scanner@losgatosca.gov_20100729_162335`°W" °F, TOWN OF LOS GATOS
~°S•GA~os Meeting Date: June 23, 2010
PREPARED BY: Wendie Rooney
Community Development Director
APPLICATION NO.: Draft 2020 General Plan
APPLICANT: Town of Los Gatos
SUMMARY: Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and Final Enviromnental Impact
Report on the Los Gatos 2020 General Plan Update.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. List of Goals, Policies and Strategies from the 2000
General Plan that were not carried forward into the
draft 2020 General Plan
2. North 40 Specific Plan Overlay Revised Language
This desk item contains two documents that were inadvertently left out of the Planning
Commission Agenda packet distributed for the June 23, 2010, Planning Commission meeting
and provides additional information and/or makes corrections to four of the comments on the
General Plan Comment Matrix.
Attachment 1 is the list of Goals, Policies and Strategies from the 2000 General Plan that were
not carried forward into the draft 2020 General Plan. These recommended changes are based on
the Town Council's direction to refine or eliminate Goals, Policies and Actions or Strategies
from the 2000 General Plan that may not be serving the community as intended, lacked clarity,
are no longer current, or have been completed. The table contains the 2000 General Plan
Number; the Goal, Policy or Action language; and the explanation for not carrying it forward to
the 2020 General Plan. The majority of the changes were due to either duplicative or redundant
Goals, Policies or Actions. This table was routed to the General Plan Update Advisory
Committee (GPAC) as an informational item. The GPAC was offered the opportunity to ask any
questions on the table, but did not discuss it.
Attachment 2 contains an edited copy of the North 40 Specific Plan Overlay language that is
contained on in the Land Use Element on Page LU-16 of the draft 2020 General Plan. The
GPAC discussed the North 40 Specific Plan Overlay language at the May 20, 2010, GPAC
IOI -Attachment 1
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 2
Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and FEIR Report
June 23, 2010
meeting. The North 40 Specific Plan Overlay language is included in the section that describes
the Town's land use designations and overlays zones. Staff informed the Commmittee that the
description and development capacities for the North 40 property were included in the General
Plan to help guide the future development of a specific plan. The General Plan overlay
designation requires the preparation of a specific plan prior to development of the property. The
development capacities were established to allow for a programmatic environment assessment of
the potential impacts from the development of the property. Committee members discussed
whether the language was too specific and would be duplicative with the Specific Plan that will
be prepared and adopted prior to development of the property. The committee ultimately
requested that staff suggest revisions to the overlay language to clarify that the principles or
guidelines are to be used as the foundation for the future specific plan. Suggested new and
deleted text is in underlined and strilcethrough format, respectively.
Included in the Planning Commission Agenda packet is a document entitled "Los Gatos 2020
General Plan Coinlnents." The Comment Matrix contains all the outside agency, public and
Town Commission and Committee comments that have been received since the release of the
draft General Plan in March. Generally the Matrix does not include GPAC comments, since
their input has been incorporated into the red-line draft Elements in the Planning Commission
agenda packet. Four of the comments and staff and consultant recommendations require further
clarification or changes. These clarifications or changes .are as follows;
Page 2, Comment No. 5: The Staff/Consultant Recommendation states that "Staff also
recommends deleting "g." This recommendation was based on the concern that the Town lacked
the resources for providing low cost loans. Staff recently was made aware that Santa Clara
County is considering creating a County AB 811 Program Financing District, which may result
in low cost loans or grants for energy efficiency retrofit to homes. Consequently, staff
recommends leaving item "g" in the list of possible measures to increase energy efficiency in
existing buildings. Lastly, please note that the GPAC did provide input on this item and
suggested expanding. the list of potential measures.
Page 17, Comment No. 40: This comment is related to the Environment and Sustainability
General Plan focus area, and should be relocated to that section rather than contained in the
"Other Non-Focus Area" Section. The GPAC reviewed this comment and agreed in part to the
Transportation and Parking Commission requested change in language. The GPAC's
recommendation is incorporated into Action TRA-5.4, which states: Install traffic-calming
devices that r~ri-^•T~ ~+N°°+~ ~"~ encourage slower, safer through traffic.
