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~pW N OF io ~A.~pS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: AUGUST 26, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL ~j^ FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER i'~ // MEETING DATE: 09/07/10 ITEM NO: SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-04 - WEDGEWOOD AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (MULBERRY DRIVE TO GRANADA WAY) 471-812-0112 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HARRIS & ASSOCIATES INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $80,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional engineering design services agreement with Harris & Associates hic. in an amount not to exceed $80,000. BACKGROUND: The adopted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY 2010/11 - 2014/15 designates fimding for various infrastructure improvement projects in order to improve and enhance the quality of life in the cormnunity. Wedgewood Avenue Improvements is one of the projects included in the Town's CIP. This project will allow for the widening of Wedgewood Avenue from Mulberry Drive to Granada Way as well as the installation of sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and storm drain improvements. The FY 2010/11 Capital Budget designates funding in the amount of $85,000 for the design of these improvements. DISCUSSION: In 2007, as a part of a joint project with La Rhiconada Country Club, the Town of Los Gatos conshucted curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and a storm drain system on Wedgewood Avenue from Wimbledon Avenue to Mulberry Drive. These improvements greatly enhanced Wedgewood Avenue by providing safe and functional access far pedestrians as well as a storm drain system that addressed chronic flooding problems in that area. /-°- PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Du'ector of Parks and Public Works Reviewed by: l~ ~-3 Assistant Town Manager own Attorney ~~~~~ _..__-_____._.__.____ Clerk Administrator ~°7 Finance Community Development N:\PPWIMANAGEMENT\COiMCIL\COlJNCIL REPORTS\ZOIO Repor[s\September 7\10-04WedgewoodAvenue.Consul[atit.Desia :doc PAGE2 AUGUST 26, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-04 - WEDGEWOOD AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS (MULBERRY DRIVE TO GRANADA WAY) 471-812-0112 DISCUSSION (confd The next phase of improvements along Wedgewood Avenue was delayed approximately two years ago due to funding issues. As part of the FY 2010/11 budget process, and in order to complete the overall project begun in 2007, the Town Council approved Town Traffic Mitigation funds for the design and construction of curb, gutter, sidewallcs, and a storm drain system on Wedgewood Avenue from Mulberry Drive to Granada Way. The aotual construction of these improvements is scheduled for the FY 2011/12. More specifically, it is anticipated that the project design will be completed by summer 2011 and construction will begin in fall 2011. This improvement project is intended not only to address the lack of dedicated pedestrian and bicycle access on this section of Wedgewood Avenue, but to also perform a minor realignment of Wedgewood Avenue at the large drainage channel on the south side of the road. This drainage facility is owned and operated by Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD). Town staff will collaborate with SCV WD over the next several months to develop this project. The improvements will enhance the operation and traffic flow on Wedgewood Avenue for all users and specifically improve the safety of this roadway for pedestrians and bicyclists. Staff prepared the scope of work for design of this project and solicited cost proposals from three professional engineering consultants. All these firms are well qualified and competent in performing the design services for this project. Bid proposals were received as follows: • Harris & Associates hic. $80,000 • Kier & Wright Engineers & Surveyors Inc. $88,000 • BKF Engineers Inc. $90,625 The proposal from Harris & Associates Inc. is the lowest cost and fully covers the project scope for design and preparation of construction documents. Staff recommends the award of this contract to Harris & Associates Inc. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional engineering design services agreement with Harris & Associates Inc. in an amount not to exceed $80,000. PAGE 3 AUGUST 26, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-04 - WEDGEWOOD AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS (MULBERRY DRIVE TO GRANADA WAY) 471-812-0112 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient fluids available for this project as demonstrated in the table below. Available F~pended/ Proposed. Budget Encumbered _. _ Conh•act _. EY2010/11 Funding To Date Amount 471-812-0112 $ 85,000 $ - $ 80,000 TOTALS TOTA)~E~PIND17 Design $ 55,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 TOTALS Attachments: 1. Consultant Proposal $ 80,000 TFIIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Harris & Associates,. Shaping the Future, One Projedaf a Time A~TACI~)='NT 1 August 13, 2010 Kevin Rohani, PE Town Engineer Town of Los Gatos 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95031 Re: CIP No. 10-04 Wedgewoad Avenue Improvements Request for Proposal Dear Kevin: The Town of Los Gatos is committed to providing safe passage for pedestrians within its community. Thus, the Town has allocated a portion of its Traffic Mitigation Funds this year