2010-041-Landscape & Lighting Districts 1&2 - Town Engineer's ReportRESOLUTION 2010-041 RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESCRIBING IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING PREPARATION OF TOWN ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 TOWN OF LOS GATOS LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1 & 2 RESOLVED, by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, as follows: 1, The Town Council did, pursuant to the provisions of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, Part 2, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, conduct proceedings for the formation of the Town of Los Gatos Landscaping and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 & 2. 2. The public interest, convenience and necessity require, and it is the intention of said Council to undertake proceedings for the levy and collection of assessments upon the several lots or parcels of land in said Districts, for the construction or installation of improvements, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, for the fiscal year 2010/11. 3. The improvements to be constructed or installed, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, are more particularly described in (Exhibits A and B) hereto attached and by reference incorporated herein. 4. The costs and expenses of said improvements, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, are to be made chargeable upon. said Districts, the exterior boundaries of which Districts are the composite and consolidated area as more particularly shown on a map thereof on file in the Clerk Department of the Town of Los Gatos to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. Said map indicates, by a boundary line, the extent of the territory included in said Districts and of any zone thereof and shall .govern for all details as to the extent of the assessment districts. 5. The Engineer of said Town be, and is hereby directed, to prepare and file with said Clerk Administrator a report, in writing, referring to the assessment districts by their distinctive designations, specifying the fiscal year to which the report applies, and, with respect to that year, presenting the following: a) plans and specification of the existing improvements and for proposed new improvements, if any, to be made within the assessment districts or within any zones thereof; b) an estimate of the costs of said proposed new improvements, if any, to be made, the costs of maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, and of any existing improvements, together with the incidental expenses in connection therewith; c) a diagram showing the exterior boundaries of the assessment districts and of any zones within said districts and the lines and dimensions of each lot or parcel of land within the districts as such .lot or parcel of land is shown on the County Assessor's map for the fiscal year to which the report applies, each of which lots or parcels of land shall be identified by a distinctive number or letter on said diagram; and d) a proposed assessment of the total amount of the estimated casts and expenses of the proposed new improvements, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, and of any existing improvements upon the several lots or parcels of land in said districts in proportion to the estimated particular and distinct benefits to be received by each of such lots or parcels of land, respectively, from said improvements, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, and of the expenses incidental thereto. 6. The Office of the Engineer of said Town be, and is hereby :designated as the office to answer induiries regarding any protest proceedings to be had herein, and may be contacted during regular office hours at 41 Miles Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030 or by calling (408) 399-5770. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a meeting thereof held on the 19t~' day of April, 2010 by the following vote: COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Joe Pirzynski, Steve Rice, Barbara Spector, Mayor Diane McNutt NAYS: ABSENT: Mike Wasserman ABSTAIN: SIGNED: p~~e M~~v MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ATTEST: CL - ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA Bxilibit A DIiaSCRIPTION OP IMPROVEMI:+~NTS TOWN DI+' LOS GATOS LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 1. General Description of Improvements: The design, construction or installation, including the maiz~zteztazlce or servicing, or bath, thereof, of landscaping, including trees, shzubs, grass or other ornamental vegetation, statuary, fountains or other ornamental structures and .facilities, and public lighting facilities for the lighting of any public. places, including traffic signals, ornamental .standards, luminaries, poles, supports, tunnels, inazaholes, vaults, conduits, pipes, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platfor~nas, braces, transformers, insulators, contacts, switches, capacitors, meters, communication circuits, appliances, attaclunents and appurtenances, including the cost of repair, xemoval or replacement of all or any part thereof; providing for flee life, growth, health and beauty of landscaping, including cultivation,. irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the removal of triynmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste; electric current: or energy, gas or other illuminating agent for any public lighting facilities or for the lighting or operation of any other improvements; and the operation of any fountains or the maintenance of any other improvez~aents. 2. Specific Descriptions cif Improvements: Blackwell Drive Benefit; Zone -Maintenance of the landscaping in the median islazid on Blackwell Drive constructed as a part of the public improvements required of Tract No. 8306, and maintenance of the street lights installed along Blackwell Drive and National Avenue installed as a part of the public izzlproveznents required of Tract No. 8306. Hillbroolc Benefit Zonc - Tlie maintenance ~of trees, landscaping,. irrigation systems, hardscape and fences as currently exist on APN 523-11-028, located at the southeast corner of Blossom Will Road and Hi lbrook Drive. I~enzzedy Meadows Benefit Zone - 't'he nxaintenance of trees, landscaping, .irrigation systems, tz•ail and street lights within the open space areas (Parcels ~ and B) and along Kennedy Court and rorrester Court, installed as a part of the public .improvements required of Tract No. 8612, and the implementation of mitigation and ezihancement measures within the riparian and wetlands areas of said Tract described in the report prepared by H.T. I-Iarvey flssociates, elated November 11, 1994. Santa Rosa Ilcights Benefit Zone -The maintenance of trees, landscaping, trails and retaining walls constructed as a part of the public improvezxzents required of Tract No. 8400. 'Vasona.IleighisBcnefit lone -The maintenance of trees, landscaping, irrigation systems, trails, emergency access roads and retaining walls within the open space areas required as a part of the public improvements required of Tract No. 8280. Exhibit B DESCRIPTION OI+' IMPROVI+JM~NTS TOWN OF LOS GATOS LANDSCAPING AND LIG)FITING ASSrSS1VI1•;N'1' DISTRICT NO, 2 1. Gcaieral Description of Improvements; The design, construction or installation, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, of landscaping, including trees, shrubs, .grass or other ornamental vegetation, statuary, fountains or other ornamental structures and facilities, and public lighting facilities for the lighting of any public places, including traffic