Page 15, Comment No. 27: This comment from the Community Services Commission is related
to the Senior Needs Section and should be moved to that section. The GPAC did review this
comment and agreed with the recommended change.
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 3
Los Gatos 2020 General Plan and FEIR Report
June 23, 2010
Page 8, Comment No. 13: Both the GPAC and staff were unclear on the intent of the Park
Commission comment, which states: "Suggest new Action -Add action for animal control near
trails (under Goals TRA-12)." According to Parks and Public Works Staff, the comment
pertained mainly to multi-use trails. The Colnlnission suggested that when the Town constructs
trails that allow hiking, bicycling, and horse riding, the trails need to be wide enough to allow for
all three uses. The Commission also noted that horse riders need to be able to control their
animals and trails need to provide signing as such. The Commmission also made a comment
regarding paved trails and the potential conflicts between dogs on leashes, and activities such as
roller blading and running. Many dog owners allow their dogs a very long leash (or no leash at
all) and this can lead to conflicts and injuries. The Commission suggested posting signs to
address these concerns.
Staff s opinion on this suggestion is that these are operational issue and should not be addressed
in the General Plan.
Prepared by:
Wendie R. Rooney
Director of Community Development
WRR: cgt
N:\DEV\REPORTS\2010\General Plan Desk Item No, l.doc
Goals, Policies or Implementing Strategies from the 2000 Los Gatos General Plan not carried
forward into the Dra ft 2020 General Plan.
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L.P.3.8 Discourage corridor lots. Confusing with L.L3.9 recommended
L.I.4.14 Update the General Plan's Housing You will have to do it for the next Housing
Element after the demographic breakouts Element update cycle anyway.
of the 2000 census are available.
L.P.4.5 Maintain the Town's capacity to meet its Redundant with Housing Element
housing needs as identified in the Housing
L.I.4.5 In-fill Findings: Review development It is not necessary for the General Plan to
applications for consistency with the say the Town will implement adopted
required findings for the In-Fill Policy. Town policies.
L.I.4.4 Demolition of Historic Structures: Refer Redundant with L.I.4.4
.zoning approvals with demolition of
historic structures to Historic Preservation
L.P.7.4 Auto related uses currently existing shall be Redundant with L.P.7.3
allowed to remain indefinitely.
L.P.7.8 Commercial and mixed use development This is addressed in the VLR Element
north of Lark shall be in keeping with the
Vasona Light Rail and Route 85 Element,
the North 40 Specific Plan (when adopted)
and shall provide/incorporate Boulevard,
Downtown and regional transit access
L.I.7.8 North of Los Gatos-Almaden Road: Redundant with L.P.7.5
Encourage new or relocating auto-related
businesses to relocate to available property
north of Los Gatos-Almaden Road.
L.L7.5 Los Gatos Boulevard Plan: Implement the It is not necessary for the General Plan to
Los Gatos Boulevard Plan. say the Town will implement adopted
Town policies.
L.P.1.3 Encourage economic and social activity Redundant with Goal LG1.1
consistent with asmall-scale, small town
atmosphere and image.
CD.P.1.5 Avoid abrupt changes in scale and density. Redundant with CD.P.1.8
Attachment 1
2000 (~~ncral
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~Nrrniberin~ _ Goal, Policy ur ~lctiu^ Lvi~;ua~;c ReasoirforItemoval~ ~~ --~,
CD.P.1.9 Building, landscape and hardscape materials Redundant with CD.P.1.7
shall be used that will reinforce the sense of
unity of a neighborhood and blend with
the natural setting.
L.P.4.2 Ensure that new development is a positive Redundant with CD.P.1.7
addition to the Town's environment and
does not detract from the nature and
character of appropriate nearby established
L.L4.3 Maintain Neighborhood Character: The The Town will follow adopted Town
deciding body shall use F.A.R. and adopted policies.
residential design guidelines to maintain -
existing neighborhood character.
