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Ord 2190 - Placer Oaks - Zone Change- Rescinding Ordinance 2081 and 2122
ORDINANCE 2190 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS RESCINDING ORDINANCES 2081 AND 2122 AND EFFECTING A ZONE CHANGE FROM RM:S-12:PD TO R-1:8:PD AT PLACER OAKS ROAD THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I The Town Code of the Town of Las Gatos is hereby amended to rescind Ordinances 2081 and 2122 and to change the zoning at Placer Oaks Road as shown on the map which is attached hereto marked Exhibit A acrd is part of this Ordinance fiom RNI:S-12:PD (Medium Density Residential, 5-12 units per acre, Planned Development), to R-1:8:PD (Single Family Residential, 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre, Planned Development). SECTION II "fhe PD (Plamred Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance authorizes the following consU•uction and use of improvements: Ten single family residences, one of which is a Below Market Price Ur>it; acid 2. Landscaping, streets, parking, open space and other site improvements shown and required on the Official Development Plan. 3. Uses permitted are those specified in the underlying R-1 (Single Family Residential) zone by Sections 29.40.385 (Permitted Uses) and 29.20.185 (Conditional Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance, as those sections exist at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, or as they may be aniended in the future, subject to any restrictions or other requirements specified elsewhere in this ordinance including, but not limited to, the Official Development Plan. However, no use listed in Section 29.20.185 is allowed unless specifically authorized by this Ordinance, or by Conditional Use Permit. SECTION III COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development Plan specifically shows otherwise. SECTION IV Architecttue and Site Approval is required before the conshuction work for the new dwelling units and potential house relocation, whether or not a permiC is required for the wm•k and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall only be in a matmer complying with Section 29.80.130 of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION V The attached Exhibit A (Map) and Exhibit B (Development Plans), are part of the Official Development Plan. The following must be complied with before issuance of any grading or construction permits: TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: (Plamring Division) I. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED. The Official Development Plans and this ordinance establish the allowed uses and intensity of development. The Official Development Plans are conceptual in nature such that deviations will be approved through the Architecture and Site approval process to achieve architechual excellence and significant architechu-al diversity. Deviations include, but are not limited to, building footprint (approved setbacks must still 6e maiutained), height, window raid door locations, and architechn'e style and details. The Architecttu-e and Site plans shall be reviewed by the Town's Consulting Architect at the applicant's cost. The Planning Commission shall be the deciding body of the Architecture and Site applications for the new single family residences and potential house relocation. 2. GARAGE WINDOW. The design of the garage window for Plan A-A shall be finalized during the Architecture and Site approval process pursuant to the direction of the Town's Consulting Architect's cormncnts, dated May 29, 2008. This performance standard is not applicable if major changes occur to the house design as permitted in the above Architecture and Site approval performance standard. 3. HOUSE Si7_,ES. No additional square footage shall be permitted for any oP the market rate units. Additional square footage is permitted for the BMP unit. 4. BACKUP. A minimum garage backup distance of 25 feet shall be provided for Lots 4, 7 and 10. 5. LANDSCAPE PLAN. A final landscape plan shall be submitted during the Architecture and Site approval process. This plan shall be reviewed by the Town's Consulting Arborist at the applicant's expense. 6. OFF-SITE LANDSCAPE SCREEN. The applicant shall work with the property owner at 16996 Prank Avenue (APN 529-14-033), to construct a landscape screen on the Fi•ank Avenue property to provide screening for the glare fi•om vehicles exiting the development. The screen shall be installed prior to final occupancy of the first unit. 7. TREF_ REMOVAL PERMIT. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a Building, Grading or Encroachment Permit. 8. ADDITIONAL TREE MITIGATION. The applicant shall mitigate the Oak tree removed to accommodate the roadway realigmnent at the Placer Oaks Road frontage pursuant to Town Code requirements. 9. TENTATIVE MAP. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding body of the tentative map. 10. GREEN BUILDING. The houses shall be designed to achieve compliance with GreenPoint Rated Standards for green building certification. The GreenPoint checklist shall be completed by a Certified Green Building Professional. 11. SOLAR. During the Architecture and Site approval process, all new residences, to the extent feasible, shall be designed to take frill advantage of passive solar opportunities. 12. WALKWAY: The applicant shall consider the possibility of installing the walkway at grade during the Architecture and Site approval process. 13. SOUNDWALL. The soundwall shall be stepped to break the continuous length of the wall. Final details of the soumdwall shall be provided during the Architecture and Site approval process. Gate(s) shall be provided in the soundwall to access the landscape area adjacent to Highway 17 for maintenance purposes and shall be constructed pursuant to the detailed noise study prepared by Edward L. Pack Associates (Pack), Inc, dated June 12, 2007. 14. FENCING. All proposed fencing for the development shall be reviewed during the Architecture and Site approval process. 15. MBIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: If land clearing, grading, tree and brush removal, tree trimming or demolition activities are to occur during the nesting season (i.e., between February 1 and August 15), apre-construction nesting bird survey shall be performed by a qualified biologist. The biologist should survey the area immediately adjacent to the construction area for the presence of nests. This pre- construction survey shall be conducted no more than one week prior to the plamied grading activity. a. If nesting birds with eggs or young are observed dieing the pre- construction surveys, grading in the affected project area shall not commence until after the young have fledged. b. If no nesting birds are observed, no further action is required, and grading and consh'uction may proceed, provided it commences within one week of the survey to prevent "take" of individual birds that may have begun nesting after the survey. 16. *TREES: Recotmmendations made by Arbor Resources (June 9, 2008) shall be implemented to eliminate or minimize the construction-related impacts on the h~ees to be retained. Recommendations are listed under Section 5.0 of the arborist's report but Section 4.0 also includes additional design recommendations. These include design guidelines section addressing tree location mapping, utility locations, drainage facilities, and landscape design. The report also provides protection measures before and during construction, addressing fencing, work within tree canopies, etc. 17. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS. The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations made by the Town's Consulting Arborist identified in the Arborist's report, dated June 9, 2008, and/or subsequent reports prepared during the Architecttu~e and Site process, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incotpm~ated in the building permit plans, and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable.. The applicant shall prepare and submit a memot•andum with the building permit, detailing how each of these recotmnendations have or will be addressed. 18. TREE PROTECTION MEASURES. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Town's Consulting Arborist shall review the building permit plans, at the developer's cost, to ensure all of the required U•ee protection measures have been implemented in the construction plans. 19. ADDITIONAL TREE MITIGATION. The applicant shall mitigate the Oak tree removed to accommodate the roadway realignment at the Placer Oaks Road frontage pursuant to Town Code requirements. 20. *ARCHAEOLOGICAL: In the event that archaeological traces are encountered, all construction within a 50-meter radius of the find will be halted, the Corrununity Development Director will be notified, and an archaeologist will be retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendations. 21. 'NATIVE AMERICAN REMAINS: If human remains are discovered, the Santa Clara County Coroner will be notified. The Coroner will determine whether or not the remains are Native American. If the Coroner determines that the remains are not subject to his authority, he will notify the Native American Heritage Cormnission, who shall attempt to identify descendants of the deceased Native Americans. 22. "FINAL ARCI-IAEOLOGICAL REPORT: A final report shall be prepared at the applicant's cost when a find is determined to be a significant archaeological site and/or when Native American remains are found on the site. The final report shall include background information on the completed work, a description and list of identified resources, the disposition and cm~ation of these resources, any testing, other recovered information, and conclusions. 