to design much needed pedestrian improvements along Wedgewood Avenue from Mulberry Drive to Granada Way. Completing designs in a timely manner and assembling bid documents in conformance with the Town's standards is what we do best. / Local Knowledge. The Harris staff successfully delivered two fast-track design projects for the Town of Los Gatos within the last year, Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction and the 2010 Concrete Repair project. We know your staff, processes, procedures, and standards. / Cohesive, Reliable Team. The Harris staff assigned to this project has worked together on multiple design projects and we know how to pull together to deliver projects. For the Parking Lot 6 Reconstruction we produced bid documents in less than 30 days so that the parking lot could be constructed before the busy downtown holiday shopping season. For the 2010 Concrete Repair project, this same team conducted field reviews, tabulated quantities and prepared technical specifications within 8 working days in order to get the project out to bid prior to an impending funding deadline. / Proven Leadership. Our team will be led by our project manager, Millette Litzinger, PE. Millette managed the design team in our Gilroy office to deliver the Town's recent fast-track projects. She has also recently successfully delivered the final construction documents for the City of Gilroy's Downtown Stteetscape project (Sixth Street) and the City of Capitola's Capitola Road Traffic Calming project. Harris has the expert staff and qualifications to assist the Town of Los Gatos in delivering another successful capital project. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Millette Litzinger by phone at our Gilroy office, (408) 842-5777, or by email at mlitzingerQharris-assoa.com. Sincerely, Harris & Associates ~`- Russell Moore, PE, LEED AP, Vice President Project Director 178 Second Street, Suite C Gilroy, California 95020 408.842.5777 f.408.842-5758 harris-assoc.com PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Wedgewood Avenue from Mulberry Drive to Granada Way, approximately 2,000 linear feet, is a two-lane local roadway with no sidewalk or curb and gutter. The north side of the roadway is bordered by residential properties and the south side is bordered by the La Rinconada Country Club Golf Course. About 3 years ago, improvements were constructed on the south side of Wedgewood Avenue east of Mulberry Drive. These improvements included new curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, and parking pull- outs where adequate right of way was available, as well as undergrounding of the existing storm drain system. The intent of this project is to extend these improvements on Wedgewood Avenue west of Mulberry Drive to Granada Way. There will be several design issues to be considered as the construction documents for this project are developed. Right of Way The Town does not intend to purchase any right of way for this project. However, it appears that a portion of the existing roadway maybe within right of way owned by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. The right of way will need to be verified and coordinated with the Water District. Geometries If possible, the Town would like to improve the geometries of the roadway by smoothing out some of the curved alignments. Re-alignment of the roadway wIll be investigated during the preliminary design phase, considering the available right of way. Storm Drainage The existing storm drain system on the south side of Wedgewood Avenue is combination of an underground system and a surface drainage ditch. In order to accommodate the sidewalk improvements, the ditch will need to be enclosed in an underground system. Design of this system will require coordination with the Water District. Existing headwalls may require modification or removal and displacement of the air relief valves will need to be considered. In addition, backfilling the existing ditch may require removal of some trees. It is our understanding that the Town would like to keep any oaks trees and the larger diameter trees, if possible. Retaining Wall A short segment on south side of the roadway near Granada Way has a cut slope. Extending the sidewalk improvements in this area may require a retaining wall. Publie Outreach The majority of the improvements will impact the Santa Clara Valley Water District's facilities. Thus, the Water District will be a major stakeholder in the project and should be involved in the project development during the preliminary design phase. Other stakeholders to be contacted early in the design process include the La Rinconada Country Club, adjacent residents, and two nearby schools. Looking west, ditch to be cronverted to underground drainage system to accommodate a sidewalk. Looking east, the catslope on [he south side may require a remiairzg wall to accommodate a stdermlk. Looking west, improvements completed east ofMu(berry Drive, including parking pul(auts. Looking east, curve in roadway [0 6e considered far realignment. SCOPE OF WORK The Harris team will provide civil engineering, and surveying design services to prepare construction documents suitable for bidding, and compliant with the Town's requirements. The project will construct curb, gutter, sidewalks, curb ramps, and parking pull-outs on the south side of Wedgewood Avenue from Mulberry Drive to Granada Way. The existing drainage system will be undergrounded to accommodate the new improvements. Harris' scope of work to