2010090703 - PPW Job No.10-05 - Blossom Hill Road Improvments Project - BKF Engineers Award BidSOWN Op MEETING DATE: 09/07/10 = ITEM NO: •~~• ~`~.~. !ps GASES COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: AUGUST 26, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL ~//~~ f? FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER ,~" SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-OS -BLOSSOM HILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (CHERRY BLOSSOM LANE TO CAMINO DEL CERRO) 471-812-0111 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BKF ENGINEERS INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $87,877. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional engineering design services agreement with BKF Engineers Inc. in an amount not to exceed $87,877. BACKGROUND: The adopted Capital Irnprovement Program (CIP) for FY 2010/11 - 2014/15 designates funding for various infrastructure improvement projects for the purpose of improving and enhancing the quality of life in the community. The Blossom Hill Road improvements are one of the projects included in the Town's CIP. This project will allow for the widening of Blossom Hill Road between Cherry Blossom Lane and Camino del Cerro, the reconfiguring of crosswalks at Blossom Hill and Cherry Blossom, and the installation of sidewalks and bicycle lanes along Blossom Hill Road. The FY 2010/11 Capital Budget designates funding in the amount of $90,000 for the design of these improvements. DISCUSSION: Blossom Hill Road is a major arterial road in the Town, and is the primary east-west connection to San Jose and the neighboring communities. Additionally, it is the direct access route to Blossom Hill Elementary School and Fisher Middle School. The section of Blossonn Hill Road from Santa Cruz Avenue to Cherry Blossom Lane has already been improved with standard roadway width, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes, and is within Town limits. ~ __ PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Reviewed by: ~_Assistaut Town Manager ~~'Ifown Attorney Clerk Administrator ~~ finance Community Development PAGE 2 AUGUST 26, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO 10-OS -BLOSSOM HILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (CHERRY BLOSSOM LANE TO CAMINO DEL CERRO) 471-812-0111 DISCUSSION (cont'd Although the section of Blossom Hill Road from Cherry Blossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro is also within the Town limits, it is also adjacent to neighborhoods within unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County and the City of San Jose. Staff has worked over the past several years to secure grant funding for improvements on this section of Blossom Hill Road (Chevy Blossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro). The Town was not successful in securing the Safe Routes to School grant from State of California in 2008 for this project, however, an improved and revised application has been submitted for the 2010 grant cycle. The Town Council, as part of the FY 2010-11 budget process, approved funding from the Town Traffic D2itigation funds for design and construction of the improvements along Blossom Hill Road from Cherry Blossom Lane to Camuio Del Cerro. If the Town is successful in securing the Safe Routes to School grant for 2010, the grant funds will be used for the project in place of Town funds. This approach ensures that much needed improvements will be designed and conshucted using either funding scenario. Staff prepared the scope of work for design of this project and solicited cost proposals from three professional engineering consultants. All tlu•ee of these firms are well qualified and competent in performing the design services for this project. Bid proposals were received as follows: • BKF Engineers Inc. $87,877 • Harris & Associates Inc. $90,505 • Nolte Associates Inc. $92,482 The proposal from BKF Engineers Inc. is the lowest cost and fiilly covers the project scope of design and preparation of construction documents. Staff recommends the award of this contract to BKF Engineers Inc. Pending approval of the design contract by the Town Council, staff will then work with the consultant to meet with property owners within the project limits on Blossom Hill Road, in order to work cooperatively on the design. Tlris collaborative approach would be to address various roadway deficiencies while accommodatuig individual property owner's needs. It is anticipated that project design will be completed by Summer 2011 and construction will begin in Fall 2011. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to execute a professional engineering design services contract with BKF Engineers Inc. in an amount not to exceed $87,877. PAGE3 AUGUST 26, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-OS -BLOSSOM HILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (CHERRY BLOSSOM LANE TO CAMINO DEL CERRO) 471-812-0111 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds available for this project as demonstrated in the table below. _ _ __ __ Available Expended/ Proposed , _ Budget Nhcumbered Contract ~ Avulable EY2010/11 Funding To Date Amount .;Balance .;`. 