23. 'ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIND: If the Community Development Director finds that the v'chaeologieal End is not a significant resource, work will resume only after the submittal of a preliminary archaeological report acrd after provisions for reburial and ongoing monitoring are accepted. Provisions for identifying descendants of a deceased Native Atnerican and for reburial will follow the protocol set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(e). If the site is found to be a significant archaeological site, a mitigation program will be prepared and submitted to the Community Development Director for consideration v7d approval, in conformance with the protocol set forth in Public Resources Code Section 21083.2. 24. WATER EFFICIENCY. This project is subject to the Town's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Chapter 26, Article IV of the Town Code. A fee as established by Town Council resolution shall be paid when the landscape, irrigation plans and water calculations are submitted for review prior to the issuance of building permit. 25. BMP UNIT. `I'hc developer shall work with Town staff during the Architechue and Sile approval process to make the required arrangements for the BMP trait. The BMP tulit must receive approved building permits prior to the issuance of the building permit for the last market rate unit. The BMP contract shall be completed prior to issuance of a building permit. Final occupancy clearance of the BMP unit shall occur prior to the final of the last market rate mtit. 26. DEED RESTRICTION. Prior to issuance o'f a building permit, a deed restr-iclion shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder's office, stating that the required BMP unit must be sold as a below market priced unit pursuant to the Town's BMP regulations. 27. FINISH OF BMP UNIT. The internal finish of the BMP unit shall be identical to that of the market rate units in the project, except that the developer may request Town approval of substitutions for luxury interior finishes, appliances and fixtures. 28. NOISE ABATEMENT. During the Architechu•e and Site approval process, the applicant shall provide documentation on how the project has been designed and the proposed consh~uction methods and/or materials to lower the dBA, to come as close as possible to meeting the Town's noise requirements. This documentation shall be above and beyond the measures noted in the noise study for the Plaimed Development application. The additiona] noise reduction measures approved for the Architecture and Site applications shall be incorporated in the construction plans during the building permit process and implemented in the construction of the units. (Building Division) 29. *NOISE: The project shall be required to include a noise wall along the project boundary that is contiguous to the Highway 17 freeway with the height specifications as recommended in the detailed noise shady prepared by Pack. To control flanking noise, the barrier shall continue along the southern property boundary as specified in the detailed noise study. In addition, reconnnended noise control measures (e. g., closed windows where there is a direct line-of-sight, windows meeting specified Sound Transmission Class ratings, and mechanical ventilation) shall be incorporated into project homes to achieve acceptable interior ^oise levels. 30. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit shall be required far the construction of the new single family residences and the sound wall. Separate permits are required for electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work as necessary. 31. CODES: Projects will be required to conform to the 2007 California Building, Fire, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Codes. The CC's are based on model codes; 2006 International Building Code and Fire Code acid 2006 Uniform Plumbing and Mechanical Codes and the 2005 National Electrical Code. 32. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must beblue-lined in fiill on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 33. SIZE OF PLANS: For sets of conshuction plans, maximum size 24" x 36." 34. SOILS REPORT: A soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing fotuidation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. California Building Chapter 18. 35. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed four (4) feet in depth or which remove lateral support fiom any existing building, adjacent property or the public right-of--way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall conform to Cal/OSI-IA regulations. 36. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soils report; and, the building pad elevation, on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set arrd certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining Walls 37. RESIDENTIAL TOWN ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: The residence shall be designed with adaptability features for single family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wooded backing (2" x 8" minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs located 34-inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars. b. All passage dom~s shall be at least 32-inches wide on the accessible floor. c. Primary entrance shall a 36-inch wide door including a 5'x5' level landing, no more than 1-inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. Door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 38. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms CF-1R, MF-1R, and WS-SR must be blue-lined on the plans. 39. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12-inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 40.. TOWN FIREPLACE STANDARDS: New wood bw•ning fireplaces shall be an EPA Phase II approved appliance as per Town Ordinance 1905. Tree limbs shall be cut within 10-feet of chimneys. 41. PRIOR "f0 FINAL INSPECTION, provide a letter from a California registered architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 42. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1701, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out, signed by all requested parties, and be blue-lined on the construction plans. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Coturter or online at www.losgatosca.~ov/building 43. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION STANDARDS SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara County Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (or Clean Bay Sheet 24x36) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at San Jose Blue Print for a fee. 44. PLANS: The construction plans shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a licensed architect or engineer. (Business and Professionals Code Section 5538) 45. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: e. Community Development -Planning Division: Sandy Baily at 354-6873 f Engineeriug/Parks & Public Works Department Jolur Gaylord at 395- 3460 g. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 h. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 i. Local School District: The Town will forward the papertivork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORI{S: (Engineering Division) 46. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage. The grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list eartlrwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department on E. Main Street is needed for grading within the building footprint. 47. SOILS INVESTIGATIONS AND REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS. All requirements and recommendations as outlined in the Geo Forensics, Inc - Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed New 9-Unit Subdivision dated July 2, 2007 and the AMEC -Supplemental Geologic and Geoteelnrical Peer Review dated July 7,-2008 and all referenced documents therein shall be incorporated into final designs. This condition shall include the requirement for a stability analysis to be completed per the July 7, 2008 AMEC Review. 'this analysis shall be completed and provided to the Town Engineering Department prior to any permits. 48. PAD CERTIFICATION. A letter from a licensed land surveyor shall be provided stating that the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the approved plans shall be provided subsequent to foundation conshuction and prior to construction on the structure. The pad certificatimr shall address both vertical and horizontal foundation placement. 49. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the project applicant, attend apre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval, and will make certain that all project sub- contractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted ml site at all times during construction. 50. RETAINING WALLS. A building permit, issued by the Building Deparhnent at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. 51. PATHWAY RAILINGS. All private and public pathways with adjacent downhill walls or slopes greater than 3:1 shall have protective railings. 52. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the grading permit and public improvement application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion conh'ol. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 53. SOILS REVIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. The applicant's soils engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the Town either by letter or by signing the plans. 54. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should he documented in an "as-built" letter/report prepared by the applicants' soils engineer and submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy permit is granted. 55. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. The Applicant shall enter an agreement to consUuct public improvements in accordance with Town Code §24.40.020. 56. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements that are a part of the deve]opnrent in a Porn acceptable to the Town in the amormt of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor and material) prior to issuance of any permit. Applicant shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 57. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and trash companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are acceptable shall be provided prior to recordation of the final map. 58. WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT. All sewer connection and treatment plant capacity fees shall be paid either immediately prior to the recordation of any subdivision or tract maps with respect to the subject property or properties, or immediately prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit, which ever event occurs first -written confirmation of payment of these fees shall be provided prior to map recordation. 59. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated mi the final hack map by separate inshvment. The dedication shall be recorded before any permits are issued. a. Public Service Easement (PSE). Ten (10) feet wide, next to the Placer Oaks Road right-of--way and five (5) feet wide, private road along lot frontages. b. Ingress-egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer easements, as required. a Emergency Access Easement. Twenty (20) feet wide, from the end of the private road to Placer Oaks Road. 60. JOINT TRENCH PLANS. Joint bench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to recordation of a map. The joint trench plans shall inchtde street and/or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG&E stating that public street light billing will by Rule LS2A, azrd that private lights shall be metered with billing to the homeowners association. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans. 61. WATER DESIGN. Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of any permit. 62. ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES. The applicant shall submit a 75-percent progress printing to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow prevention devices, fire department connections, gas and water meters, off-street valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting, electrical/conunuuication/cable boxes, transformers, and mail boxes. Above groutrd utilities shall be reviewed and approved by Community Development prior to issuance of any permit. 63. PLAN CHECK FEES. Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to submittal of plans to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. 64. INSPECTION FEES. Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to issuance of any Permit or recordation of the Final Map. 65. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The following improvements shall be installed by the developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared by a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of a building permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. a. Placer Oaks Road. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, tie-in paving, signing, striping, storm drainage and sanitary sewers, as required. 66. DESIGN CHANGES. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town Engineer, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the proposed work and the design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall be subject to the approval of the Town before altered work is st~u'ted. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as-built" drawings. 67. INSURANCE. One million dollars ($1,000,000) of liability insurance bolding the Town harmless shall be provided in a format acceptable to the Town Attorney before recordation of the map issuance of the building permit. 68. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE (RESIDENTIAL). The developer shall pay a proportional the project's share of hanspm'tation improvements needed to serve cwnulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon Che Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit is issued. The fee shall be paid before issuance of a building permit. `Che haffic impact mitigation fee for this project using the current tee schedule is $5,742 pcr unit. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the rate schedule in effect at the time the building permit is issued. 69. INTERSECTION IMPACT FEES. The developer shall pay a fair share toward the future intersection improvement at Lark Avenue/Los Gatos Boulevard. The fee amount is estimated at $942.00. 70. COMMUNITY BENEFIT, Community benefit is required to mitigate traffic impact. 71. TRAFFIC CALMING CONTRIBUTION. The applicant has offered a contribution of $15,000.00 to the Town for Neighborhood Traffic Calming as a community benefit. These funds shall remain earmarked for the Placer Oaks neighborhood for a minimum period of two (2) years. In the event that the neighborhood fails to submit a Neighborhood Petition within the two (2) year period or fails to pass the criteria required as defined by the Town Traffic Calming Policy then the payment shall be reallocated to the next prioritized project in the Town Traffic Calming priority list. This payment shall be paid prior to issuance of the first building permit. 72. SIGNAL UPGRADE. The developer shall upgrade the existing traffic signal equipment at Los Gatos Boulevard/Chiroo Drive by 1) Installing pedestrian countdown signal heads and ADA-compliant pedestrian push buttons; 2) Replacing 8" signal heads with 12" signal heads; and 3) Replacing nou-LED signal indication with LED's. 73. TRAFFIC CALMINU, The developer shall re-stripe and re-sign the existing traffic calming devices in the Chirco/Placer Oaks neighborhood as directed by the Town Engineer. 74. TREE REMOVAL. Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to issuance of a grading permit. 75. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town Standard Specifications. All work shall couform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right- of-way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of--way according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required maintenance at the developer's expense. 76. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. 77. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that went on without inspection. 78. SURVEYING CONTROLS. IIorizontal and vertical conh~ols shall Ue set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land sruveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes 79. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A storm water management shall be included with the grading permit application for all Group I and Group 2 projects as defined in the amended provisions of section C.3 of the current Santa Clara County NPDES Permit. The plan shall delineate soiuce control measures and BMP's. together with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be reviewed and certified by the Town Stormwater Quality Consultant - a deposit for this review will be required. hl the event drat storm water measures proposed on the Planning approval differ significantly firom those certifed on the Building/Grading Permit, the Town may require a modification of the Planning approval prior to release of the Building Permit. The applicant may elect to have the Plaiming submittal certified to avoid this possibility. 80. AGREEMENT FOR STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS. The homeowner's association shall enter into art agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stornwater filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's Stormwater Discharge Permit. The agreement will specify that certain routine maintenance shall be performed by the homeowners association and will specify device maintenance reporting requirements. The agreement will also specify routine inspection requirements, permits and payment of fees. The- agreement shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy peniiits. 81. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works Department. A Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storrs Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for projects disturbing more than one acrc. A maximum of iwo weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check darns, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of Order No. RZ-2005-0035 of the amended Santa Clara County NPDES Permit. 82. DUST CONTROL. Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing consh'uction activities so that paving and building conshuction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all mrpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at conshuction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public sheets shall not occru. Streets will be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.nr. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this consh•uetion activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPH. All tnreks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 83. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, construction trailer, and proposed outhouse locations. 84. CONSTRUCTION STREET PAI2ICING. No vehicle having a manufacturer's rated gross vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be allowed to park on the portion of a street which abuts property in a residential zone without prior approval fiom the Town Engineer (§ 15.40,070). 85. SITE DRAINAGE. Rainwater leaders shall be piped through curb drains. 86. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-VJAY. It is the responsibility of contractor and home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right- of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town's storm drains. 87. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code §27.50.015(b). Flex connection may be required at all com~ections to structures and over grouted materials. All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. 88. