2008-092-Setting Date For Consideration Of Reorganization Of Uninhabited Territory Designated Hillow Road No 3 Property Located At 1632 Hillow Road Approximately 1.12 AcresRESOLUTION 2008-092 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SETTING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF REORGANIZATION OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED HILOW ROAD N0.3, PROPERTY LOCATED AT 16362 HILOW ROAD; APPROXIMATELY 1.12 ACRES (APN: 532-04-082) WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos has received a request for annexation of territory designated Hilow Road No. 3 from Farbod & Katayoon Dinyari; and WHEREAS, the property,1.12 acres (inclusive of road right-of--way), at 16362 Hilow Road, APN: 532-04-082, is within 300 feet of a roadway maintained by the Town of Los Gatos and is within its urban service area; and • WHEREAS, the following special districts would be affected by the proposal: Santa Clara County Library Service Area; and WHEREAS, the .annexation would provide for use of Town services; and WHEREAS, the Town Council enacted an ordinance over 20 years ago pre-zoning the subject territory with an R-1:8 (single family residential, 8,000 sq, ft. minimum lot size) zoning designation; and WHEREAS, t11e "1 own of Los Gatos, as Lead Agency for environmental review for t11e reorganization has determined annexation of the subject property is exempt for the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, pursuatlt to .Section 15061(b)(3); and WHEREAS, the County Surveyor of Santa Clara County has found the map and description (Exhibits "A" and "B'") to be in accordance with Government Code Section S67S7, the boundaries to be definite and certain, and the proposal to be in compliance with LAFCO's road annexation policies; and WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code Section S67S7., the Town Councils of the Town of Los Gatos shall be the conducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the Town; and WHEREAS, the territory is uninhabited and all owners of land included in the proposal have consented to this .annexation; and WHEREAS, Govertunent Code Section 56663 (a) provides t11at if a petition for annexation is signed. by all owners of land within the affected territory .the Town Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos hereby initiates annexation proceedings and will consider annexation to the territory designated as Hilow Road No. 3 at their regular meeting of September 15, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 18`x' of August, 2008 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Gliclanan, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynslci, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: a„hc~~. AYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLE K OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA A. July 23, 2008 rev 3 Job No. 06-303 Exhibit "A" ~, ~~~/"~~d Legal Description for ~'~~ ,~~'' Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos ~~ ~~'~'~ Hilow Road No. 3 ~ ~.