471-812-0111 $ 90,000 $ - $ 87 877 ~ 2,123 TOTALS $ 90,000 $ 87,877 ~~` 2,~~,3 TOTQLk~INDl'I'ORES:BYCA"~'N~G Q12X Design $ 87,877 TOTALS $ 87,877 Attachments: 1. Consultant Proposal THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY -LEFT BLANK t August 13, 2010 ATTACHMENT 1 Town of Los Gatos Parks & Public Works Department 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95031 Attn: Kevin Rohani, P.E., Town Engineer RE: PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR PROJECT #10-OS BLOSSOM HILL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Dear Mr. Rohani, It is with continued interest and excitement that BKF Engineers (BKF) is responding to your request for proposal (RFP) and submitting this cost proposal pertaining to the Town of Los Gatos Consu/cant Services for Project #ZO-o3 8/ossom Hill Road Improvements (Cherry 8/ossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro) (Project). BKF has an excellent reputation of developing roadway design with high quality construction documents and punctual project delivery. B.KF's ability to perform all the required work in-house results in a stellar history of performance in delivering roadway projects for our clients. From first-hand experience and interaction on other projects, you are aware that each member of our team will be committed through the duration of the Town's Project. To emphasize our commitment, I am proposing to be the Project Manager on the Town of Los Gatos Project and will personally ensure that the Town's objectives and goals are met. BKF's experience and success in the development of construction documents is also demonstrated by the consistency of our design team. The majority of BKF staff has worked together for over 10 years and has produced over 500 major and minor public projects in California. These projects exceed $1 billion in construction costs. The stability and project knowledge of the BKF team emphasizes BKF's commitment to providing exceptional service to the Town of Las Gatos. BKF Engineers is excited to continue a successful relationship with the Town of Los Gatos. BKF understands the commitment and resources necessary to deliver the Project. The BKF team and the Town of Los Gatos have had a great working relationship, and the BKF team is excited to continue to provide our outstanding level of service to the Town of Los Gatos. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the enclosed proposal and look forward to working with the Town of Los Gatos in the near future. Please contact Natalina Bernardi at (408) 467-9100 if any additional information is required. Very truly yours, BKF ENG ERS tali a V. Bern i, P.E. rinci al and Vi President 1650 7echnalagy Drive, Suite 65Q =San da=e, GA 951 i Q T fflnR5 dfi7-Q9 t7~sF IdliRl bF'; -A'Im4 - i BkF BKF Engineers (BKF) is pleased to propose on the Town of Las Gatos Project #10-OS Blossom Hill Road Improvements (Cherry Blossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro) (Project). The work involved for the project specifically compliments BKF's skills and expertise. BKF provides a large spectrum of services including civil engineering, surveying, traffic, land planning and public outreach services for local agencies (including City, State and Federal), developers, contractors, and corporations. BKF has built a reputation over the last 25 years on its ability to successfully manage, design, and process roadway projects of various scope and size on schedule and within budget. We understand the commitment and resources necessary to deliver projects efficiently for the benefit of the public. BKF has the organizational depth of expertise and ability to draw upon diverse services and staff as a project progresses. BKF's goal is to maintain our long-term working relationships with our clients by producing accurate, cost-effective work products and delivering them on schedule. For the Town's Project, BKF has assembled a project team which will be committed to the success of the Project. This skilled design team is uniquely qualified and experienced. All the work to meet the goals of the project will be performed by BKF with the exception of the design of minor retaining walls which will be provided by Biggs Cardoso Associates (BCA). BKF has developed a work plan and cost proposal for the development of the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for Project #10-5. Based on our field review and the project objectives and goals, it is BKF's understanding that the Town of Los Gatos wishes to improve Blossom Hill Road as follows: Project # 10-OS Blossom Hill Road Improvements (Cherry Blossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro) The Town of Los Gatos desires to have continuous bike lanes and sidewalks from Cherry Blossom Lane to Camino Del Cerro (approximately 3600 linear feet). The addition of the sidewalk facility will connect to the existing sidewalks. The proposed improvements will be constructed within the existing street right of way. Given this, excess street width will be used to implement improvements thus requiring the development of a revised striping plan along Blossom Hill Road to install the proposed bike lanes. Based on a cursory visual inspection, it appears that sidewalk along the south side of Blossom Hill Road will be constructed from the existing sidewalk to the east of Blossom Hill Elementary School and continue easterly where it will confirm to an existing sidewalk to the west of Atwood Road. The proposed sidewalk along the north side of Blossom Hill Road will be installed from Cherrystone Road to an existing sidewalk to the west of Camino Del Cerro. The sidewalk alignment may also meander within the project site in order to avoid existing obstructions while staying within the existing street right of way. The sidewalk will be a minimum of 4-feet wide and be ADA compliant. In designing the sidewalk improvements, curb and gutter will be installed. Based on the existing profile of Blossom Hill Road, it is assumed that the storm runoff will flow to existing catch basins along Blossom Hill Road and at the curb returns of the side streets. It is assumed that the Blossom Hill Road Improvements are exempted from the current C3 water quality requirements. The design of the improvements will be considerate of existing conditions including improvements that may have been built within the street right of way by adjacent property owners. BKF will carefully review the grades at driveway entrances to private parcels to ensure that there are no negative consequences to the owners. Based on the existing site grading and working within the existing right of way, small retaining walls may be required