2008-065-Approving A Cost Share Cooperative Agreement Between The Town Of Los Gatos And The City Of Campbell For A Street Resurfacing ProjectRESOLUTION 2008-065 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS APPROVING A COST SHARE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND THE CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR A STREET RESURFACNG PROJECT WHEREAS, the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Campbell desires to enter into a cost share cooperative agreement for a Street Resurfacing Project on West Parr Avenue, Dardenelli Lane, Capri Drive, and Division Street in the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Campbell; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for both agencies to work together as a reliable, timely, and cost effective means of completing this project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Council does hereby approve an agreement (Exhibit A) between the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Campbell and hereby authorizes the Town Manager to execute said agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the 2nd day of June, 2008 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Wasserman, and Mayor Barbara Spector SIGNED: C9 ~'' ~ MAYOR O THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GA~ S, CALIFORNIA I~ A OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIDE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND TOWN Ok' LOS GATOS FOR THE RUBBERIZED CAPE SEAL Ok' WEST PARR AVENUE BETWEEN POLLARD ROAD AND CAPRI DRIVE This Agreement (herein "Agreement") is made and entered into this day of 2008, (herein the "Effective Date") by and between the City of Campbell, a California znuzaicipal corporation, with its principal place of business located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California 95008 (herein "CAMPBELL"} and the Town of Los Gatos, a California municipal corporation., (herein "LOS GATOS"). CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS may be referred to herein collectively as the "Panties", "Cities" or the "Parties to this Agreement". RECITALS WHEREAS: A. West Parr Avenue from Pollard Road to Capri Drive is located in part in CAMPBELL azxl u1 part in LOS GATOS; and B. CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS find that it is in tlae public interest to remove and replace failed asphalt and to install rubberized cape seal overlay W. Parr Avenue from Pollard Road to Capri Drive, adjacent to which CAMPBELL, currently bas a paving project; and C. It is in the public interest for CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS to complete the PROJECT in a cooperative and econozYZical manner by cozastructing the project together; and D. Each Party has agreed to pez•form its portion of the worl~ as described herein, under its direction. E. CAMPBELL Resolution No. adopted ,authorizes its Public Worlcs Director to enter izato an agz•eement with the LOS GATOS far said woz•lz. lzi consideration of the above referenced recitals alid the following mutual covenants, agz•eemezzts uid obligations of the parties, CAMPBELL and LOS GA'1'OS agree as follows; AGREEMENT PROVISIONS 1. PRO.TL'CT DESCRIPTION: The wor1C to be performed under this Agreement will consist of zeLnoving and replacing failed asphalt concrete pavement and installing rubberized cape seal overlay along W. Parr Avenue, fi•on1 Pollard Road to Capri Drive (kzerein the "PROJECT")• C:IDOCUME-11LSGAS'f'~1\LOCALS~111'eniplXPgrpwiselCauipbell_Las Gatos Coop Agreement W. Parr.doc 1 Of 7 2, CAMPBELL'S OBLIGATIONS: CAMPBELL agrees as follows: A. To .act as the lead agency to adTxzinister the design and construction of the PROJECT, AdministT•ation shall include preparation of plans, specificatiotls, contract documents azld cost estimate; notification of local businesses; coordination with various agencies; preparation of all necessary environmental documents; obtaining permits; obtaining bids; awarduig the construction contract; administering the construction contract; providing .materials control and inspection services; and rnalcing progress payments to the contractor. B. To pay the PROJECT cost. The Project cost is defined as the actual amount paid to the contractor, plus all related costs for project design, construction management and achninistratiozl. C, CAMPBELL agrees to work with LOS GATOS to ensure al.l work in LOS GATOS's jT.uisdiction meets the requirements of the plans anti specifications prior to acceptance or within the warranty period. D. The designated project manager for CAMPBELL for the duration of the PROJECT is I'redriclc Ho (phone number: 408-866-2155). CAMPBEL L's project manager shall have all the necessary authority to du•ect techzucal and professional work within the scope of the Agreerr>ent and shall serve as the principal point of contact with LOS GATOS. 