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. Developer shall request awalk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 89. SIDEWALK REPAIR. The developer shall repair and replace to existing To~wr standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project. Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be consh'ucted per Town Standard Details. The limits of sidewalk repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the consh~uction phase of the project. 90. CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during conshuction of this project. New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of ctu~b and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction phase of the project. 91. DRIVEWAY APPROACH. The developer shall install 22 foot Town standard residential driveway approaches. The new driveway approaches shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. 92. FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply with Town Code Section §23.10.080. 93. AS-BUILT PLANS. An AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be provided to the Town prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform to the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b) Driveway, Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RE"'MINING WALL; d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer: TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line, Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours, Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files must be on the same coordinate basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be submitted in AutoCAD version 2000 or higher. 94. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sa~ritary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line. 95. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures which have flood level rims less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the elevation of the next upstt~eau~ manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backIlow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined section 103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the Town Code and maintain such device in a fimctional operating condition. Evidence of West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater device is needed shall be provided prior to issuance of a building permit. 96. CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m, weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet. If the device is located within a `shucture on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 97. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all limes during working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the sheet will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering Division. 98. SITE SUPERVISION. The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 99. HAULING OF SOIL. Hauling of soil on or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m, and 6:00 p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall work with the Town Building and Engineering Department Engineering Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the developer/owner to place construction notification signs noting the dates and Cime of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other Loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 100. CC&R's. CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the "fown Attorney, Community Development Department, and Parks and Public Works Department prior to recordation of the final map. The CC&R's shall include the maintenance of the soundwall and landscaping of the soundwall. 101. *GEOLOGY AND SOIL: The recommendations of the geoteclmieal report by GeoForensics Ina (dated May 5, 2008) shall be implemented. These recommendations address site preparation, grading, ground improvements, foundations, retaining walls, drainage, and pavement. 102. ROAD REALIGNMENT -The roadway which enters and exits the development at Placer Oaks Road shall be realigned during the subdivision application process to reduce the glare from vehicles exiting the development. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 103. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW. Required fire flow for this project is 1,750 GPM at 20 psi. residual pressm•e. 104. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW OPTION. The developer shall provide the required fire flow from fire hydrants spaced at a maximum of 500 feet or provide an approved fre sprinkler system throughout all portions of the building, designed per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13D and local ordinances. The fire sprinkler system supply valuing shall be installed per Fire Department Standard Detail & Specification W-1/SP-6. 105. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT(S). The developer shall provide one public fire hydrant at a location to be determined jointly by the Fire Department and the San Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 500 feet, with a minimum single hydrant flow of 1,500 GPM at 20 psi residual. To prevent building permit delays, the developer shall pay all required fees to the water company ASAP. 106. TIMING OF REQUIRED WATER SUPPLY HYDRANTS. Installations of required fire service(s) and fire hydrant(s) shall be tested and accepted by the Fire Department, prior to the start of framing or delivery of bulk combustible materials. Building permit issuance may be withheld until required installations are completed, tested and accepted. 107. LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to project final inspection, the general contractor shall ensure that an approved ("Blue Dot") fire hydrant location identifier has been placed in the roadway, as directed by the Fire Department. 108. FIRE ACCESS ROADS. The developer shall provide access roadways with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet six inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet A-1. 109. ROADWAY TURNAROUND. The developer shall provide an approved fire deparUnent engine roadway turnaround with s minimmn radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet A-1 and A-6. Decorative paving must be engineered to requirements of Standard A-l, Road Design, #2. Cul-de-sac diameters shall be no less than 72 feet. 110. TIMING OF ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads, up through first lift of asphalt, shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department prior to the start of construction. Bulk combustible materials shall not .be delivered to the site until installation is complete. Dui~nrg construction, emergency access roads shall be maintained clear and unimpeded. Note that building peianit issuance may be withheld timtil installations are completed. Temporarry access roads may be approved on a case by case basis. 111. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible fiom the street or road fronting the property.. Numbers shall contrast with their background. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY 112. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.1 IS requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval. 113. GRAFPITTI REMOVAL. The developer shall post a letter of credit or cash in the sum of twenty thousand dollus ($20,000.00) which shall be maintained for a period of fifteen (15) years for the removal of graffiti on the sound wall once construction has been completed. *Required as Mitigation Measures SECTION VI This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on May 3, 2010, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on May 17, 2010 and becomes effective 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, Mike Wasserman and Mayor Diane McNutt NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ~~~~ ~6~~ MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA A~TEST• C 'E OF'I'HE TOWN OP LOS GA"fOS L ~ ATOS, CALIFORNIA Forwarded by Planning Commission Approved by Town Council Date: 05' ~~' ~n Clerk Administratdr `~ Mayor -- ~.~, l j Date: 3/io/io Ord: 2190 E%HIBIT A SHEET IN®EX GRADING & DRAINAGE COVER SHEET TENTATIVE MAP UTILITY PLAN GRADING ~ DRAINAGE PLAN SECTIONS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CS C®VER SHEET Project Info Owner: LANDMARK DEVELOPMENT A-1 NEW SITE PLAN A-2 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS HOUSES TYPE A & f3 A-3 PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS AND ELEVATIONS RMP UNIT, HOUSE TYPE C A-4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS HOUSES TYPE A & f3 A-5 STREET SCAPE & SITE SECTIONS 1 2 VICINITY MAP C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 -_ b A I _._ SCOPE OF WORK: 9 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES +f BMP HOME APN: 529-14-012, 529-14-067, 529-16-073 Existing Zoning: RM:5-12:PD Proposed Zoning: R-1: e:PD Site Area: 3.06 AC. (133,293.6 S.F.) L-1.0 PLANTING PLAN ~~~~® L-1.1 TREE INVENTORY PLAN L-2.0 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS MAR 3- Z`u)1~J L-2.1 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TowN aF Los ~ATOs PLANNING DIVISION D --D -7 - I ~-l 2 LAN®~APIN6 REED ASSOCIATES. Paul Reed 477 5. Taffe Ave. Sunnyvale, CA. 94086 408.481.9020 ® ~ ~ V ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 CT1/IL EN6IPIEER CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC.. 2580 N. FIST ST. STUTE 290 San Jose, CA. 95131 408.435.1075 ®ESI6NER Paragon Design Group, Inc. Rodger W. Griffin, FAIBD 405 Alberto Way, Suite #C Los Gatos, CA. 95032 408.358.3707 I -_- Ds u,ic - - un _ _ G Im C ~9 92 dea 'al ~1~ B e Y Q CYp45/~ W Imo` U '-~1a1~~/~ e A I x 1 P' I Y t n nil x . . z / o p 14%4 w FXLSipNr TPE£5 rofo"'Yl i i w To REAwN / / ~ ~t1)/ (181 )3 y~~F~>305' .ea.nwnu (1b1 p~ II N2o°ll'OO"B -' PRIVATE FRANK AVE. .