at certain locations along the sidewalk. These walls will be designed by BCA. In addition to restriping Blossom Hill Road for bike lanes, BKF will evaluate the existing excess paved area to the east of Blossom Hill Elementary School and provide parallel parking stalls enhance the area. It is assumed that the Town will provide the required environmental clearance for the Blossom Hill Road Improvements. Geotechnical exploration will not be included as part of this proposal; it will be assumed that unusual soil conditions are not present within the project site. Aerial mapping will not be utilized to develop project base sheets. BKF will use the Town's available site information and supplement available information with a topographic survey to obtain an accurate base for the design. BKF understands that the proposed work will be interfacing with several property owners and assist the Town with community outreach including presenting the project to the community via a public meeting. The Town desires to have approved bid plans and specification for advertisement so that the construction of the Blossom Hill Road Improvements may commence in Spring 2011. BKF is committed to meet the Town's schedule and goals accordingly. www.bk?.com Bkf The proposed tasks for the development of the PS&E for the Town's Project are as follows: Task 1 Projeet Management BKF's Principal-in-Charge/Project Manager (Project Manager) will be responsible for managing the project team including the subconsultant team, providing the resources to complete the job, monitoring and updating the Project budget and schedule, implementing a quality assurance/quality control program and communicating regularly with the Town and stakeholders. BKF's Project Manager will keep the Town informed by close communications on a day-to-day basis and be continually available to Town as needed. To maintain the Project schedule, BKF will act as strategic counsel by flagging issues, providing recommended solutions for discussion and implementing the accepted action. BKF will ensure that coordination with the Town and stakeholders is enhanced via focus meetings as needed. During the PS&E, meetings will take place to review the design and comments at the various stages of design. For the Blossom Hill Road Improvements project, BKF will be available to assist the Town with obtaining stakeholder consensus. BFK will attend and present the project to the stakeholders at a community public meeting. BKF will provide project management services for each task for the entire duration of the projects. BKF's Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the project tasks are completed in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the Town. Task 2 Data Collection Immediately after receiving the Notice-to-Proceed, BKF will perform Feld investigations and review all available documentation. We will conduct preliminary investigations and verify right-of-way and utility locations. This task will consist of compiling, reviewing existing data pertinent to the Project and performing investigations necessary to verify the Project criteria and scope. Also included are planning phase activities, identifying supplemental information and surveys, conducting site visits/field review/field trips, and obtaining information and requirements related to utilities and right-of-way conditions. BKF will include the following during this task: Data Collection and Review -BKF will obtain and review available data and information necessary for the design of the Project. This information may be obtained from the Town and utility companies, or other organizations. Data to be reviewed includes the following: o As-built plans • Utility information • Survey control data • Right-of-way information Site Visits -BKF will conduct frequent site visits to evaluate and document the existing Project site conditions. Desion Surveys and Survey Control Data -BKF will provide supplemental design surveying services for the Project. BKF will review the existing available information and perform additional field surveys necessary to support the Project design. The survey information will be used to supplement the Project base sheets. Right of way will be delineated on the base sheets and will be based on record information. It is not anticipated that right of way boundary resolution will be conducted for the Project. wwa+!.bitr.com BkF Utility Verification -BKF will perform utility research to map the existing utilities in the Project area. It is anticipated that utility relocations will be avoided by the project improvement design. This level of effort will minimize construction costs and ensure the correct placement of the proposed improvements. BKF will: • Review as-built utility information • Request utility mapping from all affected utility owners • Update base mapping with existing utility information • Submit utility maps to affected utility owners for verification • Identify potential utility conflicts Task 3 Preliminary Design Upon completing the review of available documentation, BKF will initiate the preliminary design process by evaluating the geometric design that would satisfy the Project need and purpose. The geometric alignments, both horizontal and vertical, will be developed with sufficient detail to describe the existing and proposed Project elements. The preliminary design will be developed based on collectively considering existing features, the existing available right of way, coordination of above and below ground utilities, and the circulation and installation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Based on the review of existing information and the assessment performed, BKF will develop geometric alternatives including vertical design information which address the assessment results and the Project goal. The goal of this phase is to finalize the alignments and develop a conceptual plan for the Town's review. For