CD.I.1.11 The Los. Gatos Boulevard Plan shall be used It is not necessary to have a General Plan
to evaluate projects within the area it policy to follow other adopted Town
covers. policies.
CD.P.4.2 Establish and maintain strong boundaries Same as L.P.6.4 in Land Use
between the commercial area and adjacent
residential neighborhoods.
CD.I.4.14 Streetscape Plan: Implement the It is not necessary for the General Plan to
Downtown Streetscape and Plaza Master say the Town will implement its adopted
Plans. plans.
CD.P.4.6 Preserve historically, architecturally or Redundant with CD.G.3.1, L.P.4.6, and
socially significant buildings. L.P.1.9
L.P.4.6 Preserve and protect historic structures and Redundant with L.P.1.9
use special care in reviewing new buildings
or remodels in their vicinity to address
compatibility issues and potential impacts.
CD.P.3.4 Encourage the preservation and restoration Redundant with L.P.1.9 and CDP.3.2/3.5
of historic sites, and structures and
architecturally valuable structures.
CD.I.3.4 Historic Codes: Continue to use Town It is not necessary for the General Plan to
Code provisions to protect and designate say the Town will implement the Town
historic sites. Code.
CD.I.3.4 Encourage the use of the State Historic This is required anyway.
Building Code for any structural changes to
an historic building.
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L.I.8.10 Hillside Design Standard: Houses shall be Combined with CD.P.2.3
designed to step down the contours rather
than be designed for flat pads.
CD.P.1.18 Hardscape and formal landscape areas in Redundant with CD.P.2.3 and CD.P.2.6
hillsides shall be minimized.
C.P.4.10 Allow no more than minimal landscaping Redundant with CD.P.2.3 and CD.P.2.6
and turf in hillside areas.
L.P.8.4 Emphasize preserving the natural land Combined with CD.P.2.3
forms by minimizing grading. Grading
should be limited only to the area needed to
place the main house on the property.
C.I.4.5 Apply the Hillside Specific Plan and It is not necessary for the General Plan to
Hillside Development Standards and say the Town will implement adopted
Guidelines to ensure minimal grading, and plans.
to protect native plants and landscape
O.L4.1 Ridge Lines: Preservation of ridge lines, Added "ridgeline preservation" "tree
trees and open space along scenic roadways preservation" and "open space
shall be considered in reviewing every preservation" to list of review topics. in
proposed development or circulation CD.I.1.1
system improvement.
L.L 1.1 Architectural Standards/Design Criteria: Redundant with CD.L 1.1. Second sentence
Use adopted architectural standards and became an Action under same Goal
design criteria to review development
proposals. Periodically review architectural
standards and design guidelines and update
as necessary for completeness, clarity, and
L.L3.1 Architectural Standards/Design Criteria: Redundant with CD.L1.1
Use adopted architectural standards and
design criteria to review development
L.I.4.2 Development Review: Review development Redundant with CD.I.1.1
proposals against adopted Residential
Design Standards.
CD.I.1.12 Evaluate projects against applicable design Redundant with CD.L1.1
L.P.2.1 Review all development applications in Combined with CD.I.1.1
light of the overall mass and scale of the
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L.I.5.4 Information Handouts: Develop handouts Redundant with CD.I.1.5
and informational materials for use by
residents and businesses.
L.L7.4 Land Use Policy: Develop land use policy This is the General Plan and, as such,
to provide clear direction to potential should by law provide adequate land use
developers. policy to potential developers.
T.I.1.5 Land Use Patterns: Periodically review the This should happen as part of regular GP
impact that future regional and Town land Updates.
use patterns will have on the Town's
circulation system.
L.I.1.5 Traffic Impact Policy: Review development It is not necessary for the General Plan to
applications for consistency with the say the Town will implement adopted
required findings for Traffic Impact Policy. Town policies.
