3 - EOPtOWN OF MEETING DATE: 6/7/10 '- ITEM NO: ~;.~,~~, ios sop`oe COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: May 21, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER i~~~ SUBJECT: APPROVE REVISED TOWN OF LOS GATOS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN (EOP) RECOMMENDATION: Approve revised Town of Los Gatos Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). BACKGROUND: The Town of Los Gatos implemented an EOP in 1999 and was updated in April of 2009 by Town Council action. A series of changes and additions have been made based on need and feedback received during planning and training of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) personnel. These changes also respond to several of the Strategic Goals set forth by the Town Council for 2010-2012. DISCUSSION: The revisions to the Emergency Operations Plan far 2010 include the following: • All contact phone numbers and websites in Appendices A, B, D, G, and H were verified and updated as needed. • Appendices O and P (Dam Failure and Wildfire Evacuation Plans) were added to enhance the response, communication and evacuation route information to those residents in vulnerable areas. • Appendix M (Volunteer Management) was added to improve volunteer coordination of disaster service workers and spontaneous volunteers. • Appendix Q (Emergency Response Supplies and Equipment) was added to identify vendors, conh~actors and retail establishments to assist the Town when existing resources have been used or are not available in the Town's inventory. PREPARED BY: Sc R. Seaman Chief of Police U:\F.mergency Management\Coun~ReportE~N06. ] O.doc Reviewed by: _~~Assistant Town Manager (' ~tI'dwn Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance mmunity Development PAGE2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISIONS TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN January 20, 2010 • The EOC roster (page 32-33 of the EOP) was revised to reflect changes in Town staff and re- allocation based on practicality and opportunities to assign new talent and experience to appropriate positions in the EOC. • The EOC position checklists were reviewed and revised to reflect practical applications, reduce redundancies and increase the use of consistent language as appropriate. • Appendices O and P regarding wildfire and dam failure were added. Resident outreach and education will occur through the Town website, neighborhood meetings and other methods deemed appropriate by staff. The evacuation route maps will be available in hard copy in the Clerk's Office. CONCLUSION: The Police Department is primarily responsible for maintaining and updating the EOP and may periodically provide Council with updates as appropriate. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the revised Emergency Operations Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no anticipated fiscal impact. Future revisions of the EOP and Appendices, in addition to staff training will be conducted as part of the regular duties of the Support Services Captain and Personnel and Community Services Sergeant in the Police Department. Failure to comply with the Emergency Operations Plan as it relates to Incident Command System standards could affect the Town's ability to obtain future disaster relief funding in the event of a natural disaster. Attachments: Emergency Operations Plan Sections I and II (Appendices) Distribution: General