prepare bid package will include the following tasks: > Task 1: Preliminary Design Task 2: Final Design > Task 3: Bidding Services > Task 4: Construction Services > Task 5: Project Management Task is Rreliminary Design Task 1.1 Kick-off Meeting. Harris will meet with the Town to confirm scope of work, schedule, budget, availability of project documents, and format of deliverables. Specifically, the bid package will be discussed and defined taking into consideration the type of work, limits of work, and any funding requirements. Task 1.2 Field Review. Harris will conduct an initial field review of Wedgewood Avenue. Follow-up visits will be conducted as necessary to understand the street's unique features that will affect the design, construction and preparation of the contract documents. Task 1.3 Data Gathering. Harris will gather and review existing record documents that are pertinent to the project's development. Typical data collection includes: > As-built plans and improvement plans for existing roadway facilities > Design standards, details, and specifications > Readily available mapping and aerial photographs ® Town bench marks for vertical control and survey monuments for horizontal control > Record of Survey > Traffic data > Utility block maps > Geotechnical reports s Tract maps, parcel maps, and right-of-way record maps Task 1.4 Utility Coordination. It is not anticipated that any utilities within the roadway will need to be relocated. However, Harris will contact PG&E, and telecommunication, fiber optic and other utility companies for records of their existing facilities. Based on the information provided from the utility companies, Harris will identify potential utility conflicts and notify the utility companies regarding adjustments. Given that the project will involve enclosing the drainage ditches along the north side of Wedgewood Avenue, we anticipate working closely with the Town and the Santa Clara Valley Water District while developing the improvement plans. We have budgeted for two coordination meetings with the Water District as part of the utility coordination effort. Task 1.5 Surveying. It is our understanding the topographic survey information is available and will be provided by the Town for use as base maps. However, we have budgeted 1-day of a two-man field crew to provide supplemental survey information, if needed. Our subconsultant -Ruggeri Jensen Azar (RJA)-will provide these surveying services if needed. Task 1.6 Right of Way Investigations. It is anticipated that all improvements will remain within the existing right of way. As indicated in Task 1.3, we will gather parcel maps and use this information to verify the right of way lines provided by the Town are accurate. It appears that some of the roadway maybe within the Water District's right of way, so this issue will be investigated and resolved as well. If the right of way can not be adequately defined using the parcel maps, then a title search can be conducted as an optional service. Task 1.7 Preliminary Design. Harris will work closely with the Town in preparation of contract documents. Based on the field reviews, information gathered (surveys and right of way investigations), and input from the Town staff, Harris will develop preliminary layout sheets at 20-scale delineating the new sidewalk, curb, gutter, curb ramps, parking improvements, underground storm drain improvements, and pavement delineation plans illustrating curve corrections. A cover sheet and typical section will also be prepared. These plans will be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to Harris proceeding to Task 2: Final Design. A preliminary opinion of probable construction costs will also be prepared to confirm the proposed project is within the Town budget. Task 1.8 Public Outreach. Since the improvements are limited to the south side of Wedgewood Avenue, adjacent to the Rinconada Country Club, it is assumed the public outreach activities will be limited to one meeting with the Country Club and one combined meeting with interested private property owners and the school district during the Preliminary Design phase. Exhibits to be used during the public outreach meetings will be the preliminary plans. Task i Deliverables > Kick off meeting minutes s Preliminary plans including cover sheet, layout plans with base mapping, and typical section > Preliminary opinion of probable construction costs > Right of Way Line Verification, in AutoCAD > Public Outreach meeting minutes Task 2: Fina( Design Task 2.1 Submittals. Separate construction documents including plans, technical specifications, and opinions of probable construction costs will be prepared for Draft Final and Final submittals. After the Draft Final submittal, Harris-will participate in a review meeting with the Town to discuss and resolve comments. Harris will prepare a written response to comments, as well as incorporate comments into the plans, specifications, and estimate. Task 2.2 Plans. Plans will be developed to scale per the Town's standard plan format using AutoCAD. The improvements presented on the plans will be designed to meet the latest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and accessibility requirements and to provide positive drainage. Harris will prepare street improvement plans that will include the plan sheets listed below. Each sheet of the final plans will be stamped and signed by the Engineer of Record: > Cover sheet, including title, sheet index, vicinity map, location maps, notes, and graphical