2010050306 - Attachment 1 - Planning Commission Staff Report'`°W" °'`~ T® OF LOS GAT®S ITElI~I 1~0: 2
~°S G~At°5 1~Ieet~g Date: 1Vlarch 10, 2010.
Acting Assistant Community Development Director
sbaily@losgatosca. gov
APPLICATION NO.: Ordinance No.2081 and 2122
General Plan Amendment GP-07-001
Planned Development PD-07-142
Negative Declaration ND-07-143
LOCATION: 517 and 615 Blossom Hill Road and Placer Oalcs Road for the
rescinding application request. Placer Oaks Road for the new
application request.
APPLICANT: Cupertino Development Corporation
PROPERTY OWNERS: Greenleaf Associates LLC, Dunn Properties, LP, Cupertino
Development Corporation
APPLICATION SUMMARY: Requesting approval to rescind Planned Development Ordinances
2081 and 2122 to construct 49 apartment units. APNS; 529-16-
042, 026, 073., 529-14-012 and 067.
Requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the
land use designation from Medium Density Residential to Low
Density Residential and approval of a Planned Development to
change the zone from RM:S-12:PD to R-1:8: PD to construct nine
single family houses. No significant environmental impacts have
been identified as a result of this project, and a Mitigated Negative
Declaration is recommended. APNS 529-16-073, 529-14-012, and
DEEMED COMPLETE: September 5, 2009
FINAL DATE TO TAKE ACTION: General Plan and rezoning
applications are considered to be legislative acts and are therefore
not governed by the Permit Streamlining Act.
RECOMMENDATION: 1. Provide a recommendation for a strong approval to Town Council
regarding rescinding Planned Development Ordinances 2081 and
`. ~ , ~`~ 1
Planning Commmission Staff Report -Page 2
Placer Oaks Road/PD-07-142
March 10, 2010
2. Provide a recommendation for approval to Town Council
regarding the proposed General Plan Amendment and zone
3. Provide a recommendation for approval to Town Council
regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation
Monitoring Plan.
PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential
Zoning Designation: RM:S-12:PD
Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan
Parcel Size of the Placer Oaks Project: 3.06 acres
Surrounding Area of the Placer Oaks Project:
Existing Land Ilse General Plan ~ Zoning
North ~ Smgle Family ,Low Density R-1:8
East I Single Family ~ Low Density R-1:8
I D ensity
! RM . S
'Medium Density
West ~ Highway 17 ~ NA ~ NA
CEQA: It has. been determined that the project will not have a significant
impact on the environment and a Mitigated Negative Declaration
has been prepared.
® All General Plan Amendments must be internally consistent.
with the General Plan and its elements. The findings should
specifically address the question of density as it relates to the
present Land Use and Housing Elements.
® The Planning Commission must make a finding that the zone
change is consistent with the General Plan if their
recommendation is far approval.
® As required by the Town's h1fi11 Policy
® As required: by the Town's Traffic Impact Policy for a
community benefit.
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Placer Oaks Road/PD-07-142
~ March 10, 2010
ACTION: 1. Provide a recommendation for approval to Town Council
regarding rescinding Planned Development Ordinances 2Q81 and
2. Provide a recommendation for approval to Town Council
regarding the proposed General Plan Amendment and zone
3. Provide a recommendation for approval to Town Council
regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation
Monitoring Plan.
EXHIBITS: 1 - 19. Previously Submitted
New Submittals:
20. Excerpt of summary minutes for the meeting of November 18,
21. Letter from Rodger Griffin, (three pages) dated February 17, 2010
22. Letter from Jeffrey Pack (two pages) received March 3, 2010.
23. Revised Draft Planned Development Ordinance (including zone
change map and development plans, received March 3, 2010)
On September 23, 2009, the Planning Commission considered these applications. The
Commission accepted public testimony and, following discussion, continued the matter to the
meeting of October 28, 2009, with the following directions:
® Provide for relocation of the road.
® Provide architectural diversity.
® Look at traffic calming measures.
® Provide photo simulation of soundwall.
® Provide an alternative with a BMP unit constructed on site.
At its meeting of October 28, 2009, the Commission continued this matter, at the applicant's
request, with no discussion, to the meeting of November 18, 2009. On November 18, 2009, the
Commission considered the matter and continued -the matter to the meeting of January 13, 2010,
with the following directions:
® Further develop the Alternative B ten lot subdivision.
• Retain the BMP unit.
_ . ._.._.._ _.. ..-- _.----._. _... _.. ---- -- - - -r--
Planning Commission Staff Report -Page 4
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March 10, 2010
Significantly increase architectural diversity.
Consider reducing the intensity in the house sizes, worlcing toward eliminating the flag
The matter was continued from the meetings of January 13 and February 24, 2010, with no
discussion, to allow the applicant and staff time to finalize the revised plans.
A. Response to Planning_Coinmission Direction
The following is the applicant's response to the P1aming Commission's direction in
developing the Alternative B ten lot subdivision.
Retain the BMP Unit
The proposal includes atwo-story, three bedroom BMP unit on Lot 2. The unit will
have aone-car garage and two parking spaces in the driveway. An alternative building
footprint has been provided for this lot to accommodate the one story historic Fiesta
Way house, in the event there is a proposal to relocate the house to this development.
Town staff is currently looking at numerous leads on possible site locations for the
Fiesta Way house. An attached garage is proposed for the relocated house. The
garage for this type of historic. house should be detached and set back behind the front
facade. If a garage cannot be detached, the garage should be located behind the house
or recessed as far as possible from the front facade. Due to the proposed size and
configuration of the lot, it is unlikely that the garage could be detached or relocated.
Another alternative would be to provide a parking pad in place of the garage. This
however, would make the BMP unit different from the other houses in the
development, which is discouraged. Architecture and Site approval will be required
for any site the Fiesta Way house is relocated to. If the Commission determines that
the garage could be attached and/or a parking. pad is acceptable, a performance
standard has been included to further evaluate the location and type of parking
(enclosed/unenclosed) during the Architecture and Site process.
The market rate units range in size from 2,670 to 2,765 square feet (excluding
garages). The BMP unit contains 1,243 square feet (excluding garage). The Fiesta
House contains approximately 980 square feet. The adopted BMP guidelines state that
the size of BMP's shall be reasonably consistent with the market rate units and there
shall not be a significant difference between the BMP and market rate units visible
from the exterior. The footprint and square footage of the BMP unit is less than the
market rate units. The Commission will need to evaluate if the BMP unit is reasonably
consistent with the market rate units.
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March 10, 2010
2. Architectural Diversity
The applicant has included stone siding on some of the proposed houses to provide
architectural variety and diversity. In an attempt to mitigate staff s concern that the
garage on Lot 8 dominates the front elevation, an entrance portico has been added and
the garage doors have been divided and recessed to minimize the visual impact. If the
Planning Commission has a concern with the location of the garage for Lot 8, the
development plan would need to be modified to accommodate any required change, to
push the garage back towards the house.
Staff does not believe that "significant" architectural diversity has been provided as
directed by the Commission. As stated in the previous report, Planned Development
applications only require conceptual elevations. Applicants have been providing
precise architectural plans to expedite the Architecture and Site application process
through the Development Review Committee (DRC). If the Commission finds merit
with the PD but has concerns with the architecture of the proposed houses, staff
recommends that the matter be forwarded to the Town Council with a performance
standard requiring that the Architecture and Site applications go through the Planning
Commission, rather than the DRC. This performance standard is included in the Draft
PD ordinance. The basis .for this recommendation is as follows:
® PD applications only require conceptual plans.
® It is anticipated that the Commission will want additional changes to increase
the diversity.
® The Town's Consulting Architect will need to review the proposed
architectural changes.
If the Fiesta House is relocated to the site, staff, the Planning Commission and
the Town's Consulting Architect may want to consider modifying the
architectural style and/or elements of the new houses to better transition with
the historic house.
3. Flay Lot and House Sizes
The flag lot 'has been eliminated. House sizes have been reduced. Plan A has been
reduced by 465 square feet and Plan B has been reduced by 275 square feet. The
market rate units now range in size from 2,670 to 2,765 square feet (excluding
garages). The houses from the original plan ranged in size from 2,700 to 3,000 square
feet (excluding garages). The added BMP unit contains 1,243 square feet. The Fiesta
House contains approximately 980 square feet.
