2010080216 - Draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and the environmental impact report on the draft Los Gatos 2020 General Plan update~owN o,~ MEETING DATE: 08/02/10
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DATE.: June 16, 2010
1. Open and hold the public hearing and receive public testimony on the Draft 2020 General
Plan and Environmental hnpact Report.
2. Close the public hearing.
3. Continue the item to the August 16, 2010, Town Council meeting.
Over the past 20 months, the Town has been preparing a focused update to the 2000 General
Plan. The Town Council appointed General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) has completed
its review of the four focus areas of the update, which include:
• Recreation, Parlcs and Open Space
• Environment and Sustainability
• Youth Needs
• Senior Needs
The GPAC determined that the update met the Town Council's direction and forwarded the Draft
2020 General Plan to the Plam~ing Commission for consideration and final recommendation to
the Town Council.
The Planning Commission held two meetings on the Draft 2020 General Plan and Final
F.,nvironmental I>npact Report (FEIR) on June 23 and 30, 2010. Following a detailed review of
PREPARED BY: ~~endie R. Rooney, Director of Community Development
Reviewed by: ®~~ Assistant Town Mangy
Clerk Administrator Finance
own Attorney
nunity Development
N:\D1;V\CNCLRPTS\2010\2020GenerllPlan, doc
Reformltted: 5/30/02
Ju~~e 16, 2010
the six General Plan Elements that contain the majority of the new goals, policies, or actions
associated with the four focus areas; a summary review of the other tluee elements and the FEIR,
the P1amling Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to recommend approval of the Draft 2020
General Plan and certification of the FEIR to the Town Council.
This report summarizes the Draft 2020 General Plan new goals, policies and actions; the General
Plan update process; the Final Environmental Impact Report; and lists all relevant review
documents and materials.
General Plan Update Scope -General Plans are typically updated every 15 to 20 years, with the
exception of the Housing Element, which by State statute is required to be updated every five
years. While only the Housing Element technically required updating, at the March 2007 retreat,
the Town Council directed staff to prepare a work plan to update various sections of the existing
General Plan. The Town Council stated that overall the existing General Plan was serving the
community well, but an update was desired to consider new issues that had arisen since the
Plan's adoption in 2000. The Town Council noted that the update would piovide an opportunity
to refine existing policies that may not be serving the commiu~ity as intended or Iaclc clarity,
revise information that is no longer current, and remove implementation measures or action
items that were completed. In addition to the aforementioned revisions, the Town Council
directed the update to include new existing goals, policies, and action items, and/or a refinement
of the existing goals, policies, and action items related to the following topics:
• Recreation, Parlcs and Open Space
• Environment and Sustainability
• Youth Needs
• Senior Needs
The Town Council approved the 2020 General Plan update work plan in February 2008 and in
March 2008 appointed the GPAC to oversee the update.
Draft 2020 General Plan -The Draft 2020 General Plan contains the following mandatory and
optional Elements:
• Introduction
• Vision
Land Use
• Community Design
• Transpoi•tatio~~
• Recreation, Parlcs and Open Space
• Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85
• Environment and Sustainability
June 16, 2010
~ Noise
• Safety
Human Services
There is an additional Element, the Housing Element, which is on a separate review and approval
schedule. Staff anticipates that the PlanningCommission and Town Council will review this
Element i17 October 2010.
Four Focus Areas -The following section summarizes the intent of the Goals, Policies and
Actions relative to the Four Focus Areas:
Environment and Sustainability: The Environment andSustainability Element is a new section
in the General Plan that consolidates policies related to greenhouse gas emissions, energy
conservation, soil resources, air quality, water resouuces, and biological resources. Policies to
reduce negative impacts to air quality and greenhouse gas emissions are also included in this
Element. Sustainable goals, policies and actions are not only contained in the Environment and
Sustainability Element, but are also integrated throughout the Draft 2020 General Plan,
indicating the Town's overall sustainable approach to growth. The green leaf symbol identifies
each of these sustainable goals, policies and actions. A summary of the Environment and
Sustainability Goals that are contained in the Land Use, Transportation, Community Design, and
Environment and Sustainability Elements are listed on Attachment 7.
