2010081806 - Attachment 11Conditions ffor Discussionl that might Benefit Neihbors: • The removal of trees 13, 14, 15 should be mitigated by the planting of six (6) Myrica Californica 24" box trees along the northwest property line for screening purposes. Tree removal and replacement should occur concurrently with the installation of the storm drain to Union Ave. Tree #10 should be retained. [Benefits Lynot] • Six (6) Myrica Californica 24" box trees should be planted along the northeast property line for screening purposes. [Benefits Mangano] • The fence along the north property line should match the existing Mangano/Lynott fence in style and height [6ft with a lft lattice] subject to a Building Permit with a mutual written agreement between neighbors. [Benefits Lynot and Mangano] • Removal of trees 1, 2, 4 should be mitigated by planting six (6) Redwood 24" box trees along the southwest property line for screening purposes. Tree removal and replacement should occur concurrently with Union Ave street improvements. [Benefits Martinez] • Any house design proposed for Parcel 1 should attempt to retain the Chinese Elm [Tree #3] centrally located on the p~ ,~,~' property. [Benefits artinez, Lynot and P~~cel >r ~s well ~~,~,o~s 'J Drainage I - ~ u lie Retent~io"n'~-rGfher than m "Infiltration" techniques. [Benefits Lynot, Buesing, Mangano] Any Driveway along the north Property Line shall have a curb at its north edge to minimize run-off toward neighboring ~~~ properties. [Benefits Lynot, Buesing, Mangano] ~~Ei~Et~ J~1N 9 _ 2iJ"i0 TOWN flF LOS GATOS PLANNINv DIVISION ATTACA[fENT ll This Page Intentionally Left Blank ~~-, 06/09/10 Addendum for Los Gatos Planning Commission Hearing on 06/09/10 Regarding 15928 Union Ave. Subdivision/A&S Submitted by Geoff Mitchell Contents: Attached documents show the historical application by previous property owner, Joe Iwashita, fora 3-lot subdivision and resulting final approval of a 2 lot subdivision by the Los Gatos Planning Commission. JUN 9 - Z~10 TONlN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION ATTACHMENT 12 l , PLAN ~~~f ~ M N~~ p~~~~~orm (PLrnaa TyPa nr Pr£nt) p¢CS 7YPE OF AppIIGiICii(S) F1739 FEES 1.EG'21D OF ) 1. Eor[eM title te?or[ dated uithira 2 ;:@e_'is of aPPiication sluuing Ptoef of ouaerstvp aM legal LeseriPticn. (:bt tegoi+°-d fcr single faoill structuLes.) 2. '!uel'.e seas Of plaid, Sncl_dir.¢ plot Riaz:, greding, Hoer Plans. buildin4 slang l~a@ s end larASCaping pl c aiSs, i. arty. ' attached applicadoa suPPi~~t for Cetails.) ~, Emlete related portion of APOliwticn >uP?lPa'ent. v. T.elva copies of a Plot plan sttcuirg total prvpercy :iCer a?plieatia- 5. EifJtteen mplas of terttati~'e reap. 70 LwP~. P'61:5, OR i!: R%F :^.::~ Sel^-':,li Sn.I.S -:: nc;iG1'S BP SU2NI7"=ep G SRii:S?aLSSJ:::: ^:- 30" x 92". lama: l~r aa:e rn az: me:xd ¢-n/ia¢tian avpptam:nz of Ts ?e.:.itt@d by Section _{. ~..t.-~- of eta ^.crung .-:~'.vnn.a "'' Re=casing fm¢ to request is for a Plaraed Lte~eiepaeLCation . infomatim as fisted in the App ' S I l.i L - Gte;oricallY Per Seeticrt Sect ~t II - IXegati+e Declu'aLien lY'anted Mlfiibt: 0 1201 •~ Q k ~ 'fo[ai N of P is Tr.TATa:E .4P orated ~- ar~af~er sts'eet 6 rh+ Coaal Size of Paaperzy~6-foreG 4f°3'-. ~ iGn+ssi ,.c....:atl.n,. :,eivir JOa (:kt> After t t .~ I~ ~ Ih'OTR: Th{a apyLioation ahatE ba oarrltata {n atL details bajcra it viii ba accepted for filing. -~~- (Se@ other side for 6~~1 infoLnaticn.) ~r '1 p[ ;]atoi meal f.'^s.: _ - - _ eceac: lkchnt :.~_~._ __ - I~?P.