2010090707a - MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL 8-16-10DRAFT Council/Agency Meeting 09/07/10 Item # G`- MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 16, 2010 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITYIREDEVELOPMENTRGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Council Member Steve Rice, Council Member Barbara Spector, and Council Member Mike Wasserman. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dean Marchant, Fisher Middle School led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. PRESENTATION Barbara Cassin -Donation Recognition • Mayor Diane McNutt recognized Barbara Cassin for the contribution of her entire trust estate to the Town's Library. • Commented that Ms. Cassin passed away on May 10, 2010 and will be remembered by many people in the community for her wonderful paintings of Los Gatos and her generous donation to the Library. ® Ms. Dydo, Interim Library Director commented that the Town will honor Ms. Cassin's wish that her trust will have a long lasting benefit for the patrons of the Los Gatos Library. CLOSED SESSION REPORT • There was no Closed Session scheduled for this meeting. __ Page 1 TOWN COUNCIL COUNCILITOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matter • There were no Council Matters for this meeting. Manager Matters Mr. Larson • Commented that August 17, 2010 is the last day to turn in Vote by Mail ballots for the State Senate Special Election and the ballots may be turned in at the Clerk Department until 5:00. • Commented that Friday, August 20, 2010 is the deadline to apply for the Los Gatos Leadership program. Did You Know?? Mr. Bankhead, Librarian • Made a presentation about the Library's legal on-line free music downloads program called Freegal. • Commented that more information can be found at www.losgatosca.gov/library. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) Accept Investment reports for Fourth Fiscal Quarter 09/10 (April through June 2010) Adopt resolution granting approval to modify a conditional use permit to expand an existing restaurant (James Randall Restaurant) to increase the number of easts, to modify the hours of operation, and to allow full alcoholic beverage service on property zoned C-2. APN 510-14-048. Conditional Use Permit Application U-10-009. Project location: 303 - 305 N. Santa Cruz Avenue. Property owner: Bert Millen. Applicant: Brenda Hammond RESOLUTION 201.0-085 Adopt resolution rescinding Resolution 2009-137 and adopting a resolution authorizing the Town of Los Gatos to apply for Federal Stimulus Funding through the Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Program RESOLUTION 2010-086 Page 2 Consent Items -Continued TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 4. Approve Council/Agency minutes of August 2, 2010 5. PPW Job No. 09-06-Los Gatos Library Project 411-821-2501 a. Authorize Town Manager to execute an agreement with Sheri Simons regarding production, purchase and installation of a work of art for the new Los Gatos Library in an amount not to exceed $118,736 b. Authorize Town Manager to execute second amendment to an agreement with Noll & Tam architects in an amount not to exceed $40,650 for design and coordination of donor-related signage and gift opportunity renderings MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski to approve Consent Items #1-5. Seconded by Council Member Steve Rice. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Khanha Thanked the community for its support of the U.S. Census information gathering and congratulated the Town for its participation rate of 77%. Closed Verbal Communications PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. Consider an appeal of a Planning Commission decision denying a request to demolish asingle-family residence, to subdivide a .93 acre parcel into three lots and to construct two new residences on property zoned R-1 :8. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of this project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended. APN 527-42- 008 Architecture & Site Application S-08- 30, 5-09-33 & S-09-34; Subdivision Application M-08-13 Negative Declaration ND-09-02 Property Location:15928 Union Avenue Property Owner: 217 O'Connor LLC. Applicant: Tony Jeans, T.H.I.S. Design Page 3 _ __ __ _ __ _ _ Public Hearings Item #6 -Continued Staff Report made by Suzanne Davis, Senior Planner. Council Comments • Questioned if the current home would need to be demolished prior to the recording of the map. • Questioned the overlap with the Architecture and Site application and the Sub- Division Map Act application. • Questioned if the neighbors had met about the drainage issues. Ms. Davis • Clarified that typically the structures would be removed before the final map is recorded, but the applicants have requested to retain the structure beyond the recordation of the final map. Clarified that the Town's engineering staff did meet with the neighbors and that the neighbors did have some concerns about additional drainage issues and runoff from the proposed homes. Staff felt that the drainage plan could meet the goal of no additional runoff. Mr. Martello • Clarified that critical to tonight's hearing is whether the map goes forward as proposed with a three lot sub-division. If it does not go forward then the Architecture and Site becomes unimportant at this time because it would require redesign. • Clarified that if the Council does decide on a three lot sub-division then Council can decide the Architecture and Site or