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March 10, 2010
B, Additional Plan Modifications
The applicant has made the following additional modifications to the plan:
The property lines have been modified to not encompass the slope. Lots now range in
size from 4,258 to 14,859 square feet. The lots from the original plan ranged in size from
5,214 to 25,567 square feet.
Two guest parking spaces between Lots 8 and 9 have been eliminated in front of the
common pathway up to Placer Oaks Road. A permeable fire truck turnaround has been
provided in this area that has reduced the amount of asphalt paving.
The elimination of the two guest parking spaces has reduced t11e on street parking from
eight spaces to ten. A total of 47 parking spaces would be provided on-site as follows: 19
garage spaces (nine; two-car garages and one, one car garage), 20 spaces in driveway
aprons, and eight. on-street parking spaces. Town Code requires three parking spaces for
each residential unit. At this rate,. the proposed ten unit residential development would
require 30 parking spaces and the project would more than meet this requirement.
C. Staff Comments
The Town has received confirmation from the West Valley Sanitation ,District that the
revised plan meets the agency's requirements. The Town has also received correspondence
that the original noise study is applicable to the revised plan (Exhibit 22).
Although a traffic study was not required, as discussed in a previous report, an extensive
traffic analysis was conducted based on past neighborhood concerns associated with traffic.
The analysis concluded that the trip increase was statistically insignificant and that none of
the surrounding. roadway segYnents would experience a noticeable increase in traffic with the
addition of the proposed project. Therefore, the traffic generated with this proposal will not
impact the neighborhood.
As discussed in the previous report, the Town worked with the Placer Oaks neighborhood in
2004 regarding traffic calming measures. The previous report noted the traffic calming
measures that have been implemented for the neighborhood in 2005. Based on neighborhood
traffic concerns raised at the public hearing on this project, the Commission discussed that
additional traffic calming measures should be researched. Therefore, as noted in the previous
report, the applicant has volunteered to contribute $15,000.00 for traffic calming as a
community benefit. A performance standard is included in the draft PD Ordinance, reflecting
the applicant's contribution. As noted in the performance standard,. if the traffic calming for
the Placer Oalcs neighborhood is not submitted by the neighborhood or does not meet Town
criteria, the payment will be reallocated to the next prioritized traffic calming project. At this
tune, the next prioritized traffic calming project is in the Vista del Monte neighborhood.
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March 10, 2010
A comment was raised by one of the Commissioners regarding the nexus of the community
benefit. Several projects have been approved where the applicant contributed funds for a
community benefit that were not directly related to the project or the project's neighborhood.
These contributions include the following:
® Monetary contribution to a soccer field.
® Monetary contribution for offsite landscaping.
® Monetary contribution for recreation.
® Monetary contribution to Town's BMP program.
The Commission has the discretion to determine whether the community benefit is
A. Conclusion
The Commission should carefully consider whether the proposed project is consistent with
the General Plan. The proposed General Plan amendment would convert the general land use
designation to what previously existed prior to the PD. The proposal is also compatible with
the existing land use in the Placer Oaks neighborhood. Since access to the site is only
available from Placer Oaks Road, a low density development as opposed to a medium
density development would be consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan in
regards to maintaining the character and compatibility with existing neighborhoods. The
proposed density of 2.94 units per acre is compatible with the neighborhood (BMP units are
not counted towards the density). As discussed above, the traffic generated with this
proposal will not impact the neighborhood.
Staff believes the Commission should also carefitlly consider the following issues when
formulating a recommendation to Town Council. These issues relate to the consistency of
the General Plan and BMP guidelines discussed above:
Neighborhood Compatibility
Community Benefit
Compatibility of BMP and market rate units
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March 10, 2D 10
B. Recommendation
if the Commission finds merit with this application, the Commission should take the
following actions:
1. Recommend that the Town Council rescind Ordinances No.2081 and 2.122;
2. Recommend that the Town Council adopt the General Plan amendment (Exhibit 14);
3. Find that the Planned Development is consistent with the General Plan (Exhibit 7);
4. As required by the Town's Traffic Policy for community benefit (Exhibit 7);
5. Forward a recommendation for approval of the following to the Town Council:
a. Mitigated Negative Declaration (Exhibit 5)
b. Mitigation Monitoring Program (Exhibit 6)
c. Planned Development application (Exhibit 23)
~~ ~~
Prepared by:
Saridy L. Baily, AICP
Acting Assistant Community
Director Development
P~C~Q~L CC> ~a-
Approved by:
Wendie R. Rooney
Director of Community Development
cc: Greenleaf Associates T,LC, 2971 Gordon Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Dunn Properties, Lp, 301 Alta Loma Lane, Santa Cruz, CA 95062
Cupertino Development Corporation, 1307 So. Mary, Suite 120, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Rodger Griffin, Paragon Design Group, Inc., 405 Alberto Way, Suite #C, Los Gatos, CA 95032
N:\DEU\REPORTS\2010\placeroaks, doc
5. 517 and 615 Blossom Hill Road and Placer Oaks Road. Ordinance No.2081 and
2122. Requesting approval to rescind Planned Development Ordinances 2081 and
2122 to construct 49 apartment units to allow the project described below on the
Placer Oaks site only. APNS: 529-16-042, 026, 073, 529-14-012 and 067.
PROPERTY OWNERS: Greenleaf Associates LLC, Dunn Properties, Lp,
Cupertino Development Corporation. APPLICANT: Cupertino Development
Corporation. (Continued from. September 23, 2009).
Placer Oafs Road. General Plan Amendment GP-07-001. Planned Development
PD-07-142. Negative Declaration ND-07-143. Requesting. approval of a General
Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Meditun Density
Residential to Low Density Residential. and approval of a Planned Development to
change the zone from RM:S-12:PD to R-1:8: PD to constrict nine single family
houses. No significant environmental impacts have been identified as a result of
this project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is recommended. APNS 529-
16-073, 529-14012 and 067. PROPERTY OWNER/.APPLICANT: Cupertino
Development Corporation. PROJECT PLANNER: Sandy Baily, Acting Assistant
Community Development Director. (Continued from September 23, August 28,
and October 28, 2009)
Acting Assistant Community Development. Director Sandy Baily gave a presentation
on the proposed project.
Commissioner Marcia Jensen
--Asked staff what $15,000 buys as a traffic calming measure.
--Asked if the Commission needs to make a finding of an error in an original Planned
Development ordinance in order to rescind it.
Associate Civil Engineer John Gaylord
--Commented that a speed bump could cost $2,000-$3,000 and $15,000 could possibly
buy a traffic circle.
~nIB3T 20
Town Attorney ®rry I~orb
--Commented it is a legislative decision to rescind an ordinance and the. Commission has
free reign.
Commission Questions:
--Asked staff about the Architecture and Site (A&S) process if they approve the Planned
Development (PD) when they are not satisfied with the architectural diversity at the PD
--Asked if the flag lot shown in both the 10-lot subdivisions could be avoided.
--Asked for confirmation that the Commission could not consider the Fiesta: Way house
when considering this application.
__Asked for clarification on the criteria in the Town's Traffic Calming Policy for having
the $15,000 allocated to that neighborhood.
--Asked how the immediate neighborhood is defined.
--Asked if there is such a thing as anticipatory traffic calming when bringing in a
development that will impact traffic.
--Asked about past experience with petitions for traffic calming.
Acting Assistant Community Development Director Sandy Baily answered
Commission questions:
__Commented if the item were continued, depending on which alternative the
Commission chose, they could write a condition in more detail regarding specific
architectural diversity.
__Commerted the flag lots would have to be addressed by the applicant, but one option is
to reduce the house size and footprint of the house which would make the lots bigger.
--Commented the Fiesta Way house cannot be a consideration in this application because
the relocation of this house will not be determined until after the Library project is
Associate Civil Engineer John Gaylord enervated Commission questions:
--Commented that traffic calming involves a requirement for the community to agree on a
solution in the. form of a petition involving over 50 percent of the households,. along with
several other criteria. Only one of the other criteria has to be triggered in addition to the
__Commented the immediate neighborhood is determined by analysis and it does take into
consideration cut-through traffic.