Recreation, Parks and Open Space: The Draft 2020 General Plan Recreation, Parlcs and Open
Space Goals identify both public and private open space within the Town and establish
preservation objectives for tl7e natural environment. It addresses acquisition of open space,
access to open space, open space. and existing neighborhoods, open space and hillside
preservation, and open space and development. In addition to addressing natural and active open
space and recreational facilities, new goals also focus on preserving and enhancing the Los Gatos
Creels Trail as well as other multi-modal trails for both recreation and alternative transportation
purposes. Finally, this Element also addresses recreational facilities that meet community needs
as well as issues related to Native American communities. A summary of the Recreation, Parlcs
and Open Space Goals that are contained in the Open Space and Recreation and Transportation
Elements are listed on Attaclnnent 7.
Youth Needs: New Goals relative to Youth Needs are generally contained in the Human
Services Element, with a few exceptions of related programs that are in the Transportation
Element. The Youth Goals focus on providing resources and programs to encourage youth
involvement in the arts, recreation, employment and volunteer opportunities. Other topics
inchide providing safe, youth-friendly environments and increasil~g walking and bicycling
opportunities. A summary of the Youth-oriented Goals that are contained il~ the Human Services
and Transportation Elements are listed on Attachment 7.
Senior Needs: New Goals relative to Senior Needs are generally contained in the Human
Services Element, with a few exceptions of related programs that are in the Housing Element.
Ju~~e 16, 2010
New Senior-oriented Goals include providing resources for senior programs related to health,
social services, and recreation. Access to a variety of housing types that serve the senior
population and access and mobility are also addressed in the Human Services and Housing
Elements. A summary of the Senior-oriented Goals that are contained in the Human Services
and Transportation Elements are listed on Attachment 7.
Other Draft 2020 General flan Changes - As noted in this report, the Town Council also
directed staff to review all existing 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions and remove
items that were completed, no longer relevant, not serving the community as intended, lack
clarity, etc. Attachment 8 contains the list of 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions that
are not recommended to be carried over into the 2020 General Plan. The majority of the items
are either duplicative or have been completed.
Final Environmental Impact Report -The FEIR is an addendum to the Draft Environmental
Impact Report (DEIR) that was released on March 10, 2010. The FEIR contains the list of
comments submitted on the DEIR, includes revisions that respond to applicable remarks, and
provides responses to all comments. As noted in the "Introduction" Section of the FEIR, none
of the revisions result in significant changes to the Project Description or DEIR findings.
Consequently, a t•ecirculation of the EIR is not necessary.
Final EIR Findings -While the majority of impacts associated with the proposed Draft 2020
General Plan would be reduced to ales-than-significant level, as noted in Chapter 4 of the DEIR
and shown in Table 2-1, adoption and implementation of the proposed Draft 2020 General Plan
would result in five significant and unavoidable impacts in the following four areas: Air Quality,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (includes two significant unavoidable impacts), Land Use and
Planning and Transportation and Circulation. These impacts are summarized below:
Air Quality: The proposed Draft 2020 General Plan would be inconsistent with applicable clean
air planning efforts of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), as projected
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), a connnonly used indicator for vehicle use, that could occur
under the proposed Draft 2020 General Plan would increase at a greater rate than population
growth. The Draft 2020 General Plan includes extensive goals, policies and actions that aim to
reduce vehicle i°elianee and VM"~h within the Town. However, the projected growth in vehicle
travel could still lead to an increase in regional VMT beyond that anticipated in the BAAQMD's
clean air planning efforts. As a result, development in Los Gatos would contribute to the on-
going challenge of attaining ozone ambient air quality standards in the Basin. As noted, the Draft
2020 General Plan includes extensive goals, policies and actions that would reduce VMT within
the Town. These goals, policies and actions would also reduce air quality impacts from VMT.
However, they would not reduce this impact to aless-than-significant level. Therefore, this
impact remailis significant and unavoidable.
