2010051712 Desk Item - OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS,~pW N OF ~,. ~~3"Gp'ip5 COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: MAY 17, 2010 MEETING DATE: 5/17/10 ITEM NO: 12 DESK ITEM TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAG SUBJECT: OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS The purpose of this desk item is to share responses to Council Member questions related to the proposed FY 2010/11 Operating and Capital budgets. ' Almond Grove A question was asked as to why only design work for Almond Grove is included in the FY 2010/11 Capital Budget. The Council has. adopted reconstruction of the Almond Grove street system as a two- year Town priority, During next fiscal year, decisions will be made as to the tuning and type of reconstruction (e.g., asphalt vs. concrete) as well as the funding required to actually do the work. Please note that developer-paid traffic mitigation funds are restricted to capacity enhancing projects and cannot be applied to residential street projects such as Almond Grove. Further, our existing street improvement projects are typically allocated to other higher priority collector, arterial and neighborhood projects. Nonetheless, other sources of potential funding, including the sale of Town-owned assets, will be considered during the next year as a potential funding source for this Council-established priority. Management Information S. stems MIS) A question was asked about moderate increases to printer costs in the MIS program. Funds for the potential replacement of a Parks .and Public Works (PPW) sign shop plotter and Community Development map plotter have been included in the operating budget as part of the printer replacement program. MIS will reevaluate the condition of the plotters later in the fiscal year and determine if replacement is necessary. In addition, another inquiry was made about the $200,000 MIS expenditure for fixed assets/special projects. This funding is linked to the implementation of key projects in the Information Technology Master Plan, and to new opportunities to incorporate technology that enhances PREPARED BY: JENNY HARUYAMA FTiVANCE/BUDGET MANAGER N:\MGR\AdminworkFiles\2010 Council Reports\5-17-10 Budget Desk Item.doc Reviewed by: Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Clerk Administrator Finance Community Development PAGE 2 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/CHAIR & MEMBERS OF THE RDA SUBJECT: FY 2010/11 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS MAY 17, 2010 productivity and customer service. Previous projects funded from this source include document management, the new phone system, and wireless video downloading for police. The transition fiom Novell to Microsoft Exchange will also be funded by this source. Property Tax Revenue A question was asked about 4% property tax growth as indicated on page C-14. This increase in property tax revenue reflects a comparison between the original adopted FY 2009/10 budget and the proposed FY 2010/11 budget, as is the standard. budget presentation. However, when including the $2,2 m SERAF payment received by the Town with the FY 2009/10 estimated property tax revenue, the actual projected growth in property tax revenue is slightly below 1 %. This presentation adjustment will be made as part of the final published budget document. Library Services Questions asked about the library are outlined below: .Trust Funds - A question was asked about the use of the Library McClendon and Ness Trust funds. The fund balances have been fully appropriated to allow flexibility in addressing various needs related to the new library, including both future collections and services as well as contributions to the Friends fundraising campaign for Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FFE). Library Hours - A question was asked about the savings generated as a result of reducing total library hours from 54 to 50 a week. Attached is a schedule showing current, proposed and alternative library hours for next year. The reduction in hours was proposed not only for -cost savings, but also to standardize operating hours consistent with those most used by the community and to attain operational efficiency associated with staffing "single shift" days. In addition, the rapidly rising utilization of library online services supplements access to library services available when the library is open. The change to ~50 hours leaves Los Gatos in the middle of library service hours provided throughout the County. Library Consolidation - A question was asked about the proposed consolidation study related to library services. The retirement of the Library Director, the opening of the new Library, and fiscal realities make this an optimum time to consider full or partial consolidation of the Town library with County or other~service providers. Library Transition -The $7,500 recommended as a grant to the Friends of the Library would cover the retired Library Director for up to 4 hours per week for 6 months at her current hourly rate. The Friends would be required to fund any increased compensation or hours of service as well as payroll and supervision. PAGE 3 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/CHAIR & MEMBERS OF THE RDA SUBJECT: FY 2010/11 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS MAY 17, 2010 Use of North 40 Specific Plan Project Developer Fees A question was asked about the use of fees collected as a result of processing the North 40 Specific Plan to fitnd portions of staff positions through a pass through account. The State Enabling Act grants local agencies the ability to charge fees for processing land use applications. Pursuant to Government Code section 66014 et seq., when a local agency charges fees for zoning changes, subdivision maps, or planning services, etc., "those fees shall not exceed the estimated reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fee is charged." Accordingly, the Town of Los Gatos operates under a cost recovery model for Community Development Department services and application processing. The more common or routine fees that the Department assesses are based on a fee for service study that is completed approximately every five years. These fees are listed in the Town's Comprehensive Fee Schedule. However, there are fees for services that are not included in the Comprehensive Fee Schedule because the applications are uncommon, infrequent, generally snore complex and less predictable in terms of the staff