scale (1 sheet) Typical sections (1 sheet) > Details (sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, retaining wall and storm drainage, 2 sheets) > Plan and Profile sheets depicting proposed improvements (5 sheets) > Temporary traffic control plan, which considers motor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian, and provides safe access and minimizes disruption (1 sheet) > Striping and pavement markings (3 sheets) Task 2.3 Specifications. Harris will prepare technical specifications for review and comment by the Town. The specifications will be in CSI or Caltrans' standard format as designated by the Town. The technical specifications will include a description of each item on the bid schedule with requirements for payment. Additionally, the list of submittals, bid schedule, and list of information available to bidders will be prepared and the allowed construction time period determined. It is assumed that the Town will prepare the front end specifications. Task 2.4 Opinion of Probable Construction Costs. A detailed cost estimate will be prepared for Draft Final and Final submittals, including quantity takeoffs, unit costs, and cost estimates for each element of the project. Task 2.5 Quality Control Review. Deliverables produced for submittals will be checked prior to submission to the Town. Harris will utilize staff members who are not affiliated with the project on a day-to-day basis. Task 2 Deliverables Electronic submittals will be in AutoCAD and Adobe for plans, MS Word and Adobe far specifications, and MS Excel and Adobe for cost estimates or spreadsheets. > Draft Final PS&E submittal > Final PS&E submittal Written responses to Town review comments (along with any mark ups provided by the Town) Task 3: Bidding Services Task 3.1 Bidding Services. Harris will attend a pre-bid meeting and prepare minutes of the meeting. Harris will prepare responses to bidders Request for Information (RFIs) in a timely manner, including the preparation of details, if needed. Harris will prepare technical data required to support addenda materials. Task 3.2 Contract Approval and Award. We will analyze bids, prepare a bid summary, and make written recommendations to the Town Council concerning award of the construction. Task3 Deliverables > Minutes of pre-bid meeting > Written responses to RFIs Addenda documentation as needed Bid summary s Award of construction memo Taskci: Construetion Services Task 4.1 Construction Services. Harris will. provide the construction services listed below on an as-needed basis. > Attend and prepare minutes up to four construction meetings, including the pre- constructionmeeting, two construction contract meetings, and one field review meeting > Prepare responses to Contractor's Request for Information (RFIs) in a timely manner, including the preparation of additional details and revisions to the plans and specifications > Review and respond to Contractor's submittals and proposed substitutions for conformance to the plans and technical specifications, as well as proposed contract changes orders > Prepare as-built drawings from redlines provided by the Contractor and field reviews Task 4 Deliverables > Minutes of construction meetings > Written responses to RFIs, submittals, proposed substitutions, and contract change orders As-built drawings Task 5: Project Management Task 5.1 Schedule and Budget. Harris' project management functions will include monitoring the schedule and budget; ensuring the delivery of submittals and conformance with applicable standards; and facilitating verbal and written communication through meetings, project documentation, and progress reports. Tasks Deliverables m Monthly progress reports and invoices > Project Schedule SCHEDULE It is anticipated that the design contract will be awarded in early September 2010 and that the design will be complete by the end of April 2011. This will allow 8 months to complete the preliminary design, public outreach, and final design tasks, which is more than sufficient. Construction of the project would then begin in the Summer of 2011. A detailed Microsoft Project schedule will be developed as part of Task 5: Project Management. KEY HARRIS STAFF This section includes biographies of our key staff members and describes their qualifications and roles for your project. Project Manager Millette Litzinger, PE, is a senior project manager with more than 22 years of experience in transportation engineering, ranging from preliminary engineering to preparation of final construction documents for local street improvements, highway widenings, bridge replacements, interchanges, and grade separations. Her responsibilities have included design of horizontal and vertical alignments, grading, drainage, utilities, stage construction, traffic management, and pavement delineation and signs, as well as preparation of construction cost estimates and project specifications, and administration of construction support services. She excels at keeping projects within budget and delivering them on-time, especially for fast-track assignments. Rvle: Millette will be responsible far managing the design team and will be your day-to-day contact. Project Engineer John Ilasin, PE has ten years of progressive work experience in municipal public works management and engineering. This includes preparing plans, specifications, and estimates for capital improvement program (CIP) projects; program managing development review and inspection process; reviewing improvement plans; examining