17 - Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park.SAWN OF ,, , !ps GAZES DATE: TO: FROM: COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 06/07/10 ITEM NO: ` ty °- GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER ~~~'- SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK RECOMMENDATION: Approve the guiding principles for the development of the Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park. BACKGROUND: In 2008, the County of Santa Clara purchased 13 acres of land from the Town of Los Gatos for $6 million. The land previously owned by the Town is completely surrotuided by Vasona Lake County Park and was considered unusable for active recreational purposes. As part of the Council action approving the land sale, the Council also directed staff to adopt master plans fox Balzer Field and Blossom Hill Park, ensuring the continued use of existing baseball fields and tennis courts. These master plans have subsequently been completed and approved by Council in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Additionally, the $6 million proceeds fiom the land sale plus all accrued interest were placed in a reserve fund specifically for community and youth sports facilities. In 2009, just over $3 million from this fiord was used to purchase a site located at 930 University Avenue. This site, the former home of a Verizon Corporation Yard located immediately north of Vasona Lake County Park and adjacent to Los Gatos Creek, has been identified by the Town as the site of a firture youth and community sports and recreation facility. DISCUSSION: As is proposed in the Town's FY 2010/11 Capital Budget, funding has been allocated to allow staff to begin the master planning process for the 930 University site early in the new fiscal year. Because this site represents the first major expansion of the Town's parks system in many years, the process is expected to yield many different ideas and suggestions as to how the site PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO \~ Director of Parks and Public Works ~.._.c, ,.m~~nz~~,.._. .., _.:._,..a.~ .~_ms,r~_ ~__e~.~ T_...:. ..y_..~....: _ ,.~_~_..M _.,_~x~_~ Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager own Attorney Clerk Adminishator Finance Community Development N:\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCiL\CO[JNCIL REPORTS\2010 ReportsVune 7\Sports Park.principals.jun07l0.doe PAGE2 MAY 24, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK DISCUSSION (cont'dl: should be planned and developed. In an effort to provide some preliminary direction to this process, the Council appointed asub-committee consisting of Mayor McNutt and Vice Mayor Pirzynski to study the issue. The Council sub-cormnittee determined that a set of guiding principles should be developed for the site prior to begimring the community input process. These principles would serve as a useful guide to both staff and the community in accepting community input, guiding the discussion, and prioritizing elements for consideration in the development of the new facility. The sub-cornmittee worked with staff to develop a set of Guiding Principles to present to the Council for approval. If approved, these principles will serve as the first step in the master planning process for the development of the Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park, and will provide a framework for the community and other stakeholders to provide ideas and comments. Additionally, it should also be noted that the name "Los Gatos Creekside Sports Puk" was nominated by the sub-committee as a working title for the site. Additional naming suggestions or variations may arise during the planning process and maybe considered as well. The proposed guiding principles are attached as a separate document. (Attachment 1) Staff presented these draft principles to the Parks Cormnission at their June 1 sc meeting as an informational item for discussion. Based on Commission input, minor edits were made to the first principle for clarification purposes only. The draft principles were received favorably. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Town Council approve the guiding principles for the development of the Los Gatos Creekside Sports Park. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the Town by approving these guiding principles. Attachments: 1. Los Gatos Creekside Sportspuk Guiding Principles Attachment I LOS GATOS CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK (930 University Avenue) GUIDING PRINCIPLES These Guiding Principles are proposed to guide staff design efforts and public discussions to ensur°e the timely and affordable development of a new Los Gatos conununity and youth sports and recreation facility at 930 University Avenue. 1. Proposed uses at this facility shall address the active and unmet recreational needs in the Town's current supply of park facilities as defined by the Town's Parks, Open Space and Trails Inventory (dated 5/16/08). a. One or two new multi-use sports fields will be provided on the new site. b. Hardscape elements not addressed elsewhere will also be considered. c. Baseball fields and tennis courts are adequately provided at other Town facilities. 2. Development will be done in such a manner as to reduce the maintenance requirements and environmental impacts of the facility, without compromising usability. a. All landscaping will be water efficient. b. Any lighting installed will be energy efficient. 3. Artificial turf is the preferred treatment for sports fields if sufficient fimding is available. 4. Large-scale (stadium-type) lighting of turf areas will be not included as part of this facility. Security lighting of pathways and parking areas is acceptable, as is the possibility of focused (specific) lighting of hard court areas (if developed). 5. All existing buildings will be demolished. Any new struchues will be modest in size to acconunodate reshooms, concessions, storage and maintenance needs. Additional space for meeting or coaching rooms maybe considered and will be dependent on fimding and the availability of land. 6. Safe, convenient access to the facility is a priority. a. Comiections to the Los Gatos Creek Trail and Vasona County Park are desirable. b. The University Avenue enhance to the facility may be signalized and will include access and accommodations for vehicles, pedeshians and bicycles. 7. Shared parking opportunities (with adjacent properties) will be explored in an effort to reduce on-site parking and preserve the area available fox the development of recreation facilities. Hard court facilities, if developed, may have a dual purpose of providing over- flowparking when needed. 8. Musical and entertaimnent uses will not be allowed at this facility. 9. The Town will work to develop cooperative relationships with the private sector as well as public and quasi-public agencies to encourage additional investment that would be used in the development of this facility and adjacent access improvements. 10. The ongoing operation and raintenance of the entire facility will be fidly covered tluough user fees and may be operated by an independent contractor or service provider.