2010080216 - Draft Los Gatos 2020 general plan and the environmental impact report~pW N OF ~~s ~sntps COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: July 30, 2010 MEETING DATE: 08/02/2010 ITEM NO: ADDENDUM TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER SUBJECT: DRAFT LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN AND TAE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE DRAFT LOS GATOS 2020 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE BACKGROUND: In preparation for the August 2, 2010, Town Council discussion on the Draft 2020 General Plan, staff has been meeting with individual Town Council members to answer questions, providing clarification, and documenting Council issues or concerns. This addendum report contains the list of Council member issues or concerns. The list contains both the issues or concerns cotmnon to two or more Council members, as well as those from individual Council member concerns (Attaclunent 1). The intent of this list is to help organize the Town Comicil's upcoming August 2, 20] 0, discussion. This addendum report also contains an updated table of "Goals, Policies or Implementing Strategies from the 2000 Los Gatos General Plan Not Carried Forward into the Draft 2020 General Plan" (Attachment 2). During the preparation for the final Town Council General Plan review, staff found that a number of 2000 General Plan Policies and Actions that are not recommended to be tamed over to the 2020 General Plan were inadvertently omitted from the table. The majority of the omitted goals, policies or implementing strategies were duplicative, have been completed or no longer necessary. Staff is recorrunending retaining one of the former implementation strategies, however, which will be discussed later in the report. A new table of recommnended minor changes to the draft 2020 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions resulting from the individual Co>uicil and staff meetings will be distributed Monday, August 3, 2010. These are non-substantive changes that clarify a goal, policy or action. Finally, this addendum report also outlines the suggested process for the August 2, 2010, Town Council General Plan review. PREPARED BY: ~'~Vendie R. Rooney, Director of Colmnunity Development Reviewed by: ~Y~J Assistant Town Mviager ~-Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance / Colnmtuiity Development N:\DEV\CNCLRPTS\2010\2020 Genetxl Plan Staff Report Addendum No Ldoc Reformatted: 5/30/02 PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN AND EIR July 30, 2010 ANALYSIS: List of Council Member Issues/Concerns Attaclunent 1 contains the list of Council member issues and concerns. The list is organized by the six General Plan Elements that encompass the focus area changes (Land Use; Comrnunity Design, Transportation; Open Space, Parks and Recreation; Environment and Sustainability; and Human Services) and is consistent with the order of the goals, policies and actions in each element. The first list contains those issues that are of concern or interest to more than one Council member. The issues/concerns that were noted by more than one Council member are denoted by bold font. Updated Table of Goals, Policies or Implementing Strategies from the 2000 Los Gatos General Plan Not Carried Forward into the Draft 2020 General Plan As noted previously, staff found that a number of 2000 General Plan Policies and Actions that are not recommended to be carried over to the 2020 General Plan were inadvertently omitted from the table. Of the 45 goals, policies or implementing strategies recornrnended to not be canied forward into the 2020 General Plan, 12 were redundant, 17 were completed, one was not necessary, and 15 were recommended to be deleted for various reasons and did not get added to the table. An explanation is included under the Column entitled "Reason for Removal." These omitted goals, policies or implementing strategies are denoted by yellow highlight (please note that for reproduction purposes the new text is denoted in bold font for all copies other than the Town Council's). Staff has also included a number of policies or actions identified during the final review of the draft 2020 General Plan that should also be removed because they were completed, duplicative, or no longer relevant. These changes are denoted by italic font. Action Item Recommended to be Retained Staff is recommending retaining one of the former implementation strategies. The implementing strategy was ui the 2000 General Plan Land Use Element and states, L.L5.7. "Review the fiscal impacts/benefits that proposed projects will have on the Town and local school districts." This will be added to the draft 2020 General Plan Ladd Use Element. Table of Recommended Minor Changes to the Draft 2020 General Plan Goal, Policies and Actions This is a new table of recommended minor changes to the draft 2020 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions resulting from the individual Council and staff meetings. These are non- substantive changes that clarify a goal, policy or action. The table will be distributed to the Council on Monday, August 3, 2010. PAGE3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: DRAFT 2020 GENERAL PLAN AND EIR July 3Q 2010 Recommended Format for Town Council General Plan Discussion In order to make the most efficient use of the time during the August 2, 2010, Council meeting, after consultation with the Mayor, staff recommends the following process for discussion on the four focus areas in the six General Plan Elements (Land Use; Community Design; Transportation; Open Space, Parks and Recreation; Environment and Sustainability; and Human Services): • Allow public comment on the General Plan prior to the Town Council discussion, with the caveat that the public will be invited to provide more detailed comments at August 16, 2010, Council meeting.. (This process was used successfully during the Plaiming Commission review). • The Town's consultant will lead the Council through an abbreviated Element by Element review of the Goals, Policies and Actions (Land Use; Community Design, Transportation; Open Space, Parks and Recreation; Enviromment and Sustainability; and Human Services). • Following the consultant's review of each Element section, the Council will discuss the list of Cotuicil member issues/concems. Staff recommends that the Council first discuss the issues/concerns that were raised by two or more Council members and then each Council rnember can discuss their individual issues. • Relevant Planning Commission recommended changes should also be discussed at this time if necessary, and if not, the assumption will be that the Council accepts the Planning Commission's recommended changes. • Staff recommended non-substantive changes contained on Attaclunent 3 should be discussed, and if not, it will be assumed that the Council agrees with the recommended changes. Attachments: 1. List of Council member Issues/Concerns 2. Updated Goals, Policies or Implementing Strategies fi-om the 2000 Los Gatos General Plan Not Carried Forward into the Draft 2020 General Plan WR:ct N:\DGV\CNCLAPTS\2010\2020General Plan S[aff ltepmt Addendum No Ldoc