2010080205 - Desk Item 09-10C-FY 2009/10 Street repair and resurfacingtoW" of MEETING DATE: 08/02/10 '• ITEM NO: 5 >;~"' DESK ITEM - ~, tos ~"Ajos COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: AUGUST 2, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 09-lOC - FY 2009/10 STREET REPAIR AND RESURFACING PROJECT 811-9901 A. AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH INTERMOUNTAIN IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,725,121. B. AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EXECUTE FUTURE CHANGE ORDERS TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AS NECESSARY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $200,000. Attached is an e-mail from Graham Contractors Inc. regarding the bidding process for the FY 2009/10 Street Repair and Resurfacing project. This resurfacing involves the application of a Rubber Chip Seal and a final surface of a Slurry Seal. This project was designed using technical specifications that are developed and approved by Caltrans for use by the State, Counties, and municipalities. This resurfacing application has been used by the Town in past years with very good results and has been economical compared to an application of the typical Asphalt Overlay. Graham Contractors, whose original bid was over the project budget by $273,000, then contacted the Town and proposed the use of products other than the specified Caltrans-approved Asphalt Rubber. Graham Contractors claimed the material would be as good as the material in the project specifications and would also be a cost savings to the Town. Over the years, a number of companies haue proposed resurfacing products they claim are substitutes for Caltrans-approved Asphalt Rubber.. However, as part of the project design, staff verified with Caltrans that none of these products are approved or are equal in quality or specification to the Asphalt Rubber. This project was re-advertised and re-bid based on Town guidelines according to the formal bid process. "The notice for advertising was published in the legal section of Los Gatos Weekly newspaper by the Town Clerk's office and all formal procedures were followed without exception. PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Reviewed by: ~'`~ ~ Assistant Town Manager ~ ~'T{iwn Attorney Clerk Administrator ~ Finance Community Development N:\PPW\MANAGEMEN"ACOUNCIL\COUNCIf. REPORTS\2010 Reports\Augnst 2\09-10Cshcetresm~face.capeseaLDESK ITEM.doc PAGE2 AUGUST 2, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 09-1 OC - FY 2009/10 STREET REPAIR AND RESURFACING PROJECT 411-811-9901 On a regular basis, the Town receives inquiries from contractors about projects that may be up for bid. The Town routinely informs contractors that the Town does not keep a list of conhactors to contact each time a project is advertised. Staff informed Graham Contactors Inc. and International Surfacing Systems Inc., who also bid on June 16th, that both bids were going to be rejected and the project would be advertised again according to the Town's commonly-practiced process. Attachments: 1. Electronic communication August 2, 2010 from Graham Contractors Inc. addressed to Town Council ...___,.~~._....,-.._e .. ....._.. _.__... _ _.-___. __.,..._ ..~,, _-.~. „_..__._.~w -_._ .._,Fr.._....__. ATTACHMENT 1 _. .. From: Che Corlett Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 5:53:56 PM To: Council; Diane McNutt; Joe Pirzynski; Steve Rice; BSpector; Mike Wasserman Subject: Consent Iem #5 /Annual Street Resurfacing Dear Council Members - Regarding the 09!10 Annual Street Resurfacing project that recently bid in the Town of Los Gatos, and is to be awarded tonight by consent calendar (Consent Item #5): Graham Contractors was the low bidder on the first cape seal project that bid earlier this year (6/16/10). We were told that this project was not awarded because it was over budget. Below is the email chain in which I made offers to provide cost-saving information to the Town, and also made specific requests to receive notification of the re-bid of this project. For reasons not yet determined, the Town was not willing to hear about any cost-saving equal products (per PCC 3400), and also failed to provide us with notification that this project was to be re-bid. The day before the re-bid, we became aware of the project, but were informed that we could not bid the project because of a "mandatory' pre-bid conference. We have been told by Town staff that the project was only advertised in the Los Gatos Weekly, and was not placed in the general engineering publications (Daily Builder, Green Sheet, Santa Clara Builder's Exchange, etc). But interestingly, International Surfacing Systems of Modesto (Stanislaus County) and Manhole Adjusters of Pico Rivera (Los Angeles County) were specifically informed of this project. Intermountain Slurry Seal of Sacramento (Sacramento County) had to make virtually daily requests to the Town regarding information on the project before any information would be provided to them. The two other plan holders, Duran & Venables and JJ Albanese, were personally invited to bid the project because they were performing other work for the Town; they did not see any advertisements in the Los Gatos Weekly or in any other publication. (It is well known that neither Duran &Venables or JJ Albanese perform chip seal or slurry seal work. -Duran &Venables listed Intermountain for these items). I find all of this very interesting given that Graham.Contractors is the only chip and slurry seal contractor based in Santa Clara County, vve have an outstanding reputation, 34 years experience, we were low bidder on the first project, and we soecifically made a request to be informed of this bid. The new low bidder, Intermountain Slurry Seal, will be using an "equal" product on this project, and will undoubtedly make every effort to provide the Town with an excellent result. Indeed, all of the bidders that provided a price are reputable contractors with good performance records, as are the subcontractors. However, there is a fundamental lack of fairness in regards to the manner in which Graham Contractors and others were prevented from providing a bid on this project. We have made the decision not to protest the award of this bid, but we felt that you should be made aware of the manner in which your projects are being put out to bid. Regards, Che Corlett Graham Contractors, Inc. ph (408) 293-9516 fx (408) 293-3633 che(a~grahamcontractors.com