subdivision maps; preparing policies and standard procedure guides; preparing city council and advisory board agenda item staff reports; and supporting street maintenance operations. He recently served as project engineer for the Town's 2010 Concrete Repair project, conducting field reviews and preparing the construction cost estimate. Role: John will be responsible for the technical details of the design development including field reconnaissance, plan layout and detail preparation, technical specifications, and quantity takeoffs and estimate preparation. Project Technician Edgar Andales is a registered professional engineer in the Philippines with over 12 years of experience with a concentration on providing design and CAD drafting for both public works and land development projects. He has provided grading and drainage plans and profile sheets for several local street projects, including streetscapes and traffic calming improvements as well as street rehabilitation. Role: Edgar will be responsible for field reconnaissance, plan preparation, drafting and CAD file maintenance, and quantity takeoffs. Project Director Russell Moore, PE, LEED AP, Vice President, is a registered civil engineer with 25 years of professional experience. In his 20 years at Harris, he has served as project director, manager, or principal engineer on over 400 infrastructure design projects, including streets, highways, and bridges. Role: Russ will allocate resources and provide oversight to our design engineers to make sure that deadlines are met, quality of finished products meet Town standards, and that your expectations are met or exceeded. SUBC©NSULTANT Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar's (RJA) professionals achieve the modern day challenge of harnessing technology while adhering to established survey principles. Using their Leica System 1200 GPS, RJA operates on the TRKMAX Network with a base station mounted on their building in Gilroy and networking with the multiple stations throughout Northern California. This technology allows RJA field crews the ability to begin collecting real-time GPS data within minutes after arriving on the jobsite. Town of Los Gatos Wedgewood Avenua: Mulherry Drive to Granada Way Tesk Descd Lion - Hou Rate PD/OC $ 220.00 PM $ 185.00 Hours PE $ 150.OD TECH $ 130.00 CLERICA $ 70.00 Subcons. Surve in Subcons. Reimbursables Re roductlons FEE 1.0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN 1.1 Kickoff Meetin 1 m 2 2 4 $950 1.2 Field Review 4 20 8 $4,780 1,3 Data Gathenn 1.4 UUII Coordination 2 mt s 1.55urve In 8 12 2 8 12 10 4 4 8 $2,500 $3,980 $5,100 $3,390 1,6 RI ht of Wa Investl ations 2 4 12 $2,530 1.7 Prellmina Desi n 4 18 24 $100 $8,360 1.8 Public Outreach 2 mt s 8 8 12 1 $100 $4,410 Subtotal 0 42 70 74 13 $2,500 $0 $200 $31,500 2.0 FINAL DESIGN (Dreg Final and FInaI) 2,1 Suhmittals 2.2 Plans 2 16 5 80 4 e0 2 $300 $2,530 $23,660 2.3 S eciFlCations 6 18 2 $4,020 2.4 0 Inion of Probable ConsVUCUon Costs 4 ifi 8 $4,180 2.5 Qual' Control Review 4 2 $1,250 Subtotal 4 32 100 102 4 $D $0 $300 $35,640 3.0 BIDDING SERVICES 3.1 Biddle Services 6 4 4 $2,230 3.2 CantractA roval and Award i 2 4 + $1,005 Subtotal 0 7 6 8 0 $0 $0 $0 $3,235 4.0 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 4.1 ConsWcBon Services as-needed B 24 12 $6,640 Subtotal 0 8 24 12 0 $0 $0 $D $6,640 5.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5,1 Schedule and Bud et 2 8 4 2 $2,660 2 6 4 0 2 $0 $0 $0 $2,880 SubconsuRant Marku 10%, $250 $0 $50 $300 TOTAL 8 97 204 198 19 $2,750 $0 $550 $79,975 Rounded TOTAL $80,0011 COMPENSATION An estimated Level of Effort to provide the services outlined in our Scope of Work is shown below. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. Approximate total length of project is 2,000 linear feet. 2. Estimated construction costs is $900,000 per the Town. 3. Plan Sheet List: Description SCALE #Sheets Cover Sheet None 1 Typical Sections None 1 Details None 2 Plan and Profile 20 5 Traffic Control 100 1 Pavement Delineation 40 3 TOTAL PLAN SHEETS 13 4. Hourly rates shown include all indirect costs, including travel time, mileage, miscellaneous reproduction and copying costs, mailings and delivery costs. 5. Hours and fee are subject to adjustment during scoping session with the Town. 6. Hours and fee for individual tasks are a guide; the total hours and cost far the project takes precedence. 7. Hourly rates shown are averages. Actual rates for positions may vary slightly. 8. Hours and fee maybe renegotiated if the project is delayed by factors beyond Harris' control. 9. Any remaining portion of the fee shown for each design task may be carried over to the next task, 10. Town will perform the following tasks: i. Provide access to any available drawings or information relevant to the project. ii. Provide topograhic survey information to use as base mapping. iii. Final "front-end" documents. iv. Printing of PS&E set for bid advertisement and construction. 11. Utility companies will design their relocations, if any are needed. 12. The number of budgeted meetings is indicated on the spreadsheet. 13. Town comments at each review stage will be presented to Harris on one consolidated set of marked up documents. 14. Redesign required due to changes made by Town after Draft Final submittal are subject to additional fee to Harris & Associates. 15. Printing of final bid documents will be by the Town (or by Harris at cost plus 10%). 16. No high-risk utilities exist in the project area. This Page Intentionally Left Blank