2010060713 - MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL 5-17-10DRAFT Council/Agency Meeting 06/7/10 Item # MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAY 17, 2010 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 5:30 P.M. to facilitate a Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION BEGAN AT 5:30 P.M. The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL/PARKING AUTHORITY/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Diane McNutt, Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski, Council Member Steve Rice, Council Member Barbara Spector, Council Member Mike Wasserman Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Brooke Landaiche, C.T. English Middle School led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. PRESENTATIONS Proclamations Civility Awareness Day • Mayor Diane McNutt proclaimed May, 2010 as Civility Awareness Month. • Alyce Parsons accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) organization.. • Ms. Parsons thanked the Council and community for their support and commented that Los Gatos will be acknowledged at the annual AICI conference in Canada next week. Presentations/Proclamations -Continued National Public Works Week • Mayor Diane McNutt proclaimed the week of May 17, 2010 as Public Works Week. • Todd Capurso, Director of Parks and Public Works accepted the proclamation bn behalf his department. • Commented on his Department's importance in the community and commended his team for their hard work. • Commented that-Parks and Public Works will be hosting their annual Open House on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 and invited the community to stop by the corporation yard and take a tour. Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 • Mayor Diane McNutt presented the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 to the Town of Los Gatos. • Steve Conway, Director of Finance accepted the award on behalf of the Town. • Mr. Conway thanked Council for their support and thanked staff for the professionah work with the budget process. CLOSED SESSION REPORT CONFERENCE WITH LABDR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code. Section 54957.6) Town Negotiators (Lead): Rumi Portillo, Human Resources Director Greg Larson, Town Manager Employee Organization(s): Management Employees Confidential Employees Town Employees' Association (TEA) Police Officers' Association (POA) American Federation of State, County Municipal Employees Local No. 101 (AFSCME) Mr. Martello stated that direction was given. and no reportable action was taken. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Government Code Section 54957} Title: Town Attorney Mr. Martello stated that direction was given and no reportable action was taken. 2 TOWN COUNCIL COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters Council Member Steve Rice • Commented that the County's Emergency Preparedness Committee is launching a new program that will allow residents to receive notices of issues that may be of :concern to the community as well as any emergency in the area, • Invited residents to register their phone numbers at www.alertscc.com to receive these notifications. Mayor Diane McNutt • Reminded the community that there is still time to nominate a senior resident for the Senior of Distinction Award. ® Commented that the deadline is Friday, May 21, 2010 and more information can be found on the Town website at www.losgatosca.gov. Manager Matters Mr. Larson • Commented on the success of the first Bicycle Road-eo, a training opportunity for youth which was held last weekend at the Town Civic Center. • Reminded the community that Tuesday, May 18, 2010 is the deadline for submitting applications to the Youth Commission for their Youth Friendly Business program. • Commented the Town Clerk Department is accepting "Vote by Mail" ballots through June 8, 2010. • Commented that the deadline to submit Board and Commission applications is Friday June 11, 2010 and invited the community to apply to serve on one of the Town's Boards and Commissions. Did You Know...? Jenny Haruyama, Finance Budget Manager . • Presented information to the community on the Town's giving program. • Commented that the program is designed to enhance Town services. • Commented that more information can be found on the Town's website at www.losgatosca.gov. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) Accept Investment Report for Third Fiscal Quarter 09/10 (January through March, 2010) 2. Adopt ordinance effecting a zone change from RM:5-12:PD to R-1:8, to construct ten. single gamily houses for property located at: 517 and 615 Blossom Hill Road and Placer Oaks Road (APNS 529-16-073, 529- 14-012, and 067) ORDINANCE 2190 3. Agreement between the Town of Los Gatos and BayTSP a. Authorize the Town Manager to finalize and execute an agreement between the Town of Los Gatos and BayTSP for licensing of Software and use of dedicated space for law enforcement purposes b. Accept an in-kind donation from BayTSP of office space and technology use 4. Adopt resolution to amend the Joint Powers Agreement for the Administration of the Santa Clara County Congestion Management Program dated December 1, 1994 (JPA) RESOLUTION 2010-048 5. Reservoir Road (APN: 529-31-041) Adopt resolution accepting work of