Greenhouse Gas Enssions (GHG): hnplementation of the proposed Draft 2020 General Plan
would result in two significant and unavoidable GHG impacts. First, implementation of the
proposed Plan would resuh in an amotiult of GIIG emissions that would exceed the standard of
June 16, 2010
significance being used for this analysis. Goals, policies and actions contained in the proposed
Draft 2020 General Plan are estimated to reduce GHG emissions by 25.5 percent. IIowever,
because Assembly Bill 32 requires a 28 to 33 percent reduction from "business as usual," this
impact would be signficant. The Town of Los Gatos will prepare and implement a Climate
Action Plan pursuant to Environment and Sustainability Element Action ENV-7.1 to direct its
community-level GHG emission reduction efforts. The Climate Action Plan will be incorporated
into the 2020 General Plan and shall be a fully enforceable document that establishes quantified
emissions reduction targets and identifies strategies and measures the Town will undertake to
reach its targets. However, until the Climate Action Plan is prepared and GHG emissions
reductions are quantified, this impact will remain significant asld unavoidable.
Second, significant adverse physical impacts from the effects of .global climate change would
have an adverse impact on the Town. As part of the Climate Action Plan the Town will prepare a
climate change preparedness analysis to address Town adaptation to climate change. This .
analysis will address the Town's adaptation to topics including sea level rise, natural disasters,
wildfires, air quality, heat waves, alteration of disease vectors, biome shifts, impacts on
agriculture and the food supply, reduced reliability in the water supply and strain on the existing
capacity of sanitation and water treatment facilities. IIowever, because the impacts of global
climate change on a town-wide scale are unknown at this time, it would be speculative to
quantify the reduction of this impact from implementation of a Climate Action Plan and
associated climate change preparedness analysis. Therefore, this impact remains significant and
Transportation and Circulation: With the implementation of the list of roadway and intersection
improvements identified in the proposed Draft 2020 General Plan under Section E, Planned and
Proposed Transportation Improvements, transportation impacts would be frilly mitigated.
However, there are currently no dedicated funding sources identified for the improvements, so it
cannot be concluded that the improvements will be funded and completed at the time they are
needed for mitigation to the Town level of service operational standard. Therefore, the EIR
contains a mitigation measure that the Town will create a dedicated funding source for
implementation of the proposed Draft 2020 General Plan improvements. However, because the
dedicated fitnding sources needed for the roadway and intersection improvements are not yet in
place, this impact remains significant and unavoidable.
Land Use and Plaimin~: Implementation o1' the Draft 2020 General Plan would lead to the
conversion of Unique Farmland in the North Forty area. Unique Farm Lands are determined and
classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservat7on
criteria. Action LU-9.1 of the Draft 2020 General Plan calls for the preparation and adoption of
a Specific Plan Overlay for the area that would regulate the type, amount, and design of future
development in the North Forty area. IIowever, the development foreseen under the North Forty
Specific Plan Overlay would not be compatible with continued agricultural operations on the
site. Therefore, this impact remains significant and Lulavoidable.
June 16, 2010
Due to the aforementioned significant and unavoidable impacts, the Town Council will need to
adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations when certifying the FEIR. Pursuant to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), when significant effects are unavoidable, a
detailed Statement of Overriding Considerations is separately required in addition to the Findings
of Fact. A "Statement of Overriding Considerations" indicates that even though a project or
program would result in one or more unavoidable adverse impacts, specific economic, social or
other stated benefits are sufficient to war rant pi°oject approval. The Statement explains the
justification for proceeding with the project or program despite the significant adverse
environmental impacts. A Statement of Overriding Considerations provides specific reasons
why the benefit of a proposed project or program outweighs the adverse effect. If the benefits of
a project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, those effects may be
considered "acceptable" pursuant to CEQA. Staff will be preparing Findings of Fact and a
Statement of Overriding Considerations. The Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding
Considerations will be transmitted to the Town Council with the August 16, 2010, Town Council
Meeting Agenda packet.