~~ G 1 (9a! ®o I 9;o I i C' ll 20'-P I NOME ALL CHIMNEY PROJECTIONS WILL RE 24" TYP. - _ _ _n ~ Hill (31 WLNU . WCN p ~ p(1µ11 wKP1a1s ~ f') 6rz smI6 iPEFS PL iOPEAIAW SLOPE (N® auaLp) c nor;l ,y83 \ ( ,I / 've 1 6Ei~ (9;i 6 TR s v/ e TOPFIAN/1 (8V1 ~~~ OLBJ (lOg) sNnx BPEES NP°3]'20"E4V5' ~E 59.26' Ta PFMNx 4004' ©, ~ 6426' G .)g•45"E ~ ~ fl 1 Nze°oa'ao'E IJO - ]4.50' (Ip;l Opg1 I ) p NL~95'ID"E~ . __~~ I B I. 1 O (102j (20) (1µ3~ - fll it I O x`+ Q (IOpI (105 !za 560PE (NO BUYLD) ~ ~) 1 e FvsrauzTREFS' (1x91 i - . 1/ / (<'6/ 1 r<~ ~ .ore.waEP ~____________ "~~ I 1 ii t[AR WRI YgRR GARA6E ' n.i ~o~12OJ ~, 18 ~~ 3z'~ O 28'P 6.6 ht f f1 j,1L.F:, N PLC-- __ - m~ - T_ ~I x w ^ __ 5'O• 5'tl5 ~ -~ LWRT YAPB ~~ I ~ .. n1 -- i 1a n° ) h p,IL~y (9, E C I (131 ~ I1a&i I 1 II01 Enann~GTssEs A 1i~5~r`2j ~'.. 3v- -' PL-~ } ~o~ I " -_ ~~ ~~ (12 z m'-a _ __ EX[6T1N66 LTNE_ O EPAQC'ATQ ]]~~ , FLAN6 FOR TEON l°J RT Va9R I 0 5`" v 5'-0~ ~~ .i I 1'" j 2CAR Y{.~A 12'-1' I i ~\ I~ PFIVPN EOVNU WALL ~~ ~' /~\ eY~i~ m„'p ~`J PL ' I\ y 1 ~ ARA6E PORTICO 2CAR R A4A.i~ ~ ' I ~ 6ARA6E ~ 25'-0° 2CAR ~(((L~b~~~' 2CAR I \ / 8e ~i' ~ I1 ~ / I ~\ ~c-' I ~- GARAbf YAm R:C]( 6ARA6 I 6AM6 2CAR HGgI ~'~-] I [WPi Yta 6APA6E ~ +- i' a ~. i 1 ~~~~ _ _ 1 ~ ~ I G 'msrtr I IB <" c ER 0 '~ IIILLL ) (~L - I °LCj^E / ~ ~ I 1 ~ ~ _~ 1~ - u' o ~ ~ a,-- T,. - I a - 1 __ _ _ ~ # _ ' 'nFEE75cA E - II~ o I. rv IN ~ l~ fHc1 i I ~ __ ' l ~R _~ ` I I , R FLRE NRN-q.RpyNO p° TIXNRE II.gIGIES ('FW~CESSEASf/AEM W-V15~0/PUE ,~~ -`~/• ~ ~ IT ~( _ PRIVATE dS~ICE•t•o- PEAMEABLEPALFA6 lYP. _ 526°56'52"{y ____ 3q C "---fiOVN4 WALL ON EARTEI BEAM _ _ TO-OF WALL VARIEB, fiEE 6ERLONS \ 42963. Ift/ - 4. 6, E. F, 6. H B I, SHEET C-i \ ~h _ •.• ~-AETAIIMY WALL _ ~, TOP OF WALL VARiE6 ~~a 91) ( 1 SEE fi11EET L-1 AAE~ ///p N22°4)'( -dlt@ ®8~ ® , /'t ---'- EXISTING TREES & SHRUBS TO _~~, REMAIN IN THIS AREA Arse Use: _ _ _ Open Space 93,843 Sq. Fl. 70.4 % -------- _ _ _ _ Streets&Parking 21,806 Sq. Ft. 16.4% -----------_ r Suildiug9overaee. ns94~-q Ft i32t ------------__-------- ------ ~- Total 133,293 Sq. Ft. 100.00 % _ Open Space• __-____---.__ ____.. Priv. (yards) 54,981 Sq. Ft. P l4li>~- __ _ 38,862 Sa Ft -EDGE OF PAVEMENT Total 93,843 Sq. Ft. Total Open Space Full Bevelopmeut Aree vs. Limited Developmen4 Area: Parking $ sees Garage Parking Spaces 19 Full Development 1.75 Acre. (76,665 S.F) Driveway Parking Spaces 20 4mited DeVelppnt nib- J.3].A~~~(56 628 S,F) Street Parking~p;tcEB __~ Total 3.06 Acre. Total Area Total 47 NOTE ALL CHIMNEY PROJECTIONS WILL BE 24" TYP 61mNsd Development Parking spaces per home = 4.6 . 56,629 S. F. _ (60.3 /) of Open Space A G i , A ni tl G (~o L2`SL/6 I URI4EWAYS SHALL NAVEA MIµ I]'-0' ~ wLOTHxIe v /"`z( OEPiH. TP _~® / 6'Ip m nw ~,I:! ~i Ab uaJ /i ...E ,. rr1 p txl Areo, ,, ,, py u F ~o~~ p 14'9• 2CAR 6ARA6E N,,., e• °• 16'-C' p p ,1ab1 ,19.1 TL m `~ ~iPL~ p - a.~`,!0 II im ` 1. .1 _ _ 1 - RPfiEI 2 L ii U ^ I bin.-s< SEE ENE g ~ I 1 g I[AR _ _ _ 1 S7{„'{. $A: 3- n~ ~ 10'-5 ]/8' - \ (EI FI ESTA NC ~ OLi ~'- Hai; 6EWER LinE LOGTEp) PLANS FOIL EXgR LOLgT[pN c I ., Rt]i/RN S(IUFb WALL Sl°ATE HIGHWAY 17 • PLAC~~ OAKS SITS • SCALE P=20'-e° Osi c u, L G ~ C ~9E 32 4 o.. . Rrfi ` e I PLAN A -UPPER LEVEL PLAN ~ e UPPER LEVEL FoRaEVanGN mnuu a-e a e e o ~ 6Ia e s -e~~ ____- L)_ _ -~7 L066IA s KIT(HFN 6APAfiE ~_ Y _ IIxI2 fi%0 I FAMILY ROOM BHEAKF3T ' ~~''`VlC~ M ,~ ~~~ I I EQVBT YARD FAMS YROOIA I I I ~ / n.5XII ~ - - __ L __1 _~_.~.-_ ~-. ~~' ~~~ II ~ NI PARnAL FLOgi%.AN _ II OFbRA6ETO0EO6EON ~ FI£VAnON A-8 ~-OYQ~ I I ~ ~ [DLRTYARD INE jl ~ llIXl2 I ~ -. DIMNf ROOM We - \ BREAI IXIAOST II Q _/ ix 1 \1 6d6R6[ LL~ ~ KITCHEN lox 2n 1 Li X.13 BP, I I --_.__ ___.._ -. - -- - QNpzRD9A1 I I ___---ooo _- --15R_ia--~.N-. - I I FOYER rvELLIS ~ ~- - - I I ~ n'. OViIINE OF PO6T6 FOR HLV RTION OPTFON B-0 FRONT PLAN A e LOWER LEVEL LOIVEK LEVEL 13905. F. UPPER LEVEL 8905. F. TOTAL ~6J0 S.E GARAGE 4905. F. Gm, PLAN ~ e L®WER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL 13005. UPPEK LEVEL 14655.E TOTAL 27655. F. GARAGE 4405. F. D51 U,IC 1 MA . L G 1 C/ B6 off lB 9. x,. od 6APA5F - ~-' 2LRIJ_C LO~LEVEL_ LOWE0.493 SF. 6gRA6E 2605 F. ~~ -~- FRONT FI EVATION PLAN C MFGTFO 1I `-•.. PF~OOI)IA P unPOC as .,. ,,,,,~ ® lo,r , `. "® a~ O C lo~vo ~i ~ PL®N_ESl22EBLEVEL uvvEx ~eosF. LJ RE9B_ELE5LA2I9_NpLA N~ zsaaazE OOOas ON24'PFLE55 BACK ELEVATION A-C LVFB RIGHT ELEVATION A-C '~" III T'-~~~i ~~~-" LEFT ELEVATION A-C Lore ~3 1 FFT ELEVATION PI AN C BIGHT ELEVA.TI~PLAI~LC _ __ ~~1~_L~111 lJ~.._ ~ V /'1__l_.~~LI~a7__.LLO~_.~~iL_.I_~J L cmc 'sc to , A - . _. Y c. SULE:I/8'=1'-O° - Dill a i I I__ t FRONT ELEVATION A-C LOTS ~ ~ Y ~ ~ I/-11 I E,ti1 O < ~~ =0.4 _ ~_. _____ __ D ~ -~ ,~, - - - -I ® -- - GRRDOSTONE I ---- ELDORRDOSTONE R[IED6E RU6RC lED6E FRONT ELEVATION A-A RIGHT ELEVATION A-A RPRSFD F0.0NTfLEYARON,.ILLY 20Ui. BACK ELEVATION A-A ~~~ ~~~ LEFT ELEVATION A-A FRONT ELEVATION A-B BACK ELEVATION A-B Gm, A i ~,,~ fn, ELEVATION A-B LEFT ELEVATION - flDORRDO6TONE FRONT E L E V A T I O N B- A MouNTAINTFD6F WRIN6COT FRONTELEVA TION B-B ~i4 RIGHTELE VA TION BACKLEVATION B-A .LEFTELE VA TION B-B BACK ELEVATION B-B ~_~~~J~~ ® c O, c 's z _ oM a_. LEFTELE VATION B-A RIGHTELEVATION B-B NATgi TPEEtliDILATEL PLAM9REDFNEW TNEE3 TYP p/$H LINE INDICATEB iVLL0XONN UP66E OF NEW iREEB IELNXEITYP. E%ISTINGOAK 0PSH WEWUILgTF9 FLILLGXOWNUP912E0F NEW 1flEF8 (FNUXE)TYP. VµWp ON VlNL ~"- BWND WAIL WITI VMVINO ~ PVNTSI2E0FNEW iNEFS EP LANDBCAPE PIAN HEIGXi LENII Typ gE1pINING WALL ~ 1 1 STREET SCAPE from highway 17 VINE8ON WALL SITE SECnoN SITE SECTION No WTREEs ASiLWF. OAK c f ~,~, yNEW TNEES ~ ~,~ E%ISTINGOW(TNEE -J \ ~ / EXIBTWG TgEEL PN08NgV6401i L.SWHD WALLWIIH HOHZ LAPSIDING Pq EHN l5 FflEEWgY 51DEDFSOVN0WPLL LONLflETE WgtL9YGTEM BY'WMpLflEIP W WO F i0 GE PpWTEp KELLY MOONE W0P1He0g0VGH'L KAI593 M iOPOF NILL l~ P ~ NEVIACCf.Sp FF 3gA2 INi GRADE ~. R SW Np BARRIERHEIGM IS REFERENCEp TOME NEARESTBUILOIIiGPAp ELEVATON AO PERSWNp P. LppRiBY E p.VM'pL PACRRSSCC. Dg1Ep JULY 6. 1990 µp5UPPLEMENiS _ IpPpF WAI I. pnTEpsEPi. P.zmp _ ELEVATION 3POLtl pAIEp JUNE 12260/ PlµisIZEIXN6V +~ iFEES ,$ g r ~, d ~. D o T w ~ __ 1 __ __ _ .. _ °~ NEW PRIVATE 1/-611b•• sTREEi I~ VICINITY MAP ~I LEGEND TO DE CONSTRUCTED E%159NG DE6CRIPTON ®m.®®, -- PROPERtt LINE LOT LINE -------- EASEMENT LINE O LOT NUMBER EV.AE. EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT SE 61DEYlALK EASEMENT O.R.E. OVERLAND RELEASE EASEMENT S.D.E STORIA DRAIN EASEMENT P.5.6E. PRIVATE ffiORM DRAIN EASEMI S.S.E. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LE.E. INGRESS EGRESS EASEMENT P.S.E. PURUC SFIiVICE EASEMENT zD.DD' MIN. CURB AND GUTTER CONC. VERPCAI CURB STREET: PER SOILS REPORT OR Citt OTD. TYPICAL ON-SITE STREET SECTION SEE SECTONS DN GRADING PLAN FIXt PARKING AREAS VE TING °fENTAT'IVE MAP PLACER OAK L®S GAT®S CALIF®RNIA GENERAL NOTES i OVMERS: CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPORAROY 1307 S. MARY, SUIff 120 SVNNYVALE, CA 94p6J PHONE: 406->35-9299 ~:.. ! SUBOINDER: CUPERTINO DEVELOPMENT CORPIXTARON , ~ 130> 5. MARY, SVITE 120 SINNYVAIE, CA 94D6> PHONE: 408-735-9299 ENGINEER: CIY,L ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 2590 R FlRST STREET, SUITE 290 SAN JOSE, CA 95131 (406) 435-1066 j. E%ISIING ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENRAL 2 PROPOSED 20MElG: LOW DENSITY R-T:BPD ~. PROPOSED LANp U6B RESIpEN11AL R-1:6P0 S ELEVAllONS SHOVM HEREON PER TOWN OA1UM 6. STORM SEWER TO BE PRONDEO 6Y TOWN OF L0.5 GATOS 7. WATER TO BE PRONDEO EY Cltt OF SAN JOSE WATERS 9. SANITARY SEWER TO BE PROVIDED 0Y WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT. 9. FlRE PROTECTION IS TO BE PRONDEO BT TOWN OF LOS GATOS 10. GAS AND ELECTRIC IS TO BE PROVDED 6T PG&E 11. A.P.N.: 529-14-012, O6>, 529-i6-OJ3 j2 LOTS: 10 RE6IDENTIAI, 4 OPEN SPACE 13. AREA = 3.06 ACRES 14. ALL E$ISRNG STRUCTURES ID 6E REM.OVED BENCHMARK i RASS DISK IN N.ONUTAENT WELL STAMPED °LG•r'22" AT I IERGECTON OF BLOSSOM HILL AND OAK RIM WAY, F~L*_VAPON = 368.86 I SWEET INDEX 7. COVER SHEET ,. 2. VESTING TENTATIVE MAP d --- ~.,~A.T. Dore JAN. 26. 10 C Cly~l Cidl Engineers • Planners • Surveyors /V~1"1 ~~~~~ ~•( C! PREPARED FOR: CUPERflNO~ DEVEL0PMEN7 C®BP®RAflDN "~T Q - .H. eE~D.U. w ~ Engln~~eing tSPA xMA fhl so-al, smE 299 ~ Jxq u 95M1 , ®, A~~Py ®p~q r+ "19075 MATIY, BUTTE 120 9UN '' ~ A.SS®G~at®S EI+oa1 +JS-INA b/1 Il H y~ NWALF~ CA 9908] PHONt' 90 9 9 BB $ or z SNESTs LOS QATOS CALIFORNIA -T 6- 2 __ 1 _ - •^ 00-fl6 ! i . ~ 364.5 N6y0 E/ 1_ 364.5 x FRANK A 1/E. f~)J I (~ ~F~~'~ C 11° f ^~ ~i m E so. o ~I ~ ~ sE j/. w c- n4i a- }-__E 1 mom-- i /~ v\ E7 ~ f;oll:`: GV~O 3108 cn ~ ~~ b / ~~~,~;~/ _~ ~~1~~I I \ ~ ~ JP q~ e ~ I .9M~ I~,I IIC 3/ I I/31 YA3.. ry ~ I I ry P.SE. ~' ___ y \^ PR I 5' z 3124 r GRAPHIC SCALE zo o to ~zo ao _. (a PEEr p ANO STORtA EASEMENT 1 NU' ° zo! x. & BK. 61]B PG. 805 x 365.] p0 fENLl / a' HIGH 115 ~= _I~_ V ~ i ~) PS E / /~ 3Yi ~~~ t~~~ ~ ~YVF /350 BEI / ~ m\ ,~~rFP ~i a. sLa `~ ~ 444flflfl .~ \ ~e )E- -~ ~ `/ ~~ IN•x - aRP 2~/ _ ~~ DVS' x - ~- \ v~\\ oa%K „~4p S s .,> °~ / ~ ~-~/rOE.? _/ ~ oow _ -Z p a.~ I-1 ^ /- ~ ~/ zf % ~zzs - 330 / cP rf.~ ~ `s10' / / ti'~~^t^~~.~ _,.J''.~y ® ~ m'sr. Ef~~ mYe I G3.b ° I ~ r..o v E`; )T 366J `N' p P /~- 32 /~~ / vA arm l I i ® i ~ E - s /GND 3339 5/ M1 ~ ~ k e I P(? 5 f' / 5ti / z_S.r- i % 30).1 ' , , / y ~3 315 / ro° aF s=aPE z oW`5 ® ~ ~ ~ I ~:~E-1 ~ , _ F. uvo 6 / 5 '~j~3 of ~"~~ ~ ® ¶~ ~ 2.5 9.316 iF. S ~ i ).2)2 Sf' $i ' ~ -- ~[6 ~uµ1t B q=6R' LLL Y. 5Y+ VP~ r Nl% _.{_ U12• •q ~ m ~°/P GYO ~~ ~_ Pq~ji ~] ~~~ PNO sEi 'On OW d- ~ ~PF 'y /~3~ce ~~G~ ~ i~ ~~~ y \ la' a I °' I63 305 j } ~/ 'P 1a ~ AWB P Px 9j $i I t u r P\ ¢Q o ice,/ 'T ~ x14 ~/ ~ B __ 1]~FINNN m i / e e' ~ ~j °~ ~ x 50/.3 \ ' B Ib s e 1 ~'°'` e\a 4 ~ ~ s°az t/ e x 306.6 _ _ _ pea a' ~ E~% ~ x308.9 u_ ---- ~-_ ~ s .. .