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15 - Landscaping and Lighting Assessment Districts 1 & 2
,~pW N OF ~• ~,~<<, o~o ! G~A'~ S DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT MEETING DATE: 06/21/10 ~~ ITEM NO: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER ~~' ~ , LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 A. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS, AND LEVYING AND.AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-BLACKWELL DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE B. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-KENNEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE C. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE D. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF .ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-VASONA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE E. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENTS., AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-HILLBROOK DRIVE BENEFIT .ZONE F. ADOPT RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM AND ASSEESSMENTS, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-GEMINI COURT BENEFIT ZONE --~ <~,~ PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Works ReviewedYUy -NI'W~~u•Assistant yTown Manager Nn Attorney ~,~D~Vno4~~.7~~~~~~~~y"~'~pyn~'u "u~~~`~+4ij»~~x~l Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development N:\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCIL\COUNCIL REPORTS\2010 Reports\June 21\LLD.062110confirmdiagram.doc ~~ m~,~._..~.,,~.,~.M~...x..~-...... PAGE 2 MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the Public Hearing and receive any public coininent. 2. Close the Public Hearing. 3. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessment, and levying and authorizing .collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1-Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone. 4. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing. collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1-Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone. " 5. Adopt resolution confirming. the diagram and assessment, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1-Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone. 6. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and. assessments, and levying. and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1-Vasona Heights Benefit Zone. 7. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments. for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1-Hllbroolc Drive Benefit Zone. 8. Adopt resolution confirming the diagram and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 2-Gemini Court Benefit Zone. BACKGROUND: On April 19, 2010, the Town Council initiated the annual process of renewing the Landscaping & Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 & 2 for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2010. The Districts are comprised of six distinct zones of benefit, five of which are included in District No. 1, and one included in District No. 2. Maps of each. zone are contained in the Engineer's Report. attached to this report (Attachment. 2). The primary purpose of the Districts is to provide for the ongoing maintenance and care of landscaped areas that especially benefit the properties within. each of the zones, These services are performed by a contractor retained by the Town on behalf of the property owners. For a specific description of the services provided in each zone, please refer to the attached Engineer's Report. On May 17, 2010, the Council received. the Engineer's Report and preliminarily approved it. Additionally, the Council adopted a Resolution of Intention to Order the Levy and Collection of Assessments for FY 10/11 which, among other things, set 7:00 p.m. on June 21, 2010 as the date and time for. the required Public (Protest) Hearing on the proposed assessments. At the conclusion of this public hearing, the Council may consider whether to adopt the attached Resolutions (Attachment 1 a -1 f) confirming the assessments for FY 10/11. PAGE 3 MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 DISCUSSION: The Notice of Intention was published twice. Additionally, notices of the proposed assessments and of the scheduled public hearing were mailed to each of the property owners in the Districts, a sample of which is shown as (Attachment 3). To date, none of the property owners have called to inquire about the assessments, and no protests or other written communications .have been received. If any -are received prior to the hearing, they will be copied and presented to the Council for consideration at the hearing. The following table shows the number of parcels in, and proposed FY 10/11 assessments for, each benefit zone: Benefit Zone No. of Parcels -Per Parcel Assessment Blackwell Drive 5 $632 Kennedy Meadows 15 $6$5 .Santa Rosa Heights 15 $300 Vasona Heights 33 $295 Hillbroolc 34 $175 Gemini Court 18 $230 The attached Engineer's Report (Attachment 2) is the same report that Council preliminarily approved on May 4, 2009, with the possible exception of updates to the property owners .lists due to sales and other transfers of ownership and assessment. If the Council is satisfied with the format and content of the Engineer's Report, after the close of the Public Hearing Council should adopt the attached .Resolutions ordering the improvements and Confirming the .Diagram and Assessments. The Council may also reduce the proposed assessment amounts if it so desires by modifying the Engineer's Report. If however, the Council chooses not to adopt the Resolutions, then the renewal process would halt and staff would follow whatever other direction the Council may choose to give. If ultimately the Council were to decide not to .renew the .assessment districts, then a policy decision would need to be made about whether and how the :services currently provided by the districts should be continued. Presumably, the two options from which the Council could choose would be to either; 1) give the responsibility for providing the services back to the property owners within the districts, or 2) assume responsibility for providing the services through the Town's General rund operating budget. However, since the districts provide for higher levels of landscaping and lighting services within the specific benefit zones than in other areas of .the Town, neither of these two approaches are recommended by staff. PAGE 4 MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: LANDSCAPING & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt the attached Resolutions confirming the diagrams and assessments, and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Districts No. 1 & 2 for FY 10/11. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct fiscal. impacts on the Town's General. Fund as a result of administering the Landscaping and Lighting Assessment Districts:. All of the costs associated with the districts are recovered via the assessments levied against the property owners within the districts. Attaclunents: l.a Resolutions ordering the improvements and Confirming the Diagram and (through) l.f. Asses'sments 2. Engineer's Report for Fiscal Year 2010/11 3. Sample Notice of Public Hearing to Property Owners RESOLUTION 2010- Attachment l.a. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGH'T'ING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 - BLACKWELL DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010, the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone regarding the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements iri the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010., the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-052 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 - Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone, and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the .proposed levy of assessments was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2010, at which time all interested. persons present were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from any previous year; and WHEREAS,. the Town Council -has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:. 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D of the Engineer's Report are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 -Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. .The Clerk Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount assessed pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant.to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22647. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the. Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21st day of June,. 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION 2010- Attachment l.b. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO: 1 - KENNEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010, the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone regarding the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable. lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010, the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-053 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting bistrict No. 1 - Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone; and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS., notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance - with State law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments .was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2010, at which time all interested persons present were heard; and WHEREAS; the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from any previous year; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D of the Engineer's Report are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping and Lighting. Assessment District No. 1 -Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. The Clerlc Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount assessed pursuant to the Resolution; and collection pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22.647. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21St day of June, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ` ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION 2010- Attachment l.c. RESOLUTION OF-THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 - SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS .BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-201.1 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010 the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 -Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone regarding'the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010, the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-054 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 - Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone, and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law;- and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, the- public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2010., at which time all interested persons present were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from .any previous year; and WHEREAS, the Towri Council has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment. NOW THEREFORE, BE~IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D of the Engineer's Report are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 -Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. The Clerlc Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara ..County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount.. assessed pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22647. . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21St day of June,. 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES NAYS ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR O F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION 2010- Attachment l.d. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 - VASONA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010, the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 -Vasona Heights Benefit Zone regarding the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010, the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-055 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 - Vasona Heights Benefit Zone, and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2010, at which time all interested persons present were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from any previous year; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D of the Engineer's Report are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment .for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Vasona Heights Benefit Zone,. for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. The Clerk Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of t11is Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount assessed .pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code. Sec. 22647. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting. of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21St day of June, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS- GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA RESOLUTI®N 2010- Attachment l.e. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRIvIING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 - HILLBROOKDRIVE BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010, the Town Council ordered the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment. District No. 1 - Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone regarding the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; :and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010, the Town .Council .adopted Resolution No. 2010-056 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting District No. 1 - Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone, and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments. was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2010, at which time all interested persons present were heard.; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from .any previous year; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D of the Engineer's Report are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 - Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. The Clerlc Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of land in the amount assessed pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and. payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22647. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 21st day of June, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN.: • SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR O F THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS', CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION 2010- Attachment l.f. RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS CONFIRMING DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT, AND LEVYING AND AUTHORIZING COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 - GEMINI COURT BENEFIT ZONE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 WHEREAS, on April 19, 2010, the Town Council ordered -the District Engineer to prepare and file a report regarding Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 2 -Gemini Court Drive Benefit Zone regarding the improvements in the District and proposed assessments to support those improvements; and WHEREAS, the District Engineer prepared and filed that report; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considered and approved that report; and WHEREAS, the Engineer's Report contains a detailed description of the improvements in the District, the boundaries of the District, and the proposed assessments upon assessable lots and parcels of land within the .District; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2010, the Town. Council adopted Resolution No. 2010-057 declaring its intention to levy and collect assessments in Landscaping and Lighting District No. 2 - Gemini Court Benefit .Zone, and set the matter for public hearing in accordance with State law; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was duly mailed and published in accordance with State -law; and WHEREAS, the public hearing on the proposed levy of assessments was held by the Town Council on June 21, 2D10, at which time all interested persons present were heard; and WHEREAS, the proposed assessments are not proposed to be increased from any previous year; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has received and considered all written and oral statements and protests regarding the proposed assessment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The diagram and assessment attached hereto as Parts C and D. are approved. 2. This Resolution shall constitute the levy of assessment for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 2 -Gemini Court Benefit Zone,. for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. 3. The Clerk Administrator shall transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Tax Collector of Santa Clara County for entry on the County Assessment Roll opposite each lot or parcel of ,land in the amount assessed pursuant to the Resolution, and collection pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sec. 22646 and payment to the Town pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Sea. 22647. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held. on the 21St day of June, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CLERK ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Attachment 2 Landscaping and I~igl~ting Assessment Districts N®. 1 and 2 Fiscal Year 2010./11 ENGINEER' S REPORT ENGINEER'S REPORT .~.~. . • LANDSCAP<~1G AND T~IGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT~'~NO ~"1 A'ND 2 . ._'(Pursuar~t to the'Landscapeand L'igliting Act of'1972) The Engineer of Worlc respectfully submits the ,enclosed report as directed by the Town Council, ~ •;' l z KEVIN ROHANI DATE. Engineer of Work • I HEREBY CERTIFY that .the enclosed Engineer's Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto attached, was filed with me on the day of 2010 CLERK ADMINISTRATOR,, Town of Los Gatos Santa Clara Comity, California ~' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the enclosed Engineer's Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagrarri thereto attached, was approved and confirmed by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos., California on the 17t1' day •of May, 2010, by Resolution No, 2010- CLERK ADMINISTRATOR, Town of Los Gatos Santa Clara County, California I HEREBY CERTIFY that the erclosed Engineer's. Report, with Assessment and Assessment Diagram thereto: attached, was filed.with the County Assessor,.of the County of Santa Clara on the day of , 2010. ~~ W N OF f~CO ~ R AT~~ ,S Landscaping and Lighting .Assessment District :loo. 1 DLACI~VVEI~L DI~IVL DEl~TEI+'IT ZOIeTL fiscal Xear 2010/11 El~GINEER'S REI~~~T _ _ __ . .. y ... ~ ENGINEER' SjREPk©RT :: ~~ i $ FISCAL YEA.12~2b~0/11;, ., r LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING A~xSESSM~NTDISTRICT N0. 1 (Pursuant to the Lahdscapmg and Ligj~tii~g Act;of 1472) rl ~' v. ~ ; ;'~` BLACKWELL D:RIVE~BEI~TEFIT ZOl~E 1{evin Rohani, Engineer of Worlc for Landscaping and;Lighting Assessment District No. 1, Town of Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, California; rnakes~ this report, as :directed by the Town Council, pursuant to Section 22566, et seq. of the' Streets` and H>ghways' Code (Landscaping and ,., Lighting Act of 1972). -• - The improvements that are the subject of this report are briefly described as follows: Maintaining the landscaping in the median island constructed as a part of Tract No. 8306 and maintaining the street lights installed along Blackwell Drive and National Avenue as apart of Tract.No. 8306. This report consists of.four parts,' as follows.; PART A: Plans and specifications -for the improvements are filed in the Clerlc Department. Although separately bound, the plans and specifications are a part of this. report and are included in it by reference. ~ . PART B: An estimate of the cost of the improvements, PART C; An assessment of the estimated cost of the improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment district, the method by which .the Engineer of -Work has determined the proposed assessment against each parcel, and a list of the owners of real property within. this assessment: district, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerk Administrator. PART D; A diagram showing all of the parcels of real property within this assessment district. The diagram is keyed. to Part C by assessment number. Respectfully sub>_nitted, KEVIN ROHANI Engineer of Work DATE ca PART A FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS Plans and specifications for the improvements are those prepared by Greg G. Ing, and Associates, dated February 16, 199Q. ,These plans and specifications have been filed separately in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos and are incorporated in the Report by reference. . -J- __ _ _ ._ P,4RT _B _ _ _ - - .. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2010711 BLACKWELL DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance 2. Assessment 3. Interest TOTAL REVENUE 4,777 3,160 80 8,017 FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2. Publication & notification charges (legal). 3. Santa Clara County Collection Fee 4. Light Pole Maintenance 5. PG&E Electric 6. San Jose Water Co.--Water 7. Town administrative charges TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2009/10 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance 2. Assessment 3, Interest TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2.010/71 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2. Santa Clara County Collection Fee 3. Publication & notification charges 4. San Jose Water Co.