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2008-120-Setting Date For Consideration For Reorganization Of Uninhabited Territory Designated Englewood Avenue No 7
RESOLUTION 2008-120 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SETTING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF REORGANIZATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED ENGLEWOOD AVENUE NO. 7, PROPERTY LOCATED AT 16551 ENGLEWOOD AVENUE; APPROXIMATELY .67 ACRES (APN: 532-07-021) WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos has received a request for annexation of territory designated Englewood Avenue No. 7 from Masud & Mojgan Maesumi; and WHEREAS, the property, .67 acres, more or less, at 16551 Englewood Avenue, APN: 532- 07-021, is adjacent to a Town boundary and within its urban service area; and WHEREAS, the following special districts would be affected by the proposal: Santa Clara County Library Service Area; and WHEREAS, the annexation would provide for use of Town services; and WHEREAS, the Town Council enacted an ordinance over 20 years ago pre-zoning the subject territory with an R-l:$ (single family residential, 8,000 sq. ft, minimum lot size) zoning designation; and WIIEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos, as Lead Agency for environmental review for the reorganization has determined annexation of the subject property is exempt for the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, pLUSUant to Section 15061(b)(3); and WHEREAS, the County Surveyor of Santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B") to be in accordance with Government Code Section 56757, the boundaries to be definite and certain, and the proposal to be in compliance with LAFCO's road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code Section 56757, the Town Councils of the Town of Los Gatos shall be the conducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the Town; and WHEREAS, the territory is uninhabited and all owners of land included in the proposal have consented to this annexation; and WHER { AS, Government Code Section 56663(a) provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of land within the affected territory the Town Council may approve or disapprove the annexation witholrt public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos hereby initiates annexation proceedings and will consider annexation to the territory designated as Englewood Avenue No. 7 at their regular meeting of December 1, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 3rd of November 200.8, by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ~"--~ Y ,`~- MAYO~/ F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS~,~ATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTF,S'T: '` CLE I~ OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA EX~IIBIT A DESCRIPTION'TO ACCOl1'IPANX ANNEXATION 01' "PERRITORY KNOWN AS ENGL~WO(JD AVENUE N0.7 All t1)at certain real property located In fire County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of the 1Z;tncho Riuconada De Los Gatos, more partlcularlydcscribed as follows; BEGINNING at thesouthwesterly corner of that certain Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos Known as inglewoocl Avenue No. 5, said point lying along llrcl northwesterly line of );ngletivood Avenue, 50' wide, at the terminus of an arc beginning tsiong the southeasterly line of Loma Street; (hence along the southwesterly most line of said Englewood Ave No. 5 Annexation, (1) S 53°3x'08" E, a distance of 50.00' to the soutlteastcrly most corner oi'ssrid Englewood Avc No, 5 Annexation, thence leaving said Annexation Englewood No,S and along the southeasterly line of Englewood Avenue to the terminus of an arc beginning aiong the squthwesterlyy line of Topping Avenue as shown on that certain Map entitled "Tract No 328, ICenwaod Acres" tiled in Boole 10 of Maps at page 56, Santa Clara County Records, to fire point of compound curvature of fl tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 1486.38' a central angle of 04°16'38", a Ind a chord of 110.93' bgarirtg N 34°19'3,S" E; thence (2) souilrwcsteriy aiong said curve, a distance of 110,96' along the southeasterly line of