~ /~~ Lands of Dinyari 16362 Hilow Road, Los Gatos, CA Being all that certain real property situate in the unincorporated area of the County of Santa Clara, State of California and portion of Rancho Rinconada de Los Gatos, Designated as lot 18 together with a portion of Hilow Road as shown on thatcertain Tract Map 616 recorded in, book 26 of maps at pages 8 and 9, Santa Clara County Records, being more particularly boiuxded and described as follows: Begiru~ing at a point on the existing towir limit line of Los Gatos as established by resohrtion 2006-016 Titled "Shaluion Road No. 22" a11d 'Westerly line of Hilow Road, said point also being the Northeasterly corner of lot 1 as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map; {1} Thence along the existing town limit line of Los Gatos as established by resolution 2006-016 Titled "Shannon Road No. 22" .South 70°19'5S" East, 60.00 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of--way line of Hilow Road ~~nd South 19°40'05" West, 15.01 feet from the Northwesterly corner of lot 21 of above mentioned Tract Map; (2) Thence along said Easterly right-off why line South 19°40'05" West, 196.69 feet to the Northwesterly corner oflot 18 on the Easterly right-of--way line of Hilow Road as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map; (3) Thence leaving said easterly right-of way of Hilow Road and along the Northwesterly property line of Lot 18 as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map South 70° 19' S 5" East, 157.06 feet; (4) Thence South 19°40'00" West, 75.00 feet; (5) Thence North 70°19'55" West, 157.06 feet to the Southwesterly co~x~er of lot 18 on the Easterly right-of-way line of IIilow Road as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map; {6) Thence continuing along said Easterly right-of-way lute South 19°40'05" West, 150 feet to a tangent curve also being the Southwesterly corner of lot LG as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map; (7) Thence along a tangent curve to the right having a radius of 877.48 feet, tlnough a central angle of 07°37'42" and an arc distance of 116.83 feet to a point of reverse curvature to the left; (8) Thence along a arc of a curvature to the left having a radial bearing of South 68°28'00" East and a radius of $17.48 feet, tlu•ough a central angle of OS°4.5'49" and an arc distance of 82.23 feet to a point on of intersection of the existing town limit line of r os Gatos as established by resolution 2005-135 Titled "Hilow Road No. 2" and the easterly right-of--way line of Hilow Road. (9) Thence leaving the Easterlyright-of--way Iin,e of Hilow Road and along existing town limit line as mentioned above North 68°28' 00" West, 60.00 feet to a point on the Westerly light-of--way line of Hilow Road "also being the Northeasterly cornea of lot 7 and Southeasterly corner of lot 6 as shown on the above mentioned Tract Map; (10) Thence along a arc of a carve to the right b.aving a radial bearing of South $8°28'00" Last and a radius of 877.48 feet, through a central angle of OS°45'49" and all arc distance of 8$.27 feet to a point of reverse curvature; {11) Thence along the arc of a tangent etuwe to the left, having a radius of $17.48 feet, through a central angle of 07°37'42" and an arc distance oi' 108.84 feet to a point of tangency along the Westerly right-of=way lute of Hilow Road; (12) Thence along the Westerly right-of--way.lino of Hilow Road North 19°40'05" East, 421.69 feet to the point of beginning. Contail~ing appxoximately 48,966 square feet, 1.124 acres. For assessment purposes only. This description of land is nova legal property description as def ned in the Subdivision AQap Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer for wale of the land described 1 l }N 1 -~ ! ^0{ h o 'APN; 5f~~08 11 APN; 523^Ofl^0{T __--- _ ~ ~ "' ~ ~^ Y Fr, " , ..