~t'G;S1~IA1: _ luiv,er, lanSSOap@ atcnaiec , all person„ Wr tattts) an,:ol'k'j '^ the desi~ of the ptolect etc tect, engTceer, p Talep)nn@ liarte (Please prSnt) FSLm and Address (wAAith zip each) G~~uity .i~ A 1 ~ ~~ Pei ry/ ~~ ~~ (GJ~lJS- .fe.wofi __ .SICNM AI'Ad~~ xw o.~ _~-- furore ~w.~~ ~§~ ~~~~~~ 0 v a a E ~< t ~ ) pep L s . l s ~ v +~~ W ~~ `~ U los.i ~ Z '= 0 5 i ~ ~ ~ b $°$° ~ a 3E3 ~ ~ s~R ~- ~ N O W N iii Z 0 8 $ '. d 9 q e tn. s. CCa a_ C ~ Q ~y ~~ x~ ~: ~ ~ ~"~1yly~sJj ~T~ N~ tt55 i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~• H r, N~ .9 ~$~ b~ ~. a. w~ ~~g~~~~ 3B ~ ~~ o~ o ^ ~, ~`~~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R j n' ~I ~~y~ ~ ry ~ „~ ~B ~M !? n ,17 ~v MI A~_' I ~ ~ .Z I~I~ m .~; q i FI E~ ~ ~ ~ m ~. i ~ n ~~~~ ~ I ,~ ~~ ~ ~'~~~ Q ~..~ ~ ~`~O ~~ w ~~ ti-v ~... :lila PludnaDpinm•nt a61d872 - March 23, 197E Jce A. and Sueko Iwashita 13928 Union Avenue Los Gatos, California 95030 lie: SLbdivision Application M-77-24 (2 lots) 15928 Union Avenue Bear Mr. and Dfrs. Lxashita: On March 22, 1978, the Los Gatos Planning Commission made the Negative Dec- larstion (determinat)on that the project will not have a significant impact _ upon the envirolment)°and approved the above application for atwo-lot sub- dii~.sian, subject to the following conditions: 1. That a revised tentative map showing the street dedications and improve- - ments as required to submitted to the satisfaction of the Town flrgineer. 2. The property owner dedicate the following to the satisfaction of the Toxa &lgineer: A. Union Avenue. To a line 43 feet from centerline across the frontage of the property. B. Panorama Way. 56-feet-wide across tha property. C. Easements for storm drainage and sanitary sewers from Parcel t to Panorama Way. - S. 111e applicant shall guarantee by contract old bond the installation of public improveaents to the satisfaction of the Town lulgineer as follows: A. llnion Avenue. Curb, gutter, sidewalk (curb line 35 feet fiom centerline), pavement, storm drainage, street lighting, and - sanitary sewers. CIVIC CEwr6R • 110 tAaT MAIN aTR667 • RO. 90X9~i •-.Le66AT08, CALI~ORN1A 0600 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Yr~'°r~'~'' ~: dan il. hi a 3" dH . ,nf~ M3 s n= ~. ~.. ur rq'n jRwn fa' fn:.... ~ + rr~+ ~`~ gg~ .ot, W 4~ r±r,do iYar,. ti.rrlY a.-n rf r=, ~.f, rSi sar. y ?..l,.td s+x.-5 a+ar ~~ _~ rr~r~s y.~..raurd .~: e.a Xfi,+e&~ sv'ef T j{kn.s~,ry .rlae.. ax~~ ~'f'€'-~811~~~ ~'.~.f ~F / _ t ~e ~,ttr?~-~ #r fiv iYfs+'144l4y2y: T~.~~Fta+e~•F~,a. ~a„y~5 '^`yr XN~A ,gb r'~c+ f-~YeX~ ~~? S3 h'x .sS y¢~ f+d ~J3. iJ T 4.V Ea,yT ~ -~ 5}Ypa ~ i i' a""y y ~[ s d.~~..ry.-1 1-Ef7fG1gf/'34' >~•fc'~ l~'ISr~F7 ~r i \.'r()$ X13 !/~~//.73' }.F~ i / ) / 1lt ~) ~~ .~ r1 .tr1f ~~' Y.TII~iI,p~P. _. J ~~ ~ e Subject: 15928 Union Data Corrections: I would like this document and attachments be introduced as a desk item for the 6/9/2010 agenda item fior the sole purpose correcting numbers that are in error: In your staff report of 6/9/2010 and the applicants' letters 3/2/2010 and 5/20/2010 incorrect numbers are used for comparison or justification purposes. It is stated that data is taken from the county database. I would like to enter the following on the record for the data in error is being used as part of the foundation for application approval. I used three data sources: the town files on the individual projects, Google Earth and the attached assessors' map, and they all confirm that corrects were needed for the following 5 addresses. I used the assessors' map to generate the correct lot sizes. I recalculated the lot sizes for 112 Panorama Way, and 101, 103, 105, and 107 Leewood Court only. Staff Neighborhood