Englewood Avenue; thence continuitrg along said .Englewood Avenue, (3) S 32°11'16" W, a distance off' 128.16' to rite point of cut•vatnre of a tangent curve, concave to the northeast, having a radius of 20.00' and a central angle oi' 106°38'45"; thence (4} southeasterly along said cuI•ve, a distance of 37.23' to the nor•tlteasterly line of l!!larchmont Avenae, 60' wide; , thence (5) S 15°32'31" W, a distance of 60.00' to the southwesterly line of lYlarchmont Avenue; thence aiong said southwesterly line of Marcltmont Avenue,{6) N 74°2729" W, a distance of 29.90' to the point of curvature of a tangent cut•ve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 20.OU' and a central angle of 73°21'15"; thence (7) southwesterly along said carve, a distance of 25.61' to the soatheastel'ly line of Englewood Avenae; thence rrlong the southeasterly line of Englewood Avenue, (8) S 32°11'16" W, a distance oi' 35,92'; thence leaving said Tract No 328, {9) N 57°48'44" W, a distance of 50,OU' to the northwesterly line of Englewood Avenae; thence along the northwesterly line of Englewood Avenue, {10) N 32°11'16" E, a distance of 54.11'.; thence leaving said northwesterly line of Englewood Avenue and hlong the southwesterly line~af tits lands described in that certain deed filed for record in Document No, 12443102, Santa Cla1•a County Records, (I1} N 78°4l'42" W, a distance of 1SO.U0' to a point along the southeasterly line of Terris Avenue No, 1 Annexation; (hence along the southeasterly line of Ferris Avenue No. 1 Annexation and the nortlnvesterly line of the Iflnds of said Document No, 12443102, (12), N 32°11'16" E, a distance oi' 54.11'; thence is}ruing said soathcaster•ly line of Annexation Terris Avenue No, 1 anti aiong#hc northeasterly line oi'saicl Document No, 12443102, (t3) S 78°41'42" E, fl distance of 150.00' to tltc northwesterly line of Englewood Avenue; thence along the northwesterly line of Englewood Avenue, (14) N 32°11'16" E, a distance ni' 16D.24' to the point of cur•vflhn•e oi'a tangent curve, concave to the southeast, }-aving a radius of 1536,38' and a eerttral artglc of 04°16'38"; thence (15) a~ortireasterly along said curve and along the northwesterly lhte of Englewood Avenae, fl distance of 114,G9'to the POINT OT BEGINNING. Containing 29,003 sq ft or 0.6658 acres Wrote or less APN N0, 532-07-021 ADDRESS: 16551 ENGI~EWOOI) AVENUE Attached hereto is a plat labeled Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part thereof, Description prepared September 23, 2008. I'or assessment purposes only, This description of land is not tt legal property description as defined in tltc Subdivision Map Act and may no# be used as the basis for an offer for sale of the land described. END OT DESCRIPTION ,,~%°e~~t~~ 1''~uf Mun Kyu Lee R.c,E, No. r.-258$1 Expires 12-31-09 Vin. ~ ~~~~~ ~• ~~ ~ ~ ~• r~ r 1 ~+ ~r 1 1 ~T ^4 tr' ! ~ ~ F^rJe^ ~~~• ~.•, r -...... r ''~:r'.' (lt~ Gal:'~'"~~, ~,_ .~~ ` 7.C~E' FaS IIIN~`..~.. •~~,., ~r, f c~' --- J fi~~R~s '~ ~{~~ ~ 2 s 311 nor ~~'a ' ~ Np• ~ ,. ~• ~'`Q `~~ ~~°~ ~` ~ r~Ac --__~ ____ ~ T O. 3650 ~P~ C 1 ~ 1 t ~~@ r 321 ~,,r,..-~.~~~-- .• _ t.~~ r,~, 6 L• 5~1 1 ~ "~ ... (12) - l-- ,.~ ~I• :J :~ VICINITY MAP 1a A _,. rn v. ~ ~ ~„~ rn ~' ~ ~~~-IIBIT B ~. N ~ ~, ~ PLAT TO ACCOmI'ANY a ~ ~ ANNEXATION °~ •_,_ ° o fJF TERRITORY KNOWN AS n y~ ~ ~~ °~ -~ ~~v~L~cwoon avE ova ~ tt . . . a ~~ ~ "` TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS .-~ .~ J , ~~ ~ ~ ~ being a portion of the © , ~' ' ° 4 -' Rancho Rinconada De Los Gatas ~ ~' a ~ N ~' ~r W / STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ~, o N DATE: 09-23-08 SCALE: 1" = 30' APN N0.532-07-021 AUD17ES5; lG551 ENGLEWOOI) AVENUE r~NNBXA'fION AREA 0,658 acres 29003 set ft ....,,,S9,1I' N 32°(1'LG~ E G~~~Qab .~`_---~ S 32pi~ j8~=w 3,s,92. For assFssment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis i'or an offer for sale of the land described, - - - - -LOS GATOS Tt7WN LIM1T5 -~- PROPOSQQ ANNEXATION LfM1TS (14) .~~~ l~ G ~ s. /J '`~,''' 000, S3z°1 !'1 ~~ ~ ,°';J ~,. 128.16' S l5°3 '31" W so, o' 30, 30' t6'~$~6536.?$~ ~~~ ' h cv r ! ~ l --. I _~_-.___'.-- ~-_._~ ~ 0 / Q -__- N ~ M / O ~ /~Z ~i 141 16'38" ll?) 1~86.3g~ I /~~'' '~T I -=! 10.9' l! ~