__Confirmed. that traffic calming is anticipated. and projects are looked at with Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE) numbers based on what that project would contribute to
the area in addition to the local existing. traffic.
--Commented traffic calming petitions require 50 percent participation and are typically
for existing communities when the neighbors feel there are traffic issues. New projects
require traffic studies and if increased traffic is determined, it would be part of the
mitigation of the project. This project is not expected to increase traffic, but the applicant
has offered to contribute funds if traffic calming is desired by the. neighborhood.
Town Attorney Orry Korb
--Confirmed the Fiesta Way historic structure is not technically relevant in the
Commission's consideration of this PD, but would be relevant at the A&S level.
--Commented that the historic preservation of the Fiesta Way structure is an important
component of the Library project and the environmental analysis of that project, and
relocation of it to a suitable location will be an important issue at a future date.
Chair Thomas O'Donnell opened the public hearing.
Rodger Griffin, Applicant, gave a presentation on the proposed project and addressed
the recommendations from the meeting of September 23, 2009.
Commission Questions:
--Asked what someone would see when entering or leaving the Town.
--Asked about the height of the soundwall from bottom to top.
-_Asked if all homes would be Models A and B if a 9-home subdivision is approved.
--Asked if a BMP (Below Market Price) unit is added and happens to be a relocated
historic home, if there would be ten houses with two Victorians and the rest of the homes
Models A and B.
__Asked applicant if he understood that if a 9-lot subdivision was approved, they maybe
required to provide more architectural diversity than the two models at the A&S level.
--Asked if applicant would recommend one of the proposals over the others.
--Asked if applicant is bothered by two flag lots.
--Asked about courtyard design for mitigating noise and asked why the houses furthest
from the freeway use that design.
Rodger Griffin, Applicant, answered Commission questions:
__Commented when viewing the site from the north or south, the soundwall will be
obscured in its entirety by vegetation. They are also putting a screen of mostly Evergreen
trees between the property line and the .soundwall so the berm will be planted with trees.
--The height of the soundwall is nine feet above the center line of the freeway and varies
from 9-12 feet on top of a berm.
_-Commented that the 9-home subdivision would .all be Models A and B.
--Commented that they would look for further direction if a 10-lot subdivision was
approved, but it would include two Victorians with the rest of the homes Models A and B
if the Fiesta Way house was relocated to the site.
--Confirmed he understood that significant architectural diversity was necessary.
--Commented the 9-lot proposal is their first choice and an appropriate use on the site.
The in-lieu fees offer monies that could be used in a more flexible manner. They have no
objection to building or accommodating the BMP unit but believe they were following
the original guidance given by the Town.
_-Commented he is not bothered by flag lots since it is on a private roadway and the
frontage and landscaping is more cohesive in a PD than if it were done on individual
--Commented that Lots 1, 2 and 3 also have courtyards, but they are smaller than those on
Lots 4 and 8.
Commissioner Charles Erelcson
__Asked applicant how they accommodated the conditions in the General Plan with
regard to flag lots when laying out Options A and B.
Chair Thomas ®'Donnell
--Asked staff to comment on any precedents on flag lots.
--Aslced staff if Commission has authority to require an applicant to add a BMP unit
without adding any units to the original proposal.
Acting Assistant Community Development Director Sandy Baily
--Commented that flag lots have been approved on a case by case basis in the past.
--Commented the Commission could recommend that density be reduced.
Rodger Griffm
--Commented the General Plan conditions regarding flag lots refer to public streets and
they are not altering a public street. These lots are not the same situation because there
are streets on both sides with a public walkway. They do not actually function as flag
lots because more of the. homes are exposed from the front .and you can see them from the
Commissioner Charles Erekson
--Asked staff if General Plan flag lot requirements apply to this situation.
Acting Assistant Community Development Director Sandy Baily
--Commented that flag lot requirements are not differentiated between public or private
Rodger Griffin
--Commented they have created their own community that provides the best preservation
of the hillside, but does not coordinate with the more conventional grid style layout of the
lots above.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
--Asked about sound measurement levels and where the noise was measured.
Jeff Pack, Edward Lo Pack Associates, Into
--Commented. sound was measured at 112 feet from the center line of Highway 17.
Yin Rong
--Commented his house is directly next to the property and hopes the new soundwall will
improve noise level and not amplify noise to their house.
__Commented his second concern is the wall that will be built between the two properties
and part of his property will not be accessible.
__Commented his third issue is realignment of the street and if any earth movement will
have an effect on his geological situation.
Chair Thomas O'Donnell
--Asked Mr. Rong if he currently has an easement.
--Asked Mr. Rong if he has found anything in the record that suggests there will be lots
of earth movement there.
I'in Rong
®-Commented he .does not have an easement.
--Commented he does not have any evidence of any earth movement and just wanted to
ask the question.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
--Asked Mr. Rong if he had other concerns about the way the street will enter into the
~'in Rong
--Commented he has concerns about his kids who walk and bike to school.
--Commented he has limited parking due to the fire lane in front of his property.
Chair Thomas O'Donnell
--Confirmed that Mr. Rong lives up the hill on Frank Avenue.
Mort Sherin
--Commented he finds the road relocation much more acceptable and is willing to go with
--Commented he would like to still have the option of screening that was proposed at the
last meeting.
--Commented his other concern is about common area parking spaces in the project and if
it is adequate for keeping cars off of Placer Oaks Drive and Frank Avenue.
Lee Quintana
--Commented the project as proposed is not consistent with the current housing element
and should be tabled until after the new General Plan Housing Element is approved.
®_Commented that when the current PD and A&S were approved it was not known that
the site had potential geologic hazards from liquefaction and lateral spreading. This is
not mentioned in the staff report.
-_Commented the soundwall mitigation in the proposed project impacts more trees and a
large number of them are rated as being high to moderate significance for retention.
__Commented she has concerns about the noise impacts.
--Commented the intensity of the project has not been greatly reduced.
Rodger Griffin
--Commented on the grading issue raised by Mr. Rong and noted that the roadway is
being moved over about ten feet on a slight slope.
--Commented he does not know how to address the access to Mr. Rong's private rear
- - -- - -a- ------ - --------------- 9 - -- p
Commented IVIr. Sherin s screen o tion will still be installed.
--Commented the original geological report identified the potential for liquefaction and
the Town's geological consultant determined that it was overstated and a further report
indicated less liquefaction potential. They have already adopted an agreement
for mitigation for any potential in that regard with a grout wall that will be installed at the
base of the hill.
-_Commented there are more trees in this proposed project because the first tree report
was done ten years ago and many of the trees were not of size to be in the report at that
Jeff Pack
__Responded to 1Vlr. Kong's concern about reflections off the corner of the soundwall and.
commented that the noise will go into the hillside.
--Commented that reflections off the retaining wall do not present a significant increase
because sound loses acoustic energy and is about one decibel of reflection.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
--Asked for clarification on dBA measurements.
Jeff Pack
--Commented the 24-hour average is about 76 dBA at the building setback or rear yards
on the outside, and the reflective component would only add about one decibel.
Chair Thomas O'Donnell closed the public hearing, and asked staff if the proposed
project complies with the General Plan as it currently exists.
Acting Assistant Community Development Director Sandy Bally
__Commented 1VIs. Quintana may have been referring to the housing inventory where the
apartment project was inchided in the housing counts in the current housing element.
Since the apartment project is unlikely to happen, the site has been taken out of
the proposed housing element count.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
--Confirmed with staff that 55 dBA is the acceptable level noted for developments in the
General Plan.
Commissioner Thomas O'Donnell
--Asked Town Attorney if the Commission is to take the BMP unit into consideration
when setting the density for a project.
Tovrn Attorney Orry ]Korb
-=Commented the. zoning. code provides certain density limits and the Commission can
augment that density by the addition of a BMP unit(s).
--Commented the purpose of the incentive is to ensure that the BMP unit is constructed
and allows for density above what would normally be permitted, but only for the
affordable unit.
Commissioner 1VIarcia Jensen
--Commented she does not recall they demanded a BMP unit and disagrees with l~Ir.
Griffin about ignoring ordinances on private properties regarding flag lots.
_-Commented she does not feel any architectural diversity has been .shown in the plan
and is troubled that it will be addressed at A&S.
