1 - Town Manager Actions during Council Recess~pW N OF \ll r_; j.,;.~,,,,,.,, ~~, • ~: !pS'~~AtpS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: JULY 29, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUATCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER VIEETItATG DATE: 8/2/10 ITEM \'O: 1 SUBJECT: ACCEPT REPORT ON TOWN MANAGER APPROVED ACTIONS DURING COUNCIL RECESS RECOMMENDATION: Accept report of actions taken by Town Manager during the official Town Council legislative recess from July 1, 2010 to August 1, 2010. BACKGROUl~tD: On July 1, 2002, the Town Council adopted a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to execute the following duties durhng periods of official Town Council recess, in consultation with the Mayor: Approval of plans and specifications for capital projects and authorization to advertise for bids. Award of consriuction contracts and construction contract change orders in excess of the amount included in the contingency. Execution of agreements and amendments to agreements in excess of 550,000 that ordinarily require Council approval. DISCUSSION: The Town Council took au official legislative recess from July 1, 2010 to August 1, 2010. During this recess, and pursuant to authority granted by the Town Council, the Town Manager executed the following actions, in consultation with the \~ayor: Execute an amendment to the agreement between Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Las Gatos for business related services for Fiscal Year 2010-11 ~G~,v~-~-Lr` a~i Ct~.-~ o PREPARED BY: PA\~IELA 3ACOBS Assistant Town Manager PSJ:pg V: VIGR.admin\4~orkFrles2010 Council Reports?0 i0 Recess Manager Act r M Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Clerk Administrator Finance ~~6wn Attorney Cotmnututy Development PAGE 2 MAY"OR AND TO~VI\i COUNCIL SLBJECT: ACCEPT REPORT O\ TOWN YL4NAGER APPROVED ACTIONS DURLtiG COINCIL RECESS JULY 29, 2010 In consultation with the Mayor, the Tora-n iv4anager determined that inmlediate action on the above item was necessary in order to ar oid critical scheduling delay. The contract award is rr~ithin budget allocations. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the Town Council accept this report of actions taken by the Town Manager during the Council recess, as authorized by Torr~n Council resolution on July 1, 2002. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no fiu-ther action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action.