on the Building/GradingPeanit, the Town
may require a modification of the Planning approval prior to release of the Building Permit.
The applicant may elect to have the Planning submittal certified to avoid this possibility.
Page 12 of 18
association shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stormwater
filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's Stormwater Discharge
Pemut No. CAS029718 and modified by Order No. R2-2005-0035. The agreement will
specify that certain routine maintenance shall be performed by the property
owner*homeowner's association and will specify device maintenance reporting
requirements. The agreement will also specify routine inspection requirements, permits and
payment of fees. The agreement shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy permits.
70. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. It is the responsibility of contractor and
home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the publicright-of--way is cleaned up on a
daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into
the Town's storm drains.
71. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone, electric
power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code
§27.50.015(b}. All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit
shall be provided for cable television service.
72. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all
existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of
developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks,
driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement mazkers, thermoplastic pavement markings,
etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original
condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the
Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access
provisions. Developer shall request awalk-through with the Engineering Construction
Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions.
73. SIDEWALK REPAIR. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards
any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall
match exisfing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standazd Details.
The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector
during the construction phase of the project.
Page 13 of 18
74. CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards
any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project. New curb and gutter
shall be constructed per Town Standazd Details. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be
determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the
75. STREET RESURFACING. Resurfacing of Caldwell Ave(half-street) along project frontage
shall be required. Slurry seal, overlay or other methods to be determined by Engineering
Construction Inspector and Town Engineer.
76. PRIVATE STREET SIDEWALK. The internal private sidewalk shall be ADA compliant.
77. DRIVEWAY APPROACH. The developer shall insta115 (five) Town standard residential
approaches. The new driveway approach shall be constructed per Town Standazd Details or
detailed on plans and approved by Town Engineer.
78. CURB RAMPS. The developer shall construct 2 (two) curb ramps at the entrance to the
development and 1 (one) curb ramp at the project corner of Caldwell Avenue & Los Gatos
Boulevard in compliance with ADA Standazds.
79. FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply with Town
Code Section §23.10.080.
80. AS-BUILT PLANS. After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans
shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) cleazlymazked. The "as-built" plans
shall again be signed and "wet-stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans,
attesting to the changes. The original "as-built" plans shall be review and approved the
Engineering Inspector. A Mylaz and AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be
provided to the Town before the Faithful Performance Security or Occupancy Pemrit is
released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform
to the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b) Driveway,
Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL, d) Swmuning Pool,
Layer: SW1MMiNG-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line,
Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files
must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be
submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher.
Page 14 of 18
81. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have
flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next
upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving
such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved
type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the
backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall
not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overIlow where the
property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section
103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the-Town Code and
maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation
District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to
issuance of a building permit.
82. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley
Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused.
Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line.
83. CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be
allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five
(85) dBA attwenty-five (25) feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property,
the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device
as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed
eighty-five (85) dBA.
84. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times
during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently
performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The
storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless
a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division.
85. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered.
86. HAULING OF SOII.. Hauling of soil on or off-site shall not occur during the morning or
evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00
~ p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town
Page 15 of 18
Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan
to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project
site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer/owner to place
construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling
activities, or providing additional traffic control. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and
other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboazd.
87. EXISTING EASEMENTS. All existing easements quitclaims shall be completed prior to
Final Map approval.
initiate a weekly neighborhood e-mail notification program to provide project status updates.
The e-mail notices will also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location
along the project perimeter.
89. PERMIT ISSUANCE: Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be
issued simultaneously.
90. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW. The required fire flow for the project is 2,500 GPM at 20 psi
residual pressure.
91. AUTOMATIC FIIZE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system
is required for all buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM., hydraulically
designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standazd #13D. A State of
California licensed fire protection contractor shall submit plans, calculations a completed
permit application and appropriate fees to the Fire Department for review and approval, prior
to beginning work. It has been determined that the Thrash House will require a full
automatic fire sprinkler system.
92. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS ROADS. Provide access roadways with a paved
all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13
feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a
maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform with Fire Deparhnent Standard Details
and Specifications A-1.
Page 16 of 18
fire services and hydrants shall be tested and accepted by the Fire Department prior to start of
framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building pernut issuance may be
withheld until required installations aze completed, tested and accepted.
94. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT. Provide public fire hydrants at locations to be determined
jointly by the Fire Deparment and San Jose Water Company. Maximum fire hydrant
spacing shall be 500 feet with a minimum single hydrant flow of 2500 GPM at 20 psi,
95. FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to final inspection the general contractor
shall ensure that an approved fire hydrant location identifier ("blue dot") has been placed in
the roadway for each new hydrant as directed by the Fire Department.
approved Fire Department engine roadway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet
outside and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standazd Details
and Specification sheet A-1.
through the first lift of asphalt, shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to
the start of combustible construction. During construction, emergency access roads shall be
maintained clear and unimpeded. Building permit issuance may be held up until installations
are completed.
48. FIRE LANE MARKNG REQUIRED. Provide mazking in conformance with Fire
Department requirements for all roadways within the project. Installations shall conform to
Local Government Standazds and Fire Department Standazd Details and Specifications A-6..
99. PARKING ALONG ROADWAYS. The required fire access road sha21 not be obstructed in
any manner and parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet wide. Parking
is .permitted along one side of roadways 28-35 feet in width. For roadways equal to or
greater than 26 feet, parking will be allowed on both sides. Roadways widths shall be
measured curb to curb face with parking space based on an eight foot width.
100. PREMISE IDENTIFICATION. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new
and buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road
~ fronting the properly. Numbers shall contrast with their background.
Page 17 of I8
This Ordinance was introduced at a regulaz meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los
Gatos on May 4, 2009, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos
at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on May 18, 2009 and becomes
effective 30-days after it is adopted.
AYES: Diane McNutt, Steve Rice, and Mayor Mike Wasserman
NAYS: Barbara Spector
ABSTAII~I: Joe Pirzynski
SIGNED: /s/Mayor Mike Wasserman
ATTEST: /s/Jackie D. Rose
Page 18 of 18
Recommended by Planning Commission Date:
Approved by Town Council Date: Ord:
Clerk Administrator Mayor
The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to rescind Ordinance 2174
and to change the zoning on property at 371 Los Gatos Boulevard (Santa Claza County Assessor
Parcel Number 529-22-044) as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, and is part of this
Ordinance, from R-1D:LHP:PD (Single-Family Residential Downtown, Landmark Historic
Preservation, Planned Development) and RM::S-12:PD (Multiple-Family Residential, Planned
Development) to R-1D:LHP:PD (Single-Family Residential Downtown, Landmark Historic
Preservation, Planned Development) and RM::S-12:PD (Multiple-Family Residential, Planned
The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance authorizes the
following construction and use of improvements:
1. Demolition of three pre-1941 single-family residences and a convalescent facility.
2. Renovation and expansion of the Historic Thrash House.
3. Construction ofsi~teen~ seventeen (17) market rate single familyresidences {2)
n°'.~:: ":urlct P:e'D7AD` -~°~-' Should the historic house formerly located at 17
Fiesta Way (17 Fiesta House) become available, the applicant has the option to relocate
the house to the project site in place of the new unit to be constructed on the corner lot
at Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell Avenue.
4. Provision of three off-site BMP units within the Town.
5. Landscaping, private street, parking and other improvements shown and required on the
Official Development Plan.
Page 1 of 20
6. Uses permitted are those specified in the RM (Multiple-Family Residenfial) zone by Sections
29.40.610 (Permitted Uses) and 29.20.185 (Conditional Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance, as
those sections exist at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, or as they may be amended
in the future. However, no use listed in Section 29.20.185 is allowed unless specifically
authorized by this Ordinance, or by a Conditional Use Permit
All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Plan
specifically shows otherwise.
Architecture and Site Approval is required before construction work for the new single-
familyresidences and the renovation and expansion of the Thrash House, whether or not a permit is
required for the work and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall
only be in a manner complying with Section 29.80.130 of the Town Code.
The attached Exhibit A (Map), and Exhibit B (Official Development Plans), and Exiribit C
(Revised Corner Parcel Plan), are part of the Official Development Plan. The following conditions
must be complied with before issuance of any grading, or construction permits (mitigation measures
are so noted and are flagged with an asterisk):
Planning Division
1. OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Official Development Plans provided are
conceptual in nature. Final building footprints and building designs shall be determined
during the Architecture and Site approval process. Colors and building materials shown on
the Official Development Plan are not approved and shall be reviewed during the
Architectural and Site approval process. The Development Review Committee may be the
deciding body for the Architecture and Site applications.