General Plan Review Process -The 2020 General Plan update began in late 2008, with the
preparation of a Bcrclzg~^ound Repo^t, which provided an overview of Los Gatos' physical,
environmental, economic, demographic and political setting as of mid-2008.
GPAC -Over the ensuing year and a half, nine GPAC meetings were held for the following
• Review and provide input on the Background Report
• Review and provide input on the existing 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies, and Actions
• Refine the approach to the Focus Areas
• Strategize about Community Workshops and refine workshop materials
• Consider Town Commission and Committee Draft 2020 General Plan comments
• Review and refine the Draft 2020 new Goals, Policies and Actions
In May 2010, the GPAC considered the draft revisions, made additional edits and ultimately
found the Draft 2020 General Plan to be consistent with the Town Council's direction, and
forwarded the General Plan to the Planning Commission and the Town Cotuzcil. New Goals,
Policies and Actions were included in the Human Services; Environment and Sustainability;
Open Space, Parks and Recreation; Land Use; Community Design; and Transportation Elements.
The Elements, which were included in the June 11, 2010, Memo to the Planning Commission,
were copies of the Draft 2020 General Plan that was released in March 2010 with the GPAC's
final recommendations indicated through underscoring of new text and strike-out of deleted text
and sections.
Community Workshops -Four Community Workshop meetings and an all-day session with
four Community Panels were held between October 2008 and April 2010. The Community
Workshops were used to il~troduce various topics and information related to the fora Focus Areas
of the update and to receive community input that was used to help refine the draft goals, policies
June 16, 2010
and actions. The Community Panels provided the opportunity for participants to learn more
about the four focus areas of the update and share their ideas with other attendees.
Project Website -The Town also maintained a dedicated website during the General Plan
update that contained project updates, a calendar of events, materials that could be downloaded,
meeting notices, and email notices. The public was also able to provide comments on the
General Plan via the dedicated website.
Town Commission and Committee Draft 2020 General Plan Review - All Town
Commissions and Committees that have purview over General Plan programs reviewed the Draft
2020 General Plan Goals, Policies, and Actions in March and April 2010. All Commission and
Committee input was incorporated into the General Plan Continent Matrix, which was included
in the June 18, 2010 Memo to the Plamling Commission. The GPAC and the Planning
Commission considered the Commission and Committee input during their review of .the Draft
2020 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions.
Planning Commission Review -The Planning Commission considered the Draft 2020 General
Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report at two meetings on June 23 and 30, 2010. On June
23, 2010, The Plamiing Commission conducted apage-by-page review of the six General Plan
Elements (Land Use; Community Design; Transportation; Open Space, Parks, and Recreation;
Environment and Sustainability; and Human Services) that contain the majority of new goals,
policies or actions associated with the four focus areas. Concurrently with the review of the
General Plan Elements, the Plamling Commission also considered the relevant Commission and
Committee, outside agency, and public input contained in the General Plan Comment Matrix.
The Planning Commission completed their review of the remaining three Elements (Vasona
Light Rail and I-Iighway 85, Noise and Safety), considered and discussed the FEIR and the table
of Goals, Policies and Actions that were not carried over from the 2000 General Plan at the June
30, 2010, meeting. All Planning Commission recommended changes to the Draft 2020 General
Plan are contained in the document entitled List of Planning Commission Recommended
Changes to the Draft 2020 General Plan (Attachment 10). After completing their review of the
Draft 2020 General Plan and FEIR, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend
approval of the Draft 2020 General Plan and certification of the Final EIR to the Town Council.