the Blossom Hill Road Improvements Project, the conceptual plan can be used in the presentation to the community. The concept drawings developed will be enhanced to create an exhibit which clearly demonstrates the project features. The exhibit will be presented to the community in a public forum. The exhibit will delineate pedestrian and bicycle facilities and the existing right of way line. Typical cross sections can be added to identify features in relationship to the right of way. Task 4 65% PS&E Submittal All components of the final design plans, special provisions and estimate will be included during this task. With the establishment and review of the geometric design and vertical alignments, design will be production-oriented for preparation of project plans. The plans will be developed to a 95% level in order to obtain a thorough understanding of the proposed design features. Development of the following information will be performed during this task in order to provide a 65% PS&E submittal to the Town: Title Sheet will be prepared to provide an overview of the project limits and an index of project sheets. Lavout and Gradino Plans will be prepared on 40' scale plan sheets. Skeleton base sheets will include basic horizontal and vertical layout information and identify all major construction features. Existing utilities will be identified on the plans so that potential obstructions can be highlighted to contractors. In addition to existing utility information, existing drainage facilities will be identified. The plans will identify drainage modifications, locations of structures and subsurface features. Elevations and details will be provided in order to establish the construction of the drainage features. Construction Detail Sheets will identify various elements of work which require additional detail or enlarged scales. Sionino and Strioina Plan will be prepared on 40' scale and will delineate the proposed striping and sign plan. Afield survey will be conducted to develop an inventory of existing signs so that the disposition of existing signs may be highlighted in the plans. Stage Construction and Traffic Handlino Plans will be prepared which will address any roadway modifications needed during the process of constructing the bike lanes and sidewalk. The plans will also identify construction area signs. www.bkf.com `® ~kF Specifications will be prepared for all work items necessary for the construction of the Project. BKF will assemble the specification which shall be in accordance with the Town standards. The Town will provide the "boiler plate" for the specifications. Cost Estimates -BKF will review current information available on the Project and conduct an independent construction cost estimate in order to validate the current estimates and verify funding requirements for construction of the projects. The cost estimate will identify construction work items, quantities, unit costs, and summarize the estimated total Project cost. Oualiy Assurance/Oualiy Control (OA/Q~ -BKF will perform an in-house QA/QC review of the documents submitted to the City and Caltrans. BKF's quality control review for the 95% submittal will include the review of the design package for compliance with the governing jurisdictional standards and completeness. The review will focus on ensuring that the plan elements are clearly delineated. The different project sheets will present the design in a common manner with no contradictions or variances. Task 5 !00% PS&E Submittal BKF will focus on resolving and incorporating all design comments resulting from the 65% submittal. All gaps in the design caused by changes will be specifically targeted for immediate resolution. Construction details for the project elements will be finalized as part of this phase of the design process. With the 65% PS&E comments and completed resolution meetings, the Project plans will be updated for this submittal. During this task, BKF's experienced Project Manager will closely monitor the progress of the following critical activities and the progress of finalizing the design. The individual components of the PS&E will be reviewed for completeness and compliance to standards. A complete, checked set of documents will be made available. Prior to delivering the 100% submittal, BKF will complete its own in-house quality control review of all outgoing documents. Cost estimates and schedules will be updated and compared to the available budget. Task E Bid Set Submittal For the Bid Set submittal, BKF will incorporate and resolve any final remaining comments as a result of the 100% submittal in order to produce bid documents which are ready to advertise. All aspects of the design will be finalized in order to prepare a complete set of final and constructible bid documents. Prior to completion of the 100% design documents, the design team will conduct additional site investigations. It is crucial that the design engineers are confident that existing conditions are depicted accurately in the documents. BKF will conduct a final quality control review on all documents to ensure that all design elements are thoroughly addressed. Task 7 Construction Support BKF will be available to provide design support services during the construction phases BKF's Project Manager will be responsive to the Town's request to attend required meetings, and be available to answer RFI's, review submittals and shop drawings and provide drawings or supplemental information for construction facilitation. At the conclusion of the construction project, BKF can modify the design plans with the contractor's red-lined mark-ups in order to provide Project as-built documents. :vuttt~.~kY.c°m O U Q r V O C V v h r o m irh ,vo ``~ 0 L ~ O ~ 3 .~ 0 0 L C~ L +' ~ tl C 0 0 q 0 0 a V O C` • ..' O N N N O OJ # v1 Q ~[1 N o~ m m m .. 10 o N o f~ o W m I`~. m. co N n M N: O V m M V - ID m V m , - f0 m. 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