--Asked that Town Council consider whether a nexus ought to be required for a
Community Benefit and a proposed project.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
--Commented she is still not convinced this is where single family homes should be built
due to noise issues from the freeway and air quality from auto emissions from those
--Commented that Mr. Pack testified tonight that dBA levels are at 76, and the Town and
General Plan is at 55 dBA.
--Questioned Mr. Pack's testimony at the previous meeting. where he stated that the
soundwall was designed to mitigate for the .ground floor elevation and recommended that
highly sound rated windows on the second floor be kept closed to keep the sound out.
--Commented she objected to the second story level windows being kept closed to
mitigate the noise issue.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
--Commented on his concern about adding a tenth lot and if eight original lots should be
the same size.
--Commented he does not believe the conditions in the General Plan have been addressed
adequately regarding flag lots.
Commissioner 1l~darico Sayoc
--Commented that while PDs override what is there, the Commission would like
proposals to enhance the requirements of the underlying zone.
__Commented she would like the BMP built on site rather than in-lieu fees.
--Commented on noise mitigation on the second story and said she does not believe in
housing that recommends people keeping their windows closed and asked if applicant
had considered larger one story homes that eliminate the second story noise issue.
Vice Chair John Bottrgeoas
--Expressed concern about the noise issue and asked staff if the site had already been
zoned residential.
Town Attorney Orry Korb
--Commented it is zoned for residential and anybody can make an application consistent
with the existing zoning, A&S rules and subdivision rules and should be able to get
--Commented he does not feel it is appropriate to say you cannot build residential
housing here; however, the Commission does not have to approve this particular project
in this particular configuration.
Chair Thomas ®'Donnell ,
__Commented property is zoned for much higher density and that the noise level is
--Commented. one option is to not require a BMP on site which would eliminate the flag.
--Commented he personally does not like flag lots and believes a density of nine is
--Commented if the Commission wants to add specific conditions, it can be done, but
applicant has a right to build residential on that site.
Commissioner Joanne Talesfore
--Confirmed this is a recommendation to Town Council and that the recommendation
could be that Town Council take a look at redesignating the zone.
__Commented that when she thinks of the site as a family home environment she cannot
imagine someone living there for a long period of time whereas apartments are usually
short term residences.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
--Commented the property has been zoned for residential use and would respect property
owner's assessment regarding density and that they have responded responsibly with road
__Commented the architectural diversity needs to be addressed.
--Commented applicant has addressed attenuating the sound.
--Commented he still has a concern about incorporating a BMP unit with a flag lot.
Vice Chair John Bourgeois
--Commented he would prefer high density use on this site, but likes the 10-lot option
alternative B.
1@~Iotion by Vice Chair John Bourgeois and seconded by Commissioner 1VIarico Sayoc
to continue Ordinance No.2081 and 2122, General Plan Amendment GP-07-001, Planned
Development PD-07-142, and Negative Declaration ND-07-143 to January 13, 2010, to
further develop the 10-lot subdivision alternative B with the following. direction:
(1) Retain the BMP unit.
(2) Significantly increase the architectural diversity.
(3) Consider reducing the intensity and size in a couple of the designs to eliminate the
flag lot.
Commissioner Charles Erekson
--Asked for Vice Chair Bourgeois's intent regarding architectural. diversity.
Vice Chair John Bourgeois
--Commented he wants to see more than two styles of homes with diversity in size and
Town Attorney Orry Korb
--Commented that staff will work on the language about architectural diversity and
reiterated that nothing in the PD should in any way dictate the architecture of the project
and eliminate the Commission's discretion to evaluate the architecture as they come
through the A&S process.
__Commented the original language was intended to address the PD which has to be
approved at the PD level and staff wanted to ensure that minor deviations could be
Chair Thomas O'Donnell
--Asked Vice Chair Bourgeois what if the applicant follows alternative B and comes
back with l O lots including a flag lot.
Vice Chair John Bourgeois
__~esponded that he is not saying he will not vote for it if it has a flag lot but would need
to see strong justification for it.
Commissioner 1VIarcia Jensen
--Commented her understanding of the motion is that they are not saying they will vote
for it if they come back with a flag lot, but to come back with a creative solution for
alternative B given the studies contained in the staff report. There is no guarantee one
way or the other.
Commissioner Charles Erelcson
-_Commented that if they come back with a flag .lot they would need to address the
section of the General Plan that says flag lots should be considered under these
Chair Thomas O'Donnell
--Asked Commissioner Erelcson if he believes it is possible for the applicant to satisfy
the four requirements for flag lots in the General Plan.
Commissioner Charles Erelcson
--Commented that he feels it is possible to do.
Chair Thomas O'Donnell
--Commented he does not like the flag lot but can support the motion.
--Commented that, based on the Commissioners' comments, if the applicant can come
back without the flag lot and some architectural diversity, they would have met what the
Commission is asking for, even though the Commission is not saying exactly what they
will do until they have considered what is presented.
Commissioner Marcia Jensen
®-Commented she does not feel consensus has been reached and is not comfortable with
whatever applicant will come in with.
--Commented she is not taking a position and will consider the proposal when it is
Chair Thomas ®'I~onnell
--Commented he was speaking for the majority and not for Commissioner Jensen.
Motion carried 5-1 with Commissioner Joanne Talesfore dissenting and Commissioner
Philip 1Vgicciche absent.
Town attorney ®rry Korb commented that the public hearing on this matter has been
continued to January 13, 2010, and there will be no other official notice of the hearing.
,.., (_,I
February 17, 2~1~
Community ®eveloPment ®ept.
Town ®f ~®s Gat®s
11® Fast MainY/`treet
Los Gatos, C~ 9530
~/°ub~~cta P® Rezoning ~ General Pian Ch®nge
Placer ®a~s Road (LPN; 529-1~-75)
T®s Town Planning Cornriraissi~n
®ear Chairperson & Planning commission Members;
~s leer your direction to us at the November 1~, 209 meeting we h®ve
significantly revised the arrangement of the lots and homes.
../°ITF R~~ /°1®
® Flag lot eliminated
bome sizes (square footage) reduced
New PSMP, two®story as recommended by,/.°taff
® PIMP relocated to allow flexibility if historic Fiesta bome approved for site
architectural diversity enhanced through the use of new stone exteriors
No flag lots are proposed in this response to your concerns expressed at the
Nov. i~th PC Mtg. Every lot complies with the lot frontage required by Town
The size of the proposed flans has been reduced, Plan ~ reduced by 4.65,j'F
to 267~~/'F total and Plan ~ reduced by 275,>'P to 2765,J°F total, This
reduction decreases the flans foot]arint and results in more and larger rear
yards oriented to the hillside.
JEY?)1C8 ~32~ ~L'S2~Y[
2545 ' 10 2 17-PC Resp:dce
405 Alberto Way
Suite C
Los Gatos, CA 95032
408.358.3707 fax:356.I969
~I~T7' 7
~/ I
,/'tone exterior walls now provide architectural variety and diversity among
the 10 lots, an entrance portico has been added. to lot #8 to balance the
facade while the garage doors are divided and deeply recessed to minimize
the frontage,
Lots #8 & #9 are open to the eommon pathway from the hillside; the pa•f'hway
terminates at a permeable paving turn-a-round that reduces the amount of
asphalt paving.
~ new two-story 13MP home has been incorporated into the site. The home is
three bedrooms of 124.3„fF. The two-story was recommended iay,~'taff to be
in keeping with the other homes proposed for this site,
The location of the PIMP has also been shifted to a more inclusive location
with a lot size that can accommodate both the proposed plan or if desired
by the Planning Commission, the historic Fiesta home.
We continue to offer the relocation of the ~listoric Fiesta home onto this site.
Lot #2 can facilitate the use of the Fiesta dome or the proposed three-
bedroom plan.