--Water 5, Light Pole Maintenance 6. PG&E Electric 7, Town administrative charges TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 BALANCE. TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011/12 1,730 350 30 120 130 400 ~~~ ~.i,LGU $ ~ 4,797 3,160 80 ~ 8,037 1,728 30 350 400 120 130 460 $ 3,218 $ 4,819 of ~~' -4- PANT- C ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 201D/11 S ecial Assessment No. Amount of Assessment Property Descri tion Lot 1 $632 424-12-123- Lot 2 632 424-12-124 Lot 3 632 424-12-125 Lot 4 ~ 632 424-12-126 Lot 5 ~ 632 424-12-127 Total Assessment: 3,160 The lines and dimensions of each parcel are those shown on the maps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara~and the Comity assessment roll. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount of the assessment was apportioned edually to all the lots within the Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone of Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1. -5- BLACKWELL; DRIVE .BENEFIT ZONE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 424-12-123 Malone, Jaines H. and Paula 424-12-124 Byungwook, An ' 424-12-125 Urricariet Christian; M.. 424-12-126 Kwiatlcowski, Valerie L. 424-12-127 Morad, Mostafa -6- ' PART "D" . Assessment Diagram _.., r. ® ~~~~ ~~°' 381 Blackwel\ 377 369 373 Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell . ' 424_12-1.26 ~~ 0 z P ~ yG n ~ 3.~ . ~ Zj ~~ 12-12 424_ ' 125 ' . 424_12- 124 424_12 123.424_12- Area lY;iaintained by Vasona Heights Benefit Zone 0 ,, l .~ NORTH Not To Scale ~i ~lac~~veil give ~e~cfit ~~~e 1Ja~dsea.pi~g ~ 1Jig~ting ~.ssess~ent district 1~I®. 1 I This Page. Intentionally Left Blanlc ,~ ~ ; .. . g~N; ~~~ !V~p~Pp~~ 1~~~ .Landscaping and Lighting Atssessnlent District l~®. 1 I~ENIOTED~' l~~IEAI3OWS DEl~tEFIT ZOl~IE Fiscal dear 2010/11 ENGII~TEER' S REPORT ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 } LANDSCAPING AND'LIGHTING ASSE~SMENT.,I~ISTRICT N0. 1 (Pursua~~t to the Laridscap}ng utd Ligh~ingrAct of.~1972)` :. KEI~INEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE { Q ~ Kevin Rohani, Engineer of Work for Landscaping ~ri.~ Lighting Assessment District No. 1-- Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone, Town of Los -`Gat ~.~Santa Clara: County, California, makes tlus report, as duected by the Town Counc>::1, pursuant io Section 2256b et seq, of the Streets and Highways Code (Landscaping and Lghtrig~Act of 1972)~fJ`~~~ The iznproveznents that are the subject of this. report are ;pziefly. described as follows: The maintenance of trees; landscaping, irrigation systems, trail and street lights within open space areas (Parcels A and B)` aid along Kennedy Court and Forrester Court, as shown on the approved improvement for Tract No. 8612, Los Gatos, California and the riparian"and wetlands area described in the report by H. T. Harvey Associates, dated November •11, 1.994. This repo>-t consists of four parts; as follows: PART A: Plans and specifications for the improvements and the report by H. T. Harvey Associates are filed in the Clerk Department. Although separately bound, the plans, specifications and H.T. Harvey report are a part of this report and are included in it by reference. PART B: An estimate of the cost of the improvements, including interest on the funds advanced to the benefit zone by the Town.' PART C: An assessment of the estimated cost of the. improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment district, the method by which the Engineer of Work has determined the amount proposed fo be assessed against eacl~z parcel, and a list of the owners. of real property within this assessment district, as shown. on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerlc Administrator. PART D: A diagram showing all of the parcel of real property within this assessment • district. The diagram is keyed to Part C by assessment number. Respectfully submitted, KEVIN ROHANI ~ DATE Engineer of Work -2- PART A FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 PLANS, .SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS EI~l~EI~Y I~EA.~OVVS ~EI~EFIT ZOl~TE Plaits and specifications for the improvements are those prepared by Nowack and Associates, Civil Engineers, dated September 21, 1994, their job number 90-263C, pages l - 11. These plans and specifications have been filed separately in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos and are incorporated in the Report by reference. The wetlands mitigation and monitoring plan was prepared by H.T. Haivey & Associates, Ecological Consultants, dated November 11, 1994, their file number 733-04, 11 pages. A revised wetlands .mitigation plan, is contained in a letter to the U.S. Army Coip of Engineers and California Regional Water Quality Control Board .dated August 30, 1995 and as-built plans in a letter- dated February 21, 1995. The original report and letters have been filed separately in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos .and are incorporated in this Report by reference. ' -3- .. - _ __ PART.. B_ _ ESTII\~IATE OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 KENNEDY MEADOWS ENEFIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 REVENUE 1 • ~ Fund Balance $ 2, Assessment 3. Interest. _ TOTAL REVENUE $ FISCAL YEAR 2.009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2, Publication & notification charges (1'egal) • 3. Santa Clara County Collection Fee 4. Weed Abatement 5. PG&E Electric 6.~ San Jose Water Ca.--Water 7. Town administi°ative charges TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2009/10 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance 2. Assessment 3, Interest TOTAL. ESTIMATED REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2. Santa-Clara County Collection Fee 3. Publication & notification charges 4. San Jose Water Co.--Water 5, Weed Abatement 6. PG&E Electric 7. Town administrative charges TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 BALANCE TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011 /12 15,.804 10,275 ern LV,`FG7 4,600 300 100 1.,000 550 1,510 $ 8, 06.0 c~ a~ $ 18,369 10,275 350 $ 28,994 4,170 100 300 550 / .1,000 i cin /,b~U $ 21,364 -4- PART C ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ]KEI~11®TTED'Y MEADOWS B~NEI'IT ZOl~E S ecial Assessment No. Amount of Assessment Property Descri tion Lot 1 $685.00 532-18-050 Lot 2 685.00 532-18-049 Lot 3 685.00 532-18-048 Lot 4 685.00 532-18-047 Lot 5 685.00 532-18-05'2 Lot 6 ~ 685.00 532-18-063 Lot 7 68.5.00- 532-18-062 Lot 8 685.00 532-18-061 Lot 9 b85.00 532-18-060 Lot 10 685.00 532-18-059 Lot 11 685.00 532-18-058 Lot 12 685:00 532-18-057 Lof 13 532-18-056 Lot 14 685.00 532-18-055 Lot 15 685.00 .532-18-054 Total Assessment: $10,275 The lines and dimensions of each parcel are those shown on the maps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara and the County assessment roll. . METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount of the assessment was appoa-tioned equally to all the lots within Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone of Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1. -5- KENNEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE PROPERTY O'V4'NI{JRS LIST 532-18-047 Damore,l/dward & Kimberly 53'2-18-048 Wiederhold, Robert P. and Melinda A., Trustee 532-18-049 Dabol.l, Peter and I~aren 532-18-050 Dodson, $lizabeth K. and Hirschman, William F. 532-1.8-052 Montecillo, Nonnando M. and Lena S., Trustee 532-18-054 Hacker, Ivlarlc K. 532-18-055 Suzul~i, Maz-tin T. and Jeanette W. 532-18-056 Matthews, Beverly K & Torrence L. 532-18-057 ~ Beer, Jairies A and Lael L. Trust 532-18-058 Cali, Alfred and Lori . 