The verbatim minutes fiom the June 23 and 30, 2.010, Planning Commission meetings are
conta>lled in Attachments 5 and 6, respectively, which were distributed to the Town Cotulcil in
mid-July. In malting their recommendations, staff recommended that the Planning Commission
consider the following "test for adequacy" factors that are foluld in the State Office of Planning
and Research Genes^al Plan Guidelines:
• Is the document complete (does it have all seven mandatory elements)
• Is the document informational and readable to the public
• Is the document internally consistent
• Is the document consistent with State policy
• Does the document cover all territory within its boundaries of the jurisdiction
• Is the plan long-term in perspective
June 16, 201.0
• Does the plan address all locally relevant issues
• How old is the plan
• Does it contain the statutory criteria required by State Law as demanded by the Courts
• Are the plan's maps and diagrams adequate
• Does the plan serve as an adequate yardstick
• Does the plan contain Actions or Implementation Measures
• Is the plan procedurally correct
• Was the plan adopted properly
• Did the plan receive proper environmental review
The following materials will assist the Town Council with the review of the Draft 2020 General
Plan and EIR. All of the materials, except for the six red-line Draft 2020 General Plan Elements
that contain the focus area new material, the FEIR and the Non-Focus Area Draft 2020 General
Plan Elements are attached to this report. The six red-line Draft 2020 General Plan Elements and
the FEIR were distributed to the Town Council in mid-June and the Non-Focus Area Draft 2020
General Plan Elements were distributed to the Town Council in mid-July. The three remaining
Elements (Safety, Noise and Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85) were distributed to the Town
Council in n~id-July. Staff recommends that the Council bring all these materials to the August 2
and 16, 2010, 1 own Council meetings.
Non-Focus Area Draft 2020 General Plan Elements (Attachment 4): The six Elements that
contain the majority of new goals, policies and actions relative to the four focus areas were
distributed to the Town Council in mid-June. The three remaining Elements (Safety, Noise and
Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85), that did not have substantial changes from the 2000
General Plan were distributed to the Town Council in mid-July. Updates relative to current maps
and data have been incorporated into these Elements; however, other than removal of goals
policies or actions that have been completed or were duplicative, no other substantive changes
have been made to these Elements. Staff recommends that the Town Council bring the three
remainng Elements (Safety, Noise, and Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85) to the August 2 and
16, 2010, Town Council meetings.
Revised General Plan Comment Matrix (Attachment 9): The Comment Matrix contains all
the outside agencies, public and Town Commission and Committee comments that have been
received since the release of the draft General Plan in March. The Matrix is arranged in sections
that correspond to four focus areas of the General Plan update: Envirorunent Sustainability;
Youth Needs; Senior Needs; and Recreation, Parles and Open Space. A fifth section is entitled
"Other Comments" and contains all non-focus area General Plan comments. The Matrix
contains the comment and any referenced General Plan Goal, Policy or Action; the source of the
comment; staff recommendations; and GPAC comments when applicable. It is important to note
that based on the Town Council direction to the GPAC, the Committee only commented on
remarks relative to the Four focus areas of the update. Some of the requested changes to the
General Plan have been incorporated into the draft document and others that staff felt required
June 16, 2010
further discussion with the Planning Commission and Town Council have not been in included in
the Draft 2020 General Plan. Please note that staff has made changes to the original Matrix,
which was included in the June 18, 2010, Memo to the Planning Commission, that was reviewed
by the GPAC and Planning Commission. The changes were made as outlined in Desk Item #1 to
the Planning Commission (Attachment 1) and are reflected in the Revised General Plan
Comment Matrix (Attachment 9).
Table of the 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions Not Recommended to Be
Carried Over to the 2020 General Plan (Attachment 8): This document contains a list of the
2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions that were not carried forward into the Draft 2020
General Plan. These recommended changes were based on the Town Council's direction to
refine or eliminate goals, policies or actions from the 2000 General Plan that were not serving
the community as intended, lacked clarity, were no longer current or have been completed. The
Table contains the 2000 General Plan Number; the Goal, Policy or Action language; and the
explanation for not carrying it forward to the Draft 2020 General Plan. The majority of the
changes were due to duplicative goals, policies and actions.
During the preparation for the final Town Council General Plan review, staff found that a
number of 2000 General Plan Policies and Actions that are not recommended to be carried over
to the 2020 General Plan were inadvertently omitted from the table. Staff is working with the
Town's Consultant to update the list .and prepare an addendum report that will be transmitted to
the Town Council by July 30, 2010. A separate list containing a number of 2000 General Plan
Policies and Actions that staff recommends retaining will also be included in this addendum
List of Planning Commission Recommended Changes to the Draft 2020 General Plan
(Attachment 10): This document contains the Planning Comnussion's recommended changes to
the Draft 2020 General Plan. 1 hose changes have not been incorporated into the Draft 2020
General Plan.