The main site entry remains realigned to reduce headlight glare into our
neighbor's home across Placer Oaks. To further reduce the potential for
headlight glare a low profile wood screen will be added to the neighbors yard
as previously accepted by the Owner.
as requested at your Oct.. 21St hearing, the soundwall facing the freeway
frontage is now stepped along the toj~ of the landscaped berm and remains
setback from the property line to allow for greater landscaping. The existing
trees between the wall and freeway are to remain and new trees added to the
mix to fill the axis#ing voids. approximately half of the length is at elevation
319 and half at elevation 32~. This elevation difference is necessary to
maintain the minimum 12~foot height above the pad elevation of the adjacent
homes. '
7~'Y7J2C2 ~)13+ Des1g~1 2545'10.2.17-PCRespdcc
basic Community ~aenefit of this project continues to be the voluntary
reduction from 15 units, the minimum required under the General Plan
designation to 9 market rate homes. The ±50®/~ reduction in trip generation is
areal and measurable benefit to our surrounding neighbors
~n additional benefit, after conferring with the Town Traffic engineer, Jessie
Pu, we propose to construci~ the listed traffic mitigation for "Vista ®el Monte"
that has a designated budget of ~151'C,
Recognizing the communi#y's need for a family oriented PSP1P; we are
proposing to provide a full three-bedroom 13MP home Instead of building a
minimum size, two-bedroom structure.
accommodating the historic Fiesta home on this site remains as a potential
community bane#it. ,/'hould the Town decide that it is appropriate for it to be
moved to this site, we welcome the opportunity to preserve the home for
future generations.
1~/ith this submission we continue to demonstrate our desire to accommodate
the concerns expressed by the Planning commission and respectfully request
your recommendation to the Town Council for approval of this proposed
new community.
i7~~~'~~ U~ ~~~t~n 2545-'10217-PCRespdoc
('d K. Kolker
iC.V . f d 1 JJ oaf 6 / B F J,~e~ i I~ ~= S q_ tiw:
5AN J(7Si", GA 95125
flc~trstic~ctl C'vrr,sultaj~ls ~~-~~~ 7~Et,; 40$-379-1195
FAX: 408.371.19 96
March 2, ~~?Q 10
Fra____~~__cct No. 39____0~2_3~
Ivlr, Keit}1 Kolker ~"j~~ Q 3 2010
l,azldnlar}c I3cveTopmc~rlt
13Q7 ~outll l'/Iar'y A~Jenu~
Suite l2U ~~ ~ ~ NG ~IV~AT ®S
Surizly~jale, CA 9~0~7 1~1®f~
SuhjECt; Noise Mitigation for New Site I..ayt~~ut< "Placer (3al~s" Si91g1c;-~'azllii~,
DevelopzlZent, }-li~llway 17, l.,os Gatos
Dear Keith:
The original noise assessment study for the `'P1a.cer 4.:)~tks" devc~loPzllenr; dated June 12,
20Q7, is applicable to the 1rz#esi Site Plan f.<>z•war•ded to n1~~ }~y l~.od~;er Cir}Ffin oza 1°ebruary
26; 2()}U, `l'he noise znitiga#ion measures otzlJined in tT1e recomrllendations section ol'rhe
report arc related to rhysic<~l aspects oi'tile site;, (}~rol~erty .lines. Yzuildirag P~ids, itc,) and
are not depezldeni or1 the site layout. `T'hen`efore> horl~cs may 13c zzloved arouzui without
al~'fecting thE4 reconlnlGndatiorzs ofthe sound repor~r.
1f you have azly questions; pleasr;: c~zil m~;.
FDWAI~D L. PA(~"K ASS(.)t'~.. 1NC'.
~ `~~ ----
Jeffrey K. Pack
cc; badger C..'yriffin. Paragon T~esign
ffiIBIT 22
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(AP1~TS: 529-16-073, 529-14-012 AND 067)
The Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos is hereby amended to rescind Ordinances
2081 and 2122 and to change the zoning at Placer Oaks Road as shown on the map which is
attached hereto marked Exhibit A and is part of this Ordinance from RM:S-12:PD (Medium
Density Residential, 5-12 units per acre, Planned Development), to R-1:8:PD (Single Family
Residential, 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre, Planned Development).
The PD (Planned Development Overlay) zone established by this Ordinance authorizes
the following construction and use of improvements:
1. Ten single family residences, one of which is a Below Market Price Unit; and
2. Landscaping, streets, parking, open space and other site improvements shown and
required on the Official Development Plan.
3. Uses permitted are those specified in the underlying R-1 (Single Family
Residential) zone by Sections (Permitted Uses) and 29.20.185
(Conditional Uses) of the Zoning Ordinance, as those sections exist at the
time of the adoption of this Ordinance, or as they may be amended in the
future, subject to any restrictions or other requirements. specified
elsewhere in this ordinance including, but not limited to, the Official
Development Plan. However, no use listed in Section 29.20.185 is
allowed unless specifically authorized by this Ordinance, or by
Conditional Use Permit.
All provisions of the Town Code apply, except when the Official Development
Plan specifically shows otherwise.
Architecture and Site Approval is required before the construction work for the
new dwelling units and potential house relocation, whether or not a permit is required for
the work and before any permit for construction is issued. Construction permits shall
only be in a manner complying. with Section 29.80.130 of the Zoning Ordinance.
The attached Exhibit A (Map) and Exhibit B (Development Plans),. are part of the
Official Development Plan. The following must be complied with before issuance of any
grading or construction permits:
(Planning Division)
Development Plans and this ordinance establish the allowed uses and intensity of
development. The Official Development Plans are conceptual in nature such that
deviations will be approved through the Architecture and Site approval process to
achieve architectural excellence. Deviations nchide, but are not limited to,
building footprint (approved setbacks must still be maintained), height, window
and door locations, and architecture style and details.- The Architecture and Site
plans shall be reviewed by the Town's Consulting Architect at the .applicant's
cost. The Planning Commission shall be the deciding body of the Architecture
and Site applications for the new single family residences and potential house
2. GARAGE WINDOW. The design of the garage window for Plan A~A shall be
finalized during the Architecture and Site approval process pursuant to the
direction of the Town's Consulting Architect's comments, dated May 29, 2008.
This performance standard is not applicable if major changes occur to the house
design as permitted in the above Architecture and Site approval performance
3. HOUSE SIZES. No additional square footage shall be permitted for any of the
units (excluding a cellar for the Fiesta Way house if relocated to the site).
4. BACKUP. A minimum garage backup distance of 25 feet shall be provided for
Lots 4, 7 and 10.
5. PARKING. If the Fiesta House is relocated to the site, during the Architecture
and. Site process, the location of the garage or parking pad shall be confirmed.
6. LANDSCAPE PLAN. A final landscape plan shall be submitted during the
Architecture. and Site approval process. This plan shall be reviewed by the
Town's Consulting Arborist at the applicant's expense.
7. OFF-SITE LANDSCAPE SCREEN. The applicant shall work with the property
owner at 16996 Frank Avenue (APN 529-14-033), to construct a landscape screen
on the Frank Avenue property to provide screening for the glare from vehicles
exiting the development. The screen shall be installed prior to final occupancy of
the first unit.
8. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT. A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained prior to
the issuance of a Building, Grading or Encroachment Permit.
9. ADDITIONAL TREE MITIGATION. The applicant shall mitigate the Oak tree
removed to accommodate the roadway realignment at the Placer Oaks Road
frontage pursuant to Town Code requirements.
10. TENTATIVE MAP. The Development Review Committee may be the deciding
body of the tentative map.
11. GREEN BUILDING. The houses shall be designed to achieve compliance with
GreenPoint Rated Standards for green building certification. The GreenPoint
checklist shall be completed by a Certified Green Building Professional.
12. SOLAR. During the Architecture and Site approval process, all new residences,
to the extent feasible, shall be designed to talce full advantage of passive solar
13. WALKWAY: The applicant shall consider the possibility of installing the
walkway at grade during the Architecture and Site approval process.
14. SOUNDWALL. The soundwall shall be stepped to break the continuous length
of the wall. Final details of the soundwall shall be provided during the
Architecture and Site approval process. Gate(s) shall be provided in the
soundwall to access the landscape area adjacent to Highway 17 for maintenance
purposes and shall be constructed pursuant to the detailed noise study prepared by
Edward L. Pack Associates (Pack), Inc, dated June 12, 2007.
15. FENCING. All proposed fencing for the development shall be reviewed during
the Architecture and Site approval process.