~- •'V - -~" ` ~! "ter.- •' .,...w"!"i ^~-.."+.~." R '"~ I S70'1 'S5"E r ~ ~ ~ omS~ f I 1 „~ I ~ 30' F-u~8~ a f ~ as 3p' O z~ 1 0, 1 ' APFI: 532-na-031 ~ ~ O ~ N ~ i ~ a: I In r-~ J T I v ~ O Q vl.F 0' I s ~ 4^,7 I !" w 7 Z -°~ N Z (/~ P I q Ir ~ ~ W W I 0 0 I ~ K s I o ' ~ n ~n~ ~ 1~ I N I ~o O_ I Z F ~ ~ I i~.l :R O I I z -~___ AP.N:6}2-04-.03U 1 {- I ; ( ~ I W I } t i I~ - -- ~ 1~ ml I __ '^-~ I I ~ ~ I ~ _- ________-- - r 1 I o I ~ SSS W I ~i I ~ I ,~ 'n 1 , dcy pZ I I ,Q I I APl1: 532-n~1-n20 r i 'n Q LU7 2 iRAt;T NO. 619 I ~ I ~ d' "S°+u u I ~ I F- _ I 1 I ~ I 1 z - "1 I ~ __ ____.________ .-_ , -t x ~ f I , --__-.~ _ J. ~ J a i X00 I FI` I K ~ I I I I I .~. m I "z I I ~s I Z I 2 I- s ' 01" 1 1 1 6 z w Z O != z z a lil W Z Z W J ~ 6 W g~ ~ b Z `'~W~ a z $F-Z~ O w O Z J a m F-W}}..~ } Z~~U ~ O x~wp~o~ ~ z i.l!)0.~ ~ RO. ' m O n: ~;~ C7 _ APN:332-09-UZ@ LOT 3 TRACT NU. 819 APN:632-0;•080 LUT 2 TRACT N0. 618 U ' I I I~~ -.~__-.~____.~ - ,J I APN=532.-Oa-027 I I LUT a TRACT IIQ. 619 1 APH:532-04-081 I 11.0T 3 TRACT M0. bi6 I N Q 1 ~ II ~ U Z a o ¢ APN:532••U4-UG2 I LOT a TRACT N0, 616 .d r' [+ dad a e~ vl S ~ I I ~rca 4 ZZ6 ~~ -^--~-- O~ ---- ~ ~ u.> a~~ ~ ~ a . ®~.. W C1 O N I Z O] I O w z ¢ ~ 4 }'" ~ tJ ~~ °.~ `~ ~ T U Z ~¢F ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ J ~ Z ~i 1 4 ~s Q U Z .= ~! F W ~ OTP5~TRACT 1106818 ~ I x x 0 : ry ~ ~ I . ~ ~~ ` Q K ~ 1 ~ r ta, U 1 ~ Z O q I u~ 1 9 a ~-_-..- to ~ ~ Z I I O LL, O ~ ~ APFI.532-04-084 I L0T 6 TRACT ND. 810 ~ N ZO m I I 1~1 (n F W oFai~ ~~ a ~ rn °~ a EXISTING TOWN LIMIT LINE { o DF LOS GATOS ~ AS E5TADLISNED DY - RESOLUTION 2046-135 N w ~ TITLED "HILOW ROAD NO. 2" 11 V W l,l D ~ p W I APN: 832-Oa-OG5 1 sIS LOT 7 TRACT N0 a ~O ~ . } U O f0 (n 1 APN; 63z-na-@6s LOT 0 TRAGT ND, 616 °~ ~ i 1 ~~ ~~ z EXISTING TOWA7 LIMIT LINE z 1 OF LOS GATOS I U - AS ES7AOLISHEO BY ? RESOLUTION2003-141 TITLED "HILOW ROAD N0. 1" 1 APII: n32-OJ-087 ' " LOT 9 TRACT 10, 018 ~~-^~'` ----" 1,~ p ~(0. .~ (`I~ , w P- z n o~ € _ ~570'19~5"E~ - _ - 157.05' a APN:532-Ui-U6T ~ Lor z@ TRACT Flo. e16 of ~ S70'19'55"E _ -- -°- o r5~.os' ArN:33z-na-o@3 ~ LOT 19 TRACT NU, 616 N i® (~ S70'19'S5°E 157.06' ~ 1 4 ~ 0 16362 HILOW ROAD ~ ol °, APN:532-04-062 1 ml ~ koT 16 TRACTN0..616 Ca I ~ ! , ~./ I ®N70'19'55"W 157. ~ °o; m I~, ~a 1 lj APN:532-04-001 I.OT 17 TRACT No. 816 !/(. O N7 .- I ~ I ~ __ ~._..__---_.- 1 Ir) 3 C7 ;Y APl1:532-04-080 LOT 16 TRACT t10. 810 I OI ~ J ~ _ - _ a$g6R *~~V~ p\~~ " \ ~'`~.~ dl ~ r~i ~ ~ Rg P~ ~e ~ ~ ~ ~~ t o V Z d ~S~ ~~N Zp4 •.. IN ''Zj fn~ W(r'j 1A ~ Ob ----.~o ~~o> lC ~ C o _ ~OZ SOU U n ~ oqH ~T ~ Q ~~Me ~~p J yQ ~ ~ ° G ICJ z "' c~ r. z "'.J ¢ ~ ...100 F'rtn '~ ~ o Qa o ag 0 I F' ~ ~ IN o <h ga ~ ~ o ~ v°~ a a o ~ ~ z o ~, II ~ ~ cN - r n ~ m L°,T .; W ~ ~ ~ oz w