Page 2 of 20
Z. TOWN INDEMNITY. Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires
that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend,
indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party
to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of
approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the
approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney.
3. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED. A separate Architecture and Site
application and approval is required for each of the single-family residences and the
expansion and renovation of the Thrash House. Architectural details shall be refined as part
of this process with input from the Town's Consulting Architect. Relocation of 17 Fiesta
House to the project site would also require approval of an Architecture and Site
application. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding body for the
Architecture and Site applications.
4. SUBDIVISION REQUIRED. A tentative map application shall be approved for the project
prior to the issuance of building permits. The Development Review Committee maybe the
deciding body of the tentative map.
5. BELOW MARKRT PRICE (BMP) UNITS. The developer shall provide tsve {2) three (3)
off-site BMP units within the Town of Los Gatos. The BMP units shall be sold at 80%
of median income. A deed restriction shall be recorded prior to the issuance of anybuilding
pemuts, stating that the BMP residences must be sold and maintained as below market price
units pursuant to the Town's BMP Ordinance and requirements. Any change to the
approved off-site BMP units, including location, unit size and/or number of baths and
bedrooms shall be approved by the Town Council.
6. FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN. A final landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Town's
Consulting Arborist and approved as part of the Architecture and Site process. Minimum
tree size at time of planting shall be 24-inch box.
shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance. A review fee based on the
current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and
irrigation plans aze submitted for review prior to the issuance of a building permit.
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8. SETBACKS. The minimum setbacks are those specified by the RM zoning district or as
otherwise shown on the Conceptual Development Plans.
9. BUILDING HEIGHT. The maximum height of the new single-family residences shall be 30
feet with the exception of Plan 1 which maybe up to 31 feet. The maximum height for
detached garages shall be 15 feet, except for lots 12 and I S which will have a studio and may
be up to 21 feet 6 inches.
10. STUDIOS. The studios over garages on lots 12 and 15 shall not be rented. A deed
restriction shall be recorded stating this limitation, prior to issuance ofbuilding permits.
11. OUTDOOR LIGHTING. All exterior building and outdoor lighting shall be shielded and
directed away from neighboring properties to shine on the project site only. Lighting shall be
the minimum needed for pedestrian safety and security. Lighting specifications shall be
reviewed as part of the Architecture and Site process.
12. *BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MI'I`IGATION MEASURE. All recommendations of the
Town's Consulting Arborist shall be implemented to eliminate or minimize the construction-
related impacts on the trees to be retained. Refer to the report prepared by Arbor Resources
dated December 11, 2008 for details.
13. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for trees approved
for removal prior to the issuance of demolition permits.
14. REPLACEMENT TREES. New trees shall be planted to mitigate the loss of trees being
removed. The number and size shall be determined using the canopy replacement table in
the Tree Protection Ordinance.
15. TREE FENCING. Protective tree fencing shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees and
shall remain through all phases of construction. Fencing shall be six foot high cyclone
attached to two-inch diameter steel posts drive 18 inches into the ground and spaced no
further than 10 feet apart. Include a tree protection fencing plan with the construction plans.
16. RECYCLING. All wood, metal, glass and aluminum materials generated from the
demolished structure shall be deposited to a company which will recycle the materials.
Receipts from the company(s) accepting these materials, noting type and weight of material,
shall be submitted to the Town prior to the Towns demolition inspection.
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17. FINAL UTILITY LOCATIONS. The applicant shall submit plans showing the final
locations and screening of all exterior utilities, including but not limited to, backflow
preventers, Fire Department connections, transformers, utility boxes and utility meters.
Utility devices shall be screened to the satisfaction of the Director of Community
Development. The plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of
building permits for new construction.
18. *HISTORICAL RESOURCES MITGATION MEASURE-1. A general note conveying the
overall intent of Standard 6 shall be included in the construction documents and the
individual drawing notes shall be clarified to specifically address replacement of historic
features (Standard 6).
19. *HISTORICAL RESOURCES MITGATION MEASURE-2. Proposed materials shall be
specified during the construction document phase and reviewed as part of the ongoing design
review and approval process (Standard 9).