L.I.4.6 Traffic Impact Findings: Review It is not necessary for the General Plan to
development applications for consistency say the Town will implement adopted
with the .required findings for the Traffic Town policies.
Impact Policy.
T.P.7.5 .Develop a methodology and implement a Accomplished through the Traffic Impact
review procedure for relating future Policy.
development decisions to the carrying
capacity of Town streets.
S.P.6.1 Require and maintain effective circulation It is not necessary for the General Plan to
in hillsides in accordance with the Hillside say the Town will implement adopted plan.
Specific Plan.
T.P.4.10 Preserve the Route 85 median for mass Redundant with policies in the Vasona
transit. Light Rail Element.
T.P.4.11 Encourage and support the development of Redundant with policies in the Vasona
a mass transit facility in the Route 85 Light Rail Element.
T.P.4.7 Encourage development proposals to Redundant with T.I.6.6
include amenities that encourage alternate
forms of transportation that reduce
pollution or traffic congestion as a form of
Community Benefit (e.g. bicycle
lockers/racks, showers, dedicated van-pool
or car-pool parking areas, dedicated shuttle
services, innovative bus shelter designs).
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T.I.4.1 Community Benefit: Encourage developers Conflicts with T.I.6.6 which requires this.
to contribute to or provide nearby
improvements in pedestrian, bicycle and
wheelchair access.
T.P.5.1 Encourage the enhancement and Redundant with T.G.5.2
development of multiple use trails within
the Town.
T.P.5.4 Trail Syste>n: Complete the Town's trail Redundant with new Action TRA-11.1
and bikeways system as shown in the
General and Hillside Specific Plans.
CD.P.4.9 Develop and promote pedestrian-, bicycle-, Redundant with numerous other policies
and transit-oriented supplements to that support pedestrians, bicycling and
parking, transit.
V.P.7.1 The Town shall .guide future development Not necessary to re-state the legal function
in the sub-area. of the General Plan
V.P.4.3 Major development projects shall be This is a Town wide policy in the CD
processed as planned developments. Element
V.I.5.2 Process major development projects as This is a Town wide policy in the CD
planned developments. Element
V.L7.3 Planned developments: Process major This is a Town wide policy in the CD
developments as planned developments. Element
V.I.8.3 Planned developments: Process major This is a Town wide policy in the CD
development proposals as planned Element
V.I.1.1 Mass Transit: Cooperate and coordinate Redundant with V.I.1.2
with all appropriate agencies to facilitate
construction of mass transit.
V.P.3.1 Sites for recreational open space and Redundant with OSP policies about access
playfields shall have convenient access and and adjacent residential land uses
be designed with adequate buffers if
adjacent to residential uses.
V.I.6.1 Orient and site residential units to take Redundant with V.P.6.1
advantage of the amenities of the Los Gatos
Creek Trail system and to preserve
watersheds, riparian habitats and wildlife
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V.P.6.4 _
Develop apedestrian/bicycle bridge across -
Redundant with V.I.5.5 and V.I.6.4
Los Gatos Creek and a continuous trail
system along the east side of Los Gatos
Creek from Lark Ave. to the northern
Town limit in keeping with the Trails and
Bikeways Master Plan.
V.P.4.4 The design of structures and open space Redundant with Town-wide policies in CD
shall be compatible with the small-town Element
character of Los Gatos.
V.I.7.1 Design standards: Prepare development Redundant with V.I.4.1
standards that include criteria and
provisions for comprehensive design
review, recognizing the area as a "gateway"
to Los Gatos.
V.L8.4 Adopted Plans: Evaluate proposed uses and It is not necessary for the General Plan to
designs to ensure they are consistent with say the Town will implement adopted plans
the Los Gatos Boulevard Plan and Design
Standards Plan.
V.G.4.2 To encourage the best mixture of Redundant with V.G.4.1
residential and nonresidential uses within
the area which achieves the least impact on
traffic, noise, schools, etc.