16. *BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: If land clearing, grading, tree and brush removal,
tree trimming or demolition activities are to occur during the nesting season (i.e.,
between February 1 and August 15), apre-construction nesting bird survey shall
be performed by a qualified biologist. The biologist should survey the area
immediately adjacent to the construction area for the presence of nests. This pre-
construction survey shall be conducted no more than one week prior to the
planned grading activity.
a. If nesting birds with eggs or young are observed during the pre-
construction surveys, grading in the affected project area shall not
commence until after the young have fledged.
b. If no nesting birds are observed,. no further action is required, and grading
and construction may proceed, provided it commences within one week of
the survey to prevent "take" of individual birds that may have begun
nesting after the survey.
17. *TREES: Recommendations made by Arbor Resources (June 9, 2008) shall be
implemented to eliminate or minimize the construction-related impacts on the
trees to be retained. Recommendations are listed under Section 5.0 of the
arborist's report but Section 4.0 also includes additional design recommendations.
These include design guidelines section addressing tree location mapping, utility
locations, drainage facilities,. and landscape design. The report also provides
protection measures before and' during construction, addressing. fencing, work
within tree canopies, etc.
18. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS. The developer shall implement, at their cost, all
recommendations made by the Town's Consulting Arborist identified in the
Arborist's report, dated June 9, 2008, and/or subsequent reports prepared during
the Architecture and Site process, on file in the Community Development
Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit
plans, and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. The
applicant shall prepare and submit a memorandum with the building permit,
detailing how each of these recommendations have or will be addressed.
19. TREE PROTECTION MEASURES. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the
Town's Consulting Arborist shall review the building permit plans, at the
developer's cost, to ensure all of the required tree protection measures have been
implemented in the construction plans.
20. ADDITIONAL TREE MITIGATION. The applicant shall mitigate the Oak tree
removed to accommodate the roadway realignment at the Placer Oaks Road
frontage pursuant to Town Code requirements.
21. *ARCHAEOLOGICAL: In the event that archaeological traces are encountered,
all construction within a 50-meter radius of the fmd will be halted, the
Community Development Director will be notified, and an archaeologist will be
retained to examine the find and make appropriate recommendations.
22. *NATIVE AMERICAN REMAINS: If human remains are discovered, the Santa
Clara County Coroner will be notified. The Coroner will determine whether or
not the remains are Native American. If the Coroner determines that the remains
are not subject to his authority, he will notify the Native American Heritage
Commission, who shall attempt to identify descendants of the .deceased Native
23. *F1NAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORT: A final report shall be prepared at the
applicant's cost when a find. is determined to be a significant archaeological site
and/or when Native American remains are found on the site. The final report
shall include background information on the completed work, a description and
list of identified resources, the disposition and curation of these resources, any
testing, other recovered information, and conclusions.
24. *ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIND: If the Community Development Director finds
that the archaeological find is not a significant resource, work will resume only
after the submittal of a preliminary archaeological report and after provisions for
reburial and ongoing monitoring are accepted. Provisions for identifying
descendants of a deceased Native American and for reburial will follow the
protocol set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(e). If the site is found. to
be a significant archaeological site, a mitigation program will be prepared and
submitted to the Community Development Director for consideration and
approval, in conformance with the protocol set forth in Public Resources Code
Section 21083.2.
25. WATER EFFICIENCY. This project is subject to the Town's Water Efficient
Landscape Ordinance, Chapter 26, Article IV of the Town Code. A fee as
established by Town Council resolution shall be paid when the landscape,
irrigation plans and water calculations are submitted for review prior to the
issuance of building permit.
26. BMP UNIT. The developer shall work with Town staff during the Architecture
and Site approval process. to make the required arrangements for the BMP unit.
The BMP unit must receive approved building permits prior to the: issuance of the
building permit for the last market rate unit. The BMP contract shall be
completed prior to issuance of a building permit. Final occupancy clearance of
the BMP unit shall occur prior to the final of the last market rate unit.
27. DEED RESTRICTION. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction
shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder's office,
stating that the required BMP unit must be sold as a below market priced unit
pursuant to the Town's BMP regulations.
28. FINISH OF BMP UNIT. The internal finish of the BMP unit (excluding the
Fiesta House if relocated to the site) shall be identical to that of the market rate
units in the project, except that the developer may request Town approval of
substitutions for luxury interior finishes, appliances and fixtures.
(Building Division)
29. *NOISE: The project shall be required to include a noise wall along the project
boundary that is contiguous to the ~ Highway 17 freeway .with the height
specifications as recommended in the detailed noise study prepared by Pack. To
control flanking noise, the barrier shall continue along the southern property
boundary as specified in the detailed noise study. In addition, recommended noise
control measures (e.g., closed windows where there is a direct line-of sight,
windows meeting specified Sound Transmission Class ratings, and mechanical
ventilation) shall be incorporated into project homes to achieve acceptable interior
noise levels.
30. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit shall be required for the construction
of the new single family residences and the sound wall. Separate permits are
required for electrical, mechanical, and. plumbing work as necessary.
31. CODES: Projects will be required to conform to the 2007 California Building,
Fire, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Codes. The CC's are based on model
codes; 2006 International Building Code and Fire Code and 2006 Uniform
Plumbing and Mechanical Codes and the 2005 National Electrical Code.
32. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue-lined
in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum
shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing
how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed.
33. SIZE OF PLANS: For sets of construction plans, maximum size 24" x 36."
34. SOILS REPORT: A soils report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building
Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall
be submitted with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared
by a licensed civil engineer specializing in soils mechanics. California Building
Chapter 18.
35. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations
which exceed four (4) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any
existing building, adjacent property or the public right-of way. Shoring plans and
calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall conform
to CaUOSHA regulations.
36. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil
engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector at
foundation inspection: This certificate shall certify compliance with the
recommendations as specified in the soils report;. and, the building pad elevation,
on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved
plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed
surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items:
a. Building pad elevation
b. Finish floor elevation
c. Foundation corner locations
d. :Retaining Walls
be designed with adaptability features for single family residences per Town
Resolution 1994-61:
a. Wooded backing (2" x 8" minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom
walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs located 34-inches from the
floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars.
b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inches wide on the accessible floor.
c. Primary entrance shall a 36-inch wide door including a 5'x5' level
landing, no more than 1-inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor
level with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge.
d. Door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance.
38. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: California Title 24 Energy Compliance.
forms CF-1R, MF-1R, and WS-SR must be blue-lined on the plans.
39. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of
a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide
information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location~of the
installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation
District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures
that have flood level rims less than 12-inches above the elevation of the next
upstream manhole.
40. TOWN FIREPLACE STANDARDS: New wood burning fireplaces shall be an
EPA Phase II approved appliance as per Town. Ordinance 1905. Tree limbs shall
be cut within 10-feet. of chimneys.
41. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, provide a letter from a California registered
architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have
been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government
Code Section 51182.
42. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section
1701, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that
shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the
building permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out,
signed by all requested parties, and beblue-lined on the construction plans.
Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service
Counter or online at www.losgatosca.~ov/building
standard Santa Clara County Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program
Sheet (or Clean Bay Sheet 24x36) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second
page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter
for a fee of $2 or at San Jose Blue Print for a fee.
44. PLANS: The construction plans shall be prepared under the direct supervision of
a licensed architect or engineer. (Business and Professionals Code Section 5538)
45. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and
agencies approval before issuing a building permit:
e. Community Development -Planning Division: Sandy Baily at 354-6873
f. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: John Gaylord at 395-
g. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010
h. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407
i. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the
appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is
required prior to permit issuance.
(Engineering Division)
46.. GRADING PERMIT. A grading permit is required for site grading and drainage.
The grading permit application (with grading plans) shall be .made to the
Engineering Division of the Parks 8z Public Works Department located at 41
Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining
wall location, driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall
list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas.
Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the
grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading
permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). A separate building permit,
issued by the Building Department on E. Main Street is needed for grading within
the building footprint.
requirements and recommendations as outlined in the Geo Forensics, Inc -
Geotechnical Investigation for Proposed New 9-Unit Subdivision dated July 2,
2007 and the AMEC -Supplemental Geologic and Geotechnical Peer Review
dated July 7, 2008 and all referenced documents therein shall be incorporated into
final designs. This condition shall include the requirement for a stability analysis
to be completed per the July 7, 2008 AMEC Review. This analysis shall be
completed and provided to the Town Engineering. Department prior to any
48. PAD CERTIFICATION. A letter from a licensed: land surveyor shall be provided
stating that the building foundation was constructed in accordance with the
approved plans shall be provided subsequent to foundation construction and prior
to construction on the structure. The pad certification shall address both vertical
and horizontal foundation placement.
49. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. Prior to issuance of any permit or the
commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall:
a. Along with the project applicant, attend a pre construction meeting with
the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working
hours, site maintenance and other construction matters;
b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project
conditions of approval, and will make certain that all project sub-
contractors have read and understand them prior to commencing work and
that acopy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on site at
all times during construction.
S0. RETAINING WALLS. A building permit, issued by the Building Department at
110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not
reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works
during the grading permit plan review process.
51. PATHWAY RAILINGS. All private and public pathways with adjacent downhill
walls or slopes greater than 3:1 shall have protective railings.
52. SOILS REPORT. One copy of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted
with the grading permit and public improvement application. The soils report
shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage,
pavement design, retaining wall design and erosion control. The reports shall be
signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with
Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code.
53. SOILS RE~IIEW. Prior to issuance of any permit, the applicant's soils engineer
shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for
foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with
their recommendations and the peer review comments. The applicant's soils
engineer's approval shall then be conveyed to the Town either by letter or by
signing the plans.
all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the applicant's soils engineer
prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual
conditions are as anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report, and
recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report,
if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing should be
documented in an "as-built" letter/report prepared by the applicants' soils
engineer and. submitted to the Town before final release of any occupancy permit
is granted.
55. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. The Applicant shall enter an agreement to
construct public improvements in accordance with Town Code §24.40.020.
56. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT SECURITY. The applicant shall supply suitable
securities for all public improvements that are. a part of the development in a form
acceptable to the Town in the amount of 100% (performance) and 100% (labor
and material) prior to issuance of any permit. Applicant shall provide two (2)
copies of documents verifying the cost of the public improvements to the
satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works
57. UTILITY COMPANY REVIEW. Letters from the electric, telephone, cable, and
trash companies indicating that the proposed improvements and easements are
acceptable shall be provided prior to recordation of the final map.
58. WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT. All sewer connection and treatment
plant capacity fees shall be paid either immediately prior to the recordation of any
subdivision or tract maps with respect to the subject property or properties, or
immediately prior to the issuance of a sewer connection permit, which ever event
occurs first -written confirmation of payment of these fees shall be provided
prior to map recordation.
59. DEDICATIONS. The following shall be dedicated on the final track map by
separate instrument. The dedication shall be recorded before any permits are
a. Public Service Easement (PSE). Ten (10) feet wide, next to the Placer
Oaks Road right-of--way and five (5) feet wide, private road along lot
b. Ingress-egress, storm drainage and sanitary sewer easements, as required.
c. Emergency Access Easement. Twenty (20) feet wide, from the end of the
private road to Placer Oaks Road.
60. JOINT TRENCH PLANS. Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by
the Town prior to recordation of a map. The joint trench plans shall include street
and/or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by
PG&E stating that public street light billing will by Rule LS2A, and that private
lights shall be metered with billing to the homeowners association. Pole numbers,
assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans.
61. WATER DESIGN. Water plans prepared by SJWC must be reviewed and
approved prior to issuance of any permit.
62. ABOVE GROUND UTILITIES. The applicant shall submit a 75-percent progress
printing to the Town for review of above ground utilities including backflow
prevention devices, fire department connections, gas and water meters, off-street
valve boxes, hydrants, site lighting, electrical/communication/cable boxes,
___ -- -
transformers, and mail boxes. Above ground utilities shall be reviewed and
approved by Community Development prior to issuance of any permit.
63. PLAN CHECK FEES. Plan check fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to
submittal of plans to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works
64. INSPECTION FEES. Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to
issuance of any Permit or recordation of the Final Map.
65. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The following improvements shall be installed by
the developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared by a California
registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by
contract,. Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before
the issuance of a building permit or the recordation of a map. The improvements
must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy
for any new building can be issued.
a. Placer Oaks Road. Curb,. gutter, sidewalk, street lights, tie-in paving,
signing, striping, storm drainage and sanitary sewers, as required.
66. DESIGN CHANGES.. The Applicant's registered Engineer shall notify the Town
Engineer,. in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of all differences between the
proposed work and the design indicated on the plans. Any proposed changes shall
be sub,~ect to the approval of the Town before altered work is started. Any
approved changes shall be incorporated into the final "as-built" drawings.
67. INSURANCE. One million dollars ($1,000,000) of liability insurance holding the
Town harmless shall be provided in a format acceptable to the Town Attorney
before recordation of the map issuance of the building permit.
pay a proportional the project's share of transportation improvements needed to
serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount
will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building
permit is issued. The fee shall be paid before issuance of a building permit. The
traffic impact mitigation fee for this project using the current fee schedule is
$5,742 per unit. The final fee shall be calculated from the final plans using the
rate schedule in effect at the time the building permit is issued.
69. INTERSECTION IMPACT FEES. The developer shall pay a fair share toward
the future intersection improvement at Lark Avenue/Los Gatos Boulevard. The
fee amount is estimated at $942.00.
70. COMMUNITY BENEFIT. Community benefit is required to mitigate traffic
71. TRAFFIC CALMING CONTRIBUTION. The applicant has offered a
contribution of $15,000.00 to the Town for Neighborhood Traffic Calming as a
community benefit. These funds shall remain earmarked for the Placer Oaks
neighborhood for a minimum period of two (2) years. In the event that the
neighborhood fails to submit a Neighborhood Petition within the two (2) year
period or fails to pass the criteria required as defined by the Town Traffic
Calming Policy then the payment shall be reallocated to the next prioritized
project in the Town Traffic Calming priority list. This payment shall be paid
prior to issuance of the first building permit.
72. SIGNAL UPGRADE. The developer shall upgrade the existing traffic signal
equipment at Los Gatos Boulevard/Chirco Drive by 1) Installing pedestrian
countdown signal heads and ADA-compliant pedestrian push buttons; 2)
Replacing 8" signal heads with 12" signal heads; acid 3) Replacing non-LED
signal indication with LED's.
73. TRAFFIC CALMING. The developer shall re-stripe and re-sign the existing
traffic calming devices in the Chirco/Placer Oaks neighborhood as directed by the
Town Engineer.
74. TREE REMOVAL. Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be
provided prior to issuance of a grading permit.
75. GENERAL. All public improvements shall be made according to the latest
adopted Town Standard Drawings and the Town. Standard Specifications. All
work shall conform to the applicable~Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-
of-way shall be kept clear of all job related dirt and debris at the end of the day.
Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of
goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless a
special permit is issued. The developer's representative in charge shall be at the
job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of--way
according to this condition may result in the Town performing the required
maintenance at the developer's expense.
76. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT. All work in the public right-of way will require a
Construction Encroachment Permit.
All work over $5,000 will require
construction security.
77. PUBLIC WORDS INSPECTIONS. The developer or his representative shall
notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting
any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work
in the Town's right-of way. Failure to do so will result in rejection of work that
went on without inspection.
78. SURVEYING CONTROLS. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and
certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice
land surveying, for the following items:
a. Retaining wall--top of wall elevations and locations
b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes
79. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN. A storm water management shall be
included with the grading permit application for all Group 1 and Group 2 projects
as defined in the amended provisions of section C.3 of the current Santa Clara
County NPDES Permit. The plan shall delineate source control measures and
BMP's together with the sizing calculations. The plan shall be reviewed and
certified by the Town Stormwater Quality Consultant - a deposit for this review
will be required. In the event that storm water measures proposed on the Planning
approval differ significantly from those certified on the Building/Grading Permit,
the Town may require a modification of the Planning approval prior to release of
the Building Permit. The applicant may elect to have the Planning submittal
certified to avoid this possibility.
association shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the
stormwater filtration devices required to be installed on this project by Town's
Stormwater Discharge Permit. The agreement will specify that certain routine
maintenance shall be performed by the homeowner's association and will specify
device maintenance reporting requirements. The agreement will also specify
routine inspection requirements, permits and payment of fees. The agreement
shall be recorded prior to release of any occupancy permits.