20. HISTORIC PRESERVATION. The following modifications shall be incorporated into the
final plans for the Thrash House renovation:
a. The siding on the addition shall match the existing siding.
b. The chimney material shall be changed to brick.
azchaeological traces are encountered, all construction within a 20-foot radius of the find
shall be halted, the Community Development Director shall be notified, and an archaeologist
shall be retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendafions.
form of additional data retrieval through hand excavation combined with archaeological
monitoring of all additional soil removal inside the zone of archaeological sensitivity to
ensure that significant cultural resources are recorded and/or removed for further analysis
before work is allowed to recommence.
23. *NOISE MITGATION MEASURE-1. To the extent feasible, outdoor use areas associated
with project homes on Caldwell Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard shall be protected with
fencing so that outdoor noise levels meet the Town's 55-dBA outdoor noise goal.
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24. *NOISE MITGATION MEASURE-2. To minimize construction noise impacts on existing
adjacent residences, existing boundary fencing shall be retained throughout the noisier
earthmoving phase of construction or proposed fencing shall be constructed as early as
possible (prior to project grading activities if feasible). To maximize the fence noise
attenuation effects, proposed fencing shall be solid with are no gaps, cracks, or openings
(e.g, high quality air-tight tongue-and-groove, board and batten, or shiplap design).
Building Division
25. DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS: Obtain a Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air
Quality Management Application from the Building Service Counter. Once the demolition
form has been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verification from PG&E that
all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed from to the Building Department
Service Counter with the J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3) sets of site plans to
include all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E.
No demolition work shall be done without fast obtaining a permit from the Town.
26. STREET NAMES & HOUSE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new street names and house
numbers to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application
abandoned septic tank and its contents shall be removed from the site. Soil beneath the sepfic
tank shall be tested for TPH and any contaminated soil shall be removed.
renovation or demolition activities, ademolition-level survey of asbestos and lead-based
paints shall be conducted at the property and materials found to contain asbestos or lead-
basedpaints shall be properly abated.
issuance of the building permit, identified hazardous materials/waste that were associated
with the former hospital use and automotive batteries in the Thrash House shall be properly
disposed of.
Page 6 of 20
ballasts and other electrical equipment that are removed as part of proposed demolition of
existing structures on the site shall be evaluated for the presence of PCBs and managed
31. *NOISE MITGATION MEASURE-3. Mechanical ventilation (fresh air supply systems) or
air conditioning shall be provided in project homes located adjacent to Los Gatos Boulevard
as necessary to ensure that interior noise levels meet State Land Use Compatibility Noise
Guidelines for single-family residences (45 dBA, Ldn or CNEL).
Engineering Division
32. *GEOLOGY AND SOILS MITIGATION MEASURE. The recommendations of the
geotechnical report by Donald E. Banta & Associates, Inc. in April 2007 shall be
implemented. These recommendations address site preparation, earthwork operations,
drainage, and foundations.
33. LOT MERGER. At a minimum a Certificate of Parcel Merger shall be recorded to
merge lots 16 and 17. Two copies of the legal description for exterior boundary of the
merged parcel and a plat map (8'/z inch by 11 inch) shall be submitted to the
Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department for review and
approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports less than 90
days old and the appropriate fee. The certificate shall be recorded before any permits
are issued. Should any adjacent parcels be affected by the proposed modifications,
additional lot line adjustment documents may be required. This work can also be
accomplished by parcel map at the applicant's request.
34. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable securities for
all public improvements that are a part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town
in the amount of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any
permit. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public
improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works
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35. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. The Applicant shall enter an agreement to construct
public improvements in accordance with Town Code §24.40.020.
36. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and trash
companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are acceptable shall be
provided prior to recordation of the final map.
37. ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES. The applicant shall submit a 75-percent progress printing
to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow prevention devices, fire
department connections, gas and water meters, off-street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting,
electricaUcommunication/cableboxesaransformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilities
shall be reviewed and approved by Community Development prior to issuance of any permit.
38. PRIVATE EASEMENTS. Agreements detailing rights, limitations, and responsibilities of
involved parties shall accompany each private easement. The easements and associated
agreements shall be recorded simultaneously with the final map.
39. SITE SUPERVISION. The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job
site at all times during construction.
40. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage. The
grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of
the Parks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall
include fmal grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim
erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and
proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director ofParks and Public
Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading
permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit, issued by the
Building Department on E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint.
41. TREE REMOVAL. Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to
issuance of a grading permit.
42. SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a
licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the
following items:
a. Retaining wail--top of wall elevations and locations
b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes
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43. RETAINING WALLS. A building permit, issued by the Building Departrnent at 110 E.
Main Street, maybe required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by
the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review
excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to
placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as
anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes in
the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction
observation and testing should be documented in an "as-built" letter/report prepared by the
applicants' soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy
pemut is granted.
45. PAD CERTIFICATION. A letter from a licensed land surveyor shall be provided stating that
the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the approved plans shall be
provided subsequent to foundation construction and prior to construction on the structure.
The pad certification shall address both vertical and horizontal foundation placement.
46. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement
of any site work, the general contractor shall:
a. Along with the project applicant, attend apre-construction meeting with the Town
Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site
maintenance and other construction matters;
b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of
approval, and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and
understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the proj ect conditions
of approval will be posted on site at all times during construction.
47. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the
grading permit application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards
governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control.
The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance
with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code.
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48. SOILS REVIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review
the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls,
site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer
review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the
Town either by letter or by signing the plans.
49. DEMOLITION. Existing buildings crossing future lot lines shall be demolished prior to
recordation of the final map.
50. FINAL TRACT MAP. A final track map shall be recorded. Two copies of the final track
map shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Pazks & Public Works Department
for review and approval. Submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports and
appropriate fee. The map shall be recorded before any permits aze issued.
51. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated on the final parcel map or by separate
instrument. The dedication shall be recorded before any permits are issued.
a. Additional R/W and easements to accommodate future widening of Los Gatos Blvd.
and Caldwell Ave. as required.
52. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS. Applicant will construct improvements to relocate
the existing cross walls crossing Los Gatos Blvd from the South side of Caldwell Ave. to the
North side of Kennedy Road. Improvements to include installation or modification of
facilities including all signage, striping, ADA ramps, pedestrian signal heads and controller
cabinet as required.
53. JOINT TRENCH PLANS. Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town
prior to recordation of a map. The joint trench plans shall include street and/or site lighting
and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG&E stating that public street
light billing will by Rule LS2A, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the
homeowners association. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on
the plans.
54. STREET LIGHTS. Photometric design and proposed locations of future streetlights to be
reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit.
55. WATERDESIGN. WaterplansprepazedbySJWCmustbereviewedandapprovedpriorto
issuance of any permit.
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56. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The following improvements shall be installed by the
developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil
engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful
Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building
permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements must be completed and accepted by
the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued.
a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, ADA curb ramps, street lights, tie-in paving, signing striping,
storm drainage and sanitary sewers, as required.
57. PUBLIC IIVIPROVEMENT PLANS. Plan and profile sheets shall be provided for Private
Street and Caldwell Ave during Improvement Plan review.
58. INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. An indemnity agreement to the Town of Los Gatos shall be
required for any non-standard construction in the Public Right of Way (i.e. walls, intersection
details, steps, etc.).
59. DESIGN CHANGES. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer,
in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the
design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the
Town before altered work is started. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the
final "as-built" drawings.
60. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town
Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall conform to the
applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent publicright-of--way shall be kept clear of all job
related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm
drainage facilifies. The storing of goods and materials onthe sidewalk and/or the street will
not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge
shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the publicright-of--way
according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at
the developer's'expense.
Page 11 of 20
61. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepazed and
submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice
of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to
the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing more
than one acre. A maximum of two weeks is allowed between clearing of an azea and
stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion
control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the fmal
landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not
limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town
standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide
erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter
months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance
with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions G.3 and C.14 of Order No.
R2-2005-0035 of the amended Santa Clara County NPDES Permit.
62. DUST CONTROL. Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that
paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and
by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and
in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be
watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minunum of three times daily, or
apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging
azeas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of
the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be cleaned by street
sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a
day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the
hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late-afternoon watering to minimize
the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction
activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of
the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds
(instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPH. All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris
shall be covered.
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63. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a construction
management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic
Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging
azea, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations.
64. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING. No vehicle having a manufacturer's rated gross
vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the
portion of a street that abuts property in a residential zone without prior approval from the
Town Engineer (§ 15.40.070).
65. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of--way will require a
Construction Encroachment Pemut.
66. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify the
Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to
on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of--way.
Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection.