3, I,OS GATOS'S OBLIGATIONS: LOS GATOS agrees as follows: A. To pay the construction cost of the PROJECT. B. To provide CAMPBELL with alI necessary designvlformation in LOS GATOS's jurisdiction for incorporation into the final plans quid specifications. C. 'To marls out u1 the field all pavement areas to be removed and replaced on W. Parr Avenue within LOS GATOS's jurisdiction pursuant to the Metropolitan Transportation Coirunissiorz's Pavement Condition Index Distress Identification Manual. D. To pay the cozlstzlTCtion cost of the 'PROJECT within forty-five (45) business days of receiving and approving the detailed invoice fi•ozn CAMPBELL, provided that the following conditions are met: The PROJECT has been completed and LOS GATOS has approved the work, Acceptance by LOS GATOS shall be made in writing to CAMPBELL; and C:\DOCUME~TILSEAST~IILOCAT..S~L~TemplXPgrpwiselCmnpbell_Los Gtrios Coop Agreement W. Yarr.doc ~ Of 7 2. The detailed invoice sets forth the cost of construction of all PROJECT work based on the actual contract unit prices paid arzd negotiated change order(s), if ally E. The designated project manager for LOS GATOS for the duration of the PROJECT is Melissa 1'-luang (phone number: 408-3~~~r~~3-~;p), LOS GATOS's project zxzanager shall have all the necessary authority to review and approve and accept technical and professional work within the scope of the Agreement and shall serve as the principal point of contact with LOS GATOS, LOS GATOS may request .documentation of such costs, and may review the original invoices and weight certificates or request copies of Barrie, which shall be provided within a reasonable time. 4. TERM Oli AGREEMENT; A. Unless otherwise lnodif ed by a writteza amendnzerZt to this Agreement, the. tet•zxz of this Agreezxzent shall be one (1} year from the Effective Date or until PROJECT acceptance by both parties and final payments of all outstanding balances, which ever is later. B. Consistent with City of SAN JOSE's Stal•zdard Specifications, Section 7-1.23., CAMPBELL shall cause the contractor to provide a warranty period of at least one (1) year fi•om tlae acceptance date. 5. O~JNERSI~IP AND MAINTENANCE; A. Upon completion of all work lrnder this Agreement, ownership and title to all materials, equipment and appurtenances installed as a part of the PROJECT within the city lizruts of LOS GATOS will automatically be vested in CAMPBELL, and alI materials, equipment and appurtenances installed as a part of the PROJECT within the city Limits of CAMPBELL will be vested in CAMPBELL, and no filr-ther agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership. B. -This Agreement does not change any authority or responsibility between CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS with regard to maintenance, operation or further repaiz• z'esponsibilhty, 6. CONTRACTOR SIIALL 13E AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: Ally contractor(s) hued by either Party to perform the work included in the PROJECT shall not be an agent ox employee of either Party and will perform such work as an irldepezzdent contractor. All persons employed by or contracted with such contractor(s) to #urxzish labor and/ox materials in eoiulection with the work in the PROJECT shall not be employees of either Party in .any respect. C:1DpC[11vIE~l\LSEAS'I'•-1\LOCALS~11"1'emp\XPgrpwiselCampbell_i.os Gatos Coop Al;reentcne W. Parr.doe 3 of 7 7. TERMINATION: Either Party nay terminate dais Agreement any time prior to award of the construction contract for the PROJECT upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other Party by mutual consent. Once CAMPBELL has awarcled the construction contract for the PROJECT, the Agreement can be terminated only upon the mutual written Gonsent and on terms acceptable to both patties. 8. NO PLEDGING OF EITHER CITY'S CREDIT: Under no circumstances shall either CAMPBELL or LOS GATOS have authority oz power to pledge tlae credit of the otber public entity or incur obligation in the name of the other public entity, 9. NO TIdIKD PARTY EENEFICIARY: This Agreement shall not be construed or deemed to be an agreement for the benefit of any third party or patties and no third party or parties shall have any claim or right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. 10. AMENDMENTS No alteration. or violation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid tu~less made in writing and signed by the parties and incorporated into this Agreement. 11. NOTICES; Notices are to be sent as follows; To LOS GATOS: Kevin Rohani Interim Director of Public Worlcs Town of Los Gatos 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 'I~o CAMPBELL: Robert Kass Director of Public Worlcs City of Canapbcll 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 C:IDOCUME~IILSEAST--1\LOCALS--I1Templl'PgrpwiselCempbell_Los Gatos Coop Agreement W. Pnrr.doc 4 Of 7 12. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; In case any one or more of the provisions contained herein shall, far any reason, be held invalid, illegal, or uzlenforceable in any respect, it shall not affect the validity of the other provisions which shall rezna.in in fiill force and effect, 13. HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNII~ICATION; Neither of the respective Pal•ties, their respective City Couuncils, employees, officers, agents and assigns shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anythiJig done or omitted to be done by the other party in connection with the PROJECT. It is understood and agreed t17at l•JZ.usualit to California Government Code Section 895.4, the respective Parties shall fully incleznnify and hold the other harlxzless fiom any claims, actions, loss or liability imposed for llljlll'y (as defizlecl hl Government Cocle Section 810.8) by 1'eaSall of anything done or omitted to be done by CAMPBELL or LOS GATOS in connection with any work, a[~thority or jurisdiction delegated to the respective Parry under this Agreement. This hold. harmless and indemnification provision shall apply to any activities, error or omission of the respective Party and/or the Party's officers, employees, agents, coz~sultallts or contJactor or any person or entity acting or omitting to act for or on behalf of said City or such person or entities as are specifically authorised and :empowered by the respective Party to act for the Pal•ty. 14. CAl''I'IONS: The captions of tl2c various sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of tlvs Agreement are for convenience only ancl. shall not be considered nor referred to for resolving questions of interpretation of this Agreement. 1 S. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: CAMPBELL shall regltire any contractor awarded a coz~ztract for any portion of the work to be done on the Project to secure and maintain in full force and effect at all times during cortstl•uction arzd performance of the Project, and >_uitil said Project is accepted by both PARTIES, bodily injury insurance, and property damage insurance at no cost to either CAMPBELL ox LOS GATOS, with coverage amounts, reglured endorsements, certificates of insurance, and coverage verifications satisfactory and acceptable to both PAR1'IBS. CAMPBELL shall require that CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS, their respective City Councils, coznznissions, officers, el~zployees, vohmteers arzd agents arc hereby added as additional insureds on the conunercial general liability policy with respect to liability arising out of Corzhactor's work for CAMPBELL on this Project. C;1DOC[JNEE~I\LSF:AS'I'~11LOCALS~ICI'emp\XPgrpwiselCampbcll_Los Gatos Coop Agreement W. Parr,doc 5 Of It is mutually understood that during the term of the construction activities on the PROJECT, CAMPBELL will .require the successful contractor to carry commercial general liability insiu•an.ce in ainotu7ts of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000); automobile liability instuance in an amount not less that One .Million Dollars ($1,000,000); and a Workers' Compensation Insurance policy with policy limits in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($ 1,000,000). 16. STATUTES AND LAW GOVERNING CONTRACT: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the statutes and laws of the State of California. 17. WAIVER: The Parties' waiver of any te]•]n, condition or covelant, or breach of any term, condition or covenant shall not be construed as a waiver of any other term, condition or covenant or breach of any other term, condition or covenant, 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between CAMPBELL and LOS GATOS relating to the PROJECT. Any prior agreen~eXats, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force or effect, ] 9. OTHER AGREEMENTS: This Agreement shall not prevent either Party from entering itato similar agreements with others. The Parties acknowledge and accept the terms aild conditions of this Agreement as evidenced by the following sigliatlues of thew duly authorized representatives. It is the intent of the Parties that this Agreement shall become operative on the effective date. C:IDOCUME~IU,SEAST~IILOCALS~11'L'emp~XPgtpwiselCmnpbell_l.os Gatos Conp Agreement W. Parr.doc O Of 7 CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Robert Kass Public Works Director 70 N, First Street Campbell, CA 95pp8 .Phone, (408) 866 2190 Fax: (408) 37~-0958 TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Kevin Rohani Tntcrim Public Works Dh•ector 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 l~lione: (408) 399-57'13 Fax: {408) 438-1143 C:\DOCUME~I\LSEAS'f-1\LOCAL.S~llTemplXYgrpwiselCampbell_Los Gatos Coop Agreement W. Pflrr.doe 7 Of 7