Draft Environmental Impact Report and Final Environmental Impact Report: As noted
previously, the FEIR is an addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) that was
released on March 10, 2010. The FEIR contains the list of comments submitted on the DEIR,
includes revisions that respond to applicable remarks, and provides a response to all comments.
Staff recommends that the Town Council bring both the DEIR and FEIR to the August 2 and 16,
2010, Town Council meetings for references purposes.
The Draft 2020 General Plan is a result of the Town Council's direction to update the existing
2000 General Plan by removing existing implementation meastues or action items that were
completed; refining existing policies that may not be serving the community as intended or lack
clarity; revising information that is no longer current; and integrating new Goals, Policies and
Jicne 16, 2010
Actions relevant to Recreation, Parks and Open Space; Environment and Sustainability; Youth
Needs and Senior Needs.
The GPAC has reviewed and modified the four Focus Areas Goals, Policies and Actions. All
final proposed changes are included in the red-line Draft 2020 General Plan Elements. The
Planning Commission considered the GPAC recommended changes in the focus area General
Plan Elements, reviewed the non-focus area Draft 2020 General Plan Elements, General Plan
Comment Matrix, Table of 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions that are not
recommended to be carried over to the Draft 2020 General Plan, and considered the FEIR.
Based on the Town Council's direction and the "test for adequacy" factors, the Planning
Commmission unanimously found the General Plan inet the stated objectives and accordingly
recommended that the Town Council approve the Draft .2020 General Plan and certify the Final
Envirorunental hnpact Report.
Based on the recommendations of the GPAC and the Planning Commission, staff recommends
that the Town Council approve the Draft 2020 General Plan and in accordance with the
California Environmental Quality Act, adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding
Considerations and certify the Final Enviromnental hnpact Report.
The 2020 General Plan is a project as defined under CEQA and may have potential significant
envirommental impacts. An environmental impact report (EIR) has been prepared for the project.
A Statement of Overriding Considerations must be made since there are significant unavoidable
impacts relating to Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (includes two significant unavoidable
impacts), Land Use and Planning and Transportation and Circulation. The Findings of Fact and
Statement of Overriding Considerations will be transmitted to the Town Council with the August
16, 2010, Town Council Meeting Agenda packet with the resolution for certification of the EIR
and adoption of 2020 General Plan.
Previously submitted to the Town Council under separate covers.
Memo to the Planning Commission (dated June 11, 2010):
Draft 2020 General Plan Elements (Land Use; Community Design; Transportation; Open
Space, Parlcs, and Recreation; Environment and Sustainability; and Human Services)
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Jane 16, 2010
Memo to the Planning Commission (dated June 18, 2010):
• Final EIR
• General Plan Comment Matrix
Memo to the Town Coiuicil (dated July 16, 2010)
1. Planning Commission Desk Item 1, with Attachments 1 and 2 (dated Juice 23, 2010)
2. Planning Commission,Deslc Item 2, with Attachments 1 and 2 (dated June 23,2010)
3. Planning Commission Desk Item 3 (dated June 30, 2010)
4. Non-Focus Area Draft 2020 General Plan Elements (Safety, Noise and Vasona Light Rail
and Highway 85 Elements)
5. June 23, 2010, Verbatim Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
6. June 30, 2010, Verbatim Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Attachments submitted under this cover:
7. List of 1{ocus Area Goals
8. List of 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions that are Not Recommended to be
Carried Over to the 2020 General Plan
9. Revised General Plan Comment Matrix
10. List of Planning Commission Recommended Changes
1 1. E-Mail from Chris Miller, dated July 10, 2010
N :\DE V\CNC LRP"I'S\20 l0\2020GeneralP lau, doc
Meeting Date: 8/2/10
Subject: Draft 2020 General Plan and EIR