Sienna Oaks, LLC, and authorizing the Town Manager to execute Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for recording by the Clerk Administrator RESOLUTION 2010-049 6. PPW.Project No. 09-10 - FY 2009/10 Street Repair and Resurfacing Program 411-811-9901 Adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications for the Street Repair and Resurfacing (cape seal). project and authorize staff to advertise the project for bids RESOLUTION 2010-050 7. Landscaping and Lighting Assessment Districts 1 & 2 a. Adopt resolution preliminarily approving the Engineer's Report for Fiscal Year 2010/11 RESOLUTION 2010-051 b. Adopt resolution of intention to order the levy and collection of assessments far Landscape and Lighting No. 1 -Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 2010-052 c. Adopt Resolution of Intention to order the levy and collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1 -Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 201.0-053 4 Consent Items -Continued Item #7 -Continued d. Adopt Resolution of Intention to order the levy and collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1 -Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 2010-054 e. Adopt Resolution. of Intention to order the levy and collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1 - Vasona Heights Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 2010-055 f. Adopt Resolution of Intention to order the levy and collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 1 - Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 2010-056 g. Adopt Resolution of Intention to order the levy and collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting District No. 2 -Gemini Court Benefit Zone RESOLUTION 2010-057 8. Hazardous Vegetation Abatement a. Adopt resolution declaring hazardous vegetation {brush) a public nuisance and providing for abatement RESOLUTION 2010-058 b. Set June 21, 2010 as a .public hearing to hear protest on this annual program 9. PPW Job No. 10-12 -Proposition 1 B Funded Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Project 411-813-9921. Adopt resolution approving plans and specifications for the Proposition 1 B funded Curb, Gutter; and Sidewalk Repair and Replacement Project and authorize staff to advertise the project for bid. RESOLUTION 2010-059 TOWN COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 10. Approve Council/Agency minutes of May 3, 2010 11. PPW Job No. 09-06 -Los Gatos Library Project. 411-821-2501 Adopt resolution authorizing the Town Manager/Executive Director to direct payment of fees to the West Valley Sanitation District to provide services to connect the new Los Gatos Library fo the sanitary sewer system, in an amount not to exceed $81.,715. RESOLUTION 2010-060 MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski to approve Consent Items #1-11. Seconded by CounciF Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Hamilton • Commented about the success of the fund raising telethon called the Venue-A-Thon which was held at the KCAT studios last. weekend. • Thanked Council and the community for their support to help raise money for the Venue which supports youth activities in Town. • Thanked the KCAT staff for their support to make the event a success. Mr. Dubois • Commented on the success of the first Venue-A-Thon and stated that the community helped to raise over $10,000 for the Venue which supports a safe place for the youth in the community. • Commented that the Town has offered to match the funds raised for a Place for Teens (The Venue) and that the Venue Board is very thankful for their support. • Thanked Council, KCAT and the community for their support. Mr. Larson • Commented that in February, 2010 the Town Council approved a grant agreement with A Place for Teens that provides $50,000 in matching funds and that it includes not only the contributions made at the Venue-A- Thon, but contributions made through the end of June, 2010. 6 Verbal Communications -Continued Mr. Fagot • Thanked the Council, the merchants, and the community for their support to make the Venue-A=Thon a success.. Closed Verbal Communications PUBLLC HEARINGS 12. Operating and Capital Budgets a. Consider the Town of tos Gatos Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal -Year 2010-2011 ' b. Consider the Town of Los Gatos Proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year-2010-2015 c. Rescind Resolution 1995-27 affirming The Architectural Standards/Hillside Committee Staff report made by Greg Larson, Town Manager, Steve Conway, Director of Finance, and Jenny Haruyama, Budget Finance Manager. Staff report on the proposed 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Project Budget made by Todd Capurso, Director of Parks and Public Works. Council Comments • Questioned if staff's plan is to bring up the Pavement Condition. Index (PCI) for the residential areas. • Expressed concerns about the streets in the Almond Grove area and the intersection of Highway 9 and University Avenue. • Questioned if there is something more that can be done at the intersection within the next year, given the fact we have the grant funding. • Questioned if staff could re-prioritize Town funding to focus more on the residential streets, specifically the Almond Grove area. • Questioned the