scanner@losgatosca.gov_20100729_162413'`°W" °'`, TOWN OF LOS GATOS ~ ~~°~~~ ~ .. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT °SA os Meeting Date: June 30, 2010 PREPARED BY: Wendie Rooney Community Development Director APPLICATION NO.: Draft 2020 General Plan LOCATION: N/A APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos PROPERTY OWNERS; N/A ITEM NO: 1 DESK ITEM #3 APPLICATION SUMMARY: Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and Final Envirorunental Impact Report on the Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update REMARKS; This desk item contains additional information that was requested at the June 23, 2010, Plaruling Commission meeting: clarification of goals, policies and actions, or background material discussed at the meeting, and a recommended schedule for the June 30, 2010, Planning Commission meeting. Requested Additional Information: The Planning Commmission requested the following additional information: • Question No. 1: Are there any existing education programs that the Town either coordinates or collaborates with other agencies/organizations that inform the residents about reuse, recycling, composting, waste to energy, and zero waste programs? Answer: The Town's waste hauler, West Valley Collection & Recycling, provides educational programs through a School Outreach Program, through tours of its Materials Recovery Facility, and through its customer newsletter. The Town provides direct educational programming to residents through the aiu~ual Community Garage Sale, Deep Los Gatos Beautiful Week, America Recycles Day, .and the Los Gatos Vista (Town newsletter). As an organization, the Town also participates in the Santa Clara County Green Business Program, which requires that educational information is provided to Town employees, and that is done through the Los Gatos Growing Greener Together program. Additional information is also available on the Town website at www.los atg osca•gov. IOI -Attachment 3 • Question No. 2: Does the Town coordinate with any other non-profits or organizations that provide opportunities for and participation in music, visual and performing arts for youth? Answer: Through its annual Community Grant program, the Town is currently providing a grant to several agencies that provide opportunities for youth to participate in the arts; including A Place For Teens, the Art Docents of Los Gatos, the Los Gatos Community Concert Association, the Festival Theatre Ensemble, and the Photographic Guild of Los Gatos. Clarification of Goals, Policies and Actions or Background Material: The following provides clarification on Goals, Policies and Actions or Background Materials that were discussed at the June 23'~d P1aruling Corrunission meeting. Please note that the following information is only those items that the Planning Commission requested clarification on. Goals, Policies and Actions that. the Planning Commission suggested changes will be recorded in a separate document that will be forwarded to the Town Council. • Background Information on Senior Services (Page HS-11): Villa Vasona, Blossom Hill and Anne Way offer affordable senior units to Los Gatos residents;. ~ Additionally, the Terraces of Los Gatos, a senior residential care facility run by American Baptist Homes of the West, offers ~ 29 affordable senior units and has independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing programs on-site. • Policy LU-3.2: ~„'~> ° rej~c-ts ~e~~~sh-th€-pubis Ees~ear~-b€-~t=ne-d-b~~ ^,.~ii ^^,~.,,,-,,,"~+~~ ~^~°~+ Onl~pprove projects in cases where the overall value to the community from the development offsets the public cost. We will also review the General Plan for other instances where the tern "community benefit" is used and replace it with similar language. • Page LU-16: North 40 Overlay Principles: At the June 23, 2010, Planning Commission meeting discussion ensued regarding the suggested change to the North 40 Overlay Principle that recommends uses "complement and not compete with Los Gatos's Downtown and the rest of the community" should be replaced with "include a mixture of uses that complement Los Gatos's Downtown and the rest of the community." Based on the fact that any potential retail, service, or commercial use in the North 40 could be interpreted to be competing with the Downtown uses, staff would recommend the suggested change to the Principle. Recommended Agenda Format for June 30, 2010, Planning Commission Meeting: To ensure the most efficient use of the Planning Commission's time, staff is recommending the following format for the discussion of the remaining draft General Plan and FEIR items: 1. Discussion of Outstanding Questions or Follow up from the June 23'~`~ P1amling Commission meeting. 2. Questions and answers on other General Plan Elements (Vasona Light Rail and Highway 85 Element, Safety, and Noise). 3. Discussion on the whether the North 40 Overlay Principle that recommends that uses "complement and not compete with Los Gatos' Downtown and the rest of the community" should be replaced with "Include a mixture of uses that complement Los Gatos's Downtown and the rest of the community". 4. Questions and answers on the Table of 2000 General Plan Goals, Policies and Actions that were not carried over to the draft 2020 General Plan. 5. Questions and answers on the non-focus area items in the General Plan Comment Matrix. 6. Brief summary, questions, and answers on the Final Environmental Impact Report. 7. Any other questions and answers not covered in the above items. 8. Recommendation from the Planning Commission to the Town Council for the draft General Plan and the FEIR. N:\DEV\GENERAL PLAN UPDATE\General Plan Desk Item No.3-PC 6-30-1O,jp edits.docx