532-18-059 Humphries,. Simon A. and Sheila H. 53.2-18-060 Merritt Trust 532-18-061 Schenkel, Scott and Kimberly 532-18-062 Van Dick, Steven M. and Deborah A., Trustee 532-18-063 Thomas, Kendra W. and Anne-Marie -6- PART "D" ~ssess~e~t I~iag~~m Area Maintained by Kennedy Meadov~~s Benefit Zone u: a s d i W 6 z a_ NORTH Not To Scale + + + W ++ + + A + + + N + + + + + + + " + + + + .. + . + " . + y ".+ + + + + " + " + + + . + ~ 6.~ + " y + + + + + + + + + + + + . + W + ± " o + w + ~ + a " ~ " ~ + y + ,O, ,O 53~-18-p49 J m 7 + + ~ + I ~ry ~~.qqy~ ++++++ ~ n ~~ - ""+++++ w 1~~ 532-18-048 + n + + + a + + ~ryi ~ + + + N _ 532~1B-047 101 103 n ++'+°+ +"+ 'rt KENNEDY "+"."+++ ~ ~$ 532-10-~~ " . + + ~r + + too 1oz j. + " e o ~ g W cr + + + ~ ~ P y ~ ~ y 532-IB-060 + + + + + " !I~ y ~~ ~ W+W+W"•. RJq ~ D + a + + m m5 + + + 532-18-056 ~ 534..Ifi..p59 + . + + + " n + O~ '~ + + ~ + "^ ~ 1 + +i .L Not o LU ++SJ2:~B`DS++ by _ ~ ~ ~ port. " +++++ ~ ~+ ~' + + w w + ~ ~ + . + " R® + " + + + + + + V ~ ppyy Kennedy Meadows Be~ef~t ~®~~ La~dscapfn~ ~ I..1~h~i~~ ~4ssess~e~~ I~~st~~~t ~o. ~~ ~0~~~5 io. `® S KENNEDY RD This Page Intentionally . Left Blanlc ,~. w. ~~'Q~AT~~ ~~~$ ,~~~ Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1 SATiT'TA R(~SA. I-IEIGIITS I~El~tEI+'IT Z®l~E I+,scal Year 2010/11 EN(iINEER~ ~ RE~~RT --- r~_ ..° .. ' r , i ~. ,~Y .• ENGINEER-.S REPORT • FISCAL YEAR 2010/11, x ;.~ LANDSCAPING: AND LIG~ITIN'G ~15~~1/SSMENT DISTRICT N0. 1 ,..,, `(Pursuant to the Landscaping-and Ligli~irig Act of.1972) SANTA ROSA: HEI 1, HrI'S ~BEI~EFIT ZONE ~,~, , ~ . :~ • .. .. •Kevin Rohani, Engineer 'of Work-for Landscaping ard~~Lightirg Assessment District No. 1-- - Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone,, Town of Los`~~-Gatos; Santa Clara County, California, makes this. report, as directed by the Town~~~Council, pursuant to Section 22:566, et seq. of the Streets. and Highways Code (Landscaping and Ii'ghting Act: o~ 1„972) The improvements that are the subject of this report are briefly described as follows: The maintenance of trees, landscaping, trail and retaining walls, as shown on the a~broved improvement plans fox Tract No. 8400,-Los Gatos, California. This report consists of four parts,. as follows: . PART A: Plans and specifications for the impro~ernents are filed in the Clerk Department.. Although separately bound,- the plans and speeificatioizs are a part of this report and are included in it by reference., PART B: An estimate of the cost of the improvements. PART C: An assessment of the estimated cosf`of the improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment district, the method by which the Engineer of Work has determined the amount proposed to be assessed against each parcel, and a list of the owners of real property witliir this assessment district,. as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerk Administrator. PART D: A diagram showing all of the parcel of real property witlun this assessment district. The diagram is keyed to Part C by assessment number. Respectfully submitted, KEVIN ROHANI Engineer of Work DATE -Z- PART A FISCAL YEAR, 2010/11 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS ~AI~TA R®SA ~IEIGI-IT~ BEl~T~FIT Z~l~~ Plans alld specifications for the improvements are those prepared by Nowack & Associates, dated .February 1991., their job number 90-295. These plans and specifications have been filed separately in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos and are incorporated in the Report by reference. -3- - _ _ -PART -B ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL-; YEAR 2010/11 SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 REVENUE 1, Fund Balance $ 57,981 2, Assessment 4,500 3. Interest 1,450 TOTAL REVENUE $ 63,931 FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor ~ 7,940 2. Publication & notification charges (legal) 300 3. Santa Clara County Collection. Fee 80 4. Weed Abatement 4,000 5. PG&E Electric ~ 160 6. San Jose Water Co.--Water ~ - 7. Town administrative charges 660 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2009/10 $ 13,140 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance $ SO,Z91 2. Assessment 4,500 3. Interest ~ 1,450 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE $ 56,741 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor ~ 6,390 2, Santa Clara County Collection Fee 80 3. Publication & notification charges 300 4. Weed Abatement 4,000 5. San Jose Water Co.--Water - 6. PG&E Electric 160 7, Town administrative charges 660 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 $ 11,590 BALAN CE TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011/12 $ 45,151 -4- PART C ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2010111 SAleTTA RASA ~IEIG]EITS BENEFIT ~ON~ S ecial Assessment No. Amount of Assessment Pro erty Descri tion Lot 1 $300..00 537-31-001 . Lot 2 300,.00. 537-31-002 Lot 3 ~ 300.00 ~ 537-31-003 Lot 4 300.00 ~ 537-31-022 Lot 5 300.00 537-31-023 Lot 6 ~ .300.00 537-31-006 Lot 7 300.00 537-31-007' Lot 8 300..00 537-31-008 Lot 9 300.00 537-31-009 Lot 10 300.00 537-31-010 Lot 11 300.00 ~ 537-31-011 Lot 12 300.00 ~ 537-31-012 Lot 13 300.00 537-31-013 Lot 14 300.00 537-31-014 Lot 15 300.00 537-31-015 Total Assessment: $4,500 The lines and dimensions of each parcel :are those shown on the snaps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara and the County assessment~roll. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount of the assessment was apportioned equally to all the lots within Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone of Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1. -5- NEFIT ZONE SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS BE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 537-31-001 Bhatia, Gurmehar S. and Sushma, Trustee 537-31-002 Entin, Bruce L. and Pesia Trustee 537-31-003 Silvestri Living Trust 537-31-022. Paulos, Louis Evangelho 5~7-31-023 I~annan, Pallipurarn V and S'hanthi ' 537-31-006 Hwang, Ming Y. and Jenny 537-31-007 Zohouri, Saeed, Trustee ~ , 537-31-008' Kerschbaum, Manfred J. 537-31-009 Talunasseb, Kourosh D & Ivlazaheri Linda M. 537-31-I1~ Mcltzcr, Clifford B. and Rose C. Trustee 537-31-011 Singh, Jagdeep and Roshni, Trustee 537-31-012 Panchal, Natwarlal M. and Gita M. 537-31-013 Lam, Joseph and Susan P. ' 537-31-014 Post, Douglas H. & Betty J. 537-31-015 Trapani, Marko J. and Marlene T. -6- ~-, PART "b" Assessment I3iaram " ,537-31-018' . 4 J O O ° .' ^ h"> lS ' 3 O~'ry iv 6 ' 9~ ~`~° Town L11211t5 °^ ~~ ~`~ y~^ ,1',y1i° -1' N S y'7 gas ~`3Q. X20 7 ASS DR Area Maintained by Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone NORTH Not To Scale °°~ 8 125 >>S ,., 9 ^ .. yh ° 1 h^/~ ° ~^~,° 1 1 h h op. i •537-31-112D ~+ SANTA 1 1 1 - --- 1 SJ, - s`'~ ~,~ 'ji ~ ~ o S~.~ta ~®s~ ~I~~~~ts ~~~~~it Zo~~ ~~ndsca~in~ ~ ~i~~tin~ Assessment ~ist~ict 1~~. 1 nI This Page Intentionally Left Blanlc c~ „ ~ .. ~r-... ... WN Landscaping and I,i~hting Assess~nemt District 1®T®. 1 VAS®I®TA ~IEIG]EITS ~El~EFI7[' ~®NE Fiscal Year 2010/11 El~TGINEER'S REP~R'I' • ENGINEER'S REPORT ,._. .