67. SITE DRAINAGE. Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splashblocks. No through curb
drains will be allowed without the approval of the Town Engineer
68. NPDES. On-site drainage systems shall include a filtration device such as a bio-Swale,
permeable pavement, or other approved equivalent. Specific on-lot systems to be reviewed
and approved in subsequent approvals.
69. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A storm water management shall be included
with the grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects as defined in the
amended provisions C.3.d. of OrderNo. R2-2005-0035 ofthe amended Santa Clara County
NPDES Pemmt No. CA5029718. The plan shall delineate source control measures and
BMP's together with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be certified by a professional pre-
qualified by the Town. In the event that storm water measures proposed on the Planning
approval differ significantly from those certified onthe Building/Grading Permit, the Town
may require a modification of the Planning approval prior to release of the Building Permit.
The applicant may elect to have the Planning submittal certified to avoid this possibility.
Page 13 of 20
associafion shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stormwater
filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's Stormwater Discharge
Permit No. CAS029718 and modified by Order No. R2-2005-0035. The agreement will
specify that certain routine maintenance shall be performed by the property
owner*homeowner's association and will specify device maintenance reporting
requirements. The agreement will also specify routine inspection requirements, pemuts and
payment of fees. The agreement shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy pernuts.
71. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. It is the responsibility of contractor and
home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the publicright-of--way is cleaned up on a
daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into
the Town's storm drains.
72. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone, electric
power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code
§27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit
shall be provided for cable television service.
73. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all
existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of
developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewallcs,
driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings,
etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original
condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the
Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access
provisions. Developer shall request awalk-through with the Engineering Construction
Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions.
74. SIDEWALK REPAIR. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards
any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall
match existing color, texture and design, and shall be constructed per Town Standard Details.
The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector
during the construction phase of the project.
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75. CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards
any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this prof ect. New curb and gutter
shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of curb and gutter repair will be
determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the
76. STREET RESURFACING. Resurfacing of Caldwell Ave(half-street) along project frontage
shall be required. Slurry seal, overlay or other methods to be determined by Engineering
Construction Inspector and Town Engineer.
77. PR]VATE STREET SIDEWALK. The internal private sidewalk shall be ADA compliant.
78. DRIVEWAY APPROACH. The developer shall insta115 (five) Town standard residential
approaches. The new driveway approach shall be constructed per Town Standard Details or
detailed on plans and approved by Town Engineer.
79. CURB RAMPS. The developer shall construct 2 (two) curb ramps at the entrance to the
development and 1 {one) curb ramp at the project corner of Caldwell Avenue & Los Gatos
Boulevard in compliance with ADA Standards.
80. FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply with Town
Code Section §23.10.080.
81. AS-BUILT PLANS. After completion of the construction of all work, the original plans
shall have all changes (change orders and field changes) clearly marked. The "as-built" plans
shall again be signed and "wet-stamped" by the civil engineer who prepared the plans,
attesting to the changes. The original "as-built" plans shall be review and approved the
Engineering Inspector. A Mylar and AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be
provided to the Town before the Faithful Performance Security or Occupancy Permit is
released. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform
to the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b) Driveway,
Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool,
Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line,
Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files
must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be
submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher.
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82. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have
flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next
upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving
such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing an approved
type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the
backwater valve, unless first approved bythe Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall
not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the
property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section
103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and
maintain such device in a functional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation
District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to
issuance of a building permit.
83. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley
Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused.
Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line.
84. CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be
allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five
(85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property,
the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device
as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed
eighty-five (85) dBA.
85. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times
during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently
performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The
storing of goads and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless
a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division.
86. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered.
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87. HAULING OF SOIL. Hauling of soil on or off-site shall not occur during the morning or
evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00
p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town
Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan
to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the prof ect
site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer/owner to place
construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling
activities, or providing additional traffic control. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and
other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard.
88. EXISTING EASEMENTS. All existing easements quitclaims shall be completed prior to
Final Map approval.
initiate a weekly neighborhood a-mail notification program to provide project status updates.
The e-mail notices will also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location
along the project perimeter.
90. PERMIT ISSUANCE: Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be
issued simultaneously.
91. REQUIlZED FIRE FLOW. The required fire flow for the project is 2,500 GPM at 20 psi
residual pressure.
92. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. An approved automatic fire sprinkler system
is required for all buildings requiring a fire flow in excess of 2,000 GPM., hydraulically
designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13D. A State of
California licensed fire protection contractor shall submit plans, calculations a completed
permit application and appropriate fees to the Fire Department for review and approval, prior
to beginning work. It has been determined that the Thrash House will require a full
automatic fire sprinkler system.
Page 17 of 20
93. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS ROADS. Provide access roadways with apaved
all weather surface and a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13
feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a
maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details
and Specifications A-1.
fire services and hydrants shall be tested and accepted by the Fire Department prior to start of
framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building permit issuance may be
withheld until required installations are completed, tested and accepted.
95. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT. Provide public fire hydrants at locations to be determined
jointly by the Fire Department and San Jose Water Company. Maximum fire hydrant
spacing shall be 500 feet with a minimum single hydrant flow of 2500 GPM at 20 psi,
96. FIItE FIYDRANT LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to final inspection the general contractor
shall ensure that an approved fire hydrant location identifier ("blue dot") has been placed in
the roadway for each new hydrant as directed by the Fire Department.
approved Fire Department engine roadway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet
outside and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details
and Specification sheet A-1.
through the first lift of asphalt, shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to
the start of combustible construction. During construction, emergency access roads shall be
maintained clear and unimpeded. Buildmg permit issuance may be held up until installations
are completed.
99. FIRE LANE MARKING REQUIRED. Provide marking in conformance with Fire
Department requirements for all roadways within the project. Installations shall conform to
Local Government Standards and Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications A-6..
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100. PARKING ALONG ROADWAYS. The required fire access road shall not be obstructed in
any manner and parking shall not be allowed along roadways less than 28 feet wide. Parking
is permitted along one side of roadways 28-35 feet in width. For roadways equal to or
greater than 26 feet, pazking will be allowed on both sides. Roadways widths shall be
measured curb to curb face with parking space based on an eight foot width.
101. PREMISE IDENTIFICATION. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new
and buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road
fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with their background.
Page 19 of 20
This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Councff of the Town ofLos
Gatos on , 2010, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los
Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on , 2010 and
becomes effective 30 days after it is adopted.
Page 20 of 20
Recommended by Planning Commission Date:
Approved by Town Council Date: Ord:
Clerk Administrator Mayor
Develoument Plans
Refer to the 9/7/10
Town Council Staff Report
Attachment 2, Exhibit C
Project Description and Letter of Justification Dui 22 2oto
Thrash House Development -Planned Development Amendmer~toWN of LOS GATOS
The new home on the especially prominent corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Caldwell
Avenue should fit within the fabric of the neighborhood and serve to preserve and
enhance the Town's character. The cottage we propose for this corner is a home
worthy of its location, with exceptional details and attractive elevations that suit its
surroundings. Replacing the approved duplex with a narrower structure allows for
improved separation between homes, creating better yards and continuing the
established pattern along the boulevard. The lower roof line and single-story elements
also improve visibility of the Thrash House.
In lieu of placing our BMP duplex unit on this corner, we will provide three BMPs off=site
in established Los Gatos neighborhoods. We have purchased these three homes of
market rate with the intent to update the interiors and re-sell them. at the significantly
lower-Below .Market Price. All three of the homes will be sold at the.affordable to 80
percent income level, instead of the 100 percent level. originally proposed for our two
one-site BMPs.
Two of the proposed BMP homes are located downtown, in the Pueblo de Los Gatos
commuhity on Alberto Way. The homes are within the same neighborhood as the
Thrash House, and are similar to those approved with our project. The Pueblo
community offers superior amenities including a recreation center, a swimming pool,
and spark-like open space area. The third home is a studio located in an established
community in the rural Rancho Rinconada area, surrounded by peaceful landscaped
common areas. Each of these off-site BMPs ar`e integrated into established market-rate
neighborhoods, and are indistinguishable from the surrounding units, both inside and
1Ne will provide these three BMP uriits immediately, far earlier than we could have them
built on site. In making them available sooner, buyers can take advantage of the
historically low interest rates available now.
Purchasing off-site BMP units creates the opportunity to enhance a prominent corner in
a historic neighborhood and contribute to the Los Gatos quality of life. The Town further
benefits from having additional BMP homes at a more affordable level than were
previously approved. We look forward to working with the Town as we continue to
preserve, promote, and protect the special character of Los Gatos.
ffiIBIT 5