2 - Appoint Southwest County Agencies Board Member to SVRIAtoW ~ of ,~. ~optoa COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: JUNE 3, 20 t0 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER MEETING DATE: 6/7/2010 ITEM NO: ~_/ ~~- ~' / SUBJECT: DELEGATE AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF THE SOUTHWEST COUNTY AGENCIES BOARD MEMBER TO THE SILICON VALLEY REGIONAL [NTEROPERABILITY AUTHORITY (SYRIA) RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the West Valley Mayors & Managers Group to appohtt the Southwest County Agencies board member to the SYRIA. BACKGROUND: On February 16, 2010, the Town Council voted to join the SYRIA. The SVRIA's purpose is to enhance and improve communications, data shu'ilig and other technical systems, tolls and processes to protect the public and facilitate regional cooperation. By taking a regional approach, SVIRA will significantly improve the ability of various fire, police and other emergency services providers to communicate with each in emergencies and on a day-to-day basis. The SYRIA agreement calls for one board member to represent the Southwest County Agencies consisting of Cupertino, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, Los Gatos and Campbell. Since the West Valley Mayors and Managers Group is composed of these same municipalities, it is appropriate that it make the appointment to SVIRA as is typically done for the West Valley VTA representative as well The other West Valley cities have all approved this approach. The West Valley Mayors and Managers Group, which typically meets monthly, recommends that the normal order of rotation ofjurisdictions for the two year term be alphabetical, starting with Campbell. Rotation variations far leadership roles or particular experience could be approved as warranted. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. FISCAL IMPACT: PREPARED BY: None. GREG CARSON Town Manager GL:pg N:\~IGRWdminWorkFiles\2010 Council Reports\6-7-10 SVRIA.doc Reviewed by: :~_Assistant Town Manager ~y~I'own Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Comnnmity Development