Calculated from House Address Compatibility Assessors Map House Height Height tong 3/2/2006 TM and DP Lot square footage Lot square footage compares plans 112 Panorama Way 7942 8123 22 21.5 101 Leewood Ct 9583 10218 26/27 22.5 103 Leewood Ct. 9583 10022 26/27 25 105 Leewood Ct. 10019 10094 26/27 22.5 107 Leewood Ct. 12197 12554 26/27 not noted In addition the following are corrects for applicants 5/20/2010 letter: 112 Panorama Way. South side setback: Applicant states 8 feet: Actual setback is 9'9" North side setback: Applicant states 8 ft: Actual setback is 11' House width: Applicant states 66 ft: Actual 61'9" For the record: 14% 330/2311 of my FAR is on a loft level: 1n ceiling height below that loft level is 7'6" Thank you, ~;~?~~~ Tom Mangano ~jU~ ~ , f,j.l~ 112 Panorama Way, Los Gatos TOWN O~ LOS GATOS PLAPJNING GIVISION ATTACHMENT 13 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Karen and Orville Buesing July 30, 2010 Honorable Mayor and Town Council Members Town of Los Gatos 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95032 R~CO~~ JUL all [i110 TOWN OP= LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION Re: Appeal of Planning Commission's second denial on June 9, 2010 of the 15928 Union Avenue Subdivision and Architectural and Site Application on the Town Council August 16, 2010 agenda I am writing this on behalf of Karen and Orville Buesing, Los Gatos residents and property owners at 15892 Union Avenue for the past thirty- seven years. Our property is the second lot north of the proposed development. I ask that you deny this second appeal because it does not meet the Town's General Plan as outlined in Section 3, Land Use Elements, Section 4 Community Design, and the development intensity guidelines in addition to Scenic Resources. The application also does not meet the requirements as described in sections B, C, and D of the California Subdivision Map Act. The Council's motion on February 1, 2010 to remand the first appeal back to the Planning Commission included direction to the Commission that "the neighborhood compatibility issue should focus primarily on Panorama Way and Union Avenue as the neighborhood for the benefit of the applicant who specifically requested information on perspective of density and site suitability. " It is our opinion that the property should be divided into two lots with two single story homes. ATTACffi~fENT 14 The applicant submitted plans that have a negative impact to the surrounding properties in the neighborhood in several ways. 1. The applicant has requested a three lot subdivision but has only developed plans for the two proposed homes on Panorama Way. We in the neighborhood feel that any proposal should display architectural designs for lot one on Union Avenue to show a complete subdivision package. 2. The applicant proposes two story houses that definitely reduce, and for some neighbors, eliminate hillside views. The positioning of houses on the proposed lots 2 and 3 impact view sheds for the neighborhood. All existing houses on Panorama Way and houses facing Union Avenue consist of single story residences with lot sizes ranging from 8,000 to 20,000 square feet. Our residence is the second lot north of the proposed subdivision, our view of the hills from our back porch and from the back yard is virtually eliminated with a two story house design. A single story design and two lot subdivision will lessen impact on surrounding residences. Respectfully Submitted, Karen Buesing and Orville Buesing Attached pictures from our back yard cc: Suzanne Davis, Associate Los Gatos Town Planner 2