V.P.6.3 The maintenance road along the east side of Redundant with V.L6.3
Los Gatos Creek shall function for
emergency access.
V.P.8.3 Development shall incorporate features to Redundant with V.I.6.2
buffer dwelling units from noise and other
V.I.8.5 Noise: Applications for projects that front Redundant with V.I.6.2, which has been
on Los Gatos Blvd and/or back up to revised to require a noise study
property on National Ave. or Camino del
Sol shall include a noise study proposing
mitigation measures to reduce noise
impacts on existing and future residents.
V.I.5.6 Evaluate projects as to how the built Redundant with Town-wide policies in CD
environment naturally blends into the Element
surrounding landscape in such areas as:
scale, materials, hadscape, lights and
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V.L7.6 Cut-through traffic: Ingress and egress shall Redundant with Town-wide neighborhood
be designed to minimize opportunities for traffic calming policies in the
traffic impacts on surrounding residential Transportation Element
O.I.1.3 Safety: Use the policies and implementation It is not necessary for the General Plan to
measures of the Safety Element to restrict say the Town will implement adopted
development in safety hazard areas. Town policies.
O.P.4.1 Preserve the natural open space character of Redundant with the Goal OP4.3
prominent visible hillside lands.
O.P.4.4 Require the provision of permanent open Redundant with OI4.2]
space in hillside developments.
O.P.3.4 Provide access to natural open space, First part redundant with Goal O.G.2.1,
protecting the safety, privacy, and security second part combined with O.P.2.1
of adjacent residential areas.
O.P.3.1 Provide open space in residential areas. Redundant with Goal O.G.3.1
L.P.8.9 Encourage innovative and efficient This policy is actually a goal. It is not
management of natural resources. needed since we have an extensive set of
goals focused on specific natural resources.
C.P.4.11 Encourage preservation and use of native This is not necessary since C.I.4.1 requires
plant species in hillside areas. native plants throughout the Town, not
only in hillside areas.
C.L4.2 Tree preservation ordinance: Town Redundant with C.P.4.2
ordinances shall Encourage the
maintenance of specimen or heritage trees
and limit the removal of all trees.
C.P.4.12 Enforce the grading standards set forth in It is not necessary for the General Plan to
the I~illside Specific Plan and Hillside say the Town will implement adopted plans
Development Standards and Guidelines. and standards.
C.I.2.11 Enforce protection of riparian corridors. Redundant with Goal C.G.2.6 and Policy
C.P.4.5 Preserve wetlands. Redundant with Goal C.G.2.6
C.I.5.2 Enforcement: Local, state and national It is not necessary for the General Plan to
regulations protecting against the say that the Town will enforce local, state
destruction of wildlife and wildlife habitat and national regulations.
shall be strictly enforced.
C.P.5.4 Establish sound land management practices This is accomplished through this General
that will improve wildlife habitats. Plan.
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C.P.7.3 Design structures to maximize natural Redundant with new Policy ENV-10.6
heating and cooling (passive solar heating
and cooling.)
C.P.7.4 Utilize landscaping for passive cooling and Redundant with new Policy ENV-10.7
protection from prevailing winds.
C.I.7.2 Energy Rating System: The Town, in This has been accomplished through the
conjunction with the local board of realtors adoption of the GreenPoint Rating System.
and local developers and architects, shall
participate in the development and
implementation of an energy efficiency
rating system for existing and new
residential structures to assist home buyers
in selecting energy efficient homes.
N.G 1.1 To preserve the quiet atmosphere of the Redundant with N.G.1.2
N.P.1.11 Adopt standards or criteria for the review State standards are used.
of noise impacts.
N.I.1.19 Establish standards that address ongoing Done
operational noise.