give direction to staff and the applicant and then refer it back to Development Review Committee or Planning Commission. Open Public Hearing Mr. Jeans, Applicant • Clarified that drainage issues will be less than they currently are at the site and surrounding area. • Commented that the density for the lots is consistent with the regulations in the Subdivision Map Act. • Commented that the Planning Commission when denying the application was discussing issues that would happen after the Architecture and Site process and therefore erred in their decision. • Commented about configurations of homes in neighboring cul-de-sacs. • Commented about the gradual change in house size from the older homes, the newer homes, and the proposed homes in the neighborhood. Commented about the destruction plan for the existing home and the construction traffic plan once the home is demolished. Page 4 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Council Comments • Requested clarification on Planning Commission's decision to deny the application. • Questioned the differential in grade between the proposed homes and Mr. Mangano's home. • Questioned why Mr. Jeans chose the square footage proposed for the homes. • Questioned why Mr. Jeans chose the cottage style home for one of the proposed plans verses the craftsman style home. • Questioned if the roof line on parcel #2 could be reduced to reduce the height of the home. • Questioned if the home on parcel #2 could be moved down and away from the adjacent homes. • Questioned if massing could be considered and does that mean that an approval of the map could have a condition related to massing. Mr. Jeans • Clarified that the Planning Commission had concerns with the massing of the proposed home on parcel #2. • Commented that the Planning Commission started discussing the massing issues and that is why they denied the subdivision. • Commented that there were no elements brought up about the subdivision improvements, but they denied it based on the massing that parcel #2 added to the project. • Clarified that the difference in height between the two homes is about one foot. • Commented that he was trying to keep the smaller homes closest to Mr. Mangano and Ms. Lynott. • Clarified that he felt that he could get mass without the visibility if he went with the cottage design for the proposed home. ® Clarified that they have proposed a two foot reduction for the home on parcel #2. Commented that the reduction could be done without changing the architectural plan of the home. • Commented that he could move the homes a bit and keep the 9 '/2 foot setback. Page 5 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Mr. Martello • Clarified that Council is charged with approval of a subdivision. • Commented that historically the Town has looked at the project first and then the maps come later, nevertheless, when looking at the design of the development permits, the Council no doubt is thinking of how big of a home and where would it go, and therefore, concerned about the potential size of homes and if the usable lot area is within the discussion of the design of the subdivision. • Clarified that when approving the project, even if Council does not get to Architecture and Site, Council could put limits on where the envelope for the house could be and how it should be massed and Council could give direction along those lines and the direction would become conditions. Mr. Schwartz • Expressed concerns about the project and feels that the proposed three lot subdivision does not fit on the site. • Commented that the CEQA study is not adequate. • Requested that the Council uphold the Planning Commission's decision. Council Comments • Questioned if Mr. Schwartr was concerned about the massing of the proposed home or the number of lots. • Questioned if the Architecture and Site application as it currently exists has to be encompassed in the environmental review. Mr. Schwartz • Clarified that his concerns are the lots and the configuration of the proposed homes. • Expressed concerns that the property is too narrow for the three proposed homes. • Commented that he would be more receptive to three single story homes at that site. Mr. Martello • Clarified that this project went forward previously without Architecture and Site, and then Architecture and Site was added to provide a better representation for what the houses would look like, essentially to fill out a shape. • Commented that we agreed with Mr. Schwartz that you cannot separate a project out if you have environmental impacts however, since the outside building envelope had been considered as part of CEQA, adding Architecture and Site did not trigger a further CEQA analysis. Page 6 ____ _ __ Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Ms. Lynott ® Expressed concerns about mass and density of the proposed homes and requested that the homes be single story to retain the view of the hills. • Commented that the homes are massive from her home and from Mr. Mangano's home. Mr. Jafari Expressed concerns about the mass and density of the proposed homes and that the homes do not fit with the neighborhood. Mr. Esche • Expressed concerns about the intensity of the homes and that the three lot subdivision would go against the Town's Land Use Goals and the Town's General Plan. • Commented that the homes in the neighborhood are ranch style homes and the proposed craft style homes are large and massive. • Commented that drainage is an ongoing problem for the area. Council Comments • Requested