streets that are included as part of the Almond Grove area. • Questioned if there. are plans for repairing Royce Street. • Expressed concern about the Glenridge area and stated that the streets are in need of repair. • Commented on the importance of an outreach program to inform the neighbors of the Town's plans for the Almond Grove area. 7 Public Hearing Item #12 -Continued Council Comments -Continued • Suggested that the open drainage issue on Hernandez Avenue be studied to determine what repair options are available and suggested that the Town provide outreach. to the neighbors. • Questioned the estimated time ~of completion for the Pollard Road Bridge. • Suggested that there be neighborhood outreach with the renovation for Bachman, Blossom Hill and Bel Gatos Park playground improvements. • Questioned if concrete options verses asphalt options will be explored 'as part of the Almond Grove study. • Questioned if the Oak Meadow ADA project will get done this year. Mr. Capurso • Commented that the Town's goal, is to bring up the PCI to over 70 for all three categories relating to the Town's streets. • Clarified that construction for the University Avenue intersection improvement project is scheduled to begin in fiscal year 2010/11. • Clarified that more work needs to be done on both the collector streets and residential streets, but most of the grant opportunities will only allow funding for work on arterials or collector streets. • Clarified that the' only option to maintain the residential streets is to use. Town funds. • Clarified that there will be a study done this year to determine a plan. on how to approach the concrete streets in the Almond Grove areas. • Clarified that the majority of the Almond Grove residential streets are made of concrete construction,. which lends itself to expensive preventive maintenance, • Commented that one option may be to reconstruct the streets~since there are varying depths of concrete. Even if reconstructed, the streets may not be sufficient to handle the current traffic use. • Commented that Almond Grove also has some asphalt streets that need immediate attention and those streets will have patch work done this summer. Public Hearing Item #12 -Continued Mr. Capurso -Continued • Clarified that staff is in the process of determining a plan for Royce Street. • .Clarified that the goal is to identify the scope and financial magnitude of the Almond Grove area improvement project and to develop an implementation plan. • Clarified- that the Pollard Road Bridge is scheduled as a 2010/11 project, -the lead is the City of Saratoga, and that the project is 80% funded at this point. • .Clarified that the original Oak Meadow.ADA project had a relatively modest scope and has been expanded since acquiring additional funding and that the project will be completed this year. Mr. Larson • Clarified that staff's direction is to make Almond Grove a priority for the next two years, focusing on studies to determine the concrete versus asphalt improvement options. • Confirmed that staff will not know the magnitude of the cost until the concrete verses asphalt issues have been determined. Confirmed that the millions of dollars needed to fund the work will most likely not be eligible from grant funding or from the Town's traffic mitigation funds, so staff will have to look for a considerable re-allocation of capital funds or the sale of some vital assets to provide the funding. • Clarified that the project will be coming back to Council over the course of the next year with updates and funding possibilities. Open Public Hearing IVIr. Miller • Commented about the condition of the streets in the.Almond Grove area and stated that outreach and communication to the Almond Grove and Gienridge area residents is a great idea. Closed Public Hearing Mr. Larson • Clarified that Council can direct any changes to either the Capital Improvement Project plan or the Operating Budget and with a majority concurrence staff would bring any changes back to Council on June 7, 2.010 for final approval.. 9 Public Hearing Item #12 -Continued Council Discussions. • Direction was given to move forward with staff recommendations for the one-time funding as stated in the staff report and in the Proposed Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 20.10-2011 and in the Gatos Proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2010-2015. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Steve Rice to rescind Resolution 1995-27 affirming the. Architectural Standards/Hillside Committee. Seconded by Council Member Barbara Spector. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. TOWN COUNCIL OTHER BUSINESS 13. Introduce ordinance adding a new chapter to the Los Gatos Town Code entitled "Neighborhood Preservation" Staff report made by Michael Martello, Interim Town Attorney. Open/Close Public Comment MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Joe Pirzynski to introduce ordinance adding a new chapter 30 to the Los Gatos Town Code entitled "Neighborhood Preservation" to be read in title only,. further reading waived. Seconded by Council Member Steve Rice. VOTE: Motion passed. unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned i.n memory of Saratoga City Council Member Susie Nagpal. Attest: Jackie D. Rose, Clerk Administrator 10