signals, ornamental standards, .luminaries, poles, supports, tunnels, mai~lloles, vaults, conduits, pipes, wires, conductors, guys, stubs, platforms, braces, transformers, inslYlators, contacts, switclxes, capacitors, meters,. communication circuits, appliances, attaclunents and appuj~tenances, including the cost of repair, removal or replacement of all or any .part thereof; providing for the life, growth; health and beauty of landscaping, including cultivation, irrigation, trimming, spraying, fertilizing and treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste; electric current or energy, gas or other illtuninating agent for any public lighting facilities or for .the lighting or operation of any other improvements; -and the operation of any fountains or the .maintenance of any other improvements, 2. S.peci#'ic Description of Improvements: Gemini Court Benefit Zone -The maintenance of trees, landscaping, irrigation systems, lighting, sound walls, and fences iilstallecl as a part of the public improvements required of Tract No. 8439. Attaclxment 2.1 PART "A" Exis~:n~ Yn~.pro~ements ~o be ~i1~.in~ained Blossom Hill ~C'oad HlLLBROQK SIGN -•-.. V~ ,~~•SI +•, •• ~ ~ :. ... . r.•••.+ •••• • • ~ 1 "°/' o~~ ,.•;, :.;..:523- ---fig ' ::, :: ~ s . ~,.f ••.•.•.•. •.•~.•••••• ••f •• .•••• O~ 1. .. • •••• • •f• •.• t~ ~ .•.• ,tirtir oaK ~ ••~~/// ~~ . • ~~ ~~ ,~ `~ 1 Lan~.scap~n.g & Li~hl;in~ A.~scs~~n.e~t D%stTi~t No. ~. Hotta Scale ~-Iillbroo~.~. Benefit done N; ~PPW~£NG/NE~'RING~ASMr MAPS`HBZ-/'art A..dwq _ __ _ ____ 3/26/200) PAR.'r ''~" Assessrn.ent Diagram. Blossom Hlll Road C? ~;~ :'.. a2a-ar-oa `4 a2a-a~..ay ~ .~.~sza-, -'~ 32 ~~ ~~ `~ '',~ x d~`4s ~ ,~ '115 111 y~ 2x:.e-.2a 31 ~ 2 ~.Q?7~' ~~a ~ N ~ sea..u'2 30 ~ ~~ `~ z 2~ `` 3 ,~ a2a-.n~z~ s2s.p ,~ ^ry ~~ ~~ c ~re sxa-~~x, ~ 4 ~J oy ,r . ~~ 23 saa.a~ 2~ ~ ~tiW e~,x.,rr_?a ~ `t ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ 19 ^~ O~~ nw &z~~ ,~ 1 6 '' p 7 ].7 ., z,~ .Hf .~ g ~~{y. 1fTx. i~ ~ ~ ~V ' r~1 7.ya n ~~.s o ~ ^~. ~~ ~ ,Aria ~I~in1°~in~d ~~ h~~ ~o by ~ene~it done r' : , ~~~' ~ psi ~`y,9'e ;` ::;~;: ::::::'~ 12 11F9~ di• ~:~:.,....,.... ~, . La~.dscapz~~.g & T,ig~:ting Assessment District Toe 1 ~4~t~ s~a~~ I-Ia.~lbrao~~ Ber~ef"~t ~o~.~ N.' IPPW~ENGINEERING~ASMT-MAPS~Hbbzmap.dwq 3/26/20Q9 Attachxnet~t 2,3 P~T non Assessment T)iag~cam ~;ii ~n~a .Not a part of ben©fft zone. Areas Maintained by Vasona Heights Benefit Zone zvot to sG~~ Vasona I-Ie~hts ~ene:~~t .Zone N.' ~FPW ENGINEERING ~ASMT-MAPS' ~ tihbzmop, dwq 3/26/2©09 Landscaping & Lighting A.ssessm.ent ~}is~trict No.l Attachment 2.4 P.AR.T "I)" Assessment Diagram: Town Limits Areas 1Vlaantained b~ Santa Rosa ~-Ieight~ Benefit 2pne ;•: Trot to sc~~ Santa Cosa Hei is Bene~"it .Zone N.' 1PPW~ENGINE~'RING~ASMT-MAPS~5rhbzmap.dwq ,~/26/zpp~ Y.,andscapin~ & Lx~h~ng Assessment district moo. ~. Attac~.Ynent 2:5 ~~~ n~n Assessment ~~agram •.Y a • • r.+ +•• + • • . . r • . i a a • h ``VW'YY II • • •+rYrv Y+~ fv~r Y•r +••••••i r r •• • • • r+r• •• ~. rir• . • . . rY.•r•r•v+• .•••. •.•.•.•r •Y• •Y• • • r • r • • i i • o i Y Y .•. ~..Y••. • • ••Y .,~. . + . . • .Y.- . . . . r . r • • Y• •••i • V Y•• • • • 4 V•• • •+V • Y Y f • Y•• •• ••• h • h•••••V•••V• .Y• ~ ~ 7 ~; .. ... . , • Y Y ~ •••• ••+• • ••+ ••• + iY i i• Y Y r ••+Y•++ Y ••i r r NR` ~ Y• • • Y•• • Y • ~ Q~ • h i •• a`•• u Y Kennedy 'os '•:''•: •• . 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Not to Scale B1ac~~we~~ Drive Bene~~t bane N.• `PPW~~'NGlN~~RING`ASMT-MAPS--DCJ N07' D£LET~'~~4dbzrrrap.dwg 3'/26/2009 ,_~ PART "I)'• t ~ ~ Assessment U~agxanl Attacl~mea~t 2 7 ~~~ ~ tr t 1.~ 1r ~',./ V f~ V I ( / / I 'Il' 1 1 \.I V1 W ~-I r~r 1 r Ib _ ~o _ a -1 Landscaping & Lighting Assessment Dist~cict ~To.2 rrot~a Sale ~'reminl Couxt benefit Zone ~~ ~~ ~j~ W N••\PP{Y~~NOlN~'fR7NC1ASMT MAPS~Gcbimap.dwg _ a/ze/~aos