N.I.1.15 Community noise survey: The Town shall Redundant with NI.12 .
periodically conduct a community noise
S.G.1.1 To reduce the potential for injuries, damage Redundant with SG1.2
to property, economic and social
displacement, and loss of life resulting from
earthquakes, and other various forms of
geologic failures including mud flows and
S.I.2,2 Site design: In areas identified as potentially Redundant with SP 2.3
susceptible to fire hazards, require special
building and site design by ordinance.
HS.L 1.2 Continue to use the local media, Town Replaced by new policy HS-7.3 in Draft
website and Town newsletter to promote 2020 General Plan
senior programs.
HS.P.5.1 Provide the minimum library facility Town direction to Remove
standards of the American Library
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HS.P.5.2 Build a new library facility that will be Town direction to Remove
efficient, flexible and expandable to
accommodate the changing informational
and educational needs of the community.
HS,L5.1 Proceed with planning for a new library Removing since this facility is already
facility that will accommodate changing planned.
technology and increased information and
education needs of Los Gatos for the next
twenty years.
HS.I.4.1 Study the feasibility of Town-supported Town direction to Remove
performing arts events.
C.L2.8 Require landscaping in new developments This is already required by the Water
and remodels that is based on the principles Efficiency Landscaping Ordinance
of water conservation, including the use of
drought tolerant plants, limited turf areas
and water conserving techniques.
C.P.2.6 Promote landscaping that is based on Redundant with CD.P.1.17
principles of water conservation.
C.P.2.13 Work with Town businesses and residents Redundant with C.G.2.1, C.G.2,4, C.G.2.5
to encourage water conservation. and S.P.3.4
C.P.2.12 Require new development to demonstrate Redundant with CD.P.1.17 and adopted
how it makes efficient use of water. Ordinance.
C.P.2.8 Limit land use intensity in areas with Town direction to Remove
inadequate water supply.
j. North Forty Specific Plan Overlay
The North Forty Specific Plan Overlay determines the mix of uses that will occur in this area as
well as the maximum development potential. The General Plan Environmental Impact Report
(EIR) assessed the potential impacts of the maximum development capacity for the North 40
Specific Plan. Based on the maximum development capacity in the EIR, Rresidential
development is shall be limited to not more than 750 dwelling units of mixed residential types.
Non-residential uses ~ shall be limited to a total of 580,000 square feet of retail and office
development. The development of a hotel i-s shall be permitted in this area. The North 40
Specific Plan shall be based on the following design principles: T'°~~°l~rm°r+ ~~"~°r +1,°,.T,,,,+1,
•~ Complement and not compete with Los Gatos's Downtown and the rest of the
• Be based on sustainable and "smart" development practices.
• Incorporate mixed-use development with residential uses to the south and retail mixed-
use to the north.
• Include public atg_ hexing spaces such as a plazas °+ +1,° „°„+°,. „~+1,° ,,,;.,°,a „~° .,,,°., ,,,,,a „
parks..,++1,° ,. ,,,°„ „~+1,° „ n;,a°„+;.,1 .,
• Provide for a variety of residential housing types, both rental and owner occupied. A
minimum of 20% of the units shall be affordable to households at the moderate income
level or below.
1°..°1 ,,,, 1,°1,,.,.
• Include high-quality architecture and design that reflects the rural and agricultural history
of the .site.
• Provide pedestrian-oriented buildings along the Los Gatos Boulevard frontage, with
minimal parking oriented to the street.
• Talce advantage of the grade change across the site by including split-level buildings that
allow for two floors of retail and "tuck under" parking.
• Continue the "boulevard treatment" along Los Gatos Boulevard, with intercomiections
from one parcel's drive aisle to the next.
• Include connections to existing intersections along Los Gatos Boulevard and Larlc
• Develop gateway or landmark features. at Los Gatos Boulevard and Larlc Avenue and at
Los Gatos Boulevard and the Highway 85 off ramp..
• Provide an easily accessible, hilly connected street network that encourages walking.
• Provide a vegetative buffer and screening along Highways 17 and 85.
• Preserve Town character and views., ;"-
• Preservinge views of the hills from 1=Iighways 17 and 85.
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Attachment 2