~:, FISCAL YEAI2'201.0/11~:.. ~,~ Yi M1:, LANDSCAPINGc`AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 1 ` (Pursuant to;the Landscaping and Liglifng.Act of 1972) • , ~' •` ~ ~;e VASONA_H~TGHTS BENEFIT ZONE .. ~7~f, y: icy at tit wl ~y ..... - Kevin Roha~7i, Engineer of Work fors Landscaping v and Lighting. Assessment District No. 1-- Vasona Heights Benefit Zone, Town of Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, California, makes this report, as directed by the Towri Council; ;pursuant to Section 22566, et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code (Landscaping and Lightirg_Act of 1972) ;,::... The improvements that are the subject of this report ale briefly described as follows; The maintenance of trees;. landscaping, irrigation systems, trail, emergency access, and retaining wall within ,open space: areas;; as shown on the approved improvement for Tract No. 82.80, Los Gatos,'California. This report consists of four parts, as follows: • Plans ands ecifications for the im rovements are filed in the Clerk Department. PART A: p p Although separately bound, the plans and specifications are a part of this report and are included in it by reference, PART B: An estimate of the cost of the improvements. PART C: An assessment of the estimated cost of the,improvements on eac11 benefited parcel within the assessment district, the method by which the Engineer of Work has determined the amount proposed to be assessed against each parcel, and a list • of the ou~iers of real property within this assessment district,. as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerlc Administrator. PART D: A diagram showing all of the parcel of real ~propei-ty within this assessment district, The diagram is keyed to.Part C by assessment number. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Rol7ani DATE Engineer of Work • -2- ~~ PART A FISCAL YEAR ZO10/Tl PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS VAS®l~tA I~[~IG-~ITS~ ~~l`~EFIT Z®l~I Plans and specifications for the improvements are those prepared by Dillon/Drulias Associates, Landscape Architects, dated April 16, .1990, their job number 8840, pages Ll - L17 and.revsed planting and irrigation plans as prepared by Greg Ing and Associates, dated November 3, 1.992 and revised November 23, 1993. These plans .and specifications have been filed separately in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos and are incorporated in the Report by reference. ' -3- - __ _ __ _ _ PART--B_. - - _ _ __ ESTIMATE OF THE' COST OF' IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ~ ~''~ VASONA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 RIJVENUE 1. Fund Balance $ 10,745 2. Assessment 9,735 3. Intierest 2.00 TOTAL REVENUE. $ 20;680 FISCAL. YEAR 2009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 4,460 2. Publication & notification charges (legal) ~ 300 3. Santa Clara County Collection Fee 100 4. Weed Abatement - 5, PG&E Electric ~ - 6. San Jose Water Co.--Water ~ 2,200 7. Town administrative charges 1,40 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR- 2009/10 $ 8,490 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance $ 12,190 2. Assessment 9,735 3. Interest 200 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE $ 22,125 FISCAL -YEAR 2010/11 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2,640 2. Santa Clai°a County Collection Fee 100 3. Publication & notification charges 300 4. Weed Abatement ~ - 5. San Jose Water Co,--Water 2,200 6. PG&E Electric ~ - 7. Town adli~inistrative charges 1,430 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 $ 6,670 BALANCE TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011/12 $ 15,455 -4- PART C ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ~A~~l~tA H~IGH'I'~ ~El®1~~`I'T Z.®T®TE S ecial Assessment No. Amount of Assessment Pro erty Descri tian Lot l $295.00 529-13-056' Lot 2 295.00 ~ 529-13-055 Lot ~ 295.00 529-13-054 Lot 4 295,00 529-13-0.53 ' Lot 5 295,00 - 529-13-052 Lot 6 ~ 295.00 529-13-051 Lot 7 295.00 529-13-049 Lot 8 295.00 529-13-048 Lot 9 295.00 529-13-047 Lot 10 295,00 529-1.3-046 Lot 11 295.00 529-13-044 Lot 12 295.00 529-13-043 Lot 13 295.00 529-13-042 Lot 14 295.00 529-13-041 . Lot 15 295.00 529-13-040 Lot 16 295.00 529-13-039 Lot 17 295.00 529-13-038 Lot 18 295.00 529-13-037 Lot 19 295.00 ~ 5.29-13-036 Lot 20 295.00 529-13-035 Lot 21 295.00 529-13-060 Lot 22 295.00 529-13-061 Lot 23 295.00 529-13-032 ' Lot 24 295.00 529-13-031 Lot 25 295.00 529-13-030 Lot 26 295.OD 529-13-029 Lot 27 295.00 529-13-028 Lot 28 295.,00 529-13-063 Lot 29 295.00 529-13-062 Lot 30 295.00 529-13-022 Lot 31 295.00 529-13-021 Lot 32 295.00 529-13-058 .Lot 33 295.00 529-13-058 ~' Total Assessment: X4,735.00 _5- METHOD OF APPORTIONlYIENT OF ASSESSMENT The. lines and dimensions of each parcel,are those shown on the maps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara and the County assessment roll. The total amount of the assessment was apportioned edually to all the lots rxritlun'Vasona Heights Benefit Zone of Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 1. -6- ;, SAS®NA H]EIG~-ITS ~ENE]~IT ZOl~TE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 529-13-021 Littman, Peter . 529-13-022' Levenson, Linda 529-13-028 Potter, Keith and Sue 529-13-029 Dion, Thomas M. and Carrie A. 529-13-030 Fan,-James & Cynthia 529-13-031 -Susan Thompson 529-13-032 Fisk, Roy W. and Lyntl M. 529-13-035 David and Claudia Morton 529-13-036 Lynn, Kathleen M. 529-13-0.37 Kemp, David Trustee, Et Al 529-13-03.8 ,Gavin, James A and Kun 529=13-039 Willey, Thomas and Margaret 529-13-040 Jordan, Peter L. and Sandra L. 529=13-041 Smart, John A. and Beth A. 529-13-042 Babal~is, Peter G. 529-13-043 Smedt, Rodney C. and Kathleen E. 529-13-.044. ~ Cala, Salvatore A. and Rosemarie J. . 529-13-046 Ramezarie-Saggese Trust 529-13-047 Panda, Bhailu and Dipti 529=13-048 Mui, Rudy VJ. and Woo., Shirley Y. Trustee 529-13-049 Ezdei, Nicolae M., Jr.. Et Al 529-I3-0.51 Splitter, Randolph N. 529-13-052 Caldwe112001 Trust 529-13-053 Miller, Marla 529-13-054 Poate, Edward W. and Kimberly -7- VASONA. HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 529'-13-055 Colyer, Wallace and, Sarah 529-13-056 Bode, Jon and Julee 29-13-058 Montgomery, Michael. 529-13-059 Anderson, Marilyn J., Et Al 529-13-060 ~ Christian, Marilyn 529-13-061 Halpin, Tim. and Sherri 529-13-062 Schell, Mary 529-13-063 Samara, Majeed S. and Suzanne Trustee bl PART "D" Assess~aent Diagram ~~\ Not a part of .329^t]_849~ ...~.~. benefit zone, '-~: :~. - 'S~~]-~.Z .~.~.~ •'3.19^13^U~] : ]~. .. ."o'' d "5~"~y 12 •13 ~: ._.. 11 ",~ .3~`ly~ ~ X39 •Iq~ ~„ 4 ~~^ ~iP (® ~ U ~n n ~ ~' 329_I]_g47 15 • : ; : ~ 379.,5. U ~'Sb esy :,~':'• ®- 3^13_ ~ u ~16• 933 ~.~. r/~ ~.^~ .. ~ 6 329-1]-018 ~ M 57g` ~ ~ v I U ~~1 '~_ $ 17 o• -:: ~., . :.~.•~ • & loz ~4 0 852 ~ 7 ~ 18 '~n: o- 3 ~ _~ ' + ^ 3 • .~ 31 a `'/ ° ~ 79.,5. _ 9 °~ 3 ~ 19 ... - ... ® 1 • ~ 3~~IJ.BJ :~8:~" 30 ~ 3. ~ 379.IY~2 ^~ ~ O Area IYlaintained by Vasona Helb~ltS Benefit Zone ~~ ~ . a 1 i NORTH d Not To Scale U Z W a ® 379_I~gu 29 329.I,Lgg2 ^~ 328-15.8 329.I]-g3 32 1 2 8 0 ,09 5 6 ~^~ ~, ,,, ,,," 5~ ~2 2 7 ~,4 1A ..C ; / e z~ 26 ~~ ,.e ,20 ,v 1 . O ••'• M19 ,~ 24 ~ ~ a ~~~ 2 3 ~ . 57g`IS`8 J? s~ ~ ~ . ~, J eP Not a part of benefit zone. ~~ Vas®~~. I~ei~hts ~~~~fit Z®~e La~d.sca~i~g & L,ighti~g ~ssess~e~t District N®® 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blanlc ~i c:, 0~ ~~aR~p~~ 1~~~ Ila~dscaping and Lighting Assessment District 1®To. 1 ~IILL~1~0®I~ ~El~TEFIT ZQ1~E Fiscal Year 2010/11 El~GINEER'S REPORT ENGINEER`S REPORT FISCAL YT~AR 2Q10/11= . : ~ ,i ~f { ,,: LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESS .IvIENT DISTRICT N0. 