-qE r 55- y ~ % /~/~/ ~ /~ • x~. w °F Ews~ ' s\\m EnsEUwiT_ 55- -- \ _ - s9 {- -_ -- w ro eE is - --- s. P ... rc>~lr==-- ~' >< ~', d ~ '~/ 1~ _ ncAlEn _ - - _- $ - ,wanox m W -~ ~ 3()E Y i ~~ i-`_ i~s-4 / °)1 ~~ '.fig 1 __ -~~ : U ® x P I ,~ 1~ ) / `/ ~ ~~ r ~' 30. ~3~ ~ 4.621 9.F. 3G4.0 2 ~ 305_x. ~ Fti 3 ~ l Jy ~\ ~ l~ o I z o \ ~/.6~.F. O 4 I ~ a~ ~ ~`^-\ 1 w ~ g419 S.F. ~ 6.892 SF. x 308.3 4 20 SF. ~0 e• ~\ ~ G0 ~,~/ S 8.3)0 SE % \' \ J m ~ ~ i p ~` 309 2 vA o. y v h i Bs t ~\~ ~.. ~~~ ' ` I x 304.8 FSQ ~ ' II °J"'~ -~ ~~ °~" 309.3 N ,p~ / sm -~_, ~~/p e. ~ x ,20 ~ ~ x 306.] ~ ~~ y~ Is' G ~• 13 x 3086 I ~~_ x 30 .i ;~ 0 O oyo t 3066 'ID /{ I~ - ~d4 /J ~ ~' 304.8 c ~~caP_ \ l x 30 ] ~- P~ st. m~ 6.627, S.F. j0£ SWA[ ~ -l Y 1 14.858 9.F. m/~.. - - ) _ -~ L _ _ - i ~ I 3025 I ~'l"{ B uow rov //((( \ ~ az'. ) Pse ~az' w' aU //5~ .sE za e 304. r Y`~oy~ - t'~-.-rt (.1,. q,. p 'l . w+ ~ B•!J N ~ - 0 LOT . /~ ,.> g~°"~z" `w~- ~ ~~ I ~ ~ / ~/ -_-_-__ ~ti ~ 309.4- - - _ - .._._-_ - ___.__~.-._ x 311.5 x 3104 -- - -_ y O ~. A.T. w,e JAN. T6. 18 /+I VII CiWI Engineers • Planners ~ Sbrveyors nw. LRN __ amxm D.U. Engle®®ring 2smxrurr:ISeK4sresao .~ Sn .4et G 951]1 ASS®CI®4@S el<re)lx~loss a' I DEED TO CALTRANS N0. S.P. 3539 O.R. 601 ~+.~ w _~_ STA3F ' /GHWAY fT _ - _ °O I`_~~ TENTATIVE MAP ~ PREPRREB FOR Cl~EfiPIN0l9Ctlh1O PLACER OAKS 1307 & ~1FiY' 120 3UNNYYALE, ''A 94031 GAT03 CAI IFORNIA f~tioNE:4o®-7as-92sB -- Z o _ ~° ~ N05 s . coRNm CDT s ~p \ 5 SUB. 4) a JT COAPp9ATION a2~, °f< SYEER »a DD-tt6 `xd A O i 50PyE. o (~~ ..) O I GRAPHIC SCALE I so o ID ao ao 1 ~j ( IN FEET) 1mu=2•w I i / ~~,aNK.a~ /, ~_~_~~- / ~- IXSI. SAE d ~ [e[ I 'N P.C. k E FA1F1O11 mm A• u1 ..._.. .I( ... ......... . .. A1l1 an m mm. 6fuwW •xr !Lw WR OTEY NV.- 1! tY N (N~ 6iN..~W 15' M (HAJ OA'~NI. SW KK,_ ~m -~- ,i ~ ii III ~~ II ~~~ I I ~I~II i~~ ~ I I ~Q15MC 51NN~pAi'~ IN \s / I I, LIMn~ A~ Rx~r ro N VdNIPo x nU 9D• ®~ a xonN it xmE l9°) ~~°rwalml~~~~ (») pt ~'* r 9 ~ I~ \ ~~ (BB) ~() a Tire~u ux W# ~ ~ ~ nN. lA• ~" ~i/ FAISi. W°W C~(1a•7 np4 fN) 9,eA R~ ~ I v Aiv ~"-- / / / / F.F. 308.18 / ~/ PAD=306.68 / / ~ q / / 1p Np / AAA •~°/IXNST. S•L YLL ~II 1 -an'~HO.313 n-tt saW ® ®®®®® nvw IAI•WL gFA9wr - Drlsnxc W~ n ~_~.~ yy--,,44 y~- ~Z ry 'e,,4 y q 9 S/!Y /G !]~VH//PI / / / ~. 3, 5. Z. 9. -- ~;@ A.T. Dore FEB. 17. t0 r Wuxi LRN wcmm D.U. ' /_ (110) ca'~ li J. / Ibsl~a ®~' ~o +z 4 ®%j 1 .-,. • , ~.`.~ ~. V' 1~ III gl (1!3) 4 , p n"•Ax 3•e iAx ._~ :: Imo. .:.'' 3~ !!s ~ t~ I II{m 011 8s1 4 @ (In5) . I Q 3,00' SALUTARY SEN2R .3} ~CaK _ NR W x4 • ' ~ ('!O) (IM)~JP nAK(Ry) ~j 65(24) I~EA4MENT 9A. 84]1 A (IB IIR = PE.6 (IN) 1119) I PG 494 ~' Y-1Y SN W i ~~~ kx I I I by~~ W ~~' \ (EB) I I iA1 ,~~W ~ #~ 1 RlIG1J-WIW ~I p - HF _--- 1.) ~ 'W II W6W 55 4•WAMN ~~ 4yrs~• ro - - 1s ° 00 D! ei"`r / / std x"~iAT. UI N•ETo-l s9. _ _ ~ _w mq I IW w) '" a f . `.' ,e roll-~ W ,6>< _ - Is' a .L DN ON a<' QAK D4q ~~'~ - _ ' OID AIEN III 1~ i . ~fi•°'p~ ~~.~A~ f iv :.. °PY' D14 IQ )' I s yfiNy 'P•'"' ~VS~11 N s• A• rl A~yaaA `s' IRmr 6) ~ NvNC•w r~ror ~~ 1 ~~'~ rz!) (s+) (N) H. ~ - - se1M'Na/~/ e ls• sn vArArzx I ~ T,lD x ATd ~/ l - ~ ..~ ! ~/ .uortw ~ F.F.=3T D.W II (8.1 . ~~ ~~o.lami• 5~/ s y ,°__ __ - Ir-1r sN. ~~ n - i paD=3oe.sD 1 ,ten I ~ .f~. '( SWaLL~9aM~ ~/ iAS9°A'°W ass, f ~k~ rr I ~ ~, / w 5~ °AN / p' ® 5/ N", U~ 9 B wv. ui. ' °` g{ s F.F. 310.42 ~ - 0~ T • ice; I~11 Qe ~4`••~` 9 r~% PAD=30&921 ~~~ lu) I't ~IC~x,walurc ulssl OtD ~ s ®~w-°w-'4"S•°C~Selcl .I..I.I. ~ ~ ) 44A1E _ ~ WS\.Ir 3tlIX - `TT'1~ lrlbi. lY N&IeMOS1S _ _ _ -' - ~ i _1 ,',F fUST. ,D' -I g 1 O - I 1 7 F.F==309.28 ~ 2 O `l.I PAD-308.03. I I ~ I ll ~ l i F.F.-3089] ~ 1 I ~ a F.F. 308.20 PAp-3W.2] i $' ~ 1 ,~ - l i PAD 30118 PAD-30].]0 ® ~ p i i ~~ ~ - .• ~ ~ -f EAV. ui SpL9~8°Po . I aE Vi51. SILL -- . - NYr 9 l; . •umlo Hd°$ sl) L tYN 5 g .sN. mt ~g ® F:F.=309.00 Aq=3w.sp ~~~~ ~ '~~ i•WI wr r wvwr'`raaoo4°tv~•urt ~'~, ~~... xv. aol~ ~. au~~ P .~. 't'~ • D~~ - - FNMfP y1~ OSI iw IIYN!' pNH.v ®BY-K at!Lm ~'~ _>a®®® m ..wr R4'-1R' SILL N4lRA1EN NL -1 ]M _ T ~ 0°q. . NN AI • Olr \ . . .. 1 pe). . '®.~. D35). w (U!). (13fl III . )'(IPo IMQ' ~) z ~.(~, x ^ 1 _ ~ . N ts. t SWNf Po 14 __ _____ ~!. ..~ n CPVG OPIN N. Y•LP. m-mn ~mwl•W SSmI T~i~+i NvPwur •%~ ~I~ NYR6NWA NUN ar-Ir sn •£ 6110 ~ LEGEND x I T.P RlI~I •JFAIL ANN FP0591F af'WPof TO BE CONSTRUCTED EXISTING DESCRIPTION WnNL SWlCIIr@N.9 - a9.lxNN S£murat r 10. 1HE DVERALL STORM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WAS CALCULATED ASSUMING ®mm® -- PROPERT'UNE ~ m NE 10-YEAR STORIA EVENT. - ~ CENTER LINE 11. W1.IPOSIIE RUNOFF WEFFlCIENT: ~~ T ~ WATERSHED "A" ~ _ ' CURB, GUTTER, SIDEI9ALK IMPERVIWS AREA - 14,6]9 S.F. (0.34 AC) - C=0.9 -- - ANO DRIVEWAY PERNWS AREA - 48,]58 S.F. (1.14 AC) - C-025 -' C = (0.9 • 14,fi]9 SF./fi4,43% S.F.) + (0.25 ' 49,]56 SF./64,43] ~-S$-~- -SS-~ - SANITARY SEfi£R AND MANHOLE IN TIE TOWN OF LOS GATOS IS DESIGNATED AS FLOOD ZONE: S.FJ = 0.40 WATERSHED "6" ~~~~_® --SDI= - STORM SEWER AND AIANHOL£ OUTSIDE 1HE 1-PERCENT ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLNN, AREAS IMPERNWS AREA - 3%,308 8F. (0.86 AC) - C=0.9 © ~ HOODED INLET UAL CHANCE SHEET ROW FLOODING WHERE AVFItAGE DEPNS PERNWS AREA - 31,584 SE (0.]2 AC) - C=0.25 ~ MAN 1 FDDT. AREAS OF 12 ANNUAL CHANCE STREAM ROWING C = (0.9 • 3],306 S.F./68.892 SF.) + (035 * 31,584 S.F./66,692 : W W WATER lANN CONIRIDUDNG DRAINAGE AREA IS LE55 THAN 1 SOVARE MILE, 8F) = D.6D T JOINT TRENCH PROTECTED FROM THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOW DY LEVI£S. 12. ALL ROOFORAINS TO BE OISCONNECNO pN0 DIRECTED WTO v LOW ELEVADWS W DEP1H5 ARE fiHOWN WITHIN THIS ZONE SPIASNDLOCKS. ----------- ~' SERVICE PURCHASE IS NOT REOUIREO IN THESE ZONES) - (FlRM. PANEL 13. THE SWND WALLS WERE SET TO THE REWMMEWED WALL HEIGHTS .PER ~ :03]]H DALE 5/18/W). THE REPORT BY EDVlARD L. PACK ASSOCIATES, DATED .NNE 12, 20U]. W •O' FIRE HYDRANT PERNWS AREA = O ACRES 14. WATER AND JOINT 1RENCH URlIDES HAVE BEEN SHOWN CWCEPNAILY D9WOU5 AREA = 3.06 ACRES 1HE FlNAL DESIGN VALL NEED TO DE APPROVED BY SAN JOSE WATER POOR POLE IMRER140U5 AREA = 1.19 ACRES AND THE JOINT UTILITY WMPANIE6. I ~ ELECNOLIER PFRWWS AREA = L8% ACRES 15. HEADWALL WIFALL Sl1iUCNRES TO COMPLY WITH RWUIREMENTS OF 38.9% PERCENT INCREASE W IMPERWOUS AREA. CALIRANS STANDARp SPECIFlCADONS (MAY 2Wfi), BECTON 51-1.02, LATERAL WNi1NEMENT BARRIER iYSTEM FOR THE BTWM WATER E%ISRNG STWM WTFALL INTO pN0 CACIRANS STANDARD PLANS (MAY 2W6), SHEEP 860, P. 168.; ~ - (AS PROPOSED fiY GEOFORENSICS, INC. ;ALIFORNIA RIGHT OF WAY (STALE ROUTE 1» ULDMATELY INTO ifi. ROCK SLOPE PROIECRON (PIP-RAP ENERGY pISSIPATOR) AT W1FALL REPORT NO. 20]0]0 DATED JULY 2. 2WZ) SERVOIR. E SITE'S STORM WATER RUNOFF IS DIRECTED TO °VEGETATEp STRUCNRE TO COMPLY 1MlH REWIREMENIS OF CALIRANS STANOARp SPECIFlCAIIONS ((MAY 2006), SECRINJ ]2-2, E%ISRNG TREE i FOR FILTRATION. THE REMAINDER WILL BE 1REAlEO UDUZING 1J. ALL WORK PRWhSEO IN STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIGHT OF WAY TO DE `~ TD BE RQAOVEO L1ER 1RENW. CWSTRUCIFD HY AUTHORITY OF CALIRANS PERMIT NO, 1140]-6D016D8. TREE NUMBER PER THE M ~IOSWALE LENGTH WAS CALWLAIED ASSUMING A MINIMUM i6. AREAS SURROUNDING WIFALL STRUCNRES TO SE CLEARED OF ALL (T6) ARDOR RESOURCES REPORT DME Of Z AIINUlES, SVVALE LENGTH = VELDCIIY • Z EXCESS pE0R15 TO PROVIDE FOR ADEpUAIE FUNRE STORM RELEASE DAlEO APRIL 1Q 2008 INTO EXISDNG STORM WANNELS. r~~ clhl Engineers • Planners • Surveyors uT~L~~ PLARI PpEPApFA FON CUPERTIND ~®EVELOPMENT OOHPORATION °~'' I~e~el~g P5x01beN RSl i9¢tl, tulle 159 '1 San A ' CA Sl ® ~a //yy L~ ~~f! -LA ER A 1q. D]S. MAHY, SIIFTE ,2D OA 9408] 311NNWALE P®1 M m nI a 1: (4y) 535-IN6 DbC® ®$ ! V f~4/ M LOS GATOS CALIFORNNI , PHONE 4D&Z86-8289 °r SHEE15 xu OD-116 zT 1' t 11' ~~ 320_.__.. P TGi wAU I~vG11s `z I - 395 - PROJECT ENTRY kOADWAY scgLE: 1^^=tp~~ 390 _-- - ~• 1z' WNG swAlE- t1' R If' .W500 \M, ax 2x 305 -- PRIV lE STREET p SCALE: t•-1 p' B ~ 3oD TIPICAL SECTIONS aeaA 395_-_.-~ _- ---_.__.....___._____ sW111pWALL 390 -- ___y_z,. ' __._- `--------- -- A 305 3oso~ ew ~ \~ asz49m 3szsg 3s ceTC - 344 -cvwti amt 1Y WNG SWAIE 3AS.W BW tl aS ...- 362 `a 6° rtk%I R EWYA ~k' \. - 36O MAIN Ai P9VAGlE~ xNpf ~\\\ ..-_-. 356 4' 6' W. SIpEWN%i 1#iW p 352 1L - \ ~ P6P. SIIPPORi d°49 11\\ ~~~6 AAD RAIL 345 x I I.31F8_.SGPPATI - ___ _ b25pTY n101H Ai PNVPff `Mp1X AT P%VAIE \ I 1 343 31REEI (TP.) ~ .-_ Fq2 WAt1(WAY FON WAIRWAY 361 sTM~"Pa~-I__ -_ 359_--afia491c --__\ 355 smFCE(m_)-__~_\ -_.._. 359 -____~ _ _ _ _Iw swPpX1 a /; _._. -___._ _. _.- ~. \ s6a.smc I \ ExlsT. mWXO~ ~ 340 F~IFwAr 342 ~"-.EMSt cRW1. I / 30 XElAIN 36A it YES9B \ <6L9 I g flST. GgOL910~) p rI wau / 360 ._- ~6p s9B -- 358- - - -~ 354_ .-~-_ 350 ____. -__\ _..__.- 347 __._i a- / \ -- 1 - n 1 ~ 349_-__ __--_-. =2 ~ J 359 -_ - .. - 357 - _ - _ 356.6m 353 - - _- - - "~aW' - 349. _ - - - - _ - 346 ; - __ r- + ass ..-- ~--- --~ ~- SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION i SECTION SCALE: P-5 I SCALE: HORIZ. 1°=10' VERT. 1°=2' J SCALE: HORIZ. 1 =iD' VERT. 1°='2' ~ SCALE: HDRIZ. 1"=10' VERT. 1°=2' L SCALE: HORIZ. i'=1D VERT. i°=2' M SCALE: HDRR. 1°=1tl VERT. 1°=7 N SCALE: HDRIZ. 1°=f0' VERT. 1°=2 O -a'-p' CW. MIN. I 4'-0' CIA. MIM. W siAN6 (hp.) IXI SFAINg (1W.) . x x WMp ggIL 2p5p t 31flW1N' I6.WIW 335 - - ~. - - - 331 -... _ - ) - - ' ~ 324 - -_ _- \\ x axssz-- - 320 ~TUxlxp \\ . _ _ 396 _ _ 397 - _ _ _ x'16 t cuARp auL I 33ss~ / WAap RFLL 3x.Wnv \ wuL \,~ nsr. cgauxp aEruxwG 1 RErumxc- \\ 3lspmw 337._ - ><-/__..__._ 330 ---az9.a~ - - 323 _. \ .. _ _. 399 - - o°-.MIx. 397 wArt_ ___ __ - 396 wur. __. \ - __.. 395_ __ - - --. xEraxwc .s - °u r / ~ \ G+ sruas (iW.) 1 a GR. ulx. \ s o ax. uW. ~ aETUxwc ~I / WALL Fy GRWXp \ W6TAIR5 (TYP.) I AN STAWS (TP) \ pN iPR (LIP.) ' 336 - 329 P~FR SUV>&+i / __. -- 322 __._._ _. ..______ 316-..__..__-._ 33 396 _.._ --__ 395 ___.~ ___. 314_ -. ', \ _- PIFfl SNPPNti / FGi WAI%WAY PIER SpPPpAi 313 pp Fdi WAt%WAY /~~FAST. GRWNp FOA WAIMWAY '\ \ \ 31SW \ 314Cp \ 335-_-_- _-/- __-s_=p_aA_.Ilx. 328 _ ___ -.. ___._ _.-_. 321 _ _\. 397 .. _ -. / ox srAl6s (TP.) / •.. ~ _._ 315-__ - ... _. ..._--... 394 - - .., -- 393 - ~. / \ \ ~Ea1sT. cecuxp 334 ... - ' ~ ~~IX°'-. °-R-Woo. _ - 327 . _ 320 ~Fxsv avWxo - _ - _-_ __ _~Ewsv mouno -'--_. ----- ---- ---- 316------ - ~_ 394 .__..__.. -..._~___.. __.. 