11 - Pageant Grounds Access Improvement Design Project,~pW N OF ~N~~. / ~4~~~, ~ `OS oG Atp~' . COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: JULY 21, 2010 MEETING DATE: 08/02/10 ITEM NO. MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER/EXECUTIVEbIRECTOR G SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-02- PAGEANT GROUNDS ACCESS IMPROVEMENT DESIGN PROJECT 831-1201 APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PAGEANT GROUNDS ACCESS IMPROVEMENT DESIGN PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR BIDS RECOMMENDATION: Approve plans and specifications for the Pageant Grounds Access Improvement Design project and authorize staff to advertise the project for bids. BACKGROUND: Improved access to the Pageant Grounds was identified as a fundamental component to the development of the-new Library project. The existing location of the emergency generator and cooling tower (serving the Civic Center) prevents the development of the site as a complement to the new Library. Staff was directed to explore alternative locations for this essential equipment. The Town entered into an agreement Alfa Tech to provide design services for this project. DISCUSSION: A new location for the equipment was identified near the rear of the Civic Center adjacent to the mechanical room. This site will require the re-use of four current employee parking spaces. A visual and sound attenuating enclosure will also be constructed as part of this project. During the equipment evaluation process, it was determined the useful life of the current emergency generator has been exceeded and its generating capacity falls short of the Civia Center's current needs. Alfa Tech was directed to recommend an appropriate emergency generator replacement PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO '~~ ~~-~ ~7Zi Director of Parks and Public Works . _~, n ,a_ ,~~~..,~..-~.~,,.~, ,.n.~~~.. ~~~~.,~,ri~,.~_~.~.~..r.w. Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager/Deputy Directo T wn Attorney/General Counsel/ Clerk Administrator/Secretary Finance Community Development Ni\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCIL\COUNCILREPORTS\2010 Reports\AugusY2\10-02 PageantGroundsAccessLnprvinnt.doc PAGE 2 JULY 21, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 10-02- PAGEANT GROUNDS ACCESS IMPROVEMENT DESIGN PROJECT 831-1201 DISCUSSION (cont'd): and automatic transfer switch, to be inchided in the project. The cooling tower and its ancillary components will be re-used in the new location. Plans and Specifications for this project are complete and will be available for review in the Clerk Department on the Friday prior to the August 2nd Town Council meeting. If the Town Council approves this project, it will be advertised and a construction contract will be presented to Council for award in September. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve plans and specifications for the Pageant Grounds Access Improvement Design project and authorize staff to advertise the project forbids. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Sections 15301 (c), and 153.03 (e), and 15304 (b) of the State CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds available for this project. A detailed budget summary will be provided at the September 7, 2010, Town Council meeting, when the construction contract is scheduled to be awarded.