1 (Pursuant to fhe landscaping. and-Lighting~Act of 1972) ~IILLBROOK B~NEFITZONE ,~r :}~ Kevin Rohani,~ Engineer of :Work for Landscaping aid Lighting Assessment District No. 1-- Hillbrook Benefit Zone, Town of Los Gatos, Santa Clara.County, 'California, makes t11is report, as directed. by the Town Council, purs>tantdto Section 22566, ~et sed. of the Streets and Highways Code (Landscaping and Lighting Act of ~,972)~ '~`;~.`' The improvements that are t11e subject of tuts report are briefly described as follows: The maintenance of trees,- landscaping, irrigation systems, hardscape and fences as currently exist on APN: 523-11=028,. located at the southeast'corner of Blossom Hill Road and Hillbxook Drive, Los Gatos,. Californa: This report consists of four parts, as follows: PART A: Diagram of Existing Improvements. PART B; An estimate of the cost of the improvements. PART C: An assessment of the estimated cost of the improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment. district,,: the method. by: which the Engineer of Work has determined the ,amount proposed 'to beassessed against each parcel, and a list of ,the owners of real property within this assessment district, as shown on the last equalized.assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerk Administrator. . PART D: A diagram showing all ` of~ the ~"parcel .of real property within this assessment district. The diagramis.keyed to Part C:by assessment number.. Respectfully sLtbmitted, c~ Kevin Rohani DATE Engineer of Work -2- - PART "A" Exast~.ng Irnpravernents to ~~ 1Vlaintained. BLOSSOM HILL RD HlL L BRDOK SlGIV w w w ~Y n w W W W W w EX. i OAK w W ~V w W Y W W w W J~ .Y W yr w W i W W J~ W i w w W W w W W W W W W w .v w J~ V. W W m W W w W 5W2 3~" 1~ -w 0 2W8 w~ C .Y J~ W W ~Y W .L W .Y .Y W i LA I Y I Y w J W W W ~L ~Y W ' W ~Y J~ ••. W W ~L ~L W W i W W ' W W Y i ~Y W W W W _ W ~V W y w EX. W W°wWw OAK W ~V LL W NR~gS EX~ s i a s i s i u z rc W w a NORTH Not To Scale Hillbr®®k ~e~efit Z®ne L~ndscanin~ & Lia~tin~ Assessment ~i~tric~ l~~_ 1 ... ,. ._ _ -- -PART B~ _ .__ ___ ___, . _ _ - -. _ ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 HILLBROOK DRIVE BENI/FIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance $ 4,543 2. Assessment _ 1,700 3. Interest 120 TOTAL REVENUE $ 6,363 FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES . 1. Landscape Contractor 3,110 2. Publication & notification charges (legal) 30D 3. Santa Clara County Collection Fee 20 4. Weed Abatement - 5. PG&E Electric 400 6. San Jose Water Co.--Water ~ 1,300 7. Town adinini trative charges. 250 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2009/10 $ 5,380 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE I. Fund B"alan.ce 2. Assessment "';, . 3. Interest TOTAL,ESTIMATED REVENUE FISCAL YEAR 2010/11. ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2. Santa Clara County Collection Fee r~ 3, Publication & notification charges 4. Weed Abatement 5. San- Jose Water Co.--Water 6. PG&E Electric 7. 'Town administrative charges TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 - BALANCE TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011/12 ~r; „ 4. . $ 983- 5,950 120 $ 7,053 4,320 20 300 1,300 400 250 $ 6,59.0 ~~, ~ 463 PANT C ASSESSMENT ROLL .FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ]EIILI.~~~~OI~ ~El~TEEIT ZOl~TE S ecial Assessment No. Amount of Assessment Pro erty Descri tion . Lot 1 $1.75.00 523-11-027 Lot 2 175.00 523-11-026 Lot 3 175.00 .523-11-025 Lot 4 175.00 523-11-024 Lot 5 17S.OD 523-11-023 , ' Lot 6 175.00 ~ 523-11-022 Lot 7 175.00 523-11-021 Lot 8 ~ 175.00 523-11-020 . Lot 9 175.00 523-11-O T9 Lot 10 175.00 5.23-11-018 Lot 11 175.00 523-07-030 Lot 12 175.00 523-07-029 Lot 13 ~ 175:00 523-07-028 'Lot 14 175.00 523-07-027 .Lot 15 175.00 523-07-026 Lot 16 175.00 523-07-025 Lot 17 175.00 _ 523-07-024 Lot 18 175.00 ~ 523-07-023 Lot 19 775.00 523-07-022 Lot 20 175.00 523-07-021 Lot 21 T75.00 ~ 523-07-020 ' Lot 22 ~ 175:00 ~ 523-07-019 Lot 23 175.00 523-07-018 Lot 24 175.00 523-07017 Lot 25 175.00 523-07-016 Lot 26 175.00 523-07-015 Lot 27 175.00 523-07-014 Lot 28 175.00 523-07-013 Lot 29 175.00 5.23-07-012 Lot 30 175.00 523-07-O1 l Lot 31 175.00 523-07-010 -Lot 32 175.00' 523-07-009 Lot 33 ~ 175.00 523-07-008 Lot 34 17.5:00 523-07-007 Total Assessment: $5,950 -5- ASSESSMENT ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2010/l.1 HILLBROOI~ BENEFIT ZOleTE The lines and dimensions of each parcelare those shown.on the maps of the County Assessor of the County of Santa Clara and the County assessment roll. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount .of the assessment was apportioned equally to all the lots within Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No: 1--Hillbroolc Benefit Zone.. , . c~ -6- ~IILLBR~O~ BENEFIT Z®I~E PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 523-11-027 523-11-.026 523-11-025 523-.1.1-024- 523-11-023 523-11-022 523-11-021 523-11-020 523-I1-019 .523-11-018 523-07-030 523-07-029 523-07-028 523-07-027 523-07-026 523-07-025 523-07-024 523-07-023 523-07-022 523-07-021 523-07-020 523-07-019 523-07-018 523-07-017 523=07-016 523-07-015 523-07-014 Braddi, Louis J., Jr, and Joan N, Trustee Cordell, Robert Q., II Fallon, Donald J.; Wheldon, James M. and Rayrnonde M., Trustee Parham, Eric S. and Arny K Sprague, Margaret L., Trustee, Et Al Rubenstein, Rochelle M. Frey, William A. and Lea F., Trustee Sprintz Michael and Mildred Pearson; Karl M., Jr. and Lorelda M. Zol1a 2000 Living Trust A•llari, Donard L. and Mary E. Ruble, Philip G. and Nancy A., Trustee Spiteri, Ralph J. & La Verne C. McCoy, Jerome K. and Sheryl D. Jin, Robert X. and Lisa H. Harwood, Michael and Elizabeth Lackovic, Colette • Hiroshima, Kevin Schneider, John 0. and Condi. Michaela Biller, Jason and Jenny Dai Bond, Joann G. Trustee Sautter, Grace E._, Trustee Kenehan, Glenn and Marta Agarwal, ashu V, and Shaliiu V. Kirk, Reuel J, and Margaret A. Steele, Charles C., Jr. and Nancy J., Trustee -7- HILLBRC)OK.rB~ENEFIT; ZONE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 523-07-013 523-07-012 523-07-011 523-07-010 523-07-00.9 523-07-008 52307-007 Easley, Charles K: -and Hays Jill Vasconi, Anthony and Elena Workman, Dale S. and Bonnie J. Vossen, Stephen and Bossen, Ingrid Bergkamp, James and Kimberly Desantis, Justin Trustee Schneider, Linda V. -8- ~i ~- PART "D" A.SS~SS~I~iI~ ~1~bY'~~ _ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~I I~ 1 I / . ~L4~~St3~Vi FILL R Area Maintained by I~illbrook Eenefit Zone I 32 37J~p).p~ 1 ~ ~1S 31 s2J.pY plp N 30 ~~22 ~~ pll 29 ~ ~,~ ~ 23 32J. 3?.1.p~ p ~ p7^p/~ ^ '~ ® ~" 28 ~ ~~ ~ 24 ,~, ,,~ 1> 27 j4Z~25 S?J~ \ ' p~`(.~ `---L~ 33 34 ~~J Q~ ® ' ~523~1~-p2B ~~ ~l . 2 2 s 2~ ~ ~0 3 2 ® ~ ~, 371: p>^pd/ 9tJ_II_0, 19 ,ry~ 5 13?J.p)~pzz i V ® MN SZ.T./1„pzJ pzJ ®~ 3zJ^II. 17 ~ p== ~ 7 32J^p~^p2t ~ ~ 3=J.1,^ p21 26 16 ~ ~ SJp ^ oe v pZ0 NORTH Not To Scale 5 ^p ~ g . Z6. ~ 37J.11^pls. P 10 ~~ V 37J'll.pl ~(p~~~ 163 12 i~ 525-p7-~ s= X0'-0 14 l~Iillbra®k 13ene~i~ Zone T,~.