3f3--------~--- 313 'I SECTION f1 SECTION n SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION `' SCALE: HgRZ. 1°=10 VERT. 1"=2 r SCALE: HORIZ. 1'=10' VERT. 1°=2' ~ SCALE: HIXtIZ. P=10' PERT. 1"=T R SCALE: NORIZ Y=10' VERT. 1°=R' S SCALE: HDRIZ. 1°=1O' PERT. 1 =2' T SCALE; HORIZ. 1°=itl 4ERT. 1"=2' U SCALE HORR. P=td VERT. P=2' tl - i_ =31gW - =319.00 --- :------- 320---... .~. _ -. swxpwxu ~ -~ ~ ' ~sourvowAu .___-__._-- ___- - 395.__-_ 1 _- - - --'tl ._____ °µ 1 3.6' e' 1V 3 IR' MT 1Y CONG sWAtf , 39030 .qB 600 -. -_ 12' MT ~~° ~ gi 3033p • GI ~_.. !L / 3W.ooTC % - -- 305 --/~_ T -. _ _. ._ _ _ // aETUxwA wau 1 ag- ' ( s . pi Ensr. cAWxp -aETGNMC/ `IXIfiT. GgWNO WALL// _,~- __ - -. 300- - SECTI~ SECTION SCALE: 1"-5 D SCALE 1°-5 E 1 1 \ - \ wT iwv ¢ssnE~ Wpm \ (IYP.) ~ \1 320 315 iR' dN 310 aEruxu 305 wsr. w 300 - 320--_- -_.. ___. ¢ 395 --- ' sse fY Mi- 12 LtliG SWN£ 39 D 30B:S61W I - - Y1 M . REruxlxc wuL 305-= 3mzo ~' --__-~ ~Ew~ 300-- . ------ _. - $ - ry-__ -.- I ~ 32D ,. I j 395__ - i- RM=310.00 ------ _ -- xpwAu xm' e' i11' Mi 390 r' ~ -_ _ ___ _ _.._ IY WNG SNALE, J.1 m ~ 3W zplw' a6ruxw WAIL ASE PAO El£VAIIC ]W.6 _`-. 3D5 -~'- ____ _SFL NOTE MIB S4f JQETOkJ Eus. cRpuxp -- 300._ __ __._.__ - --- --- ' SECTION j AL 1° 5' H S = C E gcCl( EfA 5£E NOR FRONT I NOT 1. F¢ NEAOWaLL WfrNl SIRXCNNFS TO NMPLY PoTI gEWIgFMFN15 W CAL1gANS 3iM'Oµp SPECIFlCAl10N5 (MAY ROOL), SEC11IX1 51-I.OR. PHp CALICANS S1gNpPRO PLPNB (MAY 2W6). SHEET B6B. P. 1fi0. 2 sp15 MWNO MEAOWALL (MJAWIi 9pE SIINES ANp TOP OF BgNR) i0 BE LOAIPACI FD ANO 3TABWZEO Wll ' FROSIW q%11ROL BWINER PFR CALIRAN3 STAA9ARG BPEp41CARW5 (MAY 2000) SELTgi Rp. 3, gOCq SLWE PaORCRLN (XIP-RPP ENEgLY 019lPATOR) AT WIFALL eIML111RE RI COMPLY N1M REWNEIIP'ls W - ~N CALIPANS BiANBANO sPECY1CATIW C (MAY 2005) SECTIN! J2-2 - !. PIP-RM FIAT WFNL TO 6E 0.1Y51ROCR0 NITI NO. 2 BAIXWG ANp MCFD 41 LW FORMgNCE Nfm VEmW p PLACEMFNi PFR CALTtgNS SrAN0AR0 SPECIFIGRWS (MAY RW6), SCIIGI >2-202 S ROCH $WE PROI ECRG! (RS") FiBRIC tO OE IN3rAllID PRIOq lO RIP-PPP PFR CgLIRANS Siµ0PA0 SPEGFlLAIIWS (MAT R006), 5£CRW J2-2025 _ STORM OUTFACE STRUCTURE _ SCALE: , =R Q 2 6. 1D aeu h~N on~JAN. C9vII-: 9 )klls bvil En sneers • Planners • Surve ~`E~`PI®~Sw ~ PRE~A~ED FOR CUPER'ONO pEVELOPMENT CORPORATION N _ _ - _ ®~• Q o D 1 ® ° Engin~e•ring R59p GmR rn sLal. sla: 290 sm M,y LA 9snl ry1 p/~ C® ~L Ap rLftCLll ®A{ta~ 1307 & MAPV ;SUITE 120 9UNNWALE, fA 84087 ~_~ a •.... •"• ",~••• ••_•• ~ Q Aa~S9acl®1 ®S T: (409):]5-1166 LOS (3ATO5 OALIP®RN(A PHONE 408 795-9288 fi SR£15 x~\PP.a,En\zppplmnfi\PO\Bpxsrp ca sEC.a.9 b. z> ea+p _ ILA ON 116 SECTION SCALE: 1°=5' F o / ~ fSITE MAIN"fENANCE: /~/ Q ,, I I1 /r RDSi-CONSTRUCTION CONTNUING SITE MAINTENANCE IS REWIRED a<' ~E5' 4' ~ TO flEDUCE TiE AMOUNT OF POLLUTANTS THAT REACH TIE SWALES ~-- ~ y. ~ ®® to e nt MAX 1a Mnx. ~ ~, ~: ," _ .. vt~., d ~- --i ~~ I I. VAWUM/SRFEPINC OF PARKING LOTS Ai LEAST EVERY MONTH. ® i / 1 ~- ~~°-~~ • ~ ~ '~q of _ 1 I Lfm ~ Is ~~ ~, ~ ~\ ~ 2. OIL ANO OTTER SPILLS SHALL RE REMOVED WITi DRY /f / \ ~• `.. ~ r: ~ju~ ~ - ® I \ l 0~)a<;a l ~~(,,,,,, ABSORBENT MATERIAL 1 - / / 1 \ \ •--•.. ~° or" '~' % / \ \ \ \ `' ~ 3. MOW OR CUT GRASS SHALES TO 4-INCH HEIGHT AT LEAST 3. --~ ~ 1 ~'/ <o' ea. K \ /~+ /,. (+ / ~ \ \ ~ v°p \ ~\ ~ ~o ~ / • \ TMES PER YEAR: PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 15, JUNE 15 ANO //' I 1 0/ 1 Na v / /~ }+°' / / \ \ ~~ ~ \\ -~\ f le' SfNOY LouA OCi09ER 15 COLLECT AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF CUTTINGS. ~® / \ I \ I 9n >Nl / r laa> I (8) ( ~ 13 1t~ / \ I / (106)- v\ -~ yy~~ 6' 69x vmeTAnDA 4. VACUUM SWALES TO REMOV SEDIMENT, AS NEEDED. (MINIMUM Uto7 / \ V / as ~ ~--`~ `.~ o ~ I \\\\ \ 1 / ~~ 11 i ('!0) o / 1 (104).)1 (1)\ I DOT) f ` /i `-_ i~1 ONCE EVERY YEAR IN JUNE). µ I { / F s<1. \ 3oAWtI. YYtlJJ~~",, (UY i(I % \ o' rEFF. Glee I I 5. MAINTAIN A DENSE, HEALTHY GRASS COYER IN SWALES. - / d P \ (>s)\ ~ / / _ )6 D \ 1 I/z' mnw. ~ 1 a \ I / I i e s \ (10.D I / II / p+a) \ NRMemM ~ I e. MINIMAL APPUCATON OF FERTLIZERS. / % + \ I ~ \ -k 1 4~1 _4 ~/ /I \ ~aJ% ~ fA6vc 1fl0 NL~ ¢Vw ]~ pRgINAG ~~S FDft STANDING WATER AND CORRECT R, i (fi) 3'1 ~r// / % ; tiTf• \\ A~ 1~ I I xore: ` I qd 5C / Y\ l ~ 1 1 / elo-swNE vnu xmn ro V I n b ~ \ \ 1 / j RI MEET AM9GN fLIPIIV~m ~ i.~.k g I \\ (pfi~0 fx \ / / RNO i1L1FA110N FAZE - , X f 0 \ \ ~> ~ ~ -- ~' ~ SEC710N B - \ \~ / 41 Acv ~i er>` -~ I( / / TYPICAL BID-SWALE // R ='/x / u7 a) f anuASTa 1' 1 p' ``dGa ~.' i\\s»sn / ~ y / ?\ ~ rxmuN ox sEETw ~ \ --~, ~.., / r... /y +*.' f / •I / ~~// 2a (ff)• - 05' l W IIOF1N. fy_l2'6N. 1 A (m vv ` IV 1~ ~ Od) I 1 pal x ~ D+B~ vv J~v \ c FRA4NK.4YE /' ; <.I"J~"wA` \~\\1j%~ ~^( ~/ e~•~ i <°'aNU~ ~g/(n) (e';.' ~ L ,r `~ 1 / \ gyp I 'e1_ ~ WATER~HEB~/A ~ ~1 \ ~~~~~\L\~~ ~ a 1 ~ I -/ \\ 1 ROADWAY -_ 48" / ~ ~ I (ea) I ~ I ( ~' 1 ` ~I- tt ~ Z A / } 1 PERMEABLE / I (aT \\ ~ `\~ \ 9~e '--~ I/ ) -:\\tS -•14 1 t / 1 <' 7 (t ~ ~: t ~ 1 ~ 5 ~I PAVER MEDIUM VERTCAL CURB ~..~~, 1 /~ h ~1w ~ ~ ~ ~jt~ T[ ~,~ L < ~ 1 ~ d .~ /' l yw \ e / ~ 1 vV ~} e~ ".a`oi' ,al ) ac's )~ o- =f / w ~ t -1 S { \ I\ \ /~ ' ~i3 1 (®) \ I 2 XTL L'+4f : P 1 naP"~ } x"~i JL A'K~ f ~ Y n Y 3 .}~ ":t n 4' 7 !a Y } `,'. t \ ®\ V I lfiai °4r \ ) ^t '~y~4WATERSHED B o ~ ~ \ t r -~'"ca ~ _ z a ~ sp;'S~, fc a^ ~v :+ ~ / v _ \ (\91T1 \ •F. ~ /!e \ ~ }+,~3.'` ~'. l-3!`" \r i;F LF sA/" y f 2 'T' -0 x~ N'1 ~\a ~ ,L c ~ Y \~ltl'\ ~3' w SUNOL TYPE ~ WW\~ \ L. \ { I >, # c %; .y ><' i ~ es. b ~ ~ ' :' SPND - -v~Y' ( \y \ /ice ~L F M ~ 'a.; /A.v) (V i i F Y ~ z3` ~ j,`P ZY'(.,{C '1)£sE4`.. ) y~`th. A ~~~ \ ~ 6"PERFORATED PIPE ~ I a'5/e Alan \ R ~ ~1 ~~ i Af A1..,,Ri., Y~-l~ Y"!F 'l YTT` i.:- y. '\ a - 4 2 5~'i lF ~'f~ f} t.-v`.. yg. 1 ~ ! ~ v I ~, 3 t ,. 9 Tee- .T +/r Rr T Yt/J` f rl;,: z t}+s Cn. Yt` ."~f. ~.~ ~y .: t r i T ~ FABRIC WRAPPED \ ~ aAl%]\ 2) ,_;Kt T Y <' rt l 1 ^~ ,ek a Jv Serf aYi~ Fy lY F. F T-It Y Y \ ~I GRAIN ROCK _ .I \ °j' ..1. ""(:I.~. ~~J„8~~". v`iFn i`S'.',~'A. ,"'\, .... ~ .a .~.... ^- .. ,.. 'd is ..{4+ii~~..2J ~~;' .: v ~...-0 ~ :F. ,_ ~, VO M BAe D BMP D SI .N (CALIFORNIA STORMWATJi QUALITY HANDBOOK VOLUTAE BASED METHOD) • MEDIA FILTER TRENCH BMP DRAINAGE AREA; L5B AC. (68,892 SF.) • UNIT BASIN STORAGE RAINFALL VOLUME 0.33' (BOB CAPTURE RATE - ~ FlGDRE 2A FOR 48 HR ORA{YDONN) TOTAL AREA FOR WATERSHED 0: 68,892 1.58 AC.) IMPERNWS AREA - 3],308 SF (0.88 AC. PERWW,S AREA - 31,584 SF (0.]2 ACJ PERCENT DF TOTAL SIZE IMPFRNWB: 3],308/68,892 = 54% <e on sEESEeARA1EMmwrL"IEFCPLCUUIpxsox TW3sHEE! SOILS CL4551FlCATON: CLAYEY SANDS ANO GRAVEL PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT PREPARED BT GEOFORENSICS INC. REPORT N0. 20]0)0 DAlEO JJLY $ 200J. vEnFSmw:, ewsvxa • MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATON PER SCVWD MAP: 24"/YEAR MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION REFERENCE GAUGE - SPN JOSE AIRPORT: 13.9'~AR UNIT BASIN STORAGE RAINFALL VDWME CORRECTON FACTIXL 24'/13.9' = 1J3 ADJUSTED UNIT BASIN STORAGE RAINFALL VOLUME: 1.]3 ~ 0.33 = 0.5] urrwrj rmxr. cmuw wwmmx BIAP BTORMWPTER 1REATMENT VOLUME (68.892 SFJ (0.5]° ' FlLIRATON TRENCH SORFACE AREA (SA) SA = TREATMENT VOLUME 3 D2 GE - 1.091 SF. INFILIRATON RAZE DRAW DOWN THE 0.5 R 1 12 ]2 HOURS ' INFlLiRATON RAZE FOR THIS PROPOSED APPLICATION IS 0.5`MR ACNAL SYIRFACE AREA = 7.340 SF. Fe wl NOTES i. THIS INSURANCE PURCHASE IS NOT REQUIRED IN 2. E%ISl 3. E%ISI 4. PROP 5. PROP e. THER ]. RECE cAHf 8. 48% FlL1R 9. 1HE I OF ] 10. THE STOR 11. STUB HANC t2 COME C= V= 13. ALL \ = D ACRES (VA = 3.06 ACRES EA = 1.18 ACRES 1 I ;~f1VFLR9I s~° I i~O 1 \ -__ -1'\ EAS OF 1% ANNUAL CHANCE T{AN 1 FOOT. AREAS OF IY. NG DRAINAGE PREA IS LE85 ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD BY LEGEND AN M91HIN Txls zoNE. - (FlRM. PANEL NO. <- AREA SUBJECT TO WATER iREATAIENT .J IS A 58.98 PERCENT INCREASE OF IMPERVIOUS AREA P°°°°°( pERN0U5 AREA E%EMPT FROM lREA1MENi NG SYSTEM FCR THE STORM WATER: E%I511NG STORM OUIFALL INTO STATE OF 1 ( PER CAMFgtNIA 6TDRMWATFR HANDBOOK tNIA RIGHT OF WAY (STATE ROUTE 1]) ULpMATELV gJTO VASONA RESERVOIR. L° ~°°J GUIDELINES. T1E SITE'S ST(IRM WATER RUNOFF IS OIR[[CTED TO °YEGETAIED BID-SHALES° FOR ION. THE REMAINDER 4MLL BE TREATED UIIU-NC A MEDIA FLIER TRENCH. IIMUM BIOSWALE LENGTH WAS CALCULATEg ASSUMING A A1INIMUM RE9DENCE THE INUIES, BYIAIE LENGTH = VLlOgTY ~ ]{MINUTES --, WpIFRSHEO "A" 64,43] SE. 1.48 AC. ERALL STORM CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WAS CALCULATED ASSUMING TiE iD-YEAR I Il.1PERYIOUS AREA = 14.6]9 S.fi (0.34 AC) EVENT. (DATA FROM SANTA CLARA CWNTV DRAINAGE MANUAL-200]) -°J PERNOUS AREA = 49,]58 S.F. (1.14 AC) YAIEft TREATMENT VOLUME FOR WATERSHED °e" WAS OERIYW FROM THE CASOA (0.58 AC E%EA1PT FROM TREATMENT) 90 (0 )q(- APPENDI% D -SAN JOSE AIRPORT.; . AC SUBJECT TO TREATMENT) MTE RUNOFF COEFFlgENR WED 'A' ( r °l WAIFJ25HE0 "B' 68,892 S.F.. 1.58 AC. OUS AREA - 14.8]9 SE (0.34 AC) - C=0.9 C ~ ) IMPERVOVS AREA - 3].308 S.F. (0.86 AC) 1S AREA - 49,]58 SF. (1.14 AC) - C=0.25 las`_°°J PERNOUS AREA = 31,564 SF. (0.]2 AC) .e ~ 14,6]9 SF./64.43] SF.) + (0.25 • 49,]58 SF./64,43] SF.) = 0.40 0.23 AC E%EMPT FROM TREATMENT) WED '8' 1.35 AC SUBJECT TO IREATAENI) OUS AREA - 3],308 SF (0.88 AC) - C=0.9 IS AREA - 31,584 G.F. (D.]2 AC) - C=0.25 .G • 3],308 S.F./fiB,892 S.F.) + (0.25 <31,584 SP/68,892 S.F.) = 0.60 OFDRAINS TO BE gSCIXJNECTEO AND pIREQIED ONTO SPLASHBLOCKS. Q.A.T. wre FEB. I], 10 ~ Clvll B >n ST®RMWATER MANAGEMENT ALAN ° ~ LRN ~,„m. D.u. Ciml En inears • Planners •.Surve rs PNPAARED POR OUPENTINO UEVELOPp ° _". "rm .01pj ~ ~. ~ Englfl@@PI~1~ %~Iwu ml snag Snl<n9 P~IBI~ER Ol~~ ~ 1sIna MAav~smTe t2B sm Jov, u s5M1 9UNNWALE, QA 9408] °"m•• ASSaCI Qt@S T' (4m1415-INfi - "° ° .. m° ° ~' ~ 0 - LO5 (iAT08 CAI~FONNIA PHONE: 408-]56-9288 ~m4. TREE CANOPY LCGEPID _ ~ ~.~~6DU..~nmmmr .«w...a.P..a O .®"ru•~I.,.g.IF.. „.~,,.. ,~as..~ ,~ w ...~«e,I~,a~.Ig.i.G~lr. ~«G`.>d.P.,A ~ ~..,~el. .o. Ayw6R.,r. ^.n .a >e .-.,a '-/ ~ / ~ _, sow.aRO.au Ge£.¢.r wwu.Ax. nn~..~w.+e - L~.uE<rwr~,..