time involved, overall processing time, and materials. In these cases, the Comprehensive Fee Schedule states that the Community Development Director has the ability to require an applicant establish a deposit with the Town and actual staff time and materials is assessed against the deposit or as the Finance Department terms a "pass through account." The -fee schedule notes that "request for services not covered by any other fee" will be billed as the "actual cost." All staff time and materials are tracked and billed to the pass through account and any remaining balance at the completion of the project is refunded to the applicant. The fee schedule does not have a fee for a specific plan and development agreement .since the Town does not regularly process these types of applications. The North 40 applicant will require a specific plan, EIR, Development Agreement, numerous Architectural and Site applications, multiple subdivision maps, etc., and will take approximately 18 to 24 months to process the initial phases of the development. In FY10/11, staff estimates that this will require a minimum of a .75 .Senior Plamier's available time (approximately 1,560 hours), .OS Community Development Director's time (104 hours), and .25 to .50 Engineering staff time (520 to 1,040 hours). Parks and Public Worlcs will address this additional work by retaining a part time engineer who is paid through the pass through account. Based on the Department's cost recovery model, the North 40 applicant would be required to snake the initial deposit into the pass through account based on the projected staff hours associated with the processing of the application. In conclusion, this is coimnon practice used in Community Development Departments for large and complex development applications. This model ensures that the general public is not responsible for funding the processing of the application through taxes. Public Communication The Town Council also received today the attached letter from Mr. Philip Brouwer of Accent On Rugs. In response, please note that the Town has eliminated a total of 16 staff positions over the past 4 years, including 7 from last year to this year and 8 proposed from this year to next year, for a total reduction of over 9%, with the greatest reductions in Community Services and Community Development (see attached summary). In addition, limits on overtime and furloughs have reduced staff compensation, and PAGE 4 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/CHAIR & MEMBERS OF THE RDA SUBJECT: FY 2010/11 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS MAY 17, 2010 management has not received a cost of living increase for 3 years. Last, all non-management positions are subject to civil service protections and contracts, including seniority rights and progressive performance discipline. Library Construction Project Due to the timing of the construction bid process and bond sale, staff will incorporate into the June 7 action item any further changes required to fully implement the library project, including Pageant Park and reconfiguration ofthe existing library space. Attachments 1. Los Gatos Library Hours 2. Letter from Philip Brower, dated May 14, 2010 3. Five-Year Staffing Summary Los Gatos Library Hours Open 7 2009/10 201 0/11 Da s/Week CURRENT PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE Monday 10a-8p 11 a-8p 11 a-8p Tuesday 10a-8p 11 a-8p 11 a-8p Wednesday 12 n- 8 p 10 a- 6 p 10 a- 6 p Thursday. 12n-8p 10a-6p 10a-6p Friday 10a-5p 10a-6p 10a-6p Saturday 10a-5p 1 p-5p 10a-6p. Sunday 1 p-5p 1 p-5p 1 p-5p TOTAL 54 hours 50 hours 54 hours Additional Funding Required $90 k N A. $40 k ATTACHMENT 1 of Los Ga[os 10 Station Way • Los Gatos, CA 95030 • ~408J 354-8820 5/14/1 O Town Council Town of Los Gatos Dear Council . i MAY 1 '~l 2010 MAYOR ~ TOWN COUNCIL I am writing to object to the plan to not layoff any staff members, as reported in the Los Gatos Weekly on 5/14. Government workers cannot be considered immune to economic woes. Please insist that the manager weed out the dead wood. I can assure you that there are .staff members who are not needed and superfluous, There are for sure a couple inspectors who are flat out useless and incompetent. I speak from personal experience as well as knowledge of past history of botched inspections such as the New Old Town building and the mistakes made there due to incompetent inspectors. 1 have no doubt that there is a percentage of staff members who will not be missed. 1 am disappointed in council's decision to allow the town to increase the fees instead of reducing staff. If you insisted on the same kind of efficiencies necessary for the private sector, layoffs would of course be on the agenda. Public service entitlement is the United States major domestic crisis. These entitlements are not sustainable. Please take a lead from the private sector and eliminate some staff. No doubt a quality staff member is invaluable and necessary. But the notion that government workers are immune from evaluation and elimination if they are under performing is simply unacceptable. Sincerely ~~-'~- Philip Brouwer ATTACHMENT 2 FIVE YEAR STAFFING SUMMARY Town of Los Gatos DEPART1VIlJN'I'S 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 CHANGE Administration and Management 29.0 28.7 28.2 24.6 24.3 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.9 1.2 Administration Sub-total 29.2 29.0 28.9 -25.4 25.5 12.6% Community Development 18.6 18.6 18.6 17.6 15.6 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Community Development Sub-total 18.6 18.7 18.6 17.6 15.6 16.1% Police 62.0 61.0 61',0 60.0 59.5 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 1.3 1,8 1.8 1.4 1.4 Police Sub-total 63.3 b2.8 62.8 61.4 60.9 3,7% Parks & Public Worlcs 34.0 34.0 37.0 35.0 32.5 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 5.2 4.2 2.5 3.3 3.6 Parks & Public Worlcs Sub-total 39.2 38.2 39.5 38.3 36.1 8,p% Community Services 4.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 3.3 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 1.2 0,2 0.2 0.2 0.1 Community Services Sub-total 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.4 38.2% Library 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 8.6 Temp Hours converted to FTE's 5.3 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.4 Library Sub-total 15.6 15.2 15.2 15.2 14.0 10.G% ALL DEPARTMENTS 1.58.2 157.9 160.4 152.8 143.8 Tem ~ Hours converted to FTE's 13.2 11.4 10.1 10.6 11.7 TOTAL 171.3 169.3 170.4 163.4 155.4 9.3% ATTACHMENT 3