~~l;~c~~ina ~ ~,is~hti~¢ AccP.CCT4'1P~lt Tlictr~r~ 1\Tr~ 1 ,SS Ni3 11m This Page Intentionally Left Blanlc A ~w ~s ~i GA 1~ Landscaping and Lighting . ~1.ssess~nent District Noo 2 GE~INT co~R~ I~ENEFIT ZONE Fiscal. Year 20.10/11 ENGINEEia.' S REP®R'~ ENGINEER'S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (Pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) GEMINI CQITR'TBEI~EFIT ZONE . Kevin Rohani, Engineer of Work for Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 2, Town of Los ,Gatos, Santa Clara~~ County:; Cah.Coznla' makes this,. report, as ~ directed by the Town Council, pursuant to Section 22566, e~t sect of tl~e Streetstand`Highways Code (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). . '~ ~' =~% The improvements that. are the~subject ofciiis report are briefly described as~follows: The maintenance.of trees; landscapmg,~ irrigation systems, lighting, sound wall and fences as shown on the approved lmpro;vement and landscape plans for Tract No. 8439, Los Gatos,. Califo"rnia. This report consists of four parts, as~follows PART A: Plans and specifications for the improvements are filed in the Clerk Department. Although separately bound, the plans and specifications are a part of this report and are included in it by reference. PART B: An estimate of the cost of the improvements. PART C: Ari assessment of the estunated cost of the improvements on each benefited parcel within the assessment district;'the niethad~by vvlaich the Engineer of Work has determined th.e proposed assessment against each parcel, and a list of the owners of real property within thus assessment :district, as shown on t11e last equalized assessment roll for taxes, or as known to the Clerlc Administrator. PART D: A diagram showing all of the parcels~'of real property within this assessment district. The diagram is keyed to -Part C by assessment number. Respectfully submitted, KEVIN ROHANI Engineer of Work -2- DATE ~~ ~ PA~2T A FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 i - PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS GEl~/III~I C®IJIZ.T I3~N~I+,I~ Z®N~ Plans and. specifications for the improvements are those prepared by Gieg G. Ing, and Associates, dated September 14, 1990, their job number 9031. T11ese plans and specifications have -been filed separately in the Clerl~ Department of the Town of Los Gatos and are incorporated in the Report by reference. . -3- PART---B ESTIMATE OF`THE COST"`OF IIVIPROVEI\'IENTS FISCAL YEAR 201.0/11 -w . GEMINI COURT BENEFIT ZONE FISCAL YEAR 2009/~O~REVENUE L Fund Balance.' $ 9,766 2. Assessment ..4,140 3. Interest 240 TOTAL REVENUE $ 14,146 FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2,430 2. Publication & notification charges (legal) 300 3. Santa Clara County Collection Fee ~ 40 4. Light Pole Maintenance ~ 200 5, PG&E Electric 320 6, San Jose Water Co.--Water 1,100 7. Town administrative charges 610 TOTAL EXPENSES FOR 2009/10 $ 5,000 FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 REVENUE 1. Fund Balance ~ $ 9,146 2. Assessment 4,140 3. Interest ~ 240 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE ~ $ 13,526 FISCAL PEAR 2010/11 ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Landscape Contractor 2,424 ' 2. Santa Cara County Collection Fee 40 3. Publication & notification charges 300 4, Light Pole Maintenance 200 5. San Jose Water Co,--Water 1,100 6. PG&E Electric 320 7. Town administrative cliarges 610' TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR 2010/11 $ 4,994 BALANCE TO CARRY FORWARD TO 2011/12. ~ ~ $,532 -4- PART C ASSESSMENT .ROLL FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 ~El~II~I ~®IJRT ~El~TEEIT ZOl~TE Special Assessment No. ~ Amount of Assessment Pro arty Descri tion Lot 1 $23D.00 567-64-051 Lot 2 230.00 567-64-050 Lot 3 230.00 567-64-049 Lot 4 230.00 567-64-048 Lot 5 230.00 567-64-047 -Lot 6 230:0.0 567-64-046 Lot 7 230.00 ~ Sb7-64-04.5 Lot 8 230..00 567-64-044 Lot 9 230.00 567-64-043 Lot 10 230.00 567-64-042 Lot 11 230.00 567-64-041 Lot 12 230.00 ~ 567-64-040 Lot 13 230.00 567-64-039 Lot 14 230..00. Sb7-b4-038 Lot 15 230.00 567-64-037 Lot 16 230.00 567-64-036 Lot 17 230.00 567-64-035 Lot 18 230.00. 567-64-034 Total Assessment: X4,140.00 The lines and dimensions of each parcel are those shown on the maps of the County Assessor of the Comity of Santa Clara and the County assessment roll. lYIETHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT The total amount. of the assessment was apportioned equally to all the lots within the Gemini Court Benefit Zone of Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District No. 2. -5- e~ GEMINI COTJR.T BENEFIT ZONE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 567-64-051 Baker, Keru~eth, Trustee, et. al 567-64-050 ~ Mogannam, Evelyn E. Trustee 567-64-049 Morgan, Robert..G.:Jr: and Jeanne Hiatt-Morgan :. 5 567-64-048 - ` 1DeGrarige, Steven & Sinrrie, Trustee 567.-64-047 Lau,. Steven 567-64-046 McCanny, James 567-64-045 Guha, Angshuman and Atreyee 567-64-044 Davidson Living Trust 567-64-043 Lee,. Frances I. . 567-64-042. ~ ~ Rapsarda, Fred and Linda 567-64-041 Vaysberg, Yelena Trustee ~ ~, 567-64-.040 KSJ, Ii1c. ' 567-64-039 Scoggin, Michael D., Et Al 567-64-038 Serrano,. Francisco J. 567-64-037 Fliss, John R. and Sheri L. Blake 567-64-036 Wells, Clifford E., Jr. and Nancy A. . 567-64-035 I~im Sung, Daln and Hae Ran 567-64=034 Powers, Ri:cliard J, and Shelly A. -6- PART "I)" AsS2S~~1~~$ ~I~.g~'a.II1 ~L®~.S®IVI SILL I~~ ®~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~--Pedestrian Walkway 6' 1 `sI NORTH Not To Scale i E IVI I I~ I ~' ~~mini Cert. ~3e~efit ~€~~ 3 a La~dscapi~g & I~igh~i~g Assess~~~.~ ~~.s~r~~~ ~~o ~ t~ This Page Intentionally Left Blanlc '~~ Attachment 3 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LEVY ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 IN LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Los Gatos is considering the levy of amlual assessments on real property within Landscape .and Lighting Assessment Districts No.l & 2 as follows: LANDSCAPE ~i LIGHTING ASSESSMENT. DISTRICTS NO. 1 c& 2 HILLBROOK DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE BLACKWELL DRIVE BENEFIT ZONE VASONA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE SANTA ROSA HEIGHTS BENEFIT ZONE KENNEDY MEADOWS BENEFIT ZONE GEMINI COURT BENEFIT ZONE. The proposed .assessment will pay for monthly and routine maintenance of the landscaping and lighting. Property owners may file a written protest of the proposed assessment by mailing or delivering t11e protest to the Cleric Administrator 110 E. Main Street, .Los Gatos, CA 95030. Any_written protest must be received by the Cleric Administrator no later than the public hearing on June 21, 2010; as described below. Protests must identify the grounds for the protest, the person filing the protest, and the property owned by the person filing the protest. If prior to the close of the public hearing on June 21, 2010, the Cleric Administrator receives valid. written protests that are not withdrawn from property owners .responsible for more than 50 percent of the area of total amount of assessments to be levied against properties within the Benefit Zones, then the proposed assessment may either be reduced by the action of the Towii Council, or upheld by the Town Council if the assessment is no higher than in any previous year. . Interested persons may contact the Office of the Town Engineer, 41 Miles Avenue, Los Gatos, CA, phone (408) 399-5770, to receive additional information about the proposed assessment and this program. A public hearing will be held by the Town Council an June 21, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located in the Civic Center, 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA, to consider approval of the proposed assessment. All interested persons will be heard at the public hearing on this matter. /s/ Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator Pub 06/08/10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LErT BLANK