~ mo• f" . ml ' w I / l 1, 1 ., ~ . . n+.. ,F..a "° 1 N 1 f~;o~'Nil ®® ~1 -1 X a U U ELY WAIL ~' J=.~i S [CRP 6gMEE B • I \ '\ 1 1 1 ~ / 1 ~t / ! I __~ ® ~~-' ~-"'"" -,_f _y~g\ \ ~ \! 11__ x__ \\ _SSK\ / i ---Pl \ " 1\ ~ b \ \ 1 / 11 \ / / 1 y ~ / / \ \ x / ]J DETPIL ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~F"PTO mr ~ ma - i ~\ ® i I ® DEi I • ~ 1 \ \ 1 / / / .- i . ~ i ~ r ~ + I \ \ ~ / ~ . i q ~`~~ ~~ i ~ ~ r - --- - \ ,. \,, + - - ' \ __ I. _.. f _ .. . . - , \ P i. / _ _ __ ..'~~ ~ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ \___ a _ ____ i -y/- I ~_ ~ ~ + ~ i _- , __ _ /S4 - S2 J i ' _' ~, '' ~ G9 ~. ,,-' I _.~ e '' / / / -~ ~ ~ \ awiYUO 6ARAEE LJ a~ ' / \ I~~ A \ -- \ \ Il \ \ \ 4 "i O i CAR i' ~ ~~ 6ARg6E / / I ® \ / __ 1 i I ~ ® ~ / 1 T~ PoLWIYIVL C ` / \\ ~~ -~ ~ 2 B/M \ ® E I -J P O5 ILAR ~ 6ARFbE 2CAR BCAR I BLta GAIIAEE ({[~ GMA6E EARgfiE 1- j / \~ '~ PAVIII'. PLANT ~ST~ NAl KET BOfIMC(J. Hqc - LgTKNNNB GIT. &)E RHNRGV [lE Of Mf/JIAIYII lld3E8 G A103JIJ6 NAPoNA' )4` 6TLiAgW 9-M' %3-{' - 6EOJOIA B. •a res BLNE• rawlnw >a• xATlmei a-lo' x <-v T3 X9il T{ iIVC i5 pRp.19 AGRPCLIA gCER t14CRTi1TLLll1 _ rd=LOCATICN CF E%biNPa OAC lREE6 fOYri LI•~E OAC BIGLEA--MARE zq•BO 15 G4 6iAlIDAIA LWI BRAVLIA 0-b %3-S' 6-6'X3-4' CRMCflNEW GI FRKiAR1A GHILIEN618 91RAYBEEL Y -- b G3 _ _ EJRIiI'Y9RR GRATA' BACGIANB P.'N.111 pEM'.911' Tb l'IpI1 EJD' Bi PACGIL 6aJ NGH R68. 1PIIFR 421FFR fY14LE AAA LNLT - '- IGAL 6 Fl.AM T6 z4. OL 24. OL yt• 04 _ _ N V! WDIGES FICIffi REPEN6 - IGLL µ _-- •n nArsAOrv+e uruls.cAn cAls claw I w -_ 61 BHRIHf O6TA911'LW D.'1KUY1H1 MCi'IRN' NGi11Hi MNddXITP 5 G __ % CEAWIWB'fL}ICHA' WLO LLLAC ~S GAL 53 fAiGEABTER IACIELL9 fOfOF-09TER 6G ___ t1AWJNl4 AfdIRttIY'1 OIS iDN GRAPE 5G N41 % IGIIB OYATA PAP45 f.ARN.YU &GM QIYN CApy MA LAI.FEL CIGRRY SGAL 9 GN. _ ___ e RBE6 NBLRlffCLXry taTLLIWI F£fdV'IE SG<L 6 Pxmrnn •AMAZR~ o~ IElu ga.am BSx BGa. [%.9MGEd V. AB16~A' __ 41911 6 GAL _ eln EvC<LLgil4% FBIf NANADMA D. YCMPACfA' 1$4~ENJLT BdYOO _ 56AL SGGL /~ I~ \ •lJ,fjJ \ 411 3[R0. / ® \ ~ 6gPA6E 1 f ~~~ \ / ' - _ J/ ~ ~ z I ® f l 1 T SCAIE I 20 L \~ / T~ PUaNT NOT~S~ RM1V ~1G~.B d~YAl1~L~fziPi ~<a~hD.iMEdcE~R6RT '. IoNO""e--r~v'~.•~ve-~"ee-G'm~a°~'~'~"'uL enE~1°.mn AOi`~°Gnw~wram FVNffFMWPhx N64206H6545 NartDa lt•t_rtd6V-i4.\¢gFmI.G 9. 51 ~i sgµiYvi 5 cAi66 PUm aurtm ~, ~,I~aRER~R6~A~„N~,. .u6LD~6 e F.m+bE Pafn~quxvd-YU~~ 9oLOeG6 (]e MkU M'IBrn~x r~°"'iva°ec:rc `A°jmxF°ren'ul io x"'iom °'D aDl~ur.L ere e•mlis.- w.~ ra Gre G ie°u°EGw+o` p~"E FLU °m~ra•~TCC"me~ ~row'"~'~saoe°ui'" tt ~R~NIL¢6l!HN M RA`L9 pl•~ [~Wn W µ_iiucn~IXMN~ EIBII Cf 1MFr ruE V+nYM4 4vlnEn.~ONVAE iu MlrtE9, 61pY.RMGG. ~~.A~CR ~PMiiS~a eiYGEO Bi~~WO>X/.f£ c~ w ~m m'~ielm.T~ L.roacar~ vl v'a$ROa eT .iii ~°"w "waar;M .X OnERmAlLrC21 tOCIVLL 6wJIEERS FLW icfr O,4wYL Hrc buvYtS Am owuxKg K YOKnBG, eltl. KaAC£u6n ~esoliDaam 6. /~`I ~EaI \ ~ BiRG,E66 iD ~6,,,IN ~~ -' 11\ gPAbf ~//q/ / 1, /~'/ [gryi YnVL 2[AP P ~~ ~' 6APAbE to ' / / V 4 I ~~ •B ail I 1 1, I Exlsnl~ PsNrR~ ~' TO REMAIN __ l 1 1 { ® 1 \ I ~"{/ \\ / / '~/"~' ~+ L~/~)J m4''~ v.NV u c Tu ~.4~ ~ i REED ASSOCIATES LANG BCAEE ARCHIIECIDHE EWIH TALFI'c 6IXEEf 61MMYAIE. CALFOPAM BfCB9 r.Y. w.rNUn . rm-i w¢aaw PLACER OAKS LOS GATOS, CA m1L Pn. ww onu. ~vzv6 re/••/os g Nan{'3W2 ¢} 4 {pt l` P OXthR3WP NIY VSE OF WCNNFNIS ul~ ~. bW~u ro vN cep~n Uval xmara M u regia~'ie~- ~w~~e dk Wm,sn.a m w .°" ~r'i qPP'°~ vk o,a.~ ocs Pcajecl Ne. 1'-_'20' u` o~ 01/29/10 LANDSCAPE= PLANTING PLAN .. - '1 _- '11 -- \\ _ + .' ~ ~ _ _ I y,~ ~ ~ \\ \\. _ I ~ i (7/07 \\ i t\ 1 I \I ~ i i~ I ~~ \ % % •~®®\tl i (a ~/ 11 i (~ ® , tom= 1~~ . ~a~ ~( \ ~ 4---1 rzo~ i® _ (mi i a --®f~z~ --- __ __~__~___ I __ / _ _ __ .. I _ ___ ____ _._..._ _. '_ / _ / \ \ i ~~~~y (1q , I 1 \ \ ~ \ I / \ % \ / / e 1 -_ ~ `C~1_ //I \l. / .. 4b \ \` / \ \~\ ""~ _ - ~ 1 . _--i ' 9c ~, ~ /' i~- i ~ %/ ~`( _V \ ® [W0.T Y.NO GARA6f (A..1_ ` (eB) ( J) / I~ \ \ 1 . / t."I ~____ (ti, ~ iP\ ) i \ e • \ ~~ ~ I I _ ~ \ I 1 • I I / A - 1 i' ~ I /~ ' ``\ / ~/// ~/ ~/ // I\ tCAR l i ~ ~ ~~ ~ l\ RPA6E i % /' / '' '~ / ' [WPiYAM 2CaR Vl ~~ ~' GARA6f I,/(Jl \I - "~ ,-1_ / to ~~' , \ ,__ __ i _ ___ / \ ~_-_" ~__-_- T.~ ~__~ ~~ I __ I yy~~ I 1 r~9) I E•X~~T~N~ ~~~ N®T~S \\ i L PLEASE REFER TO THE AREORI9T REPORI BT DAVID GABBY DATEp 4M/0B FOR CGR TIKE RFORt4TIGN dND TREE FftOTECTION RccWIRQ1ENi5 EXISTING TREE LEGEND [PAT YAM ~ `/ v ~~ I r G` 2CAR 6ARA6E 2CAP [UR I 6AW.fi£ 6nRn6E 6ARA4 ~(p7) ~n~ \I \ 1 \ ~ f703) ~ l 1-~ \ / \ ~ / \ -\ -1~ ~ / / I I ®($ i t 11 I \ 1\ \I ---/~ \ / / ~ ( \ (26 ` I / / / / t /,- ~- ~\ ~_ - \. ... IA _. _.. - / ~ ~ 1 \`\ % / ~\ °= r~r / rAw / \ \ 1 ~~ I t (6(J) \ I \\ 2CAP \ i_' / ~~ 6prtA6E ~ ~\/ _ iii / (• (~ul I \\ / 1 1 '~ / // 1 \ I 1 ® nz~ I I - 1 1 / ~` ILAR \ i \ '/ / --~ \ 6RRR6f /// \\ / 3 / ` r\ I (JO p I 1 L 1 \ I ( I1 r \ /\ --~ _ O ~ t ~ / /~ \ YZpY /- \ \ U ,-ceM,\ ~ 1 631 \ (@9~_ 'F p`' _ / \ _ I _ _ -!\ - I- ~ - - L ( / / ~ \ ~ r ~ _ ~.~~..~ SCPLE 1'=20' " REED ASSOCIATES LAN~SCAPEAPCHRECTIIRE 9]] hCVIN TMFFE 91PEET 51.NxrvaLE. CALVdw; wceB rs mmuevw r w ~-.a.® PLACER OAKS LOS GATOS, CA IssuE bas D. wnu oTress Ivu/Re urc co.uwls os/os/oe p~ ~(6 2 Pmo~~m 9~CF Cpl.l~P tlXIIERSHW NI6 VSE bF PKWFms y,. ~'rtuvmv weM x N umn v~ebAVree~~n~mp twos P~>"l a.e a~.m le a ~.m .~ am m.. wol<<< Pah 9au etia~n^~~n ~n n~••w w vPa ~muwe mnt_ WmgA µ~pmed pl~ R.a..m rY ~1KI la. __- I =20 L=euo wie Ol/R9/10 TREE INVENTORY PLAN ~1 .1 5M I a( " .~ ~~qq~~EE qq~~ RE[~' gT RAgUS~AM pATTENYy V{~LVE BOX. GAR5PN bb ~ 1 VALVE BOX,'N~5-PR(Y VALVE BOX (2k8(AB) pt1~-fAlP1.92 VALVE. I I WBH BOLT WV/N L®, OR EQUAL .SS FAE~ )µFlE iQ~;(~ 5~(}~ 5y JRECfGBURY 5Pl1GE ~ D0R j I j N5TA11 PE¢ MPM1FACl1A~'S FW54 GRADE RASE vsTRUCnoNS AKD Au. APPLIGPBIE i i %ODES I I ~ I FWEN GRADE R EHt 5GH BO PVG I I ~ I 5 ~ ~qp A55~PELF~ , . ~ I I MARLEX S1REEf ELLS MPAYEX sTRff r aLS i li tl ! 9, ~~ i ImvLE, 5cu RrER, scu Bo TAE coulRa va.vE cEty I I I _~_ '_~y e ii ~~~-__ a _____ ~'~_ ~~ry~ SLH 40 PVG .y•ao °.a °.w IAIERAL tA€. PVG MAm.EX STREET ELL p~ ~ p P TEE <O HAOVV FlIITG. REABAR TAKE./30 LgJG~~ 5CN ^VG W WIXtM n~e~ ~ ~ ~ lEE OR E4HOW FliTNG. SCH 40 j q VC pEA GRAVEL SUMR 5q iE n~ a ~ VC' ~ P ate. scu eo vvc _No 1 A959.ELT TO GE 3'-0' PMN PidA PAV® pOFAfi 1. ~N~L NtiN R9 1 A P 1F J. PL ~.~ ~ p p ~ ePD1TS. ~ A t IRRIGATION Hf=A6 MAIL 2 CONTROL VALVE DETAIL 3 QUICK-COUPLER NAIL 4 BACKFLOW PRE'VENTER NAIL WY'H GR/.pE COPPER ROOT BARRIER N~ 'iRC"X' FOR SiRWGLR xu GPV® 0fF II f SCEI'/NX • I I lIE .OWE •i•.-: •-':: '.O l~ q~ SIIRU9 PLANE axaXle sTAKES a•o~ oc. maw ~ '5~'A~ ,e,~~,~~ - ° yi ~T l]Jl1WIJ AT p VE FN541 ~ ~ -&r4K MVLCH ROmm (3') MIX. ~ ~Y LPFAIE SNICFR WXH TOPSgL 1`Amm (6] MIN. //////~H/ /O /// p M.T.cu. wz L>Fr=v a ~`TBALL '~ 0 ' ~ 1tOm BPR~ ~,j ~ a jE numr couPncLEO ToPSmL wx1uXE FP15H GRAOC iAYPEN AOMIMNRE HACRTLL ~ •I~ : : ~ ~k ~1F9 4X BW W. MIN L WHO sTPKE5 St14f1 BE CQ`I oilIIGTGN FEARi REpWLCO. _ . . -1 2p J dfi~ T' . • Ir, ROOIBALL _ L Y~ijq~1~2~Ne Wra>F ~ApO(r=,ilg 5 . . 2115E GPLVf,!® Sd2EW5 (~~ ~ATIgW R II~~y 9qp~ 6Hp1L ~ r~ R00I 6dFJffi' LeG 1{. -5y ryy q{ y~ 9.113E GPLVAK® SCPEWS AT SPLICES. I C E - ~ I _ 4~ g0.~X, ~ETED 3.]~VN5P1H~tE jfi~tIXqA rR~pWgW WRE 0.01H fA.' IWY1V~ ~e 9A5Q5 _~ IXISTNG SLIBGRI,pE A" o~ Lai FOR A M s cTF F Bd . 2`( I%4. ROOIBALL ~ 'TREX' LAWN kEADER DETAIL ~ TRE@ PLANfi1NG ®ETAIL 7 TREE ROOT BARRIER DETAIL 9 5HRU8 PLANI7NG ®E~AIL 1' MN. 3/e" JqM 3/0" Y.WREGNATED CAIA.KNG wOOD FIVER ' / z 3 I R 6e ~~ ~J s /~~ l l ~ ! CI _ v ~3 ~ ° u ~ ~ I I ~ k }~ j- - °~ ~~° ~ ~ A ~° ~ ? 1 I I I a/a• Du. Br r>° sMOgtu wXR~ 1 ~ ; _ ~ "` r C ' ' ' ~/ I I ~/ ~/ ~( - - - - - - ~ TDBOgWEL BAR AM FIBER eE°~ a E ~"-1 '~.nwum <. ~ ' ,1~4, ' • C''~ ' ~ ~ 3"`" = r /~ Ih I~ I (A L cEO eELOw $Fq KEBARB . ~ a ~ '~. ?~ Q I ! 1 t 412z ~` ..p ' I I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ 3/e" EXR JONT 5HOtA D I I / I :'= R ~-)~_ ~ / I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I . . BE PROwom wl-lazEVEe cq+c. sl~.s MEETS VERT WALL I ~ ~ ~_ I I / ~~ .~ r w n~ ~i {~J -z "~,ar~y~~ ~ . a/a• f / I I ~_ e ~q $ s .! l" ') iN H f ~ ~ 1 GE38K NbR3 Qi LcanLW. Pwveal ~ oP umu eFwe~ cALxrJNG SNx" I I I I ~ Pyii P'= PT'~.•~n z ~ a a£ I F © mvw eovee w sunn PuwLro - ° ' ar °`°"""'~"'~'""-" , ` I ~, ~ ~ 1 ~ i} g S i en - rnul. ovT.,- a PLem usT rae Lxauw 3)8" WBREGNATW ~ WOOD FVER I . I 0 0 ~ 0 s GROUr~ COVER FACING to EXPANSION .!DINT DETa~ n PRIVATE sTREET RETAMdING WALL r-~Ilsb In 8d1Ix N3FE &T&Lt~TR ~m~e.W...s..~ G.~Ww.re~a,.. PLACER ®AKS LOS OATOS, CA ~E LNIE 3 R. 4ML MM 13H3/W M/M/M m~~ Pnx vnr~NEPN f 4 OFN WAIW AY01pE [f COCUVFXLS ~p°Prvmm~pmp8N`°'e°s`°°X°a"um.~"° Wm ryvFAm q Pe°x1.nF~msml aHM~P9keL m4vnu6 or !mow Ay~rym F m~woY Ue mmar~a~mryn°Pixa,~~~gVn +evm+u elr tt5 PMnea oY Pml+n xe - NIS Ivua m4 01/21/10 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS L2.0 X.,.1 r-s• 1-LY 60. PAWIED S.S. VY CPCIE.4' O.G PNE RGIL 2-0 'O' 6 YF N ' S ~ 0.'i 4VY 00. PFE pp1 ~ ~ ~ CGl ETE 5 T 19 S G L CN FWI]J3. SCV TW iO WPN ~rETAA pq®~TE ' 4'-d' O Ri11wON-W.LQ 1918M V!'GW.PB! .O 4'-0" ~ Q' iW Yl Q ~ B.4CRE]L O i n y s e~ l Em. Mf r~~elan I' ° ° I II ~emrrJrm mcr _ q' ~~yy~ ~~ .I _ ore t^2a~tmrt. GAYiG DEP B ~ 4 e ~ ` ~ OF W NL ~ ° p = 1 ~ eoaownr _ I ~• ~ ~ ~ e i ' m ~^ I I I 8$ o a° Q ,_I . 9 oxlccce ° PPE I ' l ~ ~ I I i. :. 1 1 , e ~ ' § 4 Fl 11 II ~~ ;• _ ~I l n e ~ -II ea~ao«, 8a EE3M I11~. I mDr ]-0' .s eax xanPn I ~ TO 61E9 rY' 8 ~~ DasEZO~ TwERER sL~ r¢e a. ~ PIPE RN, SLEEVE STAIR/HAND RAIL DETAIL 2 --- 3 RAIL RENCE DETAIL ~ STAIR / REPAININC, WALL DETAIL 9 -~- ,~ __ ~ --- FEED ASSOCIATES IAHOBCgPEMgIRECTUBE n swm TNFFE s]PEPT `suwrvue. uu]oRxw sews PLACER OAKS LOS GATDS, CA ~ESYR RR. NY] ttiYL 1]/yMs [T' COVbI13 Lre/pA/W * R~LU RDSP~ ~(yY\~P AVO Il; [f KCDNFMIS y ~.1~mYnInMm pwX M mmA Nortrob. LSYmb mrm mNMmPVIbq'v RvaM eMV w.bmu-n b mw] vTdm'w~ Wk`L W~^u a. for pumw n ree ~~rmsner••Mn~ w~ie m~°ivm w PoM^rM pY IX5 PMnm plr Pmlrtt Mo. _ Smla RIS mua Wre DI/24/ID LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS L2.1 r,