clarification on the styles of the homes in the neighborhoods and if Mr. Esches feels that a one story home would be compatible with the neighborhood. Mr. Esches Commented that he would like to see homes that are consistent and would fit with the scale and height of other homes in the neighborhood. o Commented that the ideal proposed subdivision would have two homes with one on the Union Avenue side and one located on Panoramic Way. • Commented that there would be a huge impact to the neighborhood with three proposed large homes. Mr. Mangano • Commented that he feels that the proposed subdivision is non-conforming and is not compatible with the neighborhood. • Commented against the proposed project and that the mass is overbearing on his home and on the neighborhood. Mr. Cabral • Expressed concerns about the mass and density of the projects built in other neighborhoods and feels that the developer has done a great job designing the homes for this project. • Commented that the project will bring construction work to the area. __ __- --- -- _ - Page 7 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Mr. Jeans • Confirmed that the proposed reduction to the height is just a bit over two feet. • Commented that the proposals that have been put before Council meet all of the guidelines of the Town. • Commented that Mr. Mangano's home is a craftsman home and blends with the proposed homes. • Commented that many homes in the area are larger than the proposed homes for this project. • Commented that all drainage would be deverted underground to Union Avenue. Council Comments • Questioned if the two foot height reduction was agreed to by the applicant. • Questioned what design would be appropriate to accomplish the 9'/z foot setback by Ms. Lynotts house. Council Discussions • Questioned, for the record, if Mr. Jeans was offering to include the two foot height reduction and would move the home on parcel #2 southwest still allowing a 9 '/2 foot setback. Mr. Jeans • Confirmed that they were offering to include the two foot height reduction as part of the proposed project and that he would include the 9 '/z foot setback. Closed Public Hearing Mr. Martello • Clarified that the appeal is based on the Planning Commission's belief that the proposed project does not meet the Town's density standards and that they mostly likely meant intensity. • Clarified that there is ample evidence in Council's packet from the professional staffs point of view that the proposed project does meet all Town standards and the goals of the General Plan. Page 8 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Council Discussions • Commented that the general design is consistent with other cul-de-sac designs. • Commented on supporting proposed design TM2 rather than TM1. • Commented that the average lot size is comparable to other lot sizes in the neighborhood. • Commented that there is no basis to overturn the Planning Commission's decision. • Commented that they denied the subdivision application based on Sections (b) and (d) and five out of five Planning Commission Members felt that the subdivision did not comply with Section (b) of the Subdivision Map Act. • Commented that three out of five Planning Commissioners felt that Section (d) of the Subdivision Map Act was not physically suitable for the proposed density of the development. • Expressed concerns about the sizes of the homes. • Suggested sending the Architecture and. Site application back to Planning Commission with direction to bring the height of the homes down. • Questioned the impacts to the neighborhood. • Commented that the height will have an immediate impact to Mr. Mangano's and Ms. Lynott's property. • Questioned how the massing affects the neighbors on Panoramic Way. • Commented that parcel two has more mass than the proposed home on parcel three. • Question if it would be an improvement if there was a one story home. Page 9 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Mike Wasserman to grant the appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission on Subdivision Application M-08-13 and Architecture and Site Application S-08-33 and S-09-334 subject to the following additional conditions and findings: A. Additional Conditions: 1. Applicant shall re-design the structure on lot #2 to reduce the mass consistent with Council direction. 2. The structure on lot #2 shall be set back at least 9'/z feet from the property line. 3. To include the two foot height reduction offered by the applicant. B. Additional Findings: 1. The Council finds that a three lot subdivision on the subject parcel is compatible with the neighborhood and that a two lot subdivision which would consist of two 15,000 square foot lots would be less compatible when compared with the size of the neighboring lots. 2. That the project is well designed to fit in with existing development and the three lots proposed produces one additional housing opportunity for the community. Seconded by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski. Council Discussions • Commented that the appropriate conclusion is.that the Planning Commission did err for the reasons stated by Mr. Martello, and there were no findings given and the decision did not validate the discussion. • Questioned if Council would be really denying the application or is Council approving the application with conditions to some portion of redesign with parcel #2. • Suggested that trucks and construction be staged at the property line farthest from the neighbors. • Expressed concerns about height massing and the impact to the neighbors. • Expressed concerns about the height of parcel #2 Mr. Larson • Explained that the proposed plans have not been submitted for parcel #1 and the Architecture and Site applications include parcel #2 and parcel #3. • Commented that the demolition and parcel #3 could be approved tonight. Page 10 Public Hearing Item #6 -Continued Mr. Martello • Clarified that Council would be approving the application for Architecture and Site for parcel #3 and remanding parcel #2 back to the Planning Commission. VOTE: Motion passed 411. Council Member Barbara Spector voted no. Mayor Diane McNutt called for a recess at 8:07 p.m. Meeting resumed at 8:17 p.m. 7. Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report on the Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update (Continued from 8/2110) Staff report made by Wendie Rooney, Director of Community Development and Joel Paulson, Associate Planner. Open Public Hearing Ms. Reagan ® Commented about the dog friendly nature of the community and would like to see stronger language to secure off leash dog times at specific parks. Mr. Mangano • Commented that the vision for Los Gatos includes views of the hills and by eliminating Policy CD-15.8, which relates to discouraging development on or near the hillsides, it eliminates part of the vision. Ms. Quintana ® Commented that there are many changes to the General Plan and there needs to be an opportunity for the public and Council to review the final document prior to adoption. Mr. Larson • Clarified that at the end of the General Plan deliberations, Council will be presented with the option to give staff direction to publish the changes, or to bring it back and further review the final draft document before it goes to print. Council Comments Commented that Council is eager to read the revised document with all the changes that have been made and the next steps would be discussed at the Special meeting on August 18, 2010. ___ -- - - Page 11 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued Closed Public Hearing Page LU-16 Council Comments • Consensus to replace the word "supplement" with "complement." LU-17, j. -North 40 Specific Plan Overlay Council Comments • Commented that the phrases "based on recent Town Council direction" and "a new General Plan designation is proposed" are not appropriate General Plan language since the document is in use for 10 years. • Consensus for staff to revise policy wording. LU-27 -Policy 6,2.and 6.3 Council Comments • Questioned if the Development Policy for In-Fill Projects is a document identified or defined somewhere. Ms. Rooney • Commented that the Development Policy for In-Fill Projects is an adopted policy and the intent is to use it as a guiding policy to determine what "community benefit" means and how it's utilized and to be able to make a' change to the policy, without having to change the General Plan. Council Comments • Commented that it is still unclear what the Development Policy for In-Fill Projects is by reading Policy LU-6.2 and LU-6.3 and questioned if it is identified somewhere. Ms. Rooney • Commented that staff will include in the General Plan glossary, the title of the Development Policy for In-Fill Projects and identify where to find it. LU-27 -Policy LU-6.2 and 6.3 Council Comments • Consensus to combine both policies, as they are very similar. Page 12 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued CD-27 -Policy CD-16.3 Council Comments Commented that the policy wording sets up the expectation that everyone is guaranteed a great view all the time. Consensus to refine the policy wording. CD-29 -Policy-17.4 Council Comments Commented that the wording implies that single-family residences cannot be processed as a planned development. Commented that Council does not want to preclude single-family residences from planned developments applications. Consensus to rephrase the wording so single family residences are not excluded. TRA-16, Add new bullet for Intersection of National and Samaritan ® Commented that the language should be changed or an additional statement should be added reflecting the safety issues at the intersection and future actions that may be taken to alleviate the issues. Consensus to direct staff to refine the language. TRA-44 -Policy TRA-14.3 Council Comments Commented that the recommendation of a two-story parking structure at the Post Office should not be suggested as part of the General Plan because it is problematic as the gateway to the community from the south. Commented that the Town should leave itself open to options of parking structures, but should be cautious about the insertion of language related to multiple levels. Mr. Larson Commented that it may be premature to reference the Post Office property in the General Plan given it's not a parcel that's out of lease or for sale. Clarified that the area of the Post Office property reference in Policy TRA-14.3 has not been designated at this point. Page 13 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued Council Comments • Consensus to direct staff to revise wording by keeping the first and last sentence, and to strike everything in between. TRA-32 and 33 Council Comments • Expressed concerns about the limitations on the dual access and that the current language does not protect the residence against major safety concerns. • Requested that an emergency egress be added for emergency purposes only. Mr. Larson Commented that there are two policies in the Safety area that are