81. EROSION CONTROL. Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared
and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks & Public Works
Department. A Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality
Control Board for projects disturbing more than one acre. A maximum of two
weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/buildng on an area
if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to
be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping
shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not
limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control
blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms,. check darns, retention
basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream
water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans
and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the
amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of Order No. R2-2005-0035 of the amended
Santa Clara County NPDES Permit.
82. DUST CONTROL. Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction
activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after
completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible.
Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All
portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed
necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three times daily, or apply (non-toxic)
soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at
construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the
duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets will be
cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town
Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction
activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include
at least one late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All
public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned
and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town.
Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds
(instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 MPHo All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose
debris shall be covered.
83. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Applicant shall submit a
construction management plan that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth
Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing,
employee parking, construction staging area, constriction trailer, and proposed
outhouse locations.
84. CONSTRUCTION STREET PARKING. No vehicle having a manufacturer's
rated gross vehicle weight exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be
allowed to park on the portion of a street which abuts property in a residential
zone without prior approval from the Town Engineer (§ 15.40.070).
85. SITE DRAINAGE. Rainwater leaders shall be piped through curb drains.
86. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. It is the responsibility of
contractor and home owner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-
of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction
debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town's storm drains.
87. UTILITIES. The developer shall install all utility services, including telephone,
electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by
Town Code §27.50.015(b). Flex connection maybe required at all connections to
structures and over grouted materials. Ail new utility services shall be placed
underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service.
88. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The developer shall repair or
replace. all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or
removed because of developer's operations. Improvements such as, but not
limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs,. pavements, raised
pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc. shall be repaired and
replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Existing
improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the
Engineering Construction Inspector, and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled
Access provisions. Developer shall request awalk-through with the Engineering
Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing
89. SIDEWALK REPAIR. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town
standards any sidewalk damaged now or during construction of this project.
Sidewalk repair shall match existing color, texture and design, and shall be
constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits of sidewalk repair will be
determined by the Engineering Construction Inspector during the construction
phase of the project.
90. CURB AND GUTTER. The developer shall repair and replace to existing Town
standards any curb and gutter damaged now or during construction of this project.
New curb and gutter shall be constructed per Town Standard Details. The limits
of curb and gutter repair will be determined by the Engineering Construction
Inspector during the construction phase of the project.
91. DRIVEWAY APPROACH. The developer shall install 22 foot Town standard
residential driveway approaches. The new driveway approaches shall be
constructed per Town .Standard Details.
92. FENCING. Any fencing proposed within 200-feet of an intersection shall comply
with Town Code Section §23.10.080.
._ o
93. AS-BUILT PLANS. An AutoCAD disk of the approved "as-built" plans shall be
provided to the Town prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The
AutoCAD file shall include only the following information and shall conform to
the layer naming convention: a) Building Outline, Layer: BLDG-OUTLINE; b)
Driveway, Layer: DRIVEWAY; c) Retaining Wall, Layer: RETAINING WALL;
d) Swimming Pool, Layer: SWIMMING-POOL; e) Tennis Court, Layer:
TENNIS-COURT; f) Property Line, Layer: PROPERTY-LINE; g) Contours,
Layer: NEWCONTOUR. All as-built digital files must be on the same coordinate
basis as the Town's survey control network and shall be submitted in AutoCAD
version 2000 or higher.
94. SANITARY SEWER LATERAL. Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West
Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are
used or reused. Install a sanitary sewer lateral clean-out at the property line.
95. SANITARY SEWER BACKWATER VALVE. Drainage piping serving fixtures
which have flood level n7ms less than twelve (12) inches (304.8 mm) above the
elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public or
private sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from
backflow of sewage by installing an approved type backwater valve. Fixtures
above such elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve, unless first
approved by the Administrative (Sec. 6.50.025). The Town shall not incur any
liability or responsibility for damage resulting from a sewer overflow where the
property owner or other person has failed to install a backwater valve, as defined
section 103(e) of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by section 6.50.010 of the
Town Code and maintain such device in a functional operating condition.
Evidence of West Valley Sanitation District's decision on whether a backwater
device is needed shall be provided prior to issuance of a building permit.
96. CONSTRUCTION NOISE. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction,
alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment
shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25)
feet. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement
shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as
possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not
exceed eighty-five (85) dBA.
97. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all
times during the course of construction. Superintendence of construction shall be
diligently performed by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during
working hours. The storing of goods and/or materials on the sidewalk and/or the
street will not be allowed unless a special permit is issued by the Engineering
98. SITE SUPERVISION. The General. Contractor shall provide qualified supervision
on the job site at all times during construction.
99. HAULING OF SOIL. Hauling of soil on or off-site shall not occur during the
morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between
4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.). Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer
shall work with the Town Building and Engineering Department Engineering
Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow
under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but
is not limited to provisions for the developer/owner to place construction
notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities,
or providing additional traffic control. Cover all trucks hauling soil,. sand, and
other loose debris or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard.
100. CC&R's. CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney,
Community Development Department, and Parks and Public Works Department
prior to recordation of the final map. The CC&R's shall include the maintenance
of the soundwall and landscaping of the soundwall.
101. *GEOLOGY AND SOIL: The recommendations of the geotechnical report by
GeoForensics Inc. (dated May 5, 2008) shall be implemented. These
recommendations address site preparation, grading, ground improvements,
foundations, retaining walls, drainage, and pavement.
102. ROAD REALIGNMENT -The roadway which enters and exits the development
at Placer Oaks Road shall be realigned during the subdivision application process
to reduce the glare from vehicles exiting the development.
103. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW. Required fire flow for this project is 1,750 GPM at 20
psi. residual pressure.
104. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW OPTION. The developer shall provide the required
fire flow from fire hydrants spaced at a maximum of 500 feet or provide an
approved fire sprinkler system throughout all portions of the building, designed
per National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard #13D and local
ordinances. The fire sprinkler system supply valuing shall be .installed per Fire
Department Standard Detail & Specification W-1/SP-6.
105. PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANT(S). 'The developer shall provide one public fire
hydrant at a location to be determined jointly by~the Fire Department and the San
Jose Water Company. Maximum hydrant spacing shall be 500 feet, with a
minimum single hydrant flow of 1,500 GPM at 20 psi residual. To prevent
building permit delays, the developer shall pay all required fees to the water
company ASAP.
required fire service(s) and fire hydrant(s) shall be tested and accepted by the Fire
~ Department, prior to the start of framing or delivery of bulk combustible
materials. Building permit issuance may be withheld until required installations
are completed, tested and accepted.
107. LOCATION IDENTIFIER. Prior to project final inspection, the general
contractor shall ensure that an approved ("Blue Dot") fire hydrant location
identifier has been placed in the roadway, as directed by the Fire Department.
108. FIRE ACCESS ROADS. The developer shall provide access roadways with a
paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical
clearance of 13 feet six inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet
outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall
conform to Fire Department Standard Details and- Specifications sheet A-1.
_ s
109. ROADWAY TURNAROUND. The developer shall provide an approved fire
department engine roadway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside
and 23 feet inside. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard
Details and Specifications sheet A-1. Cul-de-sac diameters shall be no less than
72 feet.
110. TIMING OF ROADWAY INSTALLATIONS. Required access roads, up
through first lift of asphalt,. shall be installed and accepted by the Fire Department
prior to the start of construction. Bulls combustible materials shall not be
delivered to the site until installation is complete. During construction,
emergency access roads shall be maintained clear and unimpeded. Note that
building permit issuance may be withheld until installations are completed.
Temporary access roads maybe approved on a case by case basis.
111. PREMISES IDENTIFICATION. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed
on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and
legible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers shall contrast with
their background.
112. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115
requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town
shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any
action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or
entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and
entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval.
11.3. GRAFFITTI REMOVAL. The .developer shall post a letter of credit or cash in
~ the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) which .shall be maintained for a
period of fifteen (15) years for the removal of .graffiti on the sound wall once
construction has been completed.
*Required as Mitigation Measures
This Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the
Town of Los Gatos on , 2010, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance of
the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on
effect 30 days after it is adopted.
N:\DEV\ORDS\placeroalcs. l .doc
3 ].
rorwarded by Planning Commission Date.
~ Approved by 1°own Council Date: ®rd~
Clerk Administrator IVlayor