recommended to provide additional clarification on access and egress. • Commented that the policies in Traffic clarify that the Town is not utilizing the access areas as traffic capacity enhancement. Council Comments Consensus to include the recommehded wording. CD-26 -Policy CD-15.8 Council Comments • Commented that the intent was not to have a policy to "discourage" development. Commented that the policy should be kept as a stand-alone policy which communicates that the discouragement of development is not the significant issue and that some language be maintained that focuses on what is done to protect the hillsides. Ms. Rooney Commented that if the concern with the policy is more about ecosystem preservation, it would be appropriate to remain in the section; if it is more about view preservation, a more appropriate location should be designated for the policy. Council Comments Consensus to strike Policy CD-15.8, but keep the first line as Policy CD-14. Page 14 _ _ _ _ _ __ Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued OSP-11 -Policy OSP-2.3 Council Comments • Commented that the term "all hillside developments" is very restrictive and questioned if "all hillside developments" is what was intended. • Consensus to refine wording to read: "all subdivisions in hillside developments." OSP-14 -Policy OSP-4.6 Ms. Rooney • Clarified that non-traditional, active recreation space might include activities such as bocce ball, outdoor chess areas, and activities that aren't typically seen in parks. Council Comments • Consensus to recommend that staff refine wording to clarify the policy. OSP-14 -Action OSP-4.2 Council Comments • Consensus to remove Action OSP-4.2. OSP-14 Action 4.4 and 4.5 Council Comments • Commented that this is more of a policy issue rather than an action to conduct a study. • Commented there should be a policy statement that includes opportunities to actively pursue off-leash dog recreation areas and then conduct a study that looks into all opportunities, instead of just a dedicated dog park. Ms. Rooney • Clarified that OSP-4.4 has already been removed. Council Comments • Consensus to direct staff to draft a policy statement and bring a revised action back. _-- - _. Page 15 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued OSP-14 -Action 4.1 Council Comments Commented that Policy OSP-4.6 and Action OSP-4.1 seem redundant. Mr. Capurso Suggested conducting a needs assessment rather than a study for all action items with the exception of 4.1, 4.5 and 4.7 and retaining 4.1 with the specificity removed. Council Comments Consensus to remove Actions OSP-4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.6 and refine the wording of Action OSP-4.1 with the specificity removed. OSP-15 -Policy OSP-5.3 Council Comments Commented that the Policy should have an operational component added to it. Consensus to revise the wording to add an operational context to it, which may include "street furniture" to encourage people to sit and converse. OSP-16 -Policy OSP-5.8 Consensus to revise the wording. OSP-16 -Policy OSP-5.9 Council Comments Suggested listing additional language that specifies the minimum size of multi- family projects that would be required to have a tot lot. Ms. Rooney • Clarified that the Town has current regulations for multi-family residential, which states that a tot lot is required for three or more units. Council Comments Expressed concerns that it is unreasonable to require 2, 3, and 4 unit complexes to provide a tot lot, but does agree that larger complexes should be required to provide one. Consensus to revise the wording to 8 units. - --- Page 16 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued OSP-16 -Action OSP-5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 • Expressed concerns about not providing a cost in action OSP-5.3. Mr. Larson • Commented that it is appropriate to place the actions in a General Plan and the cost can be evaluated at a later time as an operational issue. Mr. Capurso • Commented that the typical type of signs along the trails cost between $1500 and $2000 per sign. • Commented that this is more of an action as sites are redeveloped, and not necessarily a mandate to update existing sites that are not undergoing improvements. Council Comments • Consensus that staff's interpretation is appropriate and recommended a change in the wording to make it clean. OSP-17 -Policy 6.6 Council Comments • Questioned if the Town is trying to increase density on Highway 85 and it seems contradictory to what is already a policy within the General Plan. Ms. Rooney • Commented that this policy is referring to site design issues rather than actual use issues. Council Comments • Consensus to refine the wording of the policy. OSP-18 -Action OSP-6.2 • Consensus to strike entire action. OSP-18 -Action OSP 7.4 and 7.5 Mr. Capurso • Clarified that this action is identifying the areas where there are access issues along the creek trail. Once identified, and as development opportunities come along, the issues can be identified and worked on. Council Comments • Consensus to combine Action OSP-7.4 and 7.5 and to refine the wording. Page 17 Public Hearing Item #7 -Continued OSP-17 -Policy OSP 6.10 Council Comments Consensus to direct staff to refine the wording. OTHER BUSINESS • There is no Other Business scheduled for this meeting. Mayor Diane McNutt continued discussion on